Why is the aquatic turtle okay? What to do if the red-eared turtle does not eat, is very lethargic and sleeps

Nowadays, keeping various exotic animals in your apartment - crocodiles, lizards, snakes, spiders is considered the highest chic... These and other exotic animals attract people with their unusualness. Red-eared turtles are becoming popular all over the world; they are bred on special farms and then sold in pet stores. These animals are kept in aquariums or terrariums. Turtles are one of the most ancient animals. For two hundred million years appearance almost unchanged.

In nature, the red-eared turtle feeds on animal and plant foods.
To avoid mistakes in keeping these animals, you need to know exactly what the red-eared turtle does not eat, and what is especially useful for it. The turtle's diet should be as balanced in content as possible. nutrients and in terms of calories.

If the diet is formulated incorrectly, the turtles will not grow well. A balanced and high-calorie diet for red-eared turtles is one of important conditions correct content. Young turtles are fed animal food. They also eat dried daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex and gammarus, both dried and live.

The young one does not eat meat and fish, that is, what must be given to adult turtles. For meat, it is recommended that adults be given boiled or raw beef or chicken. Some people prefer to feed their pets instead of meat. fatty fish, then you must first keep it in boiling water. Before feeding big fish you need to grind it, removing the bones. The small ones are crushed together with the bones.
Turtles also need vitamins, which are found in raw liver, shrimp, squid meat and the larvae of various beetles, such as mealy beetles.

Some hobbyists mistakenly believe that the red-eared turtle does not eat live food, or are afraid that it will not be able to catch it on its own. But that's not true. Turtles are excellent at catching live food. Experts even recommend feeding them with live food more often, as this creates conditions that are close to natural.

Adult turtles feed on algae, so in a separate aquarium you need to specially grow plants for feeding, otherwise the reptiles will nibble on the algae and the terrarium will look sloppy. Pond slider does not eat poisonous algae, such as limnophila and elodea. If there is a pond near your house, you can catch duckweed there. You can also collect some other plants. Instead of algae, you can give the animals lettuce or dandelion leaves. Red-eared turtles enjoy eating cucumber or cabbage.

The pet store sells special ones for turtles. balanced feed. It is very convenient to feed them, but you need to look at the composition and make sure that they are fresh. It is best to purchase imported food, as they are more balanced, but dry food for cats and dogs should not be given to turtles - they contain substances that do not meet their needs.

It is useful to occasionally give crushed tortoises eggshells and vitamin D. Food should be thrown into water. You need to give so much food that it does not remain in the water, otherwise uneaten pieces of fish or meat will rot very quickly and the water will have to be changed.

To feed red-eared turtles, you can transplant them into another aquarium, but not all animals like this. Young turtles need to be fed once a day, and starting from two years old - every couple of days.

Healthy turtles always a good appetite. The reasons why a red-eared turtle does not eat can be different - the diet has changed, or it is simply not hungry, or maybe it is just sick. In this case, she should be shown to a veterinarian immediately. A turtle may also refuse to eat because it is in a new environment. In this case, you just need to leave it alone for a while.

Quite often, a turtle is bought as a toy for oneself or a child, or as an accessory for the office. At the same time, a person forgets that this is also a living being that needs: care, good conditions content and a balanced diet. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the animal dies without having had time to live long enough in this world.

A turtle is an unusual creature with its own needs that a pet owner can easily fulfill. To ensure that the creature does not get sick and makes its owner happy, little is needed.

  • create a suitable house with all living conditions;
  • feed the animal correctly and every day;
  • monitor any changes in your pet’s behavior;
  • care and attention.

Only if these conditions are fully observed will the turtle be healthy, happy and cheerful, but what to do if the pet refuses to eat and is slowly becoming exhausted?

Reasons for food refusal in turtles

Let's start with the fact that red-eared turtles, which are considered the most hardy and omnivorous, are most often kept at home. These animals are picky about their living conditions.

At home, they should be kept in a specially equipped aquaterrarium with a water and air heater, an ultraviolet lamp, and an aquarium filter. If at least some element is missing, the pet will begin to get sick and will soon die from the simple negligence of its owner.

We noticed that the turtle does not want to eat, then there is probably a reason:

  1. in seasonality;
  2. in overwintering;
  3. hypovitaminosis A;
  4. sexual desire;
  5. constipation;
  6. intestinal obstruction;
  7. often exotic species of reptiles do not adapt well to captivity and refuse to feed;
  8. poor living conditions;
  9. food is not suitable;
  10. if you have several turtles, then the strong ones can suppress the weaker individual;
  11. binge eating;
  12. diseases.

Reasons for abrupt refusal a lot from food. Therefore, we will try to understand in more detail the common reasons.

Binge eating

If you are a beginner and have recently purchased one of these pet, which means they overfed the creature. Inexperienced breeders ask the question: “Why doesn’t the red-eared slider eat anything?”, because they themselves know the answer very well.
That's right, it's all about frequent feeding. An adult turtle eats three times a week, and not every day, like a juvenile.

Therefore, do not even try to find out how to force a turtle to eat. Wait: your pet will get hungry very soon, and feed him. Constantly give the animal exactly as much as it needs for normal life. Keep under observation: diet and routine.

A beginner, looking for an answer to the question: what to do if the red-eared turtle does not eat or drink anything, may be surprised. After all, this species of reptile does not drink at all. She gets fluid from food and during bathing. If your pet is dehydrated, try to give your pet only succulent food.


Winter has come outside, and you have a question: “Why doesn’t the turtle eat, because until this time of year everything was fine?” Calm down, everything is fine.

This phenomenon is quite common due to the fact that the animal has become less energetic and prefers to doze.

Don't guess why the red-eared slider sleeps and doesn't eat in winter. After all, the reason is already clear. It's all about the time of year and the pet is about to fall into hibernation. However, this cannot be allowed at home. Therefore, if you notice that the red-eared turtle is lethargic and does not eat, sleeps a lot and for a long time, then sharply increase the temperature in the aquaterrarium and the brightness of the light in its house.

In the spring, you may notice that the turtle has lost weight. This is all spring anorexia, which is common for overwintered individuals with little moisture and low temperature. If the red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps on the fifth day after wintering, immediately consult a veterinarian. Most likely your pet is severely dehydrated and exhausted. It is also possible that the turtle suffers from gout or kidney disease, liver failure. Diseases that arose due to violation of detention conditions cannot be ruled out.

The drive to reproduce

You may have a question: “The red-eared slider has stopped, is there anything to do?”, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that the reason lies in the breeding season. Reptiles change their behavior dramatically at this time. However, refusal of food for this reason is characteristic only of those turtles that live in the same house and have different sexes.

Mating games are a serious business. As a result, if your pets have this period, then the question: what to do if the turtle does not eat will disappear on its own when the reptiles mate. They will eat as before. Animals return to their usual diet.


What to do if your red-eared slider doesn't eat? This question is asked by breeders whose pets are sick. There are many different diseases that affect reptiles in the world. Failure to eat is a significant symptom of concern in most cases.

If your turtle does not open its eyes and does not eat, then it is advisable to urgently contact a specialist. External signs the illness in this case is invisible. Install accurate diagnosis Only a veterinarian can do this after a thorough examination of the reptile. Also, at your appointment with the doctor, ask him in more detail: why the red-eared turtle does not eat, what food is needed in this or that case.

Completely rid your pet of the disease without serious consequences Only an experienced specialist who has treated reptiles more than once and knows what exactly to do in a given case can do it.

So if your Central Asian or any other turtle is not eating, you may not be following proper conditions content.

Low water and air temperatures are indicators that cause reptiles to get sick. Every reptile needs optimal conditions for existence and also good balanced diet nutrition. If you comply with all these conditions, then your pet will never refuse food and will not get sick!

Under the concept " pet"Most of us mean a cat or a dog. But some people prefer to become the owner of a more exotic animal - a parrot, lizard or turtle.

Owners of a pet turtle often turn to veterinarians with a problem related to the fact that it has stopped eating. Let's figure out what could cause such changes.

What is the reason for refusing food?

Finding that the turtle long time won't eat anything, concerned owner wants to know why this is happening. First of all, you should know that this exotic animal is cold-blooded, so its metabolism can be greatly reduced.

Adults at high temperature– above 25 degrees, they often refuse food for up to 2-3 months. During the period when the animal does not eat anything, it loses a third of its weight by burning its own fat layer. It also happens that it refuses to eat in the spring, as a rule, this is caused by the development of certain diseases.

Starvation cannot be ruled out due to changes in its living conditions. Veterinarians note that fasting in the autumn-winter period is considered a natural process due to a decrease in the amount of light.

If this factor is the cause of the hunger strike, you should increase the temperature in the terrarium, as a result of which the turtle will normalize its metabolism and will eat as before.

Once the temperature rises, it usually takes a few weeks for a healthy pet to start eating, but if this does not happen, you should take your pet to the vet for an examination. There is another problem that pet turtle may refuse to eat - constipation.

Puberty is an important factor influencing the appetite of an exotic pet. Males lose their appetite, however, during this period they are overly active, so there is no reason to worry. Often hunger is caused by adaptation to new conditions when a person first acquires a pet.

Why doesn't the red-eared slider eat?

The red-eared turtle is a whimsical exotic animal susceptible to various diseases. Often the owners of this pet complain about their friend's prolonged fasting. It should be remembered that a properly composed diet is the key to healthy development your pet.

For food, it is necessary to use special mixtures of plant and animal foods, especially for young animals whose bodies have not fully developed.

A common reason why a red-eared slider won't eat is if it is switched to adult food too early. Only adult and well-developed representatives of this family of reptiles can be given boiled or a raw egg and fish.

To prevent the development of problems with disruption of activity gastrointestinal tract this representative of the fauna, you should know what the domestic turtle eats, and what it needs to be completely protected from.

The diet should include:

  • seaweed;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • salad;
  • cabbage

Some people feed their pets dry food intended for dogs or cats, but this should not be done, since it does not contain the microelements that this animal needs. When you contact your veterinarian and ask why your turtle isn't eating, make sure you're feeding it properly.

Fasting of a land turtle

A land turtle, unlike an aquatic one, is highly susceptible to development various diseases. Because of poor nutrition Representatives of this animal species may develop stomatitis, diabetes or eye diseases.

However, if your pet refuses food, this does not always mean that he is sick. The fact is that representatives of this species of reptiles are susceptible to stress that arises against the background of a change in habitat, changes in weather, and a decrease in temperature. In addition, they may refuse to eat because the food you offer simply does not suit them.

How to make an animal eat?

Everyone wants to know what to do if the turtle doesn’t eat. If your turtle has stopped eating, check to see if it's time for him to hibernate. Typically, these animals are active in the summer, and in winter they go to long sleep. But there are exceptions, so this one pet can sleep at another time.

This happens if the animal has eaten well in the spring and early summer. You just need to leave it alone, preferably in a box with dry leaves and place it in a cool, draft-free place.

If your animal is not sleeping but also not eating, it is likely that you are giving it the wrong food. Try feeding your pet lettuce or dandelion leaves. It is possible that he will refuse this too, then give him a tomato.

Pet owners have noticed that the turtle always eats tomatoes with pleasure, but if the intestines are full, then it will refuse this product. If the intestines are full, veterinarians recommend taking a “bath”; to do this, pour warm water into a small container. boiled water, place the animal in it so that its nostrils are above the water.

This procedure solves two problems: cleanse the intestines and quench thirst, since refusal of food can be caused by the desire to drink.

Sometimes these cold-blooded reptiles do not eat because their beak begins to grow, which must be carefully trimmed with nail clippers, but before doing this, be sure to consult a wasp specialist.

An overgrown beak may be a sign of calcium deficiency, the problem can be solved with these actions:

  • Give a piece of chalk;
  • Place in the sun regularly;
  • Irradiate with an ultraviolet lamp.

A pet will not eat if the temperature of its environment is below +18ºС, since in such conditions its digestive enzymes do not work. It needs to be warmed by turning on an ultraviolet lamp or heating device.

If your turtle refuses to eat, you have reason to be concerned. If an animal does not get enough food, it may suffer from hunger and even become sick. In this article you will learn how to help a turtle eat and what to do if it refuses food. Many turtle owners have problems with feeding. Most often, turtles refuse to eat due to changes in external environment or illnesses. To prevent the turtle from starving, you should change its living conditions, cure the disease in time and show ingenuity when feeding.


How to understand why a turtle is not eating

    Measure the air temperature. Turtles are cold-blooded reptiles. They won't eat if they are too cold. If your land turtle lives at home, arrange warm and cold zones for her in the terrarium. During the day, in the cold part the temperature should be between 20–22 °C, and in the warm part - 29–30 °C. At night, the temperature can be lowered to 15 °C and 23 °C respectively.

    • The water temperature for waterfowl turtles should be approximately 25 degrees. On the island, the air temperature should remain between 27–29 °C.
    • If your tortoise lives outside, he will become cold when the temperature drops below 15°C. Install a ceramic heater to keep your turtle warm.
    • Measure the temperature with a thermometer and adjust it if necessary.
  1. Increase the amount of light. In order for a turtle to eat with appetite, it also needs enough lighting. Waterfowl need ultra-violet rays spectrum A and B. The turtle should be in the light for 12–14 hours and in the dark for 10–12. Land turtles need at least 12 hours of light every day. This can be either sunlight or light from an ultraviolet lamp or incandescent lamp.

    • If there is less light, the turtle may refuse to eat.
    • If your tortoise lives outdoors, you will need to adjust the lighting according to the season. In autumn and winter it will be necessary to use more artificial light sources, since sunlight there will be less, and in the summer you can refuse them.
  2. Examine your turtle for signs of disease. If your turtle isn't eating and you've made sure the temperature and light are ok, your turtle may be sick. She may have vitamin A deficiency, constipation, infection respiratory tract, eye problems. She may also be pregnant. If your turtle refuses to eat, look for signs of illness and take your pet to the vet if necessary.

    Find out if the turtle is hibernating. Some turtles can hibernate during the winter. Even if the turtle lives in comfortable conditions and has access to food, it may decide to hibernate. If you have checked the conditions in which the turtle lives, as well as its physical state and have not found any reason for refusing to eat, show the turtle to the veterinarian. It is possible that she is preparing for hibernation.

    • Hibernation exposes the body to stress. Only healthy turtles can hibernate.
    • If your veterinarian allows your turtle to hibernate, begin lowering the temperature in the enclosure a few degrees each day. This will help the turtle slow down its metabolism.
    • Do not lower the temperature below 10 °C. After 10 weeks, begin to gradually increase your temperature.
    • Continue feeding the turtle until it completely refuses to eat.

    How to get a turtle interested in food

    1. Give your turtle live food. The turtle reacts to movement. She may prefer live food: crickets, worms, snails, larvae, newborn mice. Live food also strong smell, which may attract a turtle.

      • Don't feed your turtle any worms you find in your yard. They may be infected chemicals from the soil. Buy special, clean worms from a pet store or fishing supply store.
      • The turtle can also eat caterpillars, beetles, woodlice, crayfish, flies, grasshoppers, earthworms, and spiders.
    2. Mix turtle food with other foods. Dry food is the basis of nutrition for many turtles. Grind the food and mix it with live food to get your pet interested in it. You can soak the food in liquid from canned tuna so that the smell of the food attracts the turtle.

      Offer your turtle food in bright colors. Bright color will attract a turtle. Give your pet strawberries, tomatoes, papaya, mango, watermelon, rose petals and other bright vegetables and fruits. Fruits should not be given to your tortoise often, but they can be used to get your tortoise interested in food.

      • To make your turtle eat more readily, mix live food with colored food. The bright color and strong smell will make the food very attractive.
      • Vegetables healthier than fruit. Try soaking vegetables in canned tuna liquid to make your turtle want to eat them.
    3. Change your diet. A turtle may refuse to eat because it doesn't like the food you offer it. Try finely chopping the vegetables and food and mixing them with worm pieces, and the next day offer the mango and food in tuna liquid to your turtle. Your turtle probably has preferences that you should remember.

      • Try keeping a feeding diary and recording how the turtle reacted to the food. This will allow you to find out what the turtle likes best.
      • Try offering food on land and underwater.
    4. Feed your turtle early in the morning. Turtles are active early in the morning and prefer to eat then. Many turtles refuse to eat at other times of the day. Try to feed your pet at 4:30–5:30 am or as close to dawn as possible.

      Take your turtle to the vet. If your turtle refuses any food and does not respond to changes in its environment, take it to the doctor. Perhaps the turtle is sick, and hunger weakens it even more. The examination will allow you to determine the reason for the turtle’s behavior, and timely treatment will not allow the disease to progress.

When a pet refuses food, be attentive and caring owner begins to wonder what is causing the loss of appetite. Appetite problems in red-eared turtles can be due to a number of reasons.

Causes of lack of appetite in turtles

Among the most common reasons leading to lack of appetite are the following:

  • stress associated with fear or change of habitat;
  • improper diet;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • the period when puberty in males;
  • diseases;
  • constipation.

Ways to overcome negative environmental factors

If purchased recently, she will most likely refuse to eat. Moving, a new place is big for her nervous tension. If she is stressed, she will not eat. Time needs to pass for her to calm down. In this situation, you just need to bide your time.

If the turtle not only refuses food, but is also on the surface of the water, does not sink to the bottom, and its activity is greatly reduced, it means that it has become hypothermic. In this case, you need to increase the temperature of the water in the aquarium.

To find an appropriate way out of the situation, you need to analyze the situation completely. We need to start by creating living conditions acceptable for this type of animal. Firstly, the volume must be more than 200 liters.

You need to create an artificial island in the aquaterrarium. It can be placed in the center. It should occupy a quarter or a third of the total surface area of ​​the water. It should be noted that the water level should reach half, no more.

When creating an island, you can use special boards with suction cups.

It is also advisable to make an island from plexiglass. At the same time, the glass is made with special notches that allow the turtle to feel confident and safe. The bottom is covered with materials that do not spoil the quality of water. It could be sand, moss, but you can’t use small decorative elements in the design of the aquarium, because the turtle tries to swallow everything it can. Therefore, intestinal obstruction very easily develops, which ends in death.

When choosing pebbles and other decorative components, you should choose specimens that are 2 times larger than the head of the turtle itself. If you use objects that are too large, the turtle may lose stability and break the glass.

In addition to a comfortable environment, you need to take care of a normal climate. The water temperature can fluctuate between 26º and 35ºC. To obtain the desired water temperature, you will have to use heating elements. It's not just the water temperature that needs to be taken care of. Air temperature is also very important.

The turtle loves to come to the surface and bask in the light ultraviolet lamps. These irradiators heat the surface near the water and prevent rickets in animals. The norm of ultraviolet illumination is 12 hours daily.

The water in the aquarium is one of the key factors in the health of the turtle. It should be enough to cover the shell.

It is important to maintain cleanliness. To maintain the required level of cleanliness, install an aquarium filter. Since turtles produce more debris than fish, the filter should be sized for an aquarium that is twice the size of the one you have. You need to change the water 1-2 times a week. You can only fill in water that has been previously settled.

We need to pay attention to the formation. It should include pieces raw fish, seafood along with shells and shells, bird giblets, earthworms, May beetle larvae. It must be included in her diet and plant foods. For example, duckweed, apples, cabbage, dandelion leaves, spinach, lettuce.

No need to abuse special feeds, produced in factory conditions. They can be used as a supplement. Don't try to walk your turtle outside. In such an environment, the risk of contracting salmonella is too great. She can also freeze outside.

Turtle diseases as one of the causes of loss of appetite

If there is a suspicion of the development of the disease, it is necessary to urgently take action and treat the pet.

The first sign of the presence of the disease is a complex of disorders of the following nature:

  1. lethargy;
  2. hibernation;
  3. refusal to dive and stay on land;
  4. refusal to eat.

If you suspect a disease in your turtle, you should contact a veterinarian. In order to receive qualified assistance, you need to find a practicing herpetologist. An ordinary veterinarian will not work here, since the treatment of warm-blooded animals and turtles is fundamentally different.

Young, emerging ones are particularly demanding in terms of living conditions. We must carefully monitor cleanliness. There are also special requirements for food. They must be fed exclusively with live food. These are insect larvae and crustaceans. It is better to feed them on a schedule. They do this daily. A normal portion is considered to be one that young animals eat in 5 minutes.

Among turtle diseases widespread have skin problems.

The first problem manifests itself in the appearance of plaque, which looks like cotton wool. Peeling skin has two causes. Firstly, this occurs due to the development of the organism. Secondly, it is a manifestation of the disease.

Peeling occurs due to a lack of vitamins, with infections, as a result mechanical damage. It is not possible to determine the cause of peeling on your own. You should contact your veterinarian for advice.