Donkey milk will replace the elixir of youth! Donkey milk.

1. Pregnancy in donkeys lasts 12-14 months. A mother donkey gives birth, as a rule, to 1 colt. Feeds milk for up to a year. Within a couple of weeks after birth, the foal begins to eat roughage.

2. The height of an adult animal is 90-163 cm. The donkey reaches this height at the age of two.

3. Animals become sexually mature at the age of 2-2.5 years. Life expectancy is 25-35 years. But it can live up to 45 years.

4. Content features - a few words about hooves

Most afraid of moisture. Dry climate is the best for donkeys. Humidity is categorically contraindicated, hooves are very vulnerable. They are more resistant to stony soils, not as vulnerable as a horse. But they do not tolerate wet conditions at all. If you keep a donkey at home in the northern regions, then you should take this moment into account, not the frosts are terrible, but the humidity.

5. How to feed?

The donkey eats like an average goat: hay, heads of corn ...

For the stall period, you need 300 kg of feed per 1 animal

For a long time they can do without food and water, hardy and strong animals.

6. Benefit

In addition to the fact that donkeys can be used as labor, they also provide super healthy milk. Milk as much as a goat.

In France, donkeys are kept specifically for milk - they use it as a cosmetic product. The fat content of donkey milk is 11.8%, it has high bactericidal properties.

7. Character

Completely harmless animals, they understand the boundaries of their lands well and never try to wander into someone else's territory.

8. Donkeys are not horses; they differ from them both in body structure (the number of vertebrae) and the number of chromosomes. That is why the offspring obtained from crossing horses and donkeys is not fertile.

mule is when mother is a horse, father is a donkey

hinny is when dad is a horse and mom is a donkey

9. The tail of a donkey is similar in structure not to a horse, but to a cow: with a tassel.

10. We are used to the fact that donkeys are gray, in fact they are black, brown, and even white.


Milk is combined from three substances: watery, curdled and oily. Buttery prevails in cow's milk, and camel's milk contains less oily and curdled; parts and very liquid. Donkey milk is also low-fat and liquid, and goat milk balanced; sheep's milk is thick and fatty, but cow's milk thicker and fatter, and mare's milk is like camel's milk - it is liquid and watery. Choice.

best milk for a person - female milk. The best milk is that which is drunk from the breast or when it has just been drained. The best milk very white and of uniform density and such that a drop of it remains on the nail and does not spread. Nutrition dairy the animal must be vegetable, benign, not having a foreign taste - sour, bitter, or spicy, as well as foreign or bad smell. Milk should be consumed as soon as it is milked, before it undergoes any change.

Milk any animal whose pregnancy is longer or shorter than that of a man is bad. Therefore suitable milk is the milk of an animal close to man in this respect, such as cow.


watery part milk hot, and oily is close to balance, although it tends to be warm. Spoiled milk- cold and dry.


watery part milk it thins, flushes, releases the nature, and there is no burning in it. Milk sometimes balances the chyme, strengthens the body and fattens. If you drink it with honey it cleanses internal ulcers of thick juices, promotes their maturation and washes them.

Milk gives good chyme, glues and increases the strength of the brain, especially women's milk.

Milk is quickly digested, and how could it be otherwise, if it is born from an already excellently digested blood, which is once again subjected to some digestion, even if it itself comes from a rather cold organ. Milk is not nutritious until it becomes similar in its state to such a nutrient that needs enhanced digestion and re-purification. Moreover when excess warmth takes over him, it quickly returns him to the nature of balanced blood.

How well Rufus said of milk, although he was objected to. Because of the tendency [of milk] to cold, it does not harm people with a slimy nature, since their warmth does not transfer it, as it should, into the substance of the blood. The body assimilates milk before it is converted into blood, due to its proximity to blood; it is useful to people of a hot and dry nature, for there is no bile in their stomachs. In milk, besides this, there are such correspondences with the bodies of people, the causes of which are incomprehensible.

The one who got drunk milk, should then be at rest so that it does not deteriorate and does not turn sour in his stomach. After milk, one should not sleep or take other food until it goes down.

Milk is more suitable for those who are nearing the end of life than for hot-tempered youths, for in these latter it turns into bile. Milk is also useful for old people because it moisturizes and stops itching that often happens to them. But in order to digest milk, old people should resort to the help of honey.

Milk often begins by letting go of the nature and removing the excess that is in the area of ​​​​the intestines. Then it begins to nourish and, spreading through the body, locks up the nature. Milk puffs up if it is not boiled. It is combined from the beginning of the laxative - this is its watery part - and from the [beginning] of the fixing - this is its curdled part. Colostrum is slowly digested, produces a thick juice and slowly descends, but honey corrects it and the body receives from [corns] rich food. Sour milk gives rise to immature juice, and boiled, especially [thick], the thicker, the more it fixes. All milk causes blockages, especially in the liver, except for the milk of a camel and similar [animals; the latter does not cause blockages] due to the low curdiness and due to the cleansing properties of its watery part.

Milk is useful from the [accumulation] of matter that pours into internal organs and harms them with its sharpness and burning; it weakens matter, washing it better than water does, by virtue of a purifying power that water does not have, and balances its quality. It also blocks [the path of matter], for it corresponds to the [given] organ and [as it were] sticks to the organ, [standing] between it and the bad juice. Thus, [the juice] does not find the organ exposed.

Milk is harmful to those who bleed and [acts] badly on the insides. Goat's milk is more harmful to the intestines than [any] other, since goats eat most of the astringent plants. Sheep's milk is the opposite [of goat's, but] is not praiseworthy and causes inflammation.

Milk in its substance [is capable of] quickly changing its state, especially [in the direction of] warmth. Nothing can harm the body so much as bad milk.

donkey milk- watery, and pig milk - watery and immature. Spring milk is more watery than summer milk, as is the [milk] of animals that graze on the banks of rivers and in marshes, because spring plants are more humid than summer plants. The more summer approaches autumn, the more the milk thickens. Milk is best in the middle of summer, but there is danger that the warmth will change it when drunk; but in the spring there is no such danger. There is a lot of fat in cow's milk, sheep's milk is very curdled, and camel's milk has little fat and curdled substances; after him [in this respect] comes mare's milk and then donkey's. Therefore [the milk of these animals] rarely curdles in the stomach. There is saltiness in camel's milk, because camels love to [eat] hamd;89 this milk is the best. At the same time, they say that it lingers strongly in the stomach and in upper parts[abdominal] cavity, longer than any other [milk].

Know also that milk differs according to the color of the animal and its age, that is, depending on whether it is young, old or middle-aged, and also depending on the constitution, that is, on whether its meat is soft or hard, fat [this animal] or skinny, it is white or of a bad color. The weakest milk, they say, [is] from a white [animal], and it descends the fastest.


The abuse of milk is said by some doctors to produce lice, and this is not impossible; however, [milk], if lubricated with it, reduces ugly spots on the skin, and if it is drunk, it greatly improves the complexion. However, milk is one of the substances that cause the waters. The exception is camel milk; from him it is seldom necessary to fear vadaha.

If you drink milk with sugar, it greatly improves the complexion, especially in women, and makes you fat. Curd whey fattens even people with a hot and dry nature, if they are emaciated from such [nature], moisturizing and removing the bad juice and improving the nutrient. Sour milk with iron slag quickly makes such [people] fat. Cottage cheese whey in the form of rubbing reduces freckles, and in the form of a drink it is also sometimes useful for this.

Tumors and pimples.

Those who have malignant tumors, boils, bile tumors in the liver, jarab and scabies are often cured by drinking milk, unless there is something in their nature that spoils milk and turns it into bile. Milk is harmful to those who have internal tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.

Milk is suitable for [treating] internal ulcers in that it washes, cleanses and glues. If there is nothing in nature capable of spoiling milk and turning it into bile, then it is useful for those who suffer from ulcers. Curd whey with myrobalans [suitable for treatment] jaraba.

Articulated tools.

Milk is harmful to those suffering from diseases of the nerves, especially cold and mucous.

head organs.

Goat's milk helps with catarrhs, delaying them and softening the sharpness [of discharges], and is useful in ulcers in the throat. Milk is a remedy for dry memory loss, melancholy and obsession. Milk harms the teeth, corrodes them, hollows and crumbles, especially if the nature of the tooth is cold. It loosens the gums and after it it is even necessary to rinse your mouth with honey, wine or shikanjubin. However, it is said that donkey milk, if rinsed with it in the mouth, strengthens the teeth and gums.

[Milk] is not suitable for people suffering from headaches, dizziness and ringing [in the ears]. It is especially [harmful] to sleep after [milk], and in general it is harmful to people with a weak head.

Organs of the eye.

Milk causes blurred vision and night blindness. But if it is milked directly into the eyes, it helps against inflammation and from the harm caused by hot matter pouring into the eye. It also helps with roughness [eyelid] and [acts] in the same way mixed with egg white and with cheese rose oil when applied to the eye. Milking on the eyes helps with red spots [in the eye].

Respiratory organs and chest.

The milk of a donkey and a goat [helps] well against coughs, consumption and hemoptysis, as you will find in your place; sheep's milk is more useful in hemoptysis. Milk is one of the remedies for ulcers in the lungs and for consumption. Gargling with it in the mouth and throat helps against sore throats, toads, and swellings of the tongue and tonsils, but it is injurious to those suffering from moist heart failures, whether from blood or mucus. Camel milk helps with asthma and shortness of breath. Milk is more suitable for the breast than for the head or stomach.

Nutrition organs.

Milk causes congestion in the liver, and whey from cottage cheese is useful for jaundice. Goat's and camel's milk [also helps] for all this, and donkey's milk is good for dropsy. The milk of all these [animals also] is good for hardening of the spleen, and camel milk with castor bean oil is good for internal hardening. Milk and especially colostrum causes bloating, swelling and pain; both, but predominantly milk, excite hiccups and "smoky" eructations.

Milk, with the exception of camel milk, is harmful to spleen and liver patients and those in need of light diet; [camel's milk] is useful for many diseases of the spleen and liver and moisturizes the liver. Camel's milk is very useful for dropsy, especially when taken with the urine of an Arabian camel; it excites the appetite for food and causes thirst. Sour milk is digested very slowly and produces immature juice, but the stomach, hot by nature or incidentally, digests it and benefits from it. There is no "smoky" eructation from it, since the cream has been removed from it. Eruption organs.

Cottage cheese whey drives burnt out [yellow] bile and, mixed with dodder, burnt out black bile. Milk contributes to the [appearance] of stones. [Milk], boiled so much that wateriness has disappeared from it, locks the stomach and delays bloody diarrhea. Camel milk drives menstruation, and cow churning is good against bilious diarrhea. From fresh milk, enemas are made for ulcers in the uterus, and goat's milk is useful for ulcers in the uterus. bladder. Milk compensates for the damage from copulation and strengthens [forces] for copulation; it causes bloating in the intestines.

Any thick milk causes kulanj and gives rise to stones, and especially colostrum. [All] milk induces copulation; so even sour and curdled milk acts on a body with a hot nature due to the fact that it moisturizes and puffs up. Often [milk] softens the nature, especially the milk of a mare and a donkey; and after it - goat's and all [other] milk, in which there is little wateriness.

Abuse of milk sometimes weakens the stomach and it is not digested. Salt contributes to the laxative effect of milk and the laxative effect of curd whey, and as for milk boiled [on fire], or warmed with hot stones or strips of iron, such milk inevitably locks the stomach. Milk is useful for abrasions [in the intestines], and boiled sour milk stops bilious and bloody diarrhea. Camel milk is useful for kidney disease. If milk is applied to tumors and ulcers in anus, as well as ulcers on the pubis, it is beneficial and soothes the pain and burning that occurs in these organs.


Goat's and donkey's milk are good for consumption and dryness, as you will find in your place. Sour milk often stops debilitating fevers if the fat is carefully removed from it, so that it is [better] absorbed. As for the thick fresh milk, it is often avoided during fevers and a person suffering from a fever should not approach it at all.90


Milk is useful for those who have drunk deadly drugs, or taken a bearded seal, hemlock or henbane; especially it is useful for Spanish flies, sea hare, thapsia, hellebore and [aconites], suffocating wolves and leopards, as well as for all corrosive and putrefactive drugs.

Milk is [also] remedy for a man who has been drugged with henbane: it restores his mind.

A family in Ecuador believes that the secret to longevity lies in donkey milk. However, are there any scientific considerations behind this statement, apart from the fact that, presumably, this milk is very similar to breast milk?

The longevity of the world's oldest woman, Maria Esther de Capovilla from Ecuador, has been linked to nutritional properties donkey milk. Mrs. de Capovilla passed away at the age of 116.

Olivier Denys from the Belgian donkey milk farm, Asinerie du Pays des Collines at the Chateau des Mottes, told that he was surprised by this fact: “We know that donkey milk is very good for health, including digestion and intestines, however, we have never heard of it prolonging life.”

Mr. Denys and his partner Marie Tack run the largest donkey milk farm in Europe and produce between 2,000 and 3,000 liters of donkey milk a year. Half goes to making popular cosmetics such as donkey milk soaps, creme de bains, face masks and more. The rest goes directly to the production of donkey milk, which does not need to be pasteurized before consumption. "It's not necessary," says Denys. "Unlike cow's milk, donkey milk does not contain any bacteria."

This milk, according to Denys, is whiter and lighter (in density) than cow's, with low content fats. In fact, according to Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry (B. Webb, A. Johnson, J. Alford, AVI Publishing, 1974), donkey milk contains only 0.6 grams of fat per 100 grams of fresh milk, while cow's milk contains only 0.6 grams of fat per 100 grams of fresh milk. reaches 3.7 grams. However, this milk contains many proteins, which distinguishes it from cow's. In her study, Elisabetta Salimei from the University of Italy (Universita degli Studi del Molise) in the scientific journal Animal Research (2004, Vol. 53, pp. 67-78) wrote that the average protein content in milk is 1.72 grams per 100 grams of milk, while low in casein.

“Donkey milk is most similar in every way to the milk of breastfeeding women,” notes Denys. It is suitable for everyone age categories, especially for babies, as it is safe in terms of allergic reaction, in contrast to the cow, which in this respect is contraindicated in up to 4% of newborns.

This milk also contains 60 times more vitamin C, emphasizes Denys, as well as vitamins A, D and E, and is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which makes it a real storehouse. useful substances. It is also high in immunoglobulins, proteins that function as antibodies and improve immune system. This makes milk very attractive to people with low immune potential, including cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, Denys says.

In November 1999, the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences (Vol. 53, Issue 11, p. 510) published an article titled “Donkey Milk Can Cure AIDS? Immuno-stimulants in milk can cure cancer patients.”

It can be said that due to the lack of a scientific basis for these statements, the authors “wishful thinking”, and it seems unlikely that self-respecting scientists will agree with these statements, however, statements by the Maria Esther de Capovilla family have again increased interest in donkey milk.

Such conversations became the basis for research and other types of milk obtained from various animals - from sheep to camels.

It turned out that any positive statements this kind can be used to promote the product to the market useful products. Asinerie du Pays des Collines has already launched 28 bottles of 20 ml each, one for each day. The sales area of ​​this product is limited - from Amsterdam to Paris, as the milk is frozen after milking. Such a "monthly" set costs €55. Another limiter is the amount of milk. A donkey gives about 2 liters of milk per day for three milkings, while a cow can give up to 40 liters per milking. And despite the fact that Denys has 84 animals at his disposal, only 15 donkeys can actively give milk.
"It's a niche market," he says. “At the same time, our productivity is growing every year, and the market is gradually expanding.”

Every baby begins his life with mother's milk. It provides all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and also strengthens the immune system. Milk is treated during a cold, and the most beautiful women history took milk baths. But milk is different, and you need to know about each type.

The most common is cow's milk. It is sold in abundance in our stores. Many components are listed on cardboard bags and plastic packaging - these are proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, and vitamins. However, the ratio of all these nutrients is far from ideal. For example, there is too much casein rough protein here, and too few carbohydrates. Because of this, cow's milk is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract quite difficult.

The situation is quite different with goat's milk. Its miraculous properties and benefits are still legendary. Ancient physicians used it to treat fever, kidney disease and nervous disorders. The latter, by the way, is completely justified: recently, substances were found in goat's milk that are similar in structure to benzodiazepines - sleeping pills used in medicine. So the calming effect of this drink is well explained from a biochemical point of view. Its good digestibility also has a scientific interpretation. The fact is that in goat's milk

proteins, fats and carbohydrates are contained in very balanced proportions, just in those for which it is “programmed” human body. In addition, it contains many medium-chain lipids that are absorbed into the bloodstream without prior cleavage by bile. And this means that they are absorbed very quickly and are almost not deposited in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat. In other words, from goat milk don't get fat.

But the miracle drink has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is a rather specific smell and bad taste. Second dangerous side goat milk is considered to be contaminated. white liquid can be swarming with pathogens of all kinds of diseases, for example, tick-borne encephalitis. So milk must be boiled - only then it becomes safe and cannot cause any harm to health.

Mare's milk is valued even more than goat's. True, drinking it raw is quite difficult due to the high fat content. But koumiss is not only tasty, but also very useful. It is made by fermentation: sourdough is added to the milk and left warm for a couple of days. After that, in a drink of course

same, there are degrees. However, there are very few of them, about the same as in kefir. Nevertheless, koumiss has a rather pronounced intoxicating effect, probably due to the fact that alcohol is absorbed into the blood in the stomach, and milk proteins and fats - only a few hours after entering the intestines.

Kumis has been valued for its healing qualities. Previously, they were treated literally everything, from consumption to neurosis. Now the old tradition is back in vogue - in Bashkortostan, the so-called "koumiss clinics" have begun to open. The effect of the consumption of koumiss is comparable to thallas therapy: a person's sleep, bowel function and blood pressure are normalized.

However, donkey milk is considered the most valuable, the most useful. The ancient Romans washed their faces with them. They believed that such a procedure would preserve youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. And legends tell about rejuvenating donkey milk baths. Numerous studies have found that certain proteins found in donkey milk stimulate collagen synthesis. And this substance, as you know, is the structural skeleton of the skin. So donkey milk is indeed a kind of analogue of the “elixir of youth”. In addition, donkey milk contains antioxidants. It also contains lipolytic enzymes. Compounds that break down fat molecules gastrointestinal tract. That is why any meal is best washed down with donkey milk.

Donkey milk is considered a very valuable product, since one donkey a day gives only 500 ml of milk for 6 months after giving birth. There are very few donkey farms in the world, since donkeys are rarely raised for meat, and keeping them for such a small amount of raw milk is unprofitable. This is the reason for the price of donkey milk, and, accordingly, products with it. Nevertheless, the fact of the high cost does not bother manufacturers of anti-aging cosmetics, because the content of EGF in donkey milk is much higher, but more on this later.

Donkey milk as a cosmetic component has very great advantages. In terms of biochemical composition of protein and unsaturated fatty acids (such as linoleic acid content), it is as close as possible to human than cow or goat, and has a neutral pH (7.18 ~ 7.30) in relation to human skin. With a low content of saturated fats, donkey milk is high in Omega 3 and 6 (nutrients found in fish oil) - this helps to improve skin elasticity and lowers cholesterol levels. Among other things, donkey milk contains a large amount of calcium and the Lysozeme enzyme, which is antibacterial and protects against infections.

Donkey cosmetics saturates the skin with collagen. This is very important for maintaining youth, since collagen is a structural protein from which about 80% of the dermal layers are formed. It is collagen that will help your skin stay elastic and maintain optimal moisture balance. It has long been proven that over the years, the production of collagen in the skin noticeably slows down, so outside help is required. Creams and serums based on donkey milk contain 2 times more collagen than similar products, so they effectively cope with skin laxity.

Now let's take a closer look at EGF in donkey milk.

Donkey milk stands out from all other natural ingredients for its abundant amount of natural EGF.

Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) is a 53 amino acid protein. It is considered an advanced component for anti-aging care, as it strengthens the dermal matrix, stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, resulting in the disappearance of signs of aging (wrinkles, creases, flabbiness of the skin, deformation of the face oval). Plant extracts, collagen and donkey milk, which are part of the serum, moisturize, soothe, even out the color and texture of the skin. Lifting serum improves the condition of the skin not only externally, but also from the inside.

EGF is an epidermal growth factor, is a protein consisting of 53 amino acids. Its effectiveness has been proven and confirmed by hundreds of studies. Creams and serums with EGF improve skin structure, prevent skin aging, restore tissue regeneration processes, resulting in new skin cells that replace damaged ones.

Thanks to EGF, donkey milk has a high inhibitory activity, that is, it slows down the aging process of the skin.

Especially for women over 35 years old, a gold and black line of products was developed with an increased concentration of components such as EGF, collagen, peptides, lecithin, extracts from donkey adipose tissue, donkey milk and natural oils.

Donkey milk in hypoallergenic cosmetics

The most important functional property of donkey milk is its special nutritional value. It is accepted by the skin as a natural breast, soothes it and guarantees an antioxidant effect.

Donkey milk products are generally hypoallergenic and ideal for people with sensitive skin, as well as those suffering from atopic dermatitis, eczema, allergies.

Donkey milk whey is rich in Beta-1g and lysozyme (an antibacterial agent) and also has a very high content lactose, unlike the milk of other mammals. All this makes donkey milk cosmetics indispensable for people with skin diseases, as well as for everyone who lives in adverse climatic conditions, when the skin is constantly exposed to wind, cold, scorching sun, etc. In this case, creams, emulsions and donkey milk serums relieve inflammation, redness, eliminate peeling, restoring health to the skin. Such cosmetics allow you to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, as if you live in eternal summer near the sea.

Where can I find donkey milk cosmetics?

In Russia, cosmetics based on donkey milk can be found very infrequently; at best, they come across in beauty salons and in some online stores. But in Japan, China, Indonesia and Korea, it is very popular, especially in the premium segment.

However, cosmetic companies that are engaged in the production of "donkey" cosmetics can be counted on the fingers.

  • The English company Cleopatra sells soaps, creams and dietary supplements throughout America, Canada and Australia (cost $120-420).
  • The Swedish brand Calinesse has been releasing a premium line of products called "7TH ART" since 2008, they can be found in beauty salons and hotels in France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Singapore.
  • Korean company Cleomee specializes in "donkey" care and anti-aging cosmetics, which last year partially became available for order through federal service Postmagazin.rf.

If you happen to try cosmetics with donkey milk, you will clearly feel the difference in texture and effect. After it, the usual means seem heavy and unnecessarily greasy. We hope that soon such wonderful creams and serums will firmly enter the market. Russian market and you don’t have to chase them around the shops of exotic countries.