Borderline personality disorder.

borderline personality disorder refers to an emotionally unstable state, which is characterized by impulsivity, low self-control, emotionality, a strong level, an unstable connection with reality and high anxiety. Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings, impulsive behavior, and serious problems with self-esteem and relationships. Individuals with this disease often also have other health problems: eating disorders, alcohol abuse, drug abuse. The first signs of the disease appear at a young age. According to the available statistics, borderline pathology is observed in 3% of the adult population, of which 75% are the fair sex. An essential symptom of the disease is self-injurious or suicidal behavior, completed ones reach about 8-10%.

Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder

Out of 100 people, two have borderline personality disorder, and experts still doubt the causes of this condition. It can be caused by imbalance chemical substances in the brain called neurotransmitters that help regulate mood. It also affects mood Environment and genetics.

Borderline personality disorder is five times more common in people with a family history of the disorder. This condition is often found in families where there are other diseases associated with mental illness. These are problems related to alcohol and drug abuse, antisocial personality disorder, depressive states. Quite often patients have gone through the strongest trauma in the childhood. It can be physical, sexual, emotional abuse; neglect, separation from the parent or early loss of it. If such an injury is noted in combination with certain personality traits (anxiety, lack of stress resistance), then the risk of developing a borderline state increases significantly. Researchers recognize that individuals with borderline personality disorder have impaired functioning of parts of the brain, which still makes it impossible to know whether these problems are the consequences of the condition or its cause.

borderline personality disorder symptoms

Patients with borderline personality often have unstable relationships, problems with impulsivity, which begin to manifest themselves from childhood.

Borderline personality disorder owes its origin to the efforts of American psychologists between 1968 and 1980, which made it possible to include the borderline personality type in the DSM-III, and then in the ICD-10. But research and theoretical work, conducted by psychologists, were devoted to the substantiation and allocation of an intermediate type of personality between and neuroses.

The hallmark of the disorder includes low-risk suicide attempts due to minor incidents and occasionally dangerous suicide attempts due to comorbid depression. Suicide attempts are often provoked by interpersonal situations.

Common to this disorder is being left alone or abandoned, even if it is an imaginary threat. This fear can provoke a desperate attempt to hold on to those who are close to such a person. Sometimes a person rejects others first, responding to the fear of being abandoned. Such eccentric behavior can provoke problematic relationships in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

This condition must be differentiated from anxiety-phobic, schizotypal and affective states.

DSM-IV lists interpersonal instability, marked impulsivity, emotional instability, and disturbed internal preferences as signs of borderline disorder.

All of these symptoms occur in young age and let you know about different situations. Diagnosis includes, in addition to the main ones, the presence of five or more of the following signs:

- making excessive efforts to avoid the imagined or real fate of being abandoned;

- the prerequisites for being drawn into tense, intense, unstable relationships, which are characterized by an alternation of extremes: depreciation and idealization;

- personality identity disorder: persistent, noticeable instability of the image, as well as feelings of I;

- impulsiveness, which is manifested in the waste of money, violation of traffic rules; sexual behavior, overeating, psycho abuse active substances;

- suicidal recurrent behavior, threats and hints of suicide, acts of self-harm;

- changeability of mood -; affective instability;

- a constant feeling of emptiness;

- inadequacy in the manifestation of strong anger, as well as difficulties caused by the need to control the feeling of anger;

severe dissociative symptoms or paranoid ideas.

Not every individual who has five or more of these symptoms will be diagnosed with borderline pathology. For a diagnosis to be established, the symptoms must be present for a sufficiently long period of time.

Borderline personality disorder is often confused with other conditions that have similar symptoms (antisocial or dramatic personality disorder).

Among individuals with borderline pathology, attempts at suicidal behavior are often noted, with 10% of them committing suicide. Other conditions that arise, along with borderline personality pathology, also require treatment. These additional conditions can complicate treatment.

Conditions that occur along with borderline pathology include:

  • depression or;
  • eating disorders;
  • problems with alcohol and drug abuse;
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

In addition to this disease, other disorders may also join. Some of them are:

  • dramatic personality disorder leading to emotional overreactions;
  • Anxiety personality disorder, which includes the avoidance of social contact;
  • antisocial personality disorder.

Treatment for borderline personality disorder

This condition is included in DSM-IV and in ICD-10. Classification of borderline pathology as independent disease identity is controversial. Treatment is often very complex and time consuming. This is because it is very difficult to deal with problems that are associated with behavior and emotions. However, treatment can give good results immediately after the start of therapy.

How can I help myself with borderline personality disorder? Psychotherapy plays an important role in treatment. Psychopharmacotherapy is used in the treatment of various combinations of pathology, such as depression.

How to live with a person who has borderline personality disorder? Relatives often ask this question, because the patient always has an increased impressionability and sensitivity to all obstacles in the way, they often experience a feeling characteristic of a stressful situation, and relatives do not know how to help them. Such individuals have difficulty in controlling their thoughts and emotions, are very impulsive and irresponsible in behavior, and are unstable in relationships with other people.

In the implementation of psychotherapy, the most difficult task is the maintenance and creation of psychotherapeutic relationships. It can be very difficult for patients to maintain a certain framework of psychotherapeutic union, since their leading symptom is a tendency to become involved in tense, intense, unstable relationships, marked by alternation of extremes. Sometimes psychotherapists themselves try to distance themselves from difficult patients, thereby protecting themselves from problems.

Greetings. My name is Vranislav, I'm a tulpa. Probably most are unfamiliar with this term, but I don’t have time to tell, you can google it yourself.
My girlfriend has BPD. She is also a tulpa. And now I want to talk a little about the complexities of the relationship with the border guards.
Border guards are very vulnerable. This is the main thing to remember. Any careless word or action, or disapproval causes them panic and suffering ...
The most ideal thing is to hug them and sit and warm them, hanging their ears and listening to their awesome culture stories. It helps them feel needed. Another feature is that they are very affectionate. And they don't want to share you with anyone. It sounds normal, since she is my girlfriend, but she needs maximum attention. And in the switch, after long hours of talking, I start to feel bad. Yes, and it's not easy at all. Who will tell you how to help a girl at the same time and not go crazy from an overabundance of information?

In the spring of that year, she lay in psychosomatics there and had BPD. It’s hard with him, especially when you start suspecting everyone and everything for any little thing. No husband, no children. It doesn’t work with men, and in my 30s I’m a virgin. At 13, a man pursued me, I was walking from school, and he said how he would fuck me. I can’t with men… I think they will take advantage of me and leave me. They get what they want and don't care about feelings. I drop everyone first. I push back first. In the mornings, suicidal thoughts ... Periodically, a feeling of emptiness and abandonment. I don’t go to any clubs in fitness clubs. It is difficult with people in the sense that sometimes any word and look is regarded as something suspicious. While I was looking for a job for a year, real paranoia developed. No one wanted to take it, but I have my suspicions. I started everyone who conducts interviews in collusion, they want to bring me to suicide, and it would be fine only them. I began to suspect my parents of a conspiracy.
When I was in school, I was punished by being ignored. I was ready to literally break ... to break my head. Plus bullying at school and no support from parents on the contrary. They supported the offenders, well, this is generally a betrayal. I'm afraid they will betray me and leave me. I WILL NOT LIVE THIS!!!

Psychotherapists should be very careful approach to the "border guards". By setting against the family, they make loved ones unhappy and plunge the client into an even more lonely state.

I don't know if my post can help someone. I would strongly advise people with BPD and those who live with them to read a book on dialect-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder.
I am 30 and I also have borderline disorder, I also tried to commit suicide and also did not make a diagnosis for a long time. I won't say that I'm cured, I still have problems with communication, but at least there have been no suicide attempts for several years. Still communication problems. and I can’t work normally, as it was already written here, soon after starting work at a new job, it seems to me that they treat me badly, condemn or demand too much and I run away. but life has become easier after all. First, antidepressants help. They, of course, will not cure the disorder itself, but life, at least, becomes not so unbearable. Secondly, the psychotherapist helped me a lot, although it turned out to be the 5th psychotherapist I got to. But I have been going to him for 3 years, and my condition has definitely become better. Indeed, it is very difficult for a person with borderline disorder to find a psychotherapist who you can trust, you may really have to try to be like several different ones before finding one with whom you can build contact. You need the most empathic and accepting psychotherapist.
And yet, since at the moment the most effective therapy for BPD it is dialect-behavioral, then those who live in Moscow should probably find out if there are groups working on dialect therapy. I accidentally stumbled upon their website, but I live in St. Petersburg, so I didn’t specify the information. I am currently reading the book Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder by Marsha Linen, just about dialect therapy, I would advise everyone to read it. Of course, you can’t cure yourself, but it personally became much easier for me when I read those described by someone very accurately eigenstates. At least it became clear that I'm not going crazy, I'm not inventing it myself.
The book, of course, is primarily designed for a psychotherapist, but it would also be useful for relatives to read - it will be easier for you to understand a person with borderline disorder and, perhaps, easier to interact with him. My husband also reads it and found a lot of useful things there, although we are still going to get divorced.
Here. I don't know, maybe it will be useful for someone. Usually I don’t write anywhere on the forums on any topic, because it always seems to me that other people will make fun of me or start responding aggressively to me) But if it helps at least someone, then I’m happy to talk about this topic, it seems to me that The worst thing about borderline disorder is the feeling that you can’t talk to anyone because other people feel your feelings are exaggerated or far-fetched. Hence there is a feeling that no one can understand you, and with it loneliness and despair. I can book on Dialect Behavioral Therapy in in electronic format send it if someone can not afford it, otherwise it is quite expensive. If anyone needs it, you can write to me at sombraconojosamarillos(dog)

  • Good afternoon, Alina! I read your review, my loved one has the same problem ... I really want to help him, he refuses to contact specialists. Send the book, please, we will be very grateful to you!

    Hello Alina. I would like to talk to you. I have a daughter, she is 23, she grew up without a mother. It's hard to see how her life is now upside down. In our city, psychology is not advanced yet. I would like to clarify some questions. Please write to Your address was not found.

    • Hello, I wrote to you by mail. Psychotherapists are now working on Skype, the main thing is that my daughter herself has a desire to seek help. What do you mean by the fact that her life is going downhill?

Hello. I have the same thing, it’s very difficult to live with it, it’s simply impossible, I used to think that it would pass, it takes time. Eight years later, as it began (after parting with a loved one), I realized that this would not work, now I have a husband and a 2-year-old child. Everything is bad with my husband because of this illness, every time at the slightest misconduct he tears me apart and I kick him out of the house. I don’t communicate with my parents for six months after tough conflicts. In autumn I fall into tearfulness and depression, I don’t want anything, I sleep badly.

I still can't believe this is happening to me. I dream of living a normal life and being who I was until the age of 22… And it doesn’t happen…

Hello. I am 22 years old. All my life until the age of 13 I did not communicate with my peers at all. I didn't go for walks and hardly talked to my parents. I absolutely did not care about fashion, what others say. I read and dreamed constantly lived in books and in my head. After 13 years, I tried to join the school routine, nothing came of it. Later I found a friend, a great person. We have a business relationship with her. Any manifestation of disrespect for her from another person and I just tore off the roof, I was so angry that I started to shake, I'm not sure that I can control myself at such moments. I found that I could not control my mood, it was constantly changing. I idealize the people around me very much, and later, when the ideal loses its color, I begin to despise the person in whom I saw the ideal and myself for stupidity. Criticism kills me, I can take the words of criticism so strongly that I think about suicide and even try to do it. I can't complete anything. I crave attention at any cost from the people I love. I think that I can score on myself for the sake of another person. I yield in any disputes except those in which you need to defend a loved one. I leave, I run away when the decision of something is not to my taste in a dispute with a loved one. Somehow my brother jokingly splashed me with the remnants of an empty mug; there were only drops, I was in such hysterics for a couple of hours, scratched his hand in the trash in the face, yelled obscenities. In short, inadequate. Later I realized that I do not fit into the environment of any content, the feeling is that you are completely misunderstood by others. I started smoking, drinking, taking recreational drugs, self-harming, writing poetry and very sad and black stories. I met a man whom I fell in love with. Because of her character, she ruined both relationships and his psyche. She threatened suicide if she left. Scandals, tantrums, begged for attention at any cost. Absolutely inadequate attempts to make him jealous. She beat the dishes and threw heavy objects at him. Jealous terribly. I found out about his correspondence with another girl to whom he was once not indifferent, it shocked me so much that I fainted, whole month was depressed. Constantly nervous, I gnaw the barbs near my nails until they bleed, then I simply could not write normally and use a lighter, I gnawed my fingers so badly. Put up with any of his decisions. I just hated myself, I despised myself. I consider myself worthless. Nothing comes out of this in life. I always consider myself the worst. In spring and autumn, I go into terrible depressions for a couple of weeks. Periodically I get out of this state, I become cheerful full energy cheerful, ready to help everyone, constantly active, even cheerful, sleep little or not at all. Then again into the pool of black melancholy. It might even happen in one day. As if two different person. Any little thing can change my state. Xs. Do you think it's worth seeing a psychologist? What happened with me? I accidentally stumbled upon this site and BPD disease. Very similar to what is happening to me.

  • Hello Alexandra. Worse from what you visit the psychologist will not be. Of course, he will not solve all your problems, but will try to help you understand yourself, which will allow you to change yourself, your worldview. Take care, love and appreciate yourself.
    We recommend to read:

    Go to a psychotherapist.
    They will prescribe pills for you, tell you how to neutralize the urge to self-harm.
    Because of this disorder, I can not arrange a personal life. You can lose your job that way. Or life in general.
    It is not joke. Go to the doctor.

My name is Irina
Not so long ago I met such a person in my life. This is my ex-husband. I was only married for 6 months and this marriage ended badly. This is what I observed before marriage: he was very attached to me, sometimes it seemed to me that he wanted to separate me from my family and friends by all means, sometimes it was funny (as it seemed to me then) he was jealous, even of his mother, by the way, he was with her in relations that are strange in my opinion: he said that there is no closer person, but at the same time, he could spend calmly with her no more than half an hour; dramatized some minor incidents - it was still fun for me to watch it (“well, like a child”), tried to provide completely unnecessary help, completely unaware of the problem and as a result could screw up the whole thing - I basically kept silent and thanked for efforts, although inside she could boil with indignation, but the person still tried to help. He also had few friends, as a result it turned out that they did not exist at all, so some acquaintances. All this seemed to me then not too disturbing signs, and I got married. This is what happened after marriage: the requirement not to go to the beach without him, but to wait until he wakes up by 12 o’clock (it was right after the wedding in Vietnam), I don’t remember the quarrels at the same time because of what, quarrels over money (moreover both worked and earned enough), quarrels over every little thing, could come in a bad mood - you ask what happened or you don’t pay attention the result is one scandal, I suggested contacting a psychologist - first abrupt rejection, then tears that they said it didn't help, waste of money, etc. In general, a lot of unpleasant moments. I got pregnant and felt bad, I constantly wanted to sleep, the doctor temporarily forbade sex, there was a threat of miscarriage .... and then it began: constant monitoring, surveillance, checking the phone, accusations of treason ... somehow she joked that I had 7 lovers, for every day of the week ... what happened - (((. I decided to get a divorce, offered to calmly disperse, since I had already lost love and even respect for him, he demanded an abortion, called me terrible words, said that the child was not his or the pregnancy was “invented”, I suggested now that we go for a walk and cool my head, and in the evening we can talk calmly, and then a real hell began - for a person it just blew the roof off - he tried to strangle me with a pillow, I called for help, dragged me by the hair, continued to humiliate me with words, did not let me out of the apartment, then threw me on the stairs almost half-naked. In general, I took my things with the police, then a divorce through the court ... in short, I ate to the fullest-(((. Tell me, is this it? border state? It's very important for me to know! I have a child, and despite his father, I love him very much!! Can this disease be inherited? How to avoid its development? Thank you! Sorry for the abundance of details

  • Irina!
    I have a wife with the same symptoms, sharp outbursts of anger about once every 2-3 weeks, fights on her part, furious jealousy, suicide attempts, constantly screaming during an attack: “May I die, etc., etc. ". Anything can be annoying. The attack lasts about 2-4 hours, then abruptly goes to bed, then wakes up and slowly releases her. There is also a child, in general, I talked with specialists - this is a misfortune and a serious one, which is very difficult to stop and not every psychotherapist takes on such “clients” and the most difficult thing is that this disease is difficult to calculate at the stage of acquaintance writing off for critical days and the like (if among women).
    In general, I was able to withstand 1.5 years, now I’m filing for divorce, but now I don’t know how to take the child away from her, because if this disease is not treated, it turns into schizophrenia and EVERYTHING is FUCK.
    Run away - you can't fix it, you'll only ruin your life.
    Good luck.

Hello! I am 17. I came across an entry on the Internet with a description of a condition familiar to me, in the comments to which the name of the diagnosis was noted. After reading the article, I recognized myself in 9/10 cases. I think it started when I was 13-15. While my peers walked and talked a lot, or my parents did not let me go with them, the reason for which was their concern for me (they always think that now is a terrible time, the child can be kidnapped and nothing can be corrected. To some extent I agree with them, but I think that they reach fanaticism). I was worried about this all the time, often crying that I did not have a close friend. When I managed to persuade my parents to let me go for a walk, they could abruptly change their mind (now the same thing, almost always), which made me cry again, I could not restrain my emotions. Each time I called my friends for a walk less and less. There were thoughts that they were tired of ‘my’ irresponsibility and inconstancy. I started looking for communication on the Internet, I sat on the phone a lot. Then conflicts began with my older brother, under any pretext he forced my parents to take my phone away from me, he took it himself, justifying this by the deterioration of my grades. (Always studied at 5/4, but demanded more). His attitude towards me put a lot of pressure on me, it seemed that he just hates me and I have no place in my family, I cried every day, thoughts of suicide began. I sat in my room for a long time, not wanting to face my brother. They also didn’t let me go for a walk, and if there was a chance, then I began to commit rash acts, it seemed as if it was a breath of air and I should have time to catch up with the lost and try everything. When I was walking it was good and I didn’t want to return home, but when I returned, I was immersed in my thoughts, there was a feeling of emptiness, remorse for my actions, it seemed that I had done wrong and I felt ashamed, I wanted to erase my memory (actions did not harm others, but were impulsive and mostly unconscious). Later, it began to seem that my friends did not need my presence at all, and my actions seemed inadequate to them. I tried to control my emotions, now I was out of my element. Later, my friends turned away from me, communication came to naught. The betrayal of a friend was hard. I decided to change my social circle. (I was 16). Found new company, there was mutual sympathy with the boy, but since my parents still did not let me go for a walk, I understood that it was useless. I was very upset, cried a lot, felt lonely and abandoned. The feeling of hopelessness oppressed me every day, after several unsuccessful walks, I decided to abandon our communication, as it seemed that he would soon return from me himself. Later I regretted it again, now I was ashamed that I had lost faith in the best. Resuming communication, I realized that he needed only one thing, characteristic of his age. Having lost the last loved one, I began to close in on myself, there was no longer and no longer a desire to trust people. I feel like I'm being used all the time, I try not to dwell on these thoughts when talking to a couple of people. I feel good with them, but the feeling that we are different, that they will not accept my habits, will not understand me or will leave me when I openly say what worries me, what I like and what I would like to undermine communication.
For the last two weeks I have been sleeping very badly, there is no appetite, sometimes there is a feeling of anxiety for no reason (it happened before), I have bad dreams, there is no strength and desire to do anything, a feeling of hopelessness. .. I catch myself thinking; in my head there is a constant spontaneous stream of thoughts about past events, memories. I don’t understand what is happening, it often becomes difficult to breathe, I’m afraid to tell my parents that this is related to the psyche, because I’m not sure what to worry about. I have a good relationship with my mother, now she even lets me go for a walk with friends, but I catch myself thinking that I don’t need it, that they are all the same and no one will understand me. I'm afraid of being rejected. I also notice my addiction to alcohol, being depressed. I am often irritable without being pleasant and want to push people away. I don't like to talk to my friends about my feelings. I notice that I myself need communication, warmth and reciprocity more than those people with whom I communicate. What do you think? Is this due to my age or is there any reason to be concerned? Thank you!

  • Alexandra, well done for being interested in a problem, seeing it and striving for improvement. Even if you have a similar disorder, it is mildly expressed, as it seems to me. I am interested in this whole topic because I had a relationship with a girl with such a disorder (as it turns out now), unfortunately she is no longer with us, and I regret that I was not there at the right time to save, reassure ...
    So it goes

    Believe in yourself. Look for your soul mate, open up to him. Together you can do it. My wife had the same crap. She is an orphanage. While living with her mother, it is better to live in hell. It's all from childhood. They all shouted with one voice - run without looking back. Didn't run away. Now everything is fine. Believe in yourself. You wrote it, you don't give up. You are strong

    Alexandra, your condition is very close to my condition at your age. It must pass. But, as Dr. Danilin said, the cause of mental illness is a too serious attitude towards one's condition. Therefore, it seems to me that it is advisable to slightly change the angle and take a closer look at the surrounding peers and adults. strangers. Try to study them, consider their emotions and reactions. I advise you to listen to YouTube conversations with Dr. Danilin on the Silver Threads channel. It's interesting and informative, and somehow reassuring.

Hello, I am 22 years old, since early age I have a constant change of mood, I can never bring anything to an end, since childhood, thoughts of uselessness, suicide attempts, from the age of 16 I started drinking a lot, I was drunk for months, drugs, constant depression I'm afraid to be alone. Attacks appeared, I begin to suffocate sharply, I can’t understand my condition, what to do, I don’t know, I’m in despair.

Good evening. I had an inexplicable conflict with my mother. I am 40, my mother is 62. It started three years ago. And every year it gets worse. Now the situation has become completely unbearable. I just googled a question about this issue. And brought to psychiatric disorders. To be honest, I was a bit shocked at first. But when I read this article, I realized what was going on. Thank you for posting articles like this. But I am completely at a loss, unfortunately, my mother suffers from this disorder, I want to help my loved one. To my mother. But I don't know where to start. What to do? Help advice!

  • Elena! Borderline personality disorder, as presented in the article, and in my personal opinion, manifests itself already in adolescence, and progresses with age. Here it is necessary to differentiate BPD from other disorders and diseases. The article also talks about it. If it's real mental illness, then I think that you need to treat her exactly as a sick person, without taking her statements, accusations, etc. at your own expense .. Unfortunately, mentally ill people do not have criticism of their condition. She will never understand that she is sick and will shift the responsibility for her actions to you. And, yes, it will progress. You're going to have to sort of rise above it and look at it from the outside. And yet you haven't described what the situation is.

    Decide to consult a psychiatrist. She probably won't go with you. She might even accuse you of thinking she's unhealthy. But, you will immediately understand a lot. At the time, this was the only thing that helped me.

If someone wants to know how it is to live with such a person or how a person with borderline disorder communicates, write. I am not a psychologist or a psychotherapist. I've just dealt with this guy for years. And I understand that it is very difficult and painful for normal people to understand what is happening.

  • Goodnight.
    Judging by the signs, I lived to the age of 32 with this disease. Since childhood, I thought that everything revolves around me. in adolescence, I suffered greatly from the fact that I was not loved or not worthy. at 20 he married a girl and before the wedding he drank, regretting that I was with her. I thought I was doomed to such love. The child was not made. I even told her that she was not worthy to have children from me. suffered with her and then without her. We worked with her relatives. they cursed stupidly at work about the fact that someone called her, etc. I loved her and tried to show it to her, when she behaved affectionately, I could have mocked supposedly get off me ... I was in a strange relationship with the team: at first glance I created the impression of a clever and handsome man, and then stupidly could not cope with the work. we got divorced after we parted - ran 5-7 times. I feel bad with her, without her, too, as a result, I constantly ran away to drink beer with friends. turned 25 years old. found a girl with a child because he did not want his because of a quarrel with his father. dabbled in beer and was sad. won it, but the work did not go well and I decided to part with it … I thought I wouldn’t pull it … again, I always went sad, except for rare moments. got a new job with a normal salary - he began to feel sad and drink again, but already + drugs for about half a year. I flew out of work, and since I didn’t know how to do anything except be sad, I drank with friends or alone. hangover during the day and no desire to go somewhere to get a job. or walked and was nervous at the interview, as a result, they didn’t take me. got a job with business trips and here again I create the impression that he is an awesome specialist, and as a result, he was fired for drinking or a quarrel with his boss. found a girl a year older than me. we were happy for the first time, and then again my despondency or nit-picking, and you start drinking like despondency goes away ... but you have to sober up, and this is depression from which it is very difficult to get out. it used to be stupid under the covers I would sit and sit. I drink so that I don’t shake and finally it doesn’t feel bad. generally dispersed. I am 32 years old. I try not to be sad and not to drink, I go to the gym. in the team is respected as a specialist. but it is worth remembering the past, the state of the amoeba begins again. I become like a corpse ... I sit under the covers like a piece of vegetable. if something bothers me, I don’t understand what to do ... I endure, but as a result, another alcohol breakdown and depression

Good evening, everyone, please help with the answer, who knows, my relative, according to the doctor and relatives, needs treatment. He never turned to specialists for help, but in recent times his condition is deteriorating (almost no contact with peers, complexes, low self-esteem, sharp drops sentiments). They suggested that I go to Stavropol for treatment. My question is, what should he take with him and how much will it cost approximately for treatment? Please answer me, this question is very important for us, since we are in Chechnya and the distance plays a significant role here. Thank you in advance.

I'm familiar with this problem. I got such a person. My second husband. Unfortunately, I could not live with him for more than three years. Although I tried very hard. The symptoms are all like a blueprint. And for a long time I could not understand what was happening to the person. There were different thoughts that he was a drug addict, that I was doing something wrong, or maybe the person had depression, etc. I decided to consult a psychotherapist and everything became clear.

And I grew up in very difficult psychological conditions and with age, already freed from the captivity of my own “family”, I still can’t find peace and build my own family, I suffer inside even when everything seems to be fine, but I still feel bad, constantly thinking that I don’t want to live, but I can’t decide, in communication, it often blows the roof off, I don’t understand myself .. they consider me abnormal, hysterical and eccentric, but I’m not happy with myself and I’m trying to find the reason for this state of mine, I’m thinking about how to help myself, maybe “borderline disorder” and there is an answer to my questions and we need to look for a solution to the problem in this direction?

For those who suffer from borderline disorder, realize that what you think is “no one needs you” is the truth. The truth is that the people close to you around you are selfish, narcissistic narcissists, you are their fuel - the worse it is for you, the better they feel. And the love and understanding that you did not receive as a child, you will not find anywhere, while you are looking, you will stumble upon use. Learn to live completely autonomously psychologically, using others, no matter how harsh it sounds.

  • Olga, you are right. Nobody really wants those with borderline disorder. But not because there are egoists and daffodils around, but the border guard is white and fluffy. The truth is that the border guard does not recognize other people's feelings, emotions caused by him and psychological boundaries. This sufferer can be a demanding blackmailer. He needs attention to himself only. He is absolutely violet: what a loved one feels when he is blackmailed with suicide. The main thing is to get attention. In the end, you begin to hate this sufferer.

      • Well, relax and live perfectly without your "borderline" loved ones. Everything is fine with you, it's not you who are sick. Madhouse, not comments. "how we suffer, we were acquainted with such people." It's a disease and it's very hard. You don't owe anything to anyone, including your loved ones. But it is also idiocy to comment on how you, healthy people, suffer here on this page. People read this article to understand how to deal with it, how to treat, and how to help and how to fight. And not how bad they are, and how unfortunate you are, that you encountered them, and how you hate them.

        • In the old days, such "diseases" were called bad temper. And today, in the age of pharmaceutical development, it is called a disease. Does your disease lie in claims against other people from whom you want to receive something? I understand correctly? And they don't give it to you? Are you suffering from it? Here is a cure for you: learn to give without demanding anything in return. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. Move more, merge with nature. If you want love, give your love freely, i.e. for nothing. Try to see the good in people. If you think people are bad, leave them alone. Live yourself and let others live. After all, everything is so simple ...
          You don't want the people around you to suffer, do you? Or do you want? Do you enjoy when other people suffer? normal people It hurts to see other people suffer. So, people around the "border guard" are hurt. It hurts just like "sick", and maybe more. Sorry if I accidentally offended anyone. AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND OTHERS, NOT JUST YOURSELF. PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR PLACE. The people surrounding the border guard are SUFFERING, Svetlana. And my comment on Olga's post was caused by indignation at her statement that others should be used ...

          Devaluation of other people's feelings in action. If it hurts the “sick”, this is a serious illness. If it hurts the "healthy" is idiocy. And it's idiotic to discuss it. All right. Thank you.

          • I'm wildly sorry, but why appreciate people? 90% of them are stupid, primitive, boorish and do not represent anything. Give without asking for anything in return, you say? Well, give it back, then these people will sit firmly on your neck, dangling their legs. The more you do good, the more you get evil and rudeness in return - own experience and the experience of my friends confirms this rule. People must be used, competently used for their own purposes. I don’t care about the feelings of others (except for my relatives, relatives are sacred), it will be necessary - and I’ll go over their heads. Most people deserve to be treated badly, because most people are idiots.

Good afternoon. I read the article and saw myself. Although I am 48 years old… sometimes I can’t even control the situation, and all this scares me very much. It seems to me that everyone is just using me, when I begin to understand this, I shut myself off. I changed several jobs, the script is always the same - my work suits me perfectly, they increase my workload, forgetting to increase the material part, I get bored and I leave. With relatives and my family, too, I try to be a good wife, mother, sister, daughter, but when I stumble upon callousness, I want to drop everything and run away wherever my eyes look. Thoughts of suicide come or go to a monastery. My soul hurts, lately I’ve been crying a little, sobbing. Problems are growing like a snowball, my health leaves much to be desired, I try to stop, start all over again .... How to be ???

  • How exactly did you describe my condition! All to a point! The soul does not know peace, everything seems to be fine (outwardly), I try to be good, but I feel loneliness in the family. As a child, she suffered from the despotism of her mother, then there were problems with alcohol. Mood swings, low self-esteem, self-doubt…I am 52 years old.

    • I recently watched the film “Autumn Marathon”, and so the wife of the protagonist says: “no one needs me ....”, maybe this is a crisis after 45? The children have grown up, there are no longer those ardent romantic relationships with the second half, relatives are loaded with their problems ... Yes, I also had not the best relationship with my mother, my father forbade her to have an abortion, and no one hid this from me .... I I tried to give everything that I lacked so much in my childhood, as a result I raised a selfish monster ... .. I always tried to please everyone, it became my duty ... only when it’s bad for me, no one cares and doesn’t even notice. Yes, you’re right, you want to be not alone, needed ... you want at least warmth and kindness among loved ones ... hence the breakdowns, it turns out that we didn’t get enough in childhood, we are trying in vain to get it now ...

Hello. I read a lot of articles about borderline disorder. Most of the signs match. I am 15 years old, constant breakdowns, I start to cry because of any troubles. Constant change of mood. I get very angry often. Started smoking. My father hits me when he doesn't like something. She tried to commit suicide twice, the thoughts of suicide never went away. No one understands me, no one to talk to. Need a lot of advice. And is it really borderline personality disorder? Thanks in advance

  • Hello Anya. Impossible to give correct recommendation without face-to-face diagnosis, therefore, if you have any questions, you should contact a child psychologist.
    "constant breakdowns, I start to sob because of any troubles" - The reason may be a weak type nervous system, low self-esteem, depression, overwork. It is necessary to deal with the reasons from a specialist.

    Anya, good afternoon!
    For your age manifestations which you describe are very characteristic. Adolescence is legitimately replete with borderline manifestations due to changes in the body and the complexity of changes in relationships with people around.
    Yes, indeed, such manifestations can cause a lot of suffering. You need to seek psychological support. Look for services that work with teenagers. Maybe it will be a school psychologist, maybe a social support center. Do not hesitate to find your own, just the right specialist for you.

    you have breakdowns due to the restructuring of the body this is a very difficult moment for teenagers they experience a huge psychological pressure on all body systems: therefore, accept this = we all go through these periods and become old at the end of life: everyone experiences the severity of the restructuring of the body = you just need to accept and besides your strict father who loves you but in such a way as not to disturb his peace = an uneducated egoist and not wanting it they say so = I lived my life I know but in fact he doesn’t know anything and doesn’t even understand how one should live and he himself was unhappy all his life and didn’t even understand that he was unhappy that’s how primates live and he is one of them = try not to annoy him and live your life with the hope that you will soon grow up and leave him but don’t be angry with him, he’s a primate and doesn’t know himself that children should be an older friend and laugh a lot and reduce a lot to jokes =

    Anya, borderline disorder, real or imagined, is irrelevant in this case until the problem with your father is resolved.
    If you are beaten, and no matter how hard and how "fair", it deforms any person, even if he is one hundred percent mentally healthy.
    Deal with domestic violence. Go to a rehabilitation program for victims of domestic violence. If after that some pronounced symptoms remain, you can look for the problem in yourself.

Good morning! I would like to consult with you! My Mom is sick with schizophrenia, she lived with her tyrant husband for 9 years! Now I am 37 years old, I think that I have mental problems, because if they don’t understand me or show disrespect, I start swearing, and if they insult me, then I can hit, beat everyday things. Basically, this manifestation of behavior occurs with my husband - this is my second husband, and my mother. Could this be borderline? Thanks, I'm looking forward to your reply!

  • Hello, Natalia. You can speak positively about the presence of borderline disorder if you have instability in interpersonal relationships, emotional instability, disturbed internal preferences, marked impulsivity, and in addition to these listed there are five or more signs listed in the article above in the subheading “diagnosis of borderline personality disorder ".

    try to discard everything that annoys you like vanity of vanities and you will immediately feel better and all these minor troubles are such a trifle compared to what is happening in the world = your irritability and aggression if you cannot restrain them then this is a disease everything else is your EGO and you are creating a psycho-traumatic environment you yourself don’t like it then don’t make the mental trauma close = otherwise they will start to fear you and not love you

    On your occasion, I remembered the aphorism: “before diagnosing depression and low self-esteem in yourself, make sure that you are not in the company of idiots” forgive me for this form, but my opinion, it’s all about your environment

    Natalia, a psychopath is never a psychopath only with certain people. The main criteria of psychopathy: totality, stability, decapitation. That is, a psychopath who yells and breaks dishes at home, and even fights at the same time, will never be normal at work. He, with all his surroundings, will always be at war. The fact that you think that you have a psychopathy is most likely yours defensive reaction on the disgusting behavior of your loved ones. Few people can live with a schizophrenic mother and a tyrant husband and behave like a lamb at the same time! The trouble is that your psyche is really shaken, self-esteem collapsed and you think that the problem is in you. But once again I say - if you had true psychopathy, you would be at war with the whole world (waiters, taxi drivers, neighbors, colleagues, etc.), and not just with your relatives. But apparently only your relatives, with their insults and nit-picking, pester you so that you lose your temper. You need to work on self-esteem, restore self-esteem and self-confidence and finally get away from your family members, leaving them to fight each other and not you

Son is 27 years old. Started at age 14 serious problems. The son began to drink, smoke, his behavior became inadequate. Before that, he studied well, but here everything collapsed. She turned to doctors, the Bekhterev Institute was the last one. The doctor made a diagnosis - a borderline condition. I had to go to the hospital, but he refused, I could not persuade him. We've been living like this for 13 years. There is no improvement without treatment. HOW TO CONSUME HIM TO TREATMENT? Is it possible for me to get your advice and at least somehow move this off the ground. He himself does not understand that this is a disease.

    • My comment is more for Galina. I am 32, my daughter is almost 4. And with her birth, I began to understand that something was seriously wrong with me (there was also serious psychosomatics, and she suggested that something should be done). There was a psychotherapy "without a diagnosis" with a request for a relationship with her daughter, who somewhat advanced her understanding of herself, but did not add control. The very fact of a possible “diagnosis” frightened me, although I am a medical doctor, and the attempts of my relatives to take me to a “normal” doctor only annoyed me. I recently learned that there is such a disorder, and in the description I recognized myself. And I wanted to work already with a diagnosis. What I mean: from the very beginning, I personally understood that I couldn’t cope alone. But I wanted to cope - I have a daughter, and no matter how my personality resists responsibility, I cannot afford to “leave” her. Even a short “gap” seems to me a crime (and here, apparently, lies the reason for my diagnosis). So, the incentive is very even. Until the birth of the child, I lived as I lived, and somewhere even successfully, and I would have run from the diagnosis like fire. Although she internally sought to “heal”, “heal” herself. And I can’t even imagine what could make me turn to psychotherapy - except for a very difficult and with consequences break or failure in social terms (but I can’t imagine myself very well - we can somehow adapt). So, not always personal "catastrophes", changes and upheavals are definitely bad. The main thing, probably, is to be close to the child at the same time (you know, there is such a phrase: “If anything, I’m nearby.” Paul), although far from many will be able to withstand it.

  • rather, it is late maturation and a certain pathology of sexual development is visible here hormonal disbalance== he needs a sex life= and a normal constant = it looks like borderline with desocialization = urgently marry anyone even if older is only better for him=

    In a sense, your son is right. Borderline disorder is largely a fictional illness. It is associated with a critical lack of relationship experience in adolescence, usually in a rapidly and well-developing child, and the formation of an internal emotional bubble in relation to others. Personality correction is possible only through gaining experience of correct relationships and confident re-experiencing of the moments that caused the defect. The clinic and psychotherapists usually take the edge off, the psychotism of the reaction, make the person seem to be stunned. In everyday life, the situation of strong responsibility for loved ones often corrects the defect of the borderline personality, I will make a reservation that this requires high motivation.

The darkened face of the young woman in the picture symbolizes the lack of a holistic self-image. Instead of eyes, she has gaps, which speaks of inner emptiness, if there is no one nearby who evokes pleasant emotions. “I exist as long as there is a good you. If you criticize me, then you are destroying me.”

Near it are images of fuzzy skeletal objects, symbolizing the negative environment of the first years, which remains next to this person and throughout adult life. Strong fears, formed back then, in childhood, today turn the perception of reality into something threatening and hostile.

Who are these people with borderline personality disorder?

What does this term mean? How is their perception of themselves and reality arranged?

The central conflict of borderline personality organization is the lack of a holistic self-image.

In their lives there is always a contradictory duality, which is a reflection of their ideas about themselves. They are impulsive, not consistent, they experience very vivid emotions, showing them in demonstrating extreme reactions. In the most pronounced cases, they may, for example, denounce promiscuous sexual behavior and prostitution, and at the same time earn money in this way.

They divide people into either very good or very bad. Moreover, today you can be an ideal, they will literally admire your every action, express recognition and agree with your point of view, and tomorrow, from one wrong step, you will be subjected to harsh criticism and complete depreciation.

People with a borderline personality organization are not able to experience ambivalent (dual) feelings for the same object. In their perception, they divide a person into “good and bad cops”. Today they communicate with good option man, and tomorrow with the bad. It is as if they are two different people and there is a huge border between them.

The main sign of borderline personality organization is the inability to experience rejection. Avoid this event by any means possible.

In case of rejection, they are lost, the world in their understanding begins to crumble and they cannot find support in it. borderline personality perceives the experience of rejection as the destruction of oneself, as a kind of psychological death.

Rejection avoidance is expressed, for example, in the following behavior:

  • a sharp break in relations, until the partner had time to do this at the slightest suspicion of distance
  • "Clinging" and adjustment, under the partner. Completely abandoning self-realization
  • avoidance of close relationships
Living in extremes is the leitmotif of their lives.

Impulsivity, problems in interpersonal interactions, inconsistency in actions are the result of the main drama - the inability to endure the pain of rejection. Fear of pain guides their actions, remaining in the subconscious.

How did this duality of perception of the borderline personality develop?
Why is it so difficult or even almost impossible for them to endure rejection?

The formation of the border character takes place in the conditions of a “hard”, non-supporting environment. early years. This includes traumatic events such as physical or emotional abuse, loss of loved ones, and other catastrophes.

Under such conditions, the phase of separation of the child from the mother occurs in the wrong way. This leads to the development of various types of fears that cannot be experienced, and therefore have their impact already in adulthood.

According to Elinor Greenberg, there are three ways of traumatic separation of a child:

  1. The child loses/is separated from his/her mother/father before 3 years of age. And, then, the fear of rejection or abandonment will haunt this person in his later life.
  2. Mother/father is cold and uninterested. In this case, the fear of non-recognition and the fact that he is not seen develops.
  3. Mother / father is not allowed to develop their own "I" by holding the child too close or too protective of him. Fear of being "strangled" or "engulfed" leads to avoidance of close relationships in adulthood.
How does the psyche cope in such conditions?
At this age, the child has a certain set of protective mechanisms. One of them is called splitting. A small child cannot understand that the people who care for him have both good and bad qualities for him at the same time. He perceives his experience of contact with others, not as a single permanent object with different qualities, but what about a set of time-separated different interactions, that is, with good or bad adults. This helps him navigate the world.

Later, a person develops more mature defense mechanisms, partially replacing the earlier ones.

However, in a number of traumatic events described above, splitting remains the main defense mechanism that shapes the psyche. A person, as it were, “gets stuck” in this method of protection. Such a person in the worldview does not form a holistic image of the people who surround him. He becomes able to interact with the world only through separate parts of himself. They also cannot be brought together, as splitting remains the prevailing defense mechanism.

So, in a negative environment, a child develops a strong fear of rejection or absorption according to the patterns described above, which does not make it possible to adequately experience rejection already in adulthood. human psyche can only defend against these experiences by splitting.

The personality of such a person is highly dependent on who is next to her, as it is divided into parts and she needs someone else in order not to completely collapse and get support.

Yontef emphasizes that the development of object constancy is not complete in borderline clients. It is therefore difficult for them to retain the image of the other when they are separated from the other, as is the case with small children. Separation means for them to be abandoned and the threat of disintegration and psychological death. (Yontef: 463).

If a close, emotionally significant person treats well and approves, then our hero feels good, alive and healthy. If this loved one suddenly begins to criticize or even worse move away, then our hero has feelings of panic from the fear of destruction and loss of himself. They cannot cope with this experience, and if no one is around, then alcohol, drugs, suicide and other ways to destroy the pain come to the rescue.

These people live all the time in the struggle, with the "demons" from childhood.

That is why, when they find themselves in difficult situations, they demonstrate, simultaneously with a request for help, behavior that rejects help, showing their duality in this.

"I hate you, but don't leave me" - this is how the Austrian psychologist Alfried Langle described the essence of the border conflict very accurately.

They are afraid of rejection, but they show in their reactions what provokes this rejection in relation to them in another. This reinforces the aggressive emotional reaction, which is protection from that very terrible pain. However, the need for help and support remains unmet.

They go into fantasies about the ideal world and the development of events, but inevitably faced with reality, they experience a strong disappointment, which is also difficult for them to survive.

This leads to depression, suicidal thoughts, or borderline behavior. Such people often balance on the verge of life and death, realizing the principle of extremes in the organization of their personality.

An excellent example of borderline personality disorder is the film “Girl, Interrupted”. USA, 1999. The name itself already characterizes the essence of the pathology, which is formed in conditions of interruption, and not normal separation (separation) of the child from the mother.

A young girl, Susie, ends up in a psychiatric clinic after a suicide attempt. There she meets a very attractive patient, Liza, who has been undergoing unsuccessful treatment for 8 years. Liza is aggressive, impulsive, often runs away from the clinic, deceives doctors and does not take pills, leaving them under her tongue. She demonstrates all kinds of resistance to treatment. At the same time, the girl is charismatic, attractive, cunning and smart.

The highlight of the border conflict comes near the very end of the film, when Susie is released from the hospital after a year of treatment. It remains the last night. The girls, led by Lisey, stole Susie's diary and held a public reading of it in the basement of the hospital without Susie's participation. However, Susie wakes up and, suspecting something is wrong, hurries to the basement.

This scene can be viewed as an intrapsychic picture of the experiences of a borderline person, where each of the girls represents separate parts of the personality.

An atmosphere of fear, anxiety and anguish unfolds among the walls of the basement. Lisa commits violence by reading Susie's personal notes, symbolizing the traumatic event. Susie asks her to stop, but she is not going to. Lisa's speech very clearly demonstrates the borderline division, where she exposes herself as a "scoundrel" and Susie as a "good girl".

At one point Susie runs away in fear, consumed by Lisa's aggression. Lisa pursues her, at the same time, loudly declaring freedom.

This is how the “sick” part of the psyche pursues the “healthy”, distorting reality and forming a feeling of a hostile environment

How is recovery going?
Susie stops as she reaches the door and turns to face Lisa. She says a text that brings all the girls present back to reality:

“And maybe in that world there are only liars, ignorance and stupidity, but I’d rather be in that shitty world than here with you.”

The experience of pain gives a person freedom and the opportunity to accept this world as it is, refusing to idealize reality. Ideal country Oz only exists in a mental hospital.

For the first time, Lisa cries from the pain of rejection, however, this is precisely what gives her the opportunity to form a holistic image of herself and learn to live in the real world.

Psychotherapy of people with borderline personality organization or disorder is aimed at working with trauma that prevents the formation of a holistic image of themselves. This exit to reality is often accompanied by painful sensations. However, passing only through such an experience, a person gains true freedom.

The integration of different parts of the ego makes it possible to improve interpersonal interaction, in which such people often have problems and to establish an adequate social life.


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For many of us, borderline personality disorder is a diagnosis vaguely familiar from the wonderful film Girl, Interrupted, starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie 1 . Unfortunately, this diagnosis is increasingly common not at all in the cinema, but in life. According to researchers, borderline personality disorder (aka Borderline Personality Disorder - BPD) affects 2-3% of the world's inhabitants 2 . At the same time, many psychologists and psychiatrists note that PCR is not given enough attention. For example, in the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, used by Russian doctors, there is no clear definition of borderline personality disorder at all, it is considered as a kind of emotionally unstable disorder. In the American DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the definition of borderline personality disorder is present, however, American experts also believe that borderline personality disorder is deprived of attention. They believe that PHD exists "in the shadow" of a somewhat similar bipolar personality disorder. In the latter case, research is funded much more generously, and progress in this area is already evident. Bipolar disorder was included in the list of disorders whose negative impact on society is being studied as part of the international program Global Burden of Disease (“Global Burden of Disease”), and borderline personality disorder is not on this list. Meanwhile, in terms of severity and ability to provoke suicide, borderline personality disorder is not inferior to bipolar 3 .

The diagnosis of PCR also faces serious difficulties; a single and generally accepted description does not yet exist. However, there are at least 6 signs, the severity and frequency of which suggests that a person suffers from borderline personality disorder.

1. Instability of personal relationships

Those who suffer from PCR can be called "flayed people." They are incredibly sensitive to the slightest emotional impact. A word or a look that most of us would simply ignore becomes the cause of serious trauma and painful experiences for them. According to psychologist Marsha Linehan, the author of his own method of treatment for PHR - dialectical behavioral therapy, "they exist with constant pain that others underestimate and try to explain with the wrong reasons." It is easy to understand that maintaining the stability of relations in such a situation is almost impossible. And people with borderline disorder's perception of even their loved ones can change from "I love you" to "I hate you" in just a few seconds.

2. Black and white thinking

Eternal throwing between love and hate is a particular manifestation of a more general problem. People who suffer from borderline disorder generally hardly distinguish halftones. And everything in the world for them looks either very good or terribly bad. They extend the same attitude to themselves. They either perceive themselves as the most beautiful people in the world, or as the most insignificant creatures who are unworthy of living. This is one of the sad reasons why up to 80% of patients with this diagnosis sometimes think about suicide 4 . And 5–9% eventually, alas, realize this intention.

3. Fear of being abandoned

Because of this fear, borderliners often come across as unabashedly manipulative, tyrannical, or simply selfish. However, everything is much more complicated. They cling to the relationship again and again, strive to spend all their time in the company of those they love, and may even physically try to prevent them from leaving just for the store or for work, for the reason that parting is unbearable for them. Fear of parting (real or self-imagined) with loved ones can provoke attacks of panic, depression or anger in those suffering from PCR - typical symptoms listed in the certificate of the National Institute mental health USA 5 .

4. Impulsive, self-destructive behavior

We all do stupid things from time to time. But it's one thing - a spontaneous purchase of an unnecessary thing or a sudden refusal to go to a party where they are waiting for us, and quite another - habits that clearly threaten our health and life. Among these habits of people with borderline personality disorder are addiction to alcohol and drugs, deliberately risky driving, unprotected sex, bulimia, and many other not-so-pleasant things. It is curious that the Russian researcher Tatiana Lasovskaya refers to such self-destructive behavior and the tendency to tattooing. She estimates that PCR can occur in almost 80% of people who get tattoos. At the same time, those suffering from the disorder most often remain dissatisfied with the result and in 60% of cases return to apply a new drawing. And in the tattoos themselves, the theme of death often prevails in them 6 .

5. Distorted self-perception

Another typical feature of PCR patients is a distorted perception of themselves. Their strange and unpredictable behavior is often determined by how good or bad they think they look at the moment. Of course, the assessment can be infinitely far from reality - and change suddenly and also for no apparent reason. This is how actress Lauren Oceane, who has suffered from PPD since she was 14, describes it: “At times I feel caring and gentle. And sometimes I get wild and reckless. And it also happens that I seem to lose all personality and cease to exist. I sit and can think about everything in the world, but at the same time I don’t feel anything at all” 7 .

6. Inability to control emotions and actions

After all of the above, it is hardly surprising that people with borderline personality disorder find it very difficult (and often impossible) to control their thoughts, their emotions, and the way they express them. The result is unprovoked aggression and outbursts of anger, although manifestations such as depression and paranoid obsessions are also possible. Lauren Ocean remarks: “One of the most annoying things about LRP is how it affects my behavior towards other people. I can exalt a person to the skies. But I can not put him in a penny - and the same person!

People with borderline personality disorder suffer no less from their illness than those who have to endure their endless mood swings, outbursts of anger and other severe manifestations of the disease. And although it is not easy for them to decide on treatment, it is absolutely necessary. Psychotherapy is considered the best way to deal with PLR today. There is no cure for this disease, and medication is recommended only for those patients whose borderline disorder is complicated by comorbid problems, such as chronic depression.

1 Girl, Interrupted, directed by James Mangold, Columbia Pictures, 1999.

2 M. Swartz et al. "Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in the community". Journal of Personality Disorders, 1990, vol. 4.

3 M. Zimmerman et al. "Psychosocial morbidity associated with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder in psychiatric out-patients: a comparative study". The British Journal of Psychiatry, October 2015.

4 M. Goodman et al. "Suicidal risk and management in borderline personality disorder". Current Psychiatry Reports, February 2012.


6 T. Yu. Lasovskaya, S. V. Yaichnikov, V. E. Sakhno, N. G. Lyabakh “Borderline Personality Disorder and Tattooing”. Network scientific publication "Medicine and Education in Siberia", 2013, No. 3.

7 Her short story "What It's Like To Live With Borderline Personality Disorder" is published on

The borderline state of the psyche is the border between health and pathology. Such conditions do not yet belong to mental disorders, but they are no longer the norm. Somatic and neurosomatic diseases develop precisely on the basis of borderline states of the psyche, under the influence of any external or internal factors. To understand what kind of disorder it is, you need to consider what factors it can manifest in a person:

  • neuroses;
  • inadequate situations, acutely transferred in childhood;
  • phobias and fears;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Along with obvious mental disorders, borderline states are much more common - about two people out of a hundred have this phenomenon.

It has not yet been established exactly which factors can provoke the development of conditions that are at the junction of the norm and pathology. When the balance of nerve pathways (mediators) is disturbed, a person's mood can change dramatically, he can be withdrawn, and sometimes too sociable. Also at the base similar phenomenon considered hereditary predisposition to mental illness.

The most likely factors predisposing to borderline conditions include:

  • physical abuse in early childhood;
  • emotional pressure and humiliation from parents or peers;
  • early separation from the mother (or her death);
  • high anxiety.

If any of the listed factors are present, and are aggravated by constant neurological situations (stress, fears, self-doubt), there is Great chance the fact that the borderline states of the psyche can leave the category of those and go into a mental disorder. Provoking factors include drug and alcohol abuse.


To understand what a borderline condition is in psychiatry, you need to understand - in contrast to patients with progressive mental disorders, people who are prone to symptoms that are on the border of normal and pathological, are aware of their problems and rely on common sense. But they do not always manage to understand the reason and choose the tactics of behavior in order to get rid of their problems and obsessive states.

Such people often experience failure in personal life, while focusing too much on the task of fixing it. The reason for this is the groundless fear of loneliness, instability, change, although in fact there may not be factors that portend the destruction of relationships. Such internal, unjustified fears sometimes force a person to be the first to break off relations, proving that he himself leaves a partner and is not afraid to be rejected - this is how the circle closes. Symptoms of borderline states of the psyche can be as follows:

Also, people with borderline states of the psyche are prone to impulsive behavior, with elements of extremism - they can drive a car in life-threatening conditions, uncontrollably change sexual partners, spend money irrationally and overeat heavily. Also, clinical condition can be characterized by the coming feeling of emptiness, which is replaced by an unreasonable feeling of anger. Such people often, due to uncontrolled reactions, get involved in fights and scandals with others, they are prone to displaying violent emotions from scratch, as well as committing suicidal attempts (demonstrative or real).

Till indicated symptoms are under the control and attention of the patient himself, everything is attributed to his explosive nature. If such problems take a long and severe character, a person needs qualified help.

Borderline non-psychopathic states

Attacks of acute anxiety, which, according to psychotherapists, are not dangerous, but require treatment, are called panic attacks. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • heart palpitations;
  • tremor in hands and feet;
  • cold sweat;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of air;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • pre-fainting state.

If the human body is experiencing severe stress, the brain tries to send a signal to take quick action to eliminate the provoking situation. To do this, the body releases into the blood a large number of hormones, and they produce rapid breathing and heartbeat, as well as muscle tension.

Despite the fact that panic attacks are not considered a psychopathic manifestation of borderline conditions, they must be treated in order to prevent the attachment of various other phobias and the locking of a person alone with his problem.

Borderline non-psychopathic disorders can be similar in signs to the symptoms of various diseases - both somatic, psychiatric and neurological. For example, obsessive states, vegetative-vascular dystonia or asthenia exhaustion syndrome.

If one of the people around and close people has the following symptoms, they should be referred for a consultation with a psychologist to identify a possible developing pathology:

  • irritability and increased impulsivity;
  • emotional instability;
  • frequent headaches of unknown origin;
  • difficulty falling asleep, sleep disturbances.

These signs require special attention and surveys for initial stages neurotic pathologies.

How to help these patients

Consultation with a psychologist will not be enough for people with this disorder. Borderline conditions in psychiatry require a deeper study and a subtle approach to treatment. General principles for working with boundary conditions include:

Psychoanalysis classes with such patients are undesirable, due to their increased nervous excitability and anxiety. Treatment facilities somatic diseases may place such a patient in a dedicated unit for people with suspected borderline disorders. There, patients can move away from stressful situations, with medical assistance survive suicidal attempts (which were planned or committed), as well as receive high-quality medical and psychotherapeutic treatment.

Now it is clear that such a condition is not a pathology requiring emergency treatment. But under certain conditions, this disorder can go into the category of mental disorders, since the line between the disease and the norm is very fragile. You need to be very attentive to your loved ones so as not to miss a possible bell that a person needs psychological help.

When talking about borderline personalities, it should be noted that even though they have quite pronounced common features but they are different people. Someone, despite the difficulties with perception, is quite successful in life, someone cannot get up in the morning so as not to get into history and not make a scandal to the first comer.

There are several types of PRL:

1. Low functioning borderline personality- this is the most striking representative of the disorder. He has frequent mood swings, he constantly dumps his feelings and the truth-womb mixed with IMHO on those passing by and from this he has a lot of problems that he cannot even begin to solve somehow.

In the words of one of the experts in the field of PRL, this is “a train that survived after the crash.” This person is quite often in psychiatric institutions due to the mass of comorbidities - severe depression with suicide, various kinds of addictions, disorders eating behavior taken to the extreme.

In general, these people themselves are not criminals and rarely attack others (more often themselves), but quite often they have all sorts of merits for a “hooligan”, such as insults in public place employees or representatives of anything, slander, violations public order etc.

2. High functioning borderline personality- despite the fact that, in essence, the meaning of the experiences is the same, but these people can function quite normally in society - go to work, have family, friends, be in good relations with others. The latter just know their penchant for pouring out negative feelings and treat it as a "bzik" ("everyone has their shortcomings").

At times, they interact quite well with people, but then, suddenly, the mood can change, they can suddenly change their plans, refuse promises, say all sorts of nasty things to others. Then this period passes again and all is well.

Most of all, the family knows about their complex nature, but nevertheless, despite all the family ups and downs, the marriage is poorly preserved, the children grow up and everything goes on as usual.

3. Extroverted Borderline. Everyone knows about extroverts. This is a person whose life is primarily directed outside. And such a borderline personality immediately directs his fountain of emotions to the people around him. As soon as some kind of trouble occurs, as soon as frustration occurs, those around you will immediately know about it.

If a person with BPD is prone to self-harm, he will definitely do it in public if he thinks of suicide. He will definitely write a note about his intentions, preferably in advance, to notify others. It is very important for them to receive sympathy and attention from others. In general, it is very similar to hysterical personality disorder, but the root of the problem is precisely the “borderline”.

4. Introverted borderline personality- here everything is exactly the opposite. The whole fountain of experiences accumulates inside the person himself. Few people can know about the drama and experiences of the individual. Such a person can spend the day sobbing into a pillow and then commit suicide, which will be a complete surprise to others.

Despite the fact that the introverted "border guard" has a rather stormy inner emotional life with ups and downs, he still feels empty and lonely, surrounded by unfriendly people who do not understand, do everything for evil, he hates them and himself.

And this is actually not such a good internal situation for a sense of well-being. It is quite difficult to distinguish such people and they often pass as depressive faces with weak resistance to stress.

For obvious reasons, antidepressants are not very effective in such cases, due to the fact that they "beat" on secondary symptoms disorders (depression is the result of a personality disorder and the inability to cope with oneself and the world).

5. Transparent borderline personality(I broke my head how best to translate, what is meant is understandable, but in the Russian semantic field it loses its meaning. So knowledgeable people, I will be grateful for the options) - such a person can quite successfully restrain himself in an official setting and be quite nice.

Nevertheless, with his mental characteristics, the same trouble. Moreover, at work and in public, restraining himself, he accumulates enough negativity that pours on the heads of loved ones. It resembles the behavior of a narcissist, but again the main problems are the feeling of loneliness and the fear of being abandoned.
It does not mean at all that if there is one type, then it is forever. The borderline personality can compensate and become high-functioning with little to no control over. And under adverse conditions, it can decompensate to low-functioning BPD.

Anyway, BPD is often quite difficult to rapid diagnosis even for specialists and sometimes takes quite a long period of time.

If someone read the article, they may have noticed that there are a lot of problems for one person, but they are caused by one reason - split thinking. And just something.

What prevents a person from saying: “Dude! You look at life the wrong way. There are still halftones and colors in life. Look at the world wider. And he will slap his forehead with his hand and answer you: “EXACTLY! How could I not have guessed before! Well, then live a happy life.

For "border guards" this scheme does not work. Not at all from the fact that they have some deficiency of intelligence. They can be very well aware of their black and white tendencies in psychotherapy, talk about them, but still, an attempt to control them is doomed to failure. It is for this reason that they are often disappointed in any attempt to change their lives for the better and quit psychotherapy.

There are several theories about where the "border guards" come from. Basically, they are tied to defects in education and wrong development personality due to any adverse conditions in childhood. But all of them do not explain well the stability of the disorder and the problems with its control.

If you take a closer look, it turns out that part of the borderline personality disorder very much resembles with ultrashort phases, and accordingly, BAD 2 resembles borderline personality disorder. In both cases, patients have an unstable mood, impulsive, angry, their relationships with others are complex and unstable, they often have suicidal behavior.

These arguments on the topic of diagnosis are of great practical importance in terms of treatment. Both types of patients should be handled very carefully and carefully in connection with their a high degree suicidal behavior and treatment difficulties.

If you miss BAR2, it could threaten you with a transition to continuous type the course of the disorder, if you miss with borderline personality disorder, then therapy can stretch for many years (unless, of course, a person will go somewhere at all).

The fact is that BAD2 and borderline personality disorder very often coexist side by side in the same individual, significantly "coloring" his life. 20% of border guards have bipolar 2 and more than 15% of bipolar patients show signs of a personality disorder. Why this happens, there are several theories.

1. Both diseases belong to the same spectrum. Those. they are close relatives, just separate features are dissimilar.

2. is a risk factor for the development of borderline personality disorder.

3. Borderline personality disorder is a risk factor for the development of bipolar affective disorder.

4. Both disorders are common factors risk and causes of development.

What moments can "hint" that the specialist is dealing with one or another disorder, as well as with both disorders at once in one patient.

First, it is the duration of the phases of black and white. The "border guards" are characterized by shorter phases. Those. no more than 1 day. If the “band” of the same color lasts longer, then it makes sense to think about BAR2.

Secondly, the power of emotions. People with borderline personality disorder react more violently and vividly. If they really love, then with terrible force, if they hate, then with all the fibers of the soul. And if you flare up or get angry - the apocalypse.

People with bipolar affective disorder react a little better. Those. even if they have a manic (joyful) episode, they are all equally pleased and seduced. They love the world with approximately the same intensity, and also hate everyone equally in the depressive period (with slight fluctuations between individuals).

Since some readers will find symptoms of both disorders, I note that this is not a reason to kill yourself against the wall. This is an opportunity to listen to yourself. If someone visits a psychotherapist about life conflicts, there is a reason to discuss these points with him or her. It may be that small changes in treatment strategy or additional consultations will improve the quality of your treatment.