Cancer horse compatibility. What are Cancer-Horses like in a love relationship?

The Cancer-Horse combination gives rise to very harmonious and balanced personalities. People born under the auspices of these signs successfully combine the sensitivity and sophistication of the water element, as well as the endurance and performance determined by the eastern horoscope. And, since these people are really interesting, it’s worth talking in a little more detail about their personal characteristics.

Zodiac characteristics

You definitely need to say a few words about what features each patron gives to a person representing the combination of Cancer and Horse. Positive traits of the zodiac sign include:

  • The ability to love.
  • Caring and well mannered.
  • Compassion.
  • Compassion.
  • Devotion.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • Strength of spirit.
  • Natural leadership.
  • Patience.

And this is just a small list of the advantages of Cancer. But, of course, it also has its drawbacks. Among them:

  • Excessive emotionality and sensitivity.
  • Susceptibility.
  • Tendency to self-destruction.
  • A certain gloominess, a habit of feeling sorry for oneself.
  • Demanding behavior towards other people.
  • Irritability.
  • Power, the desire to control everyone.
  • Jealousy.
  • Pessimism, the habit of remembering the past.

However, most of the shortcomings are reflected not on outsiders, but on Cancer himself, on his attitude towards himself and on the personal spiritual sphere.

The influence of the eastern horoscope

And it needs to be talked about within the framework of the topic concerning the astrological characteristics of Cancer-Horse. The characteristics of everyone born this year include:

  • Pride and nobility.
  • Sociability and communication skills.
  • Subtle feeling humor.
  • Activity.
  • Straightforwardness.
  • Generosity and ardor.
  • Intolerance, inability to enter into someone else's position.
  • Purposefulness, combined with the habit of often changing direction on the path to the cherished.
  • Inability to tolerate criticism.
  • The habit of giving in to your emotions and feelings.
  • Lack of composure.
  • Sometimes showing fearfulness, vulnerability and restlessness.
  • Inconstancy, changeability in mood.
  • The habit of perceiving even minor troubles as a tragedy.

In general, we can conclude that the Horse is a mixture of physical freedom and emotional dependence.

Cancer-Horse Girl

What is the young lady like who was born under the auspices of these signs? She is a very impressionable, feminine, vulnerable and intelligent person who carefully monitors her appearance.

This girl always presents herself favorably, both visually and intellectually. She defends her point of view, but very delicately.

She is also distinguished by diligence, hard work and responsibility. One cannot help but notice the very contradictory nature. However, to achieve success in life, she just needs to accept herself. Yes, perhaps she is overly emotional and sensitive. But girls are forgiven for this. Moreover, in her case, these qualities are perceived as zest, originality and piquancy.

What is she like in a relationship?

The Horse-Cancer woman is a good housewife, skillfully creating comfort, coziness and celebration in the house. But she will never limit herself to household chores.

It is very important for her to be socially active, to hold a prestigious and interesting position, and to realize herself. This girl may even turn out to be a businesswoman - she is skilled at conducting business meetings and concluding contracts.

She is unusual and interesting, and is perceived positively by men. But she herself will think for a very long time and take a closer look.

She cannot be called self-confident. This is where her fear of being rejected comes from. So the Cancer-Horse girl, whose characteristics were mentioned above, will be happy only with an attentive and kind man. Her partner will have to convince her lover that she is beautiful and smart.

The Cancer-Horse girl can be both unreasonably jealous of her man and blindly trust him, both command and humiliate herself. She also likes to teach him. Sometimes she simply torments her lover with her moralizing.

In relationships, she strives to become a leader. However, such a position will not make her happy. So a girl should find her internal and external balance, giving up the desire to command everyone (especially a man).

Cancer-Horse Man

He is distinguished by romance, hard work, diligence, courage and ambition. It is important for this person to have a good reputation, make a good impression on others, and look impeccable. And he succeeds!

This man is charming and sociable, easily starts small talk and gains respect. He is also loved at work, because he is a responsible and devoted employee, almost “obsessed” with the work he does.

He is also very responsible. You can safely entrust any assignments to this person. He also loves to study, and therefore has a lot of knowledge and abilities, which very often turn out to be relevant and useful.

But it also has a minus. It manifests itself in the inconstancy of desires and the inability to concentrate on any task for a long time. It is because of this that he often finds himself in difficult situations.

What is he like in a relationship?

The success of the Cancer-Horse man in his personal life depends on his ability to cope with his inherent energy, impetuosity, desire to be visible, as well as to live brightly and hypersensitively.

It is important to know that it external manifestations extremely different from internal experiences. But many manage to see how deep the feelings of this person are. It is painfully difficult for him to hide his vulnerability. However, genuine directness and sincerity are the characteristics of this person. But it is the depth and strength of the contradictions in character that determines his fate.

The sensuality of this man can conquer many girls. But he won’t suit everyone as a partner. Because the Cancer-Horse man often does not think about the future, and he does not handle finances very skillfully. And most girls want to feel confident next to a man.

But he is courteous and sensitive. When studying the characteristics of Cancer-Horse, it is necessary to make a reservation that he knows how to arrange romantic dates and make surprises. He quickly becomes attached to the girl, and the breakup is difficult. and that is why he needs to make the right choice.

About intimacy

This topic also needs to be noted with attention when studying the Cancer-Horse horoscope. Regardless of gender, a representative of this zodiac combination does not claim dominant status. He trusts his partner completely.

For Raku-Horse, foreplay, preparation for the process, various decorations, and a romantic dinner are very important. This person has a positive attitude towards new experiences; he cannot be called conservative in terms of sex. However, he will only experiment with a partner with whom mutual trust has been established.

It should be noted that intimate relationships play a significant role in his life, important place. In many ways, it is thanks to physical intimacy that this person is able to tell his partner about his feelings and help him achieve pleasure.

Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, is the one who finds pleasure in bringing it to his other half. This is important to him. So sensual and emotional person I experience the whole process very seriously and deeply.

Choosing a partner

Compatibility of Cancer-Horse (male or female - it doesn’t matter) will be complete with the person who treats him carefully. For a careless act or even a word hurts him very much.

A potential partner needs to know that this is extremely sensitive person, and his subtle spiritual organization is hidden under visual optimism and cheerfulness.

He takes a lot to heart, although he doesn’t show it. Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, can experience his emotions alone for a long time. So he needs someone who is caring in every sense next to him. of this word a person is the one who could feel it intuitively.


This topic should be given final attention. Compatibility of Cancer-Horse is favorable with representatives of the following signs:

  • Calf.
  • Virgo.
  • Scorpion.
  • Capricorn.
  • Fish.

Cancer should not try to build relationships with representatives of air and fire signs. Abuse of trust, unjustified expectations, the struggle for freedom - this is what such couples will be filled with. There will definitely not be any positivity or optimism in them.

Ideally, a Cancer partner will be born in the year of the Goat, Dog or Tiger. These eastern representatives are suitable for the Horse on an energetic level. But who you definitely shouldn’t connect your life with is the Ox and the Rat.

The Cancer-Horse man is very romantic, gentle, but unlike other Cancers he is not very timid. On the contrary, he loves to meet new people, is sociable and is always surrounded by big amount of people. You can talk to him on any topic, and in public he always looks optimistic and cheerful. This is a self-sufficient guy for whom everything in life is in its place and there is complete spiritual harmony.

These are special individuals who combine such qualities as resourcefulness and unpredictability. It is impossible to understand their train of thought, since they themselves do not see the logic afterwards. These are clever and quick-thinking men who can achieve anything, but not always by honest methods. They are freedom-loving and rarely obey even their parents. This quality is not encouraged by others, since their freedom is often absurd.

The character is ambitious, courageous and fickle. They can't focus on one thing at a time for a long time. They often find themselves in difficult situations because of this. They should clearly think through their plans and desires in order to subsequently implement them. The impermanence of desires is their greatest enemy. They love to learn and usually have a wealth of knowledge, which often turns out to be useful, since in this case they select certain areas to study.

Characteristics of a Cancer-Horse man in Love

In love, he appears to be a caring and tender partner who will be interested in everything related to the object of his love. He demands the same from her, but if he does not receive this, he will not express all his complaints out loud. He prefers to experience all emotions within himself, so he needs a woman who can guess his mood and show maximum care towards him.

From his earliest youth, he has been in search of a princess worthy of him. He doesn’t make big demands on her, which is probably why he has virtually no difficulties in his personal life. He is always surrounded by many fans who want to conquer him. When choosing a partner, he is rarely guided by mercantile interests; he needs soul mate who can understand him.

Cancer Man, born in the year of the Horse, in Bed

In bed, he does not claim to be the main role, completely trusting and relying on the experience of his partner. Preparation is more important to him than the process itself. Therefore, he loves long foreplay, and he expects from her careful preparation for a romantic dinner in the form of created scenery. He treats new experiences quite flexibly and does not seem too conservative here. However, he can only decide to do this with a partner he trusts.

Intimate relationships occupy a fairly important and significant place in his life. Thanks to a physical relationship, he will be able to tell his beloved about his feelings and help her achieve pleasure. This is the person who can forget about his own needs, concentrating only on his beloved girl. He is very emotional, sensual and experiences the whole process very deeply and seriously.

Horoscope of the Cancer-Horse man in Family and Marriage

Marriage means a lot to him. This is very home person who feels comfortable only in his own home. He loves to tinker around the house, cook gourmet meals, and take care of the children. He takes all his household responsibilities very seriously and tries to perform them at the proper level. Perhaps this is the most ideal husband for any woman who can build a warm and cozy nest.

He will also treat his wife with great attention. In turn, he demands protection and the same attention from her. If he does not receive all this, he may even decide to leave her, but this happens extremely rarely. This is a very faithful partner who can never decide to cheat, even under the influence of any circumstances in life. Therefore, you can completely rely and trust him.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer horse man - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Cancer gives the Horse the ability to understand the desires and needs of other people. More sensitive, these Horses are very dependent on the love and support from family and friends. People born under the sign of the Horse tend to have strength, intelligence and a free spirit. Cancer Horse men and women have a dreamy imagination, but without the usual shyness of Cancer. This combination of signs combines all the good-natured qualities of Cancer with the emotional stamina of the Horse. These are slightly more demanding, self-sufficient and less shy people. This combination good mixture which produces balanced and likable people.

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If these people have sufficient quantity personal space, you will rarely find a weakness in their character, but it still exists. If they feel backed into a corner, they may become too straightforward. This impatience and frustration can lead them to resentment. But since they love to talk, their grievances do not last long. They are usually always happy to discuss a compromise. The zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the horse, is a very secretive person who never shows his true feelings. And they are subtle and deep. A vulnerable nature, whose complexes are hidden behind a mask of visible self-confidence.

Cancer horse women are by nature less adventurous than other representatives of this year. They cannot be called particularly sociable or easily carried away. They have a lot of energy and activity, they know how to convince associates and partners, and also know well how to make them work in the right direction. Cancer horse men are good organizers, but like all representatives of the year, horses often do not finish the things they start, losing interest in them along the way and switching to something else.

Horse Combination

Cancer-Horse Man

The characteristics and compatibility of the Cancer-Horse man endows representatives of these signs with special vulnerability and isolation.

He rarely demonstrates his weaknesses and true feelings to the world around him.


Representatives of this symbiosis of signs tend to close themselves in their own world of illusions. In this way, they try to protect themselves from emotional wounds and insults that people around them can cause. Nevertheless, with such isolation and unsociability, Cancer-Horse manages to remain a good-natured and charming person who is ready to help anyone in any way. difficult situation. Another distinctive quality in the characteristics of a Cancer-Horse man, it is self-control. He easily manages to hide his inner experiences from those around him, who have no idea what is going on in the soul of this person.

In a circle of unfamiliar people, representatives of this zodiac type behave formally. Cancer-Horse does not particularly like to share secrets or their own problems, even with loved ones. Such a man is very concerned about his own reputation and tries to do everything to preserve it. In society, he is friendly and sociable, but his behavior can be described as cool and calm. The Cancer-Horse man has a unique ability to mask his own shortcomings and show himself at his best. the best side, which greatly helps him not only in his career, but also in other areas of life. The opinions of others are very important to him.

In fact, this person is very touchy and impressionable, but it is extremely rare that anyone manages to find out about this. From the outside, Cancer-Horse looks quite confident and decisive. The combination of these two signs gives birth to a man with impeccable manners and an excellent sense of tact. In addition, he has good feeling style and well-groomed pleasant appearance. The secretiveness of Cancer often comes into conflict with the openness and sociability of the Horse. The strength and depth of these contradictions is decisive in the character and fate of the Cancer-Horse man.

Compatibility in love

Unlike other signs, a representative of this type is not very timid in love affairs. He seems to be a very gentle and romantic partner who will be interested in everything connected with his beloved. A man will expect the same from his chosen one, however, he will never dare to voice his claims and demands out loud. Such a person prefers to experience disappointment and grief within himself and often hides his true feelings even from his beloved. That is why compatibility of a Cancer-Horse man can only be expected in an alliance with a representative of the opposite sex, who will be able to guess his mood and constantly show her concern for his partner.

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This union can become harmonious and happy only if the lady makes every effort to create absolute comfort and harmony for Cancer-Horse. Relationships with relatives and family are the main priority in the life of a man of this zodiac combination. Over the years, he himself strives to create a strong union. He is unpretentious in choosing a life partner, so problems with his personal life are rare for such a man. Cancer-Horse may be surrounded by dozens of fans who want to win his heart, however, the man himself in choosing a chosen one will be guided solely by the dictates of his heart. He needs a soul mate who can share his views on marriage and family.

Career for Cancer-Horse

Men of this combination of signs are very efficient and always value their work, which earns respect from their superiors. They try to treat any task with the utmost responsibility and seriousness, trying to take into account even the smallest details. You can add two more to the Cancer-Horse man’s business qualities – organization and discipline. Meanwhile, despite full set characteristics successful person, the financial component of Cancer-Horse is always on the brink.

He absolutely does not know how to manage his own finances, rarely thinks about tomorrow. They achieve good results in their careers, having a good and stable income, but their expenses often exceed their income. The Cancer-Horse man should learn how to properly plan his own finances. Meanwhile, it is not worth putting money at the forefront. This approach to money will provide him with not only lasting financial stability, but will also allow you to enjoy your work.

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Cancers born in the year of the Horse: horoscope and characteristics of the zodiac sign

Cancer man and woman born in the year of the Horse

Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, is endowed with a somewhat reserved character and special vulnerability. In relations with the outside world, he is usually afraid to show his true feelings and weaknesses.

What is typical for a representative of this sign is the desire to close himself off in his fantasy world, thereby protecting himself from emotional wounds and insults caused by others. Nevertheless, Cancer in the Year of the Horse remains a charming and good-natured person who is ready to lend a helping hand to everyone in need.

Self-control is common for a representative of this sign. He easily hides his inner world from those around him who have no idea what passions are raging in his soul.

For this person, the opinion of others about his own person is very important. That is why the combination of Cancer and Horse produces people with impeccable manners, tact, good taste in clothing and well-groomed appearance.

If we consider the love relationships of a representative of this sign, we can say with confidence that we are dealing with a real monogamous person who extremely rarely changes partners. The representative of the Cancer-Horse zodiac sign is looking for a person who will be intellectually developed and will be able to understand and love his boundless soul.

It is necessary to understand that the zodiac sign Cancer adds a certain mystery and isolation to the character of those born in the year of the Horse. This quality is especially pronounced in relationships with the opposite sex, because he reveals his feelings gradually and not always to the end.

As a rule, a representative of this sign highly values ​​traditions and prefers to stay in his homeland rather than travel to unfamiliar countries.

Just like an adult representative of this sign, a Cancer child in the year of the Horse prefers to relax with family members, because there is nothing more beautiful than the comfort of home and the presence of people who sincerely love and understand you.

Characteristics of Cancer born in the year of the Horse

The characteristics of Cancer-Horse are such that the representative of this sign is sensitive and reserved. This person is afraid to show his feelings to others, because he considers it a manifestation of weakness that others can take advantage of.

Outwardly, a representative of this sign leaves the impression of a calm, balanced and somewhat cold person. He likes fun companies, but is in no hurry to open his soul. In this regard, it is necessary to remember that Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, remains a mystery to almost all of his acquaintances.

This person is subject to constant mood swings, which is an indicator of the contradiction between his inner world and the outside world.

As a rule, the characteristic of the Horse-Cancer sign is that this person knows how to keep his emotions to himself, thereby leaving the impression of a patient person.

Cancer is always concerned about his own reputation in the eyes of other people. That is why he knows how to control his mood swings. Nevertheless, even the Cancer-Horse child will not betray his ideals and principles.

A representative of this sign knows how to make a good impression and infect others with his own ideas. Nevertheless, the Cancer-Horse horoscope suggests that this person will not engage in business that does not correspond to his personal interests.

The characteristic of Cancer gives those born in the year of the Horse a softer and gentler character. If we consider his relationships in the family, we can say with confidence that at home he will create a harmonious atmosphere and will be especially attached to his spouse and children.

Cancer man born in the year of the Horse

The characteristics of the Cancer-Horse man are as follows: this man is distinguished by changeability in his actions, desires and moods. Now he can meet his other half with a smile on his face, and a few minutes later he can frown with displeasure.

Nevertheless, it will definitely not be boring with this person. The horoscope of the Cancer-Horse man says that, despite the presence of two facets, optimism and pessimism, he always remains cautious and never resorts to rash actions.

The representative of the Cancer sign has a soft and vulnerable character, but the Year of the Horse gives him a desire to lead and an inability to admit his mistakes.

In this regard, one should take into account the fact that a Cancer man in the year of the Horse is somewhat different from Cancers born during the reign of other eastern signs.

This is a self-confident person, but for someone who is looking for an unshakable and super-strong life partner, he will still not be the best choice. When considering the question of what kind of Cancer-Horse man is in love, you need to understand that he is always in a state of infatuation, but the object of love often changes.

In any case, the Horse-Cancer man’s compatibility in relationships with the opposite sex can become complete if he meets a lady who can create absolute comfort and harmony in the couple.

Cancer woman born in the year of the Horse

The characteristics of the Cancer-Horse woman are such that she fascinates with her vulnerability and defenselessness. The representative of this sign is romantic and naive, which is why she often faces disappointment in love and relationships.

This person is highly spiritual, and since childhood, the Cancer-Horse girl has been distinguished by her belief in reincarnation and in the fact that a person’s karma determines his fate in the present and future incarnations.

It should be noted that a woman of this sign is very different from ladies born during the reign of other zodiac signs. A Cancer woman in the year of the Horse stands out for her self-confidence and desire to surround herself exclusively with highly intelligent people.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that for a representative of this sign important role Children play in her life, with whom she maintains ideal relationships.

The horoscope of the Cancer-Horse woman says that she wants to find a life partner who can provide her with financially. Anyone who has decided to tie the knot with this special one should remember that the Cancer-Horse girl craves complete mutual understanding and is ready to do everything in her power to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Other zodiac signs born this year:

Cancer-Horse Man

Without love, a person simply cannot live. But everyone has their own time for this. Someone is trying to build a family, but they just can’t do it. Why this happens, you can find out from astrologers. They provide answers to questions such as who should get married and when, and whether these signs are compatible in love.

Characteristics of a Cancer – Horse man

The Cancer Horse man has a special character trait. He is a resourceful person. He will always find a way to circumvent punishment and evade the task. This is a very unpredictable person. People around them often cannot understand what is on their mind and what they will do in the next minute.

The Cancer Horse man is one of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, who is devoid of logic in the usual sense of the word. But at the same time he is a very lucky person. He always gets his way, but only using methods known to him. Sometimes he oversteps the bounds of what is permitted and uses dishonest methods. As they say, it goes against general principles and rules of morality.

Cancer-Horse man loves freedom. He obeys no one. Parents will also tell you how difficult child he was in childhood. Society does not accept such free-thinking people. Their behavior is brought into the realm of the absurd.

By nature, the Cancer-Horse man is courageous and ambitious. He always sets a high goal for himself and tries to achieve what he wants using his own methods. Thus, he wants to prove to everyone that he is unique, a genius, but no one believed in it.

The ideas this guy is always full of don’t always lead to something good. A representative of this sign often finds himself in an unpleasant situation. Usually they cope with the problems that arise themselves. But no lesson is learned from this. After some time they get into trouble again. To prevent this from happening again, they need to think more carefully about their plans. Inconstancy of character is their main enemy.

Cancer man - Horse loves risk. He always immerses himself completely in the implementation of his idea. For this he doesn’t feel sorry for anything. He can spend all his savings for this. The representative of this sign does not know how to plan and manage his own financial resources. They just never think about what will happen tomorrow.

Promotion by career ladder for these guys it’s not an end in itself. Most likely, this is a pleasure for them. They enjoy the process itself. This ease helps them quickly move up the ladder of professional improvement.

Compatibility in love between Cancer and Horse men

Cancer - Horse man enters into a relationship with a girl while still early age. However, such a connection does not end anywhere. The unpredictability of this zodiac sign rules everything in this area as well. Even if this guy feels something for a representative of the fair half of humanity, he can abandon her for the sake of an idea he suddenly came up with. Especially if intimate relationships prevent him from realizing it.

As he gets older, the Cancer-Horse man becomes calmer. Now he doesn't change his mind so dramatically. However, he still focuses on his own feelings. If the love has passed and feelings for the girl have cooled, then he simply breaks up with her. Because of this, these guys are often left alone for the rest of their lives.

If a Cancer-Horse man has finally found a family, then he needs to try to keep close people close to him. You should not constantly criticize your wife. You need to treat her as an individual. Then the woman will feel care and love from him. Relationships between loving people will be happy.

If a Cancer-Horse man does not wallow in his loneliness and decides to connect his life with a representative of the opposite sex, then he should pay attention to women who, according to the horoscope, belong to the year of the Tiger, Dog and Horse. But girls born in the year of the Dragon, Rat and Monkey are completely unsuitable for them.

zodiac sign cancer horse man

Manege Horse. Very sensitive, walks in circles. She will not live the way she wants.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

Cancer gives the Horse the ability to understand the desires and needs of other people. More sensitive, these Horses are very dependent on the love and support from family and friends.

People born under the sign of the Horse tend to have strength, intelligence and a free spirit. Cancer Horse men and women have a dreamy imagination, but without the usual shyness of Cancer.

This combination of signs combines all the good-natured qualities of Cancer with the emotional stamina of the Horse. These are slightly more demanding, self-sufficient and less shy people. This combination is a good mixture that produces balanced and likable people.

Horse-Cancer is usually a cheerful and optimistic person who loves to communicate and feel part of the company. Personal relationships with these people usually involve chatting for hours. When they are looking for a partner, they try to find a person on the same demonstrative and intellectual wavelength as themselves. They are homely people who love the intimacy and security of family life.

They are kind, considerate, honest and hardworking and can get along with most other people. Their wide imagination and thoughtfulness will help them in any profession. Their love of freedom gives them pleasure from traveling. They are not afraid to venture away from home from time to time. They enjoy the open air and open spaces, but still look forward to returning home.

If these people have enough personal space then you will rarely find a weakness in their character, but it still exists. If they feel backed into a corner, they may become too straightforward. This impatience and frustration can lead them to resentment. But since they love to talk, their grievances do not last long. They are usually always happy to discuss a compromise.

The zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the horse, is a very secretive person who never shows his true feelings. And they are subtle and deep. A vulnerable nature, whose complexes are hidden behind a mask of visible self-confidence.

The Cancer horse appears calm, balanced, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in many areas. But her mood is very unstable, she is characterized by swings and violent emotional outbursts. True, we must pay tribute to her self-control - very rarely does anyone realize internal contradictions, such is the horse’s ability to control herself. These people know how to behave in society, how to impress others with pleasant manners and persuasive speeches, and how to involve others in their projects. It is almost impossible for a cancer horse to be involved in any business against its will. He does in life only what he likes.

Cancer horse women are by nature less adventurous than other representatives of this year. They cannot be called particularly sociable or easily carried away. They have a lot of energy and activity, they know how to convince associates and partners, and also know well how to make them work in the right direction.

Cancer horse men are good organizers, but like all representatives of the year, horses often do not finish the things they start, losing interest in them along the way and switching to something else.

Cancer born in the year of the Horse

So, what is remarkable about people who were born under the zodiac sign Cancer in the year of the Horse? The sign of Cancer has a special influence on such people: they are more sensitive than other Horses, they depend on the love of loved ones and really need their support. Cancer-Horses are also able to subtly sense the desires and problems of the people around them. The timidity and shyness inherent in Cancer are not particularly characteristic of the Horse. The horse is freedom-loving and dreamy. She has remarkable strength and intelligence. She is very self-sufficient. At the same time, she is good-natured, but not as modest as Cancer, and is even very emotionally resilient, like a true Horse.

Cancer Horses combine the most positive qualities Cancer and the rather pleasant traits of the Horse. As a result, these are very nice people, both externally and internally, and harmonious people.

Most often, the Cancer Horse is a cheerful optimist, able to easily communicate with anyone and be the life of the party. The Horse has a kind word for everyone.

Arranging personal life, Cancer-Horse strives to find someone who is equally active and interesting person, like himself. These people care familiar surroundings and safety home life. Like all Cancers, the Cancer Horse is attached to its home.

Hardworking, caring and honest, the Horse can find work in any professional field. At the interview, she will definitely make a splash, as she will look like a confident, balanced and competent person in many areas. She, like no other of all the signs, is perfect for a position with business trips - the Horse simply loves travel, open spaces, and large rooms. But with all his love of freedom, as well as openness to various kinds adventures in a foreign land, the Horse will miss home and wait for the moment when it will be possible, having finished all the important things, to return to itself.

It should be noted that women born under the combination of the signs of Cancer and Horse are slightly less prone to dangerous adventures than men. In addition, they are not as sociable as men, and are not as enthusiastic in nature. However, women are no less energetic and persuasive. Along with men, they can build a successful career and achieve success. As for men born under these signs, they are characterized by inconsistency in business: they can abandon what they started in the middle, getting carried away by something else.

Although outwardly calm, the Horse is very susceptible to mood swings. But the Horse is quite secretive, and outsiders will never notice its experiences. In public, the Horse will always be cheerful and pleasant to talk to. Cancer-Horse knows how to talk to people in order to convince them of something and lead them into some project. It is noteworthy that Cancer himself, born in the year of the Horse, cannot be convinced of almost anything. Cancer itself knows what it needs to do.

The combination of Horse and Cancer allows you to get a harmonious personality that combines grace and emotionality with perseverance and hard work. Such people have great intelligence and great potential.

Character and distinctive features

The Cancer-Horse woman is very dreamy and independent. She loves to be alone and fantasize. Despite this, such a person is distinguished by vital activity, efficiency and balance.

The emotionality and mobility of the Horse is smoothed out by the rationality and meaningfulness of Cancer. Such a lady needs personal space in order to be able to analyze her life and look for the best scenarios for solving problems.

In general, the life of such a woman is full of difficulties and various disagreements. Many conflicts seriously affect the worldview of such people and remain in the memory for a long time. Their whole life consists of overcoming obstacles, which ultimately contributes to the development of a strong and unshakable character.

The tenacity and perseverance of nature often does not help achieve the intended goals, and the Cancer-Horse woman often does not understand the cause of all the troubles. In order to learn to cope with troubles and not worry about failures, she needs to find a truly interesting business. Only using her own talents and skills will help the lady cope with all the difficulties.

The representative of this horoscope has the ability to take other people's opinions into account. She will never criticize the ideas and desires of her acquaintances, much less teach them about life. Thanks to her calm and sympathetic disposition, such a woman is often turned to for support or advice.

This girl loves to travel, but it is also important for her to return home from time to time. She can be spontaneous, or she can be too predictable and do routine work.

According to the description, the Cancer-Horse girl is not distinguished by vindictiveness and does not consider it necessary to take revenge on her offenders.

She can tolerate other people's shortcomings for a long time, which makes it possible for her to coexist even with the most difficult people.

Attitude to family and marriage

The Cancer-Horse woman has a strong attachment to the family. Even being far from her home, the lady is always interested in the condition of her loved ones. If necessary, she is ready to help her family and will never stand aside if they need help.

In family relationships, a girl born in the year of the Horse under the zodiac sign Cancer realizes her full potential.

Within the family, she learns to control her emotions, which helps the girl avoid attacks of jealousy or anger outside the home.

Living under the same roof with such a person is not always easy: there are traits in the lady’s character that prevent members of the household from feeling at ease. For example, she can command, control, and sometimes humiliate her family.

Such people take creating a family very seriously. They value reliability and balance in partners. Despite her unstable character, such a woman can tolerate many of her partner’s shortcomings in order to save the family. It's in her nature to ignore weak sides spouse and appreciate what you have.

The representative of this horoscope loves children and is ready to have large offspring. For this reason, she needs to look for a partner who can not only provide for her family, but also put up with childhood mischief.

In a relationship with the spouse of this person, it is important to feel as if behind a stone wall. She doesn’t so much need her husband to solve all her problems as she needs confidence that her husband can cope with any task. In addition, it is important for a lady to feel loved and irreplaceable.

The only thing that can prevent a lady from building strong family relationships, is the love of command. Therefore, to create a reliable and happy union Cancer-Horse should learn to give in.

An ideal family relationship for a Horse-Cancer woman can develop with a Tiger-Taurus and Leo-Goat man. She will find stability and mutual understanding with her husband, who was born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Scorpio.

Unfortunately, compatibility with representatives of other signs is not very good.

Relationships with the opposite sex

The Horse-Cancer woman has a cheerful and optimistic disposition that attracts the opposite sex. She can captivate a man for a long time and become the center of his attention. In a partner, such a lady values ​​intelligence and reliability. In addition, the partner must love silence and have strong family ties.

This personality does not show off emotions and keeps experiences inside, so a man must be prepared for the secrecy of his chosen one. If the partner is interested in harmonious relationships with Horse-Cancer, he will be able to awaken hidden qualities in her. Over time, a girl can learn to talk about her feelings and share her experiences.

At a young age, such people have a strong sense of ownership and often expose their partner to attacks of jealousy for no reason. In addition, such ladies love to lecture their lover and impose their personal opinion. The desire to completely control the relationship and make decisions on your own can seriously offend your partner.

Finance and career

Building a career is not the main task of the Cancer-Horse woman. If she wants financial independence, he will always find a job to his liking. True, on the way to her dream job, a lady may face many obstacles.

Such people do not know how to manage money and often need financial resources. Despite this, they do not strive to look for additional sources of income, being content with what they have.

For such a person to succeed in his career, he needs to set a truly significant goal.

Only in this case will the Cancer-Horse woman be able to ensure a comfortable existence for herself.

You will learn more about the Cancer woman from the following video.

Union vulnerable Cancer and the strong-willed Horse - a harmonious combination that endows its representatives with nobility, sensitivity and spiritual generosity. Such people are modest, sensitive, dependent on the opinions of others, but at the same time they have sufficient inner strength to help others. Timid Cancers, under the influence of the hardy Horse, become emotionally stable, gain strength and self-confidence. True, they retain their characteristic caution and are in no hurry to open up to everyone. According to the combined horoscope Cancer-Horse - balanced, harmonious developed personality. People of this combination have self-control and self-control, so they know how to restrain negative manifestations of their character. They give the impression of happy, satisfied people with life.

Characteristics of Horse Cancer

Such Cancers value their reputation: they are vulnerable, touchy, and painfully experience criticism. Although they do not betray their insecurity in any way: they are cheerful and optimistic about everything that happens. The obstinate, hot Horse is unable to overcome the shyness of Cancer, force him to become more relaxed and free. This representative of the water sign is characterized by indecision and a tendency to self-examination. Even in tandem with the Horse, he remains true to himself: he reliably keeps personal secrets and secrets. Cancer-Horses are distinguished by their isolation and secrecy: they are afraid of getting into an unpleasant situation or hearing an unflattering opinion about themselves. They prefer friendly, non-binding communication; they act as pleasant interlocutors, but nothing more.

Charming Horse Cancers know how to make a good impression and are distinguished by refined manners. They avoid conflicts in every possible way, do not like to quarrel and sort things out. The Horse itself is an obstinate and freedom-loving creature, but in alliance with Cancer it becomes more patient and collected. Therefore, people are drawn to her, looking for sympathy and understanding. main feature Cancer-Horse sign - compassion and responsiveness. However, one should not confuse the goodwill and gentleness of Cancer-Horses with weak character and lack of will. They are quite capable of defending their opinion, they will not indulge the whims of others and act against their will. Of course, they will do without quarrels and scandals, but they will definitely do it their own way.

Such balanced and calm Cancer-Horses are actually not too confident in themselves. They are subject to mood swings, prone to long thoughts, and find it difficult to make any decisions. They can be quick-tempered and irritable, and in the heat of a quarrel they can say unnecessary things. True, they know how to pull themselves together in time and cope quite successfully with panic moods. For those around them, Cancer Horses are cheerful, sociable people who can support any conversation. There is nothing annoying about them; on the contrary, they attract attention with their friendly demeanor. They have developed eloquence, a rich imagination, and love to indulge in daydreams. However, at the same time, they are practical and reasonable, firmly following the principle: every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Cancer Horse Compatibility

IN love relationships Cancer-Horse manifests itself as a gentle, romantic person. She feels her partner subtly and reacts emotionally to changes in his mood. Perhaps he doesn't show his affection too clearly, but he takes relationships seriously. Cancer-Horse dreams of a strong marriage and is not prone to frivolous relationships. You can completely rely on this person: he doesn’t promise fireworks of feelings, but he will take care of you until the end of your life. What comes first is not external attractiveness, but the spiritual qualities of the partner.

The love horoscope promises Cancer-Horse a prosperous family life. He is deeply attached to his loved ones, gentle and caring towards them. He likes to spend time at home, painfully experiences separation from his family, and rarely and with great reluctance goes on business trips. Horse-Cancer is an ardent supporter family traditions, gets great pleasure from a quiet and measured life. He idolizes his soul mate and does not notice any shortcomings in her. He devotes a lot of time to raising his children and tries for their well-being.

Cancer Horse Career

Reasonable, restrained, diligent Cancer-Horse is an example of an ideal worker. He is distinguished by crystal honesty, hard work and a responsible approach to business. Whatever field of activity you choose, you will definitely show your best side. It has such a set of qualities that it is completely unlimited in its choice. Easy to find mutual language with people: conflict-free, always ready to compromise. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cancer-Horse has a reputation as a wise and talented leader.

Executive, attentive to details, Cancer-Horse is not afraid of monotonous work. Although the active Horse strives for freedom, it needs frequent changes activities. Restrained Cancer teaches her perseverance and a serious approach to business. Therefore, people of this combination know how to work in a team and are not afraid to take responsibility. They have good organizational skills, are quite successful as politicians and public figures. In addition, among Horse Cancers there are famous athletes, scientists, actors and writers.

The sensitive and vulnerable Cancer-Horse man tries to look like a confident person. People like his polite, courteous manner. He tries to control all his words and actions, but by nature he is a rather emotional person. Moreover, he is insecure and always doubts himself. Despite his sociability, he often feels the need to leave and hide from everyone. The Cancer-Horse man is completely devoid of leadership ambitions, so he chooses a job he likes. But no one can accuse him of laziness; he is a very responsible and hardworking person. In love relationships, he manifests himself as a timid partner, ready to make concessions. He will be happy with a powerful, confident woman who can control him.

Cancer-Horse is a woman full of contradictions; it is difficult to guess her real feelings. This is a prudent person, endlessly devoted to her family. WITH early years dreams of getting married and finding a reliable protector. At the same time, she is quite a freedom-loving woman, capable of getting involved in dubious adventures. Men like her softness and femininity, but Cancer-Horse can be stubborn and selfish, even tyrannical. Therefore, she needs a partner who is ready to rush to help at the first call, but who does not limit her freedom. A woman of this combination of signs is a complex person, but quite predictable if a man can find an approach to her. True, one can never be sure of her true feelings, because the inner world of a Cancer-Horse woman is a great mystery.