How long does a dog go into heat for the first time? The dog is in heat

Estrus is one of the stages of a dog’s reproductive cycle, which indicates the female’s readiness to procreate. Another name for estrus is estrus. Experts note that during this period psychological and physiological changes in the animal’s body, which should be taken into account by future owners.

How is estrus going?

If the breeder has a good understanding of the basic physiological aspects of the process, then no special problems arise. If the owner has no idea what is happening in the dog’s body, then there is a high risk of unwanted problems. For breeding bitches intended for breeding, this can cause subsequent culling. That is why it is important to understand how estrus occurs and what dangers await your pet during this period.

Estrus phases

The entire period of the cycle can be divided into four phases. Each of them has its own physiological nuances and behavioral signs.

1. Proestrus. This phase is also called the precursor phase. Duration varies from 7 to 10 days. At this stage, the dog shows the first signs of impending estrus. The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, they increase in size and “swell”. A few days later the first ones appear bloody issues. For the most comfortable keeping in the house, you should purchase special underpants for your dog, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises on the floor and interior items.

The pet's behavior also undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable, actively marks its territory, and shows interest in male dogs. She's flirting, but not ready for mating yet. When trying to mate, it shows aggression, moves to the side or sits on the ground.

2. Estrus. The second name of the phase is rut. The period of sexual hunting itself. During the first 2-3 days after the onset of estrus, ovulation occurs. Several eggs are released from the ovaries, ready for fertilization. This phase occurs on average after 11 days after the onset of bleeding. The owner should remember that the dog allows male dogs in for several days, and not just at the time of ovulation. Consequently, the risk of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males persists for quite a long time.

The classic sign demonstrating the female’s readiness for mating is complete absence discharge, as well as a change in bloody color to transparent or light pink. A heavily swollen loop is also a characteristic sign that the dog is ready to mate. When trying to stroke the base of the tail, the female moves it to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes in this position.

3. Metaestrus. Its duration is about 60-100 days. The discharge has stopped and the size of the vulva is gradually decreasing. The female shows aggression towards males who show interest in her. The attenuation of sexual activity gradually appears.

During the same phase, the animal experiences increased amount progesterone. The result is often .

4. Anestrus. This name is given to the period between two heats. Its duration is from 4 to 8 months. The duration of the period varies depending on the breed, size and age of the pet, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.
Various durations cycle can be observed even in one individual and this depends on its physiological and psychological state, as well as a number of other factors.

How many days does heat last?

The total duration of estrus varies within the range 3 to 4 weeks. But veterinarians remind us that this indicator is very conditional and can undergo changes even in one animal per year. different stages life.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

For an experienced breeder, the first heat will never come as a surprise. But what if this is your first dog or until now you have only kept males? Veterinarians remind that there are a number of signs that will help an observant owner recognize an approaching heat and prepare for its onset.

Among the most characteristic features, indicating the dog’s puberty include:

  • Swelling of the genital loop. At first it is slightly noticeable, but after a few days the swelling increases;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge in the urine;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge;
  • Behavior change. The animal becomes aggressive towards other females and becomes nervous;
  • There may be a change in appetite. The dog may completely refuse food or begin to absorb it in larger quantities than usual;
  • Flirts with male dogs;
  • At the moment of touching the pelvic area, the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side;

Another sign of estrus is molting. It can cause additional troubles to the owner, in addition to the classic discharge during this period.

It is important to understand that during the first heat the signs may not be clearly expressed and it is quite easy to miss the start of the cycle. Males, at the same time, may not pay attention to the female. And they can show her increased attention. This is due to the hormonal background of the animal and it is practically impossible to predict the development of events.

How does a dog's behavior change during heat?

During the period of estrus, the mood and behavior of the dog undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable. There may be difficulties with behavior during walks. A previously perfectly trained dog may refuse to follow basic commands, show dissatisfaction at the end of a walk, react aggressively to other bitches and show increased attention to males of any breed.

A negative reaction to individuals of the same sex continues throughout the entire period of sexual hunting. But the female begins to let males in from the second phase. That is why dog ​​handlers and experienced breeders They strive to teach the dog to wear special underpants and prefer to walk the animal only on a leash. This allows you to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as well as maintain control over your pet’s behavior.

Limiting your dog's walks in crowded places will help avoid consequences inappropriate behavior and reduce the risk of unpleasant situations.

How often does heat occur?

There is no clear answer to this question. Some individuals show signs of sexual heat every 6 months, while others remain inert to the process of procreation for a longer period of time.

That is why breeders should take into account that estrus may occur both 1 time and 3 times a year. But classic version The physiology of the bitch suggests the occurrence of empty spots twice a year.

Dog's first heat

This indicator can vary in the range from 6 months to 1 year. It is extremely rare for large breeds The first heat may occur closer to two years.

If, after 36 months from the birth of the animal, the bitch’s first heat does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a veterinarian. This state of affairs indicates the presence of a serious pathology. It may take a long time drug treatment or surgery.

Timing of the onset of the first estrus in dogs of different breeds

As a rule, bitches miniature breeds They enter puberty much earlier than their larger friends.

So, in French lap dogs and Italian greyhounds, the first estrus occurs at the age of 5-6 months.

For animals of medium breeds, this period shifts to 7-9 months. Bitches belonging to large breeds (,) enter puberty closer to one year.

And representatives of giant breeds (St. Bernards, Great Danes) mature after a year and their first heat appears much later than in other females.

Problems during heat

To one of the most common problems problem that dog owners encounter is increased urination immediately before the start of emptying. If the animal is not used to limiting itself, then it is recommended to increase the frequency of walks or transfer the pet to an enclosure where it will be alone.

The use of special panties and constant monitoring allows you to avoid unwanted pregnancy. If the dog stops obeying the owner and tries to escape during the walk, then the optimal solution would be to walk the animal on a leash during the off-leash period.

Some bitches may experience changes in the frequency of estrus, its intensity, or the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge. You should not try to figure out the problem yourself. You should seek help from a specialist who will identify the cause of this dog’s condition. It will also help correct the estrus cycle.

Undesirable consequences of estrus

Subsequent complications include the mating of a small female with a large male, which will lead to the formation of large fruits. In this case, independent delivery is difficult. And if the breeder missed the moment of mating, then the supervision of a veterinarian is necessary in order to monitor the condition of the bitch.

There is also a danger of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males in females intended for breeding. If this becomes known, the pet will forever lose the right to participate in improving the line and maintaining the purity of the breed.

Unwanted pregnancy

If the breeder suspects that the bitch has been bred, then the only reasonable solution would be to visit a veterinarian. The specialist examines the dog, and based on his physiological state picks up medicinal product for termination of pregnancy.

It should be understood that such a decision will not be easy and may cause certain health problems for the bitch in the future. Modern manufacturers offer wide range medications that can be used both on the first day after mating and a few days later.

Abortion could be a radical solution. In this case, the dog is no longer suitable for breeding because its uterus has been completely removed. In any case, the decision should be made only after consultation with veterinarian. The specialist will tell you about possible complications And adverse consequences any choice of the breeder.

False pupishness.

If the bitch has not been bred, then after a short time she may show signs of pregnancy. This condition is called “false pregnancy” and is associated with increased level progesterone in the animal's body.

It is extremely rare for a dog to cope with the problem on its own and its hormonal levels gradually return to normal. In most cases, the help of a veterinarian is necessary, who selects a course of medications to normalize hormonal levels and stabilization of the pet’s psychological state.

How to discourage male dogs during heat

It is not possible to completely discourage male dogs during the period of heat. But manufacturers offer a whole range of high-quality and effective sprays that will help partially eliminate the odor and reduce the number of males attracted.

The following products are available on the domestic market:

  • Spray from the BioVax company “Flirt? No!";
  • “True Friend” - eliminates oestrus odor;
  • Manufacturer Le Artis offers touch-me-not spray;
  • From the domestic manufacturer Himol, you can find the drug “Antikobelin” on store shelves.

It’s worth noting right away that it will not be possible to completely remove the smell of a bitch and males will still pursue her when free-walking. But the aroma that attracts them will become significantly less and the likelihood of attracting animals from more distant territories will be much lower.

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Safely keeping a dog and a bitch in the same room during the emptying period is a difficult and troublesome task. For a bitch you need to stock up big amount special panties that are securely fixed on her body and prevent unscheduled mating. The use of sprays can reduce the intensity of the odor and partially alleviate the condition of the dog.

Also manufacturers veterinary drugs offer sedatives that will help your pet survive the most dangerous period empty spaces. How safe are these medications? Of course, they are not beneficial for the dog’s health. Should I use sedatives on my dog ​​if the bitch is in heat? The answer to this question must be decided by the animal owner himself.

One of the most effective and effective ways is the division of dogs into the period of estrus. It is necessary to place the animals in different rooms to minimize the risk of unwanted mating. Also, some breeders practice "vacation". During the period of heat, the male is simply sent to close friends or relatives.

The correct behavior of the owner during the dog’s heat period is the key to its health and well-being in its subsequent life. Veterinarians remind that if the breeder does not currently plan to obtain offspring from the dog, then it should not be bred.

Each one carries a huge risk of getting an unwanted pregnancy. Before estrus, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of medications that prevent ovulation.
After the end of estrus, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal. After 2 months, signs of a false pregnancy may appear. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist and possibly prescribe medications.

If the owner does not plan to breed a bitch, then a good solution would be one that will immediately solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

How does estrus affect behavior in dogs, the duration of the difficult period and its cyclicity - individual characteristics every favorite. We can talk about norms very conditionally, but they exist, and significant deviation from the norms sometimes signals health problems. A responsible owner must notice all the nuances and know what changes are possible during this period and how the girl behaves during the time of “love and passion.”

On average, the frequency of estrus in dogs is twice a year or three times every 14 months. Although some bitches, especially aboriginal breeds, are ready for dates only once a year. You should be concerned if heat does not occur for more than 8 months or if less than 4 months pass between periods. Since estrus in dogs is often delayed due to completely harmless reasons, we are not necessarily talking about a disease, but you still need to contact a veterinarian.

The exact estrus cycle in dogs becomes clearly defined only by the age of two years, if the pet is large, and by one and a half years, if we're talking about about a decorative dog. During the period of growing up, pauses between estruses can be shortened or extended, which is the norm. But even adult ladies are not always loving “on schedule”: plus or minus two weeks to significant date- the norm. In addition, the duration of estrus in dogs is not exactly a month (exactly a week, two, etc.), so the start and end dates of estrus shift from year to year. Those. the owner must record the dates constantly, because in very rare cases it is possible to accurately determine the dates by calculation.

It is important to remember not only how many times a dog comes into heat per year, but also which of the rest periods lasts longer. In most cases, cyclicity is easily observed: long and short resting phases alternate, replacing each other. For example, the duration of a dog's heat is two weeks. In April there is heat, then five months of rest, then heat again and six months of rest. If one of the heats occurs in the spring, the resting phases vary even more, amounting to 4 and 7 months alternately. If you forget about this feature and simply divide the year in half, you can incorrectly calculate the timing of the dog’s estrus, needlessly worrying about a delay that in reality does not exist.

And adapt to this inevitable process.

When does a dog go into heat?

First heat in dogs usually begins after the change of teeth, but it is impossible to predict the exact period, because estrus completes a certain stage in the development of a young bitch’s body. Each dog has its own. In large breeds, dog development takes longer and there are frequent cases of the first estrus shifting until the dog is one year old. Even within the same breed, for example Caucasian Shepherd, we had the timing of the first heat from 6 months to 13 months (very powerful and big bitch)!

What can help in guessing the deadline?
You need to ask when your dog’s mother’s first heat began and how it went. Characteristics, behavior, course of pregnancy and childbirth are passed on from mothers to daughters and, from experience, in most cases, this is confirmed.

How to notice the onset of heat or signs of heat in dogs?

You can notice the approach of estrus while walking your dog. The dog urinates frequently.
Behavior can change, often the dog becomes active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. The bitch makes frequent marks - scent “lures” for males.
The bitch wants to explore ever larger territories, thereby spreading her scent and luring potential suitors. Often bitches begin to shed before going into heat.
During this period, males approach the female, sniff her, but do not mount the female, and the female herself behaves more aggressively towards males.
When examining the dog, the owner notices a change in the bitch's genitals. The loop becomes more and more swollen; when pressed, you can see a discharge of light pink or dull pink color.
If you notice changes in your dog’s behavior, don’t be lazy and check your dog every day for signs of heat by dabbing with a napkin or toilet paper the bitch's noose. Pinkish discharge will be the beginning of estrus - mark this day on notebook dogs.

The course of the dog's first heat.

First heat in dogs may be shorter than subsequent heats. Often the bitch exhibits only mild signs of estrus - a slight discharge of blood and little attractiveness to males. This condition is called latent estrus, but it is still the dog's full-fledged first estrus. It is important not to miss the start time of the first, and subsequently the second estrus, in order to correctly determine the intervals between estrus, know their timing and duration of estrus.
These indicators will help the owner determine the correct date for future mating, which is usually carried out on the 3rd heat.

Dog behavior during heat.

During the first heat owners are in for surprises from their well-mannered dogs! You must be very careful and prudent, because... bitches, even well-trained and always previously obedient ones, demonstrate their disobedience and simply run away from the owner, ignoring the practiced commands. There is only one way out - walks only on a leash!
If your dog lives freely on your territory, then from the moment the estrus begins, we advise you to close the dog in

Every dog ​​breeder has encountered estrus (estrus) in one way or another. Owners of females are directly related, while owners of males are related indirectly, through their pets. Therefore, owners of animals of both sexes need clear ideas about the ongoing process. Knowledge of changes in physiology and behavior will help in right time breed the bitch or, if pregnancy is undesirable, avoid unpleasant situations.

The first heat in miniature dogs can occur at 6-8 months, in the largest ones - at 12-16. It does not last long and the amount of discharge is minimal. Subsequent ones occur every six months to a year. The frequency depends on the size of the animal.

The first empty space means that the bitch has reached puberty, but to bear a healthy litter and successful birth Not only sexual, but also physiological maturity is required. Therefore, breeding an animal during its first heat is unacceptable.

Process steps

Let's consider all successive stages.

  1. Proestrus.
    This is the first stage of emptying, it is also called the forerunner. The approximate duration is from a week to ten days. During this time, the maturation of the eggs occurs. Due to high level estrogen increases blood flow in the uterus and vulva. Due to increased blood flow, the uterine capillaries burst, mucus and clots are expelled.
    The discharge at this stage is bloody, and closer to the end of proestrus it becomes lighter. The vulva (loop) swells but remains stiff. The dog has frequent urination. Bloody drops or smears may be visible in the urine and on the litter.
    The animal becomes excitable, can mark territory and show aggression towards other females. As proestrus progresses, she begins to flirt with male dogs, but does not allow mating. The end of the period approximately coincides with the moment of ovulation.
  2. Estrus.
    The second stage lasts about a week. During estrus, the eggs are completely ready for fertilization. The discharge becomes pink-yellow and transparent. The loop swells as much as possible and becomes soft.
    The bitch's behavior clearly signals her readiness for mating.
    When meeting a male dog, she falls on her front paws with her tail pulled to the side, tightens the noose and takes a characteristic pose, encouraging the mounting. The second to fifth day of estrus is most suitable for mating.
  3. Metestrus.
    The beginning of the third phase is usually counted from the moment when the bitch stops allowing male dogs. Metestrus lasts from a week to 20 days. At this time, estrogen levels return to normal, and progesterone levels rise.
    As a result, the physiology of the pet gradually returns to normal, the swelling of the loop and discharge disappear. Metestrus smoothly transitions into anestrus - a time of sexual rest, which will last until the next emptying period. With age, the anestrus period becomes longer.

It should be emphasized that these data are averaged. A dog is a living organism, and the above physiological processes cannot be repeated with automatic precision. Deviations of 2-4 days in any direction are considered normal.

The exact periods of pregnancy and ovulation can only be determined through laboratory research.

How long a dog's heat lasts depends on general state animal health, age and individual characteristics. As a rule, this period does not exceed 14 days.

In cases where estrus is significantly delayed or does not stop for more than a month, if there are purulent discharge, the bitch does not come out of the state of false pregnancy on her own, an examination by a veterinarian is necessary. If obtaining offspring is not part of the owners' plans, castration is indicated after complete recovery.

Owner behavior

The owners can know that the process has begun by the behavior of all the dogs in the walking area. From now on, owners must follow a number of measures that will save them from unnecessary consequences.

  1. The animal will only have to be walked on a leash, and if it shows signs of aggression, it will have to be muzzled. Even if there is no one around, you cannot let the girl off the leash. A bitch in heat stops responding to commands and can simply run away. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly control the leash and literally not let her out of sight.
  2. You can also reschedule walks to a time when there are the fewest fellow tribesmen on the site and reduce the walking time.
  3. During estrus, it is better not to walk at all, but to use a cat litter box or diaper.
  4. Carpets can be rolled up during heat. Even if the dog carefully grooms itself and does not stain the bedding, bad smell sticks to soft surfaces for a long time. You can put special underpants on your dog; they come in any size.

It is also easier for the owner of a male dog to put him on a leash in time than to later catch up with him and drag him away.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the signs of estrus in bitches are easily determined, and the actions of the owners do not imply anything other than special attention and control.

Knowledge and compliance with these simple rules will preserve the health of animals and save their owners not only nerves, but also money.

Every owner of a bitch sooner or later encounters heat. It’s good if you already have experience and that’s it necessary knowledge, but many are faced with this for the first time and wonder how many days a dog is in heat, what signs precede it, etc.? Some owners may panic because they have no idea when their dog is in heat.

Heat, in a different way estrus, is a natural process among females when a female individual is ready for fertilization and procreation. During this period, the instincts and character of the animal change. Dog owners should consider several factors and spend more time on hygiene and caring for their pet.

First heat

The first heat may occur in different period. It all depends on the breed and individual factors. Typically in dogs small breeds(such as dachshunds, pomeranian spitz) the first signs of estrus begin already at 7–8 months. For medium breed bitches (pug, cocker spaniel) - at 8–14 months, and for large breeds (shepherd dog, mastiff) - at 13–15 months.

You should not rely on the first heat to plan mating.. As a rule, the duration of estrus in dogs at this time is not constant; it can begin earlier or later, be interrupted, and even be invisible to the average owner. In order not to take risks and not cause false pregnancy, it is better to wait with mating until the third heat, when the female’s body has fully adapted.

The onset of estrus is caused by bloody discharge. To find out exact time occurrence, it is best to consult a veterinarian. He will be able to carefully examine the dog and, taking into account the characteristics of the breed and your bitch, will give a more accurate answer.

Signs of heat

During estrus, a dog's behavior often changes dramatically. Estrus can be determined by the following signs:

  • bloody discharge from the loop;
  • unusual activity or aggressiveness for a dog;
  • sadness;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased attention from male dogs;
  • molt.

During estrus large breeds dogs may become more aggressive. If your pet has stopped obeying normal commands and is overly excited, it is better to limit your movements around the city with him. Smaller breeds are characterized by excessive activity and playfulness.

When walking with a female dog in heat, you should be on guard. The smell of the discharge attracts males, which often causes unwanted mating. To prevent undesirable consequences It is worth protecting your pet from other cables.


The main question that interests all owners of females is how long does estrus last in dogs? Regardless of the breed, all dogs, from the dwarf dachshund to the large shepherd, estrus lasts about 20–22 days.

The first eight days the bitch is not ready for fertilization and often avoids any contact with cables. By the ninth day, the female becomes ready for mating, and within 7–8 days peak sexual activity is observed. Then activity drops, and the female's chances of becoming pregnant decrease.

To better understand how estrus occurs and when it occurs favorable days for the link, consider estrus periods in dogs.

  1. Proestrus- the first stage during the estrus period. It lasts about eight days from the start. During this period, heavy bleeding is observed. They can be seen everywhere the dog has been. Therefore, it is worth limiting your movement radius or using special underwear. For the first eight days, the bitch is not ready for mating, so she may be aggressive or, conversely, depressed.
  2. Estrus- the second stage, lasts about 7–8 days after proestrus. The female begins to peak sexual activity. This can be noticed by certain signs, for example, the bitch begins to move her tail to the side, whine, and lie on her stomach.
  3. Diestrus- the third and final period of estrus lasts several days. The female ceases to feel interest in males and becomes more and more passive about mating. During this period, you should not breed a female, especially if this pedigree dog, such as a dachshund, cocker spaniel, labrador or shepherd.

The period between heats is called anestrus. A healthy young dog should come into heat twice a year. Older dogs gradually enter estrus once a year. If this happens more or less frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.

Hygiene and care

During estrus, the dog owner must follow some simple rules. To begin with, it is best to note when the heat began and ended. This is necessary to approximately know the beginning of the next estrus and the periods most favorable for mating.

If mating with a male is undesirable, you should not let the female off the leash during estrus. Even with a good knowledge of commands, the bitch’s behavior changes, and she may behave completely differently than expected. It is worth carefully ensuring that the male does not come too close, since in the event of mating it will not be easy to pull him away.

During estrus, the dog should be restricted from exhibitions and competitions. The character of a bitch changes greatly, and it is impossible to predict her behavior. In addition, the risk of unplanned mating increases. Also, you should not allow your pet to go to bodies of water or other places where she can easily catch an infection.

In addition, they were invented for dogs in heat special panties. Whether the dog wears them or not is up to the owner to decide. Veterinarians advise against using them, since the bitch must lick herself during this period. But if spotting causes severe discomfort, you should use it.

When choosing panties, you should know a few simple rules. Panties must be made of natural fabric, with a special hole for the tail. They should be sewn without seams so as not to irritate the pet. The size must be completely appropriate for the dog so that they do not cause discomfort. Available for sale various options with Velcro, fasteners, etc.


If the owner is going to breed his pet, he needs to carefully monitor each heat. Record its beginning, duration and record all changes in the dog’s behavior. For each bitch, the peak of sexual activity is individual. On average, it occurs 10–16 days after the onset of estrus. During this period it is worth doing knitting.

When mating, the female must come to the male, and not vice versa. The room where this process will take place should not be noisy or crowded. Over time, dogs must succumb to their instincts and understand for themselves what is required of them. Otherwise, specialist help may be required.

Estrus after childbirth

After the birth of puppies, you should not let your guard down. Despite childbirth and subsequent feeding with milk, six months later the dog’s estrus resumes. Its signs are no different from the estrus of an ordinary, nulliparous dog.

The appearance of estrus after childbirth does not mean that the female is ready for sexual activity. You should not immediately start the next mating, as the dog is quite weak and is not ready for a subsequent pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancy may have a negative impact on the health of the female and her offspring.

Estrus after childbirth has the same duration as before. As before pregnancy, estrus will occur twice a year. Any changes may indicate hormonal imbalance.