Words for memorizing mnemonics. What are we doing? For whom will mnemonic techniques be useful?

Every day we pass through huge flows of information. The brain remembers some things, some things fly past the ears. There is also data that is remembered for a short period of time, only to then disappear into oblivion.

The latter category often includes very helpful information. For students, these are educational lectures, from which memory is freed immediately after passing the exam. It feels like during the exam, knowledge is literally taken out of your head and remains in the classroom.

Can this be changed? Of course, yes, moreover, we can not only store data in memory for a long time, but also speed up the memorization process itself. There are mnemonics and special techniques for this.

Mnemonics capabilities

A mortal who begins to cram a hundred numbers in a row, arranged in a column, will spend several days on such work, and this is provided that he has an excellent memory.

Another person will learn a column of numbers in 6 seconds. Maybe he's a prodigy? This cannot be ruled out; people with outstanding memorization abilities are born. But in reality, the master of memorizing numbers almost certainly used one of the mnemonics. (One thing can be said for sure: no chemicals were used here; magic sleep pills are unlikely to lead to such results).

The arsenal of mnemonics is constantly updated with new techniques. If mnemonics itself means visualization to facilitate understanding and the connection of images with memorized material, then mnemonics are various techniques, which facilitate the memorization process. Such techniques can be tied to a specific material category. For example, some methods help you cope with formulas, other techniques are designed to memorize the rules of the Russian language, and others will help you learn foreign words.

The most common techniques


We've probably all used popular mnemonics. From school days, you can remember rhymes that help you memorize the sequence of cases or a list of exception verbs. You can compose such poems yourself to memorize any information. Poetic forms were also common among gymnasium students in Tsarist Russia. The technique is very old, but quite effective. It's called rhyming.

"Yellow and Blue Bus"

Another common mnemonic technique involves the use of consonant words. It helps to remember foreign and simply complex words. The simplest example of such technology is the so-called “yellow-blue bus”. When English-speaking students study Russian, they experience confusion less problems than Russians who learn English.

How to say “I love you” in Russian? The British and Americans are taught this phrase using the consonant one - “yellow blue bus”. This phrase will sound funny in Russian, but the “sufferer” will eventually learn to pronounce it. It is more important to lay a certain foundation in the student’s head and make it easier to memorize.

Very bright “yellow-blue bus”

Another interesting method, which you can safely use - these are vivid associations. It's about about figurative thinking, linking information with pictures. The technique can be correlated with the previous one - when a student associates a declaration of love in Russian with a yellow-blue bus, he can additionally imagine a bright picture with this vehicle. For complex information, a number of images can be used.

Why do mnemonics work?

Mnemonics work great, and this has been proven not only by example humanitarian knowledge and linguistics. Numbers are also perfectly put into the head using special methods. What is the secret of the technique?

It's all about the peculiarities of perception. You can understand why mnemonics are effective by learning. It is difficult for a person to work with abstract information. Each of us has an auditory, kinesthetic and visual channel of perception through which we are accustomed to receiving the lion's share of information. These channels work perfectly and provide us with the knowledge we need to survive. But when we take on a textbook, we are not working with pictures, sounds or sensations. An adult is forced to perceive letters, numbers and incomprehensible terms.

Mnemonics tie the abstract to the concrete - tangible, visible, audible. What our brain is used to working with. Of course, any data can be memorized, but this is unlikely to be effective. What was forcibly memorized will disappear from memory without a trace, like the contents of old notebooks. But what is memorized with the help of mnemonics is literally kept in the subconscious.

Little secrets of mnemonics

Mnemonics have little secrets that make it easier to remember specific information. For example, to remember Morse code, you can use ordinary words with suitable short and long sounding syllables. This system really works, and you can choose the words yourself.

Mnemonic phrases are another interesting phenomenon. They are used mainly to remember a certain sequence. This is how cases and planets are lined up in a chain solar system and various geographical features.

The phrase "Gloomy" Venereal disease Can Yurko Slay the Tired Nymphomaniac” may sound strange until you put it in a column and leave only the first letters. Even a person who has just graduated high school, will notice that these are the first letters of the names of the planets.

In the expression “Dear Hokkaido! I love you Khonshu. For your Shikoku, I give you Kyushu” the main islands of the “land of the rising sun” are listed.

Where to begin?

You can find many on the Internet useful exercises for memory development. There are even special textbooks, courses and paid seminars on mnemonics. However, it is enough for a beginner to master simple techniques, which he will be able to use in the near future. You need to expand your capabilities after your memory has been thoroughly prepared.

There is no mysticism in mnemonics, and even the most outstanding abilities can be easily explained by the use of special techniques.

Greetings to everyone who has entered the Beautiful World! I am glad to welcome you to my blog! Today I prepared for you interesting topic, and I think relevant in our time is the quick memorization technique Mnemonics, or as it is also called Mnemonics. The need to remember new information arises quite often, but this is especially necessary during the period of study at school, college, and various courses. Unfortunately, not every student can boast of having a brilliant memory. If you belong to this category of people, then the answer to the question of how to learn to remember a large number of new information, will be relevant for you.

From the article you will learn:

Mnemonics (mnemonics) - an effective method of memorizing information

MNEMOTECHNIQUES (or mnemonics) - from the Greek mnemonikon - the art of memorization, means a set of techniques and methods that facilitate and increase memorization.

There are many techniques to develop and strengthen memory. To the most effective ways memorization refers to mnemonics or, in other words, mnemonics. I first met her when I was still a student, she helped me a lot in learning English. Then everyone was still wondering where I got such a phenomenal memory!!! The principle of operation of this technique is based on the ability of our memory to fix vivid visual and auditory images much faster than abstract concepts.

Thanks to mnemonics, a person can easily remember numbers, words, tables and other difficult-to-remember things using associative connections. With the help of vivid images, it is much easier to learn a foreign language and remember new words, learn chemistry, mathematics, physics and other academic disciplines.

The method of storing information in this way was well known to people more than a thousand years ago. It was with the help of mnemonics that ancient priests and shamans stored a huge amount of various knowledge in their memory. Nowadays, we also often use mnemonics as “folk” methods for memorizing: we draw a cross on our hands, learn poems about the bisector and the colors of the rainbow, and draw images of literary characters in our imagination.

Quick memorization technique: how does mnemonics work?

To understand how best to learn to remember any information using mnemonics, it is necessary to consider the basic techniques of this method.

Mnemonics provides the following basic techniques:


The information necessary for memorization is interpreted into poetic form. For example, the famous poem about the Pythagorean theorem.

Forming meaningful phrases from capital letters

Formation of semantic phrases from capital letters— information necessary for memorizing. A striking example- the phrase “Every hunter wants to know...” with the help of which it is easy to learn the colors of the rainbow.

Hook method

When using this technique, numbers are replaced with objects of similar shape. For example, the number 0 is a donut, 1 is a pencil, 2 is a swan, and so on. To remember a few numbers, call on your imagination to help and imagine an associative picture.

Let's say you need to remember number 407, imagine that number 4 is a chair, number 0 is a watermelon, and number 7 is an axe. The following picture emerges: on a chair lay a large watermelon, which was cut with an ax.

Bundle method

In this technique, information is associated with a vivid image or picture. Items that need to be remembered become the main characters of any action.

Cicero's method

Objects that need to be remembered are mentally placed in a familiar environment in certain places. To restore information in memory, it is enough to remember the room with the objects located in it.

It should be noted that mnemonics is a whole science with its own set of techniques for memorization. Therefore, to achieve greater effect, several techniques are often used simultaneously.

How to learn foreign words using mnemonics?

Mnemonics - a quick memorization technique

All students of a foreign language need to memorize more than one thousand new words during their studies. The use of mnemonics will help make the process of learning a foreign language faster and better. How to quickly memorize foreign words using the mnemonic association method?

To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

  • A sound association in Russian is invented for a foreign word;
  • Come up with a plot, phrase or story that uses an association and the correct translation;
  • Remember the plot or story;
  • Repeat for several days a chain of a foreign word, a sound association, an invented story and a translation.

Sample stories for words to remember

half – – half. A boy went out into the street with ice cream, and another boy said: “Give me a bite!”, and he himself was haaf (half), and half was gone.

knife – – knife. Why did Naf-Naf become brave? Because he holds a knife in his hands.

eye – – eye. When something gets into the eye, the person shouts “Ouch.”

Now you understand that the Mnemonic technique is a technique effective memorization, which works instantly!

Come up with your own associations and stories - this will help you better remember the word you are studying

Memorizing necessary information quickly and for a long time is a trait that is not common to everyone.

Memory is designed in such a way that a person does not learn boring information well, which will not bring him practical benefit in everyday life.

But what if you need to remember it, but memorizing it does not give results? Starting from the first grade, children have to study large amounts of information.

Today's school program differs from the Soviet one in complexity and richness. Children have to make a huge effort in order not to fall behind.

Mnemonics will help improve memory and make it flawless.

Why is it so important to train a person’s memory?

Besides school curriculum There are many other reasons to take memory training seriously.

Physiological benefits of good memory Practical benefits Professions where a good memory is necessary
A person developing his brain activity, With more likely will remain sane in old age No need to write down a shopping list Theater and film actors forced to remember new roles and lines
By remembering the names of new acquaintances and colleagues, you will save yourself from awkward situation at the meeting Teachers, university lecturers
Will help you not get lost in a new area Secret service workers, agents
Remind friends of situations and phrases long ago days gone by- funny Police
Medical workers

Important! A person acquires two thirds of all knowledge before the age of 14.

This includes social communication skills that a child learns at school and kindergarten, knowledge about life and the universe. The school program completes the list.

Then comes puberty, when instincts take precedence over reason. The duration of this period varies from person to person. The process of acquiring knowledge fades into the background.

When the period ends, the teenager already leaves the school. Student years are filled with love experiences.

When does it come into force sexual desire, a person is less able to absorb knowledge. Puberty ends earlier, but the age of reproductive health lasts until old age. This circumstance cannot but distract.

For this reason schoolchildren and students who fall in love neglect their studies and achieve grades of three.

Description and characteristics of mnemonics

Mnemonics is a series of techniques and techniques that allow a person to remember large amounts of information. It contains practical advice to improve memory in children and adults. There are trainings on this topic.

The effectiveness of mnemonics is widespread today in specialized educational institutions. The history of its appearance goes back to the distant past.

Interesting fact! The concept itself was introduced into use by Pythagoras. Julius Caesar used mnemonics.

Alexander the Great and Aristotle studied it for military use.

Our ancestors, when composing the Cyrillic alphabet, understood that if you attach a word to each letter and connect them with a semantic meaning, it will be easier to remember.

Works on the development of memory in different years published by world-famous scientists:

  • Andreev.
  • Geisselhart.
  • Leser Franz.

Their books are still popular today. Each of them offers its own way of using mnemonics.

Exercises for developing memory and attention in adults

The “Memory Palace” exercise is actively used by adults. It is based on the work of fantasy and the perception of visual images. Suitable for people with good visual memory.

The principle is to mentally build a palace. A person remembers every room and the situation inside.

Important! When the need arises to remember something, a person places the information in one of the rooms, tying it to a certain environment.

Information is stored internally. Periodically returning to the palace, a person will see his attachment in all details.

Another method of mnemonics suggests associating the senses of touch and smell with objects that need to be remembered.

Details are remembered better if they are linked to other senses. Perception remains in memory longer than dry facts.

Techniques for improving memory in children

If you start to develop a good memory in a child early, he is more likely to achieve high results in school. This is the key to future success.

Benefits of memory development in younger schoolchildren:

  • IN early age children grasp information better.
  • Learned Techniques mnemonics will be used automatically throughout life.
  • Development difficult school program will be completed faster.
  • Memory development will help the child communicate with peers, improve communication skills and brain function.
  • Will help you win in various intellectual competitions, competitions, olympiads, tests.
  • Strengthens intellectual development and concentration, thanks to a reduction in the load on the memorization process.

All these arguments speak in favor of early childhood education simple techniques remembering information.

If the child easily coped with practical application children's techniques, you can begin to study more complex ones.

Main is a rhyme technique. Children remember information better in the form of poetry.

What rule of the Russian language do adults remember all their lives? Answer: “The gypsy tiptoed at the chicken.”

If all the rules were put into rhymes, people would become more literate.

Help improve memory in children different shapes games:

  • Chess.
  • Charades.
  • Graphic dictation.
  • Children's treasure maps.
  • Puzzles.

Popular memorization techniques

Memorization techniques are based on linking information to something tangible.

There are several ways to remember a phone number:

  1. Say it out loud. Auditory memorization will help you remember numbers within a few minutes.

    This will make it easy to call back the number dictated by the interlocutor without writing it down on a piece of paper. The work of short-term memory will increase.

  2. Usage visual memory into numbers and dividing them. Some numbers seem simple because they use numbers that are in our house number and date of birth. This is photographic memory training.
  3. Dialing a number on the keyboard phone, you can create a word that can be typed if you press the keys used when typing it.

Most Popular And complex technique is to build a memory palace.

This method is used by people who have to remember a lot. The method will seem simple and convenient to you after several training sessions.

Useful video

Every person has to remember a certain amount of precise information. Mnemonics will allow you to better remember any necessary information. Let's consider the basic mnemonic techniques; types of mnemonic information to understand why one type is remembered well (images), another worse (texts), and the third (precise information) is remembered worst of all by many people; and practical exercises for memory training at work.

1. Who needs mnemonics?

  • In life. Every person has to remember a certain amount of precise information. We are used to recording all this in electronic or notebooks. Train yourself to write the information you need into your brain. Then you will not depend on the batteries in your phone or tablet. You won't be able to lose information. It's very convenient to remember everything you need. Sometimes it is much faster to write down information in memory and find it there.
  • To speakers. Without this, oratory has no meaning at all. Professional speakers study mnemonics, which is why their speech flows so smoothly.
  • Schoolchildren and students. Mnemonics will help you remember information better. In exams, you will copy from your memory. It's much safer. In addition, if you want, the information can be stored in your memory for a long time. This may be required if you want to become a highly qualified specialist, a professional in your field. Mnemonics will significantly reduce your exam preparation time.
  • To teachers. Mnemonics arose as part of oratory. When a teacher looks at notes, it does not add respect to him. Once you memorize the lecture material, you will never have to waste time preparing again.
  • Business people. Businessmen have a wide range of contacts. Thanks to mnemonics, you can better remember information about the people with whom you do business.
  • To maintain health. Everything that we do not use in the body sooner or later atrophies. Imagine a man who was in a cast whole year. What will happen to his muscles? They will become thin and weak. What happens to a person who does not use his memory? Memory will also begin to “die away” as unnecessary. By doing mnemonics, even for prevention, like physical education, you will keep your memory in excellent shape until old age.

2. Mnemonics techniques

2.1. Reception "chain". The images are associated in pairs. The sizes of the images are approximately the same in each pair. When you have formed a connection between the first and second image, the first image is removed from consciousness by transferring attention to the second. After this, a relationship is formed between the second and third image, etc. When a chain of images is recalled, three to five images appear in the mind at once. A chain of images leaves memory, appears in consciousness and disappears again in memory. Always form connections according to a certain system. If the association is horizontal, place the first image on the left. If the association is vertical, place the first image at the bottom. If the images penetrate each other when connected, place the second image in the first. When recalling, read the images in the same order.

2.2. "Matryoshka" technique. The images are connected in pairs. The first image of the association is always larger than the second and contains the second. After connecting the first and second images, turn your attention to the second image (the first should disappear from consciousness). Mentally enlarge the second image and create an association between the second and third images. And so on. Images are constantly nested within each other. In this case, only two images should always be clearly visible in the association.

Recall is carried out in a similar way. Imagine the first image and wait for the second one to emerge from your memory. Switch your attention to the second, increasing it, and wait for the third to appear, etc. Please note: this method of connecting images is used very intensively. It should be worked out carefully. The first image of the connected pair of images must be much larger than the second. When mentally enlarging the first image, try to identify a sub-image in it, to which you then link the second (small) image of the pair.

2.3. Reception of symbolization. The symbolization technique is used to memorize abstract concepts that do not have a clear figurative meaning. The same word can be encoded into images in different ways different people. But, as a rule, it is possible to use symbols for coding that are well fixed in the minds of most people. Symbols surround us on all sides. Many foreign words, names, terms, surnames sound similar to words that are well known to us. These words are easy to imagine in the form of visual images, for example: factor - the image of “Tractor”; kami (Japanese for “hair”) - “Fireplace”; kubi (Japanese “neck”) - “Cube”; State of Alaska - “Stroller”; brother-in-law (relative) - “Door”. While you don't need to remember the meaning of unfamiliar words, it is enough to commit their exact pronunciation and sequence to memory.

Translating road signs I mean, we are doing mnemonics. When a first-grader learns the relationship between the symbol “A” and the sound “A,” he is also practicing mnemonics. Olympic pictograms symbolize different kinds sports; everyone is familiar with the symbols of peace (“White Dove”), death (“Skull”), slowness (“Turtle”), power (“Crown”) and many others. When encoding a word with this technique, you should ask yourself the question: “How can I visually indicate this?”

Examples of encoding words into images using symbolization techniques: cold - “Ice”, heat - “Water bottle”, eternity - “Pyramids”, infinity - “ Math sign infinity", winter - "Snowflake", spring - "Bouquet of Mimosa", summer - "Sun", autumn - "Yellow Maple Leaf".

We can't imagine summer at all. But we can imagine grass. This image is easy to remember.

Example: it is necessary to connect two images with a “Matryoshka” - “Thermometer” and “Bucket”. Imagine a thermometer very large. Select the “Column of Mercury” sub-image in it. Mentally tie a small bucket to this sub-image. As a result of this connection, the “Bucket” image is almost invisible if you imagine a thermometer of normal sizes. The bucket appears in our imagination only after consciously performing the mental operation “Increasing the image.”

How not to forget about what needs to be done after some period of time? Let's imagine that in 8 days you are going to travel by train to visit your parents. You want to remember to buy chocolate. What should you do so as not to forget to do this?

You must create an association between an action that you are confident will happen and a purchase that you may forget about.

In this example, you will definitely buy a train ticket. How can the purchase of this ticket be associated with the purchase of chocolate? It’s very simple: you have to imagine that you are at the ticket office window where they sell tickets, and you receive a “mountain” of chocolate from the cashier. You can imagine this scene instantly. It’s good to mentally see a detail - the cashier handing you a “mountain” of chocolate through the window. When you come to the station a week later and find yourself at the ticket office, you can be sure that a large amount of chocolate will appear before your mind's eye and will make you remember about the purchase.

Another example: you need to remember to take an electric razor on the road. Quickly imagine that you want to shave the hair on your suitcase. When you pack your suitcase for the trip, this picture will spontaneously appear in your mind.

At first, try to keep in mind the desired picture for 20-30 seconds. Later you will notice that it takes you much less time. It is preferable to choose pictures in motion. The more the picture amazes with its comical or exaggerated nature, the faster and easier it will appear in your mind. Think about what you need to do tomorrow. Then try to connect these things with some events (your usual actions) that will definitely happen tomorrow. Or try to connect your planned activities with items that you will definitely look at tomorrow (your Toothbrush, shoelace, your office door, etc.). In this way, you will create associations that tomorrow will spontaneously remind you of what and in what order you should do.

3. Types of mnemonic information

In mnemonics, all memorized information is conventionally divided into three types: figurative, speech (text) and accurate. Figurative information includes visual images perceived by a person, speech information includes perceived oral speech And readable texts. Accurate information includes information that does not make sense to remember approximately, but which must be remembered with 100% accuracy. This phone numbers, dates historical events, addresses, terms and concepts, car numbers, numbers and codes, last names and first names, other similar information. Let's take a closer look at each of these types of information and try to understand how they differ from each other, why one type is remembered well (images), the other worse (texts), and the third - accurate information - is remembered very poorly by many people, unless you use special technique.

3.1. Figurative information. Our brain is “tuned” to images, operates with images and remembers images “automatically”. Anyone can accurately remember the furnishings of their apartment, the route from home to work. It is enough to see the first frames of the film to make a conclusion whether we have watched this film or not. The images (objects) of the world we perceive have relationships that are recorded by the brain without our conscious participation and are well preserved in memory.

3.2. Speech (text) information. Not every word perceived by a person is converted into a visual representation in the brain. Recreating imagination draws in our minds images that are denoted in language by noun words. But there are many words in the language that convey not the images themselves, but various relationships between them. Read the following statement and see what appears in your imagination at that moment: “On the huge one... there is a small one...” Something is missing in this statement. A feeling of emptiness and understatement is created in the imagination. Recreating imagination is the process of spontaneous translation of perceived speech into visual representations with spatial organization of images. This ensures speech understanding.

Words can be divided into two large groups: words that convey specific visual images, and words that control these images in our imagination. Let's call them spatial operators. These are prepositions, functional parts of speech, verbs and adjectives. Case endings of words serve the same purpose. Spatial operators aimed at the thinking mechanism are perceived by thinking and through it they build images in our imagination in accordance with the perceived text or speech.

Why is speech remembered worse than images? Firstly, speech contains much fewer words-images than in the world we actually perceive. Secondly, these images created by our brain based on words are not as powerful as the images perceived through the visual analyzer. Therefore, when perceiving information by ear or through text, fewer connections are formed in the brain than when vision is used, and these connections are much weaker. Visual analyzer- this is the part of the brain, the perceived image passes through " neural pathway"from the retina to the primary (striate) visual cortex, located in the occipital region.

3.3. Accurate information. It is of particular interest for mnemonics. Accurate information is fundamentally different from figurative and speech (text). If we consider a series of random numbers, we will not find any images or spatial operators in it. When perceiving a digital series, no images arise in the imagination, and the thinking apparatus turns out to be “turned off.” The brain passes the number series through itself (like a creeping line moves across the screen) and does not remember anything. He simply does not react to this kind of information. A person can only reproduce the last piece of information (5-9 digits) from the number series he has just viewed.

It is accurate information that creates problems for a person in the learning process and in Everyday life. Inventive schoolchildren and students solve them with the help of cheat sheets. Teachers try not to ask their students what they themselves cannot remember. In other words, the inability to remember precise information by tacit consent has long been considered the norm. All training programs are tailored to students who cannot memorize accurately. If a school or university conducts a survey based on accurate information, the results will be disastrous.

4. Train your memory at work

4.1. Exercise 1. At the beginning of the working day, ask yourself: “What should I do first, second, third, etc. today?” If you are unable to in full To answer this question, mentally reproduce the page of your diary or electronic calendar filled out for that day. Try to remember all the details: the features of the abbreviations you made, the order of the entries, the erasures. The exercise can be modified as follows: at the end of the working day, you visually “photograph” the page completed the next day.

4.2. Exercise 2. Divide your working day into four equal intervals. In each of these intervals, try to mentally “photograph” any specific work situation or the face of one of your colleagues. This should be done as follows. When a certain situation arises in the workplace, mentally “place” it in a frame, like the one that photographs have. Hold the situation in the “frame” for 3-5 seconds. After each of the four time periods, replay the key situation, and then all the events that took place during that time. The next day, to remember your tasks, you will only need to reproduce yesterday's key situation. The “key” can also be a mental portrait of one of your colleagues.

4.3. Exercise 3. This is a body-oriented exercise. Recreate one of the most vivid, positively colored states you have experienced before: calm, inspiration, joy. Analyze all muscle components of these conditions. As a rule, they will be pleasant sensations of relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck and chest and slight tone of the abdominal muscles. However this General characteristics. Joy, tranquility, inspiration have a large number of differences. Differences in posture and breathing rhythm are especially noticeable. Any differences must also be identified. After you feel the details of each state, record them. Having entered one of the states, mentally “scroll through” the information necessary for memorization. In order to return to it later, it is enough to recreate the original state. At the very beginning of training, it is more advisable to use neutral information to train memory using the proposed method.

4.4. Exercise 4. On your desktop, arrange objects not in the usual order, but so that their arrangement forces you to subsequently pay active attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you must perform in the near future.

Ekaterina Evgenievna Vasilyeva - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy natural sciences

  • Leadership, Management, Company Management

Mnemonics (mnemonics techniques) are special methods memorization certain types information based on the peculiarities of human psychology, as well as on the four rules of memorization that were given in previous lessons. Knowledge and use of special mnemonics will allow you to better remember digital information, specific texts and terms, names, faces and surnames, foreign words, expressions and much more. This lesson will cover the basics of mnemonics, and also describe the basic techniques and methods of memorization. various types information.

What is mnemonics?

If you need to remember some numbers for a long time, then you can use the following mnemonics:

Association with other familiar numbers. Dale Carnegie advises remembering dates by associating them with significant dates that you know. For example, it is easy to remember that the Battle of Kulikovo took place exactly 600 years before the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.

Shedd system (Shed system). Small numbers, e.g. historical dates or short telephone numbers, can be learned by composing a special phrase, each word in which is in a strictly defined order and has a number of letters corresponding to the memorized number. For example, if you want to remember the number 467, then you need to come up with a phrase in which the first word will consist of 4 letters, the second - of 6, and the third word - of 7 letters. Thus, the number 467 corresponds to the phrase “an elephant gallops” (4, 6 and 7 letters, respectively). Zero in this system often corresponds to a word of 10 or any more letters

Rhymes. It is often convenient to memorize a large number of numbers by creating rhymes or poems. This method is suitable if you need to remember certain numbers for a long time, having the opportunity to spend some time on it. This way you can easily remember which signs come after the decimal point in the number “Pi”.

Remembering names and faces

Very often we need to remember people we just met. We all tend to be kind to those who remember our name. In order to quickly and accurately remember the names and faces of people, there are the following mnemonics.

Show interest in a person, chat a little, addressing him by name. There are several memorization rules at work here. Firstly, you show interest in the person, and also receive information about him, which can serve as the basis for building associations with him. Secondly, you repeat his name several times, which also improves memorization.

Association with another person well known to you with the same name. For example, many of us will easily remember a person's name if he is your namesake. It is also easy to remember the names of people who coincide with the names of your parents and good friends. But even if you don't know the name of the person you need to remember, try to remember famous personalities with the same names: actors, politicians, musicians.

Selection of other modifications of his name. For example, the name Alexander has several modifications: Sasha, San, Shura. Once the person has introduced himself, try silently naming several modifications of his name.

Writing the name. Think about how a person's name is written - imagine it visually. How many letters are there in this name? What is the first letter? The answers to these questions will further cement the image of the person’s name in your visual perception. If possible, you can even write the person's name on the paper to enhance the perception.

Remembering last names. You can remember last names using mnemonic techniques based on visual associations. You need to start by searching for a mental replacement or modification of the surname. For example, my surname Buyanov can be associated with Buyan Island from children's fairy tales, as well as with a violent temperament. Then some noticeable feature of the person is selected, for example, a facial feature or character trait (which is more suitable for the Buyanov surname), which needs to be tied to the selected surname association.

Memorizing foreign languages

Language mnemonics will be useful for memorizing words, expressions, grammatical rules, verb forms, etc.

Method of phonetic associations (MPA). This method appeared due to the fact that in all languages ​​of the world there are words or parts of words that sound the same, but have different meaning. Moreover, in different languages There are words that have a common origin. For example, the word look can be remembered by associating it with the similar-sounding Russian word “onion.” And when cutting an onion, we cannot “look” at it, because our eyes water.

Method of interaction of all sensations (MSI). This mnemonic approach is useful for those who want to become fluent in English. foreign language. If words don't come to your mind automatically, you won't be able to speak the language fluently. Therefore, the main thing is not to remember foreign word as a translation of a native word, and immediately associate a foreign word directly with its corresponding concept. To learn the word “cup,” imagine a cup with a handle, and holding the image in your mind, say “cup” several times, trying not to remember the word “cup.”