All sense organs in humans. Basic human feelings and their characteristics

Man is designed for his interaction with the outside world. A person has five of them:

Organ of vision - eyes -

Organ of hearing - ears -

Sense of smell - nose -

Touch - skin -

Taste is language.

All of them respond to external stimuli.

organs of taste

Human taste sensations. This happens due to special cells responsible for taste. They are located on the tongue and are combined into taste buds, each of which has from 30 to 80 cells.

These taste buds are located on the tongue as part of the fungiform papillae, which cover the entire surface of the tongue.

There are other papillae on the tongue that recognize various substances. There are several types concentrated there, each of which distinguishes "its" taste.

For example, salty and sweet determine the tip of the tongue, bitter - its base, and sour - side surface.

Olfactory organ

The olfactory cells are located in the upper nasal part. Various microparticles enter the nasal passages on the mucous membranes, due to which they begin to contact with the cells responsible for smell. This is facilitated by special hairs that are in the thickness of the mucus.

Pain, tactile and temperature sensitivity

The organs of this species are very important, because it allows you to protect yourself from various dangers of the outside world.

Special receptors are scattered over the surface of our body. Cold react to cold, to heat - thermal, to pain - painful, to touch - tactile.

Most of the tactile receptors are located in the lips and on the fingertips. In other parts of the body, there are much fewer such receptors.

When you touch something, tactile receptors are irritated. Some of them are more sensitive, others less, but all the information collected is sent to the brain and analyzed.

The human senses include the most important organ - vision, thanks to which we receive almost 80% of all information about the outside world. The eye, oculomotor muscles, lacrimal apparatus, etc. are elements of the organ of vision.

The eyeball has several layers:

The sclera, called the cornea

The choroid, passing in front into the iris.

Inside it is divided into chambers filled with jelly-like transparent contents. Cameras surround the lens - a transparent disk for viewing objects that are close and far.

Inner side The eyeball, which is opposite the iris and cornea, has light-sensitive cells (rods and cones) that convert into an electrical signal that enters the brain through the optic nerve.

lacrimal apparatus designed to protect the cornea from microbes. The lacrimal fluid continuously washes and moisturizes the surface of the cornea, providing it with sterility. This is facilitated by episodic blinking of the eyelashes.

The human sense organs include the hearing organ, which consists of three components - the inner, middle and outer ear. The last one is auditory concha and ear canal. The middle ear is separated from it by the eardrum, which is a small space, with a volume of about one cubic centimeter.

The tympanic membrane and inner ear contain three small bones called the hammer, stirrup and anvil that transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The sound-perceiving organ is the cochlea, which is located in the inner ear.

The snail is a small tube twisted in a spiral in the form of two and a half special coils. It is filled with a viscous liquid. When sound vibrations enter the inner ear, they are transmitted to a fluid that vibrates and acts on sensitive hairs. Information in the form of impulses is sent to the brain, analyzed, and we hear sounds.

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Human emotions are one of the most complex areas of the psyche. They are a complex system of elements that allows the individual to constantly feel and experience all the events that happen to him. In this totality, four components are distinguished: emotional tone and states, emotions, feelings.

Feeling as one of the components of the human emotional sphere

Feeling is special form perception by a person of the phenomena of reality, which is characterized by the presence or absence of correspondence to human needs, with its inherent relative stability. Different types feelings allows you to determine the emotional perception of a person of things, phenomena, events, his internal state, moral convictions.

All new events taking place in personal life of a person and his field of activity, are perceived by him through feelings and are expressed in experiences, emotions. For the formation of a person as a person, the formation of feelings is necessary. This is one of the conditions for its development. Shaping feelings - long process, occurring inseparably from individual development, which is influenced by family, education, culture, social and other factors.

Emotional tone, unlike feelings, is a reaction in the form of an experience that establishes the present state of a person. Emotional tone conveys to the body information about the level of satisfaction of current needs. In practice, this is expressed in a person's definition of events as pleasant and unpleasant. You can determine your emotional tone at any time.

Emotions are an important part of human life.

Emotions can be described as strong subjective experiences that arise in important situations and events. They are based on needs, so events that are indifferent to the individual cannot affect his emotions. Therefore, if a person is interested in any changes in his environment, feeling the need for it, emotions will inextricably accompany his life.

Feelings can be characterized as the emotional attitude of an individual to an object or subject. They are subjective. Feelings arise through the practical interaction of the individual with the external environment. Their role is significant enough for a person.

The emotional state, in contrast to feelings, has a weaker focus on the object. Unlike emotions, emotional condition more stable and long lasting. However, thanks to emotions and feelings, as mechanisms, it is launched into action. The connection between them is strong enough that an emotional state can sometimes be called an emotion. The state of joy, euphoria - shades of one component.

Features and nature of the emergence of the human sensory sphere

Feelings exist in the emotional sphere of a person as an integral component that has a direction. They do not arise just like that, but are the result of the relationship to the subject or object. It is quite difficult to list all kinds of human feelings, primarily because they are similar to mental processes, reflect the personality traits of a person, emotions.

Basic human feelings and their characteristics

Feelings are divided into two categories.

  1. Moral. They include compassion, love, kindness.
  2. Aesthetic. Are the result of environmental exposure through subtle response. For example, the feeling of beauty.

You can also name such types of human feelings as love, grief, guilt, envy.

Love as one of the most important components of human life

Types of feelings, one of which is love, can be considered from the point of view of psychological processes in the human body. When experiencing this particular feeling, processes arise when a deep attachment to individual person, people, object or objects.

Feeling of love from the point of view of philosophical sciences

Love makes a person happy. Love, as an indicator of happiness, belongs to the category of subjective concepts. This concept is one of the fundamental in all cultures and art. The most ancient philosophical systems and literary sources consider and deeply analyze this concept. Most of the works of writers and famous people. However, the majority still cannot understand this feeling and the reason for its occurrence.

Is envy a feeling or an emotion?

Today, many are interested in the question of whether envy belongs to emotions or its category - types of feelings.

Envy arises in relation to someone or something. Envy always has an object to which it is directed. Therefore, this concept should be attributed to feelings. It is a painful condition in which a person desires what is in this moment does not belong to him.

Feeling of grief. This feeling arises from the loss loved one or an important item. It is accompanied by a number of regular step-by-step processes. First comes the shock. It is replaced by detachment. The person feels a deep sadness. These feelings are inextricably linked with the desire to cry, an indifferent attitude to everything, often accompanied by a sense of guilt. The significance of loss for a person determines the period of return to normal life.

Guilt. This feeling is familiar to many people. Its integral components are self-accusation and condemnation of one's actions. Feelings of guilt can be called aggression directed at oneself, although, perhaps, the person did not have the very intention to commit any negative actions.

A feeling of fear can arise when frightening events, objects, people, animals appear. Also, the cause of its occurrence may be a collision of a person with something unknown, which violates his peace. The feeling of fear is one of the manifestations of the instinct of self-preservation.

An event or object can cause a feeling of anxiety that develops into fear. The first feeling is a harbinger of the second. At the same time, the body remembers the mechanism of reaction to fear and launches it in case of prerequisites. Information about the experienced sensations remains in the memory of a person. Attempts to change unpleasant thoughts and memories most often lead to more stable connections in the human psyche. The emergence of fear begins through a feeling of anxiety with the appearance of an external stimulus.

What are other types of feelings

Other types of feelings are represented by a combination of such components emotional sphere human, as justice, duty, responsibility, devotion, shame, humor, creative inspiration and others.

What human organs are responsible for the perception of basic senses

The human sense organs are anatomical instruments that perceive external influences, irritations of the environment, transforming into a nerve impulse and transmitted to the brain. A person receives information about internal and external changes in the body. The resulting stimuli are converted into nerve impulses through receptors. Their main function is to determine the specifics in such a complex system as the human senses. What are they?

Sense organs - types, the presence of which allows a person to perceive information through various sources. Moreover, all these organs are interconnected. Scientists refer to them as special sense organs. These are eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin, vestibular apparatus.

Functions of the sense organs

Their main functions are interconnection, cognition and adaptation to constantly changing conditions of the external environment. They contribute to the adaptation of a person to the world around him. In the primitive world, the functions of the sense organs were that they gave the ability to avoid a life-threatening danger, the opportunity to get food.

The eyes are very important body feelings, thanks to which a person has the opportunity to receive about 90% of the total information received. The formation of the organs of vision occurs at the stage of development of the embryo. Their main function is the perception of information. Then it goes to the visual cortex, which allows a person to see and evaluate the information received. The eyes can be thought of as an optical device, the principle of which is similar to a camera.

The ears are made up of outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear determines the location and sources of sound. The auricle, which represents the outer ear, passes into the ear canal. The eardrum is the outer wall. It starts with the middle ear. Then comes the tympanic cavity. The inner ear is represented by the cochlea.

Through the sense of smell, a person perceives odors. A small part in the upper nasal spaces is occupied by cells that perceive various odors. Information is transmitted to the bulbs by transmission along the olfactory filaments. Then this information enters the cortical centers of the brain.

The organ of taste allows a person to feel and appreciate food. On the tongue are taste buds that perceive food. A person feels the taste of food much worse when suffering from a disease of the nasopharynx, which does not allow him to perceive the taste of food fully. This is due to the fact that the special sense organs - smell and taste - are closely related to each other. Language can be conditionally divided into zones, each of which is responsible for the perception of a particular taste. The edge of the tongue most fully allows you to determine whether the product is sour, the middle of the tongue makes it possible to feel the salt, the tip - the sweet taste.

The sense of touch also provides an opportunity for a person to know the environment. A person feels objects through touch and can determine the structure of its surface, temperature, pain, pressure. Information about this person receives from the brain. It analyzes external signals and evaluates how dangerous they are. For example, the desire to quickly withdraw your hand when touching a hot object.

Even Aristotle once identified five basic senses, with the help of which a person exists, these are: hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. With the help of these psychological tools, a person receives primary images about the world around him, which are then analyzed by the brain and give an idea of ​​the location, as well as next steps organism.

The sense organs can be divided into two groups: remote and tactile. Remote ones include:

  • vision ;
  • hearing;
  • sense of smell.

All images received by these senses are perceived by the human body at a distance, and certain parts of the brain are responsible for perception, as well as for creating images, thus creating complex analytical chains.

Tactile senses can be called simpler in their mechanism of action, because touch and taste are primary stage analysis of information by the brain, occur only with direct contact.

Basic characteristics of hearing

Hearing can be called one of the very first sensory senses that develops and also begins to function even before a person is born.. In the womb, the baby already feels the vibrations of the voices of loved ones, perceives music, noise, as well as gentle tones in the mother's voice. Being born, the little man already has in his memory a certain system of sounds to which he reacts.

organ of hearing, very complex mechanism, which implies a chain of certain actions. First of all, human body able to hear sound up to 20 kHz. Secondly, the sound enters the body in the form of vibrations, which are perceived by the eardrum, which in turn begins to vibrate, thereby activating the small bones. The system of hammers - ossicles, in turn, transmits vibrations of the eardrum at a certain pace to the inner ear, reporting information already auditory nerve and then directly to the brain, which reproduces in memory the association corresponding to the received information.

For example, in mobile phone a lot of melodies that correspond to a specific opponent, with each call a person does not have to look at the phone screen, he already knows the name of the caller, because there is an association of the melody with a certain person in memory. Or a person hears a pop, he instinctively turns or ducks, because sharp sound associated with danger. There are many such examples, but the result will be the same, the organ of hearing gives a person the opportunity to reproduce the associated image, which will provide information about what is happening around.

Main characteristics of vision

Like other sense organs, vision begins to develop even in the womb, but due to the lack of information, namely visual associations, the organ of vision is considered underdeveloped. Of course, the baby sees after birth, he is able to respond to light, to the movement of objects, but there is no information that would correlate the images seen.

Vision is considered one of the main senses, which gives a person 90% of information about the world around him, and of course the visual system is considered the most complex in comparison with other senses. First of all, visual organ not only reproduces the object, it simultaneously reports a lot of related data, for example, size, color, location, distance, this is the action of the process itself. Then all the data is transmitted to the brain with distortions and errors, which the brain corrects or supplements with the help of the information already available.

For example, upon seeing a ball, a person will say that it is a toy, while the brain will give out information about a round object, let's say red, that can be played with. Unconsciously, in a fraction of a moment, a person will receive processed information based on previously gained experience. Or let's say, on the water surface in the distance, a person sees a small dot, which, having previous visual experience, transforms it into a boat or a ship.

The main characteristics of the sense of smell

The olfactory organ, as well as other sense organs, develops in the womb, but naturally, because of the amniotic fluid, the child cannot smell, therefore, by the time of birth it does not have associative information. But after birth, after 10 days, he can smell the presence of his mother nearby by smell.

Of course, the olfactory organ cannot be fully called one of the most important senses, since the information obtained through the sense of smell, in comparison with other organs, is presented in a small amount. However, even a few molecules on the nasal mucosa can bring back many memories in a person's memory through the association between a smell and a certain one. Perhaps precisely because the sense of smell is closely related to the psychological perception of the environment, it is considered the most mysterious and unpredictable person.

British scientists conducted an interesting experiment. In an unfamiliar environment, which causes discomfort for many people, a person felt an unfamiliar aroma that was not unpleasant and at the same time did not cause delight. As a result, when smelling the previously proposed smell again, a person's mood began to deteriorate, and a breakdown appeared. Through this experiment, it was proved that, despite the fact that the basis of smell is the organism, the result is all psychological associations.

Main characteristics of taste

  • The sense of taste develops and also begins to function already in the womb, when the baby tastes the amniotic fluid and tastes the food that the mother takes. Scientists conducted an interesting experiment, two months before the birth, expectant mothers were asked to eat sweets with a certain taste every day, for example, raspberry. After birth, children in a series of proposed berries were the first to recognize the taste of raspberries;
  • At the heart of the perception of taste, as well as smell are chemical reactions organism. As you know, taste is served by the tongue, which is covered with taste buds, and they are also responsible for determining taste: back wall pharynx, palate and epiglottis. Obtained through the bulbs with the help of the glossopharyngeal and facial nerve in the brain, where there is already a correlation between having experience and, accordingly, the information received;
  • For example, it was previously believed that a person can feel only four tastes in certain parts of the tongue, namely bitter, salty, sour and sweet, but modern people are already able to identify a number of other flavors, such as minty, alkaline, tart and metallic. This is not caused by progressive development palatability man, but only by the presence of more information, the mechanism of action remained the same. Taste buds are irritated when exposed to different tastes, and instantly gives the relevant information.

Basic characteristics of touch

  • Of course, the sense of touch, as well as other senses, develop even before birth. The baby with great pleasure feels himself, the umbilical cord and mother's tummy. Thus, he receives information about the environment, because the rest of the senses do not help him yet. After birth, the possibilities of touch increase significantly, because now the world around you can not only be felt, but also seen, heard and tasted, and therefore assigned certain associations;
  • The sense of touch is based on tactile sensations, which reproduce the received information with the help of nerve endings located under the skin and in the muscles. It receives information about the quality in several ways, by pressure, vibration or sensing the texture of an object. In turn, the brain reproduces the association according to the information received;
  • For example, in order to determine by touch a piece of cotton wool, a person does not have to see it. By touch, he will feel the softness and send the appropriate signal to the brain, which will reproduce the corresponding image;
  • However, with the help of touch or other senses, it is not possible to evaluate the entire world around us; for this, all five senses in a complex are needed, which are a system for reproducing the environment with the help of association reactions that helps a person to exist.

The sense organs are specialized structures through which parts of the brain receive information from the internal or external environment. With their help, a person is able to perceive the world around him.

Sense organs - afferent (receptor) department of the analyzer system. The analyzer is the peripheral part of the reflex arc, which communicates between the central nervous system and the environment, receives irritation and transmits it through the pathways to the cerebral cortex, where information is processed and a sensation is formed.

5 human senses

How many main sense organs does a person have?

In total, it is customary for a person to share 5 senses. Depending on the origin, they are divided into three types.

  • The organs of hearing and vision come from the embryonic neural plate. These are neurosensory analyzers, refer to first type.
  • The organs of taste, balance and hearing develop from epithelial cells that transmit impulses to neurocytes. These are sensory-epithelial analyzers, they belong to second type.
  • Third type includes peripheral parts of the analyzer that sense pressure and touch.

visual analyzer

The main structures of the eye are the eyeball and auxiliary apparatus(eyelids, muscles of the eyeball, lacrimal glands).

The eyeball has an oval shape, is attached with the help of ligaments, and can move with the help of muscles. Consists of three shells: outer, middle and inner. Outer shell (sclera)- This protein shell opaque structure surrounds the surface of the eye by 5/6. The sclera gradually passes into the cornea (it is transparent), which is 1/6 of the outer shell. The transition region is called the limbus.

Middle shell consists of three parts: choroid, ciliary body and iris. The iris has a colored color, in the center of it is the pupil, due to its expansion and contraction, the flow of light to the retina is regulated. In bright light, the pupil constricts, and in low light, on the contrary, it expands to catch more light rays.

Inner shell is the retina. The retina is located at the bottom of the eyeball, provides light perception and color perception. The photosensory cells of the retina are rods (about 130 million) and cones (6-7 million). Rod cells provide twilight vision (black and white), cones serve for daytime vision, color discrimination. The eyeball has inside the lens and chambers of the eye (anterior and posterior).

The value of the visual analyzer

With the help of the eyes, a person receives about 80% of information about environment, distinguishes colors, shapes of objects, is able to see even with minimal light input. The accommodative apparatus makes it possible to maintain the clarity of objects when looking into the distance, or close reading. Auxiliary structures protect the eye from damage, pollution.

auditory analyzer

The organ of hearing includes the outer, middle and inner ear, which perceive sound stimuli, generate an impulse and transmit it to the cortex of the temporal zone. auditory analyzer is inseparable from the organ of balance, therefore the inner ear is sensitive to changes in gravity, to vibration, rotation, movement of the body.

outer ear It is divided into auricle, ear canal and tympanic membrane. Auricle it is an elastic cartilage, with a thin ball of skin, that determines the sources of sound. The structure of the external auditory canal includes two parts: cartilaginous at the beginning and bone. Inside are glands that produce sulfur (has a bactericidal effect). The eardrum receives sound vibrations and transmits them to the structures of the middle ear.

Middle ear The tympanic cavity contains the malleus, stirrup, anvil and Eustachian tube(connects the middle ear with the nasal part of the pharynx, regulates pressure).

inner ear divides into a bony and membranous labyrinth, with perilymph flowing between them. The bony labyrinth has:

  • vestibule;
  • three semicircular canals (located in three planes, provide balance, control the movement of the body in space);
  • cochlea (it contains hair cells that perceive sound vibrations and transmit impulses to the auditory nerve).

The value of the auditory analyzer

Helps to navigate in space, distinguishing between noises, rustles, sounds at different distances. With its help, information is exchanged when communicating with other people. From birth, a person hears oral speech learning to speak on his own. If there are congenital hearing impairments, then the child will not be able to talk.

The structure of the human sense of smell

Receptor cells are found in the back of the upper nasal passages. Perceiving odors, they transmit information to olfactory nerve, which delivers it to the olfactory bulbs of the brain.

With the help of smell, a person determines the good quality of food, or senses a threat to life (carbon smoke, toxic substances), pleasant aromas cheer up, the smell of food stimulates the production gastric juice aiding digestion.

organs of taste

On the surface of the tongue there are papillae - these are taste buds, on the apical part of which there are microvilli that perceive taste.

The sensitivity of receptor cells to food products different: the tip of the tongue is susceptible to sweet, the root - to bitter, the central part - to salty. Through nerve fibers the generated impulse is transmitted to the overlying cortical structures of the taste analyzer.

sense organs

A person can perceive the world around him through touch, with the help of receptors on the body, mucous membranes, and in the muscles. They are able to distinguish between temperature (thermoreceptors), pressure levels (baroreceptors), and pain.

Nerve endings have high sensitivity in the mucous membranes, earlobe, and, for example, the susceptibility of receptors in the back is low. Touch makes it possible to avoid danger - remove your hand from a hot or sharp object, determines the degree of pain threshold, signals an increase in temperature.

Human sense organs are given by nature for good adaptation in the world around. Previously, in the primitive world, the sense organs made it possible to avoid mortal danger and helped to get food. The sense organs are united into five main systems, thanks to which we can see, smell, touch, hear sounds, and taste the food we eat.


The eyes are perhaps the most important among the sense organs. With the help of them we receive about 90% of all incoming information. The rudiments of the organs of vision are formed during the development of the embryo from its brain.

The visual analyzer consists of: eyeballs, optic nerves, subcortical centers and higher visual centers located in the occipital lobes. The eyes perceive information, and with the visual cortex we are able to see and evaluate what information the periphery supplies us. The eyes are gorgeous optical instrument, the principle of which is used today in cameras.

Light passing through the cornea is refracted, narrowed and reaches the lens ( biconvex lens), where it refracts again. The light then passes through vitreous body and converges in focus on the retina (is part of the center, rendered to the periphery). Visual acuity in humans depends on the ability of the cornea and lens to refract light. In addition, the eyes are able to move to the side, reducing the load on the spine, thanks to three pairs of oculomotor muscles.

Human sense organs: ears

The ears are part of the organ of hearing. The ear consists of three parts: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear is represented by the auricle, which gradually passes into the external auditory meatus. The auricle has an interesting shape and consists mainly of cartilage. Only the shell lobe does not have cartilage. The outer ear is necessary in order to determine the source of the sound, its localization.

In the external passage, which narrows as you move inward, there are sulfur glands that produce the so-called earwax. After outdoor ear canal the middle ear begins, the outer wall of which is eardrum capable of receiving sound vibrations. Behind the membrane is the tympanic cavity, the main part of the middle ear. AT tympanic cavity there are small bones - the stirrup hammer and the anvil, combined into a single chain.

Next, the middle ear is followed by the inner ear, represented by the cochlea (with auditory cells) and the semicircular canals, which are the organs of balance. Sound vibrations are perceived by the membrane, transmitted to the three auditory ossicles, then to the auditory cells. From the auditory cells, irritation goes along the auditory nerve to the center.


A person can perceive smells thanks to the organ of smell. Olfactory cells occupy a small part in the upper nasal passages. The cells are shaped like hairs, thanks to which they are able to capture the subtleties of various odors. The perceived information is sent along the olfactory (olfactory) threads to the bulbs and further to the cortical centers of the brain. A person can temporarily lose his sense of smell with various colds. Prolonged loss of smell should cause alarm, as it occurs in case of damage to the tract itself or the brain.

Human sense organs: taste

Thanks to the organ of taste, a person is able to evaluate the food he is currently eating. The taste of food is perceived by special papillae located on the tongue, as well as taste buds in the palate, epiglottis and upper esophagus. The organ of taste is closely related to the organ of smell, so it is not surprising when we feel the taste of food worse when we suffer from some kind of colds. On the tongue, there are certain zones responsible for determining a particular taste. For example, the tip of the tongue determines sweet, the middle determines salty, the edges of the tongue are responsible for determining the acidity of the product, and the root is responsible for bitterness.


Thanks to the sense of touch, a person is able to study the world around him. He always knows what he has touched, smooth or rough, cold or hot. In addition, thanks to countless receptors that perceive any touch, a person can get joy (there is a release of endorphins - hormones of joy). He can perceive any pressure, change in temperature around and pain. But the receptors themselves, located on the surface, can only report temperature, vibration frequency, pressure force.

Information about what we touched or who hit us, etc. reports the highest station - the brain, which constantly analyzes many incoming signals. With excessive impulses, the brain selectively receives more important impulses. For example, first of all, the brain evaluates signals that are dangerous to human life and health. If pain occurs, if you burned your hand, a command is given to immediately pull your hand away from the damaging factor. Thermoreceptors respond to temperature, baroreceptors to pressure, tactile receptors to touch, and there are also proprioceptors that respond to vibration and muscle stretch.

Signs of the disease

A sign of a disease of one or another sense organ is, first of all, the loss of its main function. If the organ of vision is damaged, vision disappears or worsens, if the organ of hearing is damaged, hearing is reduced or absent.