What is the benefit of dwarf palm extract? Sabal palm extract.

Medicines and supplements from the fruits of the sabal palm have an efficiency that is not inferior to chemical pharmacology products. For example, a plant-based extract is known for its medicinal properties in the treatment of prostate diseases, rapid wound healing, it reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases, reduces the level of cholesterol in the body.


The drug is a powder light yellow, which has a characteristic smell of the fruits of the plant. The extract is highly soluble in water, alcohol and glycerin. It is made by vacuum extraction from the fruit of the sabal palm. Modern technologies extractions allow you to leave maximum amount useful substances from the original raw material.


The composition contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids who play important role in operation human body. Also, in the fruits of the sabal palm and in preparations based on it, there are phytosterols or steroid alcohols, which are known to physicians and athletes due to their beneficial properties.

Pharmacological properties

The extract helps to produce collagen, which is found in almost all tissues of the human body, as well as elastin. These substances contribute rapid healing wounds, and also have an excellent rejuvenating effect on the skin. The phytosterols included in chemical composition means that help lower cholesterol levels in the body, reduce the likelihood of cancer. In addition, phytosterols have the ability to block the enzyme responsible for the occurrence of age-related problems with the prostate.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the extract are various diseases of the prostate gland, skin problems and lack of collagen in the body. The most justified use this tool for complex therapy inflammation of the prostate. Also, the drug is useful for the prevention of diseases and for a general strengthening effect on the body.


Before use, you need to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to use this extract for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Instructions for use

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a dry, cool place, away from sun rays. Shelf life, subject to storage rules, is 2 years.

Where to buy

You can buy sabal palm extract in our online store. All products presented in our online store have the necessary certificates. Purchase medicines on the basis of vegetable raw materials with us and do not get sick.

Formula, chemical name: there is no data.
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents / agents that regulate organ function genitourinary system and reproduction/prostate metabolism agents and urodynamic correctors; organotropic agents / agents that regulate the function of the organs of the genitourinary system and reproduction / other agents that regulate the function of the organs of the genitourinary system and reproduction.
Pharmachologic effect: antiandrogenic, antiexudative, antiproliferative, dehydrating, decongestant, anti-inflammatory.

Pharmacological properties

The effects of creeping palm fruit extract are selectively manifested at the level of the prostate gland. The drug does not affect the content of sex hormones and prostate-specific antigen in the blood serum, sexual function (libido and potency). Creeping palm fruit extract reduces the activity of growth factors (primarily fibroblastic and epidermal), slows down the binding of prolactin receptors, further disrupts signal transmission to prostate cells, accelerates apoptosis of prostate cells, resulting in inhibition of prostate volume growth. The drug does not eliminate the enlarged size of the prostate gland, but prevents further growth of its tissues. The local antiandrogenic effect is manifested by inhibition of the formation of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone (due to inhibition of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase types 1 and 2) and fixation of dihydrotestosterone to the cytosolic receptors of prostate cells, as a result, the hormone does not penetrate into the cell nucleus and protein synthesis decreases. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is due to inhibition of the activity of 5-lipoxygenase, phospholipase A2 and inhibition of liberation arachidonic acid, resulting in a decrease in the formation of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which are inflammatory mediators. The drug reduces vascular stasis and capillary permeability, reduces inflammatory process and swelling in the prostate gland, eliminates compression of the urinary canal and bladder neck, thereby improving urodynamics. Thus, the extract of the fruits of the palm tree reduces the severity pathological symptoms benign prostatic hyperplasia (pollakiuria, dysuria, nocturia, incomplete emptying Bladder, pain and feelings of tension when urinating), increases the strength and volume of urination, slows down the increase in volume and further growth of the prostate. Creeping palm fruit extract is rapidly absorbed when taken orally. The maximum plasma concentration is reached approximately 1.5 hours after ingestion.


Chronic prostatitis (elimination of dysuric symptoms: nocturnal pollakiuria, urination disorder, pain syndrome other); benign prostatic hyperplasia (stages 1 and 2);

Method of application of Creeping palm fruit extract and dosage

Creeping palm fruit extract is taken orally, after meals, at the same time, 1 time per day, 320 mg, without chewing, washing down enough liquids. The recommended duration of treatment is at least three months.

Contraindications for use


Application restrictions

There is no data.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is no data. The drug is not intended for use in women.

Side effects of Creeping palm fruit extract

Allergic reactions, side discomfort digestive system, heartburn nausea.

Interaction of creeping palm fruit extract with other substances

There is no data. The drug is compatible with uroantiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, which are most often used in the treatment of inflammatory and obstructive prostate diseases.

International name:

Dosage form:

Pharmachologic effect:



International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.


International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Prostagut mono

International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Prostamol Uno

International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.


International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.


International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.


International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Prostess Uno

International name: Creeping palm fruit extract (Serenoa repens fructuum extract)

Dosage form: capsules, coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Antiandrogenic agent. Suppresses the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (due to the blockade of 5-alpha reductase type I and II) and its fixation to cytosolic receptors, ...

Indications: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Serenoa is a plant of the palm family. It is also called "Serenoa Creeping". You can meet the fruits in the United States and South-East Asia. Today you can also hear the name dwarf saw palmetto.

The oval-shaped fruits are drupes, the length of which varies from 2 to 3 cm. The berries are painted black with a red tint. Outwardly, the fruits are somewhat similar to olives and dried dates.

Beneficial features

Serenoa contains a large number of substances that support the activity of the body as a whole. Serenoa also contains carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the state of vision and helps reduce the risk of various diseases eye.

Seenoa extract has the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation which allows it to be used as a natural sunscreen. In addition, it has the ability to even out complexion, thereby reducing the risk of age spots. Another extract of these fruits can be used during the treatment of acne, as well as a strong aphrodisiac.

Use in cooking

Seenoa berries are consumed fresh, especially by residents of the areas where they are grown. In addition, the fruits are dried to be able to use them all year round.

Serenoa benefits and treatment

Enough already long time the plant is used to treat problems of the genitourinary system. Serenoa extract is the basis for the production of drugs that are aimed at treating prostate problems, prostatitis, impotence and various infections. urinary tract. In addition, these drugs help improve performance. reproductive system in men. Serena creeping is also useful for women, as it normalizes the endocrine system.

To date, experiments are being carried out aimed at determining other beneficial properties that the fruits of the saw palmetto have. Scientists want to prove that the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it also helps to reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

Serenoa funds are aimed at treatment acne and also they will stimulate the production of collagen. Given this, we can conclude that saw palmetto has excellent cosmetic properties.

Serenoa harm and contraindications

Serenoa can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. Carefully it is worth using the fruits for ulcers of the 12 duodenal ulcer and stomach. There are contraindications to the use of serenoa in pregnant and lactating women.

This palm tree grows wild in the southeastern United States. Its stems often creep along the ground or turn into rhizomes, dying off at one end and simultaneously rooting and growing at the other, so that the plant really "creeps". Living up to 700 years, this palm endures the harshest conditions, including droughts, forest fires and pest attacks. AT medicinal purposes blue-black berries are used, collected in August - September. Collecting them is a dangerous occupation: you can get hurt by the serrated edges of the leaves or die from the bite of the Texas rattlesnake - a snake that often lives in the dense thickets of this palm tree.

Beneficial features serenoa creeper

Serenoa has long been used in folk medicine. The Indians used it to treat urinary disorders. The first European colonists gave its berries to "frail" people as a general tonic. They have also been used for persistent coughs and poor digestion. Serenoa is now considered primarily a medicine for the prostate gland: its beneficial effect on this organ has been proven by numerous studies.

Main benefit

In Italy, Germany, France and a number of other countries, doctors prescribe serenoa for benign (non-cancerous) hyperplasia (hypertrophy) of the prostate gland (prostate). More commonly referred to simply as her adenoma, this disease affects more than half of men over 50 years of age. The fact is that the prostate gland is the size of Walnut is under bladder, and passes through it urethra. In old age, its non-cancerous growth (hyperplasia) often occurs, and this channel is clamped. As a result, urination is difficult and may become painful; empty bladder it fails to the end, which leads to increased urges, especially at night. Scientists believe that serenoa alleviates these symptoms in several ways. First of all, it reduces the level of hormones that stimulate the reproduction of prostate cells and, in addition, weakens its inflammation and swelling.

Studies show that it works faster than the drug finasteride (Proscar) usually prescribed in such cases and, unlike it, does not weaken the libido. The result becomes noticeable after a month. When using proscar, you have to wait at least six months.

Additional benefit

While the benefits of serenoa are clearly proven in the case of prostate adenoma, others healing properties still require final confirmation. It has been successfully used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). In laboratory conditions, it stimulates bactericidal activity immune system i.e. possibly helps with infections urinary tract and the same prostate. It is possible that it is also important for the prevention of cancer of this gland, since it reduces the level of sex hormones that promote malignant growth.


With difficulty urinating or the appearance of blood in the urine, the diagnosis must first be clarified. These symptoms can also be seen in prostate cancer.

Serenoa affects hormone levels, so if you have prostate cancer or hormone therapy You can take this remedy only with the permission of a doctor.

Ways to use serenoa creeping, side effects

Indications for the use of drugs Serenoa

Frequent nighttime urination and other symptoms of prostate adenoma.


Weakened immune system, urinary tract infections.

Mode of application


Usually recommend 160 mg twice a day. Higher daily doses have not been studied and are best avoided. Choose extracts containing 85-95% fatty acids and sterols - active substances with which they are associated therapeutic effect berries.

Reception scheme

Since enlargement of the prostate can be the result of prostate cancer and prostatitis, before being treated for adenoma, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. If the tincture seems too bitter, dilute it with water. Serenoa can be taken with or without food. Some herbalists recommend dry collection infusion, however, the concentration of active substances in it is low, and healing effect usually weak.

Release form




Dry collection / infusion

Possible Side Effects of Saw Reptiles

Relatively rare, but mild abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, headache. If these symptoms occur, reduce the dose of the drug or stop taking it.