What is the Nystadt world? Who and when was the Treaty of Nystadt concluded?

Following the Northern War of 1700-1721, Russia and Sweden signed the Nystadt Peace Treaty. The document is named after the city of Nystadt in Finland (the current port of Uusikaupunki), where the ceremony took place. The conditions of the Peace of Nystadt, which recorded the victory of the Russian Empire, contributed to the strengthening of the role of Peter the Great’s state in European politics.

The treaty meant the final transformation of the once provincial landlocked power into one of the main forces capable of deciding the destinies of the world. The territorial changes prescribed in the agreement affected the regions modern Russia, Estonia and Latvia.

The Northern War (also called the Great Northern War) lasted 21 years, fighting demanded the mobilization of all forces of the Russian state.

Beginning with the defeat of Russia in the Battle of Narva and the subsequent defeat of its European allies - Denmark and Poland - military clashes from the Baltic lands moved to the territory of Ukraine, where the Battle of Poltava took place in 1708.

This was one of the most brilliant victories won by Russian weapons in terms of military consequences. Peter's opponent is the king Charles XII- fled to Turkey and was able to leave it only in 1713. Military operations continued after the death of Charles in 1718 from a stray bullet during the siege of a fortress in Norway.

The conflict was accompanied by significant population losses:

  • in Finland, which was subjected to plunder by the Russians and Swedes;
  • in regions of Russia adjacent to the theaters of military operations (here, by 1710, the number of residents, according to census data, decreased by 40%).

The events that forced Sweden to sign and ratify the Treaty of Nystad were the occupation of all of Finland by Peter's troops and the raids of the Russian fleet along the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula proper. The kingdom's resources were exhausted, and the war ended with the signing of peace.


When it was already clear that Sweden would not be able to reconquer the lands occupied by the Russians, the kingdom’s authorities began to look for ways to end the war. In May 1718, representatives of the warring powers met on the Åland Islands.

However, the congress did not lead to any results, since Queen Ulrika Eleonora, who had ascended the throne, was tempted by possible help from England and intended to continue the war against Russia.

The victories of Peter the Great's fleet at the islands of Ezel and Grenham led to the evacuation of British ships from the Baltic waters. The subsequent conclusion of peace took place on August 30, 1721. WITH Russian side The Nishtad peace treaty, the text of which was known to the tsar, was signed by his confidants Yakov Bruce and Andrei Osterman.

The Treaty of Nystadt, the terms of which were acceptable to both parties, contained a whole
row important issues. The world map was redrawn and new borders between countries were established.

List of provisions of the Treaty of Nystadt :

    1. Eternal peace between the Russian Tsar and the Swedish King, which should also be maintained by their successors.
    2. Complete amnesty for traitors on both sides, except for the Cossacks of Hetman Mazepa.
    3. Cessation of hostilities within 14 days.
    4. The Swedes pledged to transfer Livonia, the country of Estonia, Ingermanland and partly Karelia into Russia's possession.
    5. In return, Sweden regained Finland.
    6. Guarantee of freedom of religion in these territories.
    7. Russia pledged to pay the Swedes monetary compensation in the amount of 2 million rubles in silver.
    8. In total, the contract contained 24 clauses, which detailed the indicated main provisions, as well as a number of minor ones.

The Peace of Nystadt meant for Russia the return of the Baltic lands, which were first captured back in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible during the Livonian Campaign. These were, predominantly, the former possessions of the Livonian Order, which went to Sweden, as well as the ancient Russian lands at the mouth of the Neva, on which Prince Rurik could have landed on his way to the Ilmen Slovenes. The lands of Izhora were part of Sweden for about a hundred years - from 1617, when the Treaty of Stolbovo was concluded.

The Nystadt Peace Treaty, in short, meant revenge for Russia and the return of lost positions, as well as the possibility of maritime trade with European countries. In addition, St. Petersburg, founded on occupied Swedish territory, was able to obtain full legal status new capital Russia.

Take note! The results and significance of the Nystadt Peace Treaty were already appreciated by contemporaries.

On September 10, the day after the ratification of the document, when the conclusion of the Nystadt peace was publicly announced, celebrations took place in Moscow on the occasion of this event. And on October 22, the senators presented Peter I with a request that he accept the title of Emperor of All-Russia and Father of the Fatherland.

Historians' assessment

Recognizing the successes achieved by Russian troops and diplomacy in the Northern War, historian Vasily Klyuchevsky noted that the protracted hostilities could have ended much earlier.

The military campaign, devastating for the population, brought economic benefits only in the long term.

At the same time, there is no doubt that the protracted nature of the war was explained by the extreme intransigence of the Swedes. The presence at the head of the kingdom of a talented commander Charles XII, who was only removed sudden death, for many years it was not possible to say with certainty which side would win.

The King of Sweden, despite the final defeat, glorified his name not only in home country. In 2008, a monument was erected to Charles XII in the Ukrainian village of Degtyarevka (together with Hetman Mazepa).

For Sweden, the treaty signed in Nystadt meant the end of the period of the Swedish Great Power (from 1561 to 1721), when the country could dictate terms to other European states and pursued a policy based on the concept of Baltic dominance.

Note! Despite the bloodiness of the war and its historical meaning, Russia subsequently lost most of the lands captured by Peter.

Land loss occurred after 1917, when the separate republics of Estonia and Latvia were first created, and a second time when it dissolved in 1991.

Revision of the results of the Nystad Peace

The peace prescribed in the terms of the agreement did not become eternal and inextricable. Results of the Northern War
deeply hurt the national feelings of the Swedes, whose power had slipped to the level of a second-class state.

The ruling circles of the kingdom subsequently attempted to erase its results by revising the Peace of Nystad.

Peter’s daughter, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, had to face the Swedes again 20 years later. The revanchist “party of hats” came to power in the Scandinavian country.

This group, based in parliament on the nobility, industrialists and traders, openly spoke of dissatisfaction with the insignificant role that Sweden had received in Europe. They saw the path to the greatness of the country in a clash with Russia and the return of the southern coast of the Baltic.

The war lasted three years - from 1741 to 1743. During the battle, Russia again occupied the territory of Finland. The end of the war was the conclusion of the Peace of Abo, which added 226 square miles to Russian possessions in Finland, and the border of the Scandinavian kingdom was moved away from St. Petersburg.

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The Swedish king Gustav III attacked Russia again in 1788. The Russian army again occupied a large part of Finland, and in 1790 the war ended on status quo terms. In a unique way, the work of Peter the Great was completed by his descendant, Alexander I, who in 1809 completely annexed Russian Empire Grand Duchy of Finland.

Between Russia and Sweden; signed on 10. IX by Russian commissioners J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman (see) and Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; completed Northern War 1700 21. By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in... ... Diplomatic Dictionary

Treaty between Russia and Sweden that ended the Northern War of 1700-21 (See Northern War of 1700-21). Signed on August 30, 1721 in Nystadt (Finland). The Russian delegation was headed by Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman; Swedish Lilienstadt and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Treaty between Russia and Sweden, ending the Northern War 1700 21. Signed on August 30. 1721 in Nyschtadt (Finland). Rus. The delegation was headed by J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, the Swedish Lilienschtedt and Stremfeldt. Consisted of a preamble and 24 articles. By … Soviet historical encyclopedia

Treaty of Prut, peace treaty between Russia and Turkey as a result Prut campaign 1711. Signed on July 12 (23), 1711 on the Prut River, near the city of Iasi, by Russian envoys P. Shafirov and B. P. Sheremetev and ... ... Wikipedia

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The peace treaty between Russia and Sweden, signed on August 30 (September 10), 1721 in the city of Nystadt (Swedish Nystad, now Usikaupunki, Finland), ended the Northern War of 1700 21. According to the N.M., Ingermanland (Izhora land), ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

- (August 30, Old Style (September 10), 1721, ratified on September 9 (Old Style)) Russian-Swedish peace treaty concluded in the city of Nystadt (Finland). It was signed on the part of Russia by Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, on the part of Sweden ... ... Wikipedia

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Treaty of Frederiksborg is a peace treaty signed on July 3 (14), 1720 at Frederiksborg Palace in Denmark between Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark and Norway. Background In 1718, the Swedish king Charles XII was killed while inspecting the siege... ... Wikipedia

Narva Union Treaty is an alliance agreement between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the continuation of a joint war against Sweden during the Northern War of 1700-1721. The treaty was signed on August 19 (30), 1704 near Narva by the Russians... ... Wikipedia

The main conclusion of the Twenty Years' War was the signing of the Nystad Treaty, which was not only a successful result of a difficult and long war, but also recognition of the merits of Peter I, the great success of his transformative activities. 1720 and 1721 - sent Russian corps to Sweden itself and thereby forced the Swedish government to resume peace negotiations. In 1721, a congress of Russian and Swedish diplomats took place in Nystadt (near Abo), and on August 30, 1721, peace was concluded. The conditions of the Nystadt Peace were as follows: Peter received Livonia, Estland, Ingria and Karelia, returned Finland, paid two million efimki (Dutch thalers) in four years and did not assume any obligations against his former allies. Peter was extremely pleased with this peace and solemnly celebrated its conclusion. The significance of this world for the Moscow state is defined briefly: Russia became the main power in northern Europe, finally entered the circle of European states, and bound itself with them in common political interests and received the opportunity to freely communicate with the entire West through the newly acquired borders. Strengthening the political power of Rus' and new conditions political life, created by the world, were understood by both Peter and his colleagues. During the solemn celebration of peace on October 22, 1721, the Senate presented Peter with the title of Emperor, Father of the Fatherland and Great. Peter took the title of Emperor. The Muscovite state thus became the All-Russian Empire, and this change served external sign a turning point that took place in the historical life of Rus'. Platonov S.F. A complete course of lectures on Russian history. Petrograd. August 5, 1917

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As a result of the Northern War, Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea, solving one of its main historical problems; the domination of the Swedes in the Baltic was ended. Russia has become important force in European politics, while Sweden has lost its status great power; The foreign policy positions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were also seriously weakened. Any war forces the development of military equipment, strategy and tactics, on the basis of this, in the post-war years, there is a leap in civilian structures. The war forced the creation of its own production of iron, copper, cloth, ropes and sails. An industrial region appeared - the Urals.

The Northern War had a huge impact on the changes that took place in the country. Most of reforms and transformations of Peter the Great was conceived and implemented precisely under the influence of this war. Many historians consider the actions of Peter I to be unnecessarily cruel and rash, however, he was able to lead Russia to new level. And although these changes mainly fell heavily on the shoulders of the common people, and at first glance did not bring beneficial changes into their lives, the country acquired a high position in the eyes of the world community. And although it did not become such a European state as the great reformer imagined, nevertheless, positive changes happened to it.

). Finished the Northern War. Sweden recognized the annexation of Livonia, Estonia, Ingermanland, part of Karelia and other territories to Russia. Russia pledged to pay Sweden monetary compensation and return Finland.

Nystadt world- see Cѣ sure war.

WORLD OF NISHTAD 1721, peace agreement between Russia and Sweden, completed Northern War 1700-21. Convicted 30 Aug. (Sept. 10) according to the results Russian-Swedish. di-pl-ma-tich. kon-gres-sa.

Fireworks and illumination in Amsterdam on December 9, 1721 on the occasion of the conclusion of the Peace of Nystadt. Engraving by J.R. Smith.1722.

Pod-pi-san in the city of Ny-stadt (Swedish. Nyu-stad, Finnish. Uu-si-kau-pun-ki, now not in Finland) with Russia. hundred-ro-ny general-feld-tseich-mei-ste-rom gr. I'M IN. Bruce and A.I. Os-ter-man-nom; with Swedish - gr. J. Lil-li-en-sted-tom (Yu. Lilly-en-ste-tom) and ba-ron O. R. Ström-feld-tom (Strem-fel-tom, Ström-fel-tom) .

Signing of the peace treaty in Nystadt on August 30 (September 10), 1721. Engraving by P. Schenk. 1721.

Consistent of the preamble, 24 articles and this-para-t-noy (to-full-nit.) article. Us-ta-nav-li-val-val-eternal peace between both-and-mi go-su-dar-st-va-mi, forbade them to enter into alliances, on -right-line each other against each other. Both sides are obliged to stop the military. action in Vel. Prince of Finland (VKF) within up to two weeks (in other territories - up to three weeks), Russia - you weigh your howls -ska with most of the territory of the VKF within 28 days after the exchange of ra-ti-fi-kats. gra-mo-ta-mi [so-sto-yal-sia 19 (30) September. in Nystad]. Do-ku-men-you, from-but-si-sie-to the fin. stories that, during the war, ended up in the growing race. troops returned to Sweden. According to N. m., Russia has transferred “into completely unpre-worded eternal dominion” for 2 million . efim-kov (you-pla-che-ny in 1722-24) Swedish. provinces of Inger-man-land (see Art. In-ger-man-lan-dia), Lif-lyan-diya, Es-t-lyan-diya and part of Ka-re-liya with the cities of Vy-borg, Kex-golm (now not the city of Pri-ozersk), etc. (their na-se-le-nie was re-ho-di-lo in the Russian. under-dan-st-vo, ar-hi-you were re-da-va-li-ly in Russia), that oz -na-cha-lo fak-tich. from-me-well Table of the world 1617; the remaining part of the VKF along the N. m. returned to Sweden. So-der-zhal grew. ga-ran-tii co-storage in Sweden “taught the new form of the pra-vi-tel-st-va” - us-ta-new-len-nyy after gi-be- whether the king of Charles XII (1718) ari-sto-kra-tich. the image of government with weak royal power. About the “eternal oblivion” of all hostile actions that took place during the war with both their sides, and the all-general am-nity (didn’t spread out on the Za-Rozh-Kaz-Cossacks who moved to a hundred -ro-nu Sweden); pre-dos-ta-vil grew. and Swedish in war-en-but-prisoner's freedom you-bo-ra - return-to-ro-di-nu after ure-gu-li-ro-va-niya of debts obligations or stay in a new place of residence (the Swedes, who accepted the right to glory, should have lived in Russia). Ga-ran-ti-ro-val on-se-le-niu Lif-lyan-dia and Es-t-lyan-dia preservation of their rights and privileges, in cha- st-no-sti is-po-ve-da-nie pro-tes-tan-tiz-ma, and to the local nobility - return of the land, seizure -that he had the royal power in the years of the pro-ve-de-tion of the re-duction in the 2nd half. 17th century, and the inheritance of the property, but under the condition . mo-nar-hu (in the opposite case they would be obliged to sell the land in the meantime three years and one year so-from-vet-st-ven-but). Vo-zob-no-vil Russian-Swedish. trade-gov-lu; Sweden has the right to travel every year from Ri-ga, Re-ve-la (now not the city of Tal-lin) and Arens-burg (now not the city of Ku-re-saare, Es-to-niya) grain for 50 thousand rubles, except for those years when there will be children in Russia impose a ban on the ex-port of bread. It was established for both countries the obligation to provide assistance to the slaves who suffered a shipwreck among the Russians. and Swedish be-re-gov, and ensure the protection of our own property after suffering. Us-ta-no-vil-equal rights of both of their powers on the seas (Swedish military co-slaves should have sal-lu-to-vat grew .kre-po-sty, shooting Swedish "lo-zung", Russian near Swedish kre-po-sty - Russian "slogan"). Confirmed the non-ob-ho-di-most (for-fi-si-ro-va-na in the former Russian-Swedish before-go-vor-rah) according to re-bo-va- nyyu from each side to extract all the per-re-be-chi-kovs, including persons accused of being in the state. from-me-not and criminal pre-stu-p-le-ni-yah. Op-re-de-lil in a row of examination of disputes between the growing. and Swedish under-given-us special-tsi-al-but na-zna-chen-ny-mi ko-mis-sa-ra-mi. He re-led the words and the salt of both countries on the territory of his own. do-vol-st-vie. I obliged Sweden at the request of the Polish. co-ro-la Av-gu-sta II It’s not too slow to start peaceful negotiations with the Speech of Po-spo-li-ta when growing up. on the average, with the understanding that the future Polish-Swedish. before-the-thief will not speak to N. m. (in connection with this, Speech Po-spo-ta could not lay claim to Lif -liang-diyu). Turned on the presentation of the Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii George I and others. Swedish unions (The Holy Roman Empire joined the do-go-ru, joining the av-st-ro-ros. Vienna Tract 1726).

In the lake-on-me-no-va-nie under-pi-sa-niya N. m. 22.10 (2.11).1721 in c. of the Most Holy Trinity in St. Petersburg, Peter I accepted the title “Father of the Father, Peter the Great” . In memory of the conclusion of N. m. from gold from-go-tov-le-for a medal, by an unknown-author -nyeon edging“Rejoice, Ros-to-the-earth”, from marble from the sculptural composition “Peace and Victory” (1722, sculptor P. Ba-rat-ta; us-ta-nov-le-na in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg). The festival in honor of N.M. was held in 1721 in St. Petersburg, in the winter of 1721/22 - in Moscow. In 1721, at the instigation of Peter I, a celebration for special invited persons of the organization grew up. di-pl-ma-tich. before-sta-vi-te-la-mi in many European countries. city-ro-dah and Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le. N.M. appeared as a big winner. di-pl-ma-tii. He sig-nificantly uk-re-drank between. according to Russia, there is a wide access to the Baltic Sea and the possibility of using a convenient way to establish your annual trade and cultural ties with Europe. go-su-dar-st-va-mi.

Confirmed Abo-skim world 1743, Verel peace 1790.

Source: Complete Council for the Laws of the Russian Empire. So-b-ra-nie 1st. St. Petersburg, 1830. T. 6. No. 3819.

Lit.: Nik-ki-for-rov L. A. External relations of Russia in the last years of the Northern War. Nie-stadt world. M., 1959; Po-go-xiang E. A. Peter I - ar-hi-tek-tor of Russian history. St. Petersburg, 2001; She-bal-di-na G. V. “In honor of the most glorious world in all the world!”: How beyond the border from the Nishtadt do-go-vor // Ro -Dina. 2010. No. 1.

Nystad world

Russian troops gained the upper hand, made bold landings on the shores of Sweden and even approached the walls of Stockholm. As a result, Sweden finally entered into peace negotiations. On August 30, 1721, the Russian commissioners, Bruce and Osterman, concluded Nystadt peace, according to which Sweden renounced Livonia, Estonia, Ingria, part of Karelia and part of Finland. Thus ended the “Great Northern War,” which lasted for over 20 years. Conclusion Peace of Nystad, as an event of paramount importance, was celebrated in the new Russian capital with a whole series of festivities, and on this occasion, at the common request of all classes of the state, Peter accepted the title Emperor of All Russia.

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Treaty of Nystadt

Nystadt world(Swede. Freden i Nystad) - a peace treaty between the Russian kingdom and the Swedish Empire, which ended the Northern War of 1700-1721. Signed on August 30 (September 10), 1721 in the city of Nystadt () (now Uusikaupunki, Finland). It was signed on the Russian side by J. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman, on the Swedish side by J. Liljenstedt and O. Strömfeld (Swedish. Otto Reinhold Strömfelt).

The treaty changed the Russian-Swedish border, previously fixed by the Stolbovo Peace Treaty of 1617. Sweden recognized the annexation of Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland, part of Karelia (the so-called Old Finland) and other territories to Russia. Russia pledged to pay Sweden monetary compensation and return Finland.

Ratified on September 9 (20). On September 10, 1721, celebrations were held in Moscow on the occasion of the Peace of Nystadt. Victory in the Northern War promoted Russia to one of the largest European states.


England, Hanover, Holland and Denmark decided to take advantage of the victories of Russian weapons at the end of the Northern War, who entered into an alliance with Peter I against Sweden. In reality, England and Holland did not want complete defeat Sweden and the strengthening of Russia in the Baltic. This led to the collapse of the coalition and the conclusion of an alliance treaty with France on August 4, 1717: Paris promised mediation in negotiations with Sweden, exhausted to the limit by the long war. On May 12, 1718, the Åland Congress opened on one of the Åland Islands. On the Russian side, the negotiations were led by Yakov Bruce and Andrei Osterman. However, hoping for help from England, the Swedes delayed them in every possible way. In addition, after her death in 1718, the revanchist group of Queen Ulrika Eleonora came to power in Sweden, advocating rapprochement with England and the continuation of hostilities.

In 1719, under the influence of English diplomacy, a coalition of European states was organized against Russia. It included Austria, Saxony and Hanover. England promised military and financial assistance to the Swedes. Negotiations at the Åland Congress were terminated. In 1719, the Russian fleet defeated the Swedes near the island of Ezel, and in 1720 - near the island of Grengam (Battle of Grengam). England was forced to withdraw its squadron from the Baltic. In 1719-1720, three successful landing operations were carried out in Sweden. All this forced the Swedes to resume negotiations in May 1721 in Nystadt. On August 30 (Old Style), 1721, a peace treaty was signed.

Agreement conditions

Sculptural group P. Baratta Nystadsky world (Summer Garden, St. Petersburg)

Map of Finland showing the borders of Russia and Sweden in different time according to contracts, as well as according to cards General Staff, Hermelina, Lotter, Af-Knorring and friend. Ordin, Caesar Filippovich “The Conquest of Finland. Experience of description from unpublished sources.” Volume I. - St. Petersburg: Type. I. N. Skorokhodova, 1889

The treaty consisted of a preamble and 24 articles. According to the agreement, Russia secured access to the Baltic Sea: part of Karelia north of Lake Ladoga, Ingria from Ladoga to Narva, part of Estland with Revel, part of Livonia with Riga, the islands of Ezel and Dago. For these lands, Russia paid Sweden compensation of 2 million efimki (1.3 million rubles). An exchange of prisoners and an amnesty for “criminals and defectors” (except for supporters of Ivan Mazepa) were provided. Finland was returned to Sweden, which also received the right to annually purchase and export 50 thousand rubles worth of grain from Russia duty-free. The agreement confirmed all the privileges granted to the Baltic nobility by the Swedish government: the nobility retained its self-government, class bodies, etc.

Main provisions of the agreement:

  1. Eternal and indissoluble peace between the Russian Tsar and the Swedish King and their successors;
  2. Complete amnesty on both sides, with the exception of the Cossacks who followed Mazepa;
  3. All actions are terminated within 14 days;
  4. The Swedes cede to Russia for eternal possession: Livonia, Estland, Ingria, part of Karelia;
  5. Finland returns to Sweden;
  6. The profession of faith in these territories is free.


Russia became a great European power, in commemoration of which on October 22 (November 2), 1721, Peter I, at the request of senators, accepted the title Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia, Peter the Great. "100 main documents Russian history».


Nishtad, actually Nystad(Nystad, in Finnish Uusi Kaupnnki) is a city in the Abo-Bjorneborg province, north of Abo, on the Gulf of Bothnia. By January 1, 1892, the population was 3,912 (less than 500 Swedes). Significant trade; Forest products (boards, etc.) and wooden utensils are exported abroad (to Copenhagen). In the surrounding parishes there is handicraft production of wooden products (dishes, furniture, chests, carriages) and knitted woolen products. Before the trees products were the subject of significant export to Sweden and Denmark, but now it has almost ceased. In N. itself there is a significant production of handicraft woolen products - cloth (Nystad tights), shawls, half-woolen and cotton fabrics, canvas, etc. There were 51 industrial establishments in 1891, with 238 workers and a production of 417,572 marks. Customs revenue in 1892 was 85,215 marks; 1 government Finnish incomplete elementary school (in 1891-92, 34 students), several lower schools (130 boys and 204 girls), 1 lower Finnish vocational school (21 students). The city's revenues in 1891 were 103,597 m, expenses were 95,465 m. Underwater telegraph cables were laid from N. to the Aland Islands and Sweden. N. was founded in 1617. In 1721, peace (Nishtad) was concluded here between Russia and Sweden.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron. 1890—1907

Between Russia and Sweden; signed on 10. IX by Russian authorized representatives Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman(q.v.) and the Swedish commissioners Lilienstern and Strömfeldt; completed the Northern War of 1700-21.

By the time of the peace negotiations, Russia held in its hands Finland, Ingermanland, Estland and Livonia, which had been conquered from the Swedes. Russian troops several times landed troops on the territory of Sweden itself. Under these conditions, even the withdrawal of the allies - Denmark and Poland - which concluded through the mediation of England peace treaties with the Swedes, did not shake the firmness of Russian diplomacy. Russia supported the same demands as in Åland Congress(see), namely, she agreed to return only Finland to the Swedes, reserving all other territories occupied by Russian weapons. When, on the eve of the Nystadt Congress, the French envoy to Sweden, Campredon, arrived in St. Petersburg as a mediator, these conditions were announced to him. Peter I and his ministers agreed, as a further concession, only to refuse to support the claims of the Holstein Duke to the Swedish throne and to provide Sweden with monetary compensation for Livonia. All Campredone's efforts to mitigate these conditions were to no avail. The French mediator had no choice but to return to Sweden and recommend that the Swedish king agree to the proposed conditions, since the continuation of the war threatened devastated Sweden with even worse consequences.

The peace congress took place in May - September 1721 in Nystadt, Finland. Peter I and Russian diplomats acted persistently and very skillfully, using military pressure simultaneously with negotiations. During the congress, when the Swedes showed intransigence, a landing force was landed on the Swedish shores, which destroyed 4 cities, many villages and factories, “so that (in the words of Peter I) it would be better.” Finally, in order to influence the Swedes, the Russian delegates indicated a deadline for ending the negotiations and threatened that Russia would not agree to peace without recognizing the Duke of Holstein as heir to the Swedish crown. The moment for presenting these demands was chosen very favorable, since Sweden's ally England had to withdraw its fleet from the Baltic Sea. Peter I resolutely refused to conclude a preliminary treaty, seeing in this Sweden’s desire to delay the peace treaty. He met the Swedes halfway in some minor issues: he promised to speed up the payment deadline monetary compensation for Livonia, which was going to Russia, approved the involvement of the English king in the peace treaty as an ally of Sweden, agreed to demolish some small fortresses and, as the most significant concession, refused to support the Duke of Holstein, i.e., from interfering in the “domestic” affairs of the Swedes. As a result of these negotiations, the N.M.D. was signed.

According to the N.M.D., “eternal, true and inviolable peace on land and water” was established between Russia and Sweden. Hostilities were to cease within 2 weeks in Finland, and in more distant places - 3 weeks after ratification of the treaty. Sweden recognized the annexation to Russia of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia, conquered by Russian weapons, with the cities of Riga, Revel, Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel, Dago, Moon and all other lands from Vyborg to the Courland border. Russia pledged to return Finland to the Swedes and pay 2 million efimki (thalers) as compensation for Livonia. In dire need of imported bread and losing fertile areas, Sweden received the right to purchase 50 thousand rubles worth of duty-free bread from Livonia annually. The Baltic landowners retained their rights to land holdings; the previous privileges and self-government of cities in the annexed provinces were also preserved; the rights of the Protestant Church were recognized. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as an ally of Russia, was given the right to conclude a formal treaty with Sweden, provided that it did not contradict the N.M.D. England was included in the N.M.D. as an ally of Sweden. An exchange of prisoners of war was provided for, and unimpeded trade was established between Russian and Swedish merchants. An amnesty was declared for those who, during the war, “took service with one side and through this acted against the enemy”; However, the Ukrainian traitors who went over to the Swedes along with Mazepa were excluded from the amnesty.

The N.M.D., which gave Russia the Baltic provinces with convenient ports, fulfilled the historical task that had faced the country since the time of Ivan III, which was not resolved by Ivan IV and was solved in its entirety only by Peter.

During the solemn festivities that marked the conclusion of the N.M.D., the Senate presented Peter I with the title of Emperor and Father of the Fatherland. Russian state Thanks to internal transformations and successes in foreign policy, it turned into an All-Russian Empire, a powerful naval and military power.

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  • - a treaty between Russia and Sweden that ended the Northern War of 1700-21. Signed Aug 30 1721 in Nischtadt...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - completed Russian-Turkish wars 1711-13. Signed on June 13, 1713 in Adrianople for a period of 25 years. Basically repeated the terms of the Prut Peace of 1711. Was replaced by the Treaty of Constantinople " eternal peace" 1720...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - 1802, between France and its allies Spain and the Batavian Republic, on the one hand, and England, on the other. Signed on March 27 in Amiens; completed the collapse of the 2nd anti-French coalition...
  • - type of international treaty that ends the state of war; see also International Treaty...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a treaty between Russia and Sweden that ended the Northern War of 1700-21. Signed on August 30, 1721 in Nystadt. The Russian delegation was headed by Y. V. Bruce and A. I. Osterman...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - 1802 - concluded on March 27 in Amiens between France and its allies, on the one hand, and Great Britain, on the other; completed the collapse of the 2nd anti-French coalition, providing only a short respite...
  • - 1913 - ended the 2nd Balkan War...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - 1918 - between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, on the one hand, and Romania, on the other. Romania ceded border areas to Austria-Hungary and returned the South. Dobruja Bulgaria...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - 1783 - signed by the United States and its allies - France, Spain, the Netherlands, on the one hand, and Great Britain, on the other; ended the Revolutionary War in North America 1775-83...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Treaty of VERSAILLES 1919 - the treaty that ended the 1st World War...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - a type of international treaty on the basis of which the state of war ends, territorial changes are recorded and state borders, other political, military and economic issues are being resolved...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - world,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Treaty of Nystadt PEACE 1721" in books

Peace treaty

From the book Archipelago of Adventures author Medvedev Ivan Anatolievich

Peace Treaty The filibusters quickly and on a grand scale squandered the loot captured in Maracaibo and were again eager to go to sea. Admiral Morgan appointed a large gathering of Antillean pirates on Cow Island. The situation was complicated by the fact that in July 1670 Spain and England

Peace treaty

From the book From Munich to Tokyo Bay: A Western View of tragic pages history of the second world war author Liddell Hart Basil Henry

Peace Treaty On March 6, the Finnish delegation led by Prime Minister Ryti left for Moscow. The Finns' proposal for an immediate ceasefire was rejected. Negotiations began on March 7, and the Soviet delegation, led by Molotov, refused to consider

August 30, 1721 – Peace of Nystadt

From the author's book

August 30, 1721 – Peace of Nystadt After the Battle of Poltava in 1709, the situation changed dramatically in favor of Russia. Her prestige rose unusually; the capricious goddess of victory no longer left Peter’s camp. During the campaign of 1710, the Russians captured many Baltic fortresses: they fell

Treaty of Versailles

From the book The Myth of the Eternal Empire and the Third Reich author Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Treaty of Versailles In 1932, the German historian Theodor Heuss wrote a sacramental phrase: “The birthplace of National Socialism is not Munich, it is Versailles.” To paraphrase this expression, we can say with complete confidence that the birthplace of the Ring movement was not

Treaty of Versailles

From the book History of Germany. Volume 2. From Creation German Empire before beginning of the XXI century by Bonwech Bernd

Treaty of Versailles The National Assembly in Weimar met simultaneously with the victors of the world war, who gathered in Paris to develop the terms of a peace treaty with Germany. The Germans closely followed the progress of the Paris Conference, but


From the book 500 famous historical events author Karnatsevich Vladislav Leonidovich

PORTSMOUTH PEACE TREATY The Russian-Japanese War was difficult not only for Russia, where, moreover, a revolution began. It caused an extreme strain of forces and resources in Japan as well. The Japanese government has repeatedly tried to start peace negotiations. The same

Treaty of San Stefano

From the book Alexander II. Spring of Russia author Carrère d'Encausse Hélène

Treaty of San Stefano on January 19, the Sultan was forced to admit defeat. A truce was concluded, and this time he accepted the preliminary conditions established by St. Petersburg: the independence of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania, combined with an increase in their

Peace treaty

From the book Russian Land. Between paganism and Christianity. From Prince Igor to his son Svyatoslav author Tsvetkov Sergey Eduardovich

Peace Treaty The night after this battle was perhaps the most difficult in Svyatoslav's life. According to Leo the Deacon, “Sfendoslav spent the whole night in anger and sadness, regretting the death of his army. But, seeing that nothing can be done against the indestructible all-weapon

1721, August 30 Peace of Nystadt

From the book Chronology of Russian history. Russia and the world author Anisimov Evgeniy Viktorovich

1721, August 30 Peace of Nystadt The situation after Poltava in 1709 changed dramatically in favor of Russia: its prestige rose unusually, the capricious goddess of victory no longer left Peter’s camp. During the campaign of 1710, the Russians captured many Baltic fortresses: Elbing fell

And another “peace treaty”

From the book of the Romanovs. Mistakes of the Great Dynasty author Shumeiko Igor Nikolaevich

And another “peace treaty” Witte, who returned from Portsmouth, played a huge role in the adoption of the first Russian Constitution, the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. Here is another reason (not his patronymic, I hope!) that our monarchists dislike him. After all, with all the critical flashes above


From the book From Tilsit to Erfurt author Vandal Albert

1. PEACE TREATY E.V. The Emperor of the French, the King of Italy, the Patron of the Confederation of the Rhine and E.V. the All-Russian Emperor, inspired by the same desire to put an end to the disasters of the war, appointed their representatives on this subject: E. V. Emperor

First peace treaty

From the book Russian Istanbul author Komandorova Natalya Ivanovna

The first peace treaty Despite the cruelty that Oleg’s soldiers showed in Constantinople, it was during this campaign that he attempted to transfer the relationship between the Russians and the Byzantines to a legal interstate basis. Then he first appeared

Peace treaty

From the book Encyclopedia of Lawyer author author unknown

Peace Treaty A PEACE TREATY is one of the types of international treaty that consolidates the agreement of the subjects of international law who were in a state of armed conflict on the cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace. Being the main legal

Peace treaty

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(MI) of the author TSB

Treaty of Nystadt 1721

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NI) by the author TSB