What is a curse? How to protect yourself from the curse? Common types of curses. II

A curse can target a person, a place, or even an object. Whether the curse will be successful depends on how protected the target is currently.

The curse can last for years and even after death, pursuing the goal of its next incarnations.
A curse is an active attempt to "break" someone else's free will. This violation of the highest spiritual Law instantly lowers our spiritual vibrations.
Signs that may indicate you are cursed:

1. You found scary/strange stuff in your house.

Witches who target a victim must make contact in order to effectively curse you. To do this, they need to use several methods. The most common tool of Dark Witches is Fear. Fear binds people. If you are cursed, it will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, we will be convinced that we are acting like damned people, losing our minds and submitting to someone else's will...

2. Strange symbols in your home

Likewise, witches may need to "mark" your territory with a sign or demonic talisman. Finding "magical" talismans or a symbol of unknown origin on your property means that a witch or someone who represents a "witch" has been there. This symbol may have been inscribed with a knife (ritual dagger) or paint with magical ink.
In fact, it could be vandalism. Call the police if you feel you should report vandalism on your property, as it could mean someone may be trying to intimidate you.

3. “Missing” photos

It is believed that photographs (especially old or non-digital ones) contain a piece of your energy. They can actually act as a reference to the person or place being photographed. They are used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil. Therefore, missing photos from your room or home means that someone might be stealing them to use them for dark rituals or again, just trying to scare you.

4. No underwear or VERY personal items.

Underwear or clothing (especially worn-out ones) have a strong auric imprint; they are saturated with it. The same applies to your personal items (such as your watch). This powerful energy can be used as a reference in rituals for both good and bad purposes.
5. Unidentified Liquids on Your Doorstep or Elsewhere on Your Property Once upon a time, a witch might have used enchanted potions to strike you or your home. To do this, the liquid must be spilled around the house, inside it or on the threshold. Finding such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses may mean that someone is trying to curse or intimidate you.
What to do:
If you don't know the origin of the liquid, call a professional to clean up the substance from your area. Pour Holy Water over the area AFTER everything is cleaned.

6. Random pain

Psychic Attack - The curse interacts with your energy matrix, which you likely feel as pain. Therefore, this pain is actually a warning from your aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is no different than anything you have ever felt or affected a part of your body that is 100% healthy.
What to do:
Call your doctor. Any pain should be examined by a doctor first. Watch out for pain.

7. Houseplants get sick

If houseplants getting sick for no reason, you need to test the ground first.
Typically, witches prefer to bury enchanted objects in indoor plants. Houseplants get sick easily because they do not have effective way cleanse your aura. They will be the first to suffer.
What to do:
Examine the soil and pot. If a mystical or unidentified object or liquid is discovered, prepare to cleanse. Get rid of the item.
Go to church, pray, light a candle for your health.

8. Pets or local animals are acting strange

Typically, a curse attracts low vibrational entities who lurk around the cursed target. Consequently, animals that are more sensitive to poisoning spirits and/or energies behave strangely. Consider the following examples:
Birds - usually crows - fly around your home or property. Dogs bark for no reason. By at least, so you think...Cats are looking into nowhere. At least that's what you think...Cats adopt a defensive posture. Ants (especially red ones) migrate to a new location. What to do:
Watch the animals' behavior carefully. Try using prayers for cleaning or rinsing your home with Holy water. Do animals behave differently now?

9. Seeing someone cursing you in their dreams

Usually, witches who curse and anger people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, they do not hide their “psychic traces”. Hence, an intuitive but cursed target may persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This could be a warning sign.
What to do:
Ask yourself: is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think you might do something bad to this person, try to make things right.

10. Dark omens

The appearance of a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is present here.
Crows and owls also attract magic, both good and evil. If an owl hoots before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path, try to see what's going on.
What to do:
Watch the signs patiently. Write them down. Consult healers, go to church.

11. You see will-o'-the-wisps

Will-o'-the-wisps are bad omens for Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as "cadaver candles". It is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish or pale white orb that appears to follow someone.
What to do:
Don't follow them, cross yourself and go another way.

12. Protective amulets do not work or disappear

Amulets are worn so that they take on all damage instead of protecting a person or home. Therefore, when an amulet is destroyed or disappeared, it means that its energy has been absorbed.
What to do:
Replace the Amulet with a new one! Don't use broken one.

A curse is a construction consisting of words that is aimed at causing harm. The object of the curse can be a person, his family, home, etc. It happens that curses are cast in order to protect an object, for example, a treasure or grave.

So, a curse is a type of remote negativity, harm that entails serious problems, most often these are illnesses, disorder in life, etc. Curses “cling” well to a person in moments of emotional upsurge, for example, at a wedding, funeral, at the time of scandals and disputes.

Almost anyone can send a curse. Many people believe that only sorcerers and witches can cast curses, but this is not true. In practice, we see that the creator of the curse can be any person, his closest relatives or friends. It happens that from childhood a person is given a negative program that he is ugly, untalented and unworthy happy life. IN mature age such negative words can result in a curse that only specialists can remove.

Now in our lives, technologies for placing a curse have become available to many; you can find many special books or bulletins that accurately describe all the methods that can remotely hit a person. It can be assumed that due to such availability, the number of curses will soon increase several times. Note that most curses are aimed at destroying an entire family, and not specific person. All curses have the ability to be transmitted to blood relatives.

Curse mechanism

In fact, the mechanism of the curse is not as terrible as its consequences. Let's give an example: take ordinary person, who since childhood can boast good health, he has an excellent education, but luck seems to be avoiding him. He has no family or constant quarrels, limited funds, deteriorating health, and conflicts constantly around him.

There are many examples of how a curse works, however, most have pronounced external manifestations, which are called the kinks of Fate. A person cannot break out of a negative circle on his own; it is necessary to contact a specialist.

A curse on the head can lead to the fact that a person is constantly tormented by insomnia, unreasonable fears, he regularly forgets about important things, there is a ringing in the ears. If a curse is placed on the reproductive organs, then the woman cannot get pregnant, cannot arrange her personal life, and until the curse is lifted, the negativity will continue. Any negativity must be removed, since relatives and descendants may suffer from it.

What types of curses are there?

There are many types of curses, we will list only the main ones that affect a person.

  1. Ancestral curse. The negative impact comes from one of the ancestors on the descendants. It happens that a curse is passed from one member of the family to another. There are known cases when a family curse was imposed not on a specific person, but on his entire family.
  2. Curse from the beggars. Often beggars curse those who give them alms; it also happens that they curse those who do not give them what they ask for.
  3. Religious curses. Negativity that is brought about by ministers of different religions (for example, in Christianity this is anathema).
  4. Self-curse. Negativity that a person introduces himself, for example, he constantly repeats something bad about himself (“I’m not beautiful...”, “I’m not happy,” etc.).
  5. Household curses. The negativity that a person receives during a scandal or dispute.

Note that curses can be classified in another way:

  1. Direct (directed at a specific person);
  2. Indirect (impact on the person’s environment);
  3. Generic (the impact is on the person’s relatives).

How to determine if there is a curse?

The curse has external manifestations, as well as those that are not visible at first glance. Many people begin to think that they are under a curse when a series of unpleasant coincidences occur in life. These could be problems with health, money, personal life or with a career.

Negative patterns are observed in the family, for example, all men suffer from alcoholism or all women have problems with their personal lives. A specialist will help you determine the curse, so don’t hesitate, contact us.

Types of curses

Any person, even one who considers himself not at all suspicious, experiences a subconscious feeling of anxiety and fear if he hears a curse addressed to him. And this is far from accidental: the negative, sometimes very dangerous impact of curses on a person is the same fact as, for example, the spread of diseases by airborne droplets, which was also unknown at one time. Curses exist, and they are very different, just like influenza viruses.

Almost always, the structure of the ancestral curse is initially present. When your ancestors had to face evil magic, and then, by inheritance, a growing cluster of misfortunes haunts your family more and more. If there is a generational curse in your family there will definitely be: sick people suffering from various mental illness, neuroses, inappropriate behavior of relatives, failed personal lives written as if according to one scenario, chronic women's diseases, infertility, fornication, early deaths of children and men, hereditary endocrine diseases, other disorders hormonal system, complex nature.

All this, unless of course this is an isolated case, in the present time physical indicator that not everything is in order in your family. Especially if there are innocently convicted or repressed people, this indicates that the gender. the curse is active. The same can be said about chronic alcoholism, if it is impossible to get rid of it using conventional methods. bad habit, then most often the structure of the ancestral curse initially stands.

Ancestral curses, contrary to all speculation, cannot be caught like a runny nose or the flu. It’s just that once upon a time a negative event occurred in your family, which after several generations grew like a snowball and destroyed your life. Negative information is recorded in every cell of your body and like any genetic disease or features(etc. White skin, Blue eyes, blond or dark skin, Brown eyes, brunette) was passed on by inheritance. Such inherited information and energy diseases are popularly called generational curses. Getting the so-called “damage” is very simple, and it happens as follows: let’s say a person was cursed, and it doesn’t matter whether curse words were used, as a result of which emotional personality begins to worry, his energy is revealed and amazed by the energy of the semantic meaning of curses, i.e. Thus, a person acquires “everyday damage”.

Now let's look at more complex circuits receiving information diseases by type of Curses:

1. Parental curses.

This is the category of the most terrible consequences, this includes various family feuds in which there are intemperate statements. Moreover, the most innocent thing at first glance works (one mother shouted at her child in her heart - Damn you, after that the child was kidnapped and used for perverted actions. It seemed like an innocent phrase - and what a tragedy.)

This works quickly and destructively because, as they say, the blood is native, the energy background in the family is common and there is no need for the body to build energy protection. Therefore, the problem of fathers and children is not only personal, but also global in a universal human sense. Disinheritance of children continues the ancestral curse and the Crown of celibacy, infertility and early mortality. Curses for debauchery (the partner was not chosen according to the parental will) lead to the formation of a family curse, the Crown of celibacy, the birth of children with developmental defects and service through every seventh generation.

Brother curses - brother to be a family curse in this family and chronic alcoholism. If property was not divided in the family, there is a generational curse and people with mental illnesses. The sister did not share a boyfriend with her sister - a family curse, a crown of celibacy and an appearance such that you cannot envy, for every fifth generation. The children of the parents cursed - the generational curse and the mortality of children, the clan is dying out.

With this type of curse, a large percentage of patients are from the revolutionary period of imposition. When chaos reigned in our country. Now we are experiencing a quiet revolution and in our country there is the same chaos when our own people kill their own - so that after 70 years there is a new surge in diseases with an active form of the generational curse.

2. Gypsy curses.

The name speaks for itself. A gypsy curse, regardless of the method (even if a non-professional gypsy simply sends it) always causes complex object damage (object damage is damage specially made as a result of magical action on objects or with the help of magical spells ordered by a good magician or sorcerer) because Gypsies are a people of magicians who, over the centuries, have lost knowledge and spirituality, but have cosmic karmic protection. And any “attack” on them is reflected through space and falls in a cascade of misfortunes for the non-attacker. Therefore, if a gypsy accosts you on the street, you should try not to pay attention to her, and then no matter how much she curses you, everything will be fine. But if you gave even a penny and regretted it, or gave everything, and then, coming to your senses, began to curse the gypsy - object damage, and subsequently a generational curse is guaranteed to you. So, if you have fallen for their bait, face it, this way you will avoid the worst. The manifestation of the gypsy curse can be very diverse and does not manifest itself consistently.

3. Church curse.

This group includes curses that were received by violating any religious norms, regardless of religion. They can be obtained by giving anathema (or other cult punishments), where the person imposing the punishment is always a clergyman (or other cult minister). Such curses usually appear every generation, haunting this family until the seventh generation. A deeply religious person can also receive such a curse when he violates religious norms; in this case, he seems to be punishing himself for the sin he committed.

4. Household curses.

These are common household forms of infection, where you can pick up an infection in transport or in line for sausage. It is enough to get involved in a conflict situation and if your opponent turns out to be energetically stronger, you will receive household, pointless damage, which in subsequent generations will manifest itself as a household curse. Therefore if after conflict situations you feel unwell, it is better to immediately contact specialists and remove the damage or resort to folk remedies energy restoration.

The structure of the ancestral curse itself is also not removed in one session. The work is carried out layer by layer over several days. It takes me five sessions (a session lasts from one to five minutes), during which I subject the patient to a massive “bombardment” of hard energy waves, accompanied by the necessary cult attributes, after which the process of energetic erasure of negative information continues in the patient until the spent candles are burned. When burned, a manifestation of magic necessarily occurs. physical level.

After removing the ancestral structure at the information level, three (if more than one ancestral curse, then six) monthly burnout occurs cellular level, in this case there will definitely be strange physical sensations, exacerbations chronic diseases and various strange life events. That is, you are in short form without exposing the body physical changes, you will experience all the negative events that you would spend your whole life working on. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that when lifted, the curse will pass on to immediate relatives or a negative breakthrough will occur in which, if you were not a friend, it is not removed, the generational curse is completely burned out at the cellular level of a particular person, which is why it is impossible to remove the misfortune from the entire family by working with one . Once again I would like to remind you that ancestral structures do not relate to the concepts of karma, this is the negativity that carries with it physical body, not the soul. And naturally, after removing the ancestral structures, you receive your karma in pure form, without embedded impurities and, accordingly, having removed such an amount of negativity, everything improves by about 50%, but how much does it take to be happy? The sun smiled a little and life seems much happier.

Professional and not-so-professional magical services are now offered very widely, and the concepts of “damage, evil eye, curse,” etc., which previously were not taken seriously, have also become known to many, and many consider them to be real and very dangerous …..
People easily say: “He’s probably damaged.” But not everyone knows what it really is. So what energy disorders are behind these common concepts?

It is important to know that negativity affects different people differently. Approximately how pathogens act on us differently infectious diseases(viruses, etc.): one person gets sick upon contact with them, but another person gets sick no matter what. Physical health depends on the immune system, and Energy well-being depends on the quantity and quality of your energy. If it is clean and there is a lot of it, then this is the most best protection from any negatives.

EVIL EYE. This is the easiest type of negativity. For a healthy and self-confident person, it is practically not dangerous. The cause of the evil eye is someone else's envy, anger, unkind thoughts and wishes, but only those that do not last long. The evil eye is not deliberately cast. In this case, a breakdown occurs in the human energy field, which is delayed after some time. The evil eye feels like a slight ailment, or like minor troubles. In impressionable, unbalanced and weak people the evil eye can lead to more serious consequences.

DAMAGE (and similar energy disorders).
Classic damage is a specially induced negative.
It is directed by people familiar with occult techniques from the field of black magic. The strength and danger of damage depends on the strength of the occultist and on the strength of the ritual (methodology, technique). Black magicians sometimes tell those who order damage that they take all the sin upon themselves, but this is not true.
With this negativity V energy structure destructive human program. It can be aimed at one area of ​​life: health, money, business, relationships with other people, etc., and damage to death is also common. Under the influence of an implemented destructive program, a person can commit actions that harm himself and others, dangerous and dead-end situations can form around him, and he can get sick.
Damage can be caused not only to individual person, but also for the family, and even for the organization, etc.
Energy disturbances very similar to damage occur when people have a long-term negative impact on each other. At the same time, no one specifically engages in any witchcraft. Just an irreconcilable rivalry strong envy, desire for revenge, anger, anger and other destructive actions and thoughts that people direct at each other can also lead to the creation of an embedded destructive program. This negativity manifests itself almost in the same way as classic damage.
And finally, people who are constantly overcome by black gloomy thoughts, pessimism, fear, uncertainty, suspicion can program themselves for self-destruction. They can influence others with their thoughts.

A CURSE. One of the most serious negatives. It's hard to take off even though it's usually not induced by magicians or sorcerers. A curse is sent by a person who has been greatly hurt, offended, or deprived of something significant. They don’t curse without a reason, and the one who is cursed must have some kind of guilt.
A very strong concentrated energy charge pierces the field, destroying and affecting many structures, including the energy structure responsible for successful heredity. Therefore, the curse extends to the descendants of a person. That is, it is, in essence, is always generic. With a real strong curse, the clan ceases to exist.
This negative is most often determined by the sum of events - many strange, unusual diseases, accidents and deaths in at a young age within the same family.
There are also special types of curses that are induced by a group of people or one person using special methods. But they are not generic and are more similar in manifestations to damage.

LOVE LOVE. Can be considered as negative impacts. Most often it is done according to a “black program”, and its consequences are similar to damage. When advertisements for love spells contain the words: “instant hard”, “crawls on your knees” and even “sexual attachment”, you should know that you are actually being offered to cast a spell on your partner and yourself. The main thing is that a person receives not love, but a coded zombie. But the main surprises lie ahead; in a few years they will all appear. signs of severe damage to the family, especially if you stole your loved one from your rival. The magician who makes such a love spell, as a rule, knows about the consequences, but usually does not warn the customer.

CROWN OF CELILITY (as well as a program for loneliness). So in general called several types of negativity, which can be found on women (less often on men) who remain single for a long time.
It could be induced program, similar to damage. The culprit is often rivals, envious women, rejected lovers and relatives of the partner. Often such a program for loneliness is passed on to descendants through the female line.
The generic program for loneliness also appears as a backlash, if the mother, grandmother, and sometimes even the aunt, were homewreckers, caused the breakup of the family, etc.
The loneliness program is often present in women who grew up without a father. It can be formed by a mother who is offended by men, or by the woman herself, who also has every reason not to trust men (after all, her father abandoned her).
Sometimes a very strong program for loneliness is formed in women who have already been married. It seems to them that they really want to get married again, but a strong subconscious fear of repeating a sad experience forces them to commit actions aimed at never getting married.

To put it simply, karma is retribution according to one’s deserts. Everyone is rewarded for all their deeds, both good, selfless, and sinful, committed against conscience for their own benefit. There is not only the karma of an individual, but also the karma of a family, and even the karma of a country. Almost everyone has karmic negativity, for some it is mild and hardly manifests itself, while for others it is extremely severe: then we see an unfortunate fate, incurable, sometimes congenital diseases. Is it possible to remove karmic negativity? Completely - no. But karma can be significantly eased through the joint efforts of someone who knows how to work with this negativity and a person suffering from the consequences of long-standing sins.

ENTITIES. Energy formations that have some kind of unique intelligence and exist in close contact with humans. They can be located next to him or be introduced directly into the human field. This phenomenon is very common.
Entities have different origins: they can be introduced from outside or created and grown by the person himself. The task of these energy beings is to use a person for their own purposes, or to use his energy for their own existence, or both. The entity, in the most unfavorable cases, can completely enslave a person.
These energy formations are necessarily present in people prone to addictions: alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts, etc. But they are not the only ones! Almost every person has small essences.
Banishing entities is a special magical art.

BLACK CONNECTION. This negativity is very difficult to deal with. It means that a person is connected to the channel of dark forces. The actions and deeds of this person are aimed mainly at serving the interests of these forces.

REPLACEMENT. Every person has his own task in life. If this task poses a threat to dark forces, then they can send their “dark” person to you. He can be a friend, relative, spouse, etc. His task is to draw your attention to himself and in every possible way interfere with the fulfillment of an important life task.

VAMPIRISM is energetic. It is much more widespread than is commonly thought.
More common is psychological vampirism, when, with the help of certain behavior, people manipulate each other, simultaneously taking away energy.
Less common are energy vampires, who seem to automatically consume other people’s energy, replenishing their own lack of energy. For this they do not need to behave in any special way; everything happens almost at the level of physiology. These people gradually lose the ability to honestly receive energy and can become truly dangerous to others.

REVERSE KICK. This negativity is received by people who once used black magic techniques (services) in relation to other people. The backlash cannot be avoided. Even if a person believes that he has protection, he can only delay this response to his actions.
Unfortunately, such blows are also often received by careless psychics who, with good intentions, “pry where they don’t belong.” For example, without knowledge and protection, they remove negatives.

The success of any energy work depends on whether the negative has been previously removed from the person. Dark, polluted, sick energy, if not removed first, will prevent positive changes from happening.

Very important note. If a person is absolutely pure, then negativity cannot be attracted to him at all. Because like attracts like.

This article will help you understand what curses and damage there are.

Gypsy curse. The name speaks for itself. It is always a complex object damage. If a gypsy accosts you on the street, don’t stop, don’t respond to her words, and no matter how much she curses you - don’t pay attention - everything will be fine. But if you gave her at least a penny or more, and then came to your senses and regretted it, began to scold her - objective damage, and then a family curse is guaranteed to you.
Church curse. This group includes curses, regardless of religion, imposed for violations of any religious norms, anathemas, and other religious punishments.
In this case, the punishment is imposed by a clergyman or other religious minister. Such curses appear in every generation up to the seventh generation. A deeply religious person can also receive a curse if he violates religious norms; in this case, he seems to be punishing himself for the sin he committed.
Ancestral curse. In this case, there will definitely be patients with mental disorders and neuroses, chronic women's diseases and infertility, hereditary endocrine diseases, hormonal system disorders, those suffering from alcoholism, relatives with inappropriate behavior and an unstable personal life (grandmother, mother, daughter - according to one scenario, they cannot create or maintain a family), early deaths of men and children. If such cases are not isolated in your family, this is a physical indicator that not everything is in order in your family.
Parental curse has the most dire consequences. These include family feuds and intemperance in words. The mother, in her hearts, sent the child to hell, after which the child was dragged into the basement and subjected to violence. An innocent phrase in her opinion led to tragic events. It works quickly and destructively because the native blood, the energetic background of the family and there is no need for the child to build additional protection against the mother, so the mother made a hole in her son’s energy field, opening the way for dark forces.
Depriving children of an inheritance entails in the future a generational curse and a crown of celibacy, infertility and early mortality.
Curses for debauchery(the parents do not like the chosen one of their child) also leads to the formation of a generational curse, the crown of celibacy, the birth of children with developmental defects and labor through every seventh generation.
Brother curses brother - there will be a family curse and chronic alcoholism in the family.
If property was not divided in the family, there was a generational curse and mental illness.
A sister took her fiancé away from her sister - a family curse, the crown of celibacy, an unattractive appearance for every fifth generation.
Children cursed parents- a generational curse is guaranteed, the extinction of the race, which is accompanied by early mortality of children. During the years of revolution and civil war, when a brother killed his brother, the son abandoned his father, a family curse was laid in a huge number modern families: hence the surge in drug addiction, alcoholism, a large number of people with mental illness. The 90s of the past century, when oligarchic capital was founded on the basis of the robbery of the bulk of our people, will lead in about seventy years to a new surge active form generational curse.
Household cursesregular forms infection with negativity. It is enough to get involved in a conflict situation, and if your opponent turns out to be energetically stronger than you, you can get everyday pointless damage, which in the next generations of your family will manifest itself as an everyday curse.
And this will manifest itself in the inability to lead household, sloppiness, lack of interest in normal life, sliding to the bottom of society.
Therefore, if after conflict situations you feel unwell, it is better to immediately visit church, contact a specialist in removing damage, or, as a last resort, get into the shower and wash off all the negative energy with running water.

How to determine the presence of a curse

Whether you have a curse or not, you can determine for yourself without anyone's help. To do this, you need to go to church and light candles for all the deceased relatives whose names you remember. To avoid confusion, it would be nice to attach pieces of paper with names to the candles. We need to take another candle and place it for the repose of forgotten (unknown) relatives. While the candles are burning, read a prayer for the repose of the soul. And so on until the last candle goes out. Usually, church candles burn cleanly and burn to completion.
Note which one will show sagging. They show that it is very difficult for the relative whose soul is lit for the repose of his soul after death. The same thing happens if a candle goes out before it burns out completely. The curse placed on this person will have to be burned through himself.
To do this, first of all, you need to order a memorial service for the repose of the soul of the deceased for six months. And three times a week, light a candle in the church near the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and read the Our Father. At the same time, be baptized and ask the saint to intercede before the Lord on behalf of the deceased, so that he can forgive his sins and lift the curse through you. Do not be alarmed if at such moments you feel something unusual, this means that the curse is gradually being lifted. Don’t forget to say every time you leave the temple:
“Thank you, Lord.” Then, having crossed yourself, leave the temple.
Prayer for the repose of the soul
God of spirits, and all flesh, having trampled down death and abolished the Devil, and given life to Thy world, O Lord Himself, rest the soul of Thy servant (name) in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a calmer place, from where sickness, sorrow and sighing have escaped . Every sin committed by him in deed, word, or thought, as the Good Lover of Mankind, God forgives: for there is no man who lives and does not sin, for You are the only One besides sin, Your truth is righteousness forever, and Your word is truth. For You are the Resurrection, and the life, and the rest of Your departed servant (name), Christ our God, and we send up glory to You, with Your Beginning Father, and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen