Excursion to the winter park. Senior group

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Target: formation of children's ideas about the diversity of the animal world, development cognitive interest.


Educational: expand children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the zoo; learn to understand the relationship between appearance animal, its habitat, feeding habits; consolidate the names of animals in the active dictionary; clarify children’s knowledge about the elements of the road (roadway, pedestrian crossing, traffic light); update knowledge about the professions of zoo employees and their responsibilities; learn to compare and systematize objects by size (height, width).

Educational: consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic and rules of conduct in in public places; instill love for the world around us; develop friendliness and the ability to work in a team; to form in children an emotionally positive response to joint activities.

Educational: develop the eye, the ability to find objects longer (shorter), higher (lower), wider (narrower), thicker (thinner) than the sample and equal to it; develop compositional skills, learn to place the necessary parts of the image in the right place in the drawing; develop creative imagination, attention, fantasy.

Preliminary work: reading fiction: S.Ya. Marshak “Children in a Cage”, K.O. Dmitriev “Zoo on the table”, A. Klykov “Fox”, T. Skrebitsky “Hare”, “Squirrel”; viewing the album “Wild Animals”; guessing riddles about wild animals.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation, projector, overlaid silhouettes of animals (1 per table), pictures of animals, Cuisenaire sticks, images of enclosures (2 per table), blanks of unfinished drawings of animals (for each child), pencils, stand for drawings, stand for poster, poster (sun, cloud, under the images there is a strip of double-sided tape), tickets.

GCD move

I. Introductory part

Organizing time

(Children stand with the teacher in the middle of the room, slide 1 on the screen)

Educator: - Guys, today an unusual guest arrived to us from a distant, hot country. Guess who it is.


I'm used to living in the south.

I can talk!

I can fly every day,

Imitate different sounds.

Who am I? Guess!

Multicolored -

Children: - Parrot!

(Click - the sound of a parrot scream is heard, a parrot appears on the screen, click - the scream stops)

Educator: - That's right, this is a parrot, his name is Jacques, and he invites us to visit interesting place, where we can meet amazing residents different countries. Where do you think Jacques is calling us?

(Children's answers)

- That's right, to the zoo!

(Slide 2)


There is noise and din in the zoo,

There sits a hippopotamus,

And opposite in the cage

Parrot on a branch.

There's a panther and a fox,

Monkey, crocodile,

An important tigress wanders

An angry hamadryas sleeps.

I stood next to a strange cage,

There are legs, but no body.

But it's a giraffe!

From above sends a big greeting!

- Let's go on an excursion with our new friend. The zoo is nearby, we can get there on foot. Follow me and hit the road!

(Click - music sounds, children follow the teacher in pairs, walk around the room, stop. Slide 3)

II. Main part.

1. Updating knowledge about traffic rules.

Educator: - Children, do we need to cross the road to get to the zoo? Where do you think is the safest place to do this?

(Slide 4. Click - picture with children running across the road)

- Look, are the guys doing the right thing?

(Children's answers)

-Where should you cross the road?

(Children's answers)

- That's right, we need to walk along the pedestrian crossing.

(Click – picture with children crossing the road at the crossing)

- Guys, but look at the road carefully: can we cross the road now? Why?

(Slide 5. Click - the traffic light turns red)

Children's answers.

(Click - green traffic light)

Educator: - Now can we cross the road?

Children: -Yes!


The traffic light winked at me:
-Come in, child!
Well, what kind of dispute will there be?
The light is on - green!
I'm going boldly, friends,
Straight along the stripes.
And the cars are still standing
Here, at the crossroads!
(Click - music sounds, children follow the teacher)

Educator: - Here we are at the zoo (slide 6).

2. Task “Tickets to the Zoo”

— Before we enter, we need to buy tickets. Where can we do this?

(Children's answers)

— Tickets can be bought at the box office, and they will be sold to us by a zoo employee - an ticket taker (click - image of a ticket taker). To get tickets, we need to complete two tasks.

First task: answer the question - who else, besides the ticket office ticket attendant, works at the zoo? (Slide 7: when clicked, images of zoo employees appear, children look at the slide and name)

(Children's answers - director, veterinarian (doctor who treats animals), caretakers - care for animals and feed them, cleaners, driver - brings food, transports animals), tour guide, watchman, etc.)

Educator: - Well done, guys. We still have to complete the second task: let's think about how to behave in the zoo.

(Slide 8)

Analysis of pictures (pictures appear on click).

Conclusion (made by children): You cannot feed the animals with what you brought with you, you cannot approach the cages or touch the animals without adults, you can feed them with food that is sold in special shops on the territory of the zoo, you can only approach the animals with adults.

Educator: - Guys, here are our tickets (hands out tickets to the children), save them - we will need them later. And now we can go to the zoo.

(Slide 9)

Group work.

Children go to the tables and sit down in groups of 4-5.

3. Task “Who Lives Where”

Educator: - Guys, animals and birds from different parts of our planet live in the zoo.

On each table there are pictures: superimposed silhouettes - 5 animals from distant countries, 5 animals that live with us, and color pictures with images of these animals and 2-3 others, the silhouettes of which are not present.

Educator: - Look, on your tables there is a picture with silhouettes of animals, and color pictures with images of animals and birds. Guess what kind of animals are hidden in the picture with silhouettes. Select them from the color pictures and divide them into 2 groups: put animals that live in distant countries on one side, and those that can be found in our country on the other.

(children complete the task)

- Name the animals that live in places far from us (monkey, lion, elephant, parrot, giraffe).

(Slide 10, pictures appear by clicking)

It’s true, these animals live in other countries, we can see them on TV, in movies, in pictures or in the zoo.

- Now name the animals that can be found in our forests, fields, steppes (bear, fox, hare, owl, elk).

(Slide 11, pictures appear by clicking)

- Well done guys, you completed the task. Now it's time to relax a little!

4. Physical education minute

(Slide 12, music sounds and stops when clicked)

We walk through the zoo
(Marching in place)

And we meet a bear there
(Body rocking)

This bear is clumsy
He spread his paws wide,
Either one or both together
He has been marking time for a long time.
(Arms bent at the elbows, feet shoulder-width apart. Stepping from foot to foot)

Ahead from behind a bush
The sly fox is watching.
(Children peer into the distance, holding their palm above their eyebrows, turns)

We'll outwit the fox
Let's run on our toes.
(Running in place on your toes)

Here the wolf cubs arched their backs
(Bend your back forward)

And they jumped slightly.
(Easy jump up)

We imitate the bunny
(Palms on head, jumps)

A fidgety naughty boy.
But the game is over
It's time for us to get busy.
(Return to seats)

5. Task “Building cages for animals” (using Cuisenaire sticks)

Educator: - Children, trouble happened at the zoo: some cages are broken, and the animals can scatter in all directions, and even run away from the zoo. Let's help the zoo workers and build new strong cages.

— On the tables in front of you are sticks, these are parts of a cage, and pictures with images of animals (for each child 2-4 animals, cut out according to the silhouette, in proportional sizes). Build a cage for each animal. See which of them is larger and which is smaller, select sticks according to the height and size of the animal. For example, our bunny is small, and the cage for it will be small (the teacher shows an example of completing the task).

(Slide 13)

The children do the work.

6. “Match your neighbors” task

Educator: - Guys, what are the names of animals that eat meat? (Predators). What predators do you know?

– What are the names of animals that eat plant foods? (Herbivores). Name the herbivores you know.

— Can these predators and herbivores live in the same enclosure in a zoo? Why?

Pictures of herbivores and carnivores are mixed on the tables (predators - tiger, wolf, bear, crocodile, herbivores - zebra, hippopotamus, deer, squirrel), 2 images of enclosures.

- Let's find good neighbors for the inhabitants of our zoo. Look at the pictures on your tables. Place herbivores in one enclosure and predators in another.

Children do the task

- Let's check how you completed the task.

(Slides 14, 15, pictures appear by clicking)

- Well done, everyone completed the task. Now the inhabitants of the zoo will live together!

7. Productive activity with children “Unfinished drawing”

Educator: - Our tour of the zoo is coming to an end. Let's take their portraits as a memory of our new friends. Look, I have drawings, but they are not finished: the animals are not fully drawn. Finish the drawings and draw those parts of the animal that are missing (elephant - trunk, zebra - stripes, monkey - tail, parrot - wings, giraffe - spots, hare - ears, etc.).

“But first, let’s get our fingers ready for work.”

Finger gymnastics (slide 16, music sounds and stops with a click)

To the zoo let's go quickly
There are many different animals there
(“walk” along the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands)
And prickly hedgehogs
(spread your fingers like hedgehog needles)
And fanged walruses
(put your little finger down and index fingers, and clasp all other fingers in a fist)
Hares are cowardly
(put your index finger and middle fingers both hands, the rest in a fist)
The birds are beautiful
(wave crossed arms)
There are even crocodiles!
However, you can’t count them all!
(connect the bases of the palms, close and open the tips of slightly bent fingers - this is a “crocodile mouth”)

The children get to work and finish their drawings. At the end of the work, the teacher displays the drawings on the stand.

III. Final part

So the evening comes

Our zoo is falling asleep,

Falls asleep until morning

It's time for us to go home.

Educator: - Children, where have we been today? Who did we see today? What new did you learn?

— Did you like our excursion? Guys, take your tickets, go to the poster (sun and cloud) and attach the ticket to the sun if you liked the activity, or to the cloud if you didn’t really like it.

- Thank you! I had a lot of fun with you!

(Slide 17)

(presentation opens in full, with music files, when downloading)

Download presentation

Educator: Evtushenko E.V.

Goal: Observe changes in nature in winter.


  1. To develop the ability to observe winter changes in nature;
  2. Refine and expand knowledge about characteristic features winters;
  3. To develop children’s ability to see the beauty of winter nature, to notice the rich color scheme snow cover, etc.
  4. Instill respect for the environment.

Preliminary work: conversations about the rules of behavior during the excursion, safety precautions in nature.

Progress of the excursion.

Q: - Guys, what time of year is it now? What other time of year did you and I go on an excursion to this park? (Autumn)

What did you and I affectionately call autumn? Remember? (Golden)

Why did we call her that? (children's answers)

Q: Guess the riddle

The tablecloth is white, it covers the whole field

(Children's answers)

Q: - Indeed, look, it’s as if everything around is covered with a blanket. Both the trees and the earth, so everything around became white.

Q: Correct. Here's another mystery...

Bel, but not sugar,
No legs, but walking

(children's answers)

On the way to the park, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the surrounding nature, how the park has changed. The snow is white everywhere, there is light all around from the snow, it would be good to ski, sled on such snow, play snowballs, etc.

In the park, draw the children’s attention to how beautiful it is around! An even layer of snow covered the trees, bushes and ground. How it shimmers and sparkles in the sun!

Q: -Children, look around and tell me what the trees look like? (on snowdrifts)

Come closer to the trees and tell me what their branches look like? (on lace)

Then invite the children to look into the depths of the park and pay their attention to the color of the snow - in the depths of the park it is dark.

Note that the snow in the depths of the park appears dark because light does not reach there. And nearby the snow is white, because there is a lot of light here.

Q: Guys, listen to Sergei Yesenin’s poem. This is how he talks about winter...

“The white birch tree, under my window, was covered with snow, like silver...”

Invite children to sit down and touch the snow, make snowballs, and examine their footprints in the snow.

Q: - Look at the snow and tell me, what can you compare it with? (with cotton wool, white paper, white paint).

What color is the shadow of a tree in the snow? (gray). Explain why (because on one side the sun shines brightly, but on the other - not).

Draw the children's attention to how the tree is surrounded by pink rays. Straight as arrows - these are the rays of the sun, they are even and diverge in different sides. All trees and plants are covered with snow and will sleep until spring. Snow protects them from the cold and winds in winter period like a warm blanket. Snow covered the trees as if they were wearing a fur coat; the snow is soft, fluffy, the trees look like large snowdrifts.

Invite the children to dig up the snow and find grass and examine it. Explain why it was preserved (snow covered her from the frost). And bury it with snow again.

Q: - Where have all the insects gone? Where did they hide? (children's answers). If the children find it difficult, explain that all the insects are hidden in the bark of trees or deep in the soil, in fallen leaves.

Q: - Look how beautiful the snow is now. And white, and pink, and blue!

In conclusion, to summarize that the snow is light, sparkling, soft, snow-white, creaky, fluffy. In the light it is blue and white, in the shadow it is gray, and in the sun it shines and shimmers like stars.

Play an outdoor game with children "Entertainers" .

Invite the children to walk in the snow, listen to the crunches and creaks under their feet. And then ask you to listen to the silence in the winter park, enjoy its beauty and say goodbye to it.

Alina Belskikh
Summary of the excursion to the autumn park in senior group

Subject:"Excursion to the autumn park"

Target: Enrich and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, admire the beauty of autumn nature.

Program content: Clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about autumn, highlighting its characteristic features. To develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, to be able to see, understand and feel the beauty of nature in the autumn park. Develop observation skills motor activity, children's speech. To captivate children with the beauty of autumn nature, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

Preliminary work: conversation about autumn, its signs, learning poetry, looking at paintings by I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”, reading stories.

Excursion progress:

1. Introductory conversation.

The teacher reads Yu. Kapustin’s poem “Autumn”

In a golden carriage

What's wrong with the playful horse?

Autumn has galloped

Through forests and fields.

Good Witch

Changed everything

Bright yellow

I decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

The miracle is surprising

Everything around is sparkling,

Everything shimmers.

Teacher questions:

What time of year is the poem talking about?

Tell me, what time of year is it now?

Name the autumn months in order.

How does autumn begin in nature?

Guys, we are already familiar with the signs of early autumn. And now the most extraordinary and mysterious time of autumn has come - golden, and today we will go to the park to admire the autumn landscape, see how the park has changed, and whether it has really become golden. Also play, relax and just be together.

Let's remember the rules of conduct in the park. (do not litter, do not make noise, do not go far from adults and obey them).

2. Collective observation.

What is the weather today?

What are you seeing in the sky?

Look around. Tell me, which park is it in the fall? (golden, elegant, beautiful, motionless, mysterious).

What is this under your feet? (A carpet of autumn leaves that rustle underfoot.) Let's listen to this rustling.

Guys, what else did you notice? (the plants withered, the grass withered, the leaves changed color). Who knows why the leaves turn yellow and fall off? (by shedding leaves, trees prepare for winter).

Not only trees but also shrubs grow in the park. How do shrubs differ from trees? (Children's answers.)

A child reads a poem about autumn.

“What did the trees in the park look like?”

Examining trees and shrubs near and far, in the sun and in the shade (in the sun the colors become brighter, more elegant, and yellow maples and birches “glow” even in the shade).

3. Self-observation.

Children admiring the beauty of trees.

Guys, close your eyes and listen to the autumn sounds and smells. What sounds did you hear? (The rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind, the chirping of sparrows, etc.)

What smells did you smell? (rotted leaves, spicy grass, mushrooms, smoke)

Try to choose the most beautiful tree for you, and when you come to the kindergarten you can draw it.

4. Collection of natural materials.

Guys, let's collect leaves, twigs, fruits of deciduous trees and shrubs, cones coniferous trees to make beautiful crafts.

Students collect natural materials and autumn bouquets. Once again we admire the variety of autumn colors and feel like a part of the surrounding nature.

5. Ecological games and games with natural materials.

1. Game “Say” beautiful words about autumn"

Goal: be able to select adjectives for a given word.

2. Game “Three Sheets”

Goal: to develop visual-spatial concepts, learn to form relative adjectives, coordinate nouns with prepositions.

Progress of the game. The teacher lays out three different sheets of paper in front of the children. The child must name them and say where they lie.

For example: Oak Leaf- between maple and birch. Or: Maple leaf - to the right of the rowan leaf and to the left of the oak leaf, etc.

3. Game “Catch the Leaf”

Goal: develop the ability to jump on the spot as high as possible.

6. Final part.

Guys, do you think the park is happy to see you? How are you feeling, what is your mood?

If you feel good, then the park is happy with you. Always come here as if you were visiting a friend, take care of him.

Our excursion has come to an end and it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. But we will definitely visit our park again.

After an excursion to the autumn park, the teacher and children make a collage of autumn leaves and make an exhibition of drawings based on the results of their observations.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Autumn gift for mom” Goal: to form preschoolers’ primary ideas about professions in their native land. Educational objectives: - consolidate knowledge of vocabulary.

Abstract of GCD in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in the senior group “Autumn Park” Goal: to improve children’s ability to create the image of an autumn tree using the scratching technique. Tasks: - to cultivate love and...

Goal: To develop in children feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland, hometown. Objectives: Educational: - introduce children to memorable places.

Summary of the excursion to the post office in the senior group Program content: introduce children to the post office and the work of postal workers. Expand knowledge about the professions of social workers.

Summary of the excursion in the senior group “Spring-Red” Summary of the excursion in the senior group “Spring-Red”. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, teach them to identify trees by description, and list them.

Summary of the excursion to the spring park (senior group) Goal: to develop children’s ability to see seasonal changes in nature, understand the interconnection of all living things in nature. Objectives: 1. expand.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Autumn Harvest” Lesson notes for the senior group TOPIC: “Autumn Harvest” Objectives: *To consolidate the idea of ​​growing vegetables and fruits and people’s work.

Excursions and targeted walks in the senior group AUTUMN SEPTEMBER 1 TOPIC “There is no turn from September to summer” - EXCURSION OBJECTIVE: To develop the ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

Participants: pre-school groups. Goal: acquaintance with the nature of the immediate environment, formation ecological culture in children.

Pedagogical situation for the senior group

Educator: Antonova Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

Educational: continue to formulate in children the idea that a clearing is a community medicinal plants;
enrich lexicon children with the names of medicinal plants, to form dialogical speech.
Introduce medicinal plants of your native land;
on the basis of the acquired knowledge, to form a desire for their rational use and protection;
Explain the rules of caring for medicinal plants.
Developmental: develop the ability to notice and correctly name medicinal plants;
introduce the characteristics of coltsfoot, plantain, nettle, dandelion;
clarify where they grow and what their significance in nature is.
Tell the children that insects live in the clearing among the grass.
Educational: to cultivate a conscious, careful attitude towards medicinal herbs, to develop the ability to behave correctly in the “Meadow of Health”, and an aesthetic perception of nature.
Preliminary work. A conversation about medicinal plants and their importance in restoring health;
examination of illustrations on the topic “Medicinal plants”, “Insects”.
Reading M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”.
Making riddles about medicinal herbs and insects.
Progress of the excursion.
- Guys, look at the screen and determine what time of year it is.
Children. Spring.
Educator. That's right, spring. By what signs did you determine this?
Children. Birds have flown in from warm regions and insects have woken up, the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting and streams are flowing; thawed patches appeared.
Bright blue sky, the sun is shining.
Educator. Well done! Spring - the red one rules the earth!
Today the weather is beautiful outside and I suggest you go on an excursion. Listen to the riddle and guess where we will go:
There is such a place in the forest,
Where grass and flowers grow,
Strawberries for jam
Where do you like to run?
Educator. What it is?
Children. Glade.
Educator. So where do we go?
Children. To the clearing.
Educator. Right. We will go to the spring meadow, where they grow medicinal herbs, birds sing, grasshoppers and other insects jump.
Stand next to each other.
Fast legs, fast legs
Let's run along the path
Top-top, jump - jump.
Educator. Here we are in the clearing. Guys, look around, how beautiful it is!
The earth has thawed from the bright sun, there are a lot of puddles, streams are babbling, birds are chirping loudly - the messengers of spring, there is a lot of moisture.
Spring has come into its own.
And spring helped defeat winter... What do you think helped?
Children. Sun! Because in spring the sun shines brighter and warms up more strongly.
Educator. Right!
Playing with the sun.
Sunshine, sunshine,
Shine brighter!
(Stretch your arms up, stand on your toes.)
Bright rays
Reach out to us.
(Extend your arms forward, palms up.)
We will put our hands in your palms,
(Split into pairs, extend your hands to each other.)
Spin us around, lifting us off the ground.

(Spin in pairs.)
They came to the clearing with you.
(Line up in a chain, holding each other's hands).
What do you like about the clearing?
Children. Lots of flowers and grass.
Educator. Yes, we are surrounded by many medicinal plants and primroses. Some spring plants are blooming, while others have just emerged from the ground. There are so many sprouts all around! Some pierce the ground like sharp pegs with tightly rolled leaves, others with a bent stem. And there is a lot of strength in these sprouts. Every day new flowers bloom.
Educator. What does the clearing look like?
Children. On the carpet, on the tablecloth, on the scarf.
Educator. Guys, what color is the clearing?
Children. Yellow, green.
Educator. Remember which meadow I read you a story about?
Children. About the golden meadow.
Educator. Why is it called that?
Children. There were many yellow dandelions growing on it.
Educator. What does a dandelion look like?
Children. Dandelion looks like a golden ball.
Educator. Let's find a dandelion among the plants of our meadow and say hello to it. (Children find dandelions and examine it).
Look closely at the flower and see what it is like.
Dandelion is a medicinal plant. It contains a large storehouse of vitamins.
Their use quickly restores a person’s strength.
Dandelion leaves are collected in a rosette and grow all summer. A very healthy salad is made from the leaves of young dandelion, and jam is even made from the inflorescences. In autumn, dandelion leaves do not dry out, but go under the snow; they begin to turn green in the spring when exposed to sunlight.
And a little later, yellow “lanterns” light up in the grass
Listen to the poem "Dandelion"
The sun dropped a golden ray.
The first dandelion grew, young.
It has a wonderful golden color,
A little hello from the big sun.
Educator. But a little time will pass and the golden dandelion will not be recognized.
Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former dandelion.
Game "Dandelion"
Children are divided into two teams and line up one after another.
Each participant holds some part of the flower: core, stem, petals.
A hoop is placed at a distance of 5-6m from the teams. At a signal, children take turns running up to the hoop and laying out a dandelion in it.
The team that collects the dandelion first wins.
Educator. Today the sun is shining brightly, it met you in the clearing and invites you to play with it.
Finger game “Ah! The sun is already clear"
Oh! The sun is already clear (they spread their arms to the sides)
It's hot, it's hot (hands raised up)
And there is gold everywhere (they gradually lower their hands down, clenching and unclenching their fists)
Spilled, spilled.
Streams on the street (use palms to depict wave-like movements)
Everything is murmuring, everything is murmuring.
The cranes are crowing (they bring their palms to their mouths, pretending to play the pipe)
And they fly and fly (arms to the sides - up - down).
Educator. Guys, guess the riddle about which plant that grows in the clearing will we be talking about?
Mystery. A green bush grows,
If you touch it, it will bite you,
It's not fire, it burns.
Children. Nettle.
Educator. Find nettles in the clearing.
Children find and examine.
Educator. Nettle contains so many vitamins that cabbage soup cooked from its leaves gives a person strength and vigor. People prepared cabbage soup from nettles in difficult years war.
Educator. What other medicinal plants do you know? They are also called “green pharmacy” Why? (Children's answers.) That's right! Such medicines help get rid of diseases. They provide special assistance on a hike, at the dacha, or on a walk away from home. People have long noticed unusual properties some plants and used them to improve health. Herbal pharmacy Animals also use it.
Today we will also get acquainted with coltsfoot, this plant helps us on our walks.
This plant has two faces: spring and summer. “Spring face” - yellow inflorescences on short stems. Its mischievous yellow lights seem to warn, like a yellow traffic light: wait a little, and it will light up green light– meadows and forests will turn green. These yellow lights are called flowers, each containing many tiny flowers clustered together.
Let's find it and look at it.
The leaves are large and round.
Place the sheet on the cheek with the smooth side.
How will you feel?
Children. Cool.
Educator. Now apply it with the rough side.
How did you feel now?
Children. Warm.
Educator. Why is the plant so named? How do you think?
Children. Mother is the warm, affectionate, soft side of the leaf. And his stepmother is the cold, smooth side of him. People have always used this plant to treat colds and coughs.
Educator. What other plants grow in the clearing?
Guess the riddle. A modest, inconspicuous flower
It grows along the paths.
It just doesn't bloom at all.
Many of us are unaware
That a cure has been found
They can stop the bleeding.
What kind of weed? –
Children. Plantain. Why is it called that?
Children. You can find him along the road.
Educator. Right! Who knows in what cases this wonderful plant will help us. (Children's response) fresh leaf The plantain needs to be crushed in your hands so that the juice appears, and applied to the wound or burn. Soon they will heal, the pain will go away.
Game "Connoisseurs"
I show the medicinal plant one by one. Children must name the part of the plant (root, leaf, fruit, flower) that is used for medicinal purposes.
For example: plantain - leaf, chamomile - flower, etc.
The game can be complicated by asking: What diseases does it help with? Where does it grow?
Educator. We got acquainted with medicinal plants. How should you handle them?
Children. Carefully and carefully.
Educator. Let's remember the rules for collecting medicinal plants.
1. It is necessary to collect plants in moderation, leaving some in nature for reproduction.
2. It is necessary to cut or collect only the part that is medicinal. Plants should not be pulled out by the roots.
3. Collection should be done only at certain times.
4. Unfamiliar plants should not be collected.
5. It is necessary to remember that some plants are poisonous, so you cannot pick them without adults, much less put beautiful berries in your mouth.
Educator. Guys, you can’t make noise in the clearing, you can’t pick too many flowers, you can’t catch insects... Why? (Children's answers.)
But look: a bumblebee landed on the yellow eye of the mother and stepmother. For what? (children's answer)
Educator. That's right, to collect nectar. In the mother-and-stepmother flowers, a wonderful table is laid for bees and bumblebees, and at a time when there are no other flowering plants yet. Pay attention to the color of the flowers. What is she like? (Children's answers.) Why such brightness?
Children. To attract the attention of insects.
Educator. Bumblebees and bees help primroses reproduce.
Children. Pollination. They carry pollen on their paws.
Listen to the riddle.
In the clearing, near the fir trees,
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million residents there.
Children. Anthill.
Educator. Everyone knows that the ant is the orderly of the forest. If there are a lot of anthills in the forest, then the forest is healthy. Anthills must not be destroyed, sticks must not be shoved into them, and ants must not be crushed. Look how the ants work: everyone is busy with their own business - who drags the straw that more ant several times, and whoever fights with the beetle drives the uninvited guest out of the anthill. The ant is a hard worker, the ant is the protector of the forest. This is why anthills should be protected.
Educator. Look, what other insects do you see? (Children's answer.)
Educator. Admire once again how beautiful our meadow is in the spring. We saw and learned a lot of interesting things. And most importantly, you didn't harm anyone.
You are true friends of nature.
I want to remind you that Nature generously gives us beauty. And beauty must be loved and appreciated. Look carefully and remember, and when we get to kindergarten, we’ll draw a spring meadow. Show your drawings to your parents and tell them how many interesting and unusual things you saw in the clearing today.
Let's say to the clearing: “Goodbye, see you again!”
Work after the excursion. Summarize the knowledge gained after the excursion through conversation, reading stories about medicinal plants, and conducting a quiz “In a forest clearing.” Make a panorama from the drawings.

Abstract of the educational activity “Excursion to the park” for older children preschool age

Goal and tasks: cultivate a love of nature and respect for the environment; learn to identify tree names by leaves; expand children's knowledge about nature; consolidate knowledge geometric shapes; practice drawing various types trees on the sand.

Program content:

    Summarize and specify children’s ideas about the park.

    Develop the ability to establish a connection between changes in inanimate nature and the adaptation of plants and birds to these changes.

    Cultivate interest in phenomena occurring in nature.

    Encourage conscious caring for nature and appropriate behavior in the park.

    Help children feel cheerful, happy, positive emotions, returning the sensations of pleasant experiences.

    Form children's ideas about behavior in public places.

    Exercise children in the ability to maintain a conversation and answer questions with complete answers.

    Activation of the dictionary: autumn, leaf fall, wind, birds, golden autumn, park.

Equipment: Dunno doll,leaves of various trees, buckets, a large basket for collecting natural material.

Preliminary work.

Conversation with children about the rules of behavior on the street, when going to the park, and also in the park.

The teacher pays attention to the children’s clothes. Children should be dressed comfortably, in accordance with the weather and season.

Progress of the excursion.

Organizing time.

The teacher tells the children that today they are going on an excursion to the park. Dunno asked to join them and told the children that he really liked to walk in the park in the summer. The children agreed to take him with them to admire the beauty of the autumn park and teach Dunno to distinguish summer nature from autumn nature.

On the way, the teacher invites the children to name the trees and shrubs that the children will see.

Educator: Guys, look where we have come?

Children: to the park.

Educator: Let's remember what the park looked like in summer?

Children: there was a lot of grass, flowers, it was warm, the sun was shining, etc.

Educator: Right! How has the park changed with the arrival of autumn?

Children: the leaves turned yellow, began to fall, the sun hid behind a cloud.Educator: Well done, right! It became colder, the leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.

“They rush straight into the sky, up into the air;

Take a close look:

Not birches, not aspens,

There are no leaves, there are needles.” (Spruce)

“Here is a barrel with a cap

Fell from a tree.

A year has passed - and the tree

He has become small." (Acorn)

"Wonderful tree,

Interesting leaves -

Fans, fans,

Flowers with a white candle." (Chestnut)

“A quiet autumn will come,

The tree will become marvelous:

Leaves - stars are bright,

Golden and hot." (Maple)

“What kind of tree is growing?

We get snow in June.

The snow doesn't melt.

Flies in the air" (Topol)

In the park, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the beauty of nature, shows leaves prepared in advance from different trees: poplar, maple, chestnut, oak. Children look at the leaves in the sun, and the teacher talks about the veins on the leaves and why they are needed. Draws children's attention to the fact that leaves from different trees have different veins. And the shape of the leaf depends on this. Asking questions:

What geometric shape will the oak leaf fit into? (Oval)

What else comes in this shape? (children's answers)

Didactic game “Guess what I’ll draw?” - a game for speech development.

I draw various trees in the sand and the children name them.

- Now you draw, and I’ll guess.

Children draw trees, reflecting characteristics, inherent this species trees .

Educator: Please listen to the poem:

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

Yellow birds are flying...

Maybe it's not birds

Are you getting ready for a long journey?

Maybe it's just summer

Flying off to rest...

Relax and gain strength

And it will come back to us.

Guys, what yellow birds do you think the poem is talking about?Children: about leaves.

Educator: That's right, the leaves are flying in the wind and it feels like they are birds.

Leaf fall is when trees shed their leaves and prepare for the winter cold. The leaves will cover the ground with a continuous carpet and protect the roots of the trees from frost. The ground under the fallen leaves will not freeze deeply, will not become too compacted under the weight of snow, and will retain air, which is very important for the various inhabitants of the soil that loosen the soil and make it fertile. In spring, under fallen leaves, the ground retains the moisture of melted snow longer. Fallen leaves on the ground are not trash; they are needed by the soil and the plants that grow on it.

Guys, pay attention to where the trees are starting to turn yellow. In autumn the air is cold and therefore the trees begin to turn yellow from the top, where they are less protected from the wind. Stand quietly, quietly and listen to how its branches rustle. Why are they rustling?

Children: the wind rustles the leaves.

Educator : Who knows what the wind is?

Children: wind is air that is constantly moving.

Educator: Guys, we walked around the park and saw what changes in nature took place with the arrival of autumn.

And now I invite you to play. Please take a piece of paper in each hand.

Game “We are autumn leaves”

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We are autumn leaves. (Children stand scattered, hands with

We were sitting on a branch,leaves raised up -

The wind blew and they flew.swing them).

We flew, we flew,

And then you got tired of flying. (The children run away in different directions,

The breeze has stopped blowing- waving leaves - squatting,

We all sat down in a circle.raising the leaves above your head).

The wind suddenly blew again

And he quickly blew away the leaves.(They run away again, waving

All the leaves have flownleaves , throw them up

And they sat down quietly on the ground.up, depicting leaf fall).

Educator: Guys, you know that in our kindergarten A competition of crafts made from natural materials “Golden Autumn” is taking place. I suggest you now collect natural materials (leaves, acorns, sticks, cones) and make a craft at home with your parents.

(Children collect natural materials in a basket).

Educator: Guys, now it’s time for us to say goodbye to the autumn park. Did you enjoy the excursion to the park and why? (Children's answers).

The teacher praises the children for the correct answers and says that they behaved correctly in the park: they did not break branches, but collected leaves on the ground , did not shake the trees, i.e. remembered the rules of behavior in nature that we all discussed together before the excursion.

Return to kindergarten.