Signs that your period is coming soon. How to know when you're about to give birth

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, each expectant mother There are fears associated with childbirth. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first child or not, every time is like the first time for a woman. Especially often, fears arise due to the uncertainty of the expectant mother that she will recognize contractions in time and have time to arrive at the maternity hospital.

But such cases occur extremely rarely; more often, pregnant women are sent home to nurse until their due date. After all, it is very difficult not to recognize the onset of labor, and when your baby wants to be born, you will immediately understand it.

If you listen to your body, you will find that significant changes will begin approximately 14 days before your expected due date. And the closer the deadline, the more noticeable these changes will be.

14 days before the baby is born

At this time, the body begins to prepare for important event- the birth of a baby. During this period, mommy begins to feel the harbingers of childbirth - signs that indicate the approach of the cherished date.

Training contractions
Contractions are contractions of the uterus that help the baby leave the womb. They feel like pain during menstruation, only much more intense. Training contractions are needed to prepare the uterus and pelvic organs for childbirth. Unlike real contractions, they are not periodic and are less painful.

Abdominal prolapse
Another harbinger of labor is abdominal prolapse. This can not only be felt, but also seen. You yourself will notice how your stomach has become much lower, as if drawn to the floor. This means that the baby is already ready for birth and is pressing its head on the lower part of the uterus. That's why she's from abdominal cavity gradually moves to the pelvic area. The expectant mother begins to feel lightness in the abdomen and chest, because the pressure on them stops. At the same time, frequent urination and discomfort in the groin area.

The closer this event is, the more new sensations he experiences. future mom. Sometimes this can be mistaken for problems during pregnancy, so to reassure yourself, you should communicate more with your loved ones, and, if necessary, with your doctor.

Uncomfortable sensations
Before giving birth, the expectant mother may feel aching pain in the lower back. This indicates a shift pelvic organs, widening of the hips and stretching of ligaments. In this way, the body prepares for childbirth.

Hormonal changes
When a cherished event approaches, the cerebellum begins to produce hormones responsible for childbirth. They are the ones who provoke contractions and other changes. You can notice this if you change taste sensations, your appetite will disappear, your mood will fluctuate, your bowel movements will become more frequent. Often pregnant women last weeks lose weight, this is due to the fact that hormones no longer affect the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Decreased baby activity
Now the baby occupies almost the entire uterine cavity and simply cannot turn around in it properly. The tests and indicators remain normal and the child’s health is not in danger.

If you don’t feel any signs of labor, and the birth date is getting closer, don’t worry, maybe your body is less sensitive than other expectant mothers, or the symptoms are less intense.

The day before giving birth or a little later, the expectant mother exhibits symptoms that clearly hint that you will soon meet the baby. If you feel the sensations described below, then inform your loved ones that you will soon need their help.

Exit of the mucus plug
The mucus plug is a barrier that throughout pregnancy protected the baby from the penetration of germs, bacteria and viruses. Before birth, it is rejected by the body, clearing the way, and comes out gradually or immediately. Don't be alarmed when you find it on your underwear. yellow mucus, if she has no blood clots, then everything is going according to plan.

The contraction of the uterus just before childbirth becomes periodic. At first, you may think that this is another “training” of the body, but when such attacks occur every 15-20 minutes, this will already indicate the onset of labor. Over time, the interval will become smaller until it reaches 3-5 minutes.

Broken water
In feature films and TV series, labor for heroines always begins with the water suddenly breaking. In fact, this happens extremely rarely. Experienced moms they know this for themselves. Contractions appear first, and only then all other signs. Moreover, the bubble may not rupture on its own, then it is punctured in the maternity hospital. This is an absolutely painless procedure that will not harm the baby.

If your water breaks and there are no contractions, then urgently call an ambulance or ask your loved ones to take you to the maternity hospital. This combination of circumstances can complicate the course of labor, so medical supervision is extremely necessary.

A few hours before birth, the intestinal muscles begin to contract and release everything unnecessary so that the contents do not interfere natural course childbirth So you may experience frequent urge"by and large." Moreover, there is a feeling of nausea, even the urge to vomit.

Some women in labor report chills that appear some time before giving birth. The expectant mother becomes cold and begins to shake a little.

Until the contractions become too frequent, approximately every 5-7 minutes, remain calm and prepare for the trip to the hospital. At this time, try not to lie down, but move more and breathe deeply, this way you will stimulate labor. If the maternity hospital is far away, you need to get ready much earlier or go to it in advance.

The pain will only intensify, so make sure you take and prepare your bag in advance. It’s good if there is someone next to you at this time dear person, especially mom. With her you will feel confident and calm.

If contractions start earlier than expected, don't worry about it. Today it is considered normal to give birth to a baby already at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors say that by this time everything will be important functions The baby is fully formed and ready for extrauterine life. But if labor activity does not start on time, and the days go by, then you should start worrying and go to the doctor. The baby is getting too big, he no longer has enough nutrition and oxygen from his mother.

What to pack for sending to the maternity hospital

To avoid packing right before your trip, take care of this a few weeks in advance. You will need to take to the maternity hospital:

  • Exchange card
  • Birth certificate
  • Passport
  • Health insurance policy
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital, if any
  • Slippers
  • Phone and charger
  • Robe
  • Nightgown
  • Disposable panties
  • Pads intended for women after childbirth
  • Baby soap
  • Diapers for newborns
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Shampoo

The rest will be brought to you by your relatives if necessary.

Summarizing everything described earlier, we can note the basic tips that will help you stay calm and understand that labor has begun and you need to go to the maternity hospital:

  1. Learn to distinguish training contractions from real ones. The latter begin at regular intervals, gradually becoming more frequent and more painful.
  2. Record the time of contractions and their duration. Do not lie down during contractions, as this will make them more painful.
  3. Watch your belly. When it starts to descend, you will immediately see it. If your water breaks, call an ambulance immediately.
  4. The release of mucous secretions indicates the onset of labor.
  5. Always keep your doctor's phone number with you. He will answer your questions and give necessary instructions, if needed.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and important event for every mother, so you need to be prepared for all the difficulties and features of this process. Stay calm, be confident in your knowledge and strength, and then the birth will go well.

Video: harbingers of childbirth

Most female representatives are upset by the onset of menstruation. And in this regard, how can you understand that your period will begin soon? To do this, you need to calculate the occurrence of critical days, they can help with this accompanying symptoms, . That's just severe pain may foreshadow serious problems with health. That's why it's worth a visit medical institution.

Determining the start date of menstruation

The reproductive cycle lasts 28 days. Exactly how many days are allotted for the duration of the entire period depends on individual characteristics body.

How to understand that your period will start soon? Critical days involve a special cyclicity, which is divided into phases. There are 4 of them in total:

  1. From the first to the fifth day. When the level of progesterone in the blood decreases, the epithelium inside the uterus exfoliates. Thanks to him, separation occurs. In this case, a follicle appears, forming an egg.
  2. From the fifth to the fourteenth day. In this period menstrual cycle not visible. They come out of the cervical canal blood clots. The estrogen content exceeds the norm, due to which the follicle opens. At this moment the egg is in fallopian tube where it can be fertilized.
  3. From 15 to 23 days. If conception does not occur, then the estrogen level decreases. The devastated follicle becomes like corpus luteum, responsible for the appearance of progesterone.
  4. From 23 to 28 days. Progesterone required female for healthy pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

If conception does not occur, women will soon find out when their periods will begin. A harbinger of this is the removal of dead cells from the uterine mucosa. At this moment, female representatives feel slight discomfort, which is expressed in certain symptoms. It is this phenomenon that warns of the onset of menstruation.

Symptoms and signs of the onset of menstruation

Finding out how soon your period will come is not so difficult; you need to know the basic characteristics of the body. Therefore, certain symptoms that should be presented to everyone will help to calculate the beginning of critical days.

The main precursors of the menstrual cycle:

  1. The mammary glands slightly increase in volume. At the same time, the chest becomes slightly rougher, and pain may also be felt in this area. Minor discharge is observed, which subsequently transforms into a curd consistency. However similar phenomena It is very difficult to recognize immediately.
  2. When menstruation appears, acute or weak pain occurs, because the uterus will soon bring out the endometrium. Basically, this phenomenon accompanies the occurrence of painful sensations, which manifest themselves depending on the characteristics of the body. This is sometimes associated with hormonal imbalance systems. Thus, the best solution when observing characteristic symptoms is qualified assistance specialists.
  3. Minor rashes may be observed on the outer layer of the epidermis. This type of symptom is considered a problem hormonal levels before the start of menstruation.
  4. Before the first symptoms of menstruation appear, lower back pain occurs. Other processes observed before can also be considered a frequent occurrence.
  5. When menstruation begins, it is released. This stage refers to the necessary reaction of the body. At a specific time interval, shortly before menstruation, the body is freed from excess. Basically, pain during critical days is associated with excessive intestinal load. However, when defecating, the discomfort disappears.

Read also Can you have heartburn before your period?

In rare cases associated symptoms or the signs are attributed to others. The most common phenomena: good appetite, swelling of the limbs and face. Some female representatives complain of poor health, which has come to be called PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome

Men refuse to believe in the presence premenstrual syndrome. However, women claim that discomfort accompanies them throughout the entire period of menstruation. Medical workers adhere to different opinions about the presence of PMS, but women say that it is possible to detect the approach of menstruation thanks to them. Doctors dealing with premenstrual period, confirm his presence. In addition, they also identify a variety this state.

There are 3 main types of PMS, characterized by special symptoms:

  1. Damaged nervous and psychological condition. This type is associated with an emotional breakdown, irritability, the appearance of depressive disorders, tearfulness, and undermining moral stability. When a woman gets her period, a common symptom is fatigue and nervousness that spreads to her surroundings. The alternating symptoms are normal phenomenon, which does not foreshadow any health problems.
  2. Severe swelling. It spreads to the mammary glands, limbs of the arms and the abdominal area. Weakness is also observed, affecting further activities during the day.
  3. This type is the most common. It is expressed mainly in dizziness and nausea. Female representatives also note a loss of strength, emotional stress. With the onset of menstruation, the tendency to depressive disorders and weakening of the body.

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, there are also reasons that contribute to this:

  • eating junk food;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • increased level of prolactin in the body;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • commitment to conflict situations;
  • weakening of hormonal levels;
  • bad heredity;
  • insufficient amounts of certain hormones.

If this syndrome prevents a person from doing something important matter or severe pain is felt, you must visit a medical facility. Only a doctor will explain the situation and the possibility of developing dangerous diseases.

Pain in the lower abdomen

A typical example of the onset of menstruation is severe pain in the lower abdomen shortly before the onset of discharge. Also at the same time painful sensations may radiate to the sternum. In some cases, such signs are difficult to bear.

To improve your well-being, you should reduce physiological activity before the cycle. In most cases, this recommendation helps prevent pain in the abdomen and chest.

Many women keep a special diary in which they note the arrival next menstruation. However, how can you find out when your period starts if you don’t have one? As you know, menstruation comes exactly on time and regularly, unless pregnancy occurs or a serious malfunction occurs in the body. Nature has created a clear system that is necessary for the continuation of the human race, and menstruation is an integral part of it.

The average in this case is considered to be a period of 28 days. However, not every female body The duration of the menstrual cycle is exactly this period. Fluctuations of up to 3 days in each direction are considered normal.

In order to understand that menstruation begins, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what changes occur at each stage. It is customary to start counting from the first day bleeding, which represent the endometrium that separates from the body. This period usually lasts about 3-5 days, but can last up to one week.

Pain in the abdomen and chest

This may indicate that your period will begin soon. nagging pain in the lower abdomen. At this time, nausea, headaches and dizziness may appear. During this period, it is better to avoid significant physical activity, so as not to provoke increased signs of the approaching menstruation.

It is worth clarifying that you cannot get used to pain. If it is too strong, this is a clear reason to contact a specialist. Sharp painful sensations during the arrival of the next menstruation may indicate the presence various pathologies. This can be endometriosis, tumors, including malignant ones, as well as infectious diseases.

By looking at the mammary glands, you can also understand how many days later you can expect the arrival of menstruation. As a rule, the breasts react strongly to the approach of menstruation. Already a few days before the start of a new menstrual cycle, she may feel a little sick. In this case, you should also be attentive to the nature of the pain. If they are too strong, this may be evidence of diffuse mastopathy.

This disease is associated with rapid growth connective tissue in the chest. This causes small nodules to appear in the mammary glands. These symptoms, including pain, disappear after menstruation has passed. If the pain is too severe, you should consult a doctor. The advanced stage of mastopathy is quite difficult to cure, so it is better to deal with this issue in advance.

Discharge as a sign of approaching menstruation

In the menstrual cycle most of stages is associated with transparent secretions. Only for a few days does mucus and blood come out.

By the number of discharges, you can also determine that critical days, since there are a little more of them a couple of days before the arrival of menstruation.

If heavy discharge are present throughout the entire menstrual cycle, with the exception of the period of endometrial release, this may be evidence that problems have begun in the field of gynecology.

For example, excessive transparent discharge are often a sign of cervicitis and erosion. When a brownish smear appears, we can talk about polyps, endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Discharge mixed with blood that appears a few days before your period arrives can also be a sign of a serious pathology. In any case, you should consult a specialist about this.

Temperature change

Before the arrival of critical days, it is permissible slight increase body temperature. This is not considered a pathology if the fluctuations in indicators are not too significant. In cases where the temperature becomes very high, you need to contact a specialist.

A woman's entire menstrual cycle may vary slightly basal temperature. The biggest jump in indicators can be observed at the stage of ovulation.

On initial stage cycle, basal temperature can reach 37°. After this, a gradual decrease is observed until the onset of ovulation.

The reason for this is the significant release of progesterone that occurs after the follicle ruptures. Thus, if BT drops below 37°, then your period will definitely come.

Premenstrual syndrome

Well, most in a simple way Determining that menstruation is about to begin is considered premenstrual syndrome. This is a complex system of changes in the psychological, cardiovascular and endocrine state of a woman.

The most common signs of premenstrual syndrome are insomnia and sleep disturbances, bloating, nausea and even vomiting, pain in the chest and lower back, as well as an increase in appetite, which leads to sudden weight gain. It is especially worth highlighting the psychological state of the body during this period. Often before menstruation, women become irritable, suffer from severe depression and are very susceptible to stress.

Such signs do not appear in every girl and not every month. And yet, the majority of representatives of the fair half of humanity determines, by the presence of PMS, approximately how many days later they can expect menstruation.

It is worth noting that often a woman during PMS feels like she is pregnant. In fact, the state of the body and behavior during the period of premenstrual syndrome can be very similar to the first weeks after fertilization of the egg by the sperm.

The period of menstruation, although not the most pleasant for a woman, is still a very important stage. Without the monthly arrival of critical days, it will not be possible to conceive, carry and give birth to a child. Often PMS and critical days are associated with unpleasant symptoms, but almost all of them are tolerable and do not require a change in your usual lifestyle.

As a last resort, you can use special medicines, which are sold at any pharmacy.

When a woman is expecting a child, the most exciting moment for her is childbirth. The expectant mother is eagerly counting the days until the long-awaited meeting with the baby. Many women are familiar with the sensations of contractions and pushing. But what to do if a representative of the fair sex becomes a mother for the first time? How to understand that labor has begun? This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will learn what are the signs of labor beginning. Also find out how this process works.

Genera and their types

Before we talk about how labor begins in women, we need to say something about the process itself. The birth of a child can occur naturally or through caesarean section. The second option is chosen if there are any pathologies or abnormalities in the health of the child or expectant mother. Most women are indicated for natural childbirth.

Periods of labor

This process is divided into three main stages. In the first period, the woman feels the initial labor. This period of time can last from two hours to one day. The first period ends when the cervix is ​​completely ready to expel the fetus, and contractions give way to pushing.

The second part of the birth is characterized by the birth of a child. It is worth noting that this stage is the most critical. The second period ends with the baby completely losing physical contact with the mother due to the cutting off of the umbilical cord.

The third part of childbirth is the fastest and easiest. A few minutes after expulsion of the fetus, the uterus begins to actively contract and pushes out the placenta. Doctors call this formation the placenta.

How does labor begin?

There are several options for starting labor. It is worth noting that many women confuse true contractions with training contractions. Also, inexperienced expectant mothers can take copious discharge and the release of the plug for the outpouring of amniotic fluid. How to understand that labor has begun? If you have any doubts, you should contact maternity hospital according to your place of registration. The doctor on duty will examine you and tell you with certainty whether the signs are true or false. Let's consider several options for how labor begins.


Most often, the first period begins with regular uterine contractions. It is quite easy to distinguish them from training bouts. True labor is accompanied by rhythmic contractions at certain intervals. How to understand that labor has begun in this case?

Try to relax and lie down. In some situations, doctors recommend taking a warm bath and drinking two tablets of the No-Shpa drug. Training contractions usually go away on their own with these manipulations. However, if the reductions have not stopped, then it is worth counting them. Pick up a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch. Notice the time when your stomach becomes toned and tense. After this, count how many seconds there are between contractions. If contractions occur regularly and increase over time, then most likely you are in labor. If the contractions are spontaneous, and the time between them increases and decreases, this is not the beginning of the first period. However, to reassure you, you should contact any medical institution for an examination.

Rush of amniotic fluid

You now know how contractions begin before childbirth. Could the first period have an alternative start? Absolutely yes.

Labor may begin with the breaking of amniotic fluid. In this case, after a sharp decrease in the volume of the uterus, intense contractions occur. However, there are times when effusion has occurred, but contractions do not begin. This is when doctors come to the rescue with some medications. The expectant mother is injected with a substance that stimulates uterine contractions. Most often, such a correction leads to a positive outcome. How to understand that labor has begun in such a situation?

It is quite difficult to confuse the discharge of amniotic fluid with something else. The water comes out in large volumes and has a specific smell. More often this process begins after some physical activity. If your water breaks, you should go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. In this case, you can no longer take a bath, as infection of the fetus may occur. Opt for a regular shower.

Removal of the mucus plug

The first signs of incipient labor may appear long before the start of activity. Thus, one of the main evidence of the approach of the first period is the separation of a mucous lump. As pregnancy progresses, the viscous fluid released by the cervix accumulates in the cervical canal. It reliably protects the child from infections and bacteria. Before labor begins, this lump separates and comes out. Sometimes women may confuse it with normal discharge.

The mucus plug has a specific color and smell. Its shade can range from transparent to brown. The volume of this formation is approximately two tablespoons. The cork can come out all at once or in parts. Most often, separation of the lump begins after the next examination in the gynecological chair.

The release of the plug does not mean that you are giving birth. However this a clear sign that you will soon meet your baby. Labor can begin two hours or a week after this incident.

Pain in the back and lower abdomen

Sometimes labor is not recognized as contractions. Many women report only girdling pain in the peritoneum. Representatives of the fairer sex experience similar sensations during menstruation. How can you understand that this is the beginning of labor?

If the period is already quite long, and you are expecting the birth of a child any day now, then such sensations may well indicate the beginning of the first period. In this case, it is better not to guess on the tea leaves, but to go to a medical facility for examination. In some cases, abdominal pain may indicate pathology. However, you should not worry ahead of time.


How does labor begin in this case? Most often, such an operation is planned. The woman is prepared for several days and various tests are carried out. On the day of the operation, the expectant mother is given an anesthetic. This may be general anesthesia (while the woman in labor is asleep) or epidural anesthesia. This is where labor begins. Next, the doctor performs the necessary manipulations and removes the baby from the woman’s belly.

How does premature labor begin?

Premature birth is defined as labor that began between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. Is it possible to somehow recognize the signs of this process? Absolutely yes.

More often premature birth no different from ordinary ones. A woman in labor experiences abdominal pain uterine contractions and heaviness in the lower back. Remember that in this case you should go to a medical facility as soon as possible. At the earliest stages, when the dilation of the cervix has not yet begun, doctors can stop this process. The only exceptions are those cases when labor began with the discharge of amniotic fluid.


Now you know how to recognize the beginning of labor. Remember that the process may be different each time. Even for the same woman, the first period may begin differently from the last time. It is worth noting that for multiparous representatives of the fairer sex, childbirth is easier and faster. This happens because the cervix and the reproductive organ itself already know their main tasks. The actions of the woman in labor also play an important role. Everything goes much easier when the expectant mother knows what awaits her.

If you suspect the onset of labor, you should play it safe and consult a doctor. Only a doctor can say for sure whether activity has begun or not. I wish you health and an easy birth!

By the age of 10-11, girls are usually already aware of the existence of menstruation and why they are needed. The onset of the first menstruation is the beginning adult life. They are waiting for him with excitement. Questions often arise that not every mother can answer. For example, what kind of strange discharge appeared, is this normal for a 9-10 year old girl, when to expect her period to start and why is it late. And it also happens that menstruation appears completely unexpectedly at the age of 7-8 years. The girl is not ready for this either mentally or physically. It is important to understand what the causes and consequences of early and late periods may be.


What determines the timing of the appearance of the first menstruation?

Puberty in girls begins at about 10 years of age and ends by 17-18 years. They begin to grow mammary glands and develop genital organs. 1-1.5 years after the start of maturation, the first menstruation (menarche) appears. The ovaries begin to function and female sex hormones are produced. At this time, ovulation appears, and pregnancy may occur.

The timing of this period depends on the following factors:

If a girl was often sick since childhood, she had congenital pathologies, she had to take a lot of medications, then menstruation may appear later. The norm is the appearance of the first menstruation at the age of 12-15 years. If it occurs at the age of 8-10, it is considered that menstruation is early, and if after 15 years, then it is considered late. In both cases, the causes of deviations are most often hormonal disorders or abnormal development genitals.

What should your first period be like?

The first periods in girls appear in connection with the beginning of the functioning of the ovaries. Puberty begins when the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce hormones (FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone) that promote the formation of estrogens in the ovaries. In the reproductive system, processes such as egg maturation, ovulation, and endometrial development begin to occur. Conception becomes possible. In this case, regular fluctuations in the level of sex hormones occur, characteristic of the menstrual cycles.

Addition: Follicles with egg primordia are present in the girl’s ovaries from birth. Their number is determined genetically. They are consumed throughout the reproductive period. The reserve is exhausted by the age of 45-52. A woman enters menopause and menstruation stops.

Menstruation occurs as a result of rejection and renewal of the uterine mucosa if fertilization of the egg does not occur. Menstrual discharge contains blood from vessels damaged during endometrial detachment. That's why normal first menstruation is dark red in color and has a mucous consistency with clots. There is slight discomfort; there should not be severe abdominal pain.

The volume of blood discharge during the entire period of menstruation is from 50 to 150 ml. Girls have the most intense periods in the first 2-3 days.

The approach of the first menstruation, signs and preparation

Based on some signs, you can understand that the girl will soon begin her first menstruation. Mild soreness appears in the mammary glands, their volume begins to increase, hair appears on the pubis, under the arms, on the legs and arms. Approximately 1-1.5 years before the onset of menstruation, discharge appears white without smell. If their volume increases, they become more liquid, then the first menstruation may occur within 1 month.

An attentive mother notices that the girl’s mood often changes for no reason, and she has an increased interest in products. intimate hygiene, to changes in your own figure. Before the first menstruation appears, some people gain weight.

To ensure that a girl’s first period does not come as a surprise or cause panic, she must be prepared for its onset. A girl should know what menstruation is, what it should be like normally, why deviations are possible, and whether they are always a pathology. She should have an idea of ​​what age her first period comes, how many days it lasts, and what the menstrual cycle should be like.

The girl needs to be told about what sensations she may have and in which case she needs advice and help from a doctor. After signs of the imminent arrival of the first period appear, the girl should always have pads with her.

Warning: The mother should explain to her daughter how to use pads and talk about the need for enhanced care of the genitals during menstruation. Otherwise, due to inexperience, an infection may be introduced into the genitals. Incorrectly chosen gaskets often leak. This causes not only discomfort, but also emotional stress.

After the appearance of menstruation, you need to start a calendar, marking the date of its beginning and end. This will allow you to monitor the regularity of your cycle and notice deviations in the nature of menstruation. The first cycles are unstable in duration and time of onset.

Video: Causes of instability of the first menstruation

When to see a doctor

Pathology is said to exist if:

  1. Menstruation appears at too young an age or is late.
  2. The volume of menstruation exceeds 150 ml, they are bright red in color. This may be a sign of hormonal imbalances, pathological development reproductive organs. Such abnormal first periods in girls occur due to blood diseases. Such menstruation is a sign of tumor diseases and occurs due to the intake of certain medicines, which influence the development of the endometrium.
  3. The first menstruation has appeared, but the next one does not come, although more than 3 months have passed. The reason for this phenomenon may be professional sports or ballet, when the body experiences too much stress. At the same time, this pathology is a consequence inflammatory process, infectious disease, malfunction of the endocrine glands.
  4. Menstruation comes irregularly, although more than 1.5 years have passed since its onset. They appear either after 20 days, or after 35-40. The reasons for the instability of the cycle are illnesses, injuries, vitamin deficiencies, and the desire to lose weight by exhausting the body by starvation.
  5. Severe abdominal pain appears during menstruation.
  6. Their duration is 1-2 days. The cause may be a lack of estrogen due to underdevelopment of the ovaries. If they last 8-10 days, this indicates increased functioning of the ovaries or weak contractility of the uterine muscles.

In such cases it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination from a pediatric gynecologist, as well as an endocrinologist.

Video: About the features of the first menstruation, the need to prepare girls for their onset

Symptoms during menstruation

The girl should be prepared for the fact that with the onset of her period she may experience the following symptoms:

It is necessary to limit sports and other activities on menstrual days. physical exercise, rest more.

Early periods

Early menstruation is considered to occur when a girl is under 11 years of age. There are cases when menstruation occurs in 8-year-old girls.

Sometimes early puberty is not a pathology. If the same situation was observed in mother and grandmother, then this is genetically determined. Accelerated physical development, intense sports, and dancing can also trigger the onset of menstruation at a young age.

However, in any case, when a girl’s first period appears at this age, it is recommended that she be examined, since most often the cause of the phenomenon is hormonal disorders, developmental pathologies, or diseases of the reproductive system. Hormonal disorders are caused by brain tumors, since it is the pituitary gland and hypothalamus that produce hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation appears early if the child is sick diabetes mellitus. Early menstruation often occurs in girls who have experienced severe stress, psychological trauma. One of the causes of stress may be too early exposure to issues of the physiology of sexes. A child’s psyche is easily traumatized by watching non-children’s programs on TV, as well as observing sexual relations loved ones.

What are the dangers of early puberty?

The early appearance of menstruation in a girl causes future health problems, such as early onset of menopause, cardiovascular diseases, deviations in work thyroid gland, hormonal disorders. Women who get their periods early are susceptible to increased risk the occurrence of tumors of the reproductive organs and mammary glands.

With the beginning puberty growth and physical development slows down. An important factor proper development reproductive system is good nutrition And normal conditions life.

Prevention of early menstruation

In order not to provoke the onset of menstruation too early, parents need to take into account what factors contribute to early sexual development. Prevention measures are:

  1. Elimination of stress that can traumatize the delicate psyche of children. We need a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family and a trusting relationship between children and parents, and timely introduction to the problems of sexual development.
  2. Security proper diet nutrition. It is harmful for children to eat spicy, overly salty or sour foods, drink a lot of cocoa, coffee, and strong tea. Drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated for teenagers.
  3. Treatment of endocrine diseases.
  4. Parental control over what the child watches on TV or on the computer.

It is important to observe moderation in sports and not to overload. children's body physically.

Video: What will a girl’s early maturation lead to?

Late periods

The onset of the first menstruation in girls aged 16-18 is considered a deviation from the norm. Late sexual development is also indicated by poor development of the mammary glands.

The causes of late menstruation may be improper development of the uterus and ovaries, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the presence neuropsychiatric diseases. Late puberty is caused by childhood experiences infectious diseases(measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella).

Often the reason late menstruation is the girl's excessive thinness. Adipose tissue, like the ovaries, produces estrogens. In its absence, the level of estrogen is insufficient for the normal functioning of the genital organs.

There are other unfavorable factors that lead to the late appearance of the first menstruation in girls: vitamin deficiency, poor ecology, consumption of genetically modified foods.

Consequences of late puberty

If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not eliminate the anomalies in adolescence, then subsequently the woman develops so-called genital infantilism. Wherein reproductive system in a mature woman it remains underdeveloped (like a teenager). This affects appearance, leads to hormonal disorders affecting overall health.

In girls, unlike adult women, this pathology is usually curable.

Video: What are the dangers of early and late onset of the first period