All the healing properties of oak for men and women. Oak leaves in life and at home

Oak is a deciduous tree. He has a lush and curly crown. The trunk is dark gray, which is covered with thick bark. In the forest, the oak is tall and slender. Oak is the most thermophilic. This tree is long-lived.

Oak is a broad-leaved deciduous tree. It grows where summers are long enough, winters are not too severe, and rainfall is plentiful evenly throughout the year. The oak crown is wide, the leaves are usually separate or lobed, less often serrated or solid, very beautiful in shape. Fruits of oak - acorns - peek out from under them. The oak root is strongly branched and goes deep into the ground.

In the first 10 years of life, oak grows slowly. The most intensive growth in height is at 20 - 80 years, and later there is a thickening of the trunk and branches. Oak fructifies from 40 - 60 years, blooms simultaneously with the blooming of leaves.

The oak is strong. He is big, powerful and can live for a very long time - 500 years or more. Some trees live up to 2 thousand years!

And if an oak tree is cut down, young shoots with very large leaves begin to reach for the light from the stump. With large ones, because all the moisture that powerful roots pump out of the earth now waters only this growth. It grows from special dormant buds. These kidneys long years, from the very youth of the tree, sit on the trunk, not touching in growth. They are emergency. Here they cut down a tree - the stump turned green. There are also buds on the branches. If, for example, the caterpillars eat all the foliage, the tree soon unfolds it again - from sleeping buds.

Oak is a strong tree. But he also has weak side- afraid of the cold. Young leaves and stems are killed by frost. To protect ourselves from this misfortune, the oak begins to turn green late, almost later than all our trees.

And in winter, acorns often die from frost. However, acorns do not die from anything: they dry out from drought and then they can no longer germinate, they rot from excess moisture. They are also "heavy to lift". But trees with the help of fruits and seeds should settle. So the oak has to rely on birds and animals - jays, voles, mice, squirrels.

It turns out that the weakness of the oak is also in the acorns.

Not only weakness, but also strength. They contain a large stock nutrients. Therefore, seedlings that appear in spring or early summer grow well and grow quickly. Better than the sprouts of many other plants.

Leaves and flowers on oaks appear simultaneously, in May. But the fruits of oak - acorns - begin to grow and form only in early August. Acorns ripen from the second half of September to November. The plyuska (“cap” on the acorn), which used to protect the base of the growing acorn, no longer holds the ripened fruit on the tree, and the acorn falls to the ground. Its cotyledons are rich in nutrients, and it germinates quickly. From the top of the acorn, a root appears, which then turns down into the depths.

Oak reproduces by basal shoots and acorns, spread mainly by rodents and birds.

Oak is a clear night owl. He wakes up in the morning, not in a hurry. By noon, it unfolds foliage and branches to recharge its energy, and clearly does not want to part with it. Having had lunch and breakfast at the same time, he falls asleep. And sleeps from about 15 to 17 hours. By evening, having sated and rested, he begins to take an interest in the world around him. Oak willingly communicates with those who listen to him. But a real surge of strength comes to him after 9 pm, when he willingly heals and helps people correct their fate. Having generously inflated his strength to the world, after 3 in the morning he falls asleep soundly, only to wake up again around noon.

Common oak grows in Russian forests. He is always taller than all the trees, always reaching for the light, because he cannot bear the shade. An oak forest is called an oak forest. It is very easy to breathe here, because oaks emit a lot of oxygen. In the oak forest, you can most often find white fungus.

3. 2. Why are oak branches clumsy?

What an oak tree looks like in winter: a thick, powerful trunk, dark bark, covered with deep winding cracks. The older the tree, the deeper these cracks-wrinkles become. Oak branches are not straight, not even, their lines are broken, angular, sharp, as if they never stretched upwards, towards light and warmth. These trees are reminiscent of people who lived through a difficult and hard life who endured many hardships and overcame them.

Oaks give the impression of strength and power. These are really tall, up to 55 m trees with a thick trunk. In central Russia there are no trees that would surpass them in size. Oaks are very fond of light and their shoots change direction several times a season, depending on the light. Therefore, the branches of old oaks have such bizarre bends.

3. 3. Oak is a holy tree.

Oak is one of the most energetic strong trees the central zone of Russia is the most revered among the Slavs. In Russia, it has always been considered a holy tree, a tree associated with male energy and power. Any person can receive a piece of his strength and health from an oak tree. To do this: a) you need to walk more often in oak groves; b) use oak in your everyday life; c) you should never break or cut an oak tree for fun.

Oak is a symbol of longevity and justice. You should never break and chop an oak tree for fun!!! The oak is capable of transmitting information over great distances, and if you have crippled an oak in Moscow, you will not receive support from other oaks anywhere. In many religions of the world, oak is a sacred tree of the thunder gods Zeus, Perun, Thor: fires from oak branches were burned in honor of Perun; the acorn is an offering to the Scandinavian god Thor.

Under the canopy of sacred oaks, important meetings were held and righteous judgments were made.

AT Ancient Greece the altar of Zeus was surrounded by oaks, large oaks were considered statues of Zeus, brave warriors were awarded with oak branches. In Russia, the oak was asked for fertility and protection.

The acorn symbolizes prosperity, fertility.

Near the sacred oak, even a murderer or a thief became inviolable.

The pilgrims who spent the night in the sacred oak grove saw prophetic dreams.

In songs, oak is identified with a man, and birch with a woman:

“Ah, it’s boring for a lonely tree to grow.

Oh, bitter, bitter fellow without a sweet life to lead!

In spring, many yellowish catkins hang from the branches of oaks. Each such earring consists of dozens of male flowers without petals and sepals, closely pressed to each other. Their task is to release clouds of pollen, which the wind carries to inconspicuous female flowers hiding in the axils of the leaves.

In Russia, there was such a custom: in the villages on Ivan Kupala, all Ivanovs were decorated with oak wreaths.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, the floors and floors were oak. This arrangement of wood contributed to best protection man from influences negative energy from outside and let in the shortest time restore the spent forces, since the oak easily transfers its energy to a person upon direct contact, and its strength allows you to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder the people said: "strong as an oak."

And in a modern city house, oak floors and chairs would not be superfluous at all, which would allow you to quickly restore the forces spent during the day!

3. 4. What kind of oak trees grow in other countries?

Scientists believe that there are about 450 species of oaks in the world. These are mostly large trees, but there are also shrubs. In Spain, shrub oak grows, no more than 2-3 meters high. On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, East Asia, in the North and Central America oak leaves are smaller and more severe than in central Russia. There are evergreen trees. In the Mediterranean and China, cork oak and variable oak are grown. Their bark, light and porous, goes to traffic jams, which are difficult to do without. But the best corks are made from the bark of the Moroccan oak, which also produces edible chestnut-like acorns. Mediterranean oaks have a pleasant taste of acorns. They are eaten in Algeria, Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Portugal.

In the eastern United States and Central America, the common tree is the crane oak. In autumn, its long, pointed leaves turn red. They grow quickly, and animals hardly eat their bitter acorns. Red oak wood with a pleasant reddish or pinkish tint. It is softer than other oaks and makes beautiful furniture.

Oak marsh, or white, grows in the swamps of the United States, in the valleys of the Mississippi, in Mexico, where forests form along with red oak and coniferous trees.

American white oaks have edible acorns and have a harder wood than red oaks. In America, another type of oak grows - large-fruited. Its bark also goes to cork.

3. 5. Who is oak friends with?

All forest dwellers are connected with each other, some directly and some indirectly. Therefore, ecologists say that the forest is a single whole.

Oak gives animals shelter, food and serves as a breeding ground.

In the shade, at the foot of the tree, small living creatures gather, eating the fallen leaves. Caterpillars of the oak leafworm or oak silkworm feed on green leaves.

About 200 species of insects see this tree as a source of food. Birds - pika, nuthatch and woodpecker - find prey in cracks in the bark. In autumn, acorns attract squirrels, they store them for the winter. The oak is friends with the boar. The boar eats acorns, loosens the ground, which means it helps the tree to breathe. The jay feeds on acorns, making stocks for the winter, some of which germinate and contribute to the resettlement of the oak.

Dead-eater four-spotted - a beetle and its larvae devour caterpillars on oaks.

Acorns are the favorite food of many forest dwellers: moose, bears. Pigeons, pheasants, and jays carry acorns over long distances. Field mice are especially fond of them. They bury their reserves in the ground, and they often germinate.

Bees collect a lot of highly nutritious pollen on it, in some years they collect nectar from female flowers.

Even after death, the tree does not lose its meaning.

The larvae of the deer beetle eat its wood. Wasps-diggers use passages eaten by beetle larvae to lay eggs. Klintuhi, brownies and forest owls, the bats, martens and many other animals and birds settle in hollows.

Oak is friendly with many mushrooms, for example, with oak, blackberry, porcini mushroom.

1 tier beetle shrew mole mouse

3 tier hazel grouse capercaillie

4 tier squirrel woodpecker jay

5 tier owl hawk oriole

4. 1. What benefits does oak bring to a person?

Oak brings great benefits to man.

The most valuable thing about oak is its wood. That is why, when creating the Russian fleet, Peter I issued special protective decrees. If for a reserved tree of any other species a fine of 10 rubles was imposed, then for an oak a cutter was subjected to death penalty. In 1719 it was forbidden to cut oak throughout Russia.

Oak is used in shipbuilding, furniture production, building boards, veneer, parquet. Coffee is made from acorns, in England and France acorn flour, which is also suitable for human food (this happened in the famine years). Oak wood is an excellent fuel that gives a lot of heat. Oak leaf is a useful and necessary addition to pickles, marinades, smoked meats.

Oak bark is used for medicinal purposes. The bark and fruits are used for medicinal purposes. Coffee is made from acorns, which is very useful for heart diseases. AT traditional medicine oak was resorted to for toothache, hernia, angina pectoris and other diseases. Oak is widely used in folk cosmetics.

For sheepskin and for pigs,

And on the tub, and on the hut.

For sawing and cutting,

For boots and coats

In a basket - a pigsty,

To the table - for tea leaves.

The carpenter and the rich man appreciate the main commodity,

And the pig farm Fyokla is

What fell about.

Bark - for tanning leather, acorns - for pig feed and raw materials for coffee production, wood - for cooper production and buildings, oak leaves - for pickling cucumbers (cucumbers become strong and crispy).

4. 2. Hairdryers

❖ Oak brava makes noise for bad weather.

❖ In June, the oak groans - wait for the storm.

❖ In early October, oak leaves do not fall completely - by late snow and cold winter, early leaf fall - by early winter, late - by a long severe winter.

❖ Oak leaves fall together - the winter will be mild, gradually - expect a harsh winter.

❖ A lot of acorns on oak - for a severe winter.

❖ It's cold because the oak leaf is unfolding.

❖ Oak forest makes noise in winter - to bad weather.

❖ Oak is dressed with foliage before ash - by dry summer.

❖ A lot of acorns on oak - for a severe winter.

❖ Not this wheat before the oak leaf.

❖ Oak blossoms - wait for the cold.

❖ Oak forest makes noise in winter - to bad weather.

❖ The oak is dressing - the cattle are full.

❖ When the oak turned into a hare's ear - this is oats.

❖ When buds open on an oak tree, this flax grows on light soils.

❖ If there is a top with an edge on Fedot on an oak tree, you will measure oats with a tub.

❖ A lot of acorns on oak - to the fierce.

5. It's interesting!

➢ It turns out that it is best to plant young oak trees in stumps! To do this, the stump is drilled to the ground, fertilizer is applied to the hole formed and trees are planted in soil briquettes. The benefit is obvious - no need to uproot stumps in forest workings. And in a few years, when the young oak tree gets stronger, the stump will rot.

➢ Oaks live up to two thousand years. Old trees are protected, they are often surrounded by a fence, they are looked after. In St. Petersburg and its environs there are oaks planted, according to legend, by Tsar Peter the First. Oaks, whose age is 600-800 years old, have been preserved near Moscow.

Why do oak branches have gnarled branches?

1. Few trees have long enjoyed such love and honor among all peoples as the oak. Slavs, ancient Greeks, Romans worshiped this tree, composed legends about it. Since ancient times, the oak branch has been an emblem of strength and power. In Greece, oak wreaths were awarded to outstanding people, brave warriors.

2. He needs to be strong and firm in the fight against poachers.

3. There is no other such powerful tree in our forests. Oaks-patriarchs live up to a thousand - two thousand years. In old trees, up to 30 - 40 m high, trunks reach several meters in diameter. Such oaks become real monuments of nature.

4. Up to ten years, the oak tree grows very slowly, and almost all other trees overtake it. However, foresters have learned to “adjust it in growth”: they plant spruce, birch, elm next to oak trees. They grow faster, shade the oak from the sides, protect it from frost. But as soon as the "neighbors" rise so high that they begin to shade the oaks from above, they are removed. After all, the oak is photophilous!

5. Oak is afraid of frost. Red color warms young leaves, because it absorbs heat well. Sun rays, thereby protecting the tree from the spring cold.

6. There are two forms of oak in our forests: summer and winter. The winter form is better adapted to our climate: the buzzard is not in a hurry.

7. In pursuit of light, the oak sheds short shoots, “lightens” its crown.

8. Oak wood is flexible, strong, beautiful, unusually durable in air, in the ground and in water.

The very word "oak" indicates that there are a lot of tannins in its bark and wood. Since ancient times, skins and skins, bags and ropes have been soaked with the addition of oak bark.

Thanks to tannins, oak “absorbs” iron well. Once on the bottom of the river, the oak trunk begins to absorb the iron dissolved in the water. Over the centuries, it becomes completely black. It turns out the famous bog oak - hard, very heavy, black. Beautiful furniture made from it.

9. Archaeological excavations in different places world confirm that acorns were the original food of man. Five thousand years ago, the first and most ancient bread was acorn bread. Nutritionally, acorns are almost as good as barley.

10. Acorns contain a lot of starch. Starch is used to make artificial cottage cheese, to feed livestock.

11. Oak and its use: bark - for tanning leather, acorns - for pig feed and raw materials for coffee production, wood - for cooper production and buildings, oak leaves - for pickling cucumbers (cucumbers become strong and crispy).

12. Oak forests served as a defensive wall that protected Russia from nomadic cavalry. Trees were spotted high above the ground and fell with their crowns to the south - through this chaos of branches and trunks, the rider could not get through.

13. This is the result of centuries of human neglect of the environment.

14. Oak loves light very much, its shoots change direction of growth several times a season, depending on the lighting. Therefore, the branches of old oaks are angular, have sharp bends.

8. Main conclusions of the work

Green oak in the meadow

Stretched out to the sky.

He is on the branches in the middle of the forest

He generously hung the acorns.

In Russian forests there is no tree more powerful. Strong, huge trunk of this tree. It grows very slowly. Anyone who wants to grow it must be patient. Need more than one human life so that a real tree grows - a hero. The people composed many songs, fairy tales, sayings about him.

o Oak is a thermophilic and light-loving plant. Feels good surrounded by other trees that hold back the wind. Needs top lighting.

o In the forests there are summer oak and winter oak. In late autumn, the browned leaves of the summer oak fall. And the dried leaves of the winter oak keep until spring. Under oaks, most often you can find mushrooms and porcini mushrooms.

o Oak wood is valued for its strength and hardness. It does not rot in water, so it is used to build ships. Sleepers, parquet, furniture are made from it.

o Oak befriends and feeds many animals.

All forest dwellers are connected with each other, some directly and some indirectly. The forest is one. Therefore, if people cut down an oak, many inhabitants of the forest will suffer from this, and animals will have a bad time.

Hello, dear readers. From childhood, we hear about the unusual power of oak. He is mentioned in fairy tales official medicine recognizes medicinal properties oak, and many housewives keep it in home first aid kit. And I must say, they don't do it in vain. In addition to the fact that the mighty tree is very beautiful, it also has a lot of medicinal properties. The bark, acorns, leaves and even growths on the leaves - galls - bring benefits. Do not use except that the root. The bark is harvested in the spring, but the time for acorns has just come.

Many people think that they can only be used for children's crafts. Of course, you can, and by the way, the figures are very cute. Do not forget that coffee is obtained from acorns, as well as from chicory. It is very nutritious and beneficial. The fact is that they contain a lot of starch, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, tannins and tannins.

Acorns contain quercetin, which relieves many swellings, inflammations and even spasms, besides, it has antioxidant properties. This substance is not at all dangerous for animals, but people need to fry before use. In this case, it is necessary that the acorns turn red, but in no case turn black. Then they are ground and coffee is made. Add sugar, milk or honey to taste.

You can not eat raw unprocessed fruits. It's unhealthy. Yet we are not wild animals. It is better to make tasty and healthy.

Acorns in folk recipes use:

  • For indigestion and poisoning
  • For the treatment of enuresis
  • For urinary tract infections in both men and women
  • For toothache and gum disease
  • For heart problems
  • For cough, asthma, bronchitis
  • For the treatment of diabetes
  • stop bleeding
  • For coloring and strengthening hair

Oak fruit coffee

  1. If an upset stomach occurs, take a teaspoon of fried and ground acorns, and brew with one glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take it in half a glass three times a day. Also brew and drink acorn coffee for asthma, cough and heart disease.
  2. You can make a coffee drink from 30g of acorns (pre-roasted), 20g of ground barley, 15g of dandelion root and the same amount of chicory root and oat grains. All components must be ground in a coffee grinder and stored in glass jar. The drink is brewed at the rate of 250 g of boiling water, one teaspoon of the mixture. You can add honey, sugar or milk if you like.

The genitourinary system is treated with a mixture of green acorn juice and honey. Take three to four times a day in the amount of two tablespoons. The bactericidal effect of this composition is used in the treatment of female inflammatory diseases in gynecology and very heavy periods.

Acorns for diabetes

Powder from pre-dried, fried and crushed oak fruits is taken for a month 3 times a day between meals. To do this, take a teaspoon of powder and drink tea without sugar. The course of admission is a month, then a month break and again a month of admission.

From cystitis

A tablespoon of prepared acorns (the method described above) should be poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled for several minutes, and after cooling, drink the resulting volume during the day.

Recipe for cakes

There is another way to cook acorns. Dry and fried, they taste like roasted peanuts, and if you grind them into flour, you can bake cakes that are unusual in taste.

This is done as follows: first bring sour cream (50 g) to a boil, add flour (30 g). Boil a little, then remove and cool. A small egg, sugar (10 g or to taste) and grated cheese (20 g) are added to the resulting mass. Knead and form cakes, and then on vegetable oil bake them in a pan.

However, the bark is more commonly used. Its tannins are astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. For this, infusions or decoctions are used. The fact is that chemical composition promotes epithelialization of tissues, accelerates metabolic processes and enhances blood circulation in tissues.

Useful properties of the bark

  • It is effective for digestive problems and diarrhea.
  • With hemorrhoids
  • With exacerbation of peptic ulcer
  • For diseases of the liver and spleen
  • For wound healing
  • With varicose veins
  • In gynecology with cervical erosion and vaginitis
  • cleans up bad smell in the mouth and strengthens the gums
  • With stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis
  • With frostbite and burns in the form of trays
  • Combats sweating of the soles and palms
  • Effectively fights dandruff
  • Restores hair

Contraindications for use

  • Constipation
  • Age up to 12 years
  • Thrombosis
  • Individual intolerance
  • Acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases
  • Overdose may cause vomiting
  • With prolonged rinsing of the mouth and throat, the taste sensations and sense of smell
  • It should not be treated by pregnant and lactating mothers

The bark is harvested in the spring and it is best to do this during the sap flow from young trees. Just do not need to remove a whole ring of bark so that the tree does not die. The thickness of the bark should not be thicker than 6 mm. You can collect bark from trees cut down during sanitary felling.

One of the basic harvesting rules medicines, which must be strictly observed: raw materials are taken only from healthy trees that grow away from automobile and railways, as well as any enterprises. The collected bark is dried under good ventilation and low humidity. If this is done in a dryer, then the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

Dry bark should become brittle. Should break, but not bend. When storing, you need to choose a place so that excess moisture is not absorbed in cardboard boxes or bags. And of course not in the light. Subject to right conditions beneficial features last up to five years. The leaves retain their beneficial properties throughout the year.

Bark Recipes

For outdoor use make a strong decoction. You need to take a whole tablespoon of dry (you can use fresh raw materials), pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. The broth is cooled and filtered.

For internal use there is universal recipe. In an enamel bowl, 20 g of bark is poured into 200 ml of water at about 90 degrees. 30 minutes kept under a tightly closed lid in a water bath, while stirring frequently. After that, squeeze, cool and top up boiled water up to the volume of the glass. You need to drink twice a day for half a glass.

Strengthening tea can also be prepared from the leaves. 3-4 fresh leaf or one teaspoon of dried leaves is poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours. The resulting volume is divided into 3-8 receptions, but you need to drink everything during the day.

From acne

Universal decoction is mixed 1:2 with vodka. This solution is applied to the face or other parts of the body.

For stomatitis and gum disease

Boil a mixture of two teaspoons and two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Then, when it cools down, rinse your mouth 6-7 times during the day for a week. It is only necessary to take into account that when rinsing the tooth enamel darkens.

For toothache

100 g of small pieces of bark pour a liter hot water and hold on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, you need to remove from the stove and add 2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar and a small piece of hot pepper, leave for 3 hours. Keep the infusion in your mouth for 5-7 minutes several times a day.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

The treatment is carried out with the use of enemas. A teaspoon of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for one hour.

From sweating feet and hands

  1. Make baths or lotions. Boil two tablespoons in a glass of water for only 2-3 minutes. After infusion, take baths or apply linen rags soaked in infusion.
  2. Take 100 g of raw materials per liter of water. Let it boil for 5 minutes. They make foot or hand baths, immersing them in a warm broth for 20 minutes. It is best to do this directly at night every day for three weeks.

For diarrhea and worms

One teaspoon is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 2 hours, after which the infusion is filtered and drunk ½ cup 3 times before meals.

For douching and internal use for female diseases

For inflammation, as well as uterine bleeding, this decoction is used: a teaspoon of crushed bark is brewed in a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. You can drink a third of a glass only after eating. Heat the infusion if douching is carried out to a comfortable temperature.

For men with prostatitis, impotence

Often these problems are related to nerves and a lack of vitamin B1. In this case, a decoction of 1 teaspoon of bark and a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath under a lid for 15 minutes, will help. You need to drink a third of a glass before meals. Thiamine helps to recover nerve endings.

For sore throat

Brew a teaspoon with a glass of hot water and keep for 1-2 minutes over low heat. After the broth has cooled, strain and can be used to gargle 4 times a day.

Decoction for burns, frostbite and pustules on the skin

You need to take four tablespoons of bark, pour them into a glass cold water, let it boil and boil for another 2 minutes, then leave for 20 minutes and you can filter. You can use the resulting broth as baths, douches or lotions.

Skin problems in babies

The only permitted form of use for infants are baths with a very weak concentration of oak bark herb decoction. This helps to quickly cure sweating.

Treatment of dogs and cats

Decoctions are also used in the treatment of animals. Dilute the standard broth 1:10 and let the animals drink at inflammatory diseases intestines and stomach. A dog is given from 1g to 5g 3 times a day, and cats 0.2-1g also 3 times a day.

For hair

In the fight against dandruff, to give a beautiful shine and strengthen the hair, you need to rinse your hair after each wash. True, it is better not to use it for women with blond hair, since the shade will be unpredictable, but obviously darker.

For coloring and healthy looking hair

For two glasses of water you need to take a full tablespoon onion peel and two tablespoons of bark. Boil for half an hour on a minimum heat under the lid. Cool and strain. Apply to hair, tie with cellophane and top with a towel. Leave for an hour. wash away warm water with regular shampoo. Hair will be with a reddish tint due to the husk. This composition strengthens the hair, heals their roots and relieves dry skin.

From dandruff

A mixture of herbs that contains a tablespoon with a hillock of wormwood grass, a tablespoon of plantain leaves, two tablespoons of nettle leaves, two tablespoons of bark. All this is brewed with two glasses of boiled water. Boil it all over low heat for 5 minutes. Immediately after cooling, you can rinse your hair. This is done after washing.

For greasy hair

With a glass of hot water, brew a full tablespoon of St. John's wort and one full tablespoon of bark. All this must be boiled for 15 minutes. After cooling the composition, strain it and again bring the volume to a whole glass. Rinse your hair immediately after washing. At long hair the volume of the decoction should be increased.

Recipes using oak leaves

Substances that contain leaves have the ability to lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol in vessels and increase good. This helps to prevent the development of coronary disease, improve the condition of blood vessels and reduce the formation of plaques.

Oak brooms, which are used in the steam room, reduce muscle pain, inflammation on the skin, and heal microcracks. Brooms for this purpose are harvested from the second half of June to August. To soften hard leaves, they are brewed in a container with boiling water for 20 minutes.

The leaves of this tree have antiviral action. Therefore, they can be brewed in the composition medicinal tea from herbs in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Use of galls on leaves

These outgrowths resembling balls grow on leaves in the second half of summer. They appear thanks to nutcrackers - insects. Even with its disease, a tree can benefit us. These galls are collected and brewed as tea and drunk with honey or sugar.

For lotions, a decoction is made (a tablespoon of galls is taken per liter of water), brewed with boiling water and kept on low heat for 5 minutes. After that, insist until cool and filter. The most useful green galls.

Despite the undoubted benefits, it must be remembered that excess dosage, individual intolerance and excessively long-term use can cause harm instead of benefit. In addition, galls should be consumed in small quantities (no more than 3 g at a time), since it can cause significant harm to the bladder.

In Russia, oak is the most powerful tree in terms of energy. Another tree that is not inferior to him in this is only cedar. But in the wild in the middle lane in the forests, the king of all trees, of course, is a strong sprawling giant. The energy of a healthy tree is able to restore the strength of a tired person in minutes. I will write a separate article on how to do this correctly.

Now I can say that wooden dies (boards 10 * 15 in size about a centimeter thick) of different trees can help us very well without even leaving home. It is good to apply oak planks for sprains for 20-30 minutes several times a day. They are good at delaying the pain, and sometimes even get rid of it altogether.

This majestic tree has always been considered a symbol of strength and invincibility. Now it is not too late to go into the forest and bring acorns and pieces of living wood, neatly sawn off. Now you know how to use the fruits of this tree, and if you want to make funny figurines with children, then there are a lot of ideas for this.

The power of this majestic tree is enormous. He can help us mothers throughout the winter to maintain our women Health and the health of our families and friends. Yet even natural medicines remain drugs. Consult your doctor before using them.

Health to everyone! And see you soon on the Marivlad blog.

And now I propose to listen to the ballad about the oak tree. She is unhappy, but very beautiful.

Now I rarely go to the oak grove, there is no time. But this autumn
decided to go for acorns, to see the forgotten places. Oaks, perhaps, were delighted, but we were upset: about three years ago a hurricane passed here, many old

the trees fell down, and some were washed away by the fast cold river Linda.

Bogatyrs don't give up!

Common oak: description

In general, the common oak is a very powerful tree, reaching a height of 40 meters, two meters in diameter. The place where many oaks grow is called very beautifully - oak forest. Latin name came from two Celtic words quer and cyer, which means a beautiful tree. Slavs, ancient Greeks, Romans considered the oak sacred useful tree, composed legends, songs, signs, sayings about him.

Hold on to the oak tree: the oak tree is deep into the ground.

Not this wheat before the oak leaf.

Oak, tree photo:

In our north of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the common oak is very rare, there are more and more coniferous forests here. The more interesting it is to watch the mighty oaks and small oaks. The life of an oak is long, more than a thousand years. What did he see, what did he hear, what did he feel while he was alive? What animals, people lived with him 500 years ago? What strength did he withstand frosts 100 years ago, what fast river Did Linda fish?

In spring, the oak opens its leaves later than other trees - it is afraid of freezing.

When the leaves are just emerging, inflorescences emerge from their axils simultaneously on the same tree - same-sex. men's earrings, like those of a hazel, or women's, so nondescript that they can be overlooked. But it is from them that by the autumn acorns grow, hanging one, two or three pieces. It is also interesting that the oak begins to bloom from about 20 years.

In addition to the fact that oak is a long-liver, it is very tenacious. If the tree is cut down, strong shoots will appear on the stump from sleeping buds. These dormant buds can doze for decades, blooming only because of severe stress. There are also such buds on the branches. If for some reason the oak leaves fall off or are eaten. then new leaves will grow from the buds!

What is useful

Another peculiarity of oak: the wood from the center of the trunk to the periphery is impregnated with a preservative substance produced by the tree itself and protecting it from decay. That is why oak wood was widely used for shipbuilding. Barrels for wine, pickles, furniture, foundations of houses were made and are made from it.

Oak bark in Russia huge quantities used for dressing skins that were aged in the bark, acquiring a brown-red color.

With medical purposes use the bark of branches, young trunks of common oak. It is harvested at the beginning of sap flow, that is, in spring and early summer. The bark is allowed to be collected from trunks during sanitary felling. Dry it in the air in the shade. The bark and leaves contain tannins, coumarins, pectins, steroids, and the flavonoid quercetin. Acorns contain a lot of starch and tannins.

Tannins have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antimicrobial effects.

An oak leaf can be applied to a wound, burn, so that there is no inflammation. The bark has the same properties. Its decoctions are useful for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, in the treatment of enterocolitis, Bladder, liver, hemorrhoids (with hemorrhoids only externally).

To prepare a decoction, take two tablespoons of bark, pour a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Gargle more often. With diarrhea, drink half a glass twice a day.

For bedsores, eczema, for a decoction, they take not a glass, but two glasses of boiling water. Lotions are made from the decoction for two weeks.

Contraindications - tendency to constipation.

They say that people began to use acorn flour earlier than wheat flour. Acorns contain the poisonous compound quercetin. it is dangerous for humans, but not for animals. Acorn flour is used in confectionery. First, the acorns are soaked, then fried, while the quercetin is destroyed. So you can get a "coffee" drink, useful for anemia.

We will try it this year.

Among hardwoods, oak has been used medicinally for centuries. Oak bark is officially included in the list of medicines in many countries as an astringent and antiseptic, including ours. A decoction of oak bark is known to many as excellent tool against diarrhea. But not only for the treatment of this disease, she found application in official and traditional medicine. Preparations from the bark of this mighty tree are used to treat other diseases. What? Read in this article about the beneficial and healing properties of oak bark in this article.

Oak belongs to the beech genus, which has about 600 plant species. Oak grows in the northern hemisphere with a temperate climate. Its various varieties are distributed throughout the globe, with the exception of countries that are below the equator.

In our territory, only one species of this plant is mainly found - English oak. In the territory Far East and the Amur region, you can find Mongolian oak and scalloped oak. In the Caucasus - sessile oak.

Unfortunately, in recent times oak groves are getting smaller every year. Meanwhile, it is not only valuable medicinal plant but one of the most durable building materials, for the production of furniture. Musical instruments are also made from it.

Acorns are used to make acorn coffee. During the war, they were mixed into flour when baking bread.

Useful properties of oak bark

Oak bark is a valuable medicinal raw material. Sometimes in folk medicine, the leaves of the plant are used. active ingredients oak bark are tannins (flobatanin, ellagitannin, galic acid) and quercetin. It is the content of tannins that gives the bark tannic properties and plays an important role in binding tissue proteins, strengthens them and makes them impermeable to bacterial infections and invasions. This property is especially important for the stomach and digestive system, for skin health.

Quercetin is used to strengthen capillaries and veins.

Oak bark also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc.

Oak, or rather its bark, is considered one of the best astringents, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and tightens tissues. This property makes it ideal for the treatment of hemorrhoids, diarrhea, varicose veins.

The bark has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Other beneficial properties of oak bark include:






It is used for skin wounds, bee stings, burns, diarrhea, fever, nosebleeds, bronchitis, varicose veins veins.

Helps the bark to strengthen the gums. It is used externally as poultices and washings, internally, in the form of enemas and baths.

At internal application decoction and tea from oak bark normalizes the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys, helps with tumors and edema.

Healing properties of oak bark

In folk medicine, oak bark, as well as its leaves and acorn calyx, have long been used in the treatment of diseases. Currently, oak bark is officially recognized in the treatment of several diseases, mainly due to its astringent properties. Her preparations have a slightly tonic effect on the body.

A decoction and extracts from oak bark are used to treat:

Intestinal diseases (mainly as an astringent and hemostatic agent);

Bacterial and viral infections(for baths and rinses);

Diarrhea, chronic mucous secretions, passive hemorrhages;

Some skin diseases;

Scrofula (in the form of coffee from acorns);

Gingivitis and periodontal disease;

Gynecological diseases;

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Even more wide application oak bark found in folk medicine. Traditionally, a decoction of oak bark was used in the treatment of:


Runny nose and sinusitis;


Bleeding of the intestines;

skin diseases;

Children's diathesis;

bladder infections;

Stomatitis, strengthening bleeding gums;

Liver diseases;


Poultices from wheat flour with powdered oak bark help draw out splinters. A decoction of oak bark is one of the best means reduce or get rid of sweaty feet.

Watch video about healing properties oak bark

The use of oak bark

Oak bark is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, tinctures. Make an ointment with it. Preparations can be used for oral and local use in the form of lotions and poultices, trays and baths.

Decoction of oak bark

To prepare a decoction, pour one tablespoon of crushed oak bark with 2 cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and insist for an hour. Pour the strained broth with boiled water to the original volume.

Infusion of oak bark

To prepare the infusion, pour a teaspoon of crushed bark into cups of boiling water and let it brew for an hour, wrapped in a towel. Then strain and use for treatment.

You can prepare a stronger infusion by taking a tablespoon of crushed bark and a glass of boiling water for this.

Oak bark tincture

To prepare an alcohol tincture, take a teaspoon of crushed bark and pour 400 ml of vodka. Close the bottle with a cork and put in a dark place for a week. Shake the container periodically. After insisting, strain and store in a cool place in a tightly closed dark glass container.

Ointment with oak bark

To prepare the ointment, grind oak bark into powder. Take 2 parts bark and 7 parts homemade butter. Mix well and leave for 12 hours in the room. Then put the container in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and pour into a jar with a lid. Keep refrigerated.

Ointment can be prepared with pork fat.

Ointment for bedsores

Prepare a strong decoction. To do this, pour 30 grams of crushed oak bark into glasses of boiling water and boil over low heat until the volume is halved.

Strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

Take 120 grams of zinc pharmacy ointment and mix well. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.

Before use, soak clean sterile wipes with this ointment and apply to the affected area 5 times a day.

About the use of oak bark and how to cook medical preparations see in the video

What helps oak bark

In folk medicine, oak bark is used to treat many ailments.

Oak bark for diarrhea

For diarrhea, a decoction of oak bark is used. The broth is prepared stronger than indicated in the recipe above and used throughout the day. Take a tablespoon of bark in a glass of boiling water. Next insist and strain.

Take one or two teaspoons several times a day. Use by children only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Also, for the treatment of diarrhea, you can drink an alcohol tincture of oak bark, 20 drops on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. It is forbidden to treat children with such a tincture.

Oak bark for oral disease

Oak bark is taken for gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis. Rinsing with a decoction of oak bark reduces bleeding gums and strengthens them, relieves inflammation.

For rinsing the mouth, a stronger decoction is prepared from three tablespoons of oak bark in a glass of boiling water. In a water bath or low heat, you need to boil the broth for another 25 minutes.

Strain the resulting broth and top up so that its volume is 300 ml. Rinse your mouth at least 8 times a day. Store the prepared broth for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Oak bark with angina

To reduce pain and inflammation in angina, it is useful to gargle with a decoction of oak bark. A decoction is prepared according to the main recipe, which is indicated above, i.e. from 1 teaspoon and a glass of water.

Gargle should be at least three, four times a day.

Oak bark in gynecology

The use of oak bark for treatment gynecological diseases due to its anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties. In gynecology, preparations from oak bark are used in the form of douches, baths and inside in the treatment of:


erosion of the cervix;

prolapse of the uterus;



For the treatment of thrush, a decoction prepared from 20 grams of bark and a glass of boiling water is used. Then the liquid must be boiled for 30 minutes over low heat and filtered.

Dilute the strained broth with boiled water, bringing it to 1 liter.

Use a decoction for douching during pregnancy or inside only after consulting a gynecologist.

A weaker infusion of the bark, prepared from 1 teaspoon of the bark and a glass of boiling water, can be drunk during heavy periods.

Oak bark for skin diseases

A decoction of oak bark is good for various diseases skin, including acne, reducing and relieving inflammation. Its antiseptic and astringent properties help heal wounds faster, speeding up their healing.

In this case, oak bark preparations are used in the form of lotions, compresses, washings or rubbing. They can be used for eczema, fungal infections of the skin, acne, pimples and more.

For acne and oily porous skin, it is useful to wipe the face alcohol tincture, diluted with water.

To prepare a decoction for processing skin lesions brew 2 tablespoons of the bark with 250 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and use to treat the affected area of ​​the skin.

Oak bark for sweating feet and hands

Oak bark is one of the best natural home remedies for excessive sweating hands and feet. To solve such problems, baths with a decoction of the bark are used. To prepare it, pour 50 grams of bark with 1 liter of hot water and boil for 5 minutes at a low boil. Leave to cool slightly and strain.

Before using the bath, wash your feet or hands well with soap and dry. Pour the broth into a bowl and hold your legs or arms in it for 15-20 minutes.

Take baths for at least 10 days daily.

oak bark for hair

The use of oak bark for hair care is an old proven remedy. It will help you get rid of:

From excess fat and greasiness of hair;

Prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicles;

From seborrhea and dandruff.

Oak bark preparations can be used as masks or hair rinses after shampooing.

To strengthen hair follicle make masks from the gruel of the bark.

For such a mask, you will need mint leaves, plantain, dandelion and oak bark. All components taken in equal proportions must be crushed and added Burr oil to form a mushy mass. Warm it up in a water bath and apply it to the hair in a warm form, evenly distributing it along the entire length.

Put on a hat and wrap your head with a terry towel. Keep for 30 minutes and then wash off by washing your head in the usual way.

It is useful after such a mask to rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark, which will help remove oily and greasy hair.

You can’t make such a mask for blondes, because. oak stains hair. To get a lasting result, you need to make at least 10 masks.

Oak bark for the treatment of children

Oak bark for the treatment of children, whether it be diarrhea or diathesis, can only be used after consulting a pediatrician. Young children under the age of 2 years are generally prohibited from using preparations with oak bark.

When to Harvest Oak Bark

Oak bark collected from young branches in early spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed, has the strongest healing properties. You can collect the bark after the leaves have fallen from young branches with a diameter of no more than 2-3 centimeters.

The bark is cut along the branch and gradually separated. Grind and dry in a well-ventilated area.

Dried bark is stored in paper bags or linen bags away from light.

You can buy ready-made oak bark at a pharmacy. She has a shelf life of 5 years.

Contraindications to the use of oak bark

Oak bark is considered safe natural remedy. But there are several contraindications when treatment is not recommended.

Do not take preparations from oak bark inside for more than two weeks, with diarrhea - more than 3 days.

With prolonged use, there may be side effects, which can be manifested by vomiting, nausea, problems with the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use oak bark only after consulting a doctor.

Do not use for people prone to constipation.

It is forbidden to use preparations from oak bark by young children without consulting a doctor.

Oak is a tree belonging to the genus Quercus and consists of a wide variety of species such as red oak, white oak, Mongolian oak, more than 200 species in total. In the central strip of Russia, the most famous English Oak (Quercus robur). In this tree, everything is used for medicinal purposes: bark, acorns, as well as its leaves. Various phytochemical compounds present in oak leaves that provide many health benefits. The article will tell you the 15 most useful properties of oak leaves.

Oak leaf acts as an antioxidant against free radicals

Phenolic compounds found in oak leaves act as a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body, which allows them to be used to cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Prevent Cancer Cell Growth with Oak

Oak leaves have an anti-carcinogenic effect, due to its antioxidant properties, oak can prevent growth cancer cells.

Protecting the heart with oak leaves and bark

Flavonoids that have also been found in oak leaves - they have a cardioprotective effect, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, since oak leaves suppress vascular inflammation and prevent plaque formation.

The antioxidant effect in oak leaves increases hdl (good cholesterol) in the blood and lowers ldl (bad cholesterol). This mechanism is important in preventing the development of atherosclerosis and will therefore help prevent ischemic disease heart disease and even stroke. The leaves can help treatment of dyslipidemia (chronic cholesterol disorders).

In addition, preparations from oak leaves reduce blood pressure which also has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Oak leaves accelerate the healing of injuries

Oak leaves, as mentioned above, contain flavonoids that play a role in the healing process, especially on superficial injuries. You can apply fresh or dried oak leaves to the surface of the wound to speed up healing. In addition, oak has a good hemostatic and disinfecting effect, which allows you to start using it immediately after injury, like plantain.

Oak helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers

All the same substances that treat cardiovascular diseases and wounds help heal intestinal and stomach ulcers. And also favorably affect digestion in general, I kill pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract.

Oak brooms reduce local inflammation

oak leaves can reduce local symptoms inflammation such as redness, swelling, and muscle pain. For treatment, it is simply enough to apply fresh or soaked dried oak leaves to inflamed areas, it is not for nothing that oak brooms are considered healing, because after a bath with an oak broom, skin inflammation decreases noticeably after one application, pain, irritation and swelling disappear.

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