About the composition of the duovit complex for men. "duovit" for men helps to maintain male strength and energy

The human body needs minerals and vitamins. A high need for these substances is observed in childhood, adolescence, as well as during high physical and mental stress. Men are the most affected. Pharmacy chains offer a varied selection of vitamin complexes for men. Let's look at the drug Duovit for men.

Duovit vitamins are available in the form of tablets, which are divided into 2 types - blue and red. In one cardboard box there can be 30, 60 pills. The composition of one tablet is balanced so as to exclude the possibility of an overdose and, at the same time, get all the necessary trace elements in the right amount.

The composition of the red tablet includes:

  • 100 mg of vitamin A;
  • 30 mg of vitamin E;
  • 60 mg of vitamin C;
  • 5.5 micrograms of vitamin D;
  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • Excipients: dyes, sucrose, lactose, castor and orange oil, wax, glycerol, sorbitol.

The blue pill contains the following minerals:

  • 65 mg calcium;
  • 15 mg zinc;
  • 100 mg magnesium;
  • 2 mg copper;
  • 10 mg iron;
  • 3.5 mg manganese;
  • 2.2 mg sodium;
  • the same excipients as in the blue pill.

The average price for a pack of 30 tablets is 300-450 rubles. The cost depends on the region, manufacturer and pricing policy pharmacies.

Indications for use

Duovit is multivitamin complex and not a drug. In fact, this is the same dietary supplement that saturates the body of men with useful substances.

  1. Greater mental, psycho-emotional and physical activity (stressful situations, leisure, sports, etc.).
  2. Malnutrition.
  3. Hypovitaminosis and pathological conditions associated with it.
  4. The need to follow a diet in the treatment of various diseases.
  5. Old age to maintain work internal organs.
  6. Nicotine and alcohol addiction.
  7. Poor absorption of vitamins with increased sweating.
  8. Some specific conditions are diarrhea, vomiting.
  9. Supportive therapy in the treatment of certain male diseases (for example, prostatitis).

The action of the drug on the body

Thanks to a well-thought-out composition, Duovit helps to maintain the normal functioning of the body. The heart and other organs begin to work without additional stress resulting from a lack of vitamins.

The nervous system begins to react more calmly to external stimuli. Mucous membranes and skin begin to regenerate much faster, which increases the body's resistance to external pathogenic microorganisms. The hormonal background returns to normal. This promotes better absorption nutrients, improve well-being and increase endurance in men.

All components of the complex that are not needed by the body in the proposed amount are excreted naturally from the body.

Mode of application

Before you start the course, you should carefully read the instructions for use and it is advisable to get expert advice. Many people wonder how to take Duovit, because it contains 2 types of tablets?

The scheme of reception is quite simple and looks like this:

  • take one red and one blue pill a day;
  • the remedy is best taken in the morning during a meal or after a meal with warm water;
  • the course of admission is 20-30 days;
  • if necessary, the course can be repeated after 3 months.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug Duovit for men is dispensed without a prescription, so the consumer should know what are the contraindications and side effects. Contraindications include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to any component of the remedy.
  2. Hypervitaminosis (especially type A, E, D).
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Hyperuricemia.
  5. Increased calcium in the urine and blood.
  6. Kidney disease.
  7. thyrotoxicosis.
  8. Glomerulonephritis.
  9. Heart failure.
  10. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Vitamins Duovit should be taken with caution in case of illness endocrine system, diabetes, allergies, chronic pancreatitis, liver damage, nephritis, cancer.

Side effects include:

  1. Allergic reactions, including edema, urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock.
  2. Dizziness, headaches.
  3. Rapid fatigue, a state of weakness.
  4. Dyspeptic disorders - constipation, diarrhea, epigastric pain, vomiting, nausea.
  5. Hair loss.
  6. Increased sweating.
  7. Violation of the heart and kidneys.

We note right away that these deviations appear in case of an overdose of the additive. To avoid this, it is enough to use the indicated dose.

Duovit's analogs

On the pharmacy shelves you can see several analogues this tool for men. These include:

  1. Additive. Perfect for restoring the body after antibiotic therapy.
  2. berocca plus. Unlike Duovita, it does not contain vitamins of groups E and A, it is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  3. Supradin. Suitable for people who suffer alcohol addiction and during chemotherapy courses.


  • the general condition of the body has worsened!

I decided to drink vitamins in the spring, the pharmacy strongly advised Duovit for men, I was seduced ... The difference is only for the worse, there was a breakdown, I'm upset.


  • New packaging and a narrow focus on the customer.


  • Dummy
  • Zero efficiency.

No effect. Chalk. Seduced by reviews, high price and new packaging. I thought it was worth supporting the domestic manufacturer. And did quality product- an alternative to imported ones.


  • Thank you for not harming


  • High price

Winter has come, vitamin deficiency accompanies many. I decided to cheer up my and my husband's organisms with vitamins. I took Elevit for myself, and I picked up "Duovit for Men" for my husband because he leads active image life. It was not easy to convince him to take vitamins. I made sure I didn't miss a single day. He took them for one month. At the end of the reception, I did not notice any visible improvements. But it didn't get worse either. Therefore, he refused to continue the course of a kind of treatment for a cut. Human body individual, help someone, but not someone. The price of this drug slightly "bites", two months ago we purchased a course for one month for 145 UAH.


  • Convenient intake (1 tablet per day)
  • improved skin condition
  • there is a slight effect on the male side)


  • No improvement in mood
  • no energy boost
  • large tablet difficult to swallow

I didn't like them!

Good day! I often buy different vitamin complexes in the season or when I feel a breakdown and mood. This time, after an operation to remove the appendicitis, I decided that I needed them for a speedy recovery. In the pharmacy, those vitamins that I bought the last three times were not there, and after reading positive reviews about these blue pills, I decided to purchase them. They cost at that time 385 rubles for 30 pieces.

I hoped for the promised quick effect and a surge of strength, but now there are 10 tablets left in the package, 20 days daily use behind! What can I say - I have not felt any surge of strength and mood so far, the skin has become a little better and there is a strong effect on male power))) Otherwise, there are no positive changes (there are good analogues at the same price.


  • rich composition


  • not cheap,
  • aggravate hemorrhoids

This complex can be both high-quality and effective, I can’t say anything bad in this regard, BUT for some reason, where there is iron fumarate, when I take it, my hemorrhoids become terribly aggravated! After literally one pill drunk, I can’t go to the toilet for the most part because of the terrible spasm of the veins anus. As if everything was clamped there and torn when straining. You stop drinking these vitamins and the next day the condition improves. As soon as you start drinking, it gets worse again. For me, this is already a fact, this always happens as soon as I take a complex where there is ferrous fumarate. Why do I blame fumarate? Because I also took another complex - vitrum, which also contains ferrous fumarate, and the reaction was the same. But there was no such reaction from the complement, there is ferrous sulfate. Yes, and the amount of iron there is less - 5 mg in one tablet, which may be why hemorrhoids do not aggravate so much from complivit. There was no such deterioration from triovit and a complex of vitamins b, which means it’s definitely from iron fumarate! Interestingly, hemorrhoids are also aggravated from rosehip broth! I didn’t find such information on the Internet at all, so those who suffer from hemorrhoids take note of my observation. By the way, this information will not hurt healthy people either, because from taking such supplements, something can worsen in their veins and not necessarily in terms of hemorrhoids, for example, vasospasm in other parts of the body, where we may not feel deterioration, and this threatens with strokes heart attacks, etc. If anyone knows true reason such a reaction from taking this complex, then please explain please

I didn’t like duoait at all, my husband didn’t like it at all, now I’m buying Velman capsules for him, these are the vitamins that I need, he doesn’t get tired at the penny after he gave it, he gets up cheerful in the morning. And then before, he was always sleepy by the winter.

Neutral Feedback


  • huge cast


  • not found;

My husband hasn’t taken vitamins for several years, you can’t force him to and that’s it, he persuaded me to drink at least once, because spring and beriberi are on the nose.

Once upon a time, he took Duovit vitamins and he liked it, he had to follow the traditions and buy Duovit again. I took the usual classic, 40 tablets, 8 minerals and 11 vitamins, red and blue color in a blister.

Taking vitamins as usual takes place in the morning at breakfast, drink 1 red and 1 blue tablet, drink it with water. The composition is huge, but for the sake of interest I compared it with my two types of vitamins, the compositions are almost the same, so Duovit vitamins are no different from other vitamins.

I asked my husband about my well-being after taking vitamins, he said that he didn’t feel the difference, well, maybe that’s how it should be, if only it didn’t get worse!


  • vitamins and minerals
  • drink once a day


  • color and size of tablets
  • no visible effect


Vitamins and minerals KRKA "DUOVIT" attracted my attention in the pharmacy, precisely because there are complexes for men and women separately. Just at that moment, the husband said that he felt constant weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. So I bought KRKA DUOVIT vitamins and minerals for men.

Vitamins are packed in a cardboard box.

These vitamins are dietary supplements. On the side, the composition of each tablet and the daily intake of each element for the body are described in detail.

On the other side of the box there is information about auxiliary ingredients, contraindications, method of use, shell, storage conditions, expiration date, manufacturer - Slovenia, etc. Inside the box there is a plastic jar of vitamins, in the amount of 60 pieces.

On the jar, as well as on the box, there is a composition of one tablet and daily rate consumption of each item.

The tablets are oval in shape and have a strange blue color. Generally not attractive as a source useful elements, shall we say, even repulsive. There is also an instruction manual for dietary supplements. The instructions contain the same information as on the box.

So the husband took the drug for a month, once a day. special effect vivacity, a surge of strength, and something that has not yet been discovered. Therefore, it is difficult to praise vitamins, given their strange color and there is nothing to scold.

So it seems to me that vitamins are an individual matter, I drank simple Duovit, and I liked the result. And the dietary supplement for men, apparently, did not fit her husband, which means that Revit will continue to burst.

Positive reviews


  • bring back to life
  • help you get enough sleep
  • lead to tone


  • expensive

I am writing a review about these vitamins precisely because all the others did not cause me such delight. My husband works very hard and also goes in for sports. AT recent times he became not himself. No one comes home from work, after training he immediately sleeps, he doesn’t even have time to play with a child, he just passes out. Well, as a caring half of the head of the family, I decided to take the situation into my own hands, went to the pharmacy and asked me to advise me on some kind of vitamin complex for him (I used to buy him different vitamins complex not specifically for men, but I did not notice such an effect), I was advised Duovit for men. My husband started taking them, the first couple of days he had a slight nausea, but then we realized that this was due to the fact that he took them on an empty stomach, then he started drinking them with meals and everything returned to normal. My husband began to wake up well in the morning, he comes home from work cheerful, after classes he devotes a lot of time to me and the child. Well, about intimate life I just keep quiet ...))) In general, we returned daddy to its former course, thanks to these little helpers.


  • help you get enough sleep
  • lead to tone
  • convenient to take (1 tablet per day)


  • expensive


My husband and I fell ill this spring, we were tormented, turned into a dull, tired couple. and decided that we won’t be able to cope on our own, we will get vitamin complexes and supplements. So I chose a supplement with vitamins and minerals Duovit to improve our well-being. I took it for myself for women, for my husband, respectively, for men. The package contains 30 tablets of a rather impressive size and weighing 1030 mg. The color of the vitamins is blue, and although their large size scares me, my husband has nothing against it.


It is very convenient that vitamins need to be taken once a day. The husband forgot to drink other vitamins several times a day. Yes, and I would have forgotten about these without me, but here at least I need to remind you only once. The husband stopped complaining about his health, problem areas of the skin became much better.

We probably didn't choose the best one. good period life to drink vitamins and write a review, but it seems to me that without vitamins we would both have gone crazy, because before taking them, we felt much worse. For help in overcoming life's difficulties, I give vitamins 5 points.

Hello! And I will make my positive contribution to the account of Duovit vitamins (for men)

The fact is that I suffered for a long time with these zaids in the corners of my mouth. All possible ointments, helped but not for long, for a couple of days, and walking with these ointments is not very pleasant. These vitamins were advised to me by my Mom, who found positive reviews about them on this site, by the way, she also drinks them (Duovit for women), I don’t know what the difference is. And most importantly, in less than a week, these unpleasant zaids healed. They cost about 450r-550r, depending on which pharmacy, you need to take one tablet 1 time per day, for 1 to 3 months.


  • Help a man to be active


My husband is a workaholic! And even when he has a day off, he cannot sleep peacefully, but jumps up in the morning and starts doing something around the house. Maybe wash the windows, maybe go to the garage and clean up the soul there, in short, it doesn’t prevent me, an owl, from sleeping until dinner.

I don’t know how he learned about DUOVIT Vitamins and Minerals for Men, but one fine day I noticed them on the medicine shelf.

As my husband explained to me, these vitamins give him the strength to be constantly on the move, to be active and a little more resilient. I don’t argue with my husband, because he knows his body better and come up with something that is not in his character.

Vitamins and minerals KRKA "DUOVIT" for men contain a whole range of useful substances, which can be found in the insert.

Here you can also get to know general information about vitamins. In principle, everything is clear and understandable. Vitamins 30 pieces, which is enough for exactly 1 month. Conveniently.

The vitamins themselves come in an oblong shape in an unusual color design. I am glad that my husband found such a complex of vitamins in the face of Vitamins and Minerals "DUOVIT" for men, which helps him to be more active and persistent.

Usage time:

long time


  • quality


  • did not find

My husband has a very hard job, in addition to a day-night shift schedule, after suffering from SARS, he began to come home from work not himself, to eat and sleep, on weekends laziness, apathy, in general, a breakdown. I decided to save my husband and went to the pharmacy for vitamins, the pharmacist advised Duovit for men, there are vitamins that need to be taken 3 times a day, but this is not very convenient for my husband with such a busy schedule, Duovit needs to be taken once a day, which for me in general gorgeous, well, it contains all the vitamins in such quantities that the male body needs (compared with its own vitamins) after the first week of taking, they didn’t notice anything special, and they didn’t expect such a quick effect, at the end of the course (vitamins are designed for 30 days , which is also very convenient) my husband began to come not so tired, he began to get enough sleep and, in general, he says he feels just fine! For the price I will not say that it is expensive 380 rubles of the bank, for 30 days!


  • good composition of vitamins


  • didn't notice

Felt unwell lately. I decided to drink vitamins, support the body. In a pharmacy, I somehow intuitively chose duovit for men, I liked the composition of 6 minerals and 12 vitamins! and what to drink one tablet a day, already on the third day I felt a surge of strength, there was no this incomprehensible autumn apathy to everything that was happening. I believe that vitamin complexes in our modern world drinking is a must. The city - it drinks all the juices, and here is such help. I strongly recommend.


  • Good composition.


The whole family drink vitamins twice a year in autumn and spring. Spring has come and it's time to drink them. This time I chose vitamins in a pharmacy and I was recommended to take special vitamins for men with a composition that is suitable specifically for men. It turns out that vitamins for women and men are different. I decided to buy these vitamins, especially since the brand is not bad.

There are 60 tablets in a plastic, printed jar. The tablets are oval in shape and have a bright blue color. They contain 12 vitamins and 6 minerals. My husband drank a course of these vitamins. He felt well, no side effects were noticed. Of course, it’s hard to say how he would feel without drinking them, but in general the vitamins are good.

They play a key role in the normal functioning of the human body. A high need for these substances is characteristic not only for children and adolescence. High mental and physical stress also require a large amount of substances involved in metabolic processes. Especially often vitamins and minerals are not enough for men, because they, unlike women, are subjected to greater stress. The drug "Duovit" for men helps to cope with the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Description of the drug: release form

According to the international classification, vitamins for men "Duovit" belong to biologically active additives (multivitamins) and have a direct effect on the processes of metabolism and digestive system. Each dose of the drug is enclosed in a small rounded tablet. white color with rounded edges, enteric-coated. Vitamins "Duovit" for men, reviews of which you can see below, do not have a specific smell, which makes their use very convenient. The taste of the tablets is sweet and sour, weak. One package of the drug contains 30 or 60 tablets. This amount is enough for a course appointment lasting 1 or 2 months.

The composition of the vitamin complex "Duovit" for men

The dietary supplement contains a large number of a variety of vitamins, the intake of which in the body contributes to the normalization of many processes in it. For a more convenient perception, we have placed vitamins and minerals, their scientific name, area of ​​​​action and content in each tablet in the form of a table.

Composition of vitamins "Duovit"


Substance name

What does the substance affect?

Dose in 1 tablet

Participates in the formation of complex compounds synthesized in the body, which contribute to the protection of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the normalization of visual functions.

Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and positively affects the functioning of the heart muscle.


Activates the regeneration processes in the skin.

Participate in the formation and restoration of nerve cells

Pantothenic acid


Necessary for the formation of dental tissue and bones.

Folic acid

Affects the formation of red blood cells, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.


Supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C

It activates the synthesis of many hormones, participates in redox reactions occurring inside the cell, enhances the body's immune defenses.


Regulates a favorable ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which helps to strengthen bone tissue.


Belongs to the number of natural antioxidants, activates the process of blood circulation in peripheral vessels.

Participates in the delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body.

A component of bone tissue is also necessary for the correct transmission of nerve impulses and for the absorption of iron.

Participate in the formation and growth of bones and muscles.


Participates in the process of gas exchange that occurs with the participation of red blood cells.

Component of many hormones.

Bone component and muscle tissue, participates in the synthesis of energy at the cellular level.

All substances indicated in the table are contained in each tablet of the drug "Duovit" for men. The composition of vitamins affects many processes in the body in the most natural way, so this dietary supplement is recommended to be used both during the treatment of diseases or recovery from them, and as a preventive measure.

Pharmacological properties of vitamins "Duovit"

Thanks to a carefully selected composition, vitamins for men "Duovit" contribute to the normal functioning of the body. What does it mean:

  1. Heart and others muscular organs begin to work without load, which often occurs as a result of a lack of minerals and vitamins.
  2. The nervous system does not react to external stimuli as sharply as it happens during beriberi.
  3. The skin and mucous membranes regenerate faster, which reduces the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the internal environment of the body.
  4. Restores normal hormonal background, which directly affects the absorption of nutrients, the well-being of a man and his endurance.
  5. As a result of correctly occurring intracellular redox processes, the body gets rid of toxins, old or completely dead cells.

All components of the vitamin complex that are not required by the body in the amount in which they are contained in each dose of the drug are excreted from the body naturally. The composition of this supplement is selected in such a way that it is necessary to take Duovit tablets for men only once a day. According to patient reviews, it is very convenient.

When should I take Duovit?

Men need to take any vitamin-mineral complexes several times a year, especially in the off-season and during the period of distribution. colds. In addition, taking Duovit vitamins for men is necessary for those who are actively involved in sports or other activities that require physical activity. Support of the body with this drug is also required in case of stress. In addition, the drug "Duovit" for men, reviews of which confirm the following statement, helps those who suffer from alcohol or nicotine addiction, is prone to improper (unhealthy) nutrition or leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Contraindications for use

Since Duovit is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, each consumer needs to make sure that he has no contraindications to the use of the drug on his own. So, let's consider cases that imply the impossibility of using the drug "Duovit" for men. The doctors' comments on this matter contain very specific recommendations: in one case, the supplement cannot be taken categorically, and in the other, its use is possible only with constant monitoring by the attending physician.

The list of strict contraindications includes the following diseases:

  1. increased sensitivity of the body to any component of the vitamin and mineral supplement;
  2. hypervitaminosis (especially type A, D or E);
  3. hyperuricemia;
  4. nephrolithiasis;
  5. kidney failure;
  6. increased amount of calcium in the urine and blood;
  7. glomerulonephritis;
  8. thyrotoxicosis;
  9. peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  10. heart failure in a chronic form.

Diseases in which it is necessary to take Duovit vitamins with caution:

  1. diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus;
  2. allergic reactions in history;
  3. chronic pancreatitis;
  4. nephritis in the acute stage;
  5. liver damage of various origins;
  6. oncological diseases.

Method of application and dosage

Vitamins "Duovit" for men can be taken as a supplement to the main diet. This is especially true for those people who follow a diet aimed at weight loss or in connection with various diseases. At the same time, men need to make sure that they do not have such diseases in which the use of the Duovit vitamin-mineral complex is contraindicated. The dosage of the drug is calculated for its single use during the day. Drinking just one tablet of "Duovita" per day can replenish daily requirement organism in useful substances. Course admission should be at least a month. With the constant presence of stress and physical exertion, you can continue to use longer (2-3 months).

Side effects and overdose

Many drugs and dietary supplements can cause adverse reactions organism. The drug "Duovit" for men has the same properties. Consumer and physician reviews mention the following side effects vitamin and mineral complex:

  • allergic reactions, including angioedema, bronchospasm, carp and anaphylactic shock;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dyspeptic disorders, including epigastric pain, diarrhea or constipation, increased acidity in the stomach, nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • hair loss;
  • violations of the activity of the heart muscle and kidneys.

It is worth mentioning right away that almost all of the listed deviations occur as a result of an overdose of biologically active additive. To avoid the occurrence of such disorders, it is enough to follow the recommended dosage.

Interaction with drugs

The combined use of vitamins with drugs can cause the appearance of adverse reactions from some organs and systems. "Duovit" for men, the instruction recommends taking after full familiarization with the mechanism of action of other drugs. Consider some undesirable combinations:

  • "Duovit" should not be taken with antibiotics from a number of tetracyclines, as this can provoke a malfunction of many organs;
  • antacids reduce the absorption of "Duovita";
  • Not recommended joint application drug with other vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • the simultaneous use of "Duovita" with anticoagulants provokes the occurrence of bleeding;
  • sulfonamides together with this dietary supplement can cause crystalluria.

Conditions and terms of storage of the drug

The therapeutic properties of vitamins can be lost if the product is not properly stored. The best conditions to preserve them, it is considered to be in a room with a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. Tablets must not be exposed to direct sun rays. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

To maintain men's health, doctors recommend taking the Duovit for men multivitamin complex. It's combined medicine required for stimulation metabolic processes in the body. Before starting a course of treatment, you need to consult with your doctor.

Composition of Duovit

medicinal product Duovit is a multivitamin complex in the form of round, biconvex dragees with a red and blue shell. The specified medication is packaged in 30 or 60 pcs. in a polymer bottle, attached instructions for use. Peculiarities chemical composition:

Dragee color

Active ingredients

Concentration in 1 dragee, mg

vitamin C

calcium pantothenate

alpha-tocopherol acetate


folic acid

pyridoxine hydrochloride


thiamine mononitrate


retinol palmitate

calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate

ferrous fumarate

copper sulfate heptahydrate

zinc sulfate heptahydrate

magnesium lactate dihydrate

manganese sulfate monohydrate

sodium molybdate dihydrate

Auxiliary components: sucrose, glucose, sorbitol, lactose monohydrate, oils, dyes, glycerol, emulsion wax.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamins Duovit for men contain 11 vitamins and 7 trace elements necessary for normal operation the whole organism. According to instructions, pharmacological properties everyone natural component have the following properties:

  1. Vitamin C suppresses inflammatory processes, a pathogenic infection, participates in redox reactions, strengthens the immune system.
  2. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular system, participate in the formation of enzymes, improve tissue respiration, activate the regeneration of injured cells.
  3. Vitamin E, being a natural antioxidant, removes free radicals from cells, improves blood clotting.
  4. Vitamin A maintains visual acuity, improves the structure of the retina, enhances recovery reactions in the body.
  5. Vitamin D is responsible for bones, strengthens tooth enamel, participates in calcium metabolism and mineralization.
  6. Phosphorus and calcium strengthen bones, improve myocardial function.
  7. Magnesium and manganese are involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue.
  8. The minerals copper and iron successfully fight against iron deficiency anemia, provide prevention of cell hypoxia, increase hemoglobin.

Indications for use

If a man's body needs vitamins and minerals, doctors recommend a course of treatment with Duovit. Instructions for use contains a list medical indications:

  • exacerbation of seasonal beriberi;
  • increased physical and emotional stress;
  • strict diet (for obesity, diabetes);
  • unbalanced, irregular diet;
  • indigestion.

Method of application and dosage

detailed instructions on application describes the rules for the use of the specified multivitamin complex. Self-medication is contraindicated. medical drug intended for oral administration for a course of 3 weeks. Daily dose- 1 blue and red tablet after meals 1 time per day. After completing the first course, treatment can be resumed after 1-3 months.

drug interaction

For the purpose of prevention, the complex is prescribed as an independent drug. Vitamin complex also recommended in complex therapy. The instruction contains information about drug interaction:

  1. Calcium and iron in the composition of Duovit delay the absorption of tetracyclines in the intestines and antimicrobials group of fluoroquinolones.
  2. Ascorbic acid enhances the effectiveness and side effects of sulfonamide derivatives, which contributes to the formation of crystals in the urine.
  3. Antacids with magnesium, aluminum, cholesteramine and calcium impair the absorption of iron.
  4. Simultaneous use with thiazide diuretics leads to the development of hypercalcemia.
  5. When prescribing several multivitamin complexes at once, it is required individual consultation doctor.

Side effects

The medical preparation Duovit for men is well tolerated by the body. In some clinical cases, the development of side effects described in the instructions is not excluded:

  • digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sour belching, signs of dyspepsia, gastralgia;
  • nervous system: dizziness, migraine attacks, paresthesia, general weakness;
  • skin: erythema, seborrhea, urticaria, skin rash, alopecia, cracks;
  • allergies: Quincke's edema, bronchospasm.


  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • malabsorption of copper, iron;
  • heart failure;
  • intolerance to glucose, fructose;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increase in red blood cells;
  • tuberculosis stage of relapse;
  • Wakez disease;
  • past sarcoidosis;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland(imbalance of hormones);
  • glomerular nephritis;
  • hypersensitivity of the body to the components of the multivitamin complex.

Terms of sale and storage

Duovit is sold in a pharmacy, released without a prescription. According to the instructions, store the medicine in a dry, dark place out of the reach of small children. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of issue indicated on the package.


If the multivitamin complex causes side effects or is not very effective in a particular clinical case, the doctor suggests replacing the medicine. Duovit's analogs.

daily stress, increased loads, exposure to free radicals contained in environment, has a negative effect on men's health. Vitamins "Duovit for men" - a product that allows you to make up for the lack of mineral and vitamin compounds in the body daily, thereby contributing to the improvement of the functioning of internal organs and their systems.

The KRKA Corporation, headquartered in Slovenia, produces Duovit for Men.

Release form

The drug is available in tablet form. Dragees intended for oral administration are coated with red and blue flowers. One package may contain from 30 to 60 tablets.

Composition and benefits

The preparation contains 11 vitamin compounds and 8 minerals. Given the fact that the complex is divided into two types of tablets, it is worth considering their components separately.

red pills

Red tablets contain vitamins. Their number is presented in the table.



Protection of the organs of vision from infections, maintaining integrity skin.

Participation in the synthesis of protein, carbohydrate substances, normalization of metabolic processes.

Increase in energy reserves.

Normalization of the breathing process at the cellular level.

Acceleration of the process of hemoglobin formation, elimination of toxic substances.

Acceleration of serotonin production.

Acceleration of the process of formation of erythroid cells.

Acceleration of growth, recovery epithelial tissue skin, internal organs.

Activation of the "defensive" forces of the body.

Maintain proper bone density.

Protection of the body from oxidants, free radicals.

blue pills

Blue pills contain only mineral compounds. Their number and beneficial features presented in the table.



Strengthening of bones.

Accelerated growth of muscle mass.

Activates tissue regeneration.

Prevention of the development of anemia.

Acceleration of the process of formation of erythroid cells.


Taking part in many processes as an enzyme.

Maintenance of water-salt balance.

Strengthening of teeth.

Indications for appointment

Vitamins are prescribed for:

  • constant power, intellectual loads;
  • malnutrition;
  • living in ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • hypovitaminosis, causing disruption of the functioning of internal organs, their systems;
  • observance strict diet for weight loss or prescribed for medical reasons;
  • availability bad habits(alcohol, nicotine addictions);
  • an increase in the amount of sweat released during the day, at night;
  • in the treatment of certain "male" diseases (as an auxiliary, stimulant).


Instructions for use notes that the remedy should not be taken when:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • allergies to its components;
  • diabetes.

Do not use the complex with others multivitamin preparations to avoid overdosing.

How to use?

The product should be used daily by men once a day. Both red and blue pills are taken immediately. It is better if the reception is carried out immediately after breakfast or at least lunch. The complex is used for three to four weeks, after which it is worth taking a break for three months. It is important not to use the product with tetracyclines, antacids, sulfonamides.

Side effects

If the complex is taken incorrectly, side effects may develop. These include:

  • skin rash;
  • stool problems;
  • weakness;
  • increased sleepiness.

When taking the tablets, it is possible to stain the urine in yellow, this does not require discontinuation of the drug. However, in all other cases, it is worth consulting a doctor, as symptomatic therapy may be required.

How to store?

It should be noted that the shelf life of multivitamins from the date of manufacture is 36 months. At the end of its use, the drug is prohibited. The place of storage of the complex should be dry, dark, inaccessible to kids and pets. Air temperature should not exceed 25°C, humidity - 70%.


The price of the product depends on the number of tablets in the package. On average, it is 230-350 rubles per pack.


Preparations similar to those described are:

  • "Additive";
  • "Teravit";
  • " " and others.

It is important to consult a doctor before taking one of these complexes. All of them have contraindications, side effects.