Intuitive eating - “Enjoy food and not gain weight. How I stopped dieting but didn't gain a single kilogram

Evgeniya, 26 years old, HR manager “I stopped limiting myself”

“At the age of sixteen, having turned into a girl with appetizing curves, I began to try different diets. Despite the torment, the results were minimal: two or three kilograms were lost, which quickly returned. On the diet, I controlled everything that went into my mouth. But then she swept away everything, unable to stop. After another crisis, I realized that the problem was somewhere in my head. I considered myself not smart enough, dressed and behaved in such a way as to “blend into the landscape” as much as possible, spent my free time surfing the Internet and eating pack after pack of cookies... What made me think that being slim would solve all my problems? I went to a psychoanalyst to learn to love myself as I am, since I couldn’t lose weight. But in the process of analysis it became clear to me that excess weight- this is a way of protection from the outside world and only a consequence of my real problem - unconscious guilt for not being born a boy, as my father wanted. When I managed to free myself from this feeling, forgive myself and my father, I felt happy. An interesting personality, an attractive woman. I wanted to dress differently, I began to behave differently, men began to pay attention to me, personal life has changed for the better. They even promoted me at work, noting my activity. I began to enjoy myself and life. Imperceptibly, in two months of therapy, I lost eight kilograms... Now I do not deny myself anything. If I want, I can eat fried potatoes and chocolate. Without remorse and harm to the figure. I don’t eat by the hour like I used to, but when I feel hungry. And I stop when I realize that I’m full.”

“I thought I had gained weight because of childbirth,” recalls 30-year-old Venus. “But time passed, and I continued to gain weight: I emptied the refrigerator and, it seems, ate continuously. I cried, felt unhappy and terribly guilty. And then in group psychotherapy it turned out that my hunger was not physiological, but emotional in nature. I ate to drown out anxiety: I was afraid of not being able to cope with the role of a mother.” 44-year-old Valeria lived in a regime of “from diet to diet” for a decade and a half. And today she bitterly admits that she cannot determine when she is hungry: “I eat to relax, when I’m nervous or don’t know what to do with myself... And the weekend has generally turned into a nightmare for me.”

"Fundamentals of our eating behavior are formed from the first days of life,” recalls psychotherapist Viktor Makarov. – So, a baby’s crying is not always caused by a feeling of hunger. If the mother is attentive to the child, she will quickly determine whether it is time to feed him, or whether he just needs to be cuddled or change the diaper. So she teaches him to recognize the feeling of hunger and the joy of satiety that follows it.”

However, even if the first months went well, everything may get upset later - if the child is consoled with candy, instead of giving him time. “Grandmother always repeated that only those who are part of a “society of clean plates” are allowed to sit at the table,” recalls 47-year-old Vladimir. “I hated buckwheat porridge, but I had to finish it!” The psychotherapist sees an explanation for this in the past: “Revolution, wars, famine - the older generation suffered a lot of hardships. Hence the attitude: to love means to feed.”

Pitfalls of proper nutrition

About it

“Biochemistry of happiness. Recovery Diet Mike Dow

Ride a bike, have sex, participate in improvisational theater or repaint the walls yourself... and at the same time there is absolutely everything. Psychologist Mike Dow believes that when we bring joy, calm and inspiration into our lives, the need to self-medicate with food disappears. In the book, he talks in detail about this (original) way of dealing with food addiction(Sofia, 2012).

Floury, fatty, sweet, salty - for many these words have a negative connotation. There are an incredible number of rules, and they contradict each other: do not eat after 18.00; eat little and often; eat more cereals and vegetables... Behind all the (voluntary) restrictions, it’s almost impossible to hear the signals own body. “The prohibitions that those who strive to eat “by the rules” impose on themselves become a source of constant internal tension,” explains psychotherapist Valentina Berezina. – What ultimately leads to eating disorders. We would all do well to remember that nutritional rules are designed for the average person, who simply does not exist in reality: each of us has our own food preferences that should be respected.” The intention to deprive oneself of the pleasure of a favorite dish causes discomfort, emptiness, a feeling of loss - as if something important was taken away from a person, which rightfully belongs to him. Forgoing a delicious steak at lunch will most likely result in a cake that we wouldn't even consider if we listened to our cravings during the day. “Swap your favorite chicken Kiev with a vegetable side dish for your least favorite steamed fish with lettuce? It's better to eat what you like peace of mind!” - the psychotherapist advises.

Pleasure step by step

Before eating

  • Wait until we are hungry to start eating.
  • Don't start the day with the intention of limiting your food intake.

While eating

  • Don't force yourself to finish everything; stop when the pleasure disappears.
  • Focus entirely on food (no TV, no magazines, no computer).
  • Give yourself time to try it: look at the product, touch it, smell it, and then slowly eat it.
  • If you feel hungry between meals, be sure to sit down and have a quiet snack.

After meal

  • Keep a diary and write down everything that we ate, as well as the feelings and emotions that we experienced.
  • Don't blame yourself if we eat too much.
  • Remind ourselves that we will definitely be able to eat the next time we feel really hungry.

Tame hunger

It is important for us to be able to distinguish physiological hunger from emotional hunger, emphasizes Valentina Berezina, and for this she advises listening to yourself. The fact that it is time to replenish the body's reserves may be indicated by rumbling or a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, weakness or headache. Desire to eat specific product- also an important signal that the body lacks nutrients. So, if you want lemon and its taste, usually incredibly sour, seems balanced, perhaps there is not enough vitamin C. If we turn to food under the influence external factors(for example, we strive to master the entire assortment of an all-inclusive hotel restaurant), the desire to eat speaks to us so that we feel good.

Nutritionist Katherine Kuréta-Vanoli from the Group for the Analysis of Obesity Problems (GROS) encourages her patients to come to terms with their feelings. The first step is to remember what hunger is. “I ask you to skip breakfast and wait for the appearance physiological signals, such as rumbling in the stomach. For those who eat because they are afraid of feeling hungry, this causes anxiety. Some people find it difficult to recognize these signals. After all, excitement can also “suck in the pit of your stomach.”

Recently, 38-year-old Olga tried a similar exercise: “Even by three o’clock in the afternoon, without swallowing a crumb in the morning, I could not determine whether I was hungry or not. This amazed me: for many years I was sure that I was eating right, because I always made sure that my diet was balanced. But it turned out that I no longer understand what hunger is. And I eat all the time.”

Once we have learned to recognize hunger, the most difficult thing remains: to be able to stop in time. “An important signal is the loss of sharpness in the taste of a dish that seemed wonderful at the beginning of the meal,” says the nutritionist. – When the pleasure subsides, it’s time to stop. Hunger may appear before next appointment food and will need a snack. There's nothing wrong with that. We don’t get fat by eating when we’re hungry.”

Include all senses

Those who bind themselves with restrictions lose the ability to taste. That's why Catherine Curette-Vanoli includes tasting sessions in her therapy. She invites the patient to bring any food and eat it, following a ritual, the purpose of which is to mobilize the senses. First, vision: you need to describe the color, shape, packaging (the study showed: vision plays important role in the regulation of hunger and satiety *). Then touch: what is the texture? Then smell: “Memories of smell can evoke emotions associated with childhood or loved ones, and explain why we seek comfort in a biscuit or chocolate,” says the nutritionist. Finally, taste: bite off a piece, roll it around in your mouth to feel all the nuances, and swallow. “Patients report that the taste has little in common with what they eat at home! But it’s the same cheese or pate – they’re just aware of what they’re eating. And therefore they satisfy their hunger before they eat everything to the end.”

“The best motivation is your own reflection in the mirror. If a person starts to eat right and loses weight, then he sees how his clothes now fit on him, what compliments they give him, and he feels differently. And it’s such a pity to lose all this, it’s such a shame! Besides everything else healthy eating is an investment in own health, game on long distance. The same goes for training. This is not only aesthetics, but also a solution to problems with the spine and joints,” assures singer Valeria.

“I’m not embarrassed to eat from the lunch box”

Elena Plotnikova, “PRO Health”: - Valeria, you are so closely involved in the issues proper nutrition that they even opened delivery healthy food. But there are so many competitors in this business. Why do you need this?

Valeria:— I often used this kind of delivery, I tried absolutely all the food from all companies. But I realized that I couldn’t stay on any diet for long. A week - and that’s it, I want to break loose. Many companies limit you - you need to eat strictly according to the clock. But due to my profession, my main activity is still in the evening, when I want to eat, but have absolutely no time for it.

In my version of nutrition, we are not tied to time. We allow you to eat after work, though it’s better not just before bed. In addition, I personally took part in developing the menu so that it would be as diverse as possible and people would not want to try something “on the side.”

The main message in this is that you don’t need to limit yourself in anything, you need to live in joy, including food should bring pleasure. It can also be obtained from healthy food. And I want to show it. Of course, if a person wants to lose 10 kg in 2 months, it is better for him to deny himself sweets. But if you just need to stay in shape, you can sometimes pamper yourself and then have a fasting day. For example, buckwheat day is my favorite. It would seem that you would have to eat buckwheat 5-6 times a day, but no - each time we have different fillings: either saffron, then truffle oil, etc. And it seems that you are eating completely different dishes. In addition, we take not ordinary buckwheat, but the healthiest one - green, unroasted.

- How do you feed yourself?

— Carry containers with you and eat healthy food without being distracted by snacks, easy. I'm not at all embarrassed to eat from my lunch box. Moreover, if a business trip lasts two days, I still go with my bags of ready-made food.

Each habit is developed within 21 days. This is how our brain works. I tested this on myself. For example, for many years I was literally stuck on cheesecakes. For me it was best breakfast. And I didn’t think that I would ever give it up. Besides, breakfast is my favorite meal. I can skip lunch and dinner, but never the first meal. Even sometimes I can go to bed looking forward to my morning meal. By the way, it has been noticed that people suffering overweight As a rule, they do not have breakfast.

But I couldn’t bring myself to eat porridge in the morning. If there were no cheesecakes, then, of course, I had to choose cereals, but already eat them without much enthusiasm. As a result, in 3 months I fell in love with porridge. And all because I’m used to eating them every day. And if you gave me a choice six months ago - porridge or cheesecakes, I would have chosen the second, but now the answer is definitely on the side of porridge.

In addition, I discovered quinoa and amaranth grains. The latter, made with almond milk and banana, is a work of art.

Valeria with her husband Joseph Prigozhin. Photo: / Alexey Vitvitsky

— What products are always on your stop list?

— By the way, I don’t have any taboos on any foods. I'm lucky - I just don't like a lot of things. Besides, I’m indifferent to chocolate. I cannot be tempted by chocolate desserts or sweet cakes - I can eat them, but without fanaticism. By the way, I like to bring special caramels from Europe: they are sugar-free and have 3 times lower calorie content than regular caramel, and taste exactly the same.

I don’t have a product that I dream about, like, say, some people really want fried potatoes. Joseph (Valeria's husband, producer Joseph Prigogine. - Ed.) adores her. It seems to me that if you put him before a choice: me or fried potatoes, he will choose food. Although it seemed to me that he loved nothing more in life than me. But there is still competition! By the way, I am convinced that if a person sits at the dinner table for more than 15 minutes, he overeats: even after a hearty meal, no, no, and you will reach for snacks and other things.

— Do your children eat like you?

“I taught them from childhood to eat only healthy things.” We didn’t have any sausages, sausages, or soda at home. They could only eat such foods when visiting, for example, or with friends. We always associated sweet soda with holidays; I could afford to buy it for children’s birthdays. But that was where it all ended.

For example, my youngest son Arseny always surprised everyone by asking: “Can I have steamed fish with grilled vegetables?” Everyone I knew looked at me with the question: “Is this really what a 13-year-old child wants?” Now he can eat, for example, burgers, but not at fast food outlets.

Anya She began to listen more to her body - she stopped being reckless with food, as before.

Valeria with her husband Joseph Prigozhin. Photo:

“I can pump up all my muscles in 30 minutes!”

— Valeria, you turned 50 this year! But you don't look your age. Only nutrition has such an effect on your appearance?

- Of course not. Also sports. I don’t have time to go to the gym, but I work out at home - albeit with a trainer. He put together a special training program for me, which, of course, I couldn’t do without him.

In addition, only a coach will understand where the load needs to be increased, where to decrease it, which muscle groups have not yet been worked, and how else to surprise the muscles. In addition to doing yoga, I do exercises on the Power Plate, a platform that gives the muscles a three-dimensional load. This allows me to support myself even more in better shape. In addition, here each exercise requires much less time - I can completely pump up my body in half an hour. And I really like to do stretching on it - I can’t do a single workout without it.

I also bought it for my home treadmill. In my case, it is not for furniture - from autumn to spring, when there is no opportunity to walk a lot, I make sure to walk at a good incline for an hour, when time allows. This is how I relax: I do cardio, and watch movies, and study the news, and watch TV.

You have no idea how much I love sports! In addition to all of the above, I have dumbbells, fitness bands, Kangu Jumps boots - all this allows you to diversify your workouts.

— Do you work out on vacation?

— Yes, TRX loops are ideal for me on vacation. There is no place to attach them in the apartment, but on vacation, in the open air - please. Such a simple device, but it makes the whole body work.

— You admitted that only at 50 did you stop being ashamed of your body. Many women cannot say this at any age. Before this, why were you shy?

— As a child, I was very unsportsmanlike. Once I asked my mother to send me to the sports section, but she decided that I would not have time to attend or would neglect classes at school. Although now I understand that I could do everything perfectly well.

I got a C in physical education, although I wanted to get a gold medal. But, of course, with this three, no one would give it to me. And in order to get a medal, for the last two years of school I went to a special section, began teaching aerobics at school and even became friends with the physical education teacher. And slowly I got involved. After school, I started playing sports on a regular basis. I remember how I brought various video programs from abroad with training from Cindy Crawford, Jane Fonda and studied at home by myself. With the help of the same programs, I learned about yoga and started practicing it.

I am convinced that sports should be in everyone’s life. Not long ago, fitness entered the life of my 80-year-old mother, and now she admits to me: “The only thing I regret in my life is that I didn’t start exercising earlier. Now we have to support ourselves a certain form, after all, health no longer allows you to work at full capacity.”


— Valeria, looking at you, one cannot help but ask: what cosmetic procedures never miss?

— I don’t visit a cosmetologist regularly due to lack of time, although I probably need to approach this issue differently. In the meantime, I prefer procedures that need to be done rarely, but which have a great positive effect. And this is only hardware cosmetology.

“I am a friend to my children!”

— You recently wrote that the children have grown up purposeful and independent. You can analyze it now key points in their upbringing that influenced them?

— The most important thing here is education. by example. Of course, you can use recommendations from books, but if the parents themselves live differently, then the child will learn their values. The children knew very well and saw how we work, how much effort and time we spend to achieve certain goals. This is probably why they grew up the way you described above. And we really approve of the fact that they want to achieve everything on their own, not based on the success of their parents.

—Can you say that you are a friend to children? Has it always been like this?

— I am a really happy mother, because I have a very warm and trusting relationship with my children. There were moments in adolescence, when each of them not so openly shared with me what was happening in their lives. Now our relationship is more open and adult, and I am glad that we are not just parents and children, but really also friends.

— When was the last time you were able to go on vacation with your family and when are you planning to?

“As a family, we haven’t gone on vacation for a long time, because everyone has their own plans in life. But nevertheless, we try to have the children join Joseph and me at least one at a time. We manage to meet together only on big anniversaries - for example, this was the case when celebrating my birthday. And then we were together for several days. And this is already a reason for happiness!


Biography facts

The singer's career began in 1985, when she sang in the ensemble of the Atkarsky Palace of Culture.

In 1990 she graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

In 1993, she received the title “Person of the Year” from the Union of Journalists of Russia.

In 2005, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Valeria became an Honored Artist of Russia.

Since 2012, he has been a member of the Russian Presidential Council for Culture and Art.

In 2013 she received the title “People’s Artist of Russia”.

Has three children: Anna (25 years old), Artemia (24 years old), Arsenia (20 years old).

Since 2004, she has been married to producer Joseph Prigozhin.

One of modern problems, which contribute to the appearance of excess weight, is the inability to enjoy food. More often modern girls there is no time to prepare food, so they buy food, order pizza, go to fast food or a cafe. All this contributes to the appearance of excess weight. If you learn to enjoy food, overweight they won't be scary. A few recommendations and you will succeed:

1. Use seasonings for cooking

To make the dishes very tasty and aromatic, add seasonings, for example, basil, curry, chili, mint, cardamom, etc. Seasonings help break down fats and harmful carbohydrates. You just need to know what seasonings to add where. Here are some examples:

  • To make 1 liter of homemade ketchup tasty, add 1/2 tbsp. spoons of cayenne pepper;
  • for 1 liter of delicious chicken soup you need to add 1/2 teaspoon of chili;
  • a few cloves must be added to meat and fish;
  • To improve the taste of rice and pasta dishes, add curry or saffron;
  • use cinnamon for making desserts;
  • Another delicious seasoning for meat, vegetables and pickled mushrooms is marjoram.

In order not to overdo it, first add seasonings gradually, purify and bring to the desired taste. After a few experiments, you will learn how to add all the seasonings “by eye”. If you add the spice a few minutes before the end of cooking, the aroma of the dish will be incredible.

2. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly

To enjoy your dish and get the most out of your meal, cut foods into small pieces and chew thoroughly. Thanks to this, you will feel full faster, and, therefore, eat less than usual. And the food will be digested much better.

3. Concentrate on food

To learn this there are some tips:

  • When eating, concentrate on the tip of your tongue;
  • close your eyes while chewing food;
  • Chew each piece for about 30 seconds, and more if you can;
  • enjoy the aroma of cooked dishes.

4. Don't give up on fun

If you love sweets, then you don’t need to give them up once and for all; sometimes you can treat yourself to sweets, but only in the first half of the day. Diet dishes you need to eat after lunch and before bed, for example, it could be chicken broth, salad or fruit. To reduce your appetite, drink a glass of still water an hour and a half before your main meal.

5. Learn Cooking

Buy yourself a cookbook or look for recipes online. Kitchens different countries world will improve your gastronomic capabilities and diversify your diet. Replace regular pasta with delicious carbonara pasta, dumplings with unusual ravioli, and instead of pie, prepare lasagne, etc.

6. Enjoy the process

Learn not only how to cook correctly, but also how to eat cooked dishes. Buy beautiful dishes, set the table every time, learn to use all the cutlery. Thus, you will turn an ordinary family dinner into a royal feast, thanks to which the process of eating eating will be a real pleasure.

7. IN stressful situations no need to run to the refrigerator

Very often, women eat away their problems with sweets and cakes. Thus, main principle- fill your stomach, not get pleasure. Because of this, you are definitely guaranteed to be overweight.

“I like to have fun, especially food”! For many, this is not just a joke, but reality. The only way to have fun, to become happier and kinder for a few minutes - this is a delicious meal. And everything would be fine, but the price for the pleasure of eating is quite high - it’s not easy to change your figure, it’s a lot of extra pounds that interfere with your life, limit your freedom of movement and seriously affect your health. What to do if this passion seems irresistible?

How did we come to enjoy food?

Many people wonder where this comes from. strange habit– perceive food as pleasure? This is where many of our habits come from, as well as psychological problems- from childhood. Remember what your mom or dad gave you as a reward for good deeds? What was the object of the deal/compromise agreement with the parents? That's right - food! Chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, buns, cookies. What about grandparents and their almost manic desire to feed their beloved grandson or granddaughter?

Any (or almost any) child enjoys various sweets and delicacies. So, when a person does something that he really likes, the body produces the hormone of joy and pleasure - dopamine. It is he who is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction, being a kind of motivation and reinforcement system. The brain quickly remembers the source of pleasure and therefore demands “more and more.” This is how habits or addictions are formed. Anticipation of pleasure provokes a new release of dopamine and makes us look for various harmful goodies or eat continuously.

An interesting fact is that we eat to get another dose of the joy hormone. Meanwhile, such phenomena as obesity and metabolic disorders are included in the list of symptoms of dopamine deficiency. Perhaps the reason is that we are not absorbing what we need?

Shall we wave without looking?

You can persuade yourself as much as you want and ask yourself to “pick up” and stop eating sweets or fatty, high-calorie foods, but it’s difficult to give up a long-term habit that promises a lot of pleasure from food. Therefore, you shouldn’t torture yourself and refuse right away. It is better to take and replace one tendency with another. What will it be? You decide. Of course, the ideal option is to choose something that also stimulates the production of dopamine, but is not harmful to health. This is SPORT. SEX (safe and not promiscuous). .

All these actions are definitely healthy! And they will provide the most beneficial effect on the figure. But when choosing an alternative, it is very important that you like the new activity and bring pleasure. For example, do you want to enjoy food and eat a delicious cake while lying near the TV? Instead of feeding yourself, apply a fragrant and refreshing mask to your face that will transform you into a beauty. Both pleasure and benefit. In addition, this will reduce the risk of overeating on sweets. After all, it is not convenient to open your mouth when your entire face is “smeared” with a mask. Therefore, you will have to lie down, have fun and lose weight.

Make yourself a list of very pleasant actions that you are ready to replace gluttony with. And do it. The body will produce dopamine from new joys, and dopamine will reinforce this new habit and a way to have fun.

A little loophole for those who can't do without snacks. Eat foods that will help produce dopamine. And this is seafood, beets, apples, cabbage, strawberries, green tea.

Almost the end

When choosing an alternative habit, make sure that it is good for you. And let it not be smoking, alcohol or lots and lots of coffee. All of these habits significantly interfere with the production of dopamine. And this means – no pleasure and hello gluttony.

And it happens that you just don’t know what to do with yourself, or you don’t want to do anything, and so you eat. It’s impossible to imagine watching a movie or sitting at the computer without popcorn, sandwiches or candy on hand...

We were born for pleasure, for receiving pleasure. The easiest way to get it is to eat delicious food. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be tasty. It happens that just a feeling of satiety or even oversaturation gives satisfaction or a short-term feeling that everything is fine.

A deceptive feeling. Especially for those who “eat” problems or stress. And, as a rule, very short-lived. And although the feeling of satisfaction does not last long, many still often resort to this method of filling their desires for pleasure. Food becomes a trap, and dependence on it becomes a burden. How to win?

I'll eat, and then I'll think about what to do with all this.

But when all your thoughts are only about food, literally all the time: before meals, during meals and after, you no longer think that stress will not go away thanks to this. You simply walk away from solving problems and pretend that you are busy with something important now, that problems will have to wait for now. “I’ll eat, and then I’ll think about what to do with all this.”.

It happens that you go home after a crazy day at work with a full bag of sweets and already chew something on the way. And just the thought that now all this will be absorbed at home gives a certain peace and joy. And this is the only pleasant moment in the whole long, stressful day. Rhythm big city, running around requires compensation in the form of tasty bonuses. Over time, you get used to perceiving food as a source of even emotional state, a dependency is formed. The desire to get rid of it adds to the list of problems that now need to be somehow solved.

And it happens that you just don’t know what to do with yourself, or you don’t want to do anything, and so you eat. Watching a movie or sitting at the computer can no longer be imagined without popcorn, sandwiches or candy on hand.

Or so. You were busy working or running errands and didn’t have time to have lunch. It seems that it’s good, you’ll eat less. But no! Lunch is eaten during dinner, in fact, together with dinner itself. And then something else sweet, and more. Because you deserve it: you worked so hard, did so many things that you didn’t even find time for lunch, poor thing. And it turns out that I’ve eaten no less in a day, but I’ve overeaten so much that it’s difficult to walk and I can’t even button my pants. Excesses are deposited with extra centimeters on the sides and not only, this makes the mood drop even more. Now you focus on how to get rid of them, and you realize that food has become an addiction.

You have to pay for everything in this world. And soon after such “endorphin” or “anti-stress” or “reward” dinners, when you step on the scale, you realize that you didn’t even notice how much weight you had gained. And this is where the fun begins.

Lose weight!

You start thinking about how to get rid of extra pounds. All sorts of diets are used, the most modern or proven old-fashioned methods, a gym membership is purchased. You are on a diet and exhausting yourself with exercise, which is completely unusual and even hostile for your body and psyche.

All this on a subconscious level is seen as merciless restrictions and torture. It’s impossible to hold out like this for long, and after two weeks (and those who are especially stubborn manage to hold out whole month) you break down and the four kilograms you lost come back, taking a couple more with you as a gift.

But you are not going to give up! Not yet... You are determined to win the unequal battle with food addiction. And the circle repeats: diet - reset - breakdown - gain. And so not once or twice. You continue to go through diets, count calories, write down what you ate per day, gram by gram. Someone follows the path of least resistance, indulging their laziness and resorting to diet pills and other emissions from the fitness and beauty industry, which are far from the concept of health and adequate human existence.

But all this does not bring the desired result and leads you further and further into a network of manic thoughts about food. Previously, you simply ate without thinking about what exactly you were absorbing, but now you supposedly “eat right,” but in fact it turns out that you eat, maybe even more than before. After all, what happens if you overeat? low-fat cottage cheese or chicken breast? "Of course, nothing", - you think, and then, when you step on the scale, you are surprised to see that not only have you lost nothing, limiting yourself to sweets and fatty foods, but you’ve even gained a little.

And it somehow becomes sad. You tried so hard, followed a diet, tormented yourself - but to no avail. And I want to eat this terrible injustice. And you eat. Naturally, not cucumbers and leaf salad, but cakes and sweets, hoping for salutary reassurance to a soul tormented by unbearable restrictions.

How to get out of this vicious gastronomic circle? How to eat in order to live, and not live for food, for the momentary pleasure it gives? Training can help you resolve these issues. System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

The best wives, mothers and housewives

Still, not all people try to compensate for their shortages and stress through food. Someone, on the contrary, cannot swallow even a bite during stress, someone takes drugs, alcohol, and someone turns to religion.

Food is used as a consolation or tranquility or a kind of “reward for work” by people with a special mentality. They are the ones who most often suffer from food addiction and are looking for ways to get rid of it. According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, people with an anal vector may be susceptible to this.

A vector is a set of human properties and desires that is inherent in him by nature. It forms the basis of human behavior, his thinking, determines the system of life values, intelligence, human character and even physical characteristics.

As for exactly external features, people with , are, as a rule, short, sedate people who tend to be overweight. They have a naturally slow metabolism. It is difficult for them to limit themselves in food - this is not their way.

If we go back to the distant past, to the primitive pack, everyone there had their own responsibility, the so-called “species role”. The man with the anal vector served as the guardian of the cave, the hearth, while the other men were hunting. The main values ​​in life for such a person are: home, family, children, fidelity, devotion. Until now, they have shown themselves to be homebodies and good owners.

If we talk about the beautiful half of humanity, which has an anal vector, then now it is best wives, mothers and housewives. Everywhere they have order, impeccable cleanliness, everything is in its place, the children are dressed and fed.

Such women see the meaning of life, their fulfillment in the family, in creating and maintaining a home. And naturally, when they are deprived of such an opportunity due to various reasons, this causes them stress.

Where does stress come from?

It can be difficult for them to adapt to the rhythm modern world, especially in big cities, where everything happens on the run, at lightning speed. When such people are pushed, for example, forced to do work quickly, in short time, this causes them enormous stress. Because by nature they are leisurely, they do everything conscientiously, ideally. As a result, the speed of work may suffer. And if done hastily, they will not have a feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

This is how the unrealization of innate properties increases, as a result of which stress appears in the anal vector. People don't always understand real reasons of his states: what exactly is he worried about. Doesn't know how to solve this problem.

Therefore, all sorts of “plugs” of spiritual emptiness are used. And eating up problems is far from low on the list of “solutions.” Food becomes a saving refuge from stress and problems, a way to make up for the shortcomings that arise in the vector. Dependency arises. And food, instead of solving the problem, creates a new one, which also needs to be gotten rid of.

This happens due to the fact that a person is not aware of his desires, does not understand what he really wants from life and what he lacks right now.

How to stop eating stress and start living?

System-vector psychology training by Yuri Burlan gives a complete picture of what is needed and important for everyone to a specific person, which fills and helps him to realize himself in life. When you realize your essence, your purpose, understand your desires and comprehend what can bring pleasure to you, you no longer look for fulfillment with the help of this, not always useful tool like food.

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