Sugar after eating in a healthy person: what should be the norm? The norm of sugar in a healthy person after eating.

Millions of people around the world are unaware of the presence diabetes. To identify pathology, it is important to do regular tests for the amount of sugar in the blood and clearly know the rate of this indicator.

If you have diabetes, normal blood sugar levels will be elevated if you donate blood on an empty stomach. Great importance also has a diet. But the amount of sugar does not make it possible to accurately determine the type of ailment.

To maintain normal glucose levels in diabetes, you need to follow all the doctor's recommendations and regularly measure blood sugar levels.

Glucose regulation

In the body, the level of glucose in the blood is constantly monitored, it is kept at 3.9-5.3 mmol / l. This is the norm of blood sugar, it allows a person to lead optimal life.

Patients with diabetes get used to living with higher sugar levels. But even in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, it provokes dangerous complications.

A low blood sugar level is called hypoglycemia. The brain suffers when there is a deficiency of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • irritability,
  • aggressiveness,
  • frequent heartbeat,
  • feeling of intense hunger.

When sugar does not reach 2.2 mmol / l, then fainting occurs and even death is possible.

The body controls glucose by producing hormones that increase or decrease it. The increase in sugar occurs due to catabolic hormones:

  • Adrenaline
  • Cortisol
  • Glucagon and others.

The only hormone that lowers blood sugar is insulin.

The lower the amount of glucose, the more catabolic hormones are produced, but less insulin. Too much sugar causes the pancreas to work harder and produce more insulin.

In human blood, there is usually a small amount of glucose for a minimum period of time. So, in a man weighing 75 kg, the amount of blood in the body will be approximately five liters.

Checking the sugar content

Measurement in without fail made on an empty stomach, it is also forbidden to take water. Blood can be taken from a finger or from a vein. The analysis is performed on the basis of a doctor's prescription or at home, using a device called a glucometer.

The small glucometer is easy to use and very easy to use. This device only has positive reviews. To conduct a study in adults and children, only one small drop of blood is required. The device will show the sugar level on the display after 5-10 seconds.

If the portable device indicates that the blood glucose level is too high, you should have another blood test from a vein in the laboratory. This method is more painful, but it provides the most accurate results. After receiving the tests, the doctor determines whether glucose is normal or not. This measurement is necessary at the beginning of the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The analysis should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach.

To check sugar, perform a study on an empty stomach. There are many reasons for this, for example:

If the symptoms characteristic of diabetes, when they appear, it is important to do a study. In the absence of manifestations, the diagnosis is made on the basis of high blood sugar levels, if the analysis was done twice a day. different days. This takes into account the first blood test, which was done on an empty stomach with a glucometer, and the second blood test from a vein.

Some people begin to diet before the study, which is completely unnecessary, as this will affect the reliability of the results. Not recommended before analysis overuse sweet food.

The reliability of the analysis may be affected by:

  1. some types of diseases
  2. exacerbation of chronic pathologies,
  3. pregnancy,
  4. post-stress states.

Doctors do not advise testing glucose in women and men after night shifts. At this time, the body needs rest.

This study must be done every six months for people over 40 years old. In addition, it is necessary to undergo an analysis of those people who are at risk. This category includes people with:

The type of disease determines how often blood sugar levels are measured. If a we are talking about the first, insulin-dependent type, then a glucose test should be done constantly before the introduction of insulin.

If you feel worse, after stress, or if the normal rhythm of life changes, sugar should be measured more often.

In these cases, the indicator can change significantly.

Glucometer Satellite

Regardless of the age of the person and the presence of diseases, it is best to regularly undergo a study that determines the level of glucose in the blood.

Diabetics do at least three times a day, on an empty stomach, as well as before and after meals and in the evening.

It is important to choose a convenient and reliable device that consistently shows reliable results.

The main requirements for the mechanism are as follows:

  1. accuracy,
  2. speed,
  3. durability.

All these requirements are met by the modern glucometer Satellite, which is manufactured by Elta, constantly improving the device. Judging by the reviews, another development is becoming increasingly popular - Satellite Plus.

The main advantages of the satellite meter are:

  • a small amount of material for analysis,
  • displaying the result on the screen after 20 seconds,
  • large amount of internal memory.

The automatic shutdown of the device does not allow the batteries to run out if a person forgets to turn it on manually. The kit contains 25 test strips and 25 lancing devices. Battery capacity corresponds to 2000 measurements. According to the accuracy of the results, the device corresponds to the efficiency of laboratory tests.

The measuring range is 0.6 – 35.0 mmol/l. The device examines whole blood, which makes it possible to quickly see on the screen reliable result and do not perform other calculations, as is the case with a plasma study.

Satellite Plus is somewhat inferior in time to foreign devices, since many of them require only up to 8 seconds to obtain a result. However, a set of test strips is several times cheaper.

This device is an inexpensive but reliable assistant for diabetics.

Norm indicators

It is important to know what level of sugar in the blood is considered normal. Value data for various people placed in special tables.

When sugar is measured with a glucometer that is set to measure plasma glucose, the total will be 12% higher.

Sugar levels will be different when food has already been consumed and on an empty stomach. The same can be said for the time of day.

There are blood sugar norms depending on the time of day (mmol / l):

  1. 2 - 4 hours more than 3.9,
  2. before breakfast 3.9 - 5.8,
  3. in the afternoon before meals 3.9 - 6.1,
  4. before the evening meal 3.9 - 6.1,
  5. one hour after eating less than 8.9,
  6. two hours after eating less than 6.7.

Sugar in the evening before dinner should be 3.9 - 6.1 mmol / l.

Upon reaching the age of 60, you need to remember that the indicators will increase and remain at a fairly high level. If the device shows 6.1 mmol / l or more on an empty stomach, then this indicates a disease. The level of sugar in the study of blood from a vein is always higher. The normal rate is up to 6.1 mmol / l.

If the glucose concentration is from 6 to 7 mmol / l, this means boundary values ​​\u200b\u200bthat may indicate violations in the processing of carbohydrates. Blood sugar in the evening, the norm of which is up to 6 mmol / l, should be checked several times. An indicator of more than 7.0 mmol / l indicates the presence of diabetes.

When sugar is slightly higher than normal, it can be argued that there is a pre-diabetic condition, it is important to conduct an additional analysis.


Approximately 90% of cases are caused by type 2 diabetes. This disease develops gradually, its harbinger is prediabetes. In the absence of urgent therapeutic measures, the disease will develop rapidly.

This condition can be controlled without insulin injections. Fasting or strenuous exercise is not allowed.

A person should keep a special self-monitoring diary, which should also include daily blood sugar levels. If stick therapeutic diet, then the sugar will gradually return to normal.

You can talk about prediabetes if you have:

  1. fasting sugar in the range of 5.5-7.0 mmol / l,
  2. 5,7-6,4%,
  3. sugar two hours after eating 7.8-11.0 mmol / l.

Prediabetes is a very serious metabolic disorder. Only one of the indicators indicated above is enough to make such a diagnosis.

Criteria for having type 2 diabetes:

  • fasting sugar more than 7.0 mmol / l according to the results of two tests on different days in a row,
  • glycated hemoglobin 6.5% or more,
  • when performing a glucose tolerance test, its rate was from 11.1 mmol / l and above.

The presence of one of the criteria is enough to make a diagnosis of diabetes. The most common symptoms of this are:

  1. frequent urination,
  2. fatigue,
  3. constant thirst.

There may also be unreasonable weight loss. Many people do not notice the symptoms that appear, so the results of blood glucose tests come as an unpleasant surprise to them.

Sugar on an empty stomach can remain at a normal level for the first few years, until the disease begins to affect the body too much. The test may not show abnormal glucose values. You should use a glycated hemoglobin test or take a blood sugar test after meals.

Type 2 diabetes is indicated by:

  • glucose on an empty stomach 5.5-7.0 or more,
  • sugar 1 and 2 hours after eating, mmol / l 7.8-11.0 above 11.0,
  • glycated hemoglobin, % 5.7-6.4 above 6.4.

Most often, type 2 diabetes and prediabetes occur when a person is overweight and has an abnormal blood pressure(from 140/90 mm Hg).

If not carried out complex treatment high sugar in the blood, then chronic or acute complications. The latter are diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic coma.

What should be the blood sugar healthy person right after eating? Perhaps this question is of interest to all people who care about their health. The norm of blood sugar after eating varies from 6.5 to 8.0 units, and this normal performance.

The phrase "sugar in the body" refers to a substance such as glucose, which acts as a source of nutrition for the brain, as well as energy that ensures the full functioning of the body of any person.

Glucose deficiency can lead to negative various consequences: memory impairment, decreased reaction rate, impaired functioning of the brain. For normal operation the brain needs glucose, and there are no other analogues for its “nutrition”.

So, you need to find out what is the norm of blood sugar before meals, and also find out what are the normal glucose levels after a meal?

The norm of glucose before meals

Before you find out what kind of sugar immediately after eating a person, it is necessary to consider what indicators of glucose content are considered normal depending on the age of the person, and also find out what deviations from normal values ​​indicate.

Study biological fluid on sugar is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach in morning time. It is strictly forbidden to donate blood (approximately 10 hours before) to eat and drink any drinks other than ordinary liquids.

If a blood test on an empty stomach showed a variation in values ​​from 3.3 to 5.5 units in a patient from 12 to 50 years old, then the blood sugar level is normal.

Features of glucose indicators depending on the age of a person:

  • There are certain norms for the content of sugar in the body, depending on the age of the person, but these values ​​\u200b\u200bare not dependent on the sex of the person.
  • For young children, the norm is considered to be the level of sugar, which is below the bar for adults. The upper limit for a child under 12 is 5.3 units.
  • For the elderly age group starting from the age of 60, normal sugar levels are their own. Thus, upper bound they have 6.2 units. And the older a person becomes, the higher the upper bar will be transformed.

During pregnancy, women may experience jumps in blood sugar, and in some situations this is normal, as this is associated with hormonal processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, sugar can be 6.4 units, and this is the norm.

When sugar is found on an empty stomach, which ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 units, we can talk about the development of a pre-diabetic state. This pathology is not full-fledged diabetes, but lifestyle correction is necessary.

If on an empty stomach a blood test showed a result of more than 7.0 units, then we can talk about diabetes mellitus.

As a rule, additional diagnostic measures allowing to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

The amount of sugar after eating

Glucose is simple carbohydrate, and this substance enters human body the only way is with food.

As a rule, a sugar test is carried out several times a day, and the first time exclusively on an empty stomach. Then sugar should be measured after each meal, as well as several times at regular intervals.

For any disease, there is a required certain number of glucose measurements per day. Sugar levels are not constant and may vary slightly throughout the day.

For example, sugar intake is affected by food intake, and after it, glucose rises even in an absolutely healthy person. Exercising can lead to an increase in glucose, severe stress and other factors.

It is necessary to examine sugar after meals in cases where an analysis on an empty stomach showed increased results. After the load, you can track the dynamics of sugar, as well as find out how long it takes to normalize.

Indicators of glucose in the human body after a meal:

  1. AT lunch break before meals, the norm will be human blood sugar up to 6.1 units.
  2. Immediately after eating, sugar can rise to 8 units, and this is quite normal.
  3. Two hours or a little more time after a meal, the glucose concentration is from 6.5 to 6.7 units, and this is quite within the normal range.

In a situation where studies have shown that blood sugar on an empty stomach is between 6.0 and 7.0 units, it is advisable to find out your results after eating. If the glucose value is more than 11 units, then we can talk about sugar disease first and second types.

If a pathological increase in sugar is detected, the doctor recommends non-drug therapy, which includes wellness nutrition, optimal physical activity, and daily sugar control.

Control sugar in home environment a special device will help - a glucometer, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Glucose before and after meals: differences

As already found out, in a healthy person, sugar levels in the body range from 3.3 to 5.5 units. However, in the vast majority of cases, the concentration of glucose is observed at around 4.4-4.8 units.

After eating, people may observe that the sugar gradually rises, and can reach a value of 8.0 units, which is also normal. However, two hours after eating, these figures should be no higher than 7.8 units.

Thus, speaking in general, the difference before and after meals should be about 2 units or slightly higher.

If a person’s blood sugar on an empty stomach is more than 6.0 units, but does not exceed 7.0 units, and after eating 7.8-11.1 units, then we can talk about a prediabetic state.

From how many units the sugar indicators have become more after a meal, as well as the speed with which the values ​​are normalized, we can talk about the functionality of the human immune system.

For example, the higher the sugar content, the worse it works. the immune system. If this factor is noticed in a timely manner, then it is possible to take the necessary preventive actions, which will avoid diabetes, respectively, and possible complications.

chronically high sugar in the blood leads to thickening of the blood, as a result of which such complications can be observed: visual perception, disorders of the liver and kidneys, problems with the cardiovascular system.

General principles for sugar reduction

If a patient is diagnosed with a pre-diabetic condition, then he is recommended to change his lifestyle, as a result of which, in the vast majority of pictures, it is possible to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus. Of course, provided that the patient adheres to all recommendations, that is, is engaged in and follows diet therapy.

Diabetes mellitus is chronic illness, which is characterized by a violation of the absorption of glucose in the human body. Unfortunately, the disease is incurable, so certain therapy will have to be followed throughout life.

The most common type 1 and 2 chronic pathology, however, there are also specific varieties - autoimmune diabetes in adults, diabetes insipidus and other types.

Features of therapy high sugar:

  • In the first type of the disease, the patient is recommended continuous administration of insulin, control of blood sugar several times a day.
  • In type 2 diabetes, the doctor initially recommends non-drug treatment, consisting in wellness nutrition(low carb diet) physical activity, constant control of sugar.

If, with type 2 diabetes, the patient does not adhere to medical recommendations, then over time, to normalize blood sugar, he will need to take pills to reduce it.

Practice shows that tablets for the normalization of sugar will give the required therapeutic effect for some time, and then their effectiveness will decrease, as a result of which insulin therapy will be needed.

Folk ways to lower sugar

AT alternative medicine There are many recipes that are aimed at lowering blood sugar levels. Besides, folk remedies have tonic, anti-inflammatory properties.

In the early stages, tea that is made from raspberry leaves helps, any type is also useful. It is necessary to brew dry leaves, drink like tea. The duration of treatment is not limited by time frames.

Dandelion roots have hypoglycemic properties, so they are recommended to normalize glucose in the body.

Decoction recipe:

  1. Take 10 grams of dandelion roots, pour boiling water in a volume of 250 ml.
  2. Leave for several hours.
  3. Divide into 4 equal servings, drink throughout the day.

Fresh parsley has vasodilating properties, so you can add it to your menu for every day. Can be added to salads and other dishes that do not require heat treatment food.

Food containing carbohydrates is broken down by enzymes into monosaccharides, in the liver they turn into glucose molecules, which serve as a universal source of energy for humans. This substance enters the systemic circulation and is distributed to all tissues. If metabolic processes are disturbed, the concentration of sugar in the blood plasma increases, this negatively affects the work internal organs.

Fluctuations in glycemia during the day depend on the diet, age of the person. Normally, immediately after eating in an absolutely healthy person, one can observe sharp rise whole blood sugar level, then the readings gradually return to allowed values. If there is a malfunction of the pancreatic islets or a decrease in the absorption of insulin by tissues, the risk of diabetes mellitus, complications from the circulatory and nervous system.

How and when can I donate blood for analysis? Blood for analysis must be taken from a finger or a vein. The material is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, the patient should refrain from taking any food for dinner, at night and in the morning before visiting the laboratory. If the result is doubtful appoint additional research with sugar load. The result is checked at set intervals after oral administration of a glucose solution.

How many hours after eating can I donate blood for sugar in the laboratory? If you need to conduct a study on an empty stomach, then you need to refrain from dinner, do not eat all night, and do not have breakfast. In the morning, blood is taken from a finger or vein. If the preparation rules are not followed, the result may be false positive.

Is it possible to determine the level of glycemia on an empty stomach at home? Patients with established diagnosis can check their blood glucose levels on their own with a glucometer. This is a special electronic device that helps to quickly take a blood test without visiting a medical laboratory.

Deciphering the results

Table of indicators after measuring glycemia before and after meals in men and women according to the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation:

Measured two hours after a meal is called postprandial glycemia (PPG), allowable norms blood sugar after a normal meal can be a symptom metabolic syndrome, prediabetes or diabetes mellitus.

The human body can not always cope with the amount of carbohydrates consumed, this leads to hyperglycemia and slow metabolism. At healthy men and women, glucose levels after meals can be increased and quickly normalize; if glucose tolerance is impaired, the indicators can be high for much longer. At the same time, it is possible to observe the preservation of glucose levels on an empty stomach in the norm. Therefore, determining the level of postprandial glycemia is very important for correct installation diagnosis.

In people with a normal carbohydrate metabolism, eating or even the sensation of an appetizing smell stimulates the immediate production of insulin, the peak occurs after 10 minutes, the second phase after 20 minutes.

The hormone helps cells capture glucose for further energy release. In diabetic patients, this system is disrupted, so increased glycemia persists, and the pancreas produces more and more insulin, depleting reserve reserves. As the pathology progresses, the cells of the islets of Langerhans are damaged, their secretory activity is disrupted, which leads to an even greater increase in glucose and chronic hyperglycemia.

What kind of fasting and 1, 2 hours after eating should women normally have, how much glucose can be kept in a healthy person? The norm of sugar in whole blood, taken on an empty stomach and after a meal, is the same for men and women. Gender does not affect clinical analysis results.

Causes of postprandial hyperglycemia

Uncontrolled hyperglycemia after eating in men and women may occur due to the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes mellitus develops against the background of an absolute or relative lack of insulin, a decrease in the resistance of receptors in the body's peripheral tissues to the protein hormone. The main symptoms include frequent urination, unquenchable thirst, general weakness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, irritability, nervousness, fatigue.
  • A pheochromocyte is a tumor that affects the adrenal glands. Neoplasm appears against the background of failures in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Acromegaly is a violation of the anterior pituitary gland, as a result of this pathology, there is an increase in the size of the feet, hands, skull, face.
  • Glucoganoma is called malignant neoplasm pancreas, which is characterized by the development of diabetes, skin dermatitis leads to dramatic weight loss. Pathology is on the rise long time without any symptoms. In 80% of cases at the time of detection of the disease, the tumor has metastases. The disease affects men and women over 50 years of age.
  • Thyrotoxicosis causes hormonal imbalance thyroid gland. As a result, violated metabolic processes. characteristic symptom disease is a protrusion eyeballs, violation of diction, as if the patient's tongue is tangled.
  • Stressful state.
  • Chronic and acute diseases internal organs: pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Gluttony, constant overeating.

There may be several causes of hyperglycemia, therefore, additional laboratory research, appoint an examination and consultation of a neuropathologist, oncologist, surgeon.

Postprandial glycemia in children

You can donate blood to determine the level of glycemia in children in the same way as adults. This study is on an empty stomach and 2 hours after an oral glucose load.

How much does the level of sugar concentration in the blood of children increase after eating, depending on age? In a child under 6 years of age on an empty stomach, glycemia should not exceed 5.0 mmol / l, PPG - 7.0–10.0 mmol / l. As the child grows older, the sugar rate increases to 5.5 on an empty stomach and 7.8 two or three hours after eating.

What is the norm of sugar in a child after eating

Children and adolescents suffer from insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes, which is caused by a malfunction of pancreatic β-cells and the cessation of insulin secretion by the islets of Langerhans. Treatment is carried out with the help of hormone injections, the appointment of a low-carbohydrate diet.

With chronic hyperglycemia in children, developmental and growth retardation can be observed. This condition negatively affects the work of the kidneys, liver of the child, damage to the eyes, joints, nervous system occurs, delayed puberty. The child is emotionally unstable, irritable.

To reduce the risk of complications of diabetes, it is important to achieve the target glucose level both on an empty stomach and after a meal. The indicators should not exceed 7.8 mmol / l, but the development of hypoglycemia should not be allowed.

Donating blood on an empty stomach and two hours after a sugar load is necessary for a diagnostic procedure in men and women in the rice group, with which you can identify early stage disruption of metabolic processes in the body and conduct timely treatment. Therapy at this stage leads to recovery carbohydrate metabolism, you can normalize the level of glycemia, reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, or compensate for an existing disease.

Good day, regular readers and visitors of the blog! When something is wrong with our condition or test results, we often search the Internet for an answer. Today I want to answer one of the most popular medical issues users of the global web.

Namely, why blood sugar rises, what are the reasons for high glucose levels in the morning on an empty stomach or after meals, and what this increase in men and women depends on.

After reading, you will have a clear idea of ​​​​what is happening and a plan will be formed on how to proceed.

A person may encounter the problem of increasing sugar for the first time in his life, and there are also people with an established diagnosis, but who have not reached normal level glucose. Therefore, I have divided this article into two main parts. One part is intended for beginners and tells what causes an increase in blood glucose. This information will give them guidance and understanding of what is happening.

The second part will help a diabetic with experience to understand why glycemia is not normalized, what can hinder or contribute to this. You may find a solution to your problem here.

Causes of high blood sugar in men and women

Seeing high glucose numbers in biochemical analysis blood, the worst immediately comes to mind, but an increase in sugar does not always mean pathology, namely diabetes, which is most often implied.

To begin with, the level of glucose can rise by physiological reasons, i.e. it occurs in healthy people. In what cases?

Physiological causes of high blood glucose

In our life, there are situations that require an emergency release of glucose into the blood to save human life. Sugar can rise temporarily in the following cases:

  • during a difficult physical labor or workout
  • during prolonged mental work (for example, during an exam)
  • with fright and fear (for example, with fear of medical manipulations)
  • in life-threatening situations (war, flood, earthquake, etc.)
  • with acute stress (for example, the death of loved ones)

A feature of this behavior of glucose levels is its normalization after the cessation of exposure to the provoking factor. Blood sugar rises due to the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and the release of contrainsular hormones, which contribute to the breakdown of liver glycogen and the release of glucose into the blood.

In this case, the increase will be short-term and does not carry real threat. On the contrary, it defense mechanism body to cope with difficult situations.

Blood sugar is elevated: pathological sources of the problem

Factors contributing to an increase in glycemia can be divided into two groups:

  1. short-term
  2. prolonged

Let us first consider diseases and conditions from the first group, which includes diseases that are in no way associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. And then we will proceed with the consideration of the second option.

Causes of High Blood Sugar Other Than Diabetes

Certain diseases and conditions can temporarily raise blood glucose levels. Let's take a look at the list below.

  • Pain syndrome and pain shock
  • Acute myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke
  • burn disease
  • brain injury
  • Surgical intervention
  • epileptic seizure
  • Liver pathology
  • Fractures and injuries

long-term increased content blood sugar above normal clearly indicates a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Most often, the excess of normal numbers means the development of diabetes. But is this disease always meant when blood sugar is elevated?

Prediabetes - the etiology of high blood sugar

Every disease is preceded by some onset or pathological conditions, which so far cannot be called a disease, but it is no longer health. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism is no exception.

The so-called forms of prediabetes include:

  1. impaired glucose tolerance
  2. elevated fasting glucose

I will describe in the next article, maybe you are reading when the article has already been published and the link is open, then I ask you to read it.

These diagnoses are made on the basis of data obtained during the glucose tolerance test, as well as diabetes mellitus. The difference will be in the results and numbers of blood glucose.

Method for conducting a glucose test

Glucose tolerance test is carried out with 75 g of pure glucose. In the morning on an empty stomach, the patient gives blood for sugar, then he drinks a glass of water with glucose diluted in it, after which he is again taken blood for sugar after 2 hours.

In order for the test to be considered correct, certain conditions must be met.

  • The fasting interval should be at least 10 hours.
  • On the eve of the test, heavy physical activity and sports are excluded.
  • A few days before the study, there should be no self-restrictions in food, i.e. you should lead a normal lifestyle, eat what you always ate.
  • On the eve of the test, the patient should sleep well. Night shifts are not allowed.
  • If the patient experienced severe stress the day before, it is recommended to reschedule the test date.
  • In the morning, it is recommended not to rush and not worry, but to calmly go to the test.
  • After taking a glucose solution, it is not recommended to go for a walk.

Indications for a glucose tolerance test

  1. All persons over 45 years of age.
  2. Younger persons are carried out in case of:
  • identifying excess weight(BMI >25)
  • the presence of type 2 diabetes in first-line relatives
  • history of gestational diabetes or having a baby weighing more than 4.5 kg
  • arterial hypertension
  • HDL levels< 35 мг/дл и триглицеридов >250 mg/dl
  • Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and Impaired Fasting Glycemia (IFG)

Interpretation of test results

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) manifested by high fasting blood sugar and increased performance 2 hours after the glucose test. The increase in glucose levels is slightly below the indicators of diabetes mellitus, and therefore such a diagnosis is made.

So, if fasting glycemia from a vein is less 7.0 mmol/l, and 2 hours after the test, the blood sugar level is within 7.8-11.1 mmol/l, the patient is diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance.

Diagnosis of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) exhibited in case of detection of high numbers of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach, but 2 hours after loading with glucose, the level of sugar in the blood is within the normal range.

Namely, if the fasting glucose level from a vein is within 6.1-7.0 mmol/l, and 2 hours after a meal or a test with 75 g of glucose, blood sugar less than 7.8 mmol/l , the patient is diagnosed with impaired fasting glucose. For convenience, I drew a table for you (the picture is clickable).

Both of these diagnoses are risk factors for the development of diabetes mellitus, or they are also called prediabetes. Both of these diseases are reversible, and at adequate treatment, which depends only on the patient himself, it is possible to delay the onset of a disease such as diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a chronic excess of sugar in the blood

If the patient did not fully understand the seriousness of the situation or the doctor poorly explained the risks to him, then from the inaction of both, after a while (the terms are individual), more serious disorders of carbohydrate metabolism occur, which initial stage are also reversible, but already much more complicated.

So, laboratory signs diabetes mellitus are high blood sugar - more than 7.0 mmol/l on an empty stomach and more than 11.1 mmol/l 2 hours after a load of food or 75 g of glucose. With such indicators, it will inevitably be found high level sugar in urine. Enhanced Level glucose in the urine indicates a possible diabetes mellitus in a person.

This blog is completely dedicated to the problem of diabetes, which can be very different. It can affect both children and adults. If this cup has not passed you and you want to delve into the problem in more detail, then I recommend that you start studying these articles.

These are the most basic articles on the topic of diabetes. You understand that there are a lot of questions that you can’t reveal in several articles. Therefore, use the rubricator in the side column on the right if you do not find the answer to your question.

Why does blood sugar rise in diabetics?

I receive many letters and requests to explain why blood sugar can rise with diabetes. Many complain that sugar jumps sharply, jumps and generally behaves inappropriately.

These questions are very difficult to answer, because each person may have his own reason why diabetes is poorly compensated. I'll try to answer a few common questions.

What causes blood sugar to rise in the morning on an empty stomach?

An increase in morning glycemia can be due to several reasons:

  • severe dawn syndrome
  • lack of hypoglycemic effect of drugs (tablets or insulin)
  • long fasting period
  • high blood sugar before bed

dawn syndrome

Every person, even a healthy one, has morning hours all hormonal system, namely contrainsular hormones (adrenal, pituitary, thyroid hormones). They contribute to the breakdown of liver glycogen and the release of glucose into the blood.

The increase in sugar levels begins in the early morning hours, starting at 3-4 am, but sometimes there is a late dawn and sugar rises between breakfast and lunch. Further, the level of hormones decreases glycemia in the evening decreases. This is the answer to the question: "Why is sugar higher in the morning than in the evening?".

Nocturnal hypoglycemia

If a person receives inappropriate (more than necessary) doses of hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, then hypoglycemia may occur at night or in the morning, i.e. decrease in glucose levels to a critical minimum.

In this case, a protective mechanism is triggered and the hormone glucagon, an insulin antagonist, is released into the blood. It also, like contra-insular hormones, breaks down glycogen and removes glucose into the bloodstream to increase its level. This process occurs in excess, so sugar in the morning may be higher than it was in the evening.

Ineffective doses of drugs

In the third case, the cause of high sugar in the morning may be a banal lack of the same insulin or drugs. In this case, throughout the night, sugar rises smoothly, without sharp declines. This can be found out by conducting nightly monitoring of glycemia every 2-3 hours.


When a person does not eat for a long time on purpose or on occasion, the energy level drops and hormones release glucose from the depot - liver glycogen. That is why sometimes it is advised not to go to bed hungry at night, but to have something to eat before going to bed. And surprisingly, this method works. Only a snack should not be a full meal, 100-150 g of kefir at night should be enough.

high blood sugar before bed

Many wonder why they have high blood sugar when they go to bed with anything but low. If you do not have your own insulin and you get it from outside, then this is usually basal insulin and insulin for food. Basal insulin, which maintains fasting sugar, should not lower it.

In other words, if you injected, for example, Levemir or Humulin NPH at night, but at the same time you have 10 mmol / l sugar before bed, then do not expect insulin to lower your glycemia to a normal level overnight. If the dose of basal insulin is chosen correctly, then you will wake up with the same sugar.

And if you really woke up with more low level glucose, this means that you have an excess of basal insulin and you must definitely reduce it. Otherwise, when normal sugar at night, you risk getting hypoglycemia in the morning.

Does blood sugar rise with a cold?

Yes, with a cold, often the level of glycemia increases, which requires an increase in the dose of insulin, especially for children and adolescents. In adult diabetics on tablets, a situation may also arise that a temporary appointment of insulin is required. This usually occurs during a severe infection with high temperature and intoxication.

Why is this happening? Acute respiratory infections promote activation defensive forces, including intensive work of the adrenal glands.

Adrenal hormones, being powerful contrainsular hormones, expel glucose from the liver. This provides the body with the strength to overcome a life-threatening condition. The more severe the disease, the greater the need for insulin to absorb this glucose.

Why is fasting sugar higher than after eating?

This question is most often asked by patients with type 2 diabetes taking the pill. Sometimes there are cases that fasting morning sugar is high, and after eating it becomes normal. Why is this happening?

The thing is that with a load of carbohydrate foods, the gland tries with its last strength to give out the right amount of insulin in order to suppress the sharply rising blood glucose level. Sometimes this happens in excess, so after eating there may even be mild hypoglycemia, which goes away on its own. This is manifested by weakness, anxiety, trembling and sticky sweat.

And I showed you the reasons for high fasting sugar above.

What causes high sugar after dinner and in the evening before bed?

If you find that your sugar rises immediately after dinner and the trend persists before bedtime, then you need to carefully analyze your evening diet and regimen. It is possible that you eat high-carbohydrate foods for dinner.

Surely, our beloved potatoes, pasta and cereals take an active part in increasing glycemia, and by the time we go to bed, it does not have time to normalize. In addition, we often do not have time to eat normally during the day, and in the evening, when we come home from work, we pounce on food and eat a large amount of everything.

In this case, the recommendation will be banal - eat evenly throughout the day, do not allow yourself to feel hungry, and exclude foods rich in carbohydrates for dinner. Let it be: meat, fish, seafood and vegetables. By the way, cottage cheese dairy products are not always well absorbed in the evening and can also increase sugar.

What is the highest blood sugar?

Some of my readers are interested in the highest blood sugar, and even in the table. Honestly, I don’t understand what this interest is, since it’s not so much the numbers that are important, but the feelings of the person himself. After all, some may feel bad with a slight increase, and some even with the most high rates(20-25 mmol / l) do not feel anything.

In my memory, the highest increase in glucose was up to 22 mmol / l, but it can be even higher, but these numbers are no longer determined by the meter and the display will read “hi”, which means “high”.

And that's all I have. Be healthy. How do you like the article? I recommend you who will come to you automatically immediately after publication.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva

Blood sugar is not only a dangerous substance, but also useful, since it is he who is the key to energy for the whole body. It is without such energy that a person could not even move his hand, since this really requires effort. But at the same time, do not forget that an excess of sugar in the blood is just as harmful as its deficiency. Throughout the day and night, glucose changes all the time.

After eating, its indicators become a little more, and after a certain time - less. It can also be associated with various stresses - physical and emotional. But, despite all these changes, it is very important that the sugar still remains within the normal range. Thus, blood tests for sugar are taken on an empty stomach, so that at least 8 hours have passed after eating. A person's gender does not affect glucose readings, so everyone has the same normal limits.

But in addition to all this, it is worth noting that in female body the excretion of cholesterol directly depends on the level of sugar, or rather on the process of its assimilation. Female sex hormones contribute to the excretion of cholesterol to a greater extent, so by nature it so happened that women are smaller in physique than men.

Excessive weight is observed most often in women who have peculiar deviations with the digestive system, on a hormonal background.

Indications for a blood test

In order to determine the presence of glucose in the blood, it is necessary to take an analysis. It is carried out most often to determine:

  • the presence or exclusion of diabetes mellitus;
  • progression of diabetes mellitus, possible increase or lowering sugar;
  • in a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes;
  • presence of hypoglycemia.

On the basis of such simple analysis it is possible to accurately determine the presence or absence of the above diseases. If, nevertheless, something has been confirmed, then urgent measures must be taken to determine the cause of a particular development of the disease.

Preparing for a blood test

This analysis is carried out after a meal in order to fix a possible increase in glucose and its highest point. In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of food you took, since sugar will rise anyway. To do this, you need to take food two hours before the analysis, since it is during this time that the maximum increase occurs. The main thing is that in such an analysis not to take any special ways diets, as will need to be observed big picture after eating.

But, it is also worth noting that even after a stormy feast with the use of alcoholic beverages, one should not donate blood for sugar, since in this case the result will be too high. This is due to the fact that alcohol increases sugar by almost one and a half times. It is not yet allowed to take a blood test after active physical activity, severe injuries, heart attack.

As for pregnancy, in this case, simply other evaluation criteria are taken into account, since at this time women already have a slightly increased sugar, regardless of food intake. Pregnant women are most often prescribed to take an analysis on an empty stomach to determine true values, since in this case it is dangerous to prescribe any treatment without additional confirmation.

Blood glucose levels after meals

There are certain indicators that are considered normal for the blood after eating. This is:

  • two hours after eating within 3.9 - 8.1 mmol / l;
  • fasting blood sugar in the range of 3.9 - 5.5 mmol / l;
  • at any time, regardless of food intake, within 3.9 - 6.9 mmol / l.

Even if you do not have any health problems, sugar after eating will definitely rise. This is due to the ingestion of a certain amount of calories into the body, which is due to the increase in glucose for energy. It is worth noting that each organism has its own reaction rate to certain factors that affect the body in the form of food.

High blood sugar after eating

If the analysis came with indicators of more than 11.1 mmol / l, then this is a signal that sugar is really elevated in the body and perhaps this precedes the development of diabetes. In addition to all this, there may be other factors that caused the increase in blood sugar. For example, stress heart attack, Cushing's syndrome, excess amount growth hormone or some medicines in large quantities. In such cases, it is recommended to reanalysis to validate the results. This also applies to pregnant women, because they normally have higher glucose levels than everyone else.

Lower blood sugar after meals

Quite often there are cases when sugar after eating is significantly reduced. This result is the cause of the development of hypoglycemia. But it can also occur with high levels of glucose in the blood. If for a long time sugar shows large limits, then it is urgent to take measures to reduce it or to accurately determine the reason why this increase occurs.

If the analysis shows blood sugar in men is less than 2.8 mmol / l, and in women it is less than 2.2 mmol / l, then this is a significant sign of the presence of insulinoma. This is a tumor that occurs when abnormally produced a large number insulin. In such cases, it is necessary additional examination and passing the analysis, since such a tumor can be the cause of the development cancer cells further.

Blood test diagnostics

Throughout medical practice many cases have been found in which patients were given false results blood tests for sugar. This is due to the fact that it is better to take the analysis not after eating after 2 hours, but on an empty stomach, since this will be the most exact result. It is after this that the results come false, since there are many foods that increase glucose very high.

Thus, the patient receives high results, without even implying that such an increase was provoked exclusively by one or another product. In this case, you must either still observe some restrictions on food intake, or simply take it on an empty stomach and then the result will be accurate.

What can not be eaten before the test for sugar?

In order for the results of the analysis to come to the most reliable, it is still recommended to adhere to some restrictions before this event. To do this, it is enough not to eat some foods that especially affect the increase in glucose. This is:

  • flour products - bread, buns, pies and dumplings;
  • various sweets - honey, chocolate, jam;
  • some fruits - bananas, pineapples;
  • eggs, corn, beans and beets.

The above foods most quickly increase blood glucose, so two hours after eating such food, the result will be exactly false. If you have already decided to take an analysis regardless of food, then it is enough to focus on those foods that increase glucose minimally. This is.