Learning the Armenian language on your own from scratch. Self-education: how to learn the Armenian language from scratch yourself

Armenian is one of the oldest languages, which has existed for about 16 centuries. The starting date is considered to be 406 BC, the year when its alphabet was compiled. Currently, there are about 7 million people speaking Armenian around the world.
You can learn this foreign language different ways: independently, in courses, with a tutor.

  • Attempt self-study any foreign language often ends unsuccessfully, because this matter is complex and lengthy, even despite the availability of textbooks, tutorials and phrase books. In addition, such work requires not only the patience and strength of the student, but also the systematic construction of the educational process, which is only possible with the assistance of the teacher;
  • In group courses, the teacher cannot pay individual attention to each student, and the courses are not held in every city;
  • Most The best way– this is Armenian on Skype with an individual tutor. You can study the site at school Armenian language online with both a native speaker and a Russian-speaking teacher.

Why an online tutor of the Armenian language?

The answer is quite simple. The distance learning format is modern, interesting and very effective. Thanks to the unique interactive format of classes and the professionalism of teachers, you can experience in practice all the subtleties and features of this language, get acquainted with the traditions, customs and culture of the Armenian people.

An online Armenian tutor will help not only form and systematize the knowledge of his mentee, but also instill in him conversational skills. The language barrier can be removed communication technique, which is most often used in this format of training.

Undoubtedly, in Lately Learning Armenian via Skype with a teacher is the most effective and developing direction, allowing you to open up prospects and new horizons for achievement to anyone without any restrictions.

How are Armenian language courses conducted on Skype?

  1. During classes, the teacher uses free program Skype, which allows you not only to correspond with a student, send files, but also make audio and video calls in real time;
  2. An interactive whiteboard can also be used in lessons, which greatly simplifies the process of perceiving educational material for the student;
  3. Armenian language courses via Skype can be conducted for various audiences: schoolchildren, students, adults;
  4. The program is selected by the teacher strictly individually depending on the goals and current level of knowledge of the student.

Thus, learning the Armenian language via Skype means gaining valuable knowledge and skills as quickly as possible. effective form and comfortable conditions.

During a lesson with a student, a distance tutor in Armenian online:

  • Deeply studies grammar, which improves sentence construction skills;
  • Gives Special attention spelling and reading, thereby accumulating the vocabulary of the language;
  • Builds skills correct pronunciation words according to the corresponding rules of phonetics;
  • Gives practical tasks and exercises to reinforce new topics.

Why is it interesting to study Armenian individually on Skype?

  • First of all, this language is very beautiful. In addition, these courses will allow you to plunge into its original atmosphere and fully feel the beauty of its sound;
  • Secondly, if this language is your native language, then knowledge of it, understanding of history, awareness of the elements of culture and life will allow you not only to strengthen your connection with your ancestors, but also to become familiar with centuries-old folk wisdom.
  • Thirdly, it’s no secret that national characteristics Armenians are often credited with the ability to conduct profitable trade, quick wit, ability to quickly navigate an unforeseen situation, and readiness to act. Therefore, learning the Armenian language via Skype can be useful in promoting career ladder or in search of a good job.

Why is it worth trying Armenian on Skype?

Modern technologies are associated with the rapid development of the ICT sector, one of the consequences of which is the possibility of interaction between student and teacher online.

Let us note the main advantages of distance learning compared to independent or classroom lessons:

  1. To learn Armenian online you only need an active Internet connection and installed program Skype;
  2. An Armenian tutor via Skype can conduct lessons with a student at a time convenient for both parties. Moreover, it can be both early and quite late hours;
  3. In order to learn Armenian online, you don’t have to leave your home or office. Now you can attend classes in any place that is comfortable for you;
  4. A huge list of interactive resources allows you to learn as efficiently as possible and in short time. In classroom conditions, the teacher is quite limited in this regard.

It is worth noting that every student at our school can take a free trial lesson with a teacher. On it, the teacher will assess the student’s current level of knowledge, introduce him to his teaching methods, and draw up a schedule and program for subsequent classes.

You can also study Korean at our Profi-Teacher school via Skype with professional teachers, or hone your speaking skills by learning English remotely. You can sign up for a trial lesson using the form provided on the website!

You need to move, you have a business in Armenia, or maybe you just want to go to this country and show off your knowledge of the Hayastani language. Learning any language is not easy, but it is possible. The Armenian language, like any other, has many difficulties. Only all these intricacies can be mastered. The main thing is desire and perseverance, then there are no restrictions.

You can find many suggestions for learning Armenian online. For example, this site. Download short course or buy a phrasebook here. Learn the alphabet, words, say them out loud, read stories in Armenian as much and as often as possible. If you have satellite TV, then watch Armenian channels. In order to master listening. When you replenish your lexicon for 500-1000 words, learn to recognize them in ordinary speech, when watching films, news, programs in Armenian. Don’t forget to read websites, books, newspapers and magazines in Armenian. This will help you learn good grammar in the future. The rules for spelling words and sentences must be known by heart. It doesn't hurt to do four to five exercises or tests a day. It's good if you find a teacher or linguist. After all, you need someone who knows Armenian. When you do something wrong, the teacher will correct the mistakes. You don’t have to go to him to study at home, you can just communicate with the teacher online.

If you are an active user of social networks, then add people who know Armenian as friends. Communicate with them, correspond. Another great option: find a person who, like you, is learning the language; interaction with him will be beneficial.

And the easiest way to learn the language of a people is to go to the country where the people live. There this process will be much faster. Practice - best teacher. Yes, and motivation will appear. It’s not very pleasant when people talk to you and you don’t understand anything about what they’re talking about.

All these rules are required for a good knowledge of the Armenian language. One person will need three months to study it, while another may not even need a year. Therefore, experienced teachers should help a beginner choose the technique that is most suitable.

The Armenian language is one of the oldest in the world. It is distinguished by its beauty and originality of sound. More than 6 million people speak Armenian. The language lives and develops under the influence of modern culture. If you decide to learn the Armenian language from scratch, you need to follow the advice given in the presented article.

Why learn Armenian

First of all, before starting training, you need to answer the question - why do you want to learn to speak and write in Armenian. Having motivation is the key to success. Some people dream of a long trip around Armenia, for others, knowledge of the language is necessary to get the desired job. In any case, the goal must be clearly formulated. Once you have realized that you really need knowledge of the language, you should find the answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language on your own.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to choose the time you will devote to studying. How to learn Armenian at home? Systematicity is necessary. It is better to spend 40 minutes every day on a lesson than to sit over books for 4 hours one day, which will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, will discourage the desire to learn.

What you will need for training

In order to learn the Armenian language from scratch on your own, you need to have a tutorial, dictionaries, fiction books, as well as audio and video material recorded by native speakers. Textbooks must contain a large number of exercises aimed at developing basic skills: reading, writing and speaking.

Start learning a language

How to learn the Armenian language and where to start learning? First of all, you should learn the language has its own unique writing system, which arose around 400 BC. After mastering the alphabet, you need to master general principles pronunciation of letter combinations. After which you should move on to constructing phrases and sentences, as well as studying auxiliary verbs.

Next, as you accumulate knowledge, you should begin to study the past and future tenses, understand the construction various types sentences, devote time to cases and declensions of words, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

It is necessary to smoothly move from easy material to more complex ones. Assimilation of information is more high level Language proficiency is impossible without a strong foundation.

The answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language is that it is necessary to develop all aspects of language proficiency at the same time. You can't completely immerse yourself in one thing. Every day you need to pay attention to writing, reading and speaking.

In order to learn to write correctly, you need to study grammar, memorize various language structures, practice constructing sentences, as well as translating texts from Russian into Armenian.

It is very important to speak phrases out loud. If you do exercises and read books silently, the results from learning a language will appear much later than for those who pronounce everything. This method is very effective and quickly bears fruit.

Watching movies with subtitles helps you learn a language. It's best to start by choosing a movie you already know well. Thanks to this pastime, you will be able to learn to perceive Armenian speech well by ear.

The best way to learn the Armenian language is to immerse yourself in the language environment as much as possible. The ideal option is to live for some time in the country of the language, to fully experience the culture and lifestyle of the local people. If there is no opportunity to live in beautiful Armenia, good advice is to search for a pen pal.

The best motivation is the result that you can see, so after several months of studying, when you have a good vocabulary and basic grammar in your arsenal of knowledge, you can move on to reading books in the language you are learning. It is recommended to use the dictionary as little as possible. You should learn to understand the general meaning of a sentence, even if some word in it is unknown.

How to find time to study Armenian

The problem of the majority is acute shortage time for additional activities and learning something new. In order to turn the process of learning the Armenian language into an exciting activity that does not take up time that can be spent relaxing with family or friends, you should use the following tips:

  • Spend time on your way to work listening to audio material. You can listen to dialogues from different areas life, Armenian music, audiobooks. This will allow you to very quickly begin to perceive Armenian speech by ear and will give good results in teaching.
  • To memorize new words, you can use special language learning programs on your smartphone. Instead of spending time in in social networks While looking at photos, you can do something useful and by the end of the day, expand your vocabulary by 10-15 new words.
  • In order to quickly learn the names of objects in your home, you can stick stickers with their names in Armenian on various things. Without noticing it, you will soon know the words for pieces of furniture, clothing, and food.

Now you know how to learn Armenian. You must follow the advice presented in this article. With their help, you can very quickly achieve your desired goal and gain the required level of language proficiency.

Master the Armenian language with simple, helpful video lessons.

This video course is an effective material for learning the Armenian language. The means of control together create all the prerequisites for effective learning of the Armenian language. If you want to learn this language, then the course will help you with this. After all, information received not only with the eyes, but also with the ears, in the aggregate, is most remembered and best absorbed.

001. Dialogues. Who is this? What is this?
002. Dialogues. What is this? Something?
003. Dialogues. Give
004. Dialogues. I have a book. I do not have a book.
005. Dialogues. What is he doing?
006. Dialogues. Weather.
007. Dialogues. Whose bag is this?
008. Dialogues. I have two hands.
009. Dialogues. Where is this book? What color is this book?
010. Dialogues. This is my apartment.
011. Dialogues. These are buckets.
012. Dialogues. What colour... ?
013. Dialogues. That's my cat.
014. Dialogues. Show me your ball.
015. Dialogues. Where is the bookstore?
016. Dialogues. Can you read?
017. Dialogues. Where's mom?
018. Dialogues. Where's the bag?
019. Dialogues. Where are my shoes?
020. Dialogues. Where's the bird?
021. Dialogues. Parrot Anahit is smart.
022. Dialogues. Why did Suren come?
023. Dialogues. Whose photo is this?
024. Dialogues. I draw with my pencil.
025. Dialogues. This is our lesson today.
026. Dialogues. My name is..., what's yours?
027. Dialogues. What are you drawing?
028. Dialogues. I see Armen. I do not see him.
029. Dialogues. The sea is beautiful.
030. Dialogues. Hello, what will you do?
031. Dialogues. Good morning How old are you?
032. Dialogues. Who is this?
033. Dialogues. My father is a hunter.
034. Dialogues. Its my father. He's an architect.
035. Dialogues. Armen is reading. Sona, sing
036. Dialogues. One two Three...
037. Dialogues. How many pens do you have?
038. Dialogues. Have you brought your books and dictionaries?
039. Dialogues. I am sick.
040. Dialogues. This is my room.
041. Dialogues. Artak, where are you?
042. Dialogues. Which mountain is the highest?
043. Dialogues. You walk slowly.
044. Dialogues. Do you like to drive?
045. Dialogues. Your eyes are beautiful.
046. Dialogues. I study at University.
047. Dialogues. Last summer.
048. Dialogues. Excuse me, whose hat is this?
049. Dialogues. Meet...
050. Dialogues. Is everyone here?
051. Dialogues. Is Mrs. Nward at home?
052. Dialogues. What's happened?
053. Dialogues. Have you heard about Aram?
054. Dialogues. I was born...
055. Dialogues. Have you been to Armenia?
056. Dialogues. Tell me something please
057. Dialogues. How old are you, grandpa?
058. Dialogues. How many years have we not seen each other...
059. Dialogues. No one came.
060. Dialogues. What a beautiful autumn, isn't it?
061. Dialogues. How did you pass your exams?
062. Dialogues. Why are you crying?
063. Dialogues. What's wrong with your heart?
064. Dialogues. Who do you want to become?
065. Dialogues. We will have guests.
066. Dialogues. I want to buy...
067. Dialogues. Will you read this book?
068. Dialogues. I was born... I study... I work...
069. Dialogues. We learn verb conjugation.
070. Dialogues. How much do apples cost?
071. Dialogues. What will you do?
072. Dialogues. When will you come?
073. Dialogues. I'll go to London.
074. Dialogues. Book Shop.
075. Dialogues. Matenadaran.
076. Dialogues. In a clothing store.
077. Dialogues. We will go.
078. Dialogues. Sorry, I'm lost.
079. Dialogues. Theater.
080. Dialogues. Birthday.
081. Dialogues. Grocery.
082. Dialogues. Salon.
083. Dialogues. Where have you been in Armenia?
084. Dialogues. Do you like modern music?
085. Dialogues. Breakfast lunch dinner.
086. Dialogues. My day.
087. Dialogues. Movie.
088. Dialogues. I'm waiting...
089. Dialogues. This is a squirrel. This is a bird.
090. Dialogues. We have a new house.
091. Dialogues. Flowers.
092. Dialogues. Who broke the glass?
093. Dialogues. Hello Mane, what are you doing?
094. Dialogues. Can you solve this problem?
095. Dialogues. You see a tree.
096. Dialogues. I invite you to lunch.
097. Dialogues. The vacuum cleaner is damaged.
098. Dialogues. An apple from an apple tree... (sayings)
099. Dialogues. Tell about yourself.
100. Dialogues. Why are you excited?
101. Dialogues. I'm looking for a job.
102. Dialogues. How do you spend your free days?
103. Dialogues. What kind of music do you prefer?
104. Dialogues. At the hotel.
105. Dialogues. Who's knocking on the door?
106. Dialogues. The TV is broken.
107. Dialogues. He is a famous climber.
108. Dialogues. What's going on here?
109. Dialogues. Family.
110. Dialogues. In the cafe.
111. Dialogues. I lost my dog.
112. Dialogues. Do we know each other?
113. Dialogues. I want to learn.
114. Dialogues. What to wear?
115. Dialogues. In a jewelry store.
116. Dialogues. He has three pairs of glasses.
117. Dialogues. We are preparing barbecue.
118. Dialogues. At the doctor's.
119. Dialogues. Let's go to the post office.
120. Dialogues. At the restaurant.
121. Dialogues. Musical instruments.
122. Dialogues. Grandma, why do we have two eyes?
123. Dialogues. In the forest.
124. Dialogues. Free time.
125. Dialogues. Anahit is back, I'm fascinated by her.
126. Dialogues. I want to talk to you.
127. Dialogues. Very hot.
128. Dialogues. Repair.
129. Dialogues. Lilith is seven years old and can read.
130. Dialogues. How to get to the square?
131. Dialogues. At the flower shop.
132. Dialogues. Shall we make a nest?
133. Dialogues. What time is it now?
134. Dialogues. What news is there?
135. Dialogues. Do you love me?
136. Dialogues. I want you to come.
137. Dialogues. I wish you happiness.
138. Dialogues. Will you help me?
139. Dialogues. I have to go to the store.
140. Dialogues. New Years is soon.
141. Dialogues. Where did you vacation in the summer?
142. Dialogues. At the doctor's.
143. Dialogues. What do the newspapers write about?
144. Dialogues. Do you speak Armenian?
145. Dialogues. Phone conversation.
146. Dialogues. I received a letter.
147. Dialogues. Defense of the thesis.
148. Dialogues. I'm reading a textbook on the history of Armenia.
149. Dialogues. What date is today? What time is it now?
150. Dialogues. Armenian is one of most ancient language peace.
151-158. Slide film "The Mechanics of Happiness". Mechanics of happiness. Part 1-8

We present to your attention a collection of proven resources for Armenian language learners. We thank the participant of the autumn stream LH VI for this selection Olga Pankratieva


N.A. Charchoglyan “Armenian language. Beginner course» is a popular textbook for beginners. There is one BUT: it is not very logically constructed, so you will need to supplement it with other materials if you choose it.

Βογδαν Π. (ed.) Full course Armenian language. Part 1 - Phonetics. Dialogues are very good guide on phonetics, explains in detail how to pronounce sounds, there are examples and diagrams of the position of the speech organs

Krunk Hayastani. A.S. Markosyan is a good grammar book, lots of exercises. Here you can use the online reference book with basic grammatical phenomena for this textbook http://aybuben.com/selfteacher-2

http://aybuben.com/selfteacher - on this site you can use online tutorials in Armenian, also on the tabs on the left in the Alphabet section there is interactive teaching of letters, in the ABC section ABC books are provided.

J.A. Gharibyan. Armenian in dialogues is good for speech development for beginners

Assimil L'armenien sans peine - a textbook in French, all training is based on small, funny dialogues with exercises for them and dictionaries.


https://bliubliu.com is a multilingual resource, including Armenian. After choosing a language, your vocabulary will be tested, and then you can listen to texts with words for your level. The texts are all authentic from living sources such as news, songs, videos.

http://www.goethe-verlag.com/book2/RU/ - here, after choosing a language, you can download audio for free in two languages ​​or only in Armenian. You can also use the voiced phrasebook online. It's all free.

http://www.sbs.com.au/podcasts/yourlanguage/armenian/ - here you can download Armenian audio news, this resource is suitable only for very advanced

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvDEM68—O7GgH7Zr7_biUg– also a resource for advanced people, Armenian audiobooks

https://podcastarm.wordpress.com/ - podcast for beginners


https://vk.com/live_in_armser— a group dedicated to Armenian TV series

https://vk.com/armenian_films- Armenian films, available in both Russian and Armenian

https://gisher.org/video/gaheri-xaghe-page-4 - Game of Thrones series in Armenian

https://gisher.org/video/inchuneri-molorak - a program for children “Planet of Why”, at the end of each episode they show popular cartoons like Belka and Strelka or Fixiki

— there are many modern films and cartoons in Armenian, for example Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Winnie the Pooh, glacial period, Garfield et al.

http://grapaharan.org/index.php/Կատեգորիա:Գրքեր - library of literature in Armenian, there are world works in Armenian translation, there is children's literature and much more

http://books.dinolingo.com/en/armenian-books-for-kids/level-2 - children's books in Armenian with voice acting and translation

Artashes Kalantarian. Marathon - not very good difficult book for initial reading, can be downloaded for free or read online on Google books