How to quickly wake up in the morning, be fresh and not want to sleep. How to be in a good mood after sleep

Majority successful people united by one good habit - early rise. Getting up early is good for your health.

But what to do if you want to be successful and healthy, but don’t want to get up early?

Anyone who has woken up early in the morning knows that what time the day starts is not as important as what the awakening will be like.

Mood The feeling with which a person gets out of bed in the morning determines whether it will be good (as well as the following day and evening) or not.

Why is the problem of inability to wake up so relevant for many? modern people all ages? How to quickly wake up in the morning and not want to sleep? How to get up in the morning and be cheerful all day?

Do you want to sleep or don’t want to get up?

The list of reasons why people have difficulty waking up in the morning is impressive. But, if we summarize them all, it turns out that this problem has only two sources:

  1. Lack of sleep at night.
  2. Lack of life during the day.

In the first case, everything is clear: a person who does not sleep enough simply cannot feel healthy in the morning. Healthy sleep no less than clean air and water are needed, as well as proper food. Along with them dream- a way to improve your health and restore strength.

Second problem - psychological and often hidden from the individual himself.

When you don’t want to get up in the morning because you didn’t get enough sleep, the problem is solved by setting normal mode sleep and wakefulness.

When a person seems to be sleeping enough, but still doesn’t want to get up in the morning, it’s not always immediately clear why this is so.

It can be difficult to admit to yourself that you don’t expect anything good from the coming day. Or maybe something bad is expected?

Expectation - passive position. If a person only waits, then he is nothing doesn't plan.

When in life There is goal, tasks, plans for the future (for each of the coming days!), get up early - Not problem.

And if the goals and objectives are super-important and extremely significant, you can stay up all night and still be cheerful and joyful in the morning!

Anyone who knows that a planned joyful event awaits him during the day does not need an alarm clock.

For someone who is convinced that the day will not bring anything new and good (because efforts were not made to make it good and joyful) or expects only troubles and disappointments, an alarm clock will not help to wake up, even if it is possible to get out of bed.

Deep problem solving

The problem of having a difficult early rise is not as minor as it might seem at first glance. He who cannot get up in the morning, having rested at night, should think about it about the most global things in your life:

  • Why don't you want to wake up?
  • Why is a dream better than reality?
  • Am I awake when I'm awake?

The body can make movements, the mind can solve problems, but if the soul does not wait awakening, can we say that a person lives for real?

People who find it difficult to get up in the morning (unless it is due to lack of sleep) may have the thought: “Why get out of bed in the first place? Why can’t you spend your whole life in it?” These questions sound rhetorical, but in fact they seriously need to be answered!

At first glance, it may seem that the reluctance to get out of bed in the morning is simple laziness. But No! This is a lack of motivation and goals in life!

Reluctance to get out of bed in the morning - obvious clue souls through the body. It's easy to decipher:

  1. There is nothing planned for today that will contribute to happiness.
  2. Something is coming that leads to misfortune.

That's why many people feel since morning:

  • sick,
  • broken,
  • depressed,
  • apathetic
  • irritated,
  • depressed and so on.

These are signals - until you know what to strive for, it’s better not to do anything at all, otherwise you’ll definitely end up in the wrong place! Hence the weakness.

Any painful condition is given in order to be able to understand themselves. Feeling groggy in the morning is no exception.

There are a lot of techniques, methods, and life hacks “How to wake up quickly,” but all of them are good only when a person knows for what starts your day!


  1. Decide on your life purpose.
  2. Set goals in life.
  3. Plan your day, week, month, year.
  4. Set specific goals for self-development.

It is also important to discard everything that is unnecessary and interferes with happiness, to remove it from your life.

Early rising techniques

After an in-depth study of the question “How to wake up quickly?” the technology may not be useful at all. However, there are different situations in life.

  1. Go to sleep before 12 am. Best time is 22:00.
  2. Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime and do not drink tea, coffee, cocoa, or alcohol.
  3. Relax before bed: read, take a bath, listen to music, play live games, communicate with loved ones.
  4. Go to bed and wake up at the same time (even on weekends!).
  5. Place the alarm clock (or mobile phone, if you have one) away from the bed, but set the alarm as pleasant as possible.
  6. Don't close the curtains at night. It's much easier to get up with the sun!
  7. Do not jump up immediately, but stretch well, stretch your muscles and take deep breaths and exhale several times.
  8. Always have breakfast. Before breakfast, drink a glass of plain water or with a slice of lemon. A healthy breakfast is complete: includes proteins, slow carbohydrates, a little healthy fats, fiber. Example: oatmeal on milk with honey, nuts, berries, dried fruits and/or fruits.
  9. Accept cold and hot shower in the morning.
  10. Do morning exercises, do an express workout or run.

Needless to say, health presupposes abstaining from such bad habits How:

  • smoking,
  • alcohol,
  • binge eating,
  • watching TV,
  • virtual games on gadgets,
  • quarrels with relatives at night and so on?

Without giving up bad habits, good ones are difficult to develop.

During the transition to healthy image life and acquiring a good habit of waking up easily early in the morning helps and fast techniques and methods developed in various areas of alternative medicine.

Get acquainted with the techniques and methods of the Russian healer and chiropractor Alexei Mamatov.

Subscribe to A. Mamatov’s School of Health and Longevity. And you will receive completely free educational videos on how to always be healthy and vigorous.

Morning- the most powerful, joyful, energizing time of day! Once you learn to get up early, you will never want to waste your magical morning time to sleep.

The ability to wake up early in the morning with a feeling of vigor and a desire to plunge into the events of the coming day with renewed vigor makes a person more cheerful. Sometimes only in the morning you can have time to redo things that you cannot find time for later.

But we must admit to ourselves that everyone needs to wake up in the morning. Children go to school, young people and older people go to university, to work or on other very necessary and important matters.

Here are some tips to help you wake up early:

  • The main rule is to go to bed on time. Exactly deep sleep ensures the restoration of the strength and energy spent by the body.
  • With a little effort, you can develop the habit of waking up early in the morning. in a great mood and rejoicing at the new day.
  • In the morning, do a light warm-up, stretching with pleasure, or even a full morning exercise. It really helps to wake up.
  • In particularly difficult cases, do exercises, without even getting out of bed. Perform clenching and unclenching of fists, rotational movements in the area of ​​the elbows, shoulders and hands. In the same way, warm up your hips, joints and toes.
  • You can do an exercise that we all know from childhood - “bicycle”.

How to wake up quickly in the morning. Let's get into a good mood

  • When you open your eyes in the morning, smile and imagine all the wonderful possibilities that the coming day presents.
  • Look in the mirror and, smiling at your mirror image, mentally send a charge of positive energy. Positive emotions with early morning will promote the release of serotonin - the hormone of joy.
  • Remember the things you have planned for today and find them the good side. But don't let your imagination run wild, otherwise you'll stay in bed until lunch!
  • When you wake up, do it deep breaths and exhale, saturating all the cells of the body with oxygen.
  • Massage your head, earlobes and brow ridges.
  • Rub your palms together. When they warm up, use them to rub your body from top to bottom.

Try it breathing exercise from the practice of yoga. It is called kapalabhati and consists of taking a normal inhalation and a sharp, accentuated exhalation. Repeat this about 10 times. This technique warms, invigorates and affects pineal gland, which affects the so-called circadian rhythms (sleep - wakefulness).

Chewing gum

Chew menthol gum. The main thing about it is not even the refreshing menthol, but the chewing movements. This way you trick the brain, which is activated, suggesting that food will need to be digested now. To do this, it secretes insulin, which causes a feeling of cheerfulness.


Open the windows, let them in Fresh air, turn on the air conditioner or fan. Warm and stuffy spaces make you feel tired. The cold keeps the brain alert and forces the body to activate to maintain constant temperature, necessary for proper operation organs. Extreme enthusiasts can try chewing ice - few things in the world invigorate so much.

Physical training

Jump, do squats, do a couple of push-ups from the floor. Any physical exercise at intervals of 20-30 minutes will help speed up the blood and improve the flow of oxygen to the cells, and therefore give additional energy to the body. The best option- short walk. Studies show that 15 minutes of walking gives new energy for two hours of work.


Rinse your wrists cold water. This technique allows you to quickly cool the body. It is also useful in the summer when it is very hot, or when you need to get rid of headaches caused by high temperatures.


Skip a meal. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting it, so after a heavy lunch you feel lethargic and drowsy. A slight hunger invigorates.


Listen to fast, annoying music at low volume. Music evokes a strong emotional response that engages many parts of the brain. If possible, sing along or at least bob your head to the beat. Melodic and familiar music will not do. You need something rhythmic, but unpleasant to the ear - it evokes more emotions. The sound should be such that it is difficult to make out the words of the song. This will force the brain to work, as it will “listen” and turn on attention.


Turn on bright light. The best thing, of course, is to go outside, but if the sun has already set, then the internal clock can still be fooled by turning on all the lamps in the house. The fact is that the body’s circadian rhythms, among other things, react to illumination: when there is little light, the body thinks it’s time to sleep.


Massage the top of your head back neck, earlobes, the point between the big and index finger and the area under the knees. These points help relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.


Engage your olfactory receptors. Strong smell- pleasant or disgusting - quickly puts you on alert. In aromatherapy, such oils are usually offered for stimulation nervous system: rosemary, eucalyptus, mint. If there is no oil nearby, you can simply inhale the aroma of coffee beans several times.


Sit on a hard chair. Any slight feeling of discomfort is good when your goal is to stay awake. If you work in a chair or in a bed, you will feel sleepy because they are comfortable and cozy.

Coffee and sleep

Drink coffee and fall asleep for 15 minutes. These are two effective techniques, combined into one. The effects of caffeine usually begin 20 minutes after you drink coffee, tea, or eat chocolate. Until this time, you can have time to recharge your batteries in your sleep thanks to microsleep (also called power nap). The main thing is to set an alarm and not fall asleep for 30 minutes, because in half an hour you will be in the stage deep sleep, and interrupting it, you will feel defeated.

Protein diet

If you do eat it, then protein-rich foods (nuts, eggs), as well as vegetables and fruits. It is important to eat in small portions and every two to three hours. Avoid sugar because it gives reverse effect, taking away strength. Drink plenty of water. When the body is dehydrated, a person feels tired and weak.


Tickle the upper palate with your tongue. This is another funny and effective way cheer up sharply.


Look a funny video or argue with someone about politics. Any social activity (even participating in online discussions) causes arousal in the brain.

What kind of productivity, what are we talking about?” If the body is still up in the morning, then the mind does not want to wake up until 10 - 12 o'clock. More or less “enlightenment of the mind” comes around lunchtime, when you fight the feeling of hunger. And after lunch - you advise again. Has this ever happened?

How to stop wanting to sleep. Two ways

In general, there are only two ways to solve all problems. The first method: cause and effect. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the undesirable effect. The second way, when the reasons are unknown, is to take special actions that will lead to the desired result.

It's like having a runny nose. You can look for the reason and find it - constant drafts, no draft - there will be no runny nose. Or you can take special pills to increase immunity. The result in both cases will be the same - you will get rid of a runny nose.

So it is with the condition when you constantly want to sleep, with drowsiness. In one case, you need to know the reasons. In the second, do not deal with the history of the “disease”, do not look for the causes, but find or cultivate a “live” within yourself (a super energetic, vigorous being).

Let's explore both of these methods. And you choose what suits you best. Or both. Delve into each point in detail, both the reasons and methods for increasing your “ vital energy"I won't. Because each point is its own story. But what is described below will help you chart the path, “what to do, and who is to blame”...

Removing the cause of increased sleepiness

Below is a list of reasons. To get rid of the investigation - increased sleepiness, you will need to remove or minimize such a cause. (I'm repeating myself too much).

Causes of increased sleepiness:

  1. Don't sleep enough;
  2. Sleep a lot;
  3. Do you drink a lot of energy drinks, including coffee, tea, red buffalo (Red Bull or similar);
  4. Not balanced diet. Lots of food, few vitamins, lots of vitamins, little water, lots of fat. Intolerance to certain foods, allergies to them. (It’s not strange that many people have an allergy that they don’t even think about - to flour. As a rule, after even a small dish of pasta you want to sleep. Isn’t it?);
  5. Fatigue, heavy workload, both physical and mental;
  6. Insufficient stress, both physical and mental;
  7. , depression;
  8. Boredom;
  9. Youth (young people, especially children, need more sleep). Heal over time;
  10. Old age. Alas...
  11. The sleep/wake pattern is disrupted. In other words: you get up and go to bed at the wrong time, and not at the same time. Sleep little or sleep a lot, individually.
  12. “My friend, you are sick.” Carry out a diagnosis from a doctor: or an endocrinologist, a neurologist... (the hand does not rise further to list people in white). Such drowsiness is usually accompanied by an unpleasant bouquet of body disorders. (Increased irritability, sweating, body weight is “not correct”, disorder digestive tract...). Maybe he should read the articles and run to the doctor? Don't joke with your health, it won't go away on its own.
  13. “Snore”, snore in your sleep, which is why oxygen is not sufficiently supplied to the body’s renewal needs, which is what sleep is for. Also, see a doctor...
  14. Addiction to alcoholic drinks. (The body reacts to alcohol in the same way as to disease);
  15. The reason is “feminine”. Lack of hemoglobin. Dear ladies, go to the appropriate doctor, and then to a nutritionist (you lose a lot in “those days” necessary substances, with the help of a smart diet, this can all be fixed).

In general, to all the reasons why you want to sleep: Drowsiness is an indicator of hidden diseases and disorders. That something is wrong, something needs to be changed...

So, remove it, solve the reasons - solve the problem with drowsiness. If not, read on...

How to be lively

Let’s say that you don’t understand what causes your drowsiness, in which case, so that you no longer want to sleep constantly, here are the methods on how to make you a lively person, an invigorator, an energizer:

  1. Exercise regularly;
  2. Change your daily routine, live according to a schedule;
  3. Change your diet, choose a diet that suits you (and not your household);
  4. Drink coffee, tea, herbs - ant (ginseng, lemongrass, etc.);
  5. Choose a sleep/wake schedule in accordance with your bio clock. For example, if I get up late (this is after 8 o’clock in the afternoon), that’s it, sleepiness is guaranteed. But at 6 - 7 o'clock, but not earlier - what the doctor prescribed.
  6. Take a contrast shower. Douse yourself with cold water. (or boiling water - just kidding)
  7. Take vitamins, there are special dietary supplements (without a prescription);

In general, for this subsection, if you have increased chronic drowsinessneed to change yours.

The most effective way to stop wanting to sleep

Yes, it’s simple, you already guessed it: remove the reasons and add new habits, ways - tonics into your life. That is, mix the first with the second.

Didn't fall asleep? All the best!