How to make a quick vodka tincture. Recipes for delicious vodka liqueurs

Collection and preparation of medicinal plants

The collection and preparation of medicinal plants is carried out during the period when useful material they reach maximum concentration. Therefore, each plant has its own rules for collecting, drying and storing. However, there are also basic recommendations, for example:

  • it is necessary to collect and prepare raw materials in dry weather;
  • the harvesting time must coincide with the time of the beginning or full flowering of the plant;
  • the leaves collected must be fully expanded, the flowers must be in full bloom, and the fruits must be ripe;
  • When drying, the plant must not be allowed to rot: it should dry in the shade in a well-ventilated, dry room;
  • dried raw materials should be stored in paper or cloth bags, or in containers that close tightly;
  • leaves and flowers can be stored for 1 - 2 years, roots and bark - 2 - 3 years, fruits - 3 - 4 years.

Grinding and mixing medicinal plants

To prepare infusions and decoctions, one or more types of crushed (cut, crushed) plant materials are used.

When mixing several medicinal plants, the beneficial substances they contain are taken into account, which can either enhance, complement each other, or reduce their effect on the human body.

Based on their effect on the body, medicinal plant mixtures (mixtures) are divided into general strengthening, sedative, hemostatic, and acting on gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and others.

The plant raw materials included in the mixture are crushed separately. Leaves, flowers, grass, bark are cut into small particles up to 5 mm in size, roots are crushed up to 3 mm, and seeds - up to 0.5 mm.

The weight parts of the prepared raw materials are mixed in the proportions specified in the recipe until a uniform mass is obtained, from which infusions and decoctions are then prepared.

Preparation of infusions

Infusions are prepared from loose parts of plants. These are flowers and leaves. They easily give up their beneficial substances.

Hot way

The crushed plant material is poured into an enamel, glass or porcelain vessel and filled with unboiled water, most often in a ratio of 1:10. That is, from one weight part of the raw material, ten volume parts of the infusion are obtained.

For example, taking 20 g of dried crushed raspberry leaves, you can get 200 ml raspberry infusion. For this:

You can prepare an infusion without a water bath, simply pour boiling water over the crushed plant particles.

Cold way

There is also a cold method of preparing the infusion. To do this, crushed plant particles are poured with boiled water at room temperature, covered with a lid and left for up to 12 hours.

Infusions are made using the cold method from those plants that lose their properties when heated. beneficial features(oils evaporate).

Mixed method

Infusions can also be prepared using a mixed method.

With the mixed method, plant materials, poured with boiled water at room temperature, are infused as in the cold method, and then filtered.

The mixture remaining after straining is poured with unboiled water and then prepared using a hot method.

After cooling the infusion prepared hotly, the two resulting infusions are mixed and taken according to the recommendations.

Preparation of decoctions

Rough parts of plants: roots, rhizomes, root crops, wood, bark - these are the raw materials for preparing decoctions. Decoctions in the human body are absorbed more slowly than infusions, but last longer.

First cooking option

In order to prepare a decoction, take the prepared raw material and put it in a bowl, pour cold water.

The ratio of raw materials and water depends on the method of using the decoction. If the decoction is intended for oral administration, this ratio is 1:10. If the decoction is needed for rubbing, compresses, that is, for external use, then the ratio is 1:5.

The raw materials filled with water are boiled for 20 - 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered. Some decoctions from raw materials containing tannins are recommended to be filtered immediately after boiling.

We must not forget that if the volume of the prepared decoction has decreased, then it is necessary to add boiled water, so that it becomes equal to the initial one.

Second cooking option

The raw materials for the decoction are placed in a bowl, poured with cold, unboiled water and, covered with a lid, left to infuse overnight. In the morning, boil for 5 - 7 minutes.

The mixture must be boiled in a container with a lid. The lid is removed only after 30 minutes of boiling.

Then the broth is filtered and, if necessary, boiled water is added to the initial volume.

Water bath

It is advisable to prepare infusions and decoctions in a water bath, as it allows you to heat substances up to 100ºC and, at the same time, prevents overheating and burning.

It's not at all difficult to make a water bath at home. To do this, take two containers: one larger, the other smaller - so that one fits into the other. It is advisable to use enamel dishes (pots, bowls) as containers.

The bottoms of the containers should not touch. To do this, it is desirable that the smaller container have handles with which it would hold the edges of the larger container. As a last resort, you can put something under a smaller container (for example, a cloth folded in several layers).

Water is poured into a large container so that when a smaller container is placed in it, it is immersed in water. However, when boiling, water from a large container should not fall into a smaller one.

The mixture of medicinal plants, filled with water, is placed in a smaller container and covered with a separate lid. The resulting structure is placed on fire. All! Your water bath at home is ready!

Next, infusions and decoctions are prepared according to the recipe. Infusions, as a rule, are not brought to a boil, since loose parts of plants easily release useful substances, which can be destroyed when boiling. Decoctions, on the contrary, need to be boiled (usually 10 - 20 minutes).

Using a water bath can easily prevent overheating of infusions at home. To do this, after boiling water in a large container, turn on a small fire, sufficient to maintain the temperature close to boiling, but do not allow the water to boil. The temperature in the smaller container does not reach 100ºC.

Storing infusions and decoctions

Both decoction and infusions are best consumed fresh, as they quickly deteriorate. It is ideal to prepare them daily.

However, if you do not consume the entire decoction or infusion within 24 hours, then store it in the refrigerator or, as a last resort, in a cool place protected from light.

The maximum time during which decoctions and infusions can be stored is three days.

Prepare a decoction or infusion – What could be simpler? However, few people know how to cook properly , although in Everyday life we often use decoctions And infusions from medicinal herbs for various needs.

For example, women resort to them during pregnancy; young children use decoctions to prepare baths for bathing when they have a cough, as well. Decoctions are included in many recipes used to maintain and improve the health of the body.

To make decoctions and infusions, it is necessary to grind the necessary raw materials to the following sizes: leaves and flowers should not exceed 5 mm in size, stems, bark and roots should be crushed to a size of no more than 3 mm, and fruits and seeds should be crushed to a size of 0.5 mm or less.

As a rule, for preparations all kinds of infusions and decoctions the necessary ingredients are taken in the following proportions: for 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and plants, take 1 glass of water. It should be taken into account that 1 tablespoon of crushed roots is equal to 10 grams, 1 tablespoon of grass is 5 grams, and a thin glass filled with water contains two hundred grams of liquid.

How to prepare infusions?

Infusions They are a liquid medicinal medium, which is prepared by infusing small medicinal raw materials. During this process, useful substances are extracted from raw materials. active ingredients, which have a beneficial effect on human body. To prepare an infusion, it is necessary to use the tender parts of the plant: leaves, stems and flowers. Infusions are prepared using the hot or cold method:

Hot method of preparing infusion

The crushed medicinal raw materials are placed in enamel containers. After that there they pour out the water. For 1 share of raw material take 10 shares of water. Heat the mixture for about 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring occasionally. The fire must be kept low and the plants should only be filled with water at room temperature. The finished infusion is left to cool for 30-60 minutes. After this, using gauze, it is filtered and squeezed. The resulting infusion is diluted with pure boiled water to the required volume.

Cold method of preparing infusion

Cold method of preparing infusions involves placing medicinal raw materials in an enamel (you can also take glass) container and pouring boiling water over it. After this, the dishes are covered with a lid and left to infuse for one to twelve hours. The pan must also be well wrapped in a warm cloth. Crushed grass, leaves and flowers are infused for half an hour to an hour. The bark and roots must be left to infuse for a period of 6 to 12 hours. After this time, the mixture is filtered using gauze and squeezed out.

How to prepare a decoction?

Decoctions They are a liquid dosage form similar to an infusion. They are prepared primarily from the hard parts of the plant: rhizomes, roots and bark, because Only with prolonged heating are the active substances extracted from the rough parts of the plant.

To prepare a decoction, you need to place the raw materials in a saucepan with a lid and pour water at room temperature into it. Ingredient proportions for internal use decoction is 1:10 or 1:20, for external use - 1:5. Boil the broth for 30 to 45 minutes in a water bath. Then it should cool to room temperature within 15-20 minutes. Next, it is filtered and diluted with boiled water. Decoctions with tannins (for example, from oak bark, bergenia rhizome, burnet root, etc.) are filtered immediately after boiling, otherwise the extract will lose a significant part of its tanning and other medicinal properties. This may occur due to subsidence active substances decoction on the surface of the originally used raw materials and the walls of the dishes.

How to store prepared decoctions?

Decoctions and infusions needed every day prepare new. As a last resort, they should not be stored for more than three days. Storage is carried out only in a cool and fairly dark place, for example, in a refrigerator.

How to take infusions and decoctions?

For diseases that cause chronic form, herbal preparations are used for a course of one and a half to three to six months. In some cases, they take a break after a month and a half for one or two weeks. During this period, you can also replace the drug you are taking with another one.

The dose of the drug per dose is strictly individual. Detailed instructions for using certain herbs can be read on the packaging. The children's dose of decoctions and infusions is calculated in relation to adult dose and depends on the age of the child.

Apply decoctions And infusions It is necessary to use extreme caution under the constant supervision of a doctor, since some plants can cause poisoning in humans.

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Alcohol tinctures are very easy to prepare at home. Usually three to seven weeks are enough to obtain the finished drink. All more people prefer alcohol tinctures. Prepared from natural ingredients, homemade drinks compare favorably in their quality with those purchased in the store.

Homemade tinctures are not only pleasant, but also useful product. There are many recipes that are recommended for the treatment of a particular disease, of course under the strict supervision of a doctor. Almost any fruit, berries, herbs and spices can be the basis for preparing an alcohol tincture.


Creating a tincture is not just about combining the products specified in the recipe. First of all, you should decide which alcoholic drink will become the basis for the future tincture. The most common of them:

  • whiskey;
  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • alcohol.

It is recommended to use alcohol, as it has a high strength, so that the degree of the final product is approximately equal to 45. Other drinks are not so strong - about 40 degrees, so in order for the finished tincture not to lose strength, during the preparation process you need to add a little ordinary ethyl alcohol, according to the recipe. Due to its strength, alcohol is the best solvent, which will ensure the speed of preparation of the tincture and the richness of its taste. If the final product is too strong, you can always dilute it to the desired strength.

Important! The tincture should not be confused with a similar drink called nalivka, which is often prepared at home. Preparing liqueur is impossible without the fermentation process, but tincture can be prepared without exposure to temperatures.

Classification of tinctures

Homemade alcohol tinctures classified as follows:

  • Bitter. Such drinks are infused with seeds, peels, herbs and unsweetened berries. The strength of the finished product is from 30 to 60 degrees.
  • Spicy. The basis of such drinks are spices. To achieve a bright aroma, filtration or rectification is used. Strength – from 30 to 60 degrees.
  • Sweet. This type tinctures are distinguished by low strength - from 18 to 25 degrees and great content Sahara. The raw materials for preparation are usually fruits and sweet berries. Be sure to add pure sugar.

Interesting! There are little tricks that will help make the taste of homemade tincture brighter. If the basis of the drink is fresh fruits or berries, then they must be placed in the freezer for a short time. Ice crystals disrupt the structure of cells and thus the fruit or berry releases more juice. And so that the finished tincture has a light caramel taste, the fruit can be fried a little.

Traditionally, the preparation of the future drink is infused in a place protected from sun rays place. But there is nothing wrong if you leave the container in a bright room. This will have a slight effect on the taste and color of the drink; it will acquire faint notes of smoke and become a little lighter.

It is very important that the temperature of the room where the tincture will be ready is not below 20 degrees. More heat can speed up the infusion process. To prevent excess oxygen from getting into the container with the workpiece and harmful bacteria, it is not recommended to open it until the tincture is completely ready.

Helpful advice! The finished tincture should be stored in a dark glass bottle. This way it will retain its taste and color qualities longer.

Homemade tincture recipes

Cherry tincture

This recipe also requires only two ingredients:

  • Cherry;
  • Alcohol 95%.

For 1 part cherries there are 1.5 parts alcohol.

Important! If you plan to store the finished tincture for more than six months, it is recommended to use peeled berries, since cherry pits contain hydrocyanic acid, which after six months of storage is released into the drink and can cause harm to health.

The berries are poured with alcohol and infused for two to three months in a warm place. The mass must be stirred periodically.

Cranberry tincture recipe

To prepare 550 ml of cranberries you need the following ingredients:

  • Cranberries – 250 gr;
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon (more can be done, depending on taste preferences);
  • Alcohol 45% - 500 ml;
  • Purified water – 50ml.

Before cooking, carefully sort the berries, wash and dry them. Grind the prepared cranberries in a jar with sugar. Having received a homogeneous mass, add alcohol to it and put it in a dark room. After two weeks, filter the drink well. Be sure to taste for sugar. If the tincture is very sour, add pre-prepared syrup. Pour the finished drink into bottles.

Apricot tincture

This recipe will create amazing aromatic drink rich amber color. You will need:

  • Apricots – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 500 g;
  • Alcohol 45% - 1.5 l.
  • Purified water, for syrup.

First, you should select ripe fruits, rinse them thoroughly with running water and let them dry completely. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits. Place the fruit in a jar, add alcohol and close the lid tightly. Let it sit in a dark place for 30 days, shaking the contents occasionally.

Next, we filter the resulting liquid, and cover the remaining pulp with granulated sugar and also put it in a dark place. After two weeks, the infusion is filtered and mixed with the previously obtained preparation. Before bottling the drink, let it steep for another week.

It's time for homemade herbal tincture recipes.

Fragrant honey tincture

This recipe was not chosen by chance; the finished mead has a spicy aroma and mild taste. It can be an excellent aperitif. The following products are used for its preparation:

  • Honey (preferably buckwheat) – 3 tablespoons;
  • Mint – 10-15 leaves;
  • Oregano – 1-2 sprigs;
  • Cardamom – 5 fruits;
  • Thyme – 1-2 sprigs;
  • Alcohol 50% - 1l.

Stir honey in a glass with 200 ml of alcohol until completely dissolved. Place the herbs and spices in a jar, pour in the resulting honey solution, and then the remaining alcohol. Mix the mixture thoroughly, close the jar with a lid and let it brew for 30 days. Whether it is worth straining the finished drink before serving is up to your discretion.

Useful homemade tincture on walnut partitions

Before reading the recipe, let’s look at how such a tincture can be useful.

Important! Before using tinctures medicinal purposes Be sure to consult your doctor, as there may be serious contraindications for health reasons!

Tincture on partitions walnut indicated in the following cases:

  • Disruption of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improved memory and concentration.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalization of the thyroid gland.

For cooking useful tincture, you only need three ingredients:

  • Walnut – 3 pcs.;
  • Alcohol 45% - 0.5 l.;
  • Honey – 1-2 tablespoons.

We clean the nuts and separate the partitions. Place them in a jar and fill them with alcohol. Seal the jar tightly and leave it in a cool, dark place for 21 days. Shake the contents daily. Strain the tincture and add honey to taste and pour it into a bottle for storage.

So what can we conclude? Making your own tinctures is a fairly simple activity that can become an interesting hobby. After all, there is an opportunity not to follow already proven recipes, but to approach this matter creatively and create your own signature drink. Homemade tincture will not only pleasantly surprise friends, but can also be an excellent gift when visiting.

Most medications that previously could only be prepared by a pharmacist are now available in finished dosage forms. Factory-made suppositories have long replaced suppositories rolled out by the hand of a pharmacist, and tablets have replaced powders from pharmacy counters. But there are still dosage forms that are not yet subject to industrial production.

Herbal medicine: effectiveness without question

No treatment medicinal herbs modern medicine it's hard to imagine. The roots of herbal medicine go back to the distant past - historians claim that reliable evidence has been found medicinal use herbs as early as the 6th century BC. Herbal medicine has stood the test of time and has entered the high-tech 21st century with dignity. The effectiveness of herbal treatment has been proven in large clinical studies and there is no doubt.

Herbal medicines that are prepared ex tempore - as needed - have another undeniable advantage. They are completely deprived excipients, preservatives, dyes and flavors. We already eat and drink these not very healthy substances every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so it is important that medications contain only active ingredients, without additional “husk”.

Unlike many other extemporaneous dosage forms, not only a pharmacist, burdened with pharmaceutical education, can boil or infuse a medicine. To become involved in the wisdom of pharmacy, it is enough to be able to read: detailed instructions usually decorates pharmaceutical packaging with medicinal raw materials.

Herbal treatment may be indicated for the most various ailments, and sometimes it is simply irreplaceable. Thus, when coughing, aqueous extracts from medicinal raw materials serve two purposes at once. The first, of course, is the mucolytic or antitussive effect. Legends have already been made and treatises have been written about the effectiveness of using coltsfoot, marshmallow and licorice. By the way, often with bronchitis and tracheitis, synthetic drugs turn out to be completely helpless in comparison with herbal remedies.

The second task, which infusions and decoctions for coughs successfully perform, is the liquefaction of thick tracheobronchial secretions, ensured by regular warm drink. Remember that both pediatricians and therapists insist on using it for coughing large quantity warm teas, compotes and other drinks. Both warm infusions and decoctions ideally serve this purpose.

Infusions and decoctions work great and various diseases stomach, nervous system, skin diseases and many other ailments.

Infusion? Or a decoction?

Infusion and decoction are different dosage forms, each of which has its own nuances in production. Pharmaceutical subtleties are not intended to complicate the creative task, but to allow the active substances to be extracted from the plant as efficiently as possible and to maintain their activity during the heat treatment process.

The very word “infusion” suggests that dosage form prepared by infusion. Infusions are prepared, as a rule, from flowers, herbs, leaves, i.e. those plant organs from which extracting active substances is not difficult. The exception is valerian rhizome, which is also infused.

Typically, both infusions and decoctions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10, i.e. For 1 part of medicinal raw material, take 10 parts of water at room temperature. The resulting “semi-finished product” is heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, and then infused at room temperature for 45 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered, the remainder is squeezed out and the medicine is ready.

Infusions of essential oil plants - rhizomes with valerian roots, mint and sage leaves and chamomile flowers - are prepared under a tightly closed lid to preserve essential oils.

To extract beneficial substances from the bark, roots, rhizomes and fruits, they need to be boiled. To do this, the raw material, filled with water at room temperature, is placed in a boiling water bath and boiled for 30 minutes, then left for another 10 minutes. Then the broth is filtered, always squeezing out the dry residue.

The shelf life of the infusion or decoction does not exceed 2 days. We talked about how and earlier.

1. Oak bark, cinquefoil rhizomes, and burnet should not be infused in metal containers due to the likelihood of tannins interacting with metals.

2. The decoction of senna leaves is completely cooled before straining. Due to this, the resinous substances contained in senna, which can cause side effects, do not go into the hood.

3. A decoction of licorice root is prepared with the addition of baking soda at the rate of 1 gram per 10 grams of raw materials. Baking soda helps extract active substances.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few tips. Firstly, you should not buy plant materials from hand: at the market or from the touching old ladies comfortably located at the entrance to the metro. You have no idea where, when or even what exactly the homegrown herbalists collected, how they dried their “harvest” and under what conditions they stored it. This means that extracts from such “medicinal plants” may contain an unpredictable set of active substances.

Even if you collect herbs with your own hands, you risk bringing home not medicinal plant, and its double is like two peas in a pod similar to the original. Therefore, real, high-quality raw materials, standardized and safe, can only be found in pharmacies. This is an axiom.

And secondly, when starting to be treated with herbs, do not stop halfway. Take a full, and not a “half” course of herbal medicine, only then will you be able to fully feel how wisely nature has taken care of us.

Marina Pozdeeva


Today, preparing moonshine tinctures at home has become popular; recipes, strength, ingredients, holding time - this is what interests fans of the drink since moonshine has become fashionable again.

To add flavor to alcohol, you can add berries, fruits, spices, nuts or honey - you will get a beautiful and aromatic drink.

The most best recipes- those that require a minimum of time, are economical, and easy to prepare.

Surprising guests today is not easy. You can get a beautiful bottle of fabulous value from a bar, uncork it, pour it into glasses and... be disappointed. Even the so-called “elite” alcohol sold in most stores does not meet the buyer’s expectations either in quality or taste, and there is a high risk of paying a lot of money and getting a “palenka”. It is much better to provide personally prepared tinctures for tasting; the owners will vouch for their quality and taste.

Moonshine is the base for two types of drinks:

  • liqueurs;
  • tinctures
  • bitter (less than 2%)– refined sugar is not added to these drinks; a hint of sweet notes can appear only if the product itself that is used to prepare them contains glucose. Most often they are prepared with ginger, St. John's wort, oak bark, galangal, pepper, etc.
  • conditionally sweet– they insist on berries and (or) herbs, their taste will depend on what berries were used: sour, tart, etc.
  • sweet– sugar (up to 20%) is specially added to this type of tincture to obtain a pronounced berry or fruit taste.

Anything that contains more than 30% sugar is classified as liqueurs; their strength does not exceed 25%. When preparing homemade alcoholic drinks, it is important to take into account that an excessively sweet taste makes the product heavy and its effect insidious.

How to make a good tincture: general rules

Preparing homemade alcoholic pickles is a rather long process; the product needs to go through the “infusion” stage, so you should be patient and not speed up the natural processes to avoid loss of taste:

  1. For herbal tinctures The optimal strength is considered to be 50°; if this indicator exceeds 60°, the moonshine is diluted with water.
  2. For berry options, a base of 70° is required, as the berries will release juice, which will reduce the strength of the drink.
  3. To make tinctures, it is preferable to take frozen berries; they will release much more juice, the taste and aroma will be brighter and more pleasant.
  4. If cherries or plums are lightly baked before adding to moonshine, you can give the drink an unusual, slightly caramel-like note.
  5. Alcohol must be infused away from light, under the influence of sunlight, the taste is distorted.
  6. In the warmth, the tincture will cook faster than in a cold basement.
  7. The minimum preparation time for the tincture is 2 months, but it is better to let it sit for 3-4.
  8. During this period, the alcoholic drink should not be disturbed: open the container, take a sample. When in contact with oxygen, the liquid oxidizes and can completely change its taste and smell.

Following these rules for preparing homemade infusions based on moonshine will ultimately result in quality product with expected characteristics.

Citrus infusions

Moonshine tincture with the addition of citrus fruits is a classic alcohol-based drink.


To prepare the tincture you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50 g).


  1. Wash the lemons thoroughly and wipe dry. Cut off the yellow part of the zest from one lemon.
  2. If there is no special device for removing zest, a regular grater will do.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemons. Place the prepared zest, juice and sugar in a glass bowl, pour in moonshine, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Close tightly.
  4. Infuse in a dark and warm place for 3 days, then strain and pour into a bottle with a screw cap.

This drink has a subtle lemon aroma, delicate taste and golden color.


To make the drink, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. - 1 l;
  • dry peel from 2 tangerines;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks.


  1. Place tangerine peels and cinnamon in a container, pour in moonshine, and seal tightly.
  2. Leave in a cool place for 5 days, shaking every 2 days.

If you don't like the taste too spicy, the cinnamon stick should be removed after 3 days.


  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. - 1 l;
  • water - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • sugar - 1 cup (200 g);
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • ground coffee - 2 tsp.


  1. Wash the orange and dry it.
  2. Remove the zest from the orange without the white layer and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Add to syrup Orange juice and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat.
  4. Cool so that the syrup is not hot, but not cold.
  5. Place the zest and coffee in a glass container, pour in moonshine.
  6. Add syrup, stir thoroughly, close tightly.
  7. Leave in a dark place for 1 week, after which

Coffee lovers will love this liqueur.

Tinctures on spices and roots

Moonshine tinctures with the addition of spices and roots help improve appetite. They are consumed before meals. These alcoholic drinks have healing and tonic properties.


To prepare peppercorn, you will need the following ingredients:

  • honey - 3 tbsp. (90 g);
  • red hot pepper- 1 PC.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.


  1. Remove the stem from the pepper. Cut the pod lengthwise and carefully remove all the seeds.
  2. Soak the pod in cold water for 10 minutes to get rid of bitterness.
  3. Add red and black pepper to glass jar, pour moonshine and add honey.
  4. Stir thoroughly. Seal tightly.
  5. Leave in a cool place for 1 week, shaking slightly from time to time.
  6. Filter and pour into a bottle.

This drink will be transparent, with a golden tint and a soft warming taste.


To prepare the tincture you need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. - 1 l;
  • horseradish root (fresh or dry) - 50 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. (30 g).


  1. Peel the horseradish root, chop coarsely across it, transfer it to a container, and pour in moonshine.
  2. Add honey, stir until honey is completely dissolved, seal tightly.
  3. Leave for 1 week in a cool place. The drink will be more vigorous if the aging period is doubled.
  4. Strain and pour into a bottle.


To prepare ginger liqueur, you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup (200 g);
  • fresh ginger root - 20 g;
  • hibiscus tea 2 tbsp.


  1. Peel the ginger, cut into thin slices, and place in a glass bowl.
  2. Add dry hibiscus tea, pour in moonshine, stir and seal tightly.
  3. Leave for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place, stirring occasionally, without opening the lid.
  4. After that, filter.
  5. Cook the syrup: mix water with sugar, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Introduce cooled sugar syrup into the filtered liquid.
  7. After adding syrup, the drink should be stirred and left for another 1 day.
  8. Pour into a bottle with a screw cap.

The drink will have a ruby ​​color and a tart taste.

Tinctures on leaves and flowers

As a rule, moonshine tinctures with leaves and petals of plants are classified as digestifs - alcoholic drinks consumed to improve digestion at the end of a meal.


To prepare mint tincture you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50 g);
  • fresh mint leaves - approximately 20 pcs.


  1. Separate the mint leaves from the branches, rinse under running water, dry, chop with a knife, and mix with sugar.
  2. Transfer to a glass container, pour in moonshine, mix thoroughly, and close with a lid.
  3. Filter and pour into a bottle.

The drink will have a herbal undertone and a minty aroma.


  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup (200 g);
  • drinking water - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • fresh mint leaves - approximately 30 pcs. (50 g).


  1. Separate the mint leaves from the branches and rinse under running water.
  2. Boil water, add sugar, reduce heat and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes.
  3. Add prepared mint leaves to the syrup and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Cool until the mint syrup is not hot, but not cold.
  5. Pour the syrup along with the leaves into a glass container, add moonshine. Close tightly.
  6. Leave for 3-5 days in a warm and dark place.
  7. Strain twice and pour into a bottle.

The secret of this instant cooking The drink is that alcohol is added to the syrup that has not yet cooled down.

On a currant leaf

To prepare a tincture of currant leaves, you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • black currant leaves - 4-5 pcs.


  1. Rinse the currant leaves under running water and dry.
  2. Transfer the whole mixture into a container, pour in moonshine, and close the lid tightly.
  3. Leave for 1 week in a cool, dark place.
  4. Strain and pour into a bottle.

This drink has an emerald hue and a tart taste.


To make the liqueur, you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup (200 g);
  • rosehip or tea rose petals - 50 g;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Chop the previously selected, washed and dried petals with a knife, mix with sugar and citric acid.
  2. Transfer to a glass container, pour in moonshine, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, seal tightly.
  3. Leave for 1 month in a dark place.
  4. After steeping, strain and pour into a bottle.

This drink has a sweet floral aroma and a delicate pink color.

Dried fruit tinctures

When dried fruits are infused with alcohol, soft drinks are obtained, which are usually consumed as dessert drinks. Before cooking, make sure good quality dried fruits.

To prepare the drink you need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • seedless raisins of dark varieties, for example Korinka, Shigani, etc. - 1 cup (150 g).

If desired, the amount of raisins can be increased to 2 glasses - the taste will be more rich.


  1. Sort the berries, rinse thoroughly under running water, and add hot boiled water. There should be little water, just enough to cover the berries.
  2. Leave the berries to soften, about 30 minutes. Drain the water.
  3. Place the berries in a glass jar, pour in moonshine, and close tightly.
  4. You need to infuse raisins with moonshine in a warm place for at least 2 weeks.
  5. After infusion, shake and filter.

This drink has a delicate sweetish taste.

Spicy raisins

You will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. — 0.5 l;
  • dark seedless raisins - 1 cup (150 g);
  • black pepper - 3-5 pcs.;
  • dry black leaf tea - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50 g).

If you prefer a bitter taste, you can use it instead of sugar. burnt sugar in the same proportions.

If you like a honey aftertaste, replace sugar with honey in the same volume.


  1. Place all ingredients in a glass container, pour in moonshine, stir and seal tightly.
  2. You need to infuse the drink in a warm place for 1-2 weeks, stirring occasionally.
  3. After infusion, filter until transparent and pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

This drink has a spicy, sweet taste and cognac color.

On prunes

To prepare prune liqueur, you will need the following ingredients:

  • moonshine with a strength of 45% vol. - 1 l;
  • pitted prunes - 5 pcs. (150 g).

The berries should be dense, fleshy, without a gray coating.

If desired, the number of berries can be doubled - the drink will acquire a richer color and taste.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water, place in a container, pour in moonshine, and close tightly.
  2. Infuse the drink in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  3. After steeping, strain and pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

The drink has a “smoked” flavor and a pleasant dark color.

Ready-made tinctures and liqueurs are stored in a cool place in bottles with screw caps. Shelf life - 1-2 years.

Also, don’t forget to try it, which drinks like regular juice!

In a separate place there are recipes for preparing fruit and berry liqueurs based on moonshine.

Moonshine can also be the basis for drinks that can reproduce the exquisite taste of whiskey, cognac, grappa, etc. In this case, it is necessary to add extracts, flavorings and essences.

You will also be interested in reading this, this drink turns out to be much more noble!

Analogues of popular drinks

Of course, the recipes are not absolutely identical to the originals with “loud” names, but in taste and quality they are practically not inferior to them.


A classic moonshine drink that will delight gourmets with a delicate meadow aroma reminiscent of summer herbs. This tincture will decorate a picnic or fishing trip. To make it you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 stalk of bison grass;
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

The water needs to be heated and the sugar thoroughly dissolved in it and simmered. The right syrup does not foam, and the drop does not spread. The grass stem is crushed by hand or with a ceramic knife (plants generally do not like the touch of metal). Place the syrup and zubrovka in a glass container, pour in moonshine, close the lid tightly and place in a dark, warm place. This tincture is prepared quickly; after 3 weeks it can be strained and consumed.


Special Czech recipe alcoholic drink is kept under seven seals, but at home you can prepare an almost exact copy of Becherovka. For this you need:

  • 250 ml water.
  • 150 gr. granulated sugar.
  • Black pepper – 8 peas.
  • Orange zest: fresh – 10 g. and dry 5 gr.
  • Cardamom – 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon stick – 1 pc.
  • 1 liter of moonshine.
  • ½ teaspoon anise.

Grate the orange zest on a fine grater, it is important that the white layer does not get into the drink, this will give bitterness, only the orange layer is needed. Cinnamon and cardamom are crushed with a wooden pestle (if you don’t have one, you can crush it with a rolling pin). The spices are poured into a jar, filled with moonshine and put away for a week in a dark place to infuse. After seven days, sugar dissolved in warm water, and again removed for a couple of months.

The finished drink has a spicy aroma and light brown color. Serve chilled, goes well with citrus fruits, chocolate, and drinks as an aperitif.