How to massage a cat. How to make a cat affectionate? Five simple ways to make your cat kinder

Cat crafts are not inferior in popularity to their living counterparts. You can find almost anything in the shape of a kitten or with its image: pillows, clothes, cups, toys and so on. We bring to your attention several master classes on the topic “How to make a (paper origami) cat.” Using them you can make your own paper kitten.

Required tools and materials

To make an origami cat, you will need:

  1. paper that can be folded (regular landscape sheet, colored paper, corrugated carbon paper, special paper for origami, and so on);
  2. scissors (needed to give the sheet a square shape);
  3. markers, paints, pencils or pens (needed to draw a face);
  4. any decor: beads, beads, ribbons and bows, sparkles and so on.

How to make cats out of paper?

The instructions are quite simple, and the order of work depends on how you make the cat. This can be done in two ways:

  1. The craft is made from two sheets of paper: one makes up the muzzle, the other makes up the body.
  2. The craft is made from one sheet of paper.

Making a cat's face (first option)

Master class “How to make a cat out of paper”: making a face using the first method:

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the top right and bottom left corners together. The result will be a triangle (Figure 2).
  3. Fold the left corner of the triangle down so that its tip is flush with the bottom, but not touching it (as in Illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right corner in the same way as the left (Illustration 4).
  5. Fold the middle corner up slightly, as in illustration 5.
  6. Turn the figure over.
  7. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and antennae (Illustration 6). You can also add eyebrows.

The cat's face is ready!

The second way to make a muzzle

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (photo instructions for making a face):

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you.
  2. Fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  3. We unfold the sheet. The fold line should be horizontal in front of you.
  4. We bend the upper corner towards the middle of the sheet (Illustration 2).
  5. Fold the sheet in half again, as in illustration 3.
  6. We conditionally divide the resulting figure, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the left and right corners to the center along the lines from the sixth point (Illustration 5).
  8. Fold the left one up and right side, as in illustration 6. That is, the fold line should not be straight, but at an angle and located in the center of the length.
  9. You've got ears.
  10. Fold the top corner of the figure down, as in illustration 7.
  11. Turn the figure over.
  12. Bend the bottom corner slightly upward (Illustration 8).
  13. Fold down the tip of the folded corner from the previous point, as in Illustration 9.
  14. Draw eyes, antennae, nose and mouth. Or glue them from paper.

The muzzle is ready!

Cat's body

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (instructions for creating the body):

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  2. Unfold the piece of paper.
  3. Fold the right one and left side to the fold line, as in illustration 2.
  4. Fold the resulting figure in half vertically (Illustration 3).
  5. Place the resulting figure horizontally in front of you.
  6. Bend the sharp corner down, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the corner again (Illustration 5).
  8. Open the corner (Illustration 6).
  9. Hold the main part of the figure with your left hand, and straighten the corner with your right.
  10. Fold the straightened corner along the extreme fold line, as in illustration 7.
  11. Fold the corner up in the same way as in illustration 8. You have a cat's tail.
  12. Fold the ponytail in half vertically (Illustration 9). To do this, turn it over left side to the right.

The body for the cat is ready!

Now connect the body and muzzle together. If you use the muzzle from the first option, then you need to glue it, and if from the second, then simply stick it on the body.

A whole cat from one sheet of paper

Master class on how to make an origami cat out of paper:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper with an aspect ratio of 1 to 3 and lay it horizontally.
  2. Fold the paper in half (Illustration 1).
  3. Make each side smaller by folding them in half, as in illustration 2.
  4. Unfold the last folds and turn the sheet upside down.
  5. Fold the lower left corner up (Illustration 3). You've got something like a pointer.
  6. Fold back the corner of the pointer (Illustration 3).
  7. Go over all the folds.
  8. Open the sheet of paper completely.
  9. Fold the sheet of paper as shown in illustration 4.
  10. The left and right vertices are the ears of the future cat (illustration 5).
  11. Now do everything as in illustration 6. In it, a green triangle is used to indicate the lines along which you want to make the chin.
  12. Squeeze the bottom of your chin. Fold the top of the head as shown in illustration 7. If you do everything correctly, then at this stage your muzzle will already be formed and the ears will be slightly bent.
  13. Fold the remaining part of the sheet in half (Illustration 8). As a result, you will get a ponytail.
  14. On both sides of the previous fold, make two more diagonal ones. Fold the paper as shown in illustration 9 . You will get paws.
  15. Raise your body perpendicular to the tail.
  16. Fold the sides of the tail in the same way as in illustration 10.
  17. Curl the ponytail using a pencil or scissors (just carefully).

And with a character as soft as her fur. But as you grow older, you begin to understand what genetics makes itself known. After all, many cat breeds are not very affectionate. They good companions, often do not meow, do not bother, but do not show tenderness. To make a cat become affectionate, you should try hard.

By being patient and having free time, you can make even the most inert cat affectionate and trusting. Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations in achieving your goals:

  1. Let the cat be the boss of the house. In many cases, the reason cats are unkind is that they are forced to obey, to be servants of their owners. You should not demonstrate your superiority for any reason. Allow the cat to consider itself equal to other family members. Cats are naturally loners. If she understands that she is not dominant, then she can look for more appropriate place. Because this is for domestic cat unrealistic, then anger and self-isolation arise. The more confident a cat is, the less aggression he exhibits, the more affection he shows. Spanking with a newspaper and screaming as a means of educating an animal will not teach it good. Patience and persuasion should be a tool of re-education. And praise your cat more often when she deserves it.
  2. Affectionate cat- a happy cat. There can be no talk of contentment when the cat is prevented from eating. In nature, cats eat alone, in a secluded place, without prying eyes. Your pet should eat in a calm environment, in a designated place, without rushing for fear that someone will take her food away. For both men and cats, the path to satisfaction lies through the stomach and receiving pleasure from eating.
  3. Tenderness without a schedule. Your cat is a full-fledged member of the family who constantly needs affection and attention. So she shouldn't wait until you have time and good mood. You should give her your affection and warmth every free minute, and not in the evening, according to the schedule, when your favorite TV series is on. Only very patient cats can wait days for your attention, and most of them need their owner’s care constantly. You shouldn't get a kitten when you don't have time for one.
  4. Don't make a pet out of a cat. Cats are independent by nature. They perceive restriction of their movement in the form of prolonged holding in their arms as an encroachment on their freedom. Even in the arms of its beloved owner, the pet should feel that it can retire at any time.
  5. Calm at altitude. Outdoor cats, sensing the slightest danger, climb trees. So in the house, the animal should sometimes have the opportunity to be on top, that is, on a closet or in another place. She will be happy to watch the household from above and at the same time feel free.
  6. Games, not toys. You can buy your tailed friend many different toys, tasty and healthy, without participating in games with the animal yourself. And the cat feels such isolation from the owner. Games should be shared and regular. In the game, the owner and the cat learn to understand and trust each other. This brings the cat closer together and serves as a sign of affection on the part of the cat.
  7. Sterilization. When cats begin to grow up, there is no difference in sexual dissatisfaction. Both cats and cats suffer equally without a partner. So think about addressing your basic instinct problem early. And the best way out of the situation is to sterilize your pet. Castrated animals do not suffer due to hormonal changes. They remain gentle and affectionate all their lives.
  8. It is worth dwelling separately on such a nuance as hereditary aggression. Responsible breeders remove from breeding all animals with mental disorders. But not everyone does this. If money reigns supreme in this business, then the genetic aggressiveness of children is sometimes carefully hidden. But during the period of growing up it will manifest itself with great force. Therefore, at the first signs of anger in the kitten, scratching, hissing, refuse to buy it. Most likely, you will find it very difficult to deal with aggression. And such a cat is unlikely to become affectionate.

Every new kitten owner strives to raise their ward to be affectionate and playful. The pet will grow up as such if the owner pays him due attention. Friendly cats are distinguished by their confidence, devotion and love for humans, as well as their patience and affectionate nature. To make life easier for yourself and your pet, you need to take custody of your pet from the first days of its stay in the house. Let's consider important aspects in order, let's give practical advice care and education.

  1. Eye contact. The cat family has a negative attitude towards staring and the manner of looking eye to eye. Pets regard such behavior as a challenge and preparation for an attack. Regardless of your cat's age, do not supervise it closely. Observe your pet with peripheral vision without giving yourself away. If you are looking at a cat directly, blink smoothly and frequently, and do not keep your eyes open all the time. After time, your pet will appreciate the changes in your behavior and will want more attention.
  2. Proper care. A cat will grow up affectionate and loving only if it receives food from its owner. necessary care. By nature, four-legged friends take care of each other. Your pet expects the same from you. The cat will appreciate the actions associated with slowly stroking its fur and scratching its neck area. Buy a comb, take care of the animal’s fur, while at the same time saying affectionate words in a quiet voice. If you notice a twitching of the tail, this means that the cat is tired of being handled. Reschedule procedures for another time. Purring and stretching will tell you that the pet is happy.
  3. Treating yourself with a treat. Make it a habit to carry a robe in your pocket and keep cat treats on hand. You can purchase a package of treats at a pet store or use homemade products based on your pet’s preferences. When the cat approaches you, give it a treat. Over time, the pet will get used to such actions and will be glad to be nearby. Give out double treats if your cat jumps into your arms.
  4. Stroking. When a cat gets used to the owner, his care, constant feeding of treats, display of restraint and patience, she is around more and more often. Be patient and monitor the animal's behavior. If your ward lies down next to you, placing her back or neck under your arm, do not skimp on stroking. With light movements, satisfy your pet's needs. At the slightest sign of dissatisfaction, stop manipulation. Affection should be in moderation.
  5. Calmness and restraint. If you recently brought a kitten into your home, adjust your behavior. Animals of this kind are afraid sudden movements And loud sounds, especially if the person and area are unfamiliar to them. Let the pet get used to its owner. Move smoothly, speak kindly and calmly. If possible, stay close to the cat as often as possible; it is not necessary to pick it up. Let the kitten come to you for a portion of tenderness and attention.
  6. The direction of affection. The cat family takes a long and persistent journey to begin to trust its owner. Many owners fail to achieve this even after 2-3 years cohabitation with a pet. If you are not one of them, having successfully made friends with your pet, follow the recommendations. When a cat comes to you for a portion of tenderness, you don’t need to grab it in your arms and pull it. Sit down next to him, scratch your tummy, neck, back. Let your pet rub its muzzle against you, stroke the bridge of its nose. Do not touch the cat in places where it is uncomfortable (paws, tail).

To turn an obstinate pet into an affectionate pet, you must follow a sequence of actions. Be patient, you will achieve results.

Step #1. Teach your pet to affection from an early age

  1. To make a cat affectionate, it needs to be given attention from the first minutes of being in a new home. While the baby is not yet grown, pick him up slowly and deliberately. Go to rest together more often, let the kitten sleep while you watch TV.
  2. Create maximum conditions of safety and comfort for your pet, build a bed from a rug or blanket on the bed. Stroke your cat after waking up and when she is just falling asleep. Be close, but don't intrude.
  3. Until the kitten grows up, carry it in your arms. Place your child on your forearm, making sure that his paws do not hang down. At first, your main task is to gain trust.
  4. As the kitten grows, its character will change. He can become obstinate or surprisingly calm. In the first case, teenage children often hiss at the owner. Don't pay attention to this behavior, be patient.
  5. To overcome hostility, rub your hands cat food and let your pet smell your fingers. Perhaps he will start licking them. In this case, always have a treat with you. Give your baby a treat when he comes closer. Try to carefully close the distance between the two of you.

Step #2. Don't lower your cat's self-esteem

  1. Every owner of a cat family understands that it is the person in the house who is the “leader of the pack.” However, in most cases, cats think the same way, so they behave reserved and distant.
  2. You, as the owner of a four-legged friend, should not show your dominance at every opportunity. Such actions will only alienate a freedom-loving and self-confident cat.
  3. It is important to give your pet the opportunity to feel like the boss at least once every 3 days. Cats do not obey their owners because their nature does not provide for such behavior.
  4. A cat will become affectionate only if it feels confident. The obstinate “tigresses” should not be confused with dogs; the latter will do anything for the love of their owner. Cats, in turn, obey only when they have already established themselves in the role of leader.
  5. If you scold your pet, he will begin to experience stress. An excited animal does not perceive any information. Under negative circumstances, the cat tries to defend itself and hide in a corner.
  6. Do not confuse an affectionate animal with a pet that has become extremely impudent. The main thing is, do not allow yourself to shout at the cat or hit it with your hand or newspaper. Refuse punishment and coercion.
  7. Go back to the roots of education. Adults hiss at kittens when they have misbehaved. Do the same. If the cat did something bad, say a loud “Shhh!” When you do a good deed, do not skimp on praise.

Step #3. Give your cat constant attention

  1. What is an affectionate cat? First of all, this is a pet that sleeps with its owner, watches TV with him, picks him up from work, hugs him and “talks.” If you don’t pay attention to your pet, it will move away and live on its own.
  2. Don't make excuses that you don't have time for your pet. Why then did you get an animal? Learn to step away from important matters and spend time with four-legged friend, if the cat asks for it.
  3. You should not have a pet if you cannot devote at least 3-5 hours a day to it. Babies grow quickly, and in the absence of a person nearby, eventually a cute pet will turn into an aggressive, aloof, not tame cat.
  4. However, you should not impose yourself. Even the most loving cat will want to be alone, snoring sweetly on the sofa or windowsill. Pay attention to the animal when the pet itself asks for affection.
  5. As mentioned earlier, cats are freedom-loving animals. Don’t be surprised if, with constant violation of your personal space, your pet moves further and further away from you.

Step #4. Play with your pet correctly

  1. Today, pet store shelves are filled with all kinds of toys for cats. However, despite the extensive choice, a cat will not be affectionate unless the owner himself starts playing with it.
  2. Buy brushes, rattles, balls, a house and a scratching post. Provide the animal with everything it needs. Set aside at least an hour a day to play with your pet.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to “poison” a cat with your hands or feet. When the animal begins to show aggression and cling to your fingers with its teeth, you can forget about the affectionate pet.
  4. If during the process of pampering your ward begins to play, clinging to your hand with his teeth, stop. Look into your pet's eyes with a menacing gaze and start hissing. This way you will show your dissatisfaction. Then continue playing as if nothing happened.
  5. Shared hobbies, running around the house and games bring animals closer to people. While pampering, do not scream, try to speak kindly and quietly, laugh. Convey your mood to your cat.
  6. Animals of this kind love secluded places. They also prefer to be at the top, watching what is happening from above. Set up several places for your pet: on the closet, on the back of the sofa, under the ceiling. Buy a house with steps so that the cat has its own hiding place.

It is difficult to change the already formed character of a cat, so education should be carried out from an early age. Give your pet a lot of time, do not impose. Keep a treat handy and do not touch your pet's tail or paws. Brush your cat's fur, stroke its neck and the area behind the ears. Let your ward feel like the main one in the house, do not underestimate the animal’s self-esteem, play with him.

Video: how to retrain a wild cat into an affectionate pet

Having decided to take a small fluffy kitten into our home, we automatically think that we are getting an affectionate little animal that will purr, rub against our legs and go into our arms at the first request. But, having received this bundle of happiness, we forget that a cat can have its own character, which is determined by breed, evolution, and simply by the fact that it is a small domesticated predator that acts in accordance with the laws of nature.

When a person wants to make friends with someone, he tries to win him over. It's the same with cats. Experienced cat lovers say that studying the psychology of pets is an extremely exciting task. To raise an affectionate cat, you need to work hard, studying the motives of the animal’s actions.

It has been noticed that the behavior of kittens big influence has to do with the cat mama people. A predator who is ready to see everyone as an enemy, capable of encroaching on the life of her children, food or territory, will not raise trusting and affectionate offspring. The behavior model of elders is very important in order to learn to survive and therefore is firmly fixed in the minds of children.

The person who takes the baby home becomes an example for him. The kitten transfers the “mother-child” model to it. And if “mother” behaves restlessly, aggressively, punishes for puddles on the parquet floor or an overturned flower pot, then the baby will grow up to be a nervous, embittered cat.

A cat by its nature is an independent loner that cannot be obeyed. It is impossible to teach a cat to “serve”. However, if you remember that you should not show your superiority to the cat and “crush” it with your authority, then the animal will stop perceiving the owner as an aggressor and will coexist peacefully in a common territory.

Psychologists say that a cat is more willing to put up with a person than with its fellow cat. It is worth using this feature in raising a kitten. An even tone, without loud shouts, a kind attitude is more likely to raise an affectionate friend than spanking, shouting, and aggression.

A cat's character deteriorates if it is treated like a toy without taking into account its needs. Most While cats are sleeping, you shouldn’t wake her up if you want to pick her up or play. An animal that is not awake may react aggressively to these advances.

The cat is a vindictive animal. Not understanding why she is being shouted at and punished, she may then behave very unfriendly. Excessive squeezing can lead to reverse effect. If the owner takes into account only his own needs, then the cat will defend his own in his own “animal” manner.

The character of a street cat is especially unpredictable. Having adopted a homeless “purr”, you should not expect that out of gratitude he will become what you want him to be. After all, aggressive, independent behavior is the main key to successful survival on the street.

The influence of genes on character

Not all cat breeds are prone to familiarity, affection and games. Crossing different breeds In order to achieve a certain exterior, breeders “cross” various character traits of the animal. And although it is not customary to breed aggressive animals, there are breeds that are more affectionate and, accordingly, there are independent ones or simply not tame ones.

So it is believed that the British are very calm, friendly, patient, but they do not like to be disturbed or picked up. For a Briton, personal space is very important, and if it is invaded, the cat will avoid contact and run away to a secluded place.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed also do not have the most affectionate character. At complete absence aggression, this animal will not climb into your lap. These cats take a very long time to get used to those around them, and then choose a pet for themselves in the family, to whom they show restrained but devoted love.

Siberian cats are the most affectionate by nature, and if they see kindness and patience in response, then this is exactly the cat that will sit on your lap with gratitude and purr with pleasure.

Do not think that breed is a fundamental component of character. For example, Persians, who are considered good-natured phlegmatic people, allowing themselves to be caressed as much as they want by their owner, will also react to the annoying pestering of children. Genetics should be taken into account when choosing a kitten, but the rest will do proper upbringing and love.

Raising an affectionate pet

Often bad character is explained by simple bad manners. From the first days of a kitten's life, you need to raise it patiently but persistently. Inconsistent actions of the owner will cause bewilderment, irritation, and then aggression in the animal. If you allow your cat to sleep on your bed today, and tomorrow you drive it away due to excessive “cheekiness,” then the only thing you can achieve is fear and stress. Such a cat will develop distrust of its owner. Subconsciously, she will wait for a catch and simply won’t go along, expecting a sharp shout or a slap for her sympathy.

It is necessary to take into account physiological characteristics felines. Cats are very sensitive to smells. A strong or unfamiliar aroma can provoke even the most affectionate cat into unusual behavior. An attempt to take your pet with hands smeared with cream, or press it to a perfumed chest, in best case scenario will turn into flight, or at worst, a desire to protect yourself from the “stranger.”

Such behavior that irritates a person, such as scratching furniture and walls, is not only a natural desire to “sharpen” an important tool for a predatory hunter - claws. It turns out that on the paw pads there are glands that secrete a special secretion with which the animal marks its territory.

Trying to wean people from doing such things using shouting and punishment means getting instead pet evil neurasthenic. It’s better to say firmly, quietly: “You can’t!” - and transfer the cat to the scratching post. Not immediately, but the animal will stop spoiling the furniture and the owner’s nerves. Sometimes loud, demonstrative scratching is the cat’s desire to draw attention to himself.

Often we don’t even understand that some action of a cat signifies his affection and love. If a person trips over a fluffy handsome man who, like in a circus, is trying to walk next to his feet and screams loudly, then instead of irritation at the inconvenience, one should experience a feeling of pride and gratitude.

With a loud meow, the cat expresses joy and greets you. And he rubs against his legs to declare that this person is his, showing his special affection. So maybe we don't understand the signals that "unkind" animals use to express their love to us.

Inappropriate behavior may indicate that the cat is sick, scared, irritated, or offended by lack of attention. To understand a cat correctly, it is worth learning its language.

Features of animal communication

Animals have their own language - this is, first of all, body language. It’s worth learning it to understand how to behave in order to gain mutual understanding. Scientists believe that loud meowing is speech addressed to a person. Animals communicate with each other differently. In addition to obvious aggressive body movements, the language of movements of the ears and tail is especially expressive. If the cat has:

  • the ears are directed to the sides and slightly pressed, then this sign speaks of fear, mistrust, and readiness to rush to defend oneself;
  • the ears are directed back and pressed tightly to the head - this is a signal of horror, panic, aggression, readiness to attack;
  • ruffled hair on the tail - a desire to increase size and frighten the enemy;
  • Slow swaying of the tail from side to side – mild irritation;
  • a sharp twitching in the horizontal plane of the tip of the tail is pronounced aggression.

The language of cats is much richer than described. The cat is trying to “talk”, so try to understand what he’s talking about we're talking about. In addition, there are a number of actions to which a cat reacts only aggressively.

What is unacceptable for a cat

A person sometimes acts thoughtlessly, causing bad feelings in a pet:

  • You cannot lift an adult animal by the scruff of the neck - this humiliates him;
  • You cannot pull the tail, whiskers, or front paws - the cat will respond to pain with aggression;
  • You cannot spank a cat, even as a joke - she will perceive it as an undeserved punishment and will be offended;
  • do not grab the animal by the lower half of the body - this causes discomfort to the pet;
  • do not touch the stomach, even an attempt to stroke an unprotected area will provoke a sensitive blow from the claws of the hind paws;
  • Avoid sharp, loud sounds; a frightened animal will rush to defend itself;
  • do not claim your favorite place - invading the territory is regarded as an act of aggression.

The main thing in education affectionate cat is understanding, patience, love and encouragement. Produce from an animal positive emotions, reinforcing them with treats. Animals cannot immediately understand what is wanted from them. Create conditioned reflex. If you let yourself be petted, give Murka something “delicious”; if you jump on your knees, treat yourself to your favorite delicacy.

Cat with character

Cats are animals with character. And many owners, although they adore their pets, in their hearts would like them to be more docile and well-mannered. Well, there's nothing wrong with that. And if you are also interested in keeping your cat obedient, you will find our article useful.

In it we will talk about humane ways to influence a cat’s behavior and ways to correct its bad character. So, stock up on time and patience. Start reading right now. We don’t promise you instant changes, but you can count on the fact that the cat will become more affectionate (even learn to purr and become more pleasant to communicate with), you can...

Why is the cat behaving badly?

Any behavior of a cat requires an explanation. An animal cannot behave badly for no reason. There must be reasons for this. And attributing bad character to the breed is not entirely appropriate here. In fact, a lot depends on the presence or absence of upbringing. But it’s never too late to start correcting the situation. And even if your cat is not very well-mannered, eats house flowers, spoils your shoes or strips furniture, following our advice, you can correct the situation and become the master in your home whose word is listened to.

How to put a cat in its place

Most often, domestic sabotage is carried out by spoiled creatures who were allowed everything in childhood. But now your cat has grown up, and you forbid her to climb on tables, play with your slippers or sleep in your bed...

It is correct that from the first day your pet arrives in your home, you must set a line for him that he does not cross. And put the cat in its place if it breaks your rules. Then in adulthood there will be no problems with the cat. But if time is lost, and what seemed funny when the kitten did it now really upsets you (after all, your cat has already grown up), you should resort to the right methods correction and placement of chain of command in your home.

But, before we tell you what to do, understand the main rules of raising a cat.

The main rules for raising a cat

  1. No violence - no matter how angry the cat makes you, you cannot use physical violence against it. It is rare that in such a situation the animal will connect your action with its cause. Rather, he will harbor resentment and anger towards you.
  2. Change the intonation and timbre of your voice - animals are great at picking up different notes in their voice. So don't be afraid to resort to a slight growl in your voice when you're unhappy. And say the word “no” firmly and militantly. This will make the right impression on the cat.
  3. Punishment should take place where the cat misbehaved. Only then can you hope that the cat will understand why you are doing this to her. However, if several hours have passed since the incident, even if you bring the cat to the crime scene, it is unlikely to remember what it did there.
  4. Encourage good behavior and punish for bad things. The punishment may be your ignoring, refusing, prohibiting you from jumping on your knees...
  5. Nobody has yet canceled special effects for the most stubborn cats. If the animal persistently ignores your word “no!”, you can strengthen it with special effects. Then this technique will definitely work. However, it will only work until the cat unravels the secret that you are also the source of super effects.