How is VPR assessed in the Russian language 4. Structure of VPR and assessment system

Average general education

Line UMK M.V. Verbitskaya. English language "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

English language

VLOOKUP by English language in 11th grade: we study the structure and assessment criteria

Experts say that VPR is the first stage towards the introduction mandatory Unified State Exam in a foreign language. The test not only reveals the level of knowledge of students studying English, German or French, but also allows the school to prepare in advance for the state exam.

VPR in English in grade 11 helps to evaluate the knowledge gained as a result of studying the language on basic level from 2nd to 11th grades. If during these years the training is organized effectively, then it will not be difficult for the student to complete all the tasks test work with minimal preparation.

General approaches and principles of knowledge control

    Methodological basis - system-activity approach

    Cognitive-communicative method

    Orientation towards active educational and cognitive activity

    Sociocultural orientation - dialogue of cultures

    Functional approach to teaching grammar and vocabulary - developing grammatical and lexical skills

    The principle of differentiation of requirements for student training

    New approaches to assessment

Understanding the structure and content of the final test, it is important to choose those teaching materials that are based on the same approaches and principles, then you will not need to “train” students on tasks.

Let's look at the general structureVPR in a foreign language (English, German, French):

    Written and oral parts

    Oral part in computerized form

    Educational institution has the right to choose - to perform 2 parts of the work or only written

    Written part - 60 minutes

    Oral part - 15 minutes per respondent (2 tasks)

VPR in English, German and French has the same structure, tasks of the same format and volume, number of tasks, points. Various presented language material- taking into account those documents that determine the content. The content is determined by the federal component, since current 11th graders have not completed the entire course of study at the new Federal State Educational Standards.

Written part of the VPR:

    Listening: understanding the requested information in the listened text (number of tasks - 5, maximum primary score - 5)

    Reading: understanding the main content of the text (number of tasks - 1, maximum primary score - 5)

    Tasks to test grammatical skills (number of tasks - 6, maximum initial score - 6)

Oral part of the VPR:

    Meaningful reading of the text aloud (number of tasks - 1, maximum primary score - 3)

    Thematic monologue(description of 1 of 3 photos) (number of tasks - 1, maximum primary score - 7)

The textbook is the tenth in the “Forward” series, providing continuity in learning English from grades 2 to 11 educational organizations. The textbook is designed for compulsory study the subject “Foreign Language” in the 11th grade of organizations working according to the basic curriculum. Included with the textbook are a teacher's book, workbook with audio application, workshop on preparing for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English.

Analysis of VPR tasks in English

Listening: understanding the requested information. In listening, a certain listening time is laid down, it is written in the instructions for the task. For the remaining parts of the test work, the recommended time for completion is given. Students are given the opportunity to listen to the recording twice. Tasks 1-5 in part are quite familiar to all language learners - these are multiple choice questions, that is, with three answer options.

Reading with understanding of the main content of the text. 5 texts and 6 names of thematic headings for them are given. It is necessary to correlate the texts with the proposed headings. How are such tasks performed? First, you need to understand the general meaning. Next you need to determine keywords in the paragraph in question, and then correlate with the proposed answer options.

Control of grammatical skills

This section consists of tasks familiar from various teaching materials - in the text you need to insert the missing word in in the required form. Sometimes answer options are given in the margins, as is done in the Unified State Exam, sometimes supporting words are placed in brackets. In general, the section checks basic knowledge grammars.

Control of lexical and grammatical skills

This is a task of a new format, in comparison with what is given in the OGE and the Unified State Exam. From the list of words, you need to select those that are needed for certain gaps in the text, that is, correlate the context with the proposed list of words. The student must understand which part of speech is missing in the sentence and insert the word with the correct lexical meaning to the checkpoint.

Meaningful reading of text aloud

The tasks of the oral block in 2018 were completed by schools at will, depending on the availability of technical capabilities. The ability to read a text out loud so that it is understood by those who listen to it without relying on a written text - this is necessary condition literacy. The task presents authentic texts.

Criteria for evaluating photo descriptions
The same criteria are used as in the Unified State Exam. The main rule of assessment is solving a communicative task. If, despite excellent language development, the child does not say anything on the topic, if instead of describing a photograph, the child tells, for example, a memorized “topic,” then the communicative task is not completed.

How to prepare for the VPR in English?

First, let's look at the conceptual approaches in the VPR, Unified State Examination/Oversee State Examination, and NIKO:

    Activity (dominant principles: speech activity, functional, activity)

    Personality-oriented (dominant principles: individualization, differentiation, accessibility)

    Competence-based (dominant principles: scientificity, consciousness, integration, intercultural interaction and interdisciplinary coordination

These principles focus on practical language proficiency, so it is very important to choose those teaching materials that are based on these same principles. When completing tasks with a similar structure in class, there is no need to additionally “train” children for a test or exam, since the form of control will already be familiar to them.

Methods and principles of teaching implemented in the educational complex " Forward»

    Methodological basis-system-activity approach

    Cognitive-communicative method

    Orientation towards active educational and cognitive activity

    Sociocultural orientation- dialogue of cultures

    Functional approach to teaching grammar and vocabulary-formation of grammatical and lexical skills

    The principle of differentiation of requirements for student training

    New approaches to assessment

The “Forward” teaching and learning complex allows you to optimize preparation for the CDF, developing communication skills possessions foreign language. Textbooks and manuals present tasks for mastering strategies various kinds listening and reading. In joint work in the classroom, the skills of using lexical units and grammatical forms and constructions in a communicatively meaningful context are improved. Thus, familiarization with the format of work on tests and exams occurs.

The workshop is intended to prepare students in grades 10–11 for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English and includes detailed analysis oral exam tasks and criteria for their evaluation, as well as a system practical exercises, forming strategies for working on the exam. The workshop includes 10 standard training options oral part of the exam, which are intended for training oral speech and control of speaking skills, as well as to simulate the situation of an oral exam.

VPR structure and assessment system

Boykova M.F., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBU "Lyceum No. 60"

5 tasks, no text

12 tasks, including 5 tasks for the given reading text.

Tasks 1, 4 involve writing a detailed answer, tasks 2,3,5 - a short answer in the form symbol or diagrams

Tasks 1–9 involve writing a detailed answer, tasks 10–12 - a short answer in the form of a word

Types of spelling - 15

Types of spelling - 19

Types of punctograms - 2

Types of punctograms - 3

Task 1 - text 83 words

Task 1 - text 90 words

You are given 45 minutes to complete the Russian language test.

You are given 60 minutes to complete the Russian language test.

Types of tasks and grading system Correctly completed work is worth 45 points. Recommendations for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale

Mark on a five-point scale

Primary points

Rewrite text 1, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

  • In the tundra.. – in..sleep. The sun winks in a friendly manner, sending a ray of light from under the clouds. Large (3) and small streams ring... and with a groan they break open... all the rivers in the mountains. Water everywhere(1). Step... with your foot in the moss - and the moss oozes... The mossy..hum..ku - and water will appear from above.. Stand... with your foot on the ice..dock - and water splashes out from under the ice..dock. Now the whole tundra is an exploding It w..wows in..whips..t under It is soft..some, p..covered with last year's yellow grass..and with..fall moss, fluff. V..sleep ro(b/p)to enter..t into the tundra looking around..t..sya (4). Suddenly it freezes (2) under the pressure of the cold wind, but (not) goes on.


  • Task 1 checks the maturity of all three competencies and is assessed according to three criteria:
  • K1 – compliance with spelling standards,
  • K2 – compliance with punctuation standards,
  • K3 – correct copying of the text
  • (maximum score - 9).


Prepositions with nouns - 4

Unstressed checked vowel in the root - 7

Unstressed checked vowel in the root - 8

Vowel at the end of nouns - 1

Noun endings - 1

Unpronounceable consonants - 1

Unpronounceable consonants - 1

Verb endings - 9

b after sibilants in nouns - 1

Doubtful consonant - 4

Doubtful consonant - 4

Unchecked unstressed vowel - 1

Unchecked unstressed vowel - 4

Separating b - 1

Separating b - 1


Tsya and tsya in verbs - 4

Tsya and tsya in verbs -5

b after sibilants in verbs - 2

b after sibilants in verbs - 3

Adjective endings - 2

Adjective endings - 3

Combinations chk, chn - 1

Combinations chk, chn - 1

Alternating vowels in the root - 2

Vowels and, u, and after sibilants - 1

Z-S at the end of the attachments - 1

Vowel in prefixes - 1

Vowel in prefixes - 1

O-Y after pinching words at the root - 1

I-Y after C - 1

NOT with verbs - 1

NOT with verbs - 1


Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence - 1

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members - 1

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members - 4

Punctuation in complex sentence - 1

Dash between subject and predicate - 1

Completion of task 1 is assessed according to three criteria from 0 to 9 points.

  • Task 1 tests students’ traditional spelling ability to correctly copy text complicated by omissions of spellings and punctuations, observing the learned spelling and punctuation rules when writing.

K1 Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors (or one minor error was made) When assessing the completion of a task according to criterion K1, only errors made when filling in missing letters, opening brackets, restoring merged, separate and hyphenated spelling words

No more than two mistakes were made

Three or four mistakes were made

Five mistakes made

More than five mistakes were made

K2 Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors

One mistake made

Two mistakes were made

More than two errors were made

K3 Correct copying of text

The text was rewritten correctly (there are no missing or extra words, no words with a changed graphic appearance). OR No more than three typos and errors were made of the following nature: 1) the graphic appearance of the word has been changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter is allowed, which does not lead to a spelling or grammatical error); 2) in the rewritten text one of the words of the text is missing or there is one extra word

Four to seven typos and errors of the following nature were made: 1) the graphic appearance of the word was changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter was allowed, which did not lead to a spelling or grammatical error); 2) in the rewritten text one of the words of the text is missing or there is one extra word

More than seven typos and errors of the following nature were made: 1) the graphic appearance of the word was changed (rearrangement, replacement or omission of a letter was allowed, which did not lead to a spelling or grammatical error); 2) in the rewritten text one of the words of the text is missing or there is one extra word

Complete the language analysis indicated by numbers in the text for task 1:

  • (1) – phonetic analysis;
  • (2) – morphemic analysis;
  • (3) – morphological analysis;
  • (4) – parsing offers.


  • Task 2 checks the development of linguistic competence, first of all. Each type of analysis is scored from 0 to 3 points.
  • The answer to task 2 is estimated from 0 to 12 points.

K1(K2, K3, K4) Parsing

Parsing done correctly

One mistake was made during parsing

Two errors were made during parsing

More than two errors were made during parsing

Language analysis (free analysis model). The keys provide the basic information necessary for the correct answer.

Phonetic analysis

in - [f] - consonant, voiceless, hard

s - [s,] - consonant, voiceless, soft

yu − [у́] – vowel, stressed

d - [d] - consonant, voiced, hard

y - [y] - vowel, unstressed

5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables

Morphemic parsing(by composition)

freezes (2)

for- – prefix

World - root

A- − suffix

Et - ending

Morphological analysis

large (3) (streams)

  • big (streams) – an adjective, denotes the attribute of an object: streams (which ones?) are big;

2) Initial form – large; in plural, in the nominative case;

3) In a sentence it is a definition


Spring timidly enters the tundra and looks around (4).

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, simple, common.

Grammatical basis: spring (subject), enters, looks around (homogeneous predicates).

Secondary members of the sentence: (enters) timidly - circumstance; (enters) the tundra - circumstance

Place the accent mark in the following words.

Cakes, lighten, cement, quarter.


  • Task 3 tests the development of linguistic competence: mastery of accentological (orthoepic) norms.
  • Task 3 is assessed from 0 to 2 points.

All words are stressed correctly

Only three words are stressed correctly

Only one or two words are stressed correctly. OR The emphasis in all words is incorrect / not placed

Above each word write what part of speech it is expressed in. Write down which parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

  • In mid-April, nightingales return to their homeland from Africa.


The answer must be, firstly, required a list of missing parts of speech known to children (if any): pronoun, particle, conjunction, preposition. And secondly, possible, But optional indication of those missing from the proposal adverbs, numeral, interjection.

Identification of parts of speech in a sentence

Failure to indicate the part of speech above a word in a written sentence is equivalent to an error

All parts of speech in the sentence are correctly identified

One mistake made

Two mistakes were made

More than two errors were made

Indicating missing parts of speech

All parts of speech missing in the sentence are correctly indicated. OR All independent parts of speech missing in the sentence from the list of mandatory ones are correctly indicated, while one auxiliary part of speech from the list of mandatory ones is replaced by part(s) of speech from the list of optional ones

One of the independent parts of speech missing from the sentence (from the list of required parts) is not indicated. OR All independent parts of speech from the list of mandatory ones that are missing in the sentence are correctly indicated, while two auxiliary parts of speech from the list of mandatory ones are replaced by parts of speech from the list of optional ones.

Two independent parts of speech missing from the sentence (from the list of required parts) are not indicated.

Maximum score

Write a sentence with direct speech. (There is no punctuation included.) Add any necessary punctuation. Outline your proposal.

1) According to Deniska, he learned the entire poem by heart

2) Deniska timidly said that he did not understand Raisa Ivanovna’s question

3) Raisa Ivanovna said loudly Deniska will read the poems of the Russian poet Nekrasov

4) Why are you reciting Denis’s poem so confusingly?

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuation marks are placed correctly ( Raisa Ivanovna said loudly: “Deniska will read the poems of the Russian poet Nekrasov.”)

OR The answer is incorrect

Drawing up a proposal outline

The sentence diagram is drawn up correctly ( P: "Ah.")

The sentence outline is correct; there is one punctuation error.

The sentence outline is correct, but there are two or more punctuation errors.

OR The answer is incorrect

Maximum score

Write down a sentence that requires a comma/commas. (There are no punctuation marks within sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

  • Masha loves to paint landscapes with watercolors.

2) Take new brushes and watercolor paints from the table!

3) First, friends, draw the outlines of the objects.

4) At art school we paint landscapes and still lifes.


  • NB! The rationale for choosing the proposal must be explained. As a rule, the sentence you are looking for contains an appeal.

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence was correctly defined; one mistake was made when placing punctuation marks.

The sentence was correctly defined, but two (or more) errors were made when placing punctuation marks.

OR The answer is incorrect

The choice of proposal is correctly explained ( this is a proposal with an appeal. OR Appeal. OR Appeal within a sentence

Wrong answer

Maximum score

Write down a sentence that requires a comma. (There are no punctuation marks inside sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

  • All night long winter knitted lace patterns and generously distributed outfits to the trees.

2) The last islands of snow disappear and green grass breaks through to the light.

3) Snow carefully wrapped all the trees and covered the ground with a white cape.

4) The long-awaited sun appeared and filled the entire neighborhood with bright light.


Recognize sentences and place punctuation marks.

NB! The rationale for choosing the proposal must be explained. As a rule, the task involves delimiting simple sentences With homogeneous members from complex ones.

Sentence recognition and punctuation

The sentence is correctly defined and punctuated

The sentence was correctly defined; one mistake was made when placing punctuation marks.

The sentence was correctly defined, but two (or more) errors were made when placing punctuation marks.

OR The answer is incorrect

Explanation of the basis for choosing the proposal

The choice of sentence is correctly explained, for example: this is a difficult proposition. OR There are two in the sentence grammar basics . The explanation for the choice can be formulated differently

Wrong answer

Maximum score


  • Tasks 8 – 10 check the formation

 skills various types reading and information processing of text;

 adequate understanding of texts of various functional and semantic types of speech and functional varieties of language;

 skills in analyzing a text in terms of its topic, purpose, main idea, main and additional information.

Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

Assessment Guidelines

The main idea is defined correctly and completely; the sentence is constructed correctly, words are used in their proper meaning

The main idea is defined correctly, but not fully enough; The sentence is constructed correctly, words are used in it in their proper meaning. OR The main idea is defined correctly, completely; There are one or two speech errors in the sentence. OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not fully enough; there is one speech flaw in the sentence

The main idea is defined correctly and completely; There are more than two speech errors in the sentence. OR The main idea is defined correctly, but not fully enough; There are two or more speech errors in the sentence. OR The main idea is not defined / incorrectly defined, regardless of the presence / absence of speech defects in sentence construction and word usage

Maximum score

The correct answer is given; the sentence may contain one speech error or one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error

The correct answer is given; the sentence may contain one speech error and one spelling, or one punctuation, or one grammatical error. OR The correct answer is given; the sentence may contain one speech error and two spelling errors in the absence of punctuation and grammatical errors. OR The correct answer is given; the sentence may contain one speech error and two punctuation errors in the absence of spelling and grammatical errors. OR The correct answer is given; the sentence may contain one speech error and two grammatical errors in the absence of spelling and punctuation errors. In total, no more than three errors in total should be made in a sentence containing the correct answer (including only one speech error)

The correct answer was given, but more than three errors were made in the sentence. OR The answer is incorrect

Maximum score

  • Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 10−13 of the text. Write down your answer.
  • In sentences 9–11, find a word with the meaning “feeling of anxiety, worry.” Write this word down.
  • In sentences 4-6, find the antonym for the word “in the morning” and write it down.
  • The correct answer to each of tasks 10–12 is scored 1 score.

Template source:

Ranko Elena Alekseevna

primary school teacher

MAOU Lyceum No. 21



Internet resources:

certificate (to create a frame)

pen, inkwell, paper

handle - 1

Mark students for completion VPR for schools Not recommended. However, many are interested in the question of converting VPR points into a grade. The answer can be found in the demo versions of VPR 2018 for grade 4, published on the official website of VPR StatGrad. Here is the scale of test scores for 2018:

Scale for converting VPR 2018 points into grades for grade 4

Item 2 3 4 5 Evaluation criteria
(see the end of the sample)
mathematics 0-5 6-9 10-12 13-18 download
Russian language 0-13 14-23 24-32 33-38 download
the world 0-7 8-17 18-26 27-32 download

The VPR evaluation criteria can be found in the demo version.

No special preparation is required for the test. Controlled content is reflected in textbooks included in the Federal List of Textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the implementation of relevant state accreditation educational programs primary general education.

The conversion of VPR 2018 points into grades for 4th grade is almost the same as in 2017, with the exception of the world around us, where the maximum score has been increased to 38 (from 37).

Performance evaluation system individual tasks VPR in mathematics and testing work in general.

Each correctly completed task 1, 2, 4, 5 (item 1), 5 (item 2), 6 (item 1), 6 (item 2), 7, 9 (item 1), 9 (item 2) is scored 1 point .

The task is considered completed correctly if the student gave the correct answer: wrote down the correct number, the correct value, drew the correct picture.

Completion of tasks 3, 8, 10, 11 is assessed from 0 to 2 points.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks in the Russian language and testing work in general.

Correctly completed work is scored 38 points. Completion of task 1 is assessed according to criteria from 0 to 7 points. The answer to each of tasks 2, 7, 12, 13, 15 is scored from 0 to 3 points. Answers to task 3 for point 1) are scored from 0 to 1 point, for point 2) - from 0 to 3 points.

A system for assessing the completion of individual tasks of the VPR in the surrounding world and testing work in general.

Correctly completed work is scored 32 points. The correct answer to each of tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is worth 1 point. A complete correct answer to each of tasks 2, 3.1 is scored 2 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or one required number not written), 1 point is given; if two or more mistakes are made - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 3.3 is worth 3 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or one required number not written), 2 points are awarded; if two errors are made - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3–10 are assessed according to the criteria. A complete correct answer to each of tasks 1, 5, 6.3 is scored 2 points, to tasks 7–9 - 3 points, to task 10 - 6 points. The answer to each of tasks 4, 6, 8, 11 is scored from 0 to 2 points. The correct answer to each of tasks 5, 9, 10, 14 is worth 1 point.