How to fill out a veterinary passport for cats, sample. Certificate and veterinary passport of the animal

The dog is the most common type of pet in many countries of the world, including Russia. Regardless of its origin, the dog must have certain documents, the number and list of which directly depend on several important factors.

Why does a dog need documents?

The lack of the most basic documents when purchasing a puppy can cause a number of problems:

  • the potential buyer will not have complete confidence in the purebred pet;
  • there is no complete and reliable information about the dog’s ancestors, and, accordingly, about possible hereditary or genetic problems;
  • in puppyhood the dog does not always have appearance, similar to the exterior of an adult pet, so making sure it belongs to the breed in the absence of documents can be very problematic;
  • offspring obtained from stud dogs not allowed for breeding, as a rule, fall into the category of “just a friend”, therefore purchasing them for the purpose of using them in an exhibition career or breeding is inappropriate;
  • no guarantee of offspring from a completely healthy parent couple and the risk of purchasing a breeding marriage at a high cost.

Important! It should be noted that on front side true pedigree in mandatory The logo of the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) or FCI (International Cynological Organization) must be present.

Purchasing a dog without documents is a big lottery, so experts do not advise buying such animals even at a very attractive price, trusting the seller’s words about absolute purebred.

As a rule, pets do not have basic documents, the owners of which try to hide their origin or the presence of quite severe genetic diseases or vices. Only the information specified in official documents dogs allow you to rationally and competently select a parent pair in order to obtain promising puppies, which subsequently become representatives of the breed.

The pedigree of a dog is a kind of passport, which indicates not only the name and breed, but also the characteristics of the origin of the animal. It is the last parameter in the dog’s pedigree that requires special attention, and should provide insight into several generations of producers. Such a document should contain the maximum full story the origin of the pet and its genus.

Conventionally, the pedigree can be divided into several parts:

  • indication of the number assigned upon issue, breed and nickname, date of birth, presence of a brand or microchip;
  • information about the owner and breeder, including last name, first name and patronymic, as well as address information;
  • complete information about several generations of ancestors.

Important! The absence of a pedigree is a reason to suspect an unscheduled mating, as a result of which the pet being sold was born.

The existing Russian version of the pedigree is valid only in our country, and an export document is required for animals that are regularly exported abroad. The certificate of dog ownership and the birth certificate belong to the documents of the RKF.

To obtain a pedigree, a certificate issued to puppies must be provided. Without a metric, it is impossible to document the identity of the animal. The main document is filled out based on the pet's metrics and is issued by the authorized organization only after the puppies have been activated.

Registration of a zero or registered pedigree for a dog can be complicated by some limiting factors:

  • the absence in the certificate of information about the ancestors of the acquired dog;
  • lack of admission of animals with “null” to breeding.

As practice shows, in order to obtain a zero pedigree, which gives the right to further breeding, the origin of the animal must be proven and high scores must be obtained from three different exhibition shows. Such a registered pedigree also allows the pet to be regularly shown at shows, but without receiving a championship title.

Documents for a puppy

The metric is a certificate issued to the owner of the puppy by the dog handlers association and the owner of the kennel. This document contains the most basic information about the pet, including its breed, name, gender, exterior features, date of birth, information about the owner of the nursery and the parents of the animal. The certificate must be stamped by the organization where the document was issued.

When choosing a purebred puppy, you should also pay attention to the presence of the following documents:

  • « Act on breeding breeding dogs" Such a document confirms that the mating of a bitch and a dog took place. The act indicates the date of mating, details of the owners of such dogs and the basic conditions of mating. Three copies of the certificate of mating of breeding dogs are signed by the owners of the male and female. One copy is left with the organization registering the mating, the other two remain with the owners of the bitch and the dog;
  • « Activation of puppy inspection" The document is issued to puppies aged from three to four weeks to one and a half months. The “Puppy Inspection Report” indicates the breed characteristics of the animal, as well as the color and characteristics that correspond to the established breed standards.

This is interesting! It should be remembered that the main documents of the puppy must be presented with originals or copies of the pedigrees of the RKF stud dogs, exhibition diplomas of the dog’s parents, certificates of mating, examinations and certification, as well as a veterinary passport with all notes on the treatment and preventive measures carried out.

After the dog turns fifteen months old, the card must be replaced with a certificate of origin, which is issued by the Russian Canine Federation. A “Veterinary Passport” is also a mandatory document for a breed animal. In such international document information about the name of the vaccine and the date of its implementation, as well as about the deworming activities carried out, is displayed.

Veterinary passport

Veterinary passport Dogs will need to be registered during the puppy’s very first vaccination. A document that is drawn up in violation of the rules is most often declared invalid. Violations may be represented by:

  • lack of special stickers;
  • lack of vaccination data;
  • lack of seals and signatures.

Having a properly executed veterinary passport containing all the information about timely vaccinations allows the owner of a pet to obtain a veterinary certificate in Form No. 1 from the State Veterinary Service.

Such a document allows the dog to be transported by public land and air transport. The certificate is issued three days before the trip. It is important to remember that only accredited state veterinary institutions and licensed private practitioners veterinarians, it is allowed to issue permits.

Travel documents

As practice shows, the standard set of documents required for traveling with a four-legged pet can vary significantly depending on the rules and requirements in force in the territory of the place where the trip is planned.

The set of documents required for traveling with a pet across the territory of our country is presented:

  • veterinary passport;
  • a copy of the pedigree.

A set of documents that will be required for traveling with a dog within the territory of the Customs Union countries is presented:

  • veterinary passport;
  • veterinary certificate of the Customs Union in the form “F-1”;
  • a copy of the pedigree.

The standard set of documents required for traveling with a pet outside the borders of our country and the Customs Union is presented:

  • veterinary passport;
  • veterinary certificate in form N-5a,
  • results of tests for antibodies to diseases such as rabies;
  • customs declaration;
  • a copy of the pedigree.

The set of documents that will be required for traveling with a dog in Europe is presented:

  • veterinary passport;
  • veterinary certificate in form N-5a and its annex;
  • EU veterinary certificate. Availability of an international veterinary passport and a conclusion from the state veterinary service based on the results of the examination clinical examination makes issuing a certificate in Form No. 1 optional;
  • customs declaration;
  • results of tests for the absence of antibodies to rabies;
  • a copy of the pedigree.

Important! Remember that the Regulations on Uniform order Veterinary control at customs regulates the rules for the import of products that are used to feed dogs. You can only import products with a special permit or veterinary certificate.

When returning to territory belonging to Customs Union, veterinary rules The dog is required to visit a veterinarian. In this case, the veterinary passport must contain marks that indicate proper vaccination pet and conducting a clinical examination of the animal.

Documents for the exhibition

To participate in exhibition shows, the dog must be of purebred origin, which is always evidenced by the pedigree issued by the breeder or the club organization in which the stud bitch used for mating is registered. Most often, breeders give buyers a puppy card, which must subsequently be exchanged for a full pedigree document.

Such an exchange is allowed only after the puppy has received a description at a special exhibition. In addition to the puppy card or pedigree, you will need to obtain a veterinary passport, which must contain a note about rabies vaccination. You will also need to prepare a veterinary certificate, but sometimes such a document can be prepared directly at the exhibition.

This is interesting! Thus, in order for a pet to have the opportunity to take part in a well-known foreign exhibition, it is necessary to exchange the Russian pedigree for an Interpedigree filled out in Latin script in advance, as well as obtain a customs permit from the Russian Federation and ensure the availability of a Veterinary Passport.

A pedigree for a dog may also be required for a pet to participate in exhibitions abroad. Dogs bred in Russia may well prove their “pedigree”, which is beyond doubt in other countries. In this case, it is necessary to issue a so-called “export” pedigree, issued by the Russian Cynological Federation on the basis of internal pedigree data. Preparing an export pedigree takes about a couple of weeks, which must be taken into account when planning a trip with your pet to a foreign exhibition.

A veterinary passport for dogs is one of the most important documents in their life. However, as for any person. The presence of this document with the pet allows the owner to transport the dog within the country, and can also travel abroad. Moreover, today the majority purebred dogs participates in exhibitions and competitions; a veterinary passport is also required for this.

What information about the dog should I provide?

In addition to information about the animal itself, the dog’s veterinary passport also contains some information about its owner. The advantage of such a document is that thanks to such a passport, each dog owner will remember the upcoming vaccination date; this information is indicated in the passport. What information about the dog is included in the international passport?

A veterinary passport should be issued when the pet is still in at a young age, during the first visit to specialized veterinary clinics. First of all, in such a document the doctor enters information about the pet’s date of birth, its name, breed and coat color, and pastes in its photograph.

A separate column is separated for filling in special signs that will be able to detect it if the dog is lost. In addition, a complete report is filled out on all dates of injections, vaccinations and other preventive procedures. There is also a separate column where you need to indicate full information about the animal’s breeder, for this purpose the doctor writes down the person’s full initials, address, registration and contact telephone number for communication.

Special attention is paid to the column where the doctor fills in information about the dates of vaccinations, which every dog ​​owner must attend. This column should be filled out as accurately as possible with all additional information. The veterinarian writes the date of these procedures and what medication was used. After this, you need to put a special sticker next to the name of the medicine, certifying the authenticity of the passport, and you also need to put the seal of the organization that was involved in the production of the veterinary passport for your pet at the bottom. At the end the doctor signs, this signature testifies to the passage of all necessary procedures vaccinations.

Such a document can be purchased at any pet store, online store that produces passports, or at a veterinary clinic. Price policy usually amounts to no more than one hundred rubles.

What do you need to know when preparing a document?

When you go to a veterinary clinic to get a passport for your pet, you must have a photograph of the dog with you, which will have a clear, not blurry image. It should also be taken into account that the animal must be over one year old at the time the photograph is taken.

There are cases when veterinary passports are filled out by unqualified doctors with a number of errors and incorrect information, as a result of which such documents are invalid and the owner has to redo it again. Therefore, if it is necessary to produce this document, you should choose an organization with good reviews and long work experience.

Filling out a veterinary passport for dogs requires compliance certain rules for a doctor. Therefore, in the absence of special stickers in the passport, the names medications that were used for vaccination, there is no veterinarian’s signature, such a document, when presented, will have no meaning, you will lose not only money, but also time to restore again. When receiving a passport from the clinic, you should carefully review and study it, since an uncorrected error in the passport in a timely manner may serve as a reason for refusing to transport your pet.

If the passport is filled out in accordance with all the rules, then you can receive a certificate of form F-1, which is issued in special veterinary services. Presentation of such a certificate is required when transporting a dog by any type of transport. This certificate issued no earlier than three days before transportation. The certificate can only be obtained from specialized government agencies, issuing such a certificate in private organizations will not have a license.

If the veterinary passport for dogs is lost

In case of unexpected loss of your passport due to certain circumstances, you can easily restore it. To obtain this opportunity, the owner should contact the organization that last vaccinated the dog. The clinic provides all the necessary information about the vaccination procedure, as well as where it was carried out.

Applications from all visitors are recorded in a special journal, so if necessary, you can create an archive of all patient requests. This measure makes it possible to control patient visits, and also allows you to store data on various procedures for a long time.

In addition, all clinics are required to keep such records, since today the legislature obliges veterinary clinics submit a report on their activities for a certain period. Such documents are stored for ten years.

IN modern world owners of their pets prefer the microchipping system and for good reason, because this is the function that allows them to preserve important information and information about the furry patient; in addition, if the passport is lost, it can be quickly restored using this function.

When issuing documents and certificates in clinics that indicate permission to transport an animal and participate in various exhibitions, carefully check all the details and information provided. Be sure to pay attention to this process, since very often owners miss any important components in the issued document.

How to fill out a veterinary passport correctly?

Such a certificate is a booklet where all the sheets are numbered and several columns are separated for filling in the necessary information.

Important! All fields must be filled out in block letters and in clear and legible handwriting. All information must be written in two languages: English and Russian.

A sample of filling out a dog passport consists of the following sequences:

  • The first pages of the certificate contain information about the owner and the dog. The gender of the animal must be checked. If the animal has been castrated or sterilized, then this information is also checked next to it. If the pet was microchipped, then the date of start of use and where the device is located is indicated.
  • The image of the dog should be on the first page of the document; it is best if the photo shows the animal in full height. If the dog belongs to hunting breed, then it should be photographed on the left.
  • As we said earlier, there are special fields for the breeder where you need to fill in complete information about him.
  • On subsequent pages, in separate columns, you need to enter the dates of vaccinations, vaccinations and other procedures. This information is filled out exclusively by the veterinarian, and a special sticker is also pasted in and his signature is added.
  • After filling out the basic information, you should fill out the tables that are provided for information about the dates of procedures against ticks, fleas and preventive measures against worms. Such tables can be filled out by the breeder himself.
  • Data about reproductive system the animal must be filled out directly by the owner. It is necessary to indicate the breeding dates, as well as the number of puppies born, as well as the correct date of birth.

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If you are the owner of a puppy, then you may be required to obtain certain documents. You may want to travel or take an animal abroad. Or participate with your pet at exhibitions or offer the dog for planned matings? For all this you need to obtain the appropriate papers. What documents may be required for your dog and how can they be obtained?


Puppy's first documents

To the owner small pet together with the fluffy ball are given away by the breeder important documents on the dog, which “certify the identity” of the puppy. One of the first is the so-called puppy card, into which the dog’s metric is entered. Before a dog receives a pedigree, he must be given such a card. The second is a veterinary passport for the dog, which contains all the vaccinations given. Why are they needed and how to get them?

Puppy card (metric)

This initial passport for a dog is valid until it reaches 15 months of age, after which it can be changed. Usually the replacement is made with a pedigree confirmed by the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation). As a rule, it is formalized by the breeder, who always invites a dog handler to evaluate the puppies and their compliance with breed standards.

The puppy's metric must indicate the breed's deficiencies, defects, color of the animal, gender, date of birth, as well as information about the parents. It contains the pet's name and information about the puppy's brand. A puppy card is considered valid provided that it bears the RKF seal and the signature of the breeder.

There may be situations in which the metric may be lost. In this case, it can be obtained by the number of the brand on the puppy’s body.

Veterinary passport

In addition to the puppy card, your pet will need a second document. This is a passport for a dog, which contains information about all vaccinations of the puppy. Separately enter information about the puppy being microchipped, if it was done (or the brand number).

It looks like an ordinary book, which contains 10-12 pages. It is done as follows: the date is entered in one column, and information about the manipulations performed in the other. For correct filling there is a sample.

It is important to note that a veterinary passport for a dog can be obtained from the state veterinarian. clinic, which includes everything that is required for its liquidity. The form also contains information about the owner (full name, address, phone number, etc.), according to the RKF. This passport is also important as the puppy grows up, since the information entered there still remains relevant.

International veterinary passport

If you are planning to travel abroad with your pet, you will need to obtain a document that will allow the animal to leave the country. This is an international veterinary passport. It is issued specifically for taking a dog abroad and contains information about vaccinations, reproductive activity of the animal, etc. The difference from a regular passport for a dog is that it is filled out in two languages.

How to get it? First, you will need a form that you can get at the clinic; in the document for the dog you need to indicate the pet’s name, its color, and date of birth. The passport is sent to the clinic, where it is necessary to make notes about the vaccination of the puppy or adult dog. Please note that vaccination requirements may vary from country to country, so it is best to find out which ones are required in your case. Without the necessary vaccinations, you and your pet may not be allowed to cross the border.

All information about the puppy or adult dog indicated by the veterinarian, and signed and stamped by the clinic. A dog's passport, properly prepared, gives the right to travel. Of course, the removal of the dog to another state. This is what an international veterinary passport looks like.

Pedigree RKF

The most important document for a dog is the pedigree. It is of great importance if you have a purebred pet and you plan to participate with it in exhibitions (including export abroad) and breeding work. What is a pedigree?

The pedigree usually contains a list of previous generations of your pet. In fact, this is documentary evidence of the puppy’s origin.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts.

  1. The first of them indicates color, breed, coat type, nickname, date of birth, gender, brand or chip.
  2. The second part of the pedigree is dedicated to the owner; information about the owner is entered here - full name, telephone number, address. In the second column, according to the requirements of the RKF, the name of the male who participated in the breeding is indicated.
  3. The third part contains the name of the mother who gave birth to your pet. If there are none, then the pedigree will not be considered completed. It also indicates the titles if the puppy’s ancestors had any (i.e. champions, exhibition winners, etc.).

How to get a?

Usually such paper is issued by RKF. As a rule, before this, the dog owner has a metric, which contains all the necessary information, including for export abroad. Today there is no need to show your dog to experts - just buy a purebred puppy with documents. The most important thing is that the breeder is honest, since any data can be checked, including animal passports. To prevent you from becoming the owner of an expensive, but for some reason “rejected” puppy, deal exclusively with proven kennel clubs that will not let you down.

So, having received a metric approved by the RKF, the owner of a purebred dog has the right, when it reaches 15 months, to exchange it for a pedigree. Without this exchange, the animal has no right to participate in breeding work or exhibitions. RKF necessarily checks the correctness of the metrics and all data regarding the puppy. And only in this case the owner receives a pedigree for the pet.

Zero pedigree

If for some reason your puppy ends up without documents, you can try to get them at RKF. Among them important place is assigned a zero pedigree - a document that indicates that your dog becomes the ancestor and it is with him that the breeding of purebred individuals will begin. How to get such paper?

Receipt procedure

This will require the dog to be certified by three experts in accordance with all the rules in order for the pet to be recognized as a purebred. If assessed as “very good”, the dog may be given a zero RKF pedigree and breeding of the breed will begin with it.

List of documents for taking a dog abroad

In order for a dog to be exported abroad, certain documents may be required for the dog.

Among them are the main ones:

  • veterinary passport for dogs of international standard with notes on vaccination against various diseases, including against rabies;
  • electronic identification (it is better to make a microchip);
  • documents for the dog, which indicate the registration of the animal;
  • certificate of tests, including blood status;
  • a doctor’s note stating that anthelmintic therapy was received;
  • a certificate of breeding value of the pet must also be filled out;
  • Form No. 1, issued by a veterinarian;
  • certificate of health status of the pet, which must be issued for English language.

Having such documents in hand, you will be able to export your dog abroad and not worry about being stopped along the way.

Video “Travel Abroad”

This video will talk about an international veterinary passport for four-legged friends for export abroad.

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Today I want to talk about such a useful thing as a veterinary passport or an international vaccination certificate. In this article we will dwell in more detail on how to fill out a veterinary passport for dogs and cats. Our website already has an article about what a veterinary passport is, you can read it.

How to choose a veterinary passport?

Depending on what kind of animal you have, purchase the appropriate passport. The passports themselves are universal; they can be created for cats, dogs and other animals. There are passports for cats and dogs, most of them are international, in such a passport the columns are duplicated in English, I came across passports where English and Finnish were present. In any case, the difference between an international veterinary passport is that it has a translation into English; with such a passport, your pet will easily pass veterinary control in any country in the world.

Where can I get a veterinary passport?

Veterinary passports (forms) are freely sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, clinics and offices. In addition, a passport is issued either by the breeder when you buy a kitten or puppy, or it will be given to you by a veterinarian after he gives it to your pet.

How to fill out a veterinary passport correctly.

Fill out the veterinary passport dogs or cats is not at all difficult. Most of the entries are made by a veterinarian; the owner fills out only a few fields.

Pets photo

I think everything is clear here. You can take a photo of your cat or dog and paste the resulting photo into your passport; no stamps are required, and filling out this field is at the request of the owner.

Description of the animal / Main information

Pets name

Filled out in accordance with the card or metric received from the breeder/kennel, if the animal is purebred, if not - arbitrarily.


Here, too, we indicate the breed as in the metric; for “ordinary” cats and dogs we write the word “Mestis”.

Date of birth

We indicate the exact date if there is a metric; if not, we write an approximate one.

Gender in animals is written as male and female, not male and female. You can indicate the gender as “cat”, “cat”, “male” and “bitch”, but the latter looks like a curse word, so it’s better to be a female or you can draw “shield and spear of Mars” or “mirror of Venus”, for those who have artistic abilities.


Either we write off the metrics or think for ourselves. For white and black animals everything is simple, we write “white” or “black”. There are also more complex options, for example, “tortoiseshell” or “black and tan”; here the easiest way is to look on the Internet for photographs of the colors of six cats and dogs and their names, then select the one you want and write it down in your passport.

Distinguishing marks

Usually these are some color features, for example, white spot behind the ear, “socks” on the front paws. Describe in this field distinctive feature your pet, if you have one.

Animal card number

Pedigree number

We take these numbers from the document received from the breeder or nursery; if not, we leave empty fields.

Tatoo (tag) number

This applies more to dogs, if puppies get a tattoo with the number of the kennel, this number is an identifier, and it is indicated in the passport. IN Lately Stigma is becoming less and less common; instead, dogs and cats are microchipped.

This is where the owner completes filling out data about the animal, such fields as

Identification number

Information about animal registration / Pets Registration

To be completed by a veterinarian.

Information about the pet owner is also filled in independently. There is nothing complicated, we write the last name, first name and patronymic, address and telephone number.


The fields are filled in by the breeder; if not, leave them blank.

All other fields will be filled out by the veterinarian.

To fill out, use from our website. Do not use old, shortened or altered forms; the data may be incomplete and erroneous.
- The form must be filled out on a computer, or neatly and legibly in printed characters by hand. (The application form in MS Word format is made in the form of a template with the required font sizes, length of fields, date format, etc., for more convenient and correct filling out the card and its subsequent printing.)
- The form must be filled out in two languages ​​(Russian, English); for this purpose, two fields are provided for each detail. Please fill out all fields legibly, completely and correctly in Russian and English.
- It is best to send a photo of the animal by E-mail, but you can also send it along with the application, the main thing is not to forget to indicate the chip number of the animal to which it belongs.
- On back side forms, you can add information that does not fit in the “Additional information” field, as well as your wishes, comments, tips, etc.
- The form must be signed in the clinic that microchipped the animal or in any other where there is a device for reading chips and can check its presence and compliance with the declared number.
- Send the completed form by regular mail, not by registered mail (from our experience, registered letters take longer) to the address: Ukraine 04114, Kyiv-114, PO Box No. 73, Ilyich R.

Microchip code:
- 15-digit unique number. There are only 15 numbers, without any letters in front or after. (This is the most important element of the application; double-check that it is filled out correctly.)

Chipping date:
- The date when chipping was performed, in the format “03/22/2011” (date, month, year), or in the format “2011-03-22” (year-month-date), but not “2011-22- 03” (year-day-month), as is sometimes filled in, we do not live in America and if you enter the date in this format into computers in our region, the result will be unpredictable and will lead to an error. Please fill out this field carefully. This field is required. Even exact date unknown, the most accurate approximate value is indicated. (The computer does not have the ability to enter the date as: “00.00.2015” or “2015”. In this case, we enter the date as: “01.01.2015”.)

Kind of animal:
- Type of animal (dog, cat, horse, bird, fish, rodent, etc.). Filled out in two languages, each in its own field.

- The breed of the animal in the correct spelling, as in dictionaries and catalogues, as well as the name of the breed in English. Very often the name of the breed is twisted beyond recognition, please clarify the breed of your pet and try to indicate it correctly and completely.

- Gender of the animal (female/male).

- Veterinary passport of the animal, if available. There are “unnumbered” passports - let’s indicate “numberless”. (If there are pedigrees, puppy or other documents, they can be indicated in the “Additional information” field.)

Date of Birth:
- Date of birth of the animal, in the format “03/22/2011” (Same rules as “Date of chipping”). Even if the exact date of birth is unknown, the most accurate approximate value is indicated.

- The color color of the animal, preferably in the form (brown, black and white, speckled red, etc.), and not (b14, m16 - such a notation is incomprehensible to many, this can be added in parentheses as a clarification), as well as its analogue in English. ).

- The full name of the animal, and also, if there is an abbreviated one, add next to it in brackets, and accordingly the full name, according to the passport, in English. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

Additional information:
- This is the field with the most voluminous information. Here you can enter: special features of the animal, tattoo, pedigree number, information about the owner, address, contact information, etc. And don’t forget to correctly translate and describe all this in English. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

The department that carried out the chipping:
- Clinic (organization) where microchipping was performed. Indicate the name, address, contact details, full name. the person who performed the chipping. If the animal was imported from abroad and there is no data on the place of microchipping, the clinic (organization) that checked the chip and certified the data is indicated. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

I confirm the correctness of the data:
- Signature and stamp of the doctor who performed the chipping or checked the presence of the installed chip for its compliance.

(space for sticking a label with a barcode)
- Here we glue one of the stickers with a barcode that comes with the chip.