Class hour "initiation to fifth graders." Class teacher's wish


Form: holiday - travel

Preparatory work:

  1. Purchasing sweets and balloons.
  2. Presentation

introduction class teacher: Dear Guys! Today our entire country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you fifth graders, this is an unusual day, because today you crossed the threshold for the first time high school. Fifth grade is its very first step, but gradually, rising from step to step, you will become graduates, you will be as beautiful and smart as our graduates today. The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, to benefit our country.

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"script on September 1 for 5th grade"

Class hour

Target: adaptation of fifth graders to new system training, creating a favorable atmosphere.

Form: holiday - travel

Preparatory work:

    Making “Business Cards” for all participants of the holiday.

    Purchasing sweets and balloons.


    Numbers two cut out of paper

As students, parents and guests take their seats, the presentation begins. (slides No. 1-2)

introduction class teacher: Dear guys! Today our entire country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you fifth graders, this is an unusual day, because today you crossed the threshold of high school for the first time. Fifth grade is its very first step, but gradually, rising from step to step, you will become graduates, you will be as beautiful and smart as our graduates today. The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

Studying will bring you a lot of new and unusual things into your life: new subjects, new teachers, and new problems, but I hope that you and I will overcome all the problems, because we will solve them together and help each other. We will try to make sure that everyone in our team has a good time, like in a big friendly family.

Congratulations from the class teacher:

It all starts with a school bell:
Road to the stars! Secrets of the ocean.
All this will be late or sooner,
Everything is ahead, guys, but for now...
That word does not bend,
The example doesn't work
It all starts with the school bell. Slide No. 3)

(The bell is ringing )

You know, guys, in order to learn more and study well, you have to work hard. People say: “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”; “Patience and work will grind everything down.” What proverbs do you know about the benefits of knowledge?
1st student.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
2nd student.
All speech requires the mind.
3rd student.
Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.
4th student.
They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
5th student.
Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost. (Slide No. 4)

Press conference of the class teacher for parents and guests

Classroom teacher: Now guys, I want to get to know you better. You knew me as a teacher at our school, and now allow me to introduce myself: I am your class teacher, Yarosh Natalya Anatolyevna. And I start my press conference. You guys will act as journalists. You can ask me your questions if you want to know more about me. (example questions from children: How old are you? What subject do you teach? What are your hobbies?)

Classroom teacher: This concludes my press conference. Thanks for the questions.

KR: Now we'll go on a “journey through the Planet of Knowledge.”

(Slide No. 5

Here is a map of the Planet of Knowledge. On this map there are countries and continents that are already familiar to you, and there are also unexplored territories that you are yet to learn about. Now we will travel across all continents of the Planet of Knowledge. But the names of the continents we will go to are encrypted in riddles. The riddles are in this box (there are notes with riddles here). Children take turns taking notes with riddles out of the box, reading them, and guessing..

Riddles about school subjects(for cards):

    The necessary science, gymnastics for the mind, will teach us to think.....(mathematics)

    Any student will be literate if he knows .... (Russian language)

    Do you want to drive around different countries, you need to know the language .... (foreign)

    We will love books, we will improve our culture in the lessons .... (literature)

    Will strengthen the muscles of all children…..(physical education)

    Paintings, paints, high feelings - this is what ... (fine art) teaches

    Mastering work with passion - for this you need ... (labor training)

    The distant past, ancient territories - this is studied by science...


    Will teach you to know and love nature... (natural history)

    Lessons from ... (computer science) lead us into the world of computer grammar.

KR: Well done! You've solved the riddles

We will now check how ready you are to study these subjects.

Competition program"Kaleidoscope of Lessons"

Warm up. (slide number 6)

1. Which is easier: a pound of cotton wool or a pound of iron?

2. Add to 7 5. How to write correctly: “eleven” or “eleven”?

3. An old woman was walking to Moscow, and three old men met her. How many people went to Moscow?

4. Two people played chess for 4 hours. How long did each person play?

5. The Earth's satellite makes one revolution in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the second revolution in 100 minutes. How does this work?

KR: Well done! You did an excellent job with the warm-up. Now let's stay longer on each island of knowledge.

Mathematics Island. (slide number 7)

KR: Let me introduce your math teacher:

Mathematics teacher Olga Nikolaevna asked me to test your knowledge in mathematics:

1. Write the number 1000 using action signs and the number 3 six times. (333 * 3 + 3: 3)

2. A pair of horses ran 40 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse run? (40 kilometers)

3. There were 7 candles burning in the room, the boy, passing by, put out 2 candles, how many candles were left? (2 candles, the rest burned out)

4. 6 sparrows were sitting in the garden bed, 5 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (1, the rest flew away)

Island of Russian language and literature (slide number 8)

KR: Let me introduce the teacher of Russian language and literature (full name)

1. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work. ("Turnip")

2. A poem that can compete with a novel. (Poem)

3. The neighbor who fought for brotherly love. (Gerda)

4. Bound leaves of printed material. (Book)

5. A fairy tale about a hostel (teremok)

Natural History Islandslide No. 9 (full name)

2. Black gold. (Coal)

3. Beach deposits. (Sand)

4. Liquid mineral, distributed in the sedimentary shell of the Earth. (Oil)

5. Land as a carbon copy. (Map)

Island "History"(slide number 10)

1. Flowers in the sky. (Firework)

2. Contributions to the state. (Tax)

3 A migrant to a foreign country. (Ambassador)

4. Holy book Muslims (Koran)

5. generalissimo, who has not lost a single battle. (Suvorov)

6. The city of the first fireworks. (Belgorod)

Island "Physical Culture"(slide number 11)

1. Running around in nature. (Cross)

2. Black rubber flat disc. (Washer)

3. Sports competitions in specially prepared cars. (Rally)

4. Knocking out the carpet with the backs of athletes. (Sambo)

5. The beginning, the starting point of any speed competition. (Start)

6. This is not the place for a cow dance. (Ice rink)

KR: Survival Island (slide No. 12)

Our last “Survival” island, through which we will get to the “Land of Knowledge”. Here you will be taught how to survive in this world, you will learn the rules of behavior in any situation, and safety rules.

Who can answer how to cross the road correctly? (First, look left, walk to the middle of the road, look right and walk the rest of the road.)

Fire safety rules (call 01 , call your mom, make yourself known by knocking: either on the wall or on the radiator, close the door to the room tightly, tuck a rag underneath and shout out the window (window), close wet rag mouth and nose, and quickly crawl out of the room).

Rules for safe behavior during a terrorist attack : do not touch, do not kick any objects: packages, boxes, do not panic, if possible, quickly leave the room and tell an adult.

Rules for safe behavior in a crime-prone environment: never brag to anyone about buying expensive things, don’t open the door to anyone who is strangers: at least they’ll ask you for a drink, or they’ll make threats, or they’ll introduce themselves from your mom (dad), don’t get into anyone’s car, don’t go around any corner with anyone , especially with strangers.

Rules for safe behavior at home: rules for using electrical appliances, sharp objects(knife, scissors, knitting needles), don’t play with matches, don’t drink what you didn’t pour yourself and don’t know what was poured.

First aid:
a) for a cut: lubricate with iodine, bandage;
b) for burns: remove clothes that were poured with boiling water (or burn) and lubricate the body in this place raw egg or laundry soap, call - 03 ;
c) if you cut yourself, bandage the wound above the wound with a tourniquet, stop the bed and call 03 ;
d) rules of personal hygiene; Brush your teeth 2 times a day, wash your hands more often, especially before eating, take a weekly shower and change your underwear daily.

Rules of behavior at school:

1. Don't be late for school.

2. do not leave school until the last lesson is over, and if any unforeseen situations happen, contact the class teacher.

Well done! You have passed the island of “Survival”, we will find ourselves in it more than once, but we need to move on.

KR: You guys and I have visited many islands, met the best teachers- subject teachers, and now we need to learn a set of rules by which we will study with you in the 5th grade.

“Fifth-grader’s law” (slide number 13)

§1 Cherish the honor of the class!
§2 Increase the glory of the school!
§3 News healthy image life!
§4 Show care for those we love and who love us!
§5 Comprehend the wisdom of various fields of knowledge!

KR: What, my dears, do you think you have already become real fifth-graders? Nothing like this! To become fifth graders, you need to go through a number of rituals, and they are oh so complicated. You are ready? ( slide No. 14-15)

Ritual 1 “Cleansing the head from bad thoughts”
We comb our head with both hands, and then “throw off” what is “stuck” to our And your heads will be filled only with bright thoughts.

Ritual 2. “Renunciation of hostile intentions”
You have set foot on the land of the Dobroselskaya School, and the people here are very friendlyboth to guests and to each other. So let us also give up hostile intentions: embracesitting next to you and say: “I wish you well!”

Ritual 3. “Making a wish”
Do you believe in omens? And I believe! For example, if I am the first one at the school doormeets Vanya, he will definitely help you carry your bag to class. IfIf you praise Lilya in class, she will try even harder. IfYura made a promise, he will definitely fulfill it.
Let the signs exist. But we will try to live differently. Get up in the morninglook at yourself in the mirror and say: “Everything will work out for me today!”
Now cup your hands, whisper the most cherished desires about studyingbehavior and blow them off your palms. Let them spread throughout the school and be performed all year round!

Ritual 4. “Tasting pills of attention and memory”
Desires are desires, but good memory and attention will not hurt us at all.
The secret laboratory has developed “Attention and Attention Pills” specifically for grade 5memory." After all, attention and memory are the main qualities necessary for successfulstudying in a modern school. The pills are fantastic, but very expensive, so everyone only one at a time.

Ritual 5. “Appeal to the Lord of Fives”
During this ritual, everyone in chorus must say the phrase “
IKRETYAP ANYASTICHU UCHOKH", each time throwing your arms up with your fingers spread out.
-I think that the Lord of the Fives heard you, and your wishes will be fulfilled.
What do you think you wished for? (read the phrase backwards)

Ritual 6.Expulsion of twos. Your task is to take a good look at our class and find the hidden deuces in it that we need to expel from the class. (Pictures with deuces are hung in different corners of the classroom)

But so that all the rituals performed begin to take effect no later than from the beginning of the first quarter, we all need to say the words of a solemn oath.

teacher's oath on a magazine and gingerbread
-I, Yarosh Natalya Anatolyevna, class teacher of the 5th grade of the Dobroselskaya secondary school, solemnly swear and promise:
Teach children everything!
Be an example to them in everything!

Don't have favorites!
Take him on hikes often!

Do not abuse twos!

Save from all misfortunes!
Bring it up to ninth grade!

parents' oath on diaries and belt)
To help children study:

Solve problems persistently
Write essays legibly!

Take action urgently!

(children's oath on diaries)
Never go to school with unlearned lessons!
Don't finish the quarter with bad grades!
Do not carry spare shoes in the same bag with textbooks!
Never invite parents to meetings five minutes before they start!
Never show your diaries to your parents on holidays and birthdays!

Envelope "Wishes"

And finally, having finished our journey through the islands of the “Sea of ​​Knowledge”, let’s write down the most good wish on that academic year and we will hide it in an envelope so that it will come true, and we will open this envelope at the end of the school year.

Closing words from the class teacher:

Dear guys, happy birthday to the team. All your wishes will certainly come true, since everyone will achieve everything together.

Today we “traveled” to various islands of the “sea of ​​knowledge”. And this “journey” is not over, it continues... But one thing can be said with confidence that today you showed a sense of humor, resourcefulness, and a desire to learn.

Request from the class teacher:

Outside the window the leaves are falling,
Summer has flown by.
Children are waiting at the high school
New items.
This new page,
Complex programs.
It won't be easy to study
But moms will help.
In front of a thick stack of books
Respectfully taking off his hat,
As an exemplary student,
Dad will remember school.
They will stand firmly at the helm,
Will lead to victories
New teachers.
With them there is no fear!
We are proud from the bottom of our hearts
As a child - a fifth grader!
You are no longer kids
Happy holiday!

View presentation content
"day of knowledge"


Class hour in

5th grade 2013-2014 school year

Cl. director: Yarosh N.A.

Dictations and tasks

Good luck, failures,

Paragraphs, verbs

And ancient centuries.

That word does not bend,

Then the Volga will be lost.

It all starts with the school bell.

  • You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Patience and work will grind everything down.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  • All speech requires the mind.
  • Smart speeches are pleasant to listen to.
  • They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
  • Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Proverbs about the benefits of knowledge

Kaleidoscope of lessons


  • What is easier: a pound of fluff or a pound of iron?
  • Add 5 to 7. How to write correctly: “eleven” or “eleven”?
  • An old woman was walking to Moscow, and three old men met her. How many people went to Moscow?
  • Two played chess for 4 hours. How long did each person play?
  • The Earth's satellite makes one revolution in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the second revolution in 100 minutes. How does this work?


  • Write down the number 1000,

using action signs and

six times the number 3.

2. A couple of horses ran

40 km. How many kilometers

did every horse run?

3. The room was burning seven

candles. Boy passing by

extinguished 2. How many candles are left?

4. 6 sparrows were sitting in the garden bed, 5 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many sparrows are left in the garden?


  • A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work.
  • A poem that can compete with a novel.
  • A neighbor who fought for brotherly love.
  • Bound sheets of printed paper


5. A fairy tale about a hostel .


  • The biggest puddle.
  • Black gold.
  • Beach deposits.
  • Liquid useful

fossil, located

new in the sedimentary shell of the Earth.

5. Land as a carbon copy.


1. Flowers in the sky.

2. Contributions to


3. A migrant to a foreign country.

4. The Holy Book of Muslims.

5. Generalissimo, who did not lose a single battle.

6. The city of the first fireworks.




  • Running around in nature.
  • Black rubber flat disc
  • Sports competitions in specially prepared cars.
  • Knocking out the carpet with the backs of athletes.
  • The beginning, the starting point of any competition.
  • This is not the place for a cow dance.


  • How to cross the road correctly?
  • How to behave in the event of a fire?
  • How to behave if you find an ownerless package or bag?
  • How to behave if you are alone at home and a stranger knocks on your door?
  • What personal hygiene rules should you follow?








RITUAL 1 "Cleansing the head

from bad thoughts"

RITUAL 2 "Refusal

hostile intentions"

RITUAL 3 "Wishing


RITUAL 4 "Tasting Pills

attention and memory"








-I, Yarosh Natalya Anatolyevna,

5th grade homeroom teacher

Dobroselskaya secondary school, solemnly

I swear and promise:

Teach children everything!

Be an example to them in everything!

Don't have favorites!

Take him on hikes often!

Involve parents in the work!

Do not abuse twos!

Write complaints less often in diaries!

Save from all misfortunes!

Bring it up to ninth grade!



To help children study: Solve problems persistently Write essays legibly! Check your diaries on Friday! Take action urgently! Actively speak at meetings Solve all problems promptly!


CHILDREN'S OATH on diaries

1 . Never go to school with

unlearned lessons! 2. Don't end the quarter with

bad grades! 3. Do not wear a change of shoes in one

a bag of textbooks! 4. Never invite your parents

to meetings five minutes before they start! 5. Never show your diaries to your parents on holidays and birthdays!


Outside the window the leaves are falling, Summer has flown by. Children are waiting at the high school New items. This is a new page Complex programs. It won't be easy to study But moms will help. In front of a thick stack of books Respectfully taking off his hat, As an exemplary student, Dad will remember school. They will stand firmly at the helm, Will lead to victories New teachers. With them there is no fear! We are proud from the bottom of our hearts As a child - a fifth grader! You are no longer kids Happy holiday!

Every person knows that making a second attempt at something important is much more difficult than the first time. This applies to almost all areas of a person’s life, including the transition of a child to second grade. This is why a second grader needs special support on September 1st. You can support him in any way, for example, by buying him good gift. Don’t forget about congratulating the child. After all beautiful words, said to him on this day, will be able to encourage him and set him up for the school year. But if you don’t know what words to choose, then use ready-made congratulations for September 1st for a second grader. Hearing such a congratulation, the child will calm down, which is the most important thing on this holiday. important point for him.

You know a lot, the ABC book is behind you,
And others accept the title of first-grader.
Still boldly go on the road -
On the road where knowledge awaits you.
Don't be afraid, teachers will be with you,
If you take the hand, you will lead correctly.
All the secrets of the universe, planet Earth
Then you will certainly succeed with them!

The second class is no less important than the first.
You are already walking confidently and not at all nervous.
Here is your favorite teacher, desk, books and notebook.
Yes, now they give grades - so let's study for five!
Your new beautiful diary will always be full
Only fours and fives! Threes, twos - never!
Don’t quarrel with your friend, don’t make the teacher angry -
After all, you are all walking along the educational path together!

Second page of your school book
Open all year.
Nearby there is a teacher, girls, boys -
You must move forward together.
Let knowledge be easy and pleasant,
Let the diary please your mother,
Now it has become clear to you:
He who studies has only achieved something!

Your first year of school is behind you,
The rest is all ahead.
Let the teacher be happy
Find the answers to everything!
May learning always be a joy,
And support will help in everything.
Let fatigue not come to you,
You become smarter every day!

Second year of study!
There is experience and knowledge.
Difficult, no doubt
But it takes effort!
The second year is more difficult
The second is an important year!
Follow him quickly
Everything will go easier!
Second year of study
Once you master it, -
All sciences meaning
You will understand without any problems.
In a word, congratulations!
Be an example to everyone!
Good - we wish -
May your path be yours!

The summer flew by unnoticed
It's time for you to go to school again,
Second grader, I certainly wish
May you be wise and kind!
Let your classmates be friends with you,
You friends, look, don’t forget!
Always be yourself, child,
Learn everything you need to know at school!

Bow in hair, briefcase, bouquet -
One of the most important signs,
That September has already arrived,
Invited all the children to school!
And today, for the first time,
You're going, but to second grade!
We wish you happiness and health,
Study with love, girl!

Today, walking merrily,
You're going to second grade, dear!
You've grown up so much over the summer!
You go, dressed to the nines,
And a new backpack on my back,
And, really, I’m completely happy!
After all, the school year is ahead,
It will only bring joy!

The glorious time of summer has ended,
And now September is just around the corner!
He invites you to school with him,
You really can't be late today!
After all, you are a second grader! Not a first-timer!
Come on, hurry up to class,
Study well, girl always,
And we believe you will be happy then!

It's already fifth grade,
The briefcase flashes behind my back,
May he meet you with love
This school is expensive.

May it fill all minds
Only joy and laughter,
And you will come home
With optimism and success.

Our dear 5th grade!
Happy holiday, guys!
Now, the Day of Knowledge has come,
We wish you a lot of strength!

All the best, good luck
To solve all problems!
Be cheerful, friendly,
You will become the best class!

Well, again: “Hello school!” -
A fifth grader will tell her.
And on the Day of Knowledge it will open
There is a storage room in the head of the mind.

You are ready to study everything,
Show curiosity
And bon voyage
Open a new one at school.

Study with interest
All items are only “5”.
Both leisure and learning
To skillfully combine.

Congratulations to you fifth graders, Happy Knowledge Day! We wish you to quickly integrate into the life of the high school, meet and make friends with your new teachers. We wish you successful studies and excellent grades in all subjects. Let your performance be an example for all students.

I would like to sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday,
After all, knowledge gives the green light,
Therefore, I wish the fifth graders
Know only “five” any subject!

May you succeed in all your tasks,
You can do it, because I believe in you so much!
I wish you success and good luck,
Conquer the fifth grade soon!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
My dear fifth grader,
Classes start
Yours is very complicated.

I wish everyone success,
Just study for straight A's,
May good luck come your way
On an autumn day he will knock.

Fifth grade, congratulations
The day of knowledge has come.
Doors to the world of glorious learning
This holiday has opened for you.

Let science be a joy,
Everyone likes the lesson
Get straight A's
Make a vow for yourself.

Knowledge Day is a real holiday!
Congratulations, fifth grader!
And we wish you new ones
Joyful, wonderful discoveries!
School finished and started
We want you to be ready
Serious sciences to open the world,
Be curious about learning.
And only approximate marks
Get it for all subjects.

Fifth graders! The Day of Knowledge!
Successful endeavors to you!
Let there be joy in the teachings,
Curiosity will not cool down.
Every day is your new one at school
It will be bright and not difficult.
So that you succeed in everything,
Bright distances opened up
Very much to you, friends!
Knowledge will help you!

Students, beloved fifth grade,
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
May success surround you
And let the knowledge in your heads increase.

Learn, children, with inspiration,
Let the lessons not be given to you with difficulty.
May your patience increase
And he always welcomes home joyfully.

Reading parting words to first-graders on September 1 at the ceremonial assembly in honor of Knowledge Day has long become good tradition in many educational institutions. Teachers, the school principal and head teacher, parents and graduates address children entering grade 1 with kind, sincere and warm words. In poetry and prose, they wish the kids to study well, to be attentive in class, to treat teachers with respect and to receive only excellent grades. These words emphasize the solemnity of the moment and make it possible for first-graders to feel that they have already become full members of a large and friendly family called school.

Beautiful, optimistic and kind parting words to first-graders in verses from parents

September 1 is an exciting moment for every student, but first-graders worry and feel it especially strongly. For them, it is from this day that everything begins completely. new life, alluring, bright and, at the same time, a little scary. Everything at school is interesting and unusual. Different rules apply here and more serious requirements are placed on each child. You have to get used to sitting quietly for 45 minutes in class, listening carefully to the teacher, and even going out to answer the board. Games and petty pranks fade into the background, and good behavior, respect for teachers and friendliness towards classmates become mandatory.

Parents of children talk about all this in their parting words. In optimistic and touching short rhymes, mothers and fathers wish their offspring to quickly and painlessly join new team, find good friends, immerse yourself in science and please teachers and relatives with zeal in your studies, diligence, diligence, exemplary behavior and excellent grades. After all, it is Primary School gives children the very first fundamental knowledge about the world around them, teaches them to clearly distinguish between what is “good” and what is “bad” and instills the main moral values ​​​​accepted in modern society.

Examples of texts in verse for parting words from parents to first graders on September 1

Read books, don’t offend guys,
Study for four or five.
Collect your briefcase, don’t forget anything,
Listen to the teacher, don’t draw on your desks.
And also the parting words will be:
Fighting, biting, kicking is bad,
Be friends, help, protect, respect -
This is good, keep it up!

Golden autumn has come -
And with it your school year!
The children are being seen off today,
Their mothers are sad at the gate...

Suddenly the kids grew up -
And here is your first school class!
Notebooks, folders, pens, books -
All this is waiting for its finest hour!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Study only with “five”!
So that the guys respect
They didn’t dare to offend you!

So that everyone praises you in class -
You, your intelligence and good disposition!
So that my classmates love me,
May your dream come true!

Be healthy, successful, strong,
Come out of troubles with victory!
May every day be happy
On a good path in life!

How exciting these moments are -
Our children have started first grade!
So serious and grown up as if
We see you now for the first time!

Successes and failures await you:
From “five” to “two” it’s just a step!
We are always with you, which means
We will quickly help you with everything!

First-graders relatives -
Shoes, dresses, jackets -
Golden years await you,
Bright days for school!

We wish you success,
Many joyful moments!
Let the “A”s be without hindrance
This is what awaits you along the way!

Become adults guys
Find friends here!
We will be very happy
For excellent children!

Congratulations on September 1 and parting words to first-graders from teachers in prose

Not only parents congratulate their children on Knowledge Day. Optimistic and joyful parting words are spoken by teachers and newly minted students. They joyfully welcome seven-year-old boys and girls into the school walls, try to create a calm, warm and comfortable environment for them, promise all kinds of help and bestow care and attention. Former kindergarteners are encouraged to easily absorb knowledge, always show interest in learning and not be afraid to experiment and make mistakes.

In beautiful and kind phrases, teachers tell their students why it is so important to go to school, be attentive in class and delve into what the teacher is talking about. Children are encouraged to get comfortable in the classroom as quickly as possible, make new friends and join school life, which is so interesting, vibrant and rich in events, the memory of which remains with the students for life.

Options for prosaic parting words and good wishes from teachers to first-graders

Dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the first Day of Knowledge in your life! Today a new page of life opens before you - school time. Let it be filled with vivid impressions, useful knowledge, and amazing discoveries. We wish you patience, health, strength and energy!

Dear first-graders, may Knowledge Day become a bright and joyful holiday for you. We wish you a joyful and cheerful school life, good grades, a desire for knowledge and new discoveries. May your first academic year be successful, bright and interesting.

Wonderful children, dear first-graders, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. We wish you effort and confidence in your abilities, cheerful mood and exciting lessons, interesting and educational books, successful studies and joyful leisure time.

Dear first graders, today is one of important days in your life. Today you step on the threshold of knowledge, on the road of growing up, on the path of exciting discoveries! The school door has opened before you, which promises a lot of interesting, unknown and beautiful things. Learn, experience, communicate, absorb, lead by example. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, on the first academic year, on the first bell, on new changes.

Original words of parting words to first-graders from graduates

The most original and unexpected words of parting words are dedicated to first-graders by graduates. In my speeches, 11th grade students remember how they themselves once crossed the threshold of school for the first time as green and inexperienced kids, they were afraid of everything and did not know how to behave. But the years have flown by unnoticed and now beautiful, mature and experienced young men and women stand on the line, with a smile and a slight tinge of sadness, looking at the smartly dressed kids and realizing that they are a little jealous of them. For these timid boys and girls, their busy school life is just beginning. There will be many bright, memorable meetings and pleasant emotions, fun events, good grades and comments on behavior, delight and tears, tests, exams, holidays, competitions and shows. In a word, everything that every student has once experienced and will experience.

Eleventh-graders wish first-graders to feel at home at school, make new friends faster, be attentive in class, listen to teachers and actively participate in the life of their educational institution. After all, a wonderful school time will fly by unnoticed and will never happen again. This means that you need to live it in such a way that all memories of this period are only kind, pleasant and optimistic.

The best parting words from school graduates for first-graders

Don't count the gnats in the classroom,
Listen to everything, remember.
Keep your briefcase in order
Books, pens and notebooks.

Don't forget about your diary:
After all, now you are a student.
Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Don't be greedy, share
Be good, don't fight.
Protect the weak in the class
And don't be offended.

We must value friendship
Everyone lives as one family.
Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Dear children, today your first school bell rings for you, just as it did for us 11 years ago. Remember this moment forever, as this first call will never happen again. Now all of you will have new friends, new interests, hobbies. There is a whole school year ahead of you, try to spend it with dignity, please teachers and your parents excellent studies and diligence in your behavior, because this is the main thing that you must learn in your interesting school life.

We are so glad that now you have come to school, to first grade!
You can’t be lazy here at all, you need to study well,
Be diligent, try hard,
If you know, don't be shy!
Raise your hand and answer loudly!
Be the first always, everywhere,
After all, you are quite an adult.
Forward boldly, today is a new life,
Hold my hand tightly!

A first grader sounds great, because every student is one. Be proud of this title of “First Grader” today. Behind kindergarten and a new one begins for you, interesting life. You have become students, which means that you will soon learn to write, read, count, draw and much more, all this is very interesting and educational, and most importantly, it will be useful to you in your future life. Bon voyage my first graders!

A cheerful and cheerful farewell message to first-graders on September 1 at the assembly in honor of Knowledge Day

Cheerful, cheerful, optimistic and joyful parting words at the ceremonial assembly on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge are dedicated to first-graders by all those present at the holiday. The children are greeted by the school director, head teacher and the entire teaching staff. They congratulate the kids on entering first grade and wish timid seven-year-olds to be diligent and attentive in their lessons, obey their teachers and always receive only good grades. Mothers, fathers and other relatives of first-graders join in on the beautiful, touching phrases. They express hopes that school will be easy for children, and new friends from among their classmates will definitely help them cope with any difficulties and problems that arise. Pupils address first-graders jokingly and with good humor high school. They advise kids not to be afraid, to boldly raise their hand and answer at the board, not to be late for classes and to behave in such a way that teachers can always be proud of their students. These good words inspire first graders and motivate them to be active, diligent, obedient and inquisitive.

Examples of texts with parting words for first-graders by September 1

Dear first graders! Today is a very important day! Now you are schoolchildren. A world of useful knowledge awaits you, after which you can become smart, educated adults. I would like to wish you patience and strength. Knowledge is not that easy. But don't worry, school is not only a responsibility, but also new friends with whom you will walk shoulder to shoulder, perhaps for the rest of your life. These are fun holidays, interesting lessons, fun breaks and kind mentors and teachers who will always help you. Be attentive, cheerful, brave and responsive! The Day of Knowledge! Good luck!

Happy Knowledge Day
I wish you wonderful school years,
I'm a little jealous, I admit
You, but this is a secret.

Don't be sad about the end of summer -
All the fun is ahead.
And life will be like candy
If you go to class with a smile.

Dear first-graders, today you are standing on the threshold of new knowledge; a lot of interesting and exciting things await you. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and would like to wish you to become a friendly and cheerful class, together overcome the funny pages of the ABC book and easily solve any problems. Good luck to first grade!

Are you going to school for the first time?
You're a little worried.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

Briefcase, and uniform, and bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.

Learn to write, count, make friends.
And you can certainly
Even play around a little,
But... only during breaks!