Is it possible to give a child yolk? Yolk and allergies

As soon as our babies turn six months old, we begin to think about introducing the first complementary foods. This is where the fun begins. The body reacts differently to the new menu and in order to avoid unpleasant situations, you need to know how to do it correctly, including how to introduce yolk into complementary foods. You wonder who to listen to and how to give your child a yolk, because advice is given out by new grandmothers, neighbors on the bench, and friends who have already become mothers. You are worried about whether this or that product is suitable, so that there is no allergy. Fears are especially common if this is the first child, because if it is already the second or even the third, then you begin to remember how it was with the first baby. But for beginner mothers this is a good instructive “school”. Some people listen to grandmothers, friends, doctors, others read books or take information from the Internet. All this can be done, the main thing is to choose the right tactics and understand from how many months you can give yolk to a baby and how many times a week.

In our article we will tell you when to introduce it and from how many months you can give yolk to your baby.

If your little one doesn’t like the dish, take a break. And then you can try again. While the baby is getting used to the new food, finish feeding with breast milk, this will prolong your lactation, and it will be easier for the baby. It is necessary to feed from a spoon, and not from a nipple: this way the child will more easily get used to eating new food and his bite will be correctly formed.

Why yolk

It contains great benefits for your baby. Thanks to this particle of the egg, the deficiency of certain vitamins and iron is covered. As well as introducing yolk into complementary foods is the prevention of rickets. The product promotes normal development. Previously, the middle of an egg was introduced into complementary feeding for a child at 2-3 months, but, unfortunately, everything did not always go well.

It is extremely important to introduce yolk to a child, since it differs from other products in its invaluable benefits.

Undeniable advantages:

  • The product is very useful for babies, because it contains vitamins necessary for the baby: A - for vision, D - for rickets, B2, B12 - for growth and blood purification;
  • the product contains selenium, folic acid, iodine, necessary for babies;
  • it contains many proteins, fat, phospholipid, choline, which is responsible for normal work nervous system;
  • it is rich in iron, cobalt, manganese and copper;
  • even cholesterol, in this type of complementary feeding, is not harmful to infant.

Which to choose

Let's answer one of the most common questions - what kind of yolk should you give your child: chicken or quail, which product has more benefits?

IN Lately quail eggs began to replace chicken eggs and not only from baby food. The thing is that they are less allergenic. It is equally important that they contain additional elements: glycine, lysine, histidine, threonine. The main thing is that they do not contain cholesterol, which will have a detrimental effect on the liver of a newborn; such food will provide only benefits to the body.

One of the few drawbacks quail eggs– this is the price of this product; they are much more expensive than chicken ones. And unfortunately, not all stores sell quail eggs.

Introduction rules

Introduction egg yolk Complementary feeding can only be done on the advice of a doctor. Exclusively after inspection family doctor When he says that everything is fine with the baby, you can start giving egg yolk. So, at what age can you give your child the “middle” of an egg and why? It is allowed to start adding it to the menu for infants from 7-8 months, and artificial ones can be introduced a little earlier.

The first complementary feeding, naturally, starts with vegetables, and then you can move on to other products according to the scheme. At the same time, you can introduce different complementary foods: yolk, new vegetables and cereals.

Eggs must be hard-boiled for 15-20 minutes, cooled and the yolk separated from the white. Grind into a paste and mix with any liquid (see table below). Children also love to eat it with a small spoon, without mixing it with anything, and then wash it down with water, juice or milk.

If you are wondering how often to give this complementary food, read on carefully.

Before giving the yolk to your baby, choose certain days, make sure that the child behaves well, is not capricious and does not get sick. If you decide to give your baby yolk today, do it in the morning, then you will have the whole day to monitor the reaction to the new food.

Possible troubles

The middle of an egg is an incredibly difficult product for babies, so you still shouldn’t offer it to a 6-month-old baby. If you give yolk to a child earlier, you should remember that the gastrointestinal tract may not be able to cope with the heavy load and cause Negative consequences.

The main caution when introducing egg yolk to infants is considered to be indigestion, as well as an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the child to such a heavy product slowly and little by little.

Product Month of entry Dilute Beginner portion Serving for a week
Chicken7-8 Breast milk, ready-made cereals, pureed vegetables or fruitsGive a small crumb the first time, then (if all is well, after a week, a second) ¼ of a small spoon, and up to a year, bring it to a whole yolk.Preferably twice a week
Quail7-8 In the same wayA small crumb, then half a yolk, then until the child is 11-12 months old, you can give 2-3 pieces.Two times a week

It is useful to keep a diary of your child’s food, in which you will note each new food that you decide to introduce into complementary foods, how much yolk (or other product) you gave for the first time, approximately how much more or less to give in the next two days, and whether there is an allergy to them.

When should I try a new complementary food? Set a schedule for giving your child this useful product. Watch your children’s skin very carefully, because allergies mainly appear on the second day after consumption. But there are cases that the reaction may appear later when the norm increases. If it does not appear, then you can safely feed your child a tasty and healthy yolk, but if you still have an allergy, then stop giving it to your baby. When can I give it next time? Wait 2-3 months with the yolk until the little organism gets stronger. If after the change there is no allergy, you can give it; if you have an allergic reaction again, wait a while again. It doesn’t matter how many months the baby is, the main thing is the gradual introduction of complementary foods.

As soon as the child eats a whole chicken yolk or 2-3 pieces of quail yolk, then you can begin to gradually accustom him to protein.

Many mothers give the middle of the egg with vegetables familiar to the child. Ideal to serve it with pumpkin or zucchini. Give a little vegetable first, and then a little vegetable with the additive. Perhaps the baby won’t even notice the trick.

Know that up to 3 years of age, an attentive mother gives no more than 2 eggs per week. Considering eggs in cooked foods (eg, cutlets, meatballs, baked goods, casseroles).

Thus, in the first year of life, quail yolk is preferable for a baby, and introducing a child to a new product is safer and healthier to start with.

At what age should it be given to a child?

Our mothers introduced yolk into the newborn’s diet as early as 3 months, immediately after fruit purees. Since then, complementary feeding patterns have changed significantly. Medicine does not stand still; according to research, the beginning of the introduction of products other than breast milk and formula has been shifted, since only at 6 months does the child begin to lack nutrients.

You can give yolk to your baby starting from 8-9 months, When digestive system formed enough to digest this heavy and fatty product.

By this time, the infant should already be comfortable with vegetables, cereals and meat. If the introduction of this complementary food is complicated by allergies or intestinal problems, the yolk is given later. for 1-2 months.

When feeding, the yolk is mixed with breast milk or vegetable puree. It is not advisable to give it with cereals, since high protein foods are better digested together with vegetables. If your baby doesn't like the taste, you need to postpone the new feeding for a couple of weeks and then try again. If the baby develops normally, the yolk should be introduced before the age of 1 year.

How much can you give?

In the first year of life, children can only be given a hard-boiled yolk. The egg needs to be washed and poured cold water and put on fire. Chicken eggs are boiled for 20 minutes, quail eggs - 7, then cooled in cold water, peeled and the yolk is separated from the white.

To eliminate the risk of salmonellosis, for complementary feeding It is not advisable to use homemade eggs, products from poultry farms are more suitable, since the presence of pathogenic bacteria is strictly controlled there. It is also necessary to observe the cooking time.

A child can be given half a chicken or 1 quail yolk per day. The number per week is 4 and 8, respectively.

How to properly start complementary feeding with yolk:

  1. The first time the quantity is minimal - literally a small grain, ground in milk. Then, for 2 days, observe the baby’s reaction to New Product.
  2. If everything is fine, increase the yolk to 1/4 (1/2 quail).
  3. After 8-10 days, the dose is again increased to 1/2 chicken yolk and maintained for up to 1 year.

Allergy to yolk

As is known, it is the entry of foreign protein molecules into the body that leads to the emergence of allergic reactions. Interesting fact– there is more protein in the yolk of an egg than in the white. Despite this, the yolk is less allergenic product, this is explained by the different list of proteins in the composition.

Possible reaction of a baby to yolk in complementary foods:

  • indigestion - less often (do not confuse with regurgitation);
  • skin reactions - the appearance of red spots;
  • in rare cases, swelling in the lip area.

If these symptoms occur, the yolk should not be given. But this does not mean that the baby will have to avoid eggs all his life. In most children, the immune system strengthens with age and allergies go away; in adulthood, reactions to foods occur in only 2% of people. Therefore, attempts to introduce yolk into the diet should be repeated every six months; with a high degree of probability, by the age of 3 this problem will disappear.

Eggs can be used as complementary feeding for an infant if he is already six months old. Thanks to this product, it is possible to restore the balance of iron in the body. The component is necessary for the proper growth and development of the child. Protein is a component that very often causes allergies at a young age. That is why infant It is recommended to use the yolk part as complementary food. Parents should find out in advance at what age such a dish can be included in the diet.

Yolk for a baby is a unique opportunity to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. Its middle makes up only 30% of the total mass. High calorie content allows you to collect in its structure useful elements. Additionally, it should be noted that allergies to this dish in infants are extremely rare.

The yolk got its name due to its characteristic color. In ancient times it was compared to the sun. Later it was possible to identify similarities at the scientific level. For example, thanks to them, the amount of vitamin D in the body noticeably increases. The component is used to prevent the development of rickets.

Positive properties

Yolk is allowed to be given to infants if there is no allergy to it.

Thanks to this, babies will be provided with a complex useful substances:

  • Choline is a component that every cell needs. Thanks to him, it increases protective functions. The component improves metabolism and promotes proper development of the nervous system. Choline improves brain function and memory.
  • Lecithin is necessary for the transport of vitamins and minerals between internal organs. The substance also promotes rapid absorption of medications. Lecithin – construction material cells. It is of key importance in the functioning of the nervous system and provides correct work brain. Lecithin is the main component of the liver.
  • Niacin is used to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. Thanks to it, the body quickly converts fat into energy.
  • As powerful antioxidant Vitamin A is used. The component is directly involved in the formation bone tissue. With him sufficient quantity The immune system works properly in the body.
  • To convert individual substances energy requires a sufficient amount of vitamin B. Then the child will be guaranteed good vision and mucous membranes. Vitamin B is directly involved in the process of hemoglobin production. It is necessary to improve the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous system.
  • For proper organization To prevent blood clotting, the body must have a sufficient amount of vitamin K.
  • Another effective antioxidant is vitamin E. It prevents tissue destruction and starts the process of natural cell regeneration. Thanks to it, blood movement through the vessels improves. It was noted that with a sufficient amount of the component, the duration of normal operation of internal organs increases several times.

Children can be given yolk, even though it contains cholesterol. It is completely safe and necessary for normal operation immune system. With its help, the functioning of all sex hormones is also normalized. The product contains a sufficient amount of niacin and lecithin. It is due to these components that cholesterol cannot have negative impact on the baby's body. Giving yolk to a baby is allowed in moderation.

When and how to give

You can introduce yolk into your baby’s diet after six months. Today, almost all pediatricians agree on this issue. However, for each child it should be considered when to give him or her this product. Each baby has its own characteristics of the body, with which mandatory parents must be considered.

The baby is given a hard-boiled yolk

The key question is from how many months can the middle of an egg be used as complementary food. When introducing a product into the diet, you should adhere to a number of simple rules. Some pediatricians recommend doing this from four months. However, it is safest to do this much later. If a child feeds on mother's milk, then the product is given no earlier than six months. When feeding with formulas, the first sample of the product should be taken at eight months.

Parents should know how to give the yolk correctly.

The process has its own nuances that must be taken into account.

It is not allowed to cook eggs in a frying pan. For children it is allowed to use only the hard-boiled version of the product.

Key questions in this area should be answered before the process begins.

You can use chicken or quail yolks. Each of them contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, it should be noted that the likelihood of allergies remains in both cases. Pediatricians advise alternating these dishes. Only fresh foods can be given to the baby. As a rule, eggs can retain all their properties for a month after production. For the quail version of the dish, this period increases to 90 days. However, your child should buy fresh food every week. It is best to take home eggs that have just been laid by a chicken.

Why give yolk to a baby, we have already figured it out. All that remains is to find out what period of time it will take to cook it until it is fully cooked. Pediatricians recommend heat treatment for at least 13 minutes. For the quail version of the dish, five minutes will be enough. Additionally, it should be noted that before starting cooking, the product should be thoroughly washed in water and a small amount of soap.

Eggs are a source of vitamins and minerals

How often can a child eat an egg yolk? First of all, it should be said that its introduction into the diet should be gradual. This will help reduce the risk of allergies to a minimum. At the first feeding, you should give the baby no more than 20%. 25% should be separated from a quail egg. The portion can be doubled only if there are no negative changes in skin the baby was not found. The debate continues to this day about how many times a week to eat this product. Food is very difficult for gastrointestinal tract crumbs, so it is strictly not recommended to abuse it. If the child is under the age of one year, then he is allowed to eat this dish every other day. However, there are doctors who strongly recommend including yolk in the daily menu. At the same time, it is allowed to eat half of the chicken, and the whole of the quail. You should try protein for the first time no earlier than a year.

What else you need to know about introducing yolk into your child’s diet

Despite the presence in the diet large quantity product, the baby will be able to receive all the components necessary for proper growth and development. Even a small part of the testicle has a positive effect on the overall health and well-being of the baby.

Pediatricians recommend diluting it with milk at the stage of introducing the product into the diet. It is possible to improve the taste characteristics of the dish by adding vegetables or porridge. Eggs can be eaten at any time of the day. It is important not to exceed the permissible dose. In the morning, the yolk should be given only at the stage of introducing it into the diet. Nutritionists do not recommend eating the dish for lunch. At this time it is better to eat a small amount of veal.

Before introducing yolk into your child’s diet, you should carefully analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Mommy also needs to get advice on this issue from a pediatrician. The doctor will carefully analyze the little patient’s medical history and draw a conclusion about his state of health. In any case, the yolk is a source of large amounts of vitamins and minerals. However, we should not forget that children have different reactions to any product. Therefore, at the first stage, allergies or individual intolerances should be excluded.

Many mothers are interested in the question: is an egg healthy, how to introduce the yolk into complementary foods for your child? After all, upon reaching the age of 7 months, the baby’s menu is replenished with this useful product. It is quite severe, doctors believe strong allergen, therefore it is necessary to use it for feeding your child with extreme caution. The benefits and harms of yolk for small child are on the same level, let us consider this issue in more detail.

The benefits and harms of food products for the body

The benefits of egg yolk for humans in general are definitely great. This product is a huge storehouse of useful substances, its main components are vitamins A, D, B, various amino acids, fats, phospholipids, trace elements, iodine, iron, folic acid. Among useful properties the following can be distinguished:

In terms of nutritional value, eggs are close to salmon and sturgeon caviar.
  • Thanks to a complex of vitamins, which are one of the main components, eating eggs improves hair and nail growth, and normalizes thyroid function. Used for strengthening bones, improving vision;
  • the absorption of saturated and unsaturated fats increases, digestive processes are normalized;
  • Thanks to the complex of microelements, hematopoietic functions are significantly improved.

But among the many advantages in feeding a small child, it can also bring such negative consequences, such as allergies, disorders of the digestive system. develop from the smallest amount that enters children's body. Therefore, this product should be introduced very carefully; it is better to first consult with a pediatrician and take allergy tests (especially if one of the parents is allergic to this product).

Chicken or quail - which eggs are better for a child?

Quail and chicken eggs not only differ from each other appearance, but also in composition

Quail eggs contain cholesterol and are considered more tasty than chicken eggs.

One more a big plus is that quails don’t get sick infectious diseases and salmonellosis.

They are considered strong immunomodulators and are used in the diet of people suffering from anemia, chronic bronchitis, hypertensive patients. Read about it in the article at the link.

This product is considered dietary and must be on the menu small penis families in sufficient numbers. Regular use This product helps improve digestion processes in the body, this fact is very important for children, since their digestive system is unstable.

It is also hypoallergenic; quail egg white contains a specific substance, ovomucoid. For medical purposes, its extract is extracted and used to produce anti-allergy drugs. You can find out what they are from the article at the link.

Thus, it is better to try the first feeding of a child with yolk from this type of egg.

Algorithm for introducing complementary foods to infants

All young mothers are interested in when to introduce yolk into complementary foods, in what volume and frequency? You should always start with a small amount to determine how the child’s body will react to the new product. It is not recommended to exceed the permissible doses, even using quail eggs.

At what age, in what quantity and how often can this product be given to a child, you can see in the table below.

Koroleva E.P., nutritionist, clinic “ Healthy family”, Ufa

For the first feeding of a child 7-9 months old, it is necessary to use a quail egg. It is this that is less of an allergen compared to chicken.

Quail is superior to chicken in terms of amino acids, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins.

How to introduce yolk to a baby? Recommended to be mixed with formula or expressed breast milk. Read about it at the link. Protein is strictly prohibited for children under one year of age., since it is difficult to digest children's stomach. You also need to remember that if your baby has problems with bowel movements ( frequent constipation), then it is better to wait with its introduction.

Proper preparation of yolk for complementary feeding

Eggs must be fresh and stored only in the refrigerator. If the mother opted for chicken, then they must be hard-boiled for at least 15 minutes, then thoroughly cleaned of protein, mixed with a small amount of formula or breast milk.

Give for the first time on the tip of a teaspoon, observe for 3 days, if there are no allergies or other side symptoms, then you can continue to eat in peace.

To introduce complementary foods, it is permissible to use only fresh eggs

It must be remembered that this product, like the other, is not recommended to be administered when the baby is sick or if the general condition, teething, before or after vaccination.

It is recommended to introduce each subsequent new component into the diet no earlier than 2 weeks after the introduction of the last one. Upon reaching the age of 12 months, the whole testicle can be given, including protein. The norm is 1 piece 3-4 times a week.

If your baby is prone to allergies, it is better to use quail eggs. But here you also need to be careful with the dosage, since exceeding the norm will provoke an allergic response from the body. The question often arises – 10 minutes will be enough.

It is strictly forbidden to give your baby raw eggs, as you can become infected with salmonellosis.(this does not apply to quails). The doctor prescribes raw consumption only when strictly necessary, for example chronic diseases lungs (they contain substances that help with ventilation of the lungs). It is given as the well-known “mogol-mogol” (yolk beaten until white with granulated sugar).

You should only use fresh eggs that have been stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Before boiling, the egg must be rinsed well under running water. warm water. How to add yolk to prepared dishes? It’s very simple, it goes well with almost any product: cereals, soups, vegetable stews, etc.

4 best recipes for baby food

1 For very young children (up to one year old) this product is better use with vegetable puree soups, for example, or porridge.

2 If a child more than a year, That you can cook a diet omelette. To do this, you need to beat 1 chicken or 3 quail eggs, add a little salt and milk, pour everything into silicone molds. Bake at 180°C for 20-30 minutes.

3 You can also cook cutlets with quail or chicken eggs. To do this, you need to take minced meat (veal, turkey, rabbit meat), add salt, add a little bread and milk, mix well.

Boil hard-boiled eggs. Take some minced meat, wrap an egg inside, steam or cook in the oven. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

4 A fresh vegetable salad: Wash vegetables and lettuce leaves well. Finely chop cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, add halved eggs (hard-boiled). Season with salt olive oil. You can also add boiled chicken fillet here.

Sorokin Yu.O., pediatrician, Children's Clinic No. 4, Izhevsk

When introducing this component to an infant, you must be guided by the following: artificial children are allowed a quarter of quail from the age of 7 months.

Children who are staying at breastfeeding– the same amount, but not earlier than 8 months.

Interesting and delicious recipes for one-year-old children you can see.


  1. When starting the first complementary foods, it is simply necessary to introduce the yolk for medical reasons. He contains great amount vitamins, microelements, amino acids, which are very necessary for a small growing organism.
  2. It is recommended to administer with great caution so as not to cause allergies.
  3. The benefits of quail eggs are several times higher than those of chicken eggs. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause salmonellosis.
  4. Children under one year old should not be given protein.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to feed your baby raw eggs.
  6. Chicken must be cooked for at least 15 minutes, quail - 5 minutes.
  7. For children who are on artificial feeding, it is recommended to introduce this product from 7 months, and for those feeding on breast milk from 8-9 months.
  8. Do not exceed the permissible dose when feeding a baby.

The most important thing is how to introduce yolk into complementary foods for your case, it is better not to see a pediatrician; it is not recommended to start this process yourself, as you can harm your own child.

When introducing complementary foods to a baby, young parents often have many questions, and while vegetables and cereals are fairly clear products, allergens such as eggs raise doubts. How much yolk should I give my child? When should you start introducing eggs into your diet? Is it possible to have an allergy after using them? And why are they needed in feeding a baby?

The answers to these questions can be found out from a pediatrician, but even he cannot always fully and competently understand all the nuances.

Why give yolk to a child?

The main allergen in an egg is the white, not the yolk. The yellow part contains mass useful microelements and substances valuable to the body, such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • biotin;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • amino acids.

All these components are very useful for a growing organism: vitamins strengthen the immune system and accelerate the development of the baby, microelements affect correct height teeth and bones, and also “tune” all body systems to function properly. But it should be remembered that the yolk is a rather heavy food. It contains more than 32% fat, while proteins are half as much.

Symptoms of an allergy to yolk

In most children, an egg allergy (if any) lasts until one year of age (up to a maximum of two years), and then goes away. There are very few people who have allergies for life.

You can tell that your baby is allergic to yolk by the following signs:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. small pimples on the skin;
  3. constipation;
  4. stool disorder;
  5. vomit;
  6. in some cases - an attack of suffocation.

At what age should children be given yolk?

Very often you can hear stories from grandmothers that earlier in the villages an egg was the first complementary food and began to be given at 2-3 months. “Bit by bit, on the tip of a spoon,” say “wise” ladies and mislead young parents.

Remember that any complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months! This is especially true for children who are breastfed. For up to six months, a baby’s mother’s milk is sufficient, so you shouldn’t feed him anything else, much less eggs.

You can introduce yolk into the diet no earlier than 7-8 months, and for children with allergies - no earlier than 8-9 months. This is due not only to the high risk of allergies to the product, but also to increased content fat in the yolk. It makes digestion difficult and puts serious strain on the liver. Therefore, if the baby has stomach problems, then egg feeding can be delayed for up to a year.

Protein can be introduced during the baby's second year of life.

Which eggs are better - chicken or quail?

Doctors recommend starting the introduction of complementary foods with quail eggs. This is explained by the fact that the content of allergens in them is lower than in chicken. In addition, a small quail yolk contains more useful substances than a chicken yolk, but it has almost no cholesterol.

However, you can feed the baby and chicken yolks- provided that there is no allergy to them and the baby feels good after such a breakfast.

How to choose eggs for baby feeding?

When choosing eggs for the little ones, you should be guided by the following rules.

  1. Buy only the freshest eggs.
  2. Choose products from a familiar or well-known manufacturer.
  3. Do not try to save money and purchase goods at a discount or promotion, or in a low-price store.
  4. Leave cracked eggs on the shelf.
  5. If you want to feed your baby eggs from your own chickens, make sure that the birds are not sick.
  6. Before boiling the egg, immerse it in cold water. If it drowns, then you can cook it and offer it to the baby. If it surfaces, throw away such a product without regret - it is not known how long it has already lain on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  7. Before boiling, the egg must be washed well. It is also advisable to wipe it with soda.

How to introduce yolk to a child?

You need to boil an egg for a baby for at least 10-15 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs, much less “in a bag,” are not suitable for a child. The yolk should be well cooked and there should be no raw parts left in it.

When the egg is cooked, carefully separate the yolk from the white. Remember that not a crumb of protein should end up on your baby’s plate, as this may well cause allergies and redness of his skin.

Remember that the next day (if you want to feed the baby the yolk for two days in a row), you need to boil a new egg, and not feed it with yesterday’s egg.

It is also worth considering that the yolk can contribute to constipation, so you need to be very careful with this product.

The yolk is high in calories and fatty product. It is quite difficult to absorb and digest by the body. In addition, eggs are considered one of the strongest allergens. This is why you should not give your baby too much yolk. At the beginning of complementary feeding, it is better to limit it to once a week; later, you can increase the days of eating yolk to 2-3 times a week.

For the first time, you can give your child no more than 1/5 teaspoon of yolk crumbs (or 1/3 of quail yolk). If the baby accepts the new product normally and does not develop rashes, redness or other signs of allergies, then soon (after about 7-10 days) the portion can be increased to 1/4 teaspoon. But don't rush. A whole yolk can be given when the baby is about a year old.

The yolk should be given in the morning before the first feeding. This will allow you to observe your child’s reaction to a new product throughout the day. If the baby develops redness, rashes or blisters on the skin (i.e. allergies), then the introduction of egg feeding should be postponed until the baby is one to one and a half years old.

Eggs are a healthy product, rich in microelements and vitamins, so if you want to see your baby healthy and strong, you should definitely include them in his diet. This should be done carefully, not forgetting that there are allergies to eggs.

However, as practice shows, most babies calmly accept a new dish without showing signs of allergies. If your child is very sensitive, then it is better to start complementary feeding with quail eggs - they are not only healthier than chicken eggs, but also do not cause allergic reactions.