Non-verbal means of communication are. Communication with the patient after a stroke

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Body language is a language that almost everyone understands. Usually this is done completely unconsciously, without even thinking. Language of the body- these are signals sent by one person to another, therefore scientists also call such communication “non-verbal communication”. During intimate contact, most of all, look, touch are more expressive and provide more full information than many spoken words.

Body language was given great importance also in Ancient Greece. For example, great importance was attached to posture. A man was supposed to keep his head up high, otherwise he could be mistaken for a homosexual. Women and children, on the contrary, were not supposed to look the interlocutor directly in the eye. The look averted to the side testified to modesty, modesty, humility.

XVII-XVIII centuries. in Western countries books were published on the rules of good manners. For example, in 1735, S. Van Par's book "The Big Ceremonial Book of Good Morality" was published, with a volume of 500 pages.

The first book entirely devoted to gestures was D. Balwer's Chirology: either the natural language of the hand and chironomia, or the art of hand rhetoric. And Francis Bacon even suggested creating a science of gestures. AT late XIX in. gestures began to be studied by anthropologists and psychologists.

In 1939, a three-volume monograph by I. A. Sobolevsky was published in Russia, in which the author outlined his view of non-verbal communication.

The study of the meaning of human body language continues, as evidenced by international conferences and collections of scientific reports, for example, the collection “Gestures and mindsets from ancient times to the present day” published in England.

1. Non-verbal means of communication

According to research, only a tenth of the information a person conveys in words. The rest is made up of gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, eye contact, touch and intonation. The first intuitive “scan” of a person takes about 20 seconds. People do not always say what they think, but the body does not know how to lie. hidden feelings find a way out through gestures. Psychology non-verbal communication very broad and multifaceted. Learning to understand human gestures and their meanings will make it much easier to find out the truth.

When the emotional background of a person rises, he stops monitoring his body. But when trying to unravel the thoughts of others, it is necessary to take into account situational factors in order for the judgment to be correct. For example, if a person crosses his arms over his chest in very coldy, this can only mean that he is cold, and not secrecy and isolation.

Consider non-verbal means of communication.

1.1 Gestures

non-verbal communication gesture facial expressions

Gestures are various movements of the hands and head. Sign language is the most ancient way achieving mutual understanding. In various historical epochs and different peoples had their own generally accepted ways of gesticulation.

The intensity of gestures can grow along with an increase in the emotional arousal of a person, and also if you want to achieve a more complete understanding between partners, especially if it is difficult.

The specific meaning of individual gestures is different in different cultures. However, in all cultures there are similar gestures, among which are:

1. Communicative (gestures of greeting, farewell, attracting attention, prohibitions, affirmative, negative, interrogative, etc.)

2. Modal , i.e. expressing assessment and attitude (gestures of approval, satisfaction, trust and distrust, etc.).

3. descriptive gestures that make sense only in the context of a verbal utterance.

Gestures can be open and closed . Open gestures include movements when a person spreads his arms to the side or shows his palms. They indicate that he is ready for contact and open to communication. Closed gestures include those that help a person build a psychological barrier. The body can be closed not only by hands, but also by foreign objects. Such manipulations indicate that a person does not trust the interlocutor and is not ready to open up to him. It can be interlocked fingers or crossed arms.

1.2 facial expressions

facial expressions are the movements of the muscles of the face, main indicator feelings. Studies have shown that with a motionless or invisible face of the interlocutor, up to 10-15% of information is lost. There are over 20,000 descriptions of facial expressions in the literature. The main characteristic of facial expressions is its integrity and dynamism. This means that in the facial expression of the six basic emotional states (anger, joy, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust - see Appendix No. 1), all facial muscle movements are coordinated. The main informative load in the mimic plan is carried by eyebrows and lips.

1.3 Pantomime

Pantomime - this is gait, posture, posture, general motor skills of the whole body.

Gait is the way a person moves. Its components are: rhythm, step dynamics, amplitude of body transfer during movement, body weight. According to the gait of a person, one can judge the well-being of a person, his character, age, they recognized such emotions as anger, suffering, pride, happiness. It turned out that a "heavy" gait is typical for people who are angry, "light" - for joyful ones.

Pose is the position of the body. Human body capable of accepting about 1000 stable various provisions. Posture shows how a given person perceives his status in relation to the status of other persons present. Persons with higher status adopt a more relaxed posture. Otherwise, conflict situations may arise.

The main semantic content of the posture is the placement of one's body in relation to the interlocutor. This placement indicates either closeness (a person crosses his arms and legs), or a disposition to communicate.

A closed posture is perceived as a posture of distrust, disagreement, opposition, criticism. Moreover, about a third of the information perceived from such a posture is not absorbed by the interlocutor. Most in a simple way getting out of this position is an offer to hold or look at something.

An open position is one in which the arms and legs are not crossed, the body is directed towards the interlocutor, and the palms and feet are turned towards the communication partner. This is a posture of trust, consent, goodwill, psychological comfort.

If a person is interested in communication, he will focus on the interlocutor and lean towards him, and if he is not very interested, on the contrary, orient himself to the side and lean back. A person who wants to make himself known will keep himself upright, in a tense state, with his shoulders turned; a person who does not need to emphasize his status and position will be relaxed, calm, and be in a free, relaxed position.

The best way to achieve mutual understanding with the interlocutor is to copy his posture and gestures.

1.4 Visual contact

visual contact , is also exclusively important element communication. Looking at the speaker means not only interest, but also helps to focus on what we are being told. Communicating people usually look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds. If we are looked at a little, we have reason to believe that we or what we say are treated badly, and if there is too much, it may be perceived as a challenge or a good attitude towards us. In addition, it has been observed that when a person lies or tries to hide information, his eyes meet the eyes of a partner for less than 1/3 of the conversation time.

The look can be: business, social, intimate, sideways glance.

Role touches during non-verbal communication. Handshakes, kisses, stroking, pushing, etc. stand out here. The use of touch in communication by a person is determined by many factors: the status of partners, their age, gender, degree of acquaintance.

Inadequate use of touch by a person can lead to conflicts in communication. For example, a pat on the shoulder is possible only under the condition of close relations, equality social position in society.

In communication, it is also important to pay attention to the vocal characteristics related to non-verbal communication: such as the pitch, volume of the voice, its timbre, the inclusion of pauses and various non-morphological human phenomena in speech: crying, coughing, laughter, sighing, etc.

It is necessary to be able not only to listen, but also to hear the intonation structure of speech, to evaluate the strength and tone of the voice, the speed of speech, which practically allow us to express our feelings and thoughts.

Since the characteristic of the voice depends on the work various bodies body, it reflects their state. Emotions change the rhythm of breathing. Fear, for example, paralyzes the larynx, the vocal cords tense, the voice "sits down." With a good mood, the voice becomes deeper and richer in shades. It has a calming effect on others and inspires more confidence.


At present there is a large number of books that examine the meaning of various gestures as signals of states, desires, intentions, a person’s relationship to a communication partner and his proposals. Gesture dictionaries are created in which each gesture is associated with any one manifestation of human behavior. This way does not seem to be very productive, since often the same gestures can mean different things. It is more important to know the set of gestures that characterize different states subjects. It is by their combination that one can make a forecast about these states, moods, and intentions of people.

It is important that in the process of communication a person trusts signs of non-verbal communication more than verbal ones. According to experts, facial expressions carry up to 70% of information. When expressing our emotional reactions, we are usually more truthful than in the process of verbal communication.

These data make us think about the meaning of "non-verbal" for the psychology of communication and mutual understanding of people, to turn Special attention into body language, and also give rise to a desire to master the art of interpreting this special language in which we all speak without even realizing it.


1. Ilyin E.P. I46 Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 576 p.: ill. -- (Series "Masters of Psychology").

2. Rukle Horst. Your secret weapon in communication: facial expressions, gesture, movement. - M. : Interexpert: Infra - M, 1996. - 277p.


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Non-verbal means of communication are an important element of human communication. Every day, talking with relatives, friends, work colleagues, we use the basic techniques of information transfer and extralinguistic means of communication. Non-verbal communication is body and gesture language that helps express thoughts and feelings without the use of spoken language.

Body language and gestures, unlike other speech means, has unique property transmission of information to the subconscious. It accounts for up to 80% of the transfer of information to the interlocutor. Non-verbal means of communication are needed in order to know the thoughts and intentions of a person. To do this, just look at the manner of speaking and gesticulating.

Learning to understand non-verbal means of communication in practice is necessary for two reasons:

  • Oral speech of a person conveys only specific knowledge. For Expression emotional state this is not enough. So psychological condition of a person, the emotions and feelings experienced are transmitted only through non-verbal communication.
  • In conversational communication, there is no ability to control oneself. Non-verbal communication helps to know the thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor, due to the spontaneous unconscious reaction of the subconscious.

Control over spoken words, simulated facial expressions will not give a full result for hiding information. A person can give himself away by accident, losing control over intonation, the sound of his voice, or using the wrong gestures. People trust non-verbal means of communication because they are less controllable. colloquial speech.

Thanks to numerous psychological studies, a classification of non-verbal means of communication has appeared:

  • Spatial means are the movement of the interlocutor in space, its placement relative to other people and objects, maintaining distance and orientation.
  • Visual aids - a person's gaze, its direction and duration.
  • Tactile means - these include tactile contact, touching with a hand, kissing, pushing.
  • Expressive - expressive means - it can be facial expressions, gestures, body movement and other techniques of gestural communication.

In non-verbal communication, there is the concept of prosodic and extralinguistics. Prosodic means help to create the image of the interlocutor, his manner of speaking, expressing feelings and other elements of individuality. The concept of prosodic elements of communication includes the rhythmic and intonational part of colloquial speech, pitch, tone and stress.

The concept of extralinguistics is the use of pauses in colloquial speech and other physiological tricks: laughter, crying, sighing. Prosodic and extralinguistic sciences study speech flow, complement the conversation, expressing the psychological and emotional state of a person.

Most people pay little attention to non-verbal means of communication. When talking, the attitude towards the interlocutor develops on an intuitive level, so during the conversation discomfort or anxiety may appear. Some people regard this as intuition, although in fact such signals are sent to us by the brain when it observes a mismatch between spoken speech and gestures.

Non-verbal communication can be both conscious and unconscious. The conscious are controlled by the person, the unconscious are not. It has long been known that the tongue can lie, but not the body, so psychologists and psychoanalysts pay attention to unconscious movements when working with patients. Non-verbal means of communication play an important role in human life, performing the main functions of communication.

Body language and gestures perform following features:

  • They help to understand one's own or someone else's behavior, are a guide in social life person.
  • They are a means of expressing the mental state of a person.
  • They are necessary for interaction between people, expressing attitudes towards each other, helping to solve and interpret everyday or business situations.
  • It helps to give an emotional coloring to the conversation, to enhance the effect of the spoken speech.
  • It is an indicator of a person's status, shows his role in society.
  • They perform the functions of creating a psychological portrait and image of the interlocutor.

Characteristics of non-verbal means of communication

When communicating with people, it is necessary to pay attention to the following elements and techniques of non-verbal communication:

  • Gestures.

Sign language is the oldest method of human communication and is the movement of the hands and head. Gestures can be arbitrary and involuntary. Voluntary refers to the conscious movement of the hands, and to involuntary - reflex or congenital. These gestures perform the functions of replacing or supplementing colloquial speech or emphasizing what was said to the interlocutor.

The same gestures differ in meaning depending on the culture. The desire to convey information as quickly as possible, as well as the increased emotional state of a person, leads to active gestures during a conversation. Gesticulation can be:

  • Descriptive - gestures acquire meaning only during the interaction of speech and movement.
  • Modal - give an assessment and express attitude to ongoing events. These are gestures of approval, trust or protest.
  • Communicative - judgments include gestures used in greeting, farewell, to draw the attention of others, to deny something.

Examples of gestures in practice

  • Touching the ear during a conversation means not wanting to listen to the interlocutor, such behavior may be the result of boredom or disagreement with what was said.
  • A parted mouth is interpreted as holding back thoughts when a person has something to say, but he does not know whether it is worth doing.
  • If the interlocutor is uncomfortable, he experiences emotional stress when communicating or talking on the phone, he touches his neck, clothes, twists small objects in his hand, rings on his hand.
  • Mimic.

Facial expressions in non-verbal communication are used to convey feelings and represent the movement of the facial muscles. Conducted tests in practice have shown that the absence of emotions on the face during a conversation leads to the loss of 15% of the spoken information. The main mimic role is played by the lips and eyebrows of a person. To express anger, disgust, joy, fear, sadness, surprise, the muscles of the face act harmoniously and holistically.

  • Visual means of communication.

Visual interactions between people play an important role during information transfer. A glance helps to focus on talking person. During a conversation, people look into each other's eyes for an average of 10 seconds. Less time is considered disrespectful and a challenge. When speaking, the listener looks at the interlocutor longer than the speaker. The look is associated with the formation of thoughts during the transfer of information, when a thought is formed, a person does not look at the interlocutor, when he knows what he wants to say, he pays attention to him.

Visual contact is divided into the following categories, it can be:

  • Social - the focus of the gaze fluctuates in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and mouth.
  • Business - during a business meeting, making a report, or speaking to the public, the speaker looks at the forehead of the interlocutor, thereby showing respect and attention to him.
  • Intimate - the interlocutor looks into the eyes or below the face.

A person's face conveys the most accurate psychological state, even in a photo. But it is not so reliable, because it can be controlled by a person. With its help, it is easier to deceive the interlocutor, depicting the necessary range of feelings.

  • Tactile aids.

Tactile means of communication include the concept of the science of takeshiki. She learns touch while talking. Tactile means are necessary for normal communication between people and are determined by factors such as status, age, gender, and the level of people's trust.

Incorrect frequent use of tactile means leads to conflict situations between people and a hostile attitude.

  • Pose.

Posture is the position of the human body. There are many poses that show the attitude of people towards others. It is noticed that high-ranking persons take a more relaxed pose. The adopted posture is interpreted depending on its semantic content. She talks about the closeness of a person or a willingness to conduct a dialogue.

Crossed arms indicate unwillingness to let the interlocutor close. When communicating with a person who has taken such a pose, one should speak briefly and to the point. The closed position of the hands indicates the barrier that they symbolize when talking. This is not a trusting position; it will turn out to be an offer to take something in hand or support.

A pose with uncrossed arms and legs is considered to be trusting and friendly. In an attentive interlocutor, the body is directed towards the speaker, the hands are free and not clenched into fists. A person interested in the conversation gradually approaches or leans towards the conversation, if there is no desire to listen, then on the contrary, he leans back, moves away. A reliable way to attract attention is the repetition of gestures, postures of the interlocutor.

Non-verbal means of increasing business status

The environment between people plays the role of a background during a conversation. Business status can be improved with the help of a specially selected interior. For the head of the company, the office is his second person. The situation at the workplace is able to show the reliability of the company and its success.

Non-verbal means of enhancing business status include the manager's office or equipment in the office. Should be carefully monitored appearance» office, as the lack of order and the presence of slovenliness in the workplace will cause distrust of customers and visitors.

Developed special rules, allowing you to increase your business status:

  • The workplace must be kept clean and tidy, the presence of unnecessary items and scattered papers is unacceptable on the table.
  • Lunch break carried out in a specially designated place. Eating at your desk looks ugly, if there is a need to dine in the absence of other people.
  • It is better to drink coffee or tea at work from glassware, and not from plastic cups.
  • Do not force the office with unnecessary things, it looks tasteless and only clutters up the room.
  • Look at the workplace from the perspective of the visitor, make sure that it is pleasant to be in your office.

Properly selected office equipment can significantly improve the business status. The larger the chair of the boss, the higher he seems in the eyes of his subordinates. It should be good quality and high back. Chairs of workers or visitors, on the contrary, are smaller. You should not keep flowers in your office, let them stand in the waiting room. Also among the non-verbal tricks of raising the status are decorative elements. They should have a neutral look and be discreet.

During business interaction work partners use emotional tricks to achieve specific goals. The person who masters the art achieves the greatest success emotional impact on the partner and able to "read" the non-verbal message of the interlocutor.

Speech is the main mechanism of communication between people. But if you want to see through the interlocutor, you need to study the features of non-verbal communication. Sign language will help you find out what the other person is not saying, what he thinks and how he really feels about you.

Non-verbal communications probably originated with the advent of mankind, but the subject study of this issue began only in the 20th century, simultaneously with the emergence of a full-fledged science of body language. The concept of non-verbal communication is usually interpreted as communication through non-speech sign systems. Sometimes a person does not think about how much information he conveys to an opponent, even started talking.

Comparative characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communications

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication have a number of significant differences. The key ones are presented in the table.

Verbal communication Non-verbal communication
The transmitted message is stored in the form of a paraphrase and can be transmitted without the presence of the primary speaker. The exchange of information occurs strictly at the moment of direct interaction between people.
Components (words, sentences) are strictly defined and subject to specific rules Non-verbal messages are difficult to divide into components and subordinate to a certain pattern.
Verbal messages are usually , are conscious, and therefore easily amenable to analysis and control Non-verbal manifestations are usually spontaneous and unconscious, difficult to control, and interpretation requires certain knowledge
Verbal communication training is carried out consciously with early childhood Non-verbal communication skills are formed by themselves or through imitation

The main types of non-verbal communication

Not only speech helps a person to transmit and receive information. There are also a number of mediated communication mechanisms. Here are the main types of non-verbal communication:

  • Kinetics - non-verbal communications carried out through bodily movements.
  • Vocalics (paralinguistics) - voice effects, namely: tone, speed of speech, voice power, presence or absence of pauses, sound intensity.
  • Haptika (takesika) - communication through touch.
  • Proxemics is the perception and use of personal or It's about about the distance between the interlocutors, as well as the organization of the environment.
  • Artifacts - clothes, jewelry and so on.

Body Language Functions

To assess the role of the language of non-verbal communication in a person's life, it is worth understanding its functions. Here is their list:

  • Duplicate. Through facial expressions, gestures, emotions and body position, the words of the speaker are confirmed.
  • Regulatory. Serves to establish interpersonal relationships.
  • Revealing. In most cases, gestures and facial expressions cannot be controlled, and therefore they reveal the true feelings and intentions of the speaker.
  • Substitute. Sometimes sign language completely replaces oral speech(a nod of the head, an inviting gesture, and so on).

Factors affecting sign language

Features of non-verbal communication are determined by a number of factors. Here are the main ones:

  • National affiliation. People living in different parts of the world can express their emotions in different ways. In addition, representatives of different countries can interpret the same gesture differently.
  • Health status. The tone of voice, facial expressions and intensity of gestures can be affected by well-being, as well as the presence of certain diseases.
  • Professional affiliation. People engaged in different activities can form specific non-verbal mechanisms. For example, people of creative professions are distinguished by lively facial expressions and active gestures.
  • cultural level. Determines the structure of gestures and the ability to control emotions.
  • social status. As a rule, people who occupy a high social position are more restrained in their gestures.
  • Belonging to a group (gender, age, traditional, social). This factor may determine some features of non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication: facial expressions

The facial muscles respond to all thoughts and emotions that affect a person. Thus, facial expressions are one of essential mechanisms non-verbal communication. If a person is trying to hide his thoughts and emotions from you, facial expressions will give him away anyway. The table shows the correspondence of sensual manifestations of facial expressions.

Feeling Mimic manifestation
  • Raised eyebrows
  • Wide open eyelids
  • open mouth
  • Downturned lips
  • Raised eyebrows, slightly shifted to the bridge of the nose
  • Wide open eyelids
  • Downturned and slightly retracted corners of the mouth
  • Slightly flared lips
  • Slightly open mouth (but not required)
  • Lowered eyebrows
  • Curved forehead wrinkles
  • squinted eyes
  • Tightly closed lips and clenched teeth (can be recognized by the tension of the cheekbones)
  • Lowered eyebrows
  • Wrinkled nose tip
  • Underlip slightly protruding or tightly pressed to the upper
  • Eyebrows brought to the bridge of the nose
  • There is no shine in the eyes
  • The corners of the mouth are slightly turned down.
  • calm expression of the eyes
  • Slightly raised and retracted corners of the mouth

The language of views

Among the non-verbal means of communication, it is worth highlighting the views. Just in the direction of the pupils and the narrowing of the eyelids. The most common interpretations are shown in the table.

Sight Interpretation
bulging eyes
  • Sudden, unexpected joy
  • sudden fright
Covered eyelids
  • Lack of interest in what is happening
Slightly squinted eyes
  • Close attention to what is happening or to the interlocutor
"Glittering" eyes
  • Uncertainty
  • puzzled
  • nervous tension
Looking straight ahead
  • Respect for the interlocutor (or self-respect)
  • Willingness to make contact
  • Self-confidence
Look "through the interlocutor"
  • Contempt
  • Aggressive attitude
side view
  • Skepticism
  • Mistrust
  • puzzled
  • Trying to keep your distance
View from below
  • Subordination
  • desire to please
Looking down
  • Feeling of superiority over the opponent
Look "into yourself"
  • charm
  • deep thoughts
calm look
  • Satisfaction with one's state or the content of the interlocutor's speech
  • tranquility
  • prudence

What will the voice say?

One of the components of non-verbal communication is the voice. Not only words are important, but also the tone, volume, intonation with which they are pronounced. Here is how you can guess the presence of certain feelings and emotions in the speaker:

  • Excitement - low tone, fussy intermittent speech.
  • Enthusiasm, inspiration - a high tone, a clear, well-adjusted speech.
  • Fatigue - low tone, slow speech with a decrease in intonation towards the end of the phrase.
  • Arrogance - monotonous slow speech.
  • Uncertainty - inconsistent speech with errors and pauses.

What do the gestures say?

Non-verbal communication includes numerous gestures that we sometimes do not pay attention to during communication. Nevertheless, they can reveal a lot about the true thoughts and intentions of the interlocutor. The table shows the most common combinations of gestures.

State Gesture Combination
  • Closed or squinted eyes
  • Touching or rubbing the chin
  • Pinching or rubbing of the bridge of the nose (glasses may be manipulated)
Critical attitude
  • Hand under the chin with the index finger extended along the cheek
positive attitude
  • Head and body tilted forward
  • hand touches cheek
  • Covering mouth with palm
  • Supporting the head with the hand
  • Relaxation of the body
  • Hunchback or stoop
Feeling of superiority
  • One leg thrown over the other (in a sitting position)
  • Hands thrown behind the head
  • Lightly closed eyelids
  • Shoulder shudder
  • Straightening clothes or "dusting"
  • Pulling clothes
  • Ear touching (as well as scratching, rubbing or manipulation of earrings)
  • Grasp the elbow of the opposite hand
  • Hands spread apart
  • Palms pointing up
  • Shoulders open
  • Head directed forward
  • Corps in a relaxed state

What do the poses say

One of key points non-verbal communication - postures and their meaning. Depending on the position of the body of your interlocutor, you can understand what he is thinking, what are his intentions and attitude towards you and your dialogue. The table shows the decoding of some positions.

State Pose
Self-confidence or a sense of superiority
  • Hands hidden behind the back
  • Head pointing straight
  • Chin slightly upturned
Self-confidence, aggressive attitude, readiness to defend oneself and defend one's position
  • Body tilted slightly forward
  • Hands are fixed on the belt or on the hips
  • The second hand holds the elbow
Feeling insufficiently full and frank contact with the interlocutor
  • Standing position with support on a table, chair or other hard surface
Aggressive demonstration of self-confidence, a signal of sexual desire (when communicating with the opposite sex)
  • thumbs hands are placed behind the waistband of trousers or stuck in pockets
Anxiety or distrust of the interlocutor
  • Arms crossed on chest
  • Crossed legs
  • Establishing a barrier in the form of some object (books, folders, and so on)
Impatience, haste
  • Whole body or just feet facing the door

Interpersonal space

Another important method of non-verbal communication is the observance of interpersonal distance (space). In fact, the "limits of what is permitted" may differ depending on the place of residence, type of activity, as well as individual preferences of a person. However, there are some standard parameters to follow when:

  • Intimate distance (up to 50 cm) is acceptable between close friends or relatives. Also, such interpersonal distance is acceptable in sports involving the contact of the bodies of rivals or partners.
  • Interpersonal distance (50-120 cm) is acceptable in this case, tactile contact may or may not occur.
  • Social distance (120-370 cm) is typical for public and business relations. Tactile contacts in this case are unacceptable.
  • Public distance (more than 370 cm) implies a formal exchange of courtesies or abstaining from communication.

How to get the location of a person

Non-verbal communication is powerful weapon in the hands of someone familiar with its basics. Some tricks help to achieve the location of people, to convince them that they are right. Nonverbal tactics are especially important in sales and public speaking. Here are the top tips to help you succeed:

  • Hands should be at waist level or solar plexus slightly apart. Their position must be open. You can make something like an inviting gesture with your palm.
  • Demonstrate "active listening" when your interlocutor speaks. Look at him carefully, nod your head and periodically assent when appropriate.
  • When proving your point, make your face spiritual. With all your appearance, show that your point of view is correct, you sincerely believe in it. Look closely at the interlocutor, slightly raising your eyebrows.
  • If the interlocutor objects, answer him with a serious intonation, gradually flowing into a positive one. This will give the impression that you have solved the problem and reflected the remark.
  • End the conversation with a positive tone and a smile. Thus, you will be remembered by the interlocutor with positive side and leave pleasant associations with yourself.

Non-verbal "mistakes"

Even if a person is not familiar with the intricacies of non-verbal communication, he subconsciously rejects and rejects some unpleasant moments. As a rule, communication with the interlocutor does not add up if you make such mistakes:

  • Hidden palms. Keeping your hands in your pockets, behind your back, or simply crossed means to close yourself from the interlocutor. This makes him think that you are insincere or afraid. If you find it difficult to maintain an open posture, pick up some object (pen or folder), but do not hide them.
  • Avert your gaze. Looking at the floor, around or at foreign objects is extremely wrong. It is important to make eye contact. You can look away only if you are showing something to the interlocutor (for example, a product or a document). But at the end of the presentation, be sure to look into the eyes.
  • Stoop and search for support. All this is evidence of your self-doubt. If you feel that you can not cope with emotions, it is better to invite the interlocutor to sit down.
  • Violation of personal space. If the interlocutor is not your relative or close acquaintance, do not come closer than a meter to him and do not try to establish tactile contact (touches or hugs). The interlocutor may take this for tactlessness or be embarrassed.
  • Do not touch your face, ears or hair. In general, do as little manipulation of body parts as possible. This speaks of your secrecy, insincerity or self-doubt.

How to recognize a liar

The key role of non-verbal communication is that you can recognize what the interlocutor wants to hide from you. In particular, there are a number of signs by which a lie can be determined. Here are the main ones:

  • pauses or hesitation before the start of a speech or a new replica;
  • frequent interruption of speech;
  • upward gaze, which means thinking about what was said;
  • freezing of facial expressions for more than five seconds;
  • delayed emotions (mimic reaction occurs a few seconds after the speech is delivered);
  • a strained smile, expressed by a straight narrow line of lips;
  • attempts to break eye contact or look past the interlocutor;
  • manipulations with any part of the body: tapping with fingers, stamping with a foot, biting a lip, touching a nose;
  • poor gesticulation due to attempts at self-control;
  • elevated tone of voice, uncontrolled by the speaker;
  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath that interferes with speech;
  • increased sweating in the armpits, forehead and palms;
  • hunchback;
  • crossed position of the limbs;
  • running pupils that do not stop at any one point;
  • exaggerated gestures and emotions that may not correspond to the content and nature of speech;
  • excessively fast and irregular blinking.

Non-verbal communication is communication between individuals without the use of words, i.e. without speech and language tools, presented in direct or some sign form. The human body becomes an instrument of communication, possessing an exceptionally wide range of means and methods of transmitting information or exchanging it. Both consciousness and unconscious and subconscious components of the human psyche endow him with the ability to perceive and interpret information transmitted in non-verbal form. A. Meyerabian's studies show that in the daily act of human communication, words make up 7%, sounds and intonations 38%, other non-verbal interaction 53%.

Thus, most of information is transmitted through non-verbal means of communication, which are necessary in order to:

1) create and maintain psychological contact, regulate the course of the communication process;

2) to give new semantic shades to the verbal text, to direct the interpretation of words in the right direction;

3) express the emotions of evaluation, the accepted role, the meaning of the situation.

The main means possessed by "body language" are posture, movements (gestures), facial expressions, gaze, "spatial command", voice characteristics. In recent decades, interest in the world of psychological science in non-verbal ways of communication has increased markedly, since it became clear that this component social behavior of a person plays a more important role in the life of society than previously thought. Knowledge of the features of non-verbal communication allows you to adequately "read" facial expressions, posture, gestures, breathing, voice, eye position, which contributes to interpersonal interaction and solving problem situations. There are a lot of non-verbal signs of communication, some of them are done intentionally, others are almost intentional, and still others are unconscious.

It has been established that non-verbal ways of communication have two sources of origin: biological evolution and culture. As you know, for animals, what we call non-verbal ways of communication is the main instinctively determined condition for survival and the only tool for social communication. In the animal world, postures, movements, sounds convey information about danger, the proximity of prey, the onset of the mating season, etc. These same means express their attitude to each other in specific situations.

Man has retained in his arsenal of behavior much of his animal past. This is clearly manifested in the similarity external signs some emotional reactions of an animal and a person to certain situations (manifestations of alertness, fear, panic, joy, etc.). The evolutionary origin of many components of non-verbal communication and behavior is also evidenced by the fact that the same emotional reactions and states in different cultures are expressed in the same ways and means.

At the same time, it is well known that the symbolic meaning of movements, postures, gestures and even glances in different cultures has a different, sometimes directly opposite meaning. A nod of the head means “yes” for Russians, and “no” for Bulgarians; a European and an American, reporting on the grief or misfortune that has befallen them, take on a mournful expression on their faces and expect that the interlocutor will do the same, and the Vietnamese in a similar situation will smile, because he does not want to impose his grief on the interlocutor and saves him from feigned expression of emotion; it is very difficult for Arabs to communicate without constant direct eye contact, which is more intense than that of Europeans or Americans, and the Japanese are brought up from childhood to look the interlocutor not in the eyes, but in the neck area, etc. These kinds of observations and special studies reveal the cultural context of many forms of non-verbal communication and behavior.

Among the unclear in terms of the formation of non-verbal communication means, in particular, the question of how people acquire the skills of non-verbal communication remains. Much is explained, of course, by imitation and observation of the behavior of others. But how, for example, to explain the acquisition by the individual of a more or less complex system of gestures with which he accompanies his speech? The riddle lies in the fact that the person himself in most cases cannot say why he uses this or that gesture at some point in the conversation, what meaning this gesture has, why it is needed and where it came from, etc. .

Types of non-verbal means of communication

The effectiveness of communication is determined not only by the degree of understanding of the words of the interlocutor, but also by the ability to correctly assess the behavior of the participants in communication, their facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture, gaze orientation, i.e., to understand the language of non-verbal communication. This language allows the speaker to express his feelings more fully, shows how the participants in the dialogue control themselves, how they really relate to each other.

Non-verbal behavior of a person is semi-functional, because:

Creates an image of a communication partner;

Expresses the quality and change, the relationship of communication partners, forms these relationships;

It is an indicator of the actual mental states of the individual;

Acts as a clarification, a change in the understanding of a verbal message, enhances the emotional saturation of what was said;

Maintains an optimal level of psychological closeness between communicating;

Acts as an indicator of status-role relations.

There are various classifications of non-verbal means of communication, due to their richness and versatility.

Consider the following systematization of non-verbal means of communication, which is based on the allocation of four groups:

1) visual;

2) acoustic;

3) tactile;

4) olfactory.

The first group includes those non-verbal means of communication that a person primarily perceives with the help of the organ of vision.

Visual non-verbal means of communication include:

Mimicry is a facial expression, the position of a person's head. Facial expressions are one of the main indicators of the speaker's feelings. It allows you to better understand your communication partner, to figure out what feelings he is experiencing.

Kinesthetic expressions include: posture; movement of hands (gestures), head, legs, torso of a person, his gait and posture.

Eye movement - direction of gaze, visual contact, frequency and duration of fixation of the eyes of another person.

Skin reactions: redness, blanching.

Proxemics is a characteristic of interpersonal distance: the distance to the interlocutor, the angle of rotation towards him, personal space. Communication is always spatially organized. One of the first to study the spatial structure of communication was the American anthropologist E. Hall, who introduced the term “proxemics” itself, the literal translation of which means “proximity”. The proxemic characteristics of communication are directly influenced by cultural and national factors.

E. Hall described the norms of approaching a person to a person - the distances characteristic of North American culture. These norms are defined by four distances: intimate distance (from 0 to 45 cm) - communication of the closest people; personal (from 45 to 120 cm) - communication with familiar people; social (from 120 to 400 cm) - preferably when communicating with strangers and in official communication; public (from 400 to 750 cm) - when speaking to various audiences.

Orientation, expressed in the rotation of the body and the toe of the foot in the direction of the partner or away from him, signals the direction of thoughts.

Auxiliary means of communication: signs of gender, age, race; clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, jewelry, glasses.

The ability to communicate, win over the interlocutor and find an approach to him is an art that allows you to achieve success, both personally and professionally, public sphere. According to research, human behavior is assessed from the point of view of non-verbal means of communication - through gestures and facial expressions, movements and postures, facial expressions, glances, smiles, etc. Non-verbal communication indicates the emotional state of a person, his feelings and character traits.

Thanks to the classification of non-verbal means of communication, one can recognize (understand) the motives of the interlocutor's behavior (his dreams, mood, expectations, intentions, experiences), achieve with him the highest degree psychological intimacy. For a better understanding of the features of non-verbal communication, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of communication and their characteristics.


Kinesics is a branch of psychology that studies the emotional reactions of a person in terms of his expressive expressive movements (body movements). In this aspect, the following are considered as the main non-verbal means of communication: posture, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, features of gait, gaze. It is believed that the information that the interlocutor wants to convey through speech can differ significantly from the feelings he actually experiences.


The postures taken by a person during a conversation testify to his true intentions, more eloquently than gestures and facial expressions. Controlling your emotions is easy, but controlling your posture when communicating is more difficult.

Modern psychologists divide postures into three types:

  1. domination- a person hangs, tries to look down, sits, leaning back, crossing his legs. Addiction- the individual lowers his head, sits, tightly clenching his knees, fiddling with his fingers.
  2. closeness- the opponent interlocks his fingers, closes by crossing his arms, legs, moves away from the interlocutor, looks away. openness- an individual who is disposed to communication is distinguished by a relaxed posture, a broad smile, open palms, outstretched legs, and a torso turned towards the interlocutor.
  3. Confrontation- expressed by a raised chin, clenched fists, arms outstretched or located on the hips, sides. harmony- manifests itself in the peaceful posture of the speaker, his good-natured look.


With the help of these non-verbal elements of communicative communication, our ancestors have been trying to reach mutual understanding since ancient times. Head movements, hand gestures are able to convey the emotional state of the interlocutor - his overexcitation, sadness, joy, anger, etc.

In a non-verbal sense, sign language is classified into the following types:

  • modal- conveying the attitude of the participants in the conversation (trust / distrust, approval / disagreement, satisfaction / dissatisfaction);
  • communicative- used for prohibitions, affirmation, farewell, greeting, attracting attention, etc.
  • descriptive- express emotional coloring in the context of certain statements.

facial expressions

Mimic reactions are considered one of the main indicators of the true feelings of the interlocutor. According to studies, if an individual keeps his face still, then information about his personality characteristics is lost by 15%. Psychologists have noted more than 20,000 different non-verbal interpretations of facial expressions. The main emotional states are:

  • anger;
  • fear;
  • irritation;
  • sadness;
  • astonishment;
  • joy;
  • disgust.

When a person's emotional state changes, the configuration of the entire face begins to change dynamically, mainly lips, eyebrows and forehead.


The gait personifies the life position of the individual. Analyzing the style of movement of a person, one can judge the features of his character, age, well-being and even profession. By the dynamics, rhythm and amplitude of the step, psychologists learn about such states as pride, suffering, illness, anger, determination, happiness, etc. A “light” gait gives out high spirits, joy, and self-confidence. "Heavy" - characteristic of gloomy faces who are discouraged or in a state of anger. "Lazy", "weaving" - happens to suffering, insecure faces.


visual contact - non-verbal signal, which is the most important element in the art of communication. A direct, interested look disposes the interlocutor to himself, arouses sympathy. Too long glance is perceived as a challenge, excessive interest of the interlocutor. A short one, on the contrary, gives reason to believe that the opponent is insincere, hides information. It is considered optimal - an exchange of glances in 10 seconds.

It is also worth considering the national factor, for example, Asians (Japanese, Koreans) do not often look at faces, Europeans are distinguished by a direct look. Depending on the specifics, psychologists distinguish the following types of views:

  • social - characteristic of secular, relaxed communication;
  • business - used in a working atmosphere (when concluding business contracts, etc.);
  • intimate - personifies interest, love, etc .;
  • a sideways glance - may indicate hostility, envy, criticality, suspicion.

The eyes are capable of transmitting the most subtle signals of an individual's emotional state. Constriction / expansion of the pupils occurs in a person at an unconscious level, depending on his mood and state of the body. An excited, interested person will have 4 times dilated pupils. gloomy, depression leads to constriction of the pupils.

Prosody and extralinguistics

Prosody and extralinguistics analyze the individual in terms of such non-verbal elements as:

  • Intonation- allows you to determine the thoughts, feelings, experiences, mood of the interlocutor;
  • Volume- characterizes volitional aspirations, the emotional state of a person (hysteria, balance, etc.);
  • Timbre- betrays the character of the individual. High timbre is a sign of self-confidence or excitement, low - relaxation and softness, chest - increased emotionality.
  • Poise- allows you to give words additional significance and weight. With the help of a pause, the interlocutor can take time for reflection, convey his emotions (offense, surprise, disagreement).
  • Sigh- has no verbal content, but can eloquently express hopelessness, tragedy, sadness.
  • Laugh- able to defuse the situation and inspire (cheerful, comical). Or vice versa - upset, lower self-esteem (sarcastic, cynical, malevolent).
  • Cry- Expresses an overabundance of feelings of the interlocutor.
  • Cough- is interpreted as a person’s desire to symbolically “burp” something or bewilderment, disagreement with something.


Takeshika studies non-verbal dynamic ways of communication - shaking hands, kissing, patting. Scientists have proven that touch is a biologically necessary form of stimulation for a person. Individual uses different types touches depending on the status, age, gender of the partner.

  • Handshake- can be equal, dominant (strong, with a hand located on top), submissive (weak, the hand is below).
  • Pat on the shoulder - a tactical technique, which is used under the condition of close relations between the interlocutors, as well as with their social equality.
  • Kiss- used in close communication - relatives and acquaintances (friendly), couples in love (intimate).

Incorrect application of these tactical elements can lead to an inadequate reaction of the opponent, to conflict situations.


Proxemics is based on building interpersonal relationships between individuals using spatial constraints. From the point of view of proxemics, non-verbal means of communicative communication include:

  • Distance
  • Orientations
  • Distance

Psychologists have established several norms of "proximity" (distances of a spatial type):

  • intimate– designed for the closest people (0-45 cm.)
  • Personal- allowing you to communicate with common friends (45-120 cm).
  • social- recommended for official communication with unfamiliar people.
  • public- allows you to refrain from communication or speak in front of an audience.

An interlocutor who adheres to the above norms not only provides, but also feels more confident and comfortable.

These means of communication may vary depending on the nationality, social status and country of residence of the individual. Gender, age and personality characteristics of a person also matter.


Such a proxemic component as orientation conveys various shades of a person's emotional state, in terms of the angle of communication and the direction of the partner. Turning the toe of the foot and body can signal a person's attitude towards an opponent. A negotiator who decides to end the discussion involuntarily turns his body towards the exit. AT business communication seats at the negotiating table also matter:

  1. against- characterizes a competitive-defensive position, in which the participants rigidly defend their point of view;
  2. one side- the most convenient option for joint discussion of problems and development of a common solution;
  3. corner arrangement- allows you to have a friendly and relaxed conversation;
  4. diagonally- the situation indicates a lack of interest, unwillingness of the participant in the conversation to interact.