Normal weight for a 5 year old cat. British kitten weight by months and breed standard

A special role in the life of a cat is occupied by a period of active growth, when the animal is gaining weight. It occurs in the first six months of life pet. Therefore, it is important to know what the weight of a kitten should be by months. For these purposes, there special table. It will help to track this indicator throughout the entire period of growth of the animal and correct the shortfall or overshoot in time.

Determination of weight domestic kitten- a great way to assess its growth and development. If the mass is gaining slowly, this indicates health problems. Also, problems with well-being can be in a nursing cat. Second reason bad set is a shortage nutrients(for example, many cubs were born in the litter).

Kittens are characterized rapid growth, because in vivo they leave their mother at 12-16 weeks of age. Therefore, at the beginning of their life, they should eat a balanced and high-calorie meal. Every week, the cub should gain 50-100 g. If the animal is gaining less, it must be taken to the veterinarian. But there are times when a pet has a temporary stabilization of this indicator. Then the set resumes and goes at an accelerated pace.

For each breed of cats, there is a special table that indicates normal weight animal according to its age. This is important to know, since the norm is directly dependent on two indicators - age and breed.

Therefore, you can find out how much a kitten of a particular breed should weigh without any problems. Do not forget that this indicator is seriously affected by a complete, balanced and rational diet.

In the first days after birth

Newly born babies have a mass of about 70-130 g. In the first days of life, the cubs practically do not move and do not see anything. At this time, their main task is to eat, sleep and grow. As a result of this regimen, they should gain 10-15 g per day.

Up to a month

In the first 3-6 days, babies weigh in the range of 85-200 g. By the end of the first week of life, this figure is 140-285 g. At this time, the eyes begin to open in animals, a reaction to extraneous smells and sounds appears, they become more active.

Therefore, kittens in the first month of their lives need a full-fledged enhanced nutrition. For this, there is an expansion of the diet. It is added dairy products. Gradually, the transition of animals from breastfeeding to self-catering dry food or natural food. Their weight during this period is about 500-700 g.

Up to three months

An animal at the age of 2 months already behaves like an adult. At this time, the mother is less and less likely to feed the babies with milk, since the body of the kittens is already quite ready for self-feeding. Therefore, the second month is a great time to transfer the pet to a new owner. By this age, the weight of kittens is 1-1.4 kg.

After 4 weeks, animals should eat at least 5 times a day. Every time the pets are given a fresh portion of food. During this period, it is already necessary to decide what exactly the animal will eat: dry food or natural products. Three-month-old kittens weigh about 1.7-2.3 kg.

A detailed graph of weight gain in domestic cats and cats is as follows:

  • newborn babies: females - 116-145, males - 118-147 g;
  • 1 week: 240-260, 240-280 g;
  • 2 weeks: 340-400, 350-420 g;
  • 4 weeks: 560-740, 630-820 g;
  • 6-8 weeks: 1.15-1.4, 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • 10-12 weeks: 1.7-2.3, 1.8-2.3 kg;
  • 14-16 weeks: 2.6-3.6, 2.7-3.8 kg;
  • 5 months: 2.9-4.3, 3.2-5.5 kg;
  • 6 months: 3.2-4.5, 3.9-6 kg;
  • 7 months: 3.5-4.9, 4.2-6.5 kg;
  • 8 months: 3.8-5.2, 4.5-6.9 kg;
  • 9 months: 4.1-5.5, 5-7 kg;
  • 10 months: 4.2-5.8, 5.3-7.7 kg;
  • 11 months: 4.3-6.1, 5.6-8 kg;
  • 1 year: 4.5-6.8, 5.7-9 kg.

After 1 year, the mass of animals directly depends on the breed and nutrition.

Gain control

You need to control the increase in a kitten every month. First, a kitchen scale is used. When the animal becomes larger, it is weighed on floor scales.

The monthly set should be 100-150 g.

The body weight of the pet must be checked against the table calculated for a particular breed. The measurements taken are recorded in a special diary.

Domestic cats are often prone to overweight, as they lead a measured lifestyle and have constant access to food. Also not a small role is played by excessive overfeeding them. delicious food. To avoid problems with the weight of the animal, owners need to know the average weight of the cat, which depends on its age, sex and breed. This will be discussed in the article.

Deviation from the proper weight and its impact on health

Need to know about Negative consequences for the health of the pet, both overweight and underweight. Excess weight above the norm can cause various diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis) and reduced life expectancy. Obesity is especially dangerous for young cats. Underweight appears due to poor feeding of the cat or due to the presence of certain diseases (metabolic disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases) and can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis, exhaustion.

Weight norm for some breeds

How much a cat of a certain breed should weigh is presented in the table. It must be understood that “normal weight” is a relative concept, depending on various factors. For example, a Maine Coon kitten weighs almost 2 kilograms at 3 months, and an adult Devon Rex can weigh the same. The weight of both animals will be considered normal.

Breed Normal (average) weight, (kg)
abessinian 4-7,5
american bobtail 3-6,5
Bengal 3,5-6,5
British Shorthair 4-8
british longhair 3-7
Devon Rex 2-3,5
munchkin 2-4
Maine Coon 5-10
norwegian forest 4-9
Oriental 4-8
Persian 4-7
Russian blue 4-8
Siamese 3-5
Siberian 3,5-9
Sphinx 3-5
Scottish 3-6

You may not know the normal weight for a cat in order to draw a conclusion about his state of health. Determine normal weight pet quite simple, without even resorting to the use of floor scales. It is necessary to independently conduct an examination of the animal, and find out what weight category it can be attributed to.

Possible weight categories

  • Underweight cat. The bones are clearly visible and protruding. There are no fatty deposits on the chest.
  • Normal weight for a cat. The body is hourglass shaped when viewed from above (the lumbar waist is determined), muscular. On examination, the outlines of the bones are slightly visible. The ridge and ribs are easily palpable, the abdomen is tucked up, it has a minimal fat layer.
  • Increased cat weight. Waist is defined. On the muzzle, back and abdomen there are small body fat, the ribs are not visible, but are hardly palpable. When viewed from the side, the abdomen is not expressed.
  • Obesity average. The waist is wide, slightly defined from above. The bones are not visible and practically not palpable. Moderate body fat on belly, chest and base of tail. On the side, the abdomen is slightly enlarged.
  • obesity severe. The waist is not visible from above. Bones are palpable with difficulty. There is a pronounced fat layer on the back, at the base of the tail, chest and abdomen. Rib cage and wide belly. Laterally, the abdomen is markedly enlarged.

Cats generally grow up to a year. A domestic cat at 1 year old weighs an average of 3-6 kg, cats are 1-3 kg less. If the weight is insufficient or overweight (in a word - abnormal), you must definitely contact your veterinarian to determine possible causes. The veterinarian will examine necessary research and appoint medications or dietary adjustments. Even if the cat is in the normal weight category, it must be regularly shown to the veterinarian.

The weight of an animal is one of the important indicators for determining its health. Obesity can be a problem not only for humans, but also for animals. As well as lack of weight is often the cause of a serious illness.

What is the normal weight for cats

Among all in the world, the Australian representative of this species is recognized as the heaviest - its weight was 21 kilograms. But according to Mr. Peebles, the cat was recognized as the lightest - 1 kg 300 g. Of course, the standard indicators are very different from the record ones.

Simple domestic cat weight can range from two to seven kilograms. Basically, both the size of the animal and its weight directly depend on what its breed is. So, representatives of the Angora and Siamese are distinguished by lightness and harmony.

Persian and cats are more heavy - some of them are able to amaze with their size. And the Maine Coon often weighs more than eleven kilograms.

As a rule, the solid weight of a pet is a direct result of the owners' ardent love for him, which is expressed in overfeeding the animal. Usually overweight cats are in poor health.

Obesity and its accompanying health problems will help to avoid careful attention to the diet, carefully selected drinking regimen. Regular weighing will help with weight control. If the cat does not want to be weighed, you can keep him in place in the following way. The owner takes the animal in his arms, weighs himself with him, and then weighs himself alone. The second value is subtracted from the first value obtained - the result will be the weight of the cat.

How to determine if a cat's weight is normal

The main parameter that determines the normal weight healthy cat maybe his breed. Britons, Maine Coons, Norwegians without a single sign of obesity can be more than eight kilograms. small breeds like Singaporeans weighing three kilos can be considered overweight. The average weight for a cat, depending on the structure of the skeleton and size, can be considered a range of 3.5-5.5 kg.

AT veterinary clinics you can read the reminders that will help you approximately determine whether the weight of a particular cat is sufficient. With a lack of weight, the pelvic bones, chest joints, and ribs protrude and are very noticeable both to the touch and visually. The fat layer on the chest is not palpable. At overweight with a cat or

A special role in the development of a kitten is played by a period of active growth and weight gain. Determining the weight of a kitten at each stage of its development is necessary in order to notice deviations in the direction of underweight or overweight in time, and take action. In order to control the weight of a kitten by months, you can use a special table.

It is based on the average increase for each month in the period from 1 to 12. However, when using the data in the table, it should be borne in mind that the weight of different breeds at the same age may be slightly different. For example, Maine Coon cubs already at birth weigh significantly more than cubs British breeds. Also, several other factors affect the weight and size of a kitten:

  • Floor. At birth, boys and girls usually do not differ much in weight, but after a few months this difference becomes noticeable;
  • The number of individuals in the litter. It is known that the more individuals were born in one litter, the greater the deviation they have towards underweight from the average statistical norm;
  • Proper nutrition of a cat during the period of gestation and feeding. If during pregnancy and feeding the cat received all the substances necessary for her body, then the probability of harmoniously developing offspring becomes higher;
  • A balanced diet for a baby after weaning it from a cat is one of the factors that are significant in terms of the degree of influence on the normal weight of a kitten;
  • Animal health status. Violation of the general state of health can adversely affect the development of the individual and normal weight gain.

Kitten weight at birth

A newly born kitten usually weighs no more than 120 grams. At this age, he still does not see anything and practically does not move. The main task of the baby is to eat, sleep and grow. In this mode, he adds 10 to 15 grams per day.

After about a week, the eyes of the babies open, they react to sounds and extraneous odors, and begin to show more activity in movements. Thanks to enhanced nutrition they already weigh 200-250 grams and become more and more mobile every day.

By the end of the fourth week, the kittens are already actively playing and moving freely throughout the territory allotted to them. At this time, the kitten should weigh 300-500 grams.

Approximate weight in the first four weeks looks like this:

  • A newly born cat weighs between 70 and 130g
  • At the age of 3-6 days - from 85 to 200g
  • At the age of 1 week - from 140 to 285g
  • At two weeks of age - from 225 to 400g
  • At the age of 3 weeks - from 285 to 500g

by the most active period development of a kitten and maximum weight gain, the period from 1 to 6 months is considered, when babies gradually move from milk feeding to more varied foods. The weight of a kitten in the first half of the year is as follows:

At 1 month, it already weighs from 500 to 700 grams, actively moves around, can drink water on its own and try sour-milk products. At this stage, preparations begin for the transition from sucking milk to self-feeding.

A kitten at 2 months already begins to behave like an adult. During this period, the cat is less and less likely to feed the kittens with milk, as they are fully mature in order to eat on their own. It is at this age that breeders recommend transferring babies into the hands of new owners in order to start instilling in pets the rules of behavior in a new home as early as possible. Weight in 2 months reaches 1000-1400 grams.

How much should a 3 month old kitten weigh? It is recommended to feed the pet during this period at least 5 times a day, offering each time a fresh portion of food. Also at this age, it is advisable to decide how you plan to feed the animal, natural or industrial feed. If the baby develops harmoniously, then its weight is approximately 1700-2300 grams.

A kitten at 4 months old is already able to lead a completely independent lifestyle, eat solid food, walk in the tray, contact with other pets. Average weight a four-month-old cat should be in the range of 2500-3600 grams.

At the age of five months, kittens undergo small changes in their diet. They keep on leading active image life, but now the breaks in food are getting longer, and the mass of one portion eaten is greater. In this regard, individuals of some breeds may experience jumps body weight in either direction. The usual weight of a kitten at 5 months is 2900-3900 grams.

Kitten from 6 months to a year

By six months, the kitten already looks like an adult cat and is sexually mature. The growth rate of the animal slows down slightly, and kittens of some breeds even reach maximum values. At the age of 6 months, cats may begin their first molt, but their physique cannot yet be called formed, since the period of muscle growth has not yet been completed. The average weight of a six-month-old baby is 3200-4100 grams.

In the period from six months to a year, the kitten gradually gains 100-150 grams in weight every month, and by the year it is approximately 4500-7500 grams.

In this age muscle mass already finally formed, and several other factors begin to influence the state of the cat's weight:

  • Balanced diet. If a kitten's diet meets its needs, weight problems are unlikely;
  • Outdoor games. Lack of mobility in cats can lead to excess weight;
  • Healthy sleep is beneficial for general state health;
  • The presence of irritants. The presence of any irritants in the house can reduce appetite and lead to weight loss.

For speed and convenience, there is a table of kitten weight by months for each breed, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Exceeding the norm

In a city apartment, cats are most at risk of obesity, and if we add to this malnutrition, then problems with overweight will not make you wait long.

In an overweight cat, the waist is completely absent, and the stomach bulges in both directions. Watch the cat, if it is difficult for her to lick and raise her paws, then there is a reason for this.

Take the cat in your arms and try to feel for the ribs, they should be easy to feel, but not stick out. In the case of obesity, it will be problematic to feel the ribs, as they are covered with a layer of fat.

In most cases, overweight problems in pets are regulated by dietary adjustments, but sometimes obesity can be a symptom of other diseases, so it is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Rate reduction

If, when weighing an animal, you find that the weight of the kitten is below normal, while he is quite healthy appearance and active behavior, then in this case you just need to watch the kitten.

Perhaps he lacks nutrients or growth in body weight does not keep up with size.

In some cases, kittens between the ages of seven and nine months are not gaining weight well, if not losing it altogether. This may be due to the sexual maturation of individuals and changes hormonal background animal.

Another thing is if, when examining an animal, you find protruding ribs, an uneven coat, and protruding pelvic bones. All of these signs may indicate serious illness in which a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

Excess weight is bad, because with an increase in fat mass, the likelihood of many diseases increases and life expectancy decreases.

Everyone knows this basic truth. But not everyone fully realizes that this also applies to cats. And, seriously. However, this is described in sufficient detail in the article, we will not repeat.

How to find out how far our pet is from ideal? It's simple. Let's put it on the scales, take a look from above and from the side, compare it with the table and say to ourselves: - Oops ...

In the calculations, we will rely on the Fat Mass Index (BFI).

BFI 20: 16-25% body fat

Muzzle: minimal body fat, visible bone structures. Head and neck: the border between the head and shoulders is distinguishable, the scruff is weakly expressed, there is no fat layer. Sternum, shoulder blades and ribs: distinguishable and very easily palpable, the fat layer is minimal. Stomach: the skin is tight, the contents of the abdomen are easily palpable. Tail base: bone structures are clearly visible and very easily palpable, minimal fat layer. Side view: abdomen is tucked up. View from above: hourglass shape.

At BFI 20, the current weight of the pet is the same as the ideal.

BFI 30: 26-35% body fat

Muzzle: a small fat layer, bone structures are determined. Head and neck: a clear border between the head and shoulders, the nape is weakly expressed, the fatty layer on the nape is weakly expressed. Sternum, shoulder blades: are defined, easily noticeable, easily palpable, moderate fat layer on the sternum. Ribs: indistinguishable, easily palpable. Stomach: the skin is tight, the minimum fat layer, the contents of the abdomen are easily palpable. Tail base: bone structures are poorly visible, palpable, a small fat layer. Side view: the abdominal area is not expressed. View from above: visible hourglass/lumbar waist.

BFI 40: 36-45% body fat

Muzzle: small or moderate body fat, bone structures are poorly defined. Head and neck: a moderately pronounced border between the head and shoulders, a dense nape with a small fat layer. Sternum: weakly expressed, palpable, moderate fat layer. Shoulder blades: weakly expressed, easily palpable. Ribs: indistinguishable, palpable. Stomach: pronounced skin fold with a moderate fat layer, the contents of the abdomen are easily palpable. Tail base: bone structures are minimally visible, palpable, moderate fat layer. Side view: the abdomen is slightly enlarged. View from above: lumbar waist.

BFI 50: 46-55% body fat

Muzzle: moderate body fat, bone structures are defined weakly or minimally. Head and neck: weakly defined border between the head and shoulders, dense nape with a moderate fat layer. Sternum: it is defined poorly, it is probed badly, the expressed fatty layer. Shoulder blades: minimally expressed or not defined, palpable. Ribs: not expressed, palpable with difficulty. Stomach: pronounced fatty layer, the contents of the abdomen are palpated with difficulty. Tail base: bone structures are poorly distinguishable, are hardly palpable, the fatty layer is well expressed. Side view: the abdomen is enlarged. View from above: the back area is enlarged.

BFI 60: 56-65% body fat

Muzzle: pronounced fat layer, bone structures are poorly defined or not defined. Head and neck: the border between the head and shoulders is minimally expressed, a dense nape with a moderate fat layer. Sternum: not defined, very hard to palpate, very thick fat layer. Shoulder blades: are not defined, are probed with difficulty. Ribs: are not defined, it is almost impossible to probe. Stomach: the fatty layer is strongly expressed, the contents of the abdomen cannot be felt. Tail base: bone structures are not defined, they are probed with great difficulty, the fat layer is very well expressed. Side view: the abdomen is greatly enlarged. View from above: the dorsal area is greatly enlarged.

BFI 70: >65% body fat

thick fatty layer, bone structures are not defined. Head and neck: there is no border between the head and shoulder, a dense nape with a pronounced fatty layer. Sternum: not defined, impossible to probe, extremely thick fat layer. Shoulder blades: Ribs: not defined, impossible to probe. Stomach: extremely thick fat, the contents of the abdomen cannot be probed. Tail base: bone structures are not determined, they are probed with great difficulty, the fat layer is extremely pronounced. Side view: the abdomen is extremely enlarged. View from above: the area of ​​the back is extremely greatly enlarged.

Well? Did you breathe a sigh of relief? Or not?