Description of the Napoleon complex. Male complexes

Hello, dear readers blog! The Napoleon complex is, in fact, an ordinary inferiority complex that arises against the background of short stature. Previously, psychologists were of the opinion that the “Napoleonics” were too aggressive and sought to conquer the world. The reason for this opinion was the examples of despotic rulers such as Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Lenin (164 cm) and others. But over time it became clear that this was a myth, but the concept of “Napoleon syndrome” remained. Today I will tell you how to recognize it and what to do to alleviate the condition.

History and causes

This complex was discovered by Alfred Adler, the famous psychologist. He found out that all people experience it because in childhood they felt the superiority of adults and their inferiority compared to them. It is from these feelings that each healthy child strives to be like one of his parents, to do something better than him, and in general, has a desire to grow up and reach heights as quickly as possible.

This message perfectly motivates children to develop, especially if adults support their aspirations, not devaluing or competing, but giving space for self-expression. Then even small growth will not be in adult life cause a feeling of being underestimated. But Napoleon syndrome manifests itself when the environment is not entirely healthy, that is, for some reason the parents did not provide safe conditions for growing up. For example, being overly protective of him.

The child does not have the opportunity to prove himself, to gain experience through trial and error; adults, “powerful figures” with power, do everything for him. Therefore, against their background, the child has no choice but to get an inferiority complex. He may try to rebel over time, breaking out of control, and trying to prove to the world that he exists and is capable of much on an equal basis with others. Or he will withdraw into himself, feeling helpless and depressed, subordinating to other, more knowledgeable and “bigger” people.

It also occurs due to hypoprotection, that is, lack of attention, love and care on the part of parents. And then the child takes responsibility for this “dislike”, believing that he simply does not deserve it, because he is not so “good”, “healthy”, “beautiful” and so on.

And although the name of this syndrome is masculine, it can also occur in women who are more masculine. That is, the qualities and traits inherent in the strong half of humanity. For example, when a woman occupies a leadership position, she simply needs to be restrained, show an iron will and be able to withstand competition and aggressiveness. And if she is small, pretty and fragile, then those around her may not take her seriously at first, which is why the syndrome will actively manifest itself.

Signs and methods of control


A person strives to prove to everyone that, despite his growth and fragility, he is capable of achievement. And, in order not to go to extremes, becoming tyrannical, think about what advantages you have, what else can you show to the world? For example, Louis de Funes won recognition thanks to his charisma and humor, although his height is 164 cm. If you want championship, look at the article, there you will find recommendations that can advance you in your aspirations without harming yourself or destroying relationships with others .

Excessive external pomposity and self-confidence

Although in fact there are storms and hurricanes inside from fears and anxieties. The more a person shows his arrogance and superiority, the more shame he has for himself inside. This is the kind of phenomenon that exists in psychology. If a colleague behaves this way or close person– the very understanding of how he actually suffers will reduce the level of anger and irritation towards him. But what to do if you feel this way - first of all, admit that you have difficulties with self-awareness and self-perception.

Shame should be fought, just like fear, by moving towards it. Try to be more open to people, clarify whether they really consider you “unworthy”, or does it just seem that way to you? Believe me, the wall of exclusion pushes you away a large number of people, shame isolates and distorts reality. Take the risk of expressing yourself through positive experiences; over time, you will not need a mask of superiority.

Reality distortion

That is, the peculiarity of associating every failure with one’s short stature, believing that others are simply finding fault with it, not taking it seriously. Thus, they abdicate responsibility for their actions and actions. After all, the opinion that others are simply unfair to them is more comfortable and pleasant than the realization that they did not make enough effort or made a mistake. This is especially common in men. Learn to take responsibility, each time asking the question: “What did I personally bring to the situation that it all ended like this?”



The desire to be the same as others can cause harm if you constantly experience so-called “black” envy. To cope with it, write a list of 10 qualities and skills that you like about yourself. Then think about why they are bad for you. Then write down 10 points that you don’t like about yourself, and you consider them shortcomings, and then convert them into advantages in the same way. So you will understand what balance means, and that the very attitude towards something is important.

Each quality can be both useful and harmful, it all depends on the conditions and situation.

The same Louis de Funes turned his short stature into an advantage, not being embarrassed, but on the contrary, creating paintings where he looks comical against the backdrop of more big people. You are unique, be proud of it and turn your differences from other people into an ally. And also look at the article, there you will find more exercises for understanding it and developing the ability to compete.



And that's all for today, dear readers! If, after looking at the signs, you discover that you have Napoleon syndrome, I recommend subscribing to updates and joining our groups in social networks. In the near future we will consider the issue of complexes in more detail. I wish you success and self-love, by learning to accept yourself as you are, you will find happiness and a sense of balance, inner balance.

An article was published about inferiority complexes.

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

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Napoleon syndrome - myth or reality?

Napoleon syndrome - myth or reality?

Most people believe that Napoleon syndrome occurs only in short men. After all, as you know, great commander He was only 157 cm tall. However, despite this particular shortcoming of Napoleon, the syndrome named after the latter is characterized not by one specified symptom, but by a whole set of symptoms. Moreover, a boss with “Napoleon syndrome” can have quite decent height.

One of the main reasons for the emergence of stardom is fast growth employee, a leap, a breakthrough in development at a certain stage. Harbinger" star fever“An active personal or career movement always serves. In this case, on the one hand, self-esteem and, consequently, the assessment of others quickly changes; on the other hand, the person expects subsequent similar growth and is very worried if this does not happen. But where does such zeal for work?

The main thing that unites the adult Napoleons is the very young age of achieving any more or less leadership position, and also the fact that they, the adult Napoleons, were once not Napoleons at all, but were plain-looking boys (often really short stature, but this is not at all necessary), which the majority of both adults and peers either despised or simply ignored. Strength of character, cheerfulness, and sense of humor were not enough to compensate for shortcomings in appearance, as sometimes happens with miniature boys of small stature when they become everyone’s favorites in a class or student group. However, the desire to be loved and desired is nevertheless inherent in any mental to a normal person. And therefore, such a nondescript little man long and patiently nurtures within himself the desire for superiority, the desire to loudly declare himself, to prove to the whole world that he, too, is capable of great things. Along with this, hatred matures and accumulates towards everyone to whom success comes easily, who is loved, who is a leader, and even more so, a boss. However, these feelings are hidden for the time being.

The future “Napoleon” seems to those around him, and especially to his immediate superiors, as a “quite capable boy” who tries his best to strive to achieve high results in his work, looks into his boss’s mouth and is the first to carry out all his orders. Needless to say that such a “capable boy” begins to make a career early and quickly? To begin with, he is appointed the head of some small and not very important department. But this is where the problems begin. The subordinates of the “capable boy” have problems.

In management psychology, among other classifications, there are 3 main leadership styles, depending on the “direction” of the leader. The first of these – and the most effective – is focus on completing the task at hand. As a rule, it is followed by energetic, self-confident, enthusiastic leaders; as they say, the whole business rests on them.

The second - less effective - focus on interaction between team members. Such managers adhere to a democratic management style, first of all they care about making their subordinates feel comfortable, and they turn a blind eye to drinking coffee around the clock and surfing the Internet. The quality of work suffers, but everyone loves the manager. True, they are not always respected, but this is a secondary matter.

Well, the last, third orientation. It is characteristic of “Napoleon syndrome”, although this is not necessary. This is self-orientation of the loved one. And in the full sense of the word. Your own ambitions come first, requiring constant satisfaction. Just yesterday, a boy colleague who had a nice conversation with you, today, having become your boss, demands that you get up when he enters the office. In communicating with subordinates, the newly appointed leader is categorical and harsh, to the point of inappropriate treatment. He can scream and terrorize his subordinates, especially women who do not know his authority. At the same time, for fear of appearing incompetent to his subordinates, such a leader will never provide real practical help. In front of everyone, of course, he says that he will help everyone, if only they come forward. However, if any controversial situation will refer to the lack of free time, to the fact that he has already “told me what to do a good hundred times”, in the end, he will simply tell his subordinate everything that he thinks about intellectual abilities the latter, but will not answer the question posed.

When talking with an interlocutor of equal status, or when it is necessary to speak at a meeting, a boss with “Napoleon syndrome” slips into fruitless philosophizing, displaying aerobatics in demagoguery. And not at all because he is incompetent, stupid, or does not know the specifics of the work. Not at all. Triggered defense mechanisms– an inferiority complex cultivated over the years, coupled with excessive ambitions, as well as a won place in the sun and the desire to conquer new frontiers, does not allow you to stumble, make mistakes, or reveal your uncertainty in a particular issue, and therefore a large number of smart and beautiful words should mask this uncertainty.

Soon lexicon The Napoleon boss begins to limit himself to the words “I said”, “I believe”, as well as a set of negative evaluative characteristics of others. What is typical is that such a leader absolutely does not listen to speech addressed to him - “self-orientation” absorbs him entirely. He listens only to himself, as well as everything that may directly affect his interests or confirm his own point of view. Everything else is simply not taken into account, instantly forgotten or considered nonsense.

Increasingly, statements such as: “This job is unworthy of me,” “I am irreplaceable,” etc. appear more and more often. Then the manager begins to appropriate the group result for himself, is afraid to clarify tasks so as not to appear incompetent, and inflates his real value on the labor market.

The terror of such a leader is worse than the terror of any other - just a quick-tempered, but easy-going person, or someone who simply has a personal dislike for you as a subordinate. Firstly, such an attitude is easier to understand, forgive, predict, and secondly, it is easier to prove to higher management why it is so difficult for you to work with your boss.

In the case of a boss with Napoleon syndrome, this will not work. After all, the authorities don’t even realize that the “capable boy” is capable, excuse the tautology, of rudeness, incorrect treatment and idle talk. He still childishly faithfully looks into the eyes and mouth of his superior leader, and still briskly carries out his orders (only now with the hands of his subordinates - but who knows about that). Therefore, they turn a blind eye to any indignation of subordinates, they say, someone will always be dissatisfied with the boss, and the “capable boy” is promoted further and higher, giving him more and more reasons for pride, and all more subordinates - reasons for dismissal at their own request.

Ways to solve the problem.

Practice shows that psychocorrectional work will not do. The first thing such a boss tells the psychologist is “I’m not going to change my style of behavior because of the dissatisfaction of a handful of subordinates.” And he really doesn't intend to do that. First of all, because he is not inclined to look for the reasons for failures in completing assigned tasks in himself or in the ineffective way of his own leadership.

What can be done? The only way out is to remain subordinate (in order to at least maintain your mental health And workplace) - calmly ignore the “antics” of such a boss, treat him with humor according to the principle “bosses come and go, but we stay,” and most importantly, help him in his work. After all, what high altitudes he will achieve - thus it will go faster for a promotion. And then it will no longer be your problem.

Adored strong men, crazy and romantic women, this 1.51 m tall man had enormous ambitions, outstanding abilities, exuberant energy and an unwavering will to win. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, as if in defiance of his height, strove for greatness, achieved it and went down in history.
It is to Napoleon that psychologists owe the key term that explains the desire of short men for fame, wealth and success. They called this desire the “Napoleon complex.”
The list of people who became famous thanks to this very complex is impressive: Frederick the Great, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Charles Aznavour, Herbert von Karajan, Helmut Schmidt, Charlie Chaplin, Humphrey Bogart, Aristotle Onassis...
Even in early youth, short young men understand that they will not achieve success and authority with either their muscles or their fists. And, if they have intelligence and ambition, they draw appropriate conclusions. They devote more time to studying and mental development than their tall peers. They become independent faster, and achieving success requires less effort.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The “Napoleon complex” creates complex personalities. Outwardly self-confident, they suffer from internal contradictions generated by feelings of physical inferiority. But perhaps it was the complexity of the characters, together with their acting abilities, that created such screen stars, who were not always distinguished by beauty, as Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Woody Allen, Marlon Brando and everyone’s favorite Louis de Funes.

Jean Claude Van Damme achieved success in American cinema in an unusual way. Becoming a Hollywood superman with a height of 1.72 m is almost a feat. Not only is he short, he is also a foreigner. At one time, he was known for hanging out for hours in parking lots next to producers' cars, and then running next to them, touting his credentials. He was considered something of a local fool, but he achieved his goal, because today he is included in the list of the most magnificent men in Hollywood next to Hack Hogan (2 m), Dolph Lungren (1.97 m), Arnold Schwarzenegger (1.88 m), Sylvester Stallone and Chuck Norris (1.78 m). However, Van Damme is still sensitive about his height and adds a couple of centimeters to himself in every interview.
The most innocent habit common to many short celebrities is their love of high-heeled shoes. This has been seen by Michael D. Fox (1.58 m) and singers Prince and David Bowie. Even the divine Elvis increased his height in this way.

How do women feel about short men? Not at all what it seems at first glance. Rather, they are greedy for them like flies for honey. When Jacqueline Kennedy married Onassis, who was almost a head shorter than her and also much older, Americans felt that she had sold herself for his wealth. Jacqueline objected sharply and indignantly.
Little men love tall women, and they reciprocate. Because of fame, money, position in society? Sometimes this may be true, but usually the reasons are much more complex. American psychologist Elizabeth Campbell believes that what women value in partners is inner strength, determination, brilliant mind, personal charm, sense of humor, critical attitude towards oneself and the ability to create an atmosphere of adoration around them.
All these traits are very often present in the characters of successful short men. In addition, women, not without reason, highly appreciate their advantages in intimate sphere. Professor Zbigniew Lev-Starowicz claims that short men mature faster and have more hormones in their blood, which makes them, as a rule, very sexual.
And from studies conducted by the World Health Organization, it follows that small men get sick less often (including tumors) and live longer.

The complex is named after Napoleon, although he had a height of 151-169 cm (according to various estimates), that is, he was not the shortest man for his era. French President Nicolas Sarkozy (168 cm) wears special shoes that increase his height by 9 cm. I think he artificially “regulates” his height and Russian President, because There are a variety of numbers on the Internet.

For comparison:
the shortest ruler was the President of Mexico in 1861-1872. Benito Juarez - 135 cm.
Tamerlan - 145 cm,
Alexander the Great and Charlemagne - 150 cm,
Mussolini - 160 cm,
Hitler - 165 cm.

Russian rulers and politicians.

Lenin - 164 cm, closest associates: Kalinin and Bukharin - 155 cm each, Kirov - 154 cm, Voroshilov - 157 cm.
Stalin - 162 cm,
Khrushchev - 166 cm.

Far right is Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky.
Dmitry Medvedev - about 162 cm, Vladimir Putin - 170 cm, Alexander Lukashenko - 188 cm.

When they say " big man", "little man", they usually mean social status, social status. It is clear that the “big man” is a boss, a minister, a well-known and authoritative person, and also with a substantial financial fortune. However, some people literally associate these concepts with growth. First of all, these are those whom nature has deprived of great growth. These are not necessarily dwarfs, but simply people with below average height. This condition is called the “Napoleon complex”: it is believed that the French ruler was short in stature, so he was eager to conquer the world. Below we will show that this is not entirely true.

Who are the Napoleons?

People suffering from a Napoleon complex strive with all their might to stand out through professionalism, sociability, and talent. They try to show off their intelligence, realizing that their height (and large muscles) “failed.” If they fail to attract maximum attention to themselves, they suffer greatly, fall into despair, because they associate physical growth with visibility and think that they are not noticed.

Most often, the Napoleon complex occurs in men, because for them physical indicators come first. In addition, men are often captive of prejudices that women look up to men, evaluate them in this way, and like a man to be taller than themselves. Actually this is not true.

“Napoleons” and being demanding of oneself. At the same time, they are often intrusive - after all, they need to prove their importance to everyone. They are very easy to offend, they are proud, vindictive and do not like criticism addressed to them. But at the same time, they do not tolerate indulgence for themselves; they prefer to solve all problems on their own. Their sharp mind allows them to find solutions where ordinary people they are not seen. Another feature of the “Napoleons” is their love for everything big and majestic: they buy a large car, an impressive house, an office; They choose tall people as friends. This also shows an attempt to compensate for short stature.

Literature, films and cartoons feature brilliant and at the same time mad scientists who are trying to take over the world. They invent a superweapon, unique chemical composition etc., creating from all this global catastrophe. And most often they are depicted as short people, or even dwarfs. Such works of popular culture support the myth that little people are cruel and insanely bloodthirsty. In reality, “Napoleons” are rarely truly evil; more often they are kind, although demanding. Cruelty is unprofitable for them, because they are drawn to people and are dependent on communication: “Napoleons” need to attract people to themselves by all means.

Napoleon complex or... Korais?

Many believe that Napoleon Bonaparte was short, which explains his ambition and desire to conquer the world. People around him even called him “our little corporal.” However, in reality, the height of the “little corporal” was above average: 169 cm. Kutuzov’s height was almost the same – 172 cm. Why did the legend about Napoleon's short stature spread? One explanation for this is that the soldiers and officers of his army wore lush outfits with high plumes, which visually added centimeters to them; Napoleon himself dressed simply, so against the background of his dressed-up subordinates he seemed small. Another explanation is that Napoleon was shorter than some of his contemporary rulers, in particular Alexander I. The Russian Tsar at that time was considered a giant - as much as 183 centimeters. It is clear that in the Russian court environment Napoleon was ridiculed precisely as a “little” ruler.

However, there was a man in Napoleon's circle named Adamantios Korais. This is a Greek scientist and educator who trusted France and hoped that Napoleon would help Greece, which had just gained independence. One of Korais's works is a translation of Strabo into French. The scientist presented this book to Napoleon at a ceremony. When Napoleon saw Korais heading towards him, he almost died laughing: the height of the Greek scientist was... about 1 meter. It was a real dwarf. He was dressed in full dress uniform, designed for tall man, and every now and then he tripped over the sword tied to his belt.

So it would be more correct to call this disease “Korais complex.” True, Korais himself did not suffer from an exaggerated desire to take over the world.

The rise of the world's dictators also does not support the idea that short stature is somehow connected with cruelty and bloodthirstiness. Mussolini was 169 cm tall, like Napoleon. Hitler and Stalin were 173 and 174 cm tall, respectively. Below all of them was, for example, Winston Churchill (167 cm), who could not be called a dictator.

How to get rid of the Napoleon complex

If you are a “Napoleon” (but not a schizophrenic or a cake) and are very worried about your height, then you need to get rid of this complex. First of all, it is necessary to understand that physical growth cannot be changed; love yourself for who you are. As we have already said, height is not the main criterion of attractiveness for girls: many of the ladies’ favorites were quite short in stature. There are also celebrities among them: for example, Pushkin and Lermontov were very short - 161 and 158 cm, respectively; however, their relationship with the fair sex (especially the first) at one time became an example to follow.

If you want to visually “lengthen” your figure, then you must first monitor your figure. Fat people They always seem short, and slender people, on the contrary, seem tall. You should also wear thin belts and ties, and have a short haircut. Women's clothing should have long beads, vertical stripes, and a V-neck. It is important to walk with a straight back and not slouch.

Better lower is better

Not always high growth- This is good. In some professions, on the contrary, short people are required or welcomed. Such, for example, are Formula 1 drivers. The smallest world boxing champion Jacob Matlala (147 cm) is not the only one of his kind: our Kostya Dzyu is 170 cm tall, which is also considered not particularly large in boxing. One of the symbols of world boxing, Mike Tyson, although tall (178 cm), is average compared to many of his colleagues.

Overall high growth and muscle mass bodies were of decisive importance for humans in previous eras, when nothing but muscular strength existed in the economy. Nowadays, when the volume increases mental work, physical indicators are becoming increasingly insignificant. And if so, then you shouldn’t feel complex about your short stature.

Small people are not aggressive

Many people associate short stature with increased aggression. It is not for nothing that the word “dwarf” is strongly associated with evil and cruelty, in contrast to the more neutral “gnome”. However, researchers have debunked this myth. During a special experiment, it turned out that taller people are more aggressive.

Other myths have not been proven - that short men earn less and are liked by women less.

One common complex associated with short stature is called the Napoleon complex. People with this complex are sure that attractiveness, well-being and other success factors depend on height. The Napoleon complex in psychology is described as a set of thoughts and behavior patterns inherent in short people. It got its name thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French emperor, whose height was around 160 cm.

The Napoleon Complex Haunts Short People


The Napoleon complex due to height is formed in childhood. Thanks to ridicule, a lot of people with complexes grow up at school. Children do not realize the significance of their words and actions, so they often traumatize each other’s psyches.

The second reason is the environment. “Tall people look more attractive,” short people think. It is important to immediately note that such an idea is absurd. However, she continues to cause complexes.


There are certain signs of self-doubt in both men and women.

  1. Choosing tall partners. As practice shows, people with Napoleon syndrome choose partners higher than themselves for relationships.
  2. Demonstration of superiority. Low people try to prove their success to everyone and occupy leadership positions. They assert themselves at the expense of their subordinates.
  3. Harmfulness. People with Napoleon syndrome are vulnerable and sensitive, so any comment addressed to this person will run into a wall of anger and vindictiveness.
  4. Craving for large items. Men with a Napoleonic complex are drawn to large objects: a car, a house, a curvy companion. This is how they try to compensate for the growth.
  5. Perfectionism. Such people are intolerant of disorder and shortcomings. Any task must be brought to perfection, otherwise the work will not be completed.
  6. Independence. They don’t allow others to help them, they consider it a pity.

Negative impact on life

Napoleon syndrome leads to prolonged depression, lack of desire to communicate with people and conduct social life. The individual considers himself unworthy and lonely. If a person becomes completely withdrawn, thoughts of suicide are possible. Complex little man produces in men great amount stereotypes that poison life:

  • failure in relationships: men are sure that girls will give preference to a tall candidate over him. Such a stereotype is very stupid, there is no friend to his taste and color, it is important to understand that height will not prevent you from finding the love of your life;
  • bad lover: many short men worry that they will not be able to satisfy a woman, but height and success in this matter are in no way interconnected;
  • short people are weak: physical development and gaining muscle mass does not depend on height - only training and physical activity influence this factor.

Not a tall man I am sure that others see him as weak

Complex in men

Napoleon syndrome occurs in men and is characterized by complexes about their height. The complex puts pressure on a man’s psyche and affects relationships, awareness of himself and the world, and success at work. Men worry that because of their “baseness” they will not have a companion, and they become insecure. Worried about growth, they forget that women are attracted to the self-confidence that they have lost due to internal self-examination.

As the girls note, how tall a man is is not important to them. They are attracted by their charisma, confidence and radiant smile.

Manifestation in women

The Napoleon complex in women is not inherent to the fair half. Small stature is a pride for a girl. It is generally accepted that girls with short stature look prettier and more attractive more men. Short girls can wear high-heeled shoes without any problems. They can't afford such luxury tall girls, they have every chance of being higher than their companion.

You want to protect short girls and protect them from all problems. However, some young ladies say that they are annoyed by the increased care and loyalty towards them.

Heels look perfect on short girls

Let's say no to the complex

If you have discovered a Napoleon complex in yourself, you need to get rid of it urgently:

  • the first step on the path to inner harmony will be accepting yourself and your uniqueness - this indicator cannot be changed and therefore you need to love it;
  • understand that success does not depend on external indicators, but on hard work;
  • you can resort to visual tricks: clothes with vertical stripes make the figure appear longer;
  • heels and platforms will save you - this item is more intended for women, but special platform shoes are also made for men;
  • watch your figure: short people with overweight look even shorter than they are, muscle mass allows you to look larger;
  • don’t slouch: healthy and beautiful posture allows you to appear taller and more attractive;
  • choose a role model: there are many great people in the world who are not tall;
  • don't pay attention to sarcastic people who constantly point out your height.

If self-analysis and therapy do not help, you should contact a psychologist who will sort out your Napoleon complex and help you get rid of it.

Our society also needs to change. There is no need for radical action, everyone should start with themselves. It is important for people to learn to treat themselves and others with respect.

Due to constant ridicule in society, people develop insecurity and complexes. If everyone evaluates the effect of their words before speaking them, then psychological trauma will be several times smaller.

Famous short people

If you still firmly believe that success depends on growth, then here is a list of short people, famous all over the world. Once you get acquainted with it, the Napoleonic complex comes second.

  1. Angus Young, singer and guitarist of the famous rock band AC/DC, is famous for his talent and crazy energy. Angus's height is 157 cm.
  2. Spud Webb is a famous guard for the NBA basketball team. Height 170 cm is the shortest for a basketball career, but the basketball player proved that this is far from the main criterion.
  3. Danny DeVito, 150 cm tall, became famous throughout the world thanks to his acting, directing and producing abilities.
  4. Tom Cruise - Hollywood actor. He achieved fame and became a sex symbol with a height of 170 cm.
  5. Robert Downey Jr. Widely known to everyone for his role as Iron Man. He amazed everyone with his acting and made a fortune with his height of 169 cm.
  6. Mary-Kate Olsen is an actress, young designer and 157 cm tall.
  7. Kristen Bell is an excellent actress and is only 155 cm tall.
  8. Eva Longoria. She made a revolution in the world of the modeling industry. While all short girls dreamed of a modeling career, Eva, with a height of 157 cm, became one of the most popular models.
  9. Natalie Portman is an outstanding actress and is active charitable activities. The girl's height is 160 cm.

These are just a few of the short people who have achieved success. This once again proves the fact that height does not affect success. Success is a concept that is determined by your work and efforts.


Napoleon syndrome is a common expression that describes the actions and thoughts of people of small stature. Such people are overly sensitive, any criticism addressed to them is perceived negatively. The origins of the complex lie in childhood; many children were reproached or teased for being short.

This complex is very rare in the psychology of women; short girls are attractive and cause affection.

In men, this complex quickly gains momentum and causes depression. To get rid of the complex, you need to love yourself and perceive growth as a unique trait. It is important to find harmony with yourself.