A woman has a lot of testosterone. Lifestyle change

Testosterone is better known as the male sex hormone, but the female body cannot do without its presence.

Small doses of this element have important functions for the body.

But if there is a failure in its synthesis, problems begin.

What is the danger of excess testosterone in women and how to eradicate it?

In the body of the fair sex, the following are responsible for the production of the hormone:

  • adrenal cortex;
  • ovaries;
  • subcutaneous fat, which also synthesizes a certain amount of the substance;
  • hair follicles;
  • liver.

It must be understood that part of the produced testosterone binds to globulin and is harmless to the body. But a certain amount of the component remains at large, the excess of which causes damage.

What leads to an increase in testosterone:

  • reception medicines, especially containing male hormones, as well as progestins and glucocorticoids;
  • thyroid insufficiency;
  • high level insulin in the blood;
  • genetic pathologies associated with the assimilation and synthesis of androgens;
  • hyperplasia and tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • obesity.

Any of these reasons can grossly interfere with the stability hormonal system and lead to pathology. But most often we are talking about PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), a decrease in the volume of globulin, as well as being overweight.

According to some reports, up to 60% of testosterone in the female body is synthesized due to the work subcutaneous fat, liver and hair follicles.

Symptoms and signs of excess testosterone in women

Since testosterone is a male hormone, a woman with an excessive amount of it acquires masculine features. It could be:

  • hair growth, especially in the face, lower abdomen and thighs;
  • low timbre and roughness of voice;
  • rashes in the form of acne;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • enlargement of the clitoris;
  • sexual and domestic aggressiveness;
  • a massive figure, more like a man's;
  • change menstrual cycle, until the complete disappearance of menstruation.

However, such symptoms do not always speak of excess free testosterone in the body. The cause of some phenomena may also be the increased sensitivity of receptors to this component at its normal concentrations in the blood.

Mostly, such a sensitive perception of testosterone is characteristic of southern women, who often have more dense vegetation on the body, as well as an explosive temperament (compared to the inhabitants of the north). And this is a natural feature that is not pathological.

What threatens?

Why is the change hormonal background using testosterone is bad?

For female body unnaturally high concentrations of male androgens, they lead to certain disturbances in the work of internal systems:

  • infertility;
  • obesity and failures in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • increased risk of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, uterine cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

In addition, a woman experiences great psychological discomfort, as she loses her external attractiveness. Not in better side behavior also changes, becoming unpredictable and aggressive.

Menopause is a trigger for increasing testosterone levels, as the volume of female sex hormones in the blood decreases. Therefore, during menopause, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist who will suggest options for mitigating the situation.


identify elevated level testosterone in girls is simple, it is enough to pass an appropriate blood test for its free fraction.

Normal levels of non-globulin-bound hormone are in the range of 0.5-4.1 pg/L.

However, it is worth considering that during pregnancy, the testosterone content increases significantly: this is due to a number of physiological phenomena and rarely poses a threat to health.

If a woman does not expect the birth of a child, and tests show that the threshold values ​​​​for the component are exceeded, additional diagnostics are required:

  • a detailed picture of the hormonal background (dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone, insulin, etc.);
  • examination of the ovaries, thyroid gland and adrenal cortex using ultrasound;
  • clarification of the anamnesis, especially in the field of taking medications that have an effect on the indicators of the endocrine system.

Depending on the results of these surveys, assigned additional tests, which narrow the search area for the root cause of the manifestation of pathological testosterone levels.


Elimination of excess male hormones in the female body is a complex and difficult task. Therapy may include:

  1. Surgical intervention to remove neoplasms in the ovaries, adrenal cortex, etc.
  2. Dieting and reducing fat mass capable of producing testosterone.
  3. Increased tissue response to insulin. For these purposes, medicines from the biguanide series (for example, Buformin), as well as thiazolidinediones (Pioglitazone, Englitazone, etc.) can be used.
  4. The use of drugs with thyroxine in thyroid pathologies (hypothyroidism).
  5. The use of glucocorticoid drugs, if testosterone synthesis failed in the adrenal glands.
  6. The use of COCs containing progestogen and estrogen, as well as the combination of vitamin E with Clomiphene - in the elimination of anomalies at the level of the ovaries.
  7. The use of the drug Spironolactone, which suppresses the activity of 5α-reductase.
  8. Hair removal by laser, waxing and other means. It is preferable to use methods that destroy the follicle.

Most important point therapy - a reliable establishment of the cause of the imbalance of the hormonal system, since symptomatic treatment does not help restore healthy indicators for the body.

This is where the complexity of the procedure lies, because:

  • all organs of the endocrine system are in a strong bond;
  • genetic mutations linked to human reproductive functions - do not appear immediately and require additional diagnostics;
  • hair follicles may have hypersensitivity to androgens, which is difficult to identify;
  • rare pathologies are poorly studied by endocrinologists.

All this can slow down therapy or make it ineffective. However, such situations are less and less every year and most women restore natural hormonal balance in the body.

Excess testosterone in women is a multifaceted pathology that requires a scrupulous and balanced approach. Many ladies miss initial stages development of an anomaly, not paying attention to the appearance of antennae and mood swings.

The disease is noticed either with significant body hair, or with interruptions in the menstrual cycle. And this already indicates a serious deviation in the level of hormones, which increases Negative consequences for the body and the degree of necessary intervention of specialists.

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Testosterone is conventionally called the male sex hormone. Due to the fact that its production in the body of men is increased, they are strong and physically resilient, active in sexual relations. In women, testosterone is produced much less, but the functions of this hormone are also important. Its content affects, first of all, the work reproductive system. The production of testosterone in excess means it happened endocrine disruption. This is reflected in the appearance, functioning various bodies, childbearing ability of a woman.


Functions of testosterone in the female body

Testosterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. It is involved in the implementation of metabolism, promotes the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for normal formation bones and muscle tissue to prevent the development of osteoporosis. This hormone regulates sebaceous and sweat glands, affects the state of the heart muscle.

The presence in the body of women of a small amount of the male sex hormone affects the formation of character. Due to the presence of testosterone, they show a desire for self-assertion of personality, emotionality, energy, sexuality. But the ability to empathize, maternal instinct, suspiciousness and anxiety are explained by the influence of estrogens.

Important biological role male hormone in a woman's body also consists in the fact that this substance stimulates the maturation of eggs in the follicles, that is, without it, it is impossible to exercise reproductive function. When testosterone production is impaired in women, there is hormonal infertility associated with the absence of ovulation.

Testosterone begins to be produced already in the body of the embryo. After the birth of the child, he plays important role in the formation of the skeleton and muscles, is necessary for the normal development of a growing organism.

During puberty, under the influence of testosterone, the girl develops characteristic features of the figure, hair growth begins on the pubis and under the arms. Her character and state of mind is changing.

Hormone levels remain highest in women reproductive age. After menopause begins, there is a steady decline in the content of this substance.

There are 2 types of testosterone in the body: free and bound to protein molecules. The norm indicators correspond to the content of the hormone, which is in the blood in a free form, directly stimulating the work of various organs.

  • under the age of 9 years - no more than 1.7 pg / ml;
  • after 10 years and before menopause - from 0.5 to 4.1 pg / ml;
  • in the postmenopausal period - from 0.1 to 1.7 pg / ml.

For men of reproductive age, the norm is 4.3-30 pg / ml.

Testosterone levels can fluctuate throughout the day, it rises during ovulation, during pregnancy, with an increase physical activity, as well as under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Video: Consequences, diagnosis and treatment of hyperandrogenism in women

What is the danger of exceeding the norm of testosterone

Excess male hormone contributes to the occurrence of serious disorders of the physical and mental development, causes a significant deterioration in the state of women's reproductive health. If testosterone levels are elevated, this can lead to a hormonal shift - a decrease in the content of female sex hormones in the blood and, accordingly, to the impossibility of the normal course of the menstrual cycle.

The consequences of an abnormal increase in the level of testosterone in a woman's body are infertility, obesity, and the occurrence of diabetes.

Symptoms of high testosterone

If the level of the hormone in the blood significantly exceeds the norm, this manifests itself as follows:

  1. A teenage girl has a delay in sexual development. Menstruation appears after 15 years, there are significant fluctuations in the timing of the onset of menstruation, they may be absent for six months or more.
  2. Weakly developed external sexual characteristics. Shape formation takes place male type(the hips are narrow, the waist is flattened, the shoulders are wide, the mammary glands are not developed).
  3. grown woman has an unusual physical strength, she has sharp, angular movements.
  4. The skin is oily, with pimples and blackheads.
  5. The voice is low and rough.
  6. "Male" character traits appear (she is more reckless, aggressive, less shy, has an increased libido). Often there is an addiction to smoking, alcohol abuse.

A sign of appearance endocrine pathology, due to which a woman has increased testosterone, is a combination of symptoms such as a delay (disappearance) of menstruation, changes in the male figure, the formation of bald patches on the head, the appearance of hair in uncharacteristic areas of the body, a sudden increase in sexuality, aggressive behavior(irritability, rudeness), increased physical endurance. Can change appearance external genital organs (the clitoris increases).

Reasons why testosterone rises

In women, pathology occurs much more often than in men. The reasons for exceeding the norm can be:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries due to the formation of tumors in them or a malfunction of the pituitary-hypothalamus;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • malnutrition(fasting, vegetarianism or vice versa, overuse animal fats)
  • usage hormonal contraceptives and medicines;
  • diseases of the liver, thyroid and pancreas;
  • genetic predisposition.

With menopause, due to an uneven decrease in hormone production, temporary hyperandrogenism is formed, which does not require medical correction.

Video: Causes and treatment of hyperandrogenism in women

How is testosterone level determined?

Blood sampling is performed in the morning before meals or any drinks other than water. On the eve of the procedure, the patient should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, taking medications, physical activity. Must be avoided nervous stress and refrain from sexual intercourse.

The result of the analysis, as a rule, is ready in a few hours.


If the analysis showed that the level of the male hormone is elevated, then, first of all, an ultrasound, CT or MRI examination is performed to exclude malignant diseases. endocrine organs and polycystic ovaries.

When tumors are found, surgical treatment is performed.

Medical therapy is carried out with the help of drugs that increase the level of female sex hormones in the body (synthetic analogues of estrogens and progesterone), such as cyproterone, proginova.

Additionally, siofor, veroshpiron, glucophage are used, which contain components that suppress the production of testosterone. In some cases, to restore the hormonal background, it is enough to take oral contraceptives Diana 35, Yarina or Janine.

Warning: Therapy is carried out only as directed by a doctor. The type of drug and its dose are selected individually. Misuse of medication leads to serious side effects. After treatment, it is necessary to repeated analyzes as testosterone levels may rise again.

Folk remedies. They are used only after establishing the cause of the violation and with the permission of the doctor, like any other medicine. As a means of reducing testosterone levels, infusions are used. medicinal herbs(angelica, licorice, Maryina root).

Pilates and yoga are effective complementary therapies. They contribute to the improvement of the functioning of organs, strengthening nervous system needed to restore hormonal balance.

Note: With an increased level of testosterone, it is recommended to abandon sports exercises that stimulate the build-up muscle mass.

Testosterone levels during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a physiological increase in testosterone levels by 3-4 times compared to normal, since the placenta begins to produce it. This becomes especially noticeable starting from the 2nd trimester. After 30 weeks, the level reaches a maximum, remains high until the moment of delivery.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no need for an analysis for testosterone. It is necessary to control the level of the hormone in the case when a woman had hyperandrogenism before pregnancy. It is especially important to do this at 4-8 and 13-23 weeks, since a miscarriage can occur with an increased level of the male hormone. If the risk is high enough, then hormone therapy is performed.

Although testosterone is the main sex hormone in men, it is also produced in small amounts in women.

For the fairer sex, it is necessary to regulate certain metabolic processes, as well as to stimulate libido (natural attraction to the opposite sex).

What are the symptoms of high testosterone in women? What physiological processes does this affect and how can all this end?

Before the appearance of visual signs of hyperandrogenism, elevated levels of the male sex hormone affect psychological health.

Moreover, the action can be described as hyperactivity, and apathy, combined with physical lethargy.

This is due to the fact that testosterone itself is in no way absorbed or used by the body.

With the help of a special enzyme 5α-reductase, it begins to actively irritate androgen receptors. And only after that the brain stimulates the synthesis of its derivative form from testosterone - dihydrotestosterone.

However, if the body does not produce enough of the above enzyme, then even though there will be an excess of testosterone, it will not be normally absorbed and transformed into a derivative form (it is used in the regulation of libido and metabolic processes). Moreover, the work of androgen receptors will also be disrupted, which affects the mood of a woman.

With increased testosterone in women, it is the general lethargy and apathy that most often occurs. To a lesser extent, there remains the likelihood that an excessive level of the hormone, on the contrary, will provoke hyperactivity.

Decreased or complete absence of sexual desire

In addition to affecting mood, increased testosterone can also affect sex drive.

AT normal condition, the growth of the hormone leads to the activation of libido. But in the female body, estrogen is no less important for this purpose.

And here its production can be suppressed by excessive levels of testosterone. Basically, it's a classic hormonal disbalance.

Moreover, this factor affects not only the emotional unwillingness to have sex. The secretion of the glands located in the urethra and labia is also sharply reduced. In this case, the woman will not be able to fully arouse. Moreover, the reaction to testosterone in the brain will be reduced.

Accordingly, neither the smell of the male body, nor pheromones and aphrodisiacs can correct the situation. And this will continue until the balance of sex hormones in the female body stabilizes.

Sex life changes

The progression of hormonal failure can lead not only to a decrease or absence of sexual desire, but also to changes in such preferences.

Simply put, a woman can notice manifestations of bisexuality in herself, that is, attraction not to the opposite sex, but to other girls.

But this happens with chronic hormonal imbalance, when testosterone leads to a change secondary features puberty, both physiologically and psychologically.

In this situation, there is also a risk sharp decline breast volume, as the glandular tissue will begin to be actively replaced by adipose tissue. This happens to every woman, but only with the onset of menopause, when the body loses its ability to lactate. At the same time, the level of estrogen drops sharply, and testosterone prevails. If there is too much of it, then the process will start regardless of age, albeit at 20 years old.

And what is the norm of testosterone in the female body? According to doctors, then:

  • during puberty - from 0.45 to 3.8 nmol / l;
  • during the period of ovulation - from 0.4 to 2.5 nmol / l;
  • postmenstrual period - from 0.28 to 1.74 nmol / l.

That is, if the level is over 3.8 nmol / l, then this is a deviation from the norm.

With obvious changes in sexual preferences, tests can show a level of up to 5-6 nmol / l, which will certainly affect the physiology and psychology of the female body.


Doctors assure that normal balance sex hormones directly affects the mode of work / rest.

At minor violations a person may have a tendency to the "owl" biorhythm, when the peak of his activity occurs in the evening and at night.

In men, this is regulated by testosterone, and in women - by estrogen and progesterone, as well as the course of the menstrual cycle (since the level of the hormone varies several tens of times per cycle, depending on the phase).

What Happens About Elevated Testosterone Levels? The synthesis of estrogens is suppressed. Which can also lead to insomnia. But doctors assure that such a phenomenon is rare, since the imbalance of male and female sex hormones in the body of the fairer sex should be radically disrupted. Girls are more susceptible to this during pregnancy and lactation.


Hormonal imbalance of sex hormones always affects the brain. This is supplemented by the fact that testosterone is directly involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, thereby regulating the set of fat and muscle mass.

Distractedness is caused by a lack of split glucose (a derivative of carbohydrates), which subsequently must be transformed into pure energy. At the same time, cells are less saturated with oxygen, intercellular metabolic processes.

This also applies to the brain, in which the usual oxygen deficiency occurs.

All this manifests itself in the sum of the following symptoms:

  • inattention;
  • temporary decrease in visual clarity;
  • increase blood pressure(because the density of the blood increases).

By the way, this symptom will be more pronounced in hypertensive patients.

low mood

AT male body high testosterone has a conditionally positive effect on physical and mental activity. But in women it turns out the opposite - the synthesis of their own sex hormones decreases. In combination with impaired metabolism, this negatively affects mood. There is a condition that can be conditionally compared with premenstrual syndrome, which occurs approximately 2-10 days before menstruation.

With a normal menstrual cycle in the female body, a conditional balance of its own sex hormones is observed.

At the very beginning of the cycle, until ovulation, the level of estrogen rises (their main function This is the preparation of the ovary for the release of the egg.

With increased testosterone, estrogen synthesis is suppressed, due to which progesterone automatically rises and its level until the end of the menstrual cycle may be overestimated (in comparison with the conditional norm). It turns out that a high concentration of testosterone increases the duration of PMS. This is what is primary cause low mood in a woman.

Do you know what function estradiol performs in a woman's body? will be useful for all women.

Skin and hair condition

Due to the fact that testosterone affects metabolism, the absorption of trace elements directly depends on its level.

With its increased level, intercellular metabolic processes are disturbed, which affects the condition of the skin and hair. What is the reason for this?

Insufficient transformation of glucose directly affects the absorption of zinc. This microelement is also necessary for the regulation of work sebaceous glands.

Accordingly, due to testosterone, their work will be disrupted, which affects high fat content skin. The same happens with hair - they become brittle, begin to split, quickly grow fat.

Moreover, the use of shampoos for oily hair it won't do any good. Moreover, the secretion of sebum will be even accelerated. Application different kind lotions to normalize the condition of the skin, too, will not end in anything good. And this will continue until the balance of hormones becomes nominal. It is because of this that cosmetologists problematic skin It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist.

Influence of other diseases (osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity)

According to scientists from the Albany Medical Center, low testosterone levels pose a danger in the form of osteoporosis, when metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. bone tissue. However, an overestimated rate of the hormone affects the same way. The culprit in this is the same complex metabolic disorder.

And due to insufficient synthesis of carbohydrates into glucose, it can develop diabetes.

Insulin is normally produced by the pancreas, so injections are not required.

But high blood sugar eventually affects the functioning of the neural system, vision, and the digestive tract.

The latter, in particular, can result in obesity, because proteins will not be digested normally.

And this leads to a violation of the process of splitting fat cells, which will begin to actively accumulate in the abdomen, hips, neck, chest.

As a result, an increased testosterone level can have an extremely negative impact on the female body. Endocrine system- this is a whole complex of mediators that affect most physiological processes from metabolism to the functioning of the reproductive system. And we should not forget that in women, the reaction of the body to hormonal failure is more pronounced than in men.

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On High Testosterone Levels in Women by Westin Childs, Medical Practitioner and Health Specialist functional medicine. Childs blogs for patients, writes as accessible as possible, shows printouts of the tests he relies on, and makes specific recommendations. For women suffering from hirsutism, this article is useful both in terms of content and as an illustration of the approach.

Weight gain, acne, hair loss (and hirsutism - approx. website) - do you have any of these? This is far from full list symptoms of high testosterone levels in women. Why is testosterone levels rising and what should be done to reduce it?

Any doctor is able to say that the concentration of testosterone is above the norm, but few are ready to voice recommendations for solving the problem. To move towards normal life, you need to understand what exactly is happening with your body.

In this case, the problem is that in 95% of cases, high testosterone levels are not a syndrome, but a symptom of another hormonal imbalance. Therefore, the main task is to find this imbalance and solve the problem associated with it - then the concentration of testosterone in the blood will decrease.

Symptoms of High Testosterone

Before moving on to a discussion of the causes of high testosterone levels in the blood and how to correct it, it is necessary to list the symptoms of this condition.

Symptoms are of key importance, because the body of each person has its own limits of normal. I have seen plenty of women with all the symptoms of elevated testosterone levels, when their tests were only on upper bound norms. (Read how very different the concept of "norm" for individuals, geographically limited populations, and humanity in general - approx. website)

So, the main symptoms of high testosterone:

  • Weight gain (especially fast) or inability to lose it.
  • Hair loss, especially in male pattern and with normal thyroid hormone levels.
  • Acne, change in oily skin and hair; cystic acne is common, especially on the chin.
  • Mood changes: depression, irritability, anxiety, frequent change moods.
  • Imbalances in other hormones: estrogen to progesterone imbalance, lack of thyroid hormones (Childs does not cover this cause in detail, so read my article on how - approx. website), an excess of adrenal androgens (for example, DHAE-S).

As you can see, these are non-specific, very non-specific symptoms that are common to others. hormonal abnormality. For example, a lack of thyroid hormones can lead to weight gain and hair loss, but in this case, the hair will fall out evenly, without bald patches, as in men. Excess thyroid hormone can lead to acne, but it is rarely cystic and does not tend to occur on the chin. Thus, these symptoms will help determine exactly where the hormonal failure has occurred. Then the hypotheses need to be tested in the laboratory.

Laboratory study of testosterone levels in the blood

So let's talk about what abnormal testosterone levels look like. Let's look at a few examples. In the first example, the woman has a high level of free testosterone and an upper limit of normal. total testosterone.

You see that only free testosterone is labeled as high, but in reality the patient has an excess of testosterone in general. How do I know? The thing is, I see facial hair, acne, and overweight. See: free testosterone is the physiologically active form of testosterone, the high concentration of which is responsible for the symptoms listed above. (Total testosterone generally has practically no diagnostic value - approx. website.)

In the case of this patient, the cause was insulin resistance. Working in this direction, she and I managed to reduce the level of free testosterone in the blood, and the symptoms disappeared.

Second example.

Again we see a high level of free testosterone and completely normal level total testosterone. Family doctor did not notice any problems, because the excess hair growth was weak, the weight was at the upper limit of the norm, however, the girl suffered from sudden changes mood and irritability.

That's why it's so important to study symptoms along with lab tests to see and diagnose the problem.

I also want to show you an example of low testosterone levels in the blood.

The main problem of the patient was insulin resistance, so I gave the value of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (HbA1c is a specific marker that helps to assess the average blood glucose over the past 2-3 months - approx. website). Remember: high insulin levels can cause both high and low testosterone, depending on the individual patient. And both of these conditions are equally bad.

Now you know how to identify elevated testosterone levels and what symptoms to look out for.

6 Causes of High Testosterone in Women

When hormone levels rise high enough, it becomes more difficult to figure out what exactly started the process. This situation is fundamentally different from low levels, where it is enough to "add the missing" to reduce symptoms. Therefore, most doctors general practice confuse when faced with rising hormone levels.

1. Insulin resistance

The connection between insulin resistance (or simply high blood sugar) and testosterone is HUGE (more on this connection - approx. website). Insulin is able to lower and raise testosterone levels. In men, the hormone usually lowers testosterone levels, and in women, both options occur. To determine the connection in your body, you need to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin A1c, fasting insulin along with total and free testosterone. If a high level of insulin is found along with a high level of free testosterone, insulin is the cause of the hormonal imbalance.

Women with high testosterone levels combined with insulin resistance acquire (polycystic ovary syndrome). These patients have high levels of insulin, testosterone and estrogen and low levels of progesterone. This results in moderate facial hair growth, but in some cases hormonal imbalance also leads to darkening of the skin, belly fat, and extreme mood swings. Generally, the worse your fasting insulin levels, the more severe your symptoms.

2. Dominance of estrogen over progesterone

All hormones in our body interact with each other. Think of them like a web: you cannot touch one thread without disturbing the others, and to change the whole web, you only need to break one thread. This principle is also true for the hormonal system. Hormones play together, so if one gets out of the program, it will lead to a failure in the rest.

The female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are particularly closely related. The exact mechanism of the connection between them is unknown, but they definitely affect testosterone levels. Take, for example, women with premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (severe premenstrual syndrome - approx. website). These conditions are associated with estrogen dominance, and these same women have been found to have elevated testosterone and DHEA levels. Compare them to menopausal women, when low estrogen levels are combined with total absence progesterone, and later the testosterone levels in the blood also decrease (but the mustache still begins to grow, again due to the mutual concentration of sex hormones - approx. website). One thing is clear: changes in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone affect the concentration of testosterone.

3. Low physical activity

Workouts are extra help your body to utilize excess testosterone. Although there is no direct relationship between physical activity and testosterone levels, exercise helps with excess insulin levels, which in turn lowers high testosterone levels. The mechanism is simple: low insulin is normal testosterone, high insulin is high testosterone. Physical activity lowers your insulin levels by making your body cells more sensitive to it.

In addition, physical activity helps to overcome the eternal companion of abnormal testosterone levels - overweight.

4. Diseases of the adrenal glands (high levels of DHEA)

Diseases of the adrenal glands are less common. Anything that overworks the adrenal glands can lead to an increase in testosterone levels. To understand this, look at the diagram of how your body secretes testosterone:

It can be seen that the precursors of testosterone are DHAE, pregnenolone, progesterone and androstenedione. If there are more of them, then testosterone levels can also increase.

There are also a number of conditions leading to increased production of DHEA and testosterone: severe stress and the associated adrenal wasting, overuse of DHAE/pregnenolone/progesterone supplements, and again insulin resistance. Therefore, checking the levels of DHAE in the blood and cortisol in the daily urine is good test when looking for the causes of elevated testosterone levels. Remember that hormones do not work independently.

5. High levels of the hormone leptin (leptin resistance)

Leptin creates conditions that make it difficult to lose weight. If you don't know what leptin resistance is, please read English language about how exactly it turns off the disposal of excess weight.

In short, leptin resistance is a condition where there is too much leptin in the body and you get fat, but your brain does not see it. Hunger reigns in the head, and the body swells with fat. Leptin not only regulates satiety, but is also part of the reward system.

Leptin, produced by fat cells, is involved in the regulation of appetite, metabolism, tells the brain when to store fat and when it's time to burn it. Guess what happens if leptin sensitivity goes down. Your brain stops receiving leptin-delivered satiety messages and starts giving the exact opposite commands: your metabolism slows down, you think you're hungry, your body stops consuming stored calories.

Not only that, leptin controls testosterone secretion. The more leptin, the more it stimulates the endocrine glands to secrete testosterone. (Here it is somehow opaque; I could not find a single article confirming that leptin stimulates the secretion of steroids, rather the opposite; nevertheless, there is definitely a connection between leptin and testosterone, see my article - approx. website.)

High levels of leptin are also found in women suffering from insulin resistance (which in itself increases testosterone).

6. Obesity

Being overweight can increase testosterone levels on its own. Fat cells increase testosterone secretion by increasing the activity of the enzyme 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (type 5). Forget that long name: the point here is that fat increases testosterone on its own, but also by reducing the sensitivity of other tissues to insulin.

The moral of the story is that you need to lose weight in addition to all other treatments.

How to lower testosterone levels in women?

First you need to decide why you have elevated testosterone levels in the blood. The goal is to cure the root cause. Below I will talk about ways to treat the six causes that I talked about earlier.

High insulin level:

  1. Add high-intensity exercise: Increasing muscle mass increases tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake (especially refined carbohydrates - sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), such as in the Nutrient Ketosis diet.
  3. Consider taking T3 thyroid hormone to speed up metabolism and increase cell sensitivity to insulin (note that we are talking about T3, not T4, but only T4 is sold in Russia - approx. website).
  4. Consider taking special medications that increase insulin sensitivity: SGLT-2 inhibitors, Metformin, GLP-1 agonists, alpha-amylase inhibitors.
  5. Consider taking supplements: Berberine (1000-2000 mg/day), alpha-lipoic acid (600-1200 mg/day), magnesium, chromium, PolyGlycopleX - all of these supplements can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Estrogen and progesterone imbalance:

  1. Make sure your thyroid functions normally: hypothyroidism causes estrogen dominance over progesterone.
  2. Make sure that your body's estrogen metabolism is optimal, liver function and proper nutrition are important for this.
  3. During menopause, consider taking bioidentical hormones (a mixture of progesterone and estradiol/estriol).
  4. Consider taking supplements to support estrogen metabolism: vitamin B12 (sublingual 5,000 mcg/day), 5-MTHF, DIM or Indole-3-carbinol, milk thistle, sulfur in the form of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), bioidentical progesterone (20-40 mg transdermally on days 14-28 of the cycle).

Adrenal Problems:

  1. Increase your salt intake (Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt).
  2. Learn to deal with stress and switch from negativity (yoga, meditation, hiking etc.)
  3. Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
  4. Reduce consumption of amphetamine-based stimulant drugs (adderall, concerta, phentermine, etc.)
  5. Sleep at least 8 hours a day; exclude daytime sleep to avoid problems with falling asleep at night; do not overeat at night so that excess energy does not fall at the time before bedtime.
  6. Consider taking the following dietary supplements: adrenal adaptogens, adrenal hormones, vitamins B6 and C. For problems with falling asleep, melatonin.

Excess leptin:

  1. Consider therapeutic intermittent fasting (meaning skipping certain scheduled meals every few days and fasting days - approx. website)
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake, including fructose.
  3. Compensate for hypothyroidism and treat insulin resistance, against which the restoration of leptin sensitivity is unlikely.
  4. Add high intensity workouts.
  5. Consider taking special drugs to increase sensitivity to lepin: Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon, or Symlin. In my experience, fighting leptin resistance without medication is very difficult. At correct use they allow you to significantly adjust the weight and hormones in the blood.
  6. Consider taking supplements: fish fat, zinc, leucine and supplements recommended for insulin resistance. There are no specialized supplements that help with excess leptin.


It is possible to reduce the high concentration of testosterone in the blood, but for this you need to find the root cause of the failure. If it is possible to correctly diagnose this cause and cure it, then the symptoms will decrease rapidly.

Typically, high testosterone levels are due to one or more of the following: insulin or leptin resistance, estrogen and progesterone balance problems, adrenal disease, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

If you're serious about solving your high testosterone problem, find a doctor who understands how hormones relate to each other and is willing to devote his time to getting to the bottom of the cause.

Considered high for men, women and children? We will study the symptoms, causes and consequences that can occur when the hormone levels in the blood increase.

Increased testosterone - values ​​​​above normal

Testosterone levels - in men and women - are measured using special tests that allow you to evaluate how total concentration, as well as indicators free or active testosterone.

Testosterone is present in the blood in two forms: free and bound to protein.

Free Testosterone represents biologically active form, which can interact with receptors for almost all tissues of our body.

Protein bound testosterone(constitutes 98% of the total concentration in men and 99% in women), represents most hormone circulating in the blood.

Proteins are needed to create a balance between free and total hormone levels. In practice, proteins ensure that only 1-2% active testosterone is present in the blood, regardless of glandular production.

Usually there is no clear boundary elevated testosterone levels but the guidelines point to:

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the gonads and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal glands. The glands secrete testosterone under the stimulation of another hormone, LH, which is a product of the pituitary gland (a gland in the brain), which in turn depends on the release of hormones by the hypothalamus (the area of ​​the brain located just above the pituitary gland).

AT normal conditions The hypothalamus regulates the hormonal cascade through a simple control of the concentration of testosterone in the blood, if it is low, it stimulates synthesis, and vice versa, if it is high, it limits stimulation.

Symptoms of increased testosterone levels

When the level of testosterone is well above the maximum limit, this, of course, enhances the functions of the body, which are regulated by the hormone.

That's why men have elevated testosterone levels:

  • increase in muscle mass with muscle hypertrophy;
  • changes in the kidneys and liver;
  • increased likelihood of developing mental disorders.

While in women:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • breast hypotrophy;
  • abnormal muscle development;
  • lowering the timbre of the voice.

When these conditions occur in acute form, then can easily be compensated. Recall that our body has tremendous plasticity. But the problem comes when high testosterone levels becomes chronic.

Causes of increased testosterone levels

A slight increase in testosterone production can be seen as physiological state , especially during certain phases of the development of the organism, for example, during puberty and adolescence. An increase in the level of testosterone (and androgens, in general) during this period ensures the development of secondary male signs such as hair growth, muscle growth, lowering the tone of the voice, etc.

However, there are a lot pathological conditions, which lead to excessive production of testosterone:

  • Chief among them is primary hypergonadism, i.e. increased testosterone production due to overactive gonads or adrenal glands. This pathological condition is usually associated with tumors of the gonads, accompanied by an increase in the number of Leydig cells (glands involved in the production of testosterone), which are outside the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
  • Secondary pathological condition is tumor in the pituitary or hypothalamus. In this case, the regulation in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal feedback axis is disturbed.

Another state is "self-induced" hypergonadism. Many athletes accepted (and still accept!) anabolics based on androgens. By taking these supplements, you will experience hypergonadism that is very similar to the pathological form.

The consequences of increasing testosterone

Problems associated with hypersecretion of testosterone depend on age and the presence of chronic diseases.

Prepubertal and pubertal age:

  • (Boy) hirsutism, bone growth, lowering the tone of voice, development of the external genitalia, muscle growth.
  • (Girl) hirsutism, bone growth, deepening of the voice, development of the vulva, breast growth, muscle development, menstrual-like bleeding.
  • Both sexes will be characterized by pseudo-precocious puberty.

In adulthood:

  • (Woman) breast regression, baldness, acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea, impaired formation of new bone tissue, blood clotting problems, etc.
  • (The male) acne, hirsutism, azoospermia, gynecomastia, disorders in the formation of new bone tissue, blood clotting problems, etc.

Consequences for a man

  • acne- due to hyperstimulation of the sebaceous glands (glands in the dermal layer of the skin that secrete fatty-based substances called sebum).
  • An increase in testosterone causes cellular response: The body tries to get rid of this excess by converting it into "estrogen", a hormone in the female body. In men who use and abuse anabolic steroids, it is noted - in the long term - growing gyno. This is due to increased synthesis of estrogens, which stimulate the deposition of adipose tissue at the breast level.
  • myocardial infarction. Testosterone has anabolic effect and can stimulate the growth of muscle mass. The heart is a muscle that effective work must comply with certain proportions. Myocardial hypertrophy is accompanied by thickening of the heart wall. All this can lead to mild attacks (myocardial infarction, acute IMA).
  • Baldness. In addition to these problems, which should not be underestimated, there is a problem directly related to testosterone levels: baldness. Testosterone is converted at the peripheral level to dihydrotestosterone, a hormone with higher androgenic potency. In some men, the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is more active than others. Dihydrotestosterone penetrates the base hair bulb and blocks its blood supply, which leads to atrophy and, consequently, restriction of hair growth. Unfortunately, the drugs used to lower dihydrotestosterone levels and restore hair growth have serious side effects. side effects such as increased estrogen and body fat.

Risks for a woman

  • The most noticeable symptom of rising hormone levels in women is amenorrhea i.e. absence of menstruation. Other symptoms - baldness and hirsutism. Often this problem is solved pharmacologically, that is, by taking birth control pills (the dose and duration are regulated by the doctor).
  • testosterone and acne. As already mentioned, increased testosterone levels during adolescence stimulate the hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands. Fortunately, as a rule, it is enough to survive this period, and the problem will be solved “by itself”.

Treatment of pathological increase in testosterone

If an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood is due to physiological reasons associated with individual stages of life, then the problem, as a rule, does not require treatment and is solved "by itself"

In the case of pathological hypergonadism, the level of testosterone in the blood can be regulated by taking certain medications, including birth control pills or small quantities corticosteroids such as dexamethasone.

However, in most cases in which high testosterone concentrations are recorded, the disease that is the root cause should be identified and treated.