Endocrine disruption in women. How to determine hormonal imbalance in a woman

Life modern woman is not always filled with bright colors, especially during the period when we are talking about possible problems with health, which negatively affect both the emotional and physical condition, and functionality reproductive system. A woman’s health depends on many factors, not the least of which is hormonal balance. It is known that mood, sleep, sexual desire, the ability to conceive, give birth and bear healthy child and others vital important functions, Without which female body unable to function properly.

Hormones in a woman’s body must be balanced, and any deviation in their quantity can lead to pathological symptoms and the development of hormonal imbalance. Initially, “hormonal imbalance” was classified as a pathology endocrine system, which manifested themselves as menstrual irregularities. However, in currently, these terms mean a number of disorders against the background of which it develops a large number of diseases. According to medical indicators, about 80% female population suffers from endocrine disruptions and many of them do not suspect it, attributing their ailments to physical exercise or other diseases. What is hormonal imbalance in women, what are the symptoms, signs, what are the consequences of such disorders, how to treat and prevent the development of hormonal disorders? Let's try to figure it out!

What is hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance is a disorder caused by a decrease or increase in hormone production, which leads to changes in the entire body. Unfortunately, hormonal disorders are not uncommon in our time; their sudden or slow changes can cause various disruptions in the female body, which will be reflected in well-being and functionality. internal organs and systems. The main hormones of the female body are: progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and prolactin. These hormones are produced by the endocrine system and enter the tissues of internal organs through the blood, where they control their functioning. If a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body for one reason or another, this will affect not only the health of the reproductive system, but also appearance, well-being and condition of internal organs.

Several decades ago, it was believed that hormonal imbalances in women were the symptoms and signs of which were reserved for ladies of “Balzac age”, but now hormonal pathologies have become significantly “younger” and are often found in very young girls.

Hormones and their effect on women's health

In order to become more familiar with the term “hormonal imbalance,” you need to know which female hormones are the most significant, what they are responsible for, and how their amount can affect our health. It is important to note that disorders in the female body, as well as symptoms, occur depending on which of the 4 hormones malfunctions.

Testosterone. A male sex hormone that is present in the female body. It is responsible for sexual desire, the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, kidney function. Testosterone deficiency leads to frigidity in women, impaired menstrual cycle.

Excessive amounts of it for women cause the body to develop according to male type.

Progesterone. Important hormone reproductive system, responsible for conception and gestation, the menstrual cycle, preparing the expectant mother’s breasts for lactation. A deficiency of this hormone causes in women inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, heavy menstruation, and acne. It is difficult to conceive a child with progesterone deficiency, but if this happens, there is a high risk of miscarriage.

If the amount of progesterone in a woman’s body goes off scale, she may develop renal failure, benign or malignant formations.

Prolactin. The female hormone, responsible for the development of the mammary glands and the production of breast milk after the birth of a child, takes an active part in water-salt metabolism.

A lack of this hormone leads to abnormal development mammary glands, lack of breast milk after the birth of a child, menstrual irregularities.

Estrogen. Responsible for the formation and functionality of the mammary glands, uterus, menstrual cycle, the body’s readiness for conception and gestation, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, takes part in the production of phosphorus and calcium.

Estrogen deficiency causes infertility, the development of cervical erosion, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis. There is a high risk of developing a breast tumor.

Based on the above, we can conclude that each of the hormones takes an active part in the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, their balance is very important for every woman who wants to have healthy offspring and good health.

The main causes of hormonal imbalance in women

Hormonal imbalance in women is not always pathological in nature. Very often, hormonal imbalance occurs at the physiological level. Such disorders do not require medical intervention, as they return to normal on their own over time. Physiological hormonal imbalances include:

  • Puberty.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Menopause.
  • Genetic predisposition - primary amenorrhea ( complete absence menstruation).

In cases where endocrine disruption in women is not a physiological phenomenon, it is a pathology. The cause of hormonal imbalance can be the following disorders or diseases:

Hormonal imbalance can also be caused by other reasons, which can be determined by the doctor after the results of the examinations.

Clinical signs of hormonal disorders

In order to determine the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women, you need to know their signs, which can appear in the form of:

  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Difficulty conceiving a child
  • Increased irritability
  • Sudden change of mood
  • Weight gain
  • Recurrent or regular headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Bad dream
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pronounced thinness

In addition to the above symptoms, women with hormonal imbalance are often diagnosed with gynecological diseases, such as cysts of various etiologies and locations, fibroids, mastopathy and other diseases that do not allow a woman to lead a full life. If you experience one or more signs of hormonal imbalance, you do not need to diagnose yourself. It is quite possible that such symptoms are present in other diseases and disorders.

Consequences of hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalance causes disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism, so if the cause is not recognized in time, there is a high risk of developing complications, such as:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hormone-dependent benign or malignant tumors;
  • atherosclerosis with great risk development of stroke or heart attack;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases of various origins.

Considering that endocrine disruption is fraught with consequences, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible so as not to trigger the progression of any of the diseases that developed against the background of hormonal imbalance.

How to treat hormonal imbalance?

Before treating hormonal imbalance in women, it is necessary to determine its cause. To do this, the doctor prescribes a number of examinations:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Hormone analysis.
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs.
  4. Test for STDs.

The results of the examination will allow the doctor to draw up a complete picture of the disease and determine which hormones need to be brought back to normal.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance is aimed at eliminating the very cause that led to the disorder. hormonal levels and restoration of stimulation of production the right hormone. Mostly curative therapy consists of reception medicines which will normalize hormones, you also need to adhere to the right image life, diet, follow all doctor’s recommendations. If treatment is not followed, hormonal imbalance may reappear. Reception medications It can take several days, several months or years. It all depends on the situation and characteristics of the female body.

Folk remedies for restoring hormonal balance

As complementary therapy To the main treatment, a woman can use traditional medicine, which over the centuries of its existence has collected many recipes and methods for restoring hormonal balance.

Let's look at a few recipes:

Oregano for hormonal imbalance. Promotes the production of hormones, prevents the development of hormonal disorders. To prepare an infusion of oregano you will need: 2 tbsp. l. oregano herbs, pour 0.5 l. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and take 100 mil 2 times a day.

Hops infusion. 1 tbsp. l. hops are poured with 0.5 liter of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos, take 50 mil 3 times a day. With the help of this infusion, you can not only prevent the development of hormonal disorders, but also increase the size of the mammary glands.

Flax seeds - natural spring estrogen. For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. flax seeds + 0.5 l. kefir, natural yogurt or curdled milk. Take half a glass 2 – 3 times a day.

Sage for hormonal imbalance. Allows you to stimulate the production of estrogen. To prepare, you need to brew sage in a thermos and take it from days 6 to 15 of the menstrual cycle.

It is important to note that despite the safety traditional medicine Before using any of the recipes, you need to consult a doctor. Some herbs can provoke the development of bleeding, which can be dangerous to a woman’s health.

Prevention of hormonal imbalance

In order to prevent the development of hormonal imbalance, a woman needs to monitor her health, regularly take hormone tests, undergo examinations with a gynecologist once every six months, refuse bad habits, and also exclude all factors that can lead to hormonal disorders.

Such a natural phenomenon as human life support directly depends on physiological transformations throughout a person’s life, characteristic of hormonal functions responsible for the growth, formation and aging of the body.

The entire process of the body’s vital activity directly concerns hormonal work, which in turn, like metabolism and the work of all organs, is controlled by the central nervous system.

Many studies have confirmed the fact that hormonal imbalance in women often manifests itself in interruptions in the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon should always be a cause for concern and examination to identify changes in the endocrine sphere.

In addition, there are other quite diverse symptoms, but treatment for a specific symptomatology is determined only by a specialist in this field based on individual parameters.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took and whether it was effective. traditional medicine what helped and what didn’t.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

The root causes of this phenomenon in women and men can be various.

Let's look at the main causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

Regarding other factors, we can talk about:


Hormonal disorders can manifest themselves as unexpressed signs, but a woman should be informed about them so that if they change at the slightest level, she will immediately consult a doctor to determine them.

You should be alarmed if you have the following symptoms:

When a hormonal shift occurs in the fair sex, individual manifestations are characteristic, and for this reason it is definitely possible to say that hair loss and a change in its color are acceptable, all this refers to the symptoms of this condition.

Expression and therapeutic measures are very interconnected processes, where the main emphasis is unmistakable correctness in diagnosis.

Hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system

IN at a young age Imbalance in the functions of the sexual sphere is expressed in the following:

  • A girl aged 12–17 years experiences a delay in sexual development, with a delayed development of secondary sexual differences.
  • Along with this, there is often the manifestation of ontogenetic characteristics that are unusual for a given gender. In women, secondary male differences are formed (masculinization), and in men, female differences are formed (the phenomenon of feminization).

In addition to all of the above, reproductive characteristics change:

  • Libido decreases significantly, up to absolute absence;
  • Erectile ability in the stronger sex decreases;
  • Women experience some difficulty in achieving orgasm (anorgasmia);
  • Arises.

Hormonal imbalance in the nervous system

At hormonal disorders the development of such a phenomenon as cerebrospinal gravis occurs.

Signs of exhaustion are as follows:

Hormonal imbalance in metabolism

Difficulties in exchange process, manifested in hormonal disorders, often arise as a set excess weight and obesity. A sudden jump in weight is a reason for specialists to talk about problems in the hormonal sphere.

In addition, many patients develop a disease such as osteoporosis. Difficulties in hard bone structure, occur due to factors such as disruptions in calcium metabolism.

But still, with targeted and timely treatment, all symptoms are easily eliminated. However, if we neglect these violations long time, then this circumstance can significantly worsen health, provoking long-term disruptions in the functioning of many significant systems and organs of the human body.

Signs of hormonal imbalance during puberty

Time of puberty- a very difficult time both for the children themselves and for their parents.

This is especially true for girls, since at this stage of body restructuring, their hormones are developing to the limit.

In medical terminology, the onset of sexual development is normally at the age of 7–8 years, and the process of maturation should be completed by the age of 18.

Correction of hormonal imbalance

During this period of time, the young female body is formed especially intensively, grows, secondary sexual differences appear and the female reproductive sphere matures. If everything is done normally and correctly, then upon reaching 18 years of age the girl is ready to start sex life, can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

There are two types of pathologies that indicate hormonal imbalance:

  • Early gender maturation. In girls with this type of pathology, up to 7 years of age, secondary gender characteristics develop, menstrual flow appears long before the due time, and they also experience sudden growth spurts;
  • Slowing down of gender maturation. In such girls, breasts begin to enlarge after 16 years of age, during the same period other gender differences develop. The onset of menstrual flow occurs at the age of 17-18 years.

Delayed puberty

The so-called “standard” of normal gender identity among representatives of the fairer sex is its occurrence in childhood and adolescence from 7 to 18 years. This physiological phenomenon ends by the age of 18.

At this time, which is called puberty in scientific annals, there is an acceleration in the rate of reorganization of the body, a significant increase in height and weight, and the development of secondary gender differences.

It is during this period of time that the female gender sphere matures, which subsequently ensures the entire process of reproduction.

In the case when secondary gender differences are detected in children under 7 years of age, gender formation is considered early, premature.

This phenomenon is accompanied by the premature onset of menstrual flow (cases have been observed in medical practice this process and at 4 years of age), development and increase in the volume of milk secretion. In girls, body weight and height quickly increase, but ultimately it stops at 152 cm. The reason for this is the ossification of skeletal fragments, which ensure further vertical growth.

A number of species are identified premature attack puberty:

  • Premature formation as a deviation from the norm, caused by malfunctions in the central nervous system or arising due to the presence of ovarian tumors that synthesize estrogens and other hormones. Often, only neoplasms located close to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are the root causes of early gender development;
  • Premature gender maturation of a constitutional type, often its basis is the girl’s chromosomal genetic tendency to a premature start of puberty. At the same time, there are no global deviations from the norm or failures in the systems that are responsible for hormonal stabilization. Such young women have a good ability to become pregnant and give birth and do not require therapy. The onset of the menstrual cycle in such a situation does not start until the age of 6 years.

Delayed puberty

Evidence that a child has a slowdown in the onset of the transition period will be the non-emergence of secondary gender differences before the age of 16.


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The reason for this development of the female body may be a genetic tendency. However, at the same time, all important systems and organs after the start of the menstrual cycle (at 17 or 18 years old) will be normal, which in no way complicates the process of further pregnancy and childbirth.

However, there is also a lag for pathological reasons. This may be caused by Shereshevsky-Turner disease, or deviations in the intended work of the pituitary gland.

Today, such root causes of slowing down the process of restructuring the body as nutritional dystrophy (a consequence of a deficiency in the diet of proteins, microelements and vitamins) are very common.

This happens because all sorts of diets and eating regimens are very fashionable now, and girls dream of being very slim and thin.

Sexual development with erased virilization

Gender formation with erased virilization means a type of puberty in which both female and male gender differences arise.

For example, hair appears in areas where its presence is not normal, and in addition, a masculine skeleton develops.

Such manifestations are accompanied by excess weight, teenage acne and stretch marks.

The main reason for these abnormal symptoms is clearly pathology in the functions of the adrenal cortex and appendages, which come with heredity

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Dysfunctional uterus is a large volume of blood loss that is not related to menstrual flow.

In situations where they appear in girls during gender maturation, these are juvenile hemorrhages.

Normally, they occur after 14 days or 2-3 months of delay. They can be in large volume or spotting, but then their duration reaches 2 weeks.

This is a very common problem of the female genital area for girls in this age group.

Experts believe that the root cause is the excessive intellectual and physical workload of modern teenagers; for this reason, such a deviation is often observed among girls who are keen on playing sports and studying in specialized educational institutions.

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Hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age

Every girl who has crossed puberty enters the childbearing period. At this stage of her life, she is capable of conceiving and bearing a fetus. However, even at this stage, a disturbance in the production of hormones can make itself felt.

Prolonged non-occurrence of menstrual bleeding in women of reproductive age, unrelated to pregnancy and breastfeeding, is called amenorrhea. But it has its own types with individual characteristics.


The term hypothalamic-pituitary amenorrhea means prolonged absence of menstruation in middle-aged women.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be considered:

  • infectious diseases to which a woman was exposed in childhood;
  • difficult physical activity;
  • severe and prolonged stress;
  • inadequate diet, hunger.

Regarding descriptions of this type of amenorrhea, we can talk about:

  • physical loss of strength;
  • fragile nervous system;
  • anemia;
  • hypotension.

Amenorrhea is often provoked by a violation of the functionality of the adrenal cortex.

The underlying causes of this manifestation include: Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, a deviation characterized by a certain disruption in the intended functioning of the adrenal cortex, resulting in the production of an excessive amount of its hormones. The basis for this process is often a neoplasm and the hormones it synthesizes.

The descriptions include the following::

Regarding amenorrhea due to abnormalities in the appendages, the most common reason for its occurrence should be considered - appendages.

Such amenorrhea is expressed as follows:

  • excessive weight gain of types 1 and 2;
  • hair on the upper part of the mouth, on inside thighs, chin;
  • multiple stretch marks;
  • weakening of hair and nails.

Uterine bleeding

Concept uterine bleeding, implies a pathological transformation of menstrual periods, provoked by a failure in the level of female hormones.

Described as a significant increase in the amount of blood released, or prolonged critical days.

Here, a change from long-term amenorrhea to the prospect of heavy bleeding of various volumes and frequencies is likely; the consequence of these pathologies is often anemia.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

A large amount of its content in the bloodstream becomes the basis for a change in the production of other hormones.

The endocrine sphere is forced to adapt to the resulting transformations in the body, but still, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is inherent in nature, physiological process aimed at a positive pregnancy outcome.

However, there are pathologies that can lead to the risk of miscarriage:

  1. Excessive;
  2. Insufficient amount of estrogen.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

During the period of bearing a child and after delivery, a woman’s hormonal picture changes significantly, for this reason the body is unusually vulnerable at this time.

Under the influence of stress and other negative factors disturbances in the synthesis of hormones may be detected.

The female body without abnormalities has the ability to recover within 3-4 months after childbirth.

If breastfeeding is carried out, the hormonal picture changes again, emphasizing oxytocin, the founding hormones in lactation and the control of breastfeeding in general.

After some time has passed after breastfeeding, hormones return to normal.

Hormonal imbalance during menopause

Basic and frequent symptoms Hormonal imbalance during menopause:


Since any imbalance of hormones has some consequences, this state becomes the basis for enough severe consequences, similar condition always needs medical correction.

But still, first of all, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the hormonal disorder.

For such purposes, consultation with an endocrinologist is required, and in addition, an analysis of the biomaterial for hormonal status is required.

It should be mentioned that this kind of analysis is carried out before critical days and after. Further, if, after performing a laboratory test, a shift in the level of any hormone is determined, auxiliary studies must be carried out to clarify the cause of the disorder.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal shifts are a circumstance that has an extremely negative impact on a woman’s healthy state. This means not only reproductive failures, but also a significant deterioration in health.

A lack or excessive amount of any individual hormones, without treatment in time, entails the following complex consequences:

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

The method of therapy is determined by which hormone changes its value and quantity from the norm. In some certain cases Difficulties arise with the synthesis of any hormone, but often a simple analysis of the biomaterial reveals the presence of difficulties with regard to several hormones.

Any specialist has his own concept of the treatment of pathology, and yet gynecologists-endocrinologists are conditionally divided into two classifications: some choose to prescribe the use of oral contraceptives as treatment, while others choose to control a particular hormone with certain medications.

Correction of hormonal imbalance using oral contraceptives

To normalize the synthesis of hormones, medications such as Yarina, Diane 35, Lindinet can be prescribed.

This treatment is like two sides of the same coin:

  • Firstly, there is a very comfortable solution for every specialist: there is no need to select a specific regimen - all synthetic hormone modulators in the preparations are distributed in advance on a daily basis relative to the cycle.
  • However, there is another side to the coin - similar corrective treatment, may result in negative consequences:
    • Unresponsiveness to oral contraceptives, manifested in daily nausea and vomiting;
    • Conception outside of plans and the onset of unwanted pregnancy after stopping the course of taking the medicine. And because of the rebound action, it may be that a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets;
    • Increased symptoms of hormonal shifts after stopping the use of oral hormone-modulating drugs.

Correction of hormonal imbalance using an individual selection of hormonal drugs

It is very difficult to create a corrective treatment regimen. There may be a need for parallel use of more than one hormone-modulating drug; for this reason, the gynecologist-endocrinologist must choose drugs extremely carefully to prevent shifts in the synthesis of other hormones, the number of which is normal.

The consequences of ignoring hormonal imbalance can provoke:

  • infertility,
  • obesity,
  • excess body hair growth and other consequences.

Uterine fibroids - SURGERY DOESN'T MEAN!

Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not cure the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids appear again. Fibroids will go away on their own without any surgery if you drink on an empty stomach ordinary herbal mixture...

Recently, women of different ages Hormonal imbalances are increasingly being diagnosed. They manifest themselves in the form of irregular menstruation, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, bad sleep, decreased libido, headaches, chronic fatigue. If left uncorrected, hormonal imbalance usually results in problems with pregnancy, bearing a child, the development of pathological formations, including malignant ones, in the female genital organs and mammary glands, and other serious complications.


Principles of restoring hormonal imbalance

Main female hormones regulating puberty girls, the menstrual cycle and the functions of the reproductive system are estrogens and progesterone. Their concentrations in different phases of the cycle must be within certain limits, and deviations from the norm in one direction or another lead to hormonal imbalance in the body, which entails a number of negative health consequences, bad feeling and sometimes even some changes in appearance.

The reasons for such violations of coordinated work hormonal system I can be:

  • past infectious diseases;
  • nervous stress;
  • weakened immune system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abortions;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • Not proper nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • diseases and operations on the organs of the reproductive system.

Hormonal disbalance in a woman’s body can also be caused by natural physiological changes. We are talking about the onset of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, menopause. The changes occurring at this time in the absence of deviations are absolutely normal, and the unpleasant symptoms associated with them are temporary nature and do not require any drug therapy. To make it easier to survive these periods, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition, get more rest, and it is permissible to use folk and homeopathic remedies.

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance, a woman should contact a gynecologist, and the sooner the better. Only a doctor after a thorough examination, including tests for hormones, tests for infections, general and biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound of the pelvic organs will be able to identify the cause of the disorders and prescribe adequate therapy.

To restore hormonal levels, in most cases, hormonal drugs are used in combination with diet, lifestyle correction, physiotherapy, and prevention stressful situations and them negative influence on the body. When sexually transmitted infections are detected, appropriate antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating therapy must be prescribed. In some cases (with hormone-producing tumors, fibroids, cysts and other pathological formations), surgical treatment is necessary to restore hormonal imbalance.

Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist on the causes of hormonal imbalance and methods of its correction

Impact of diet and lifestyle

Risk factors for the development of almost any health problem, including hormonal imbalance, are poor diet and lifestyle. Disturbances in hormone levels often result from chronic lack of sleep, overwork, increased physical, mental and nervous stress, and lack of proper rest and relaxation. In this regard, when treating hormonal imbalance important role is given to normalizing the lifestyle, observing the work and rest regime, creating conditions to provide the body with the opportunity to fully restore its strength.

It will be extremely useful to follow these recommendations:

  • increase time for sleep and rest;
  • give up bad habits, if any;
  • before going to bed, take warm relaxing baths with the addition of decoctions and infusions of herbs that have a sedative and relaxing effect;
  • listen to soothing music at night;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • Do exercise therapy, yoga or Pilates several times a week.

Proper nutrition is also important for maintaining hormonal balance. Girls and women often get carried away different diets, which are not always beneficial for health. With an illiterate approach, they lead to the fact that the body does not receive sufficient quantity necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. When treating hormonal imbalance and for its prevention, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet, give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, exclude or significantly limit the consumption of sweets, fatty, fried and spicy food. Products containing phytoestrogens will be useful. These include mushrooms, cereals and legumes, apples, carrots, pomegranates, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Problems during puberty

For the first time, young representatives of the fair sex may encounter hormonal imbalance during puberty. To assess the correct development of the reproductive system and the changes occurring in the body, it is recommended to contact a teenage gynecologist and undergo an examination. The following deviations may indicate hormonal imbalance during this age period:

  • absence of menstruation before age 16;
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle a year after the first menstruation;
  • excessive or insufficient hair growth;
  • underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  • absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 14;
  • severe thinness or, conversely, obesity.

To restore hormonal balance in teenage girls, the safest means are used first. These include organizing a correct and comfortable daily routine, good rest, balanced diet, taking vitamins, moderate physical activity, preventing stressful situations. If it is necessary to use medications, preference is given to homeopathy and herbal remedies (cyclodinone).

Particular caution should be observed when prescribing hormone-based drugs to adolescents to correct hormonal imbalance. This is due to the fact that some body systems, including the reproductive system, are still in the stage of active development and such “interference” can lead to unpredictable and difficult to predict health consequences in the future.

Changes during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s body, all resources are directed to ensuring optimal conditions for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. The production of the main pregnancy-supporting hormone progesterone and estrogen increases. Progesterone stimulates the development of mammary glands, ensures consolidation ovum in the uterus and suppresses the woman’s immunity in order to prevent its rejection. Estrogens control the growth of the uterus and accelerate excretion from the body excess liquid, normalize blood pressure.

Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy can lead to the threat of miscarriage, spotting bloody discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, complications during childbirth and postpartum period, problems with lactation. To prevent the threat of miscarriage, many women with a history of problematic pregnancy and menstrual irregularities are prescribed progesterone medications (Utrozhestan, Duphaston) in the first and second trimester.

After the birth of the baby and the end of breastfeeding, the woman’s hormonal levels gradually return to their original state. This usually takes 2-3 months.

Help with menopause

A common cause of hormonal imbalance in women after 40 years of age is menopause. The changes that occur during this period are caused by a lack of estrogen and manifest themselves in the form of:

  • frequent and prolonged headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • constant fatigue, absent-minded attention;
  • irritability;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • joint pain;
  • depression;
  • night sweats.

Considering that most women tolerate the symptoms of menopause extremely poorly, hormone replacement therapy is most effective in improving their condition during this period. It allows you to compensate for the deficiency of your own hormones with the help of hormonal drugs based on estrogen ethinyl estradiol and synthetic analogs of progesterone. These products help prolong youth, eliminate mood swings, hot flashes, slow down the process of skin aging, and reduce the risk of developing cancer in the reproductive system, osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Folk remedies for restoring hormonal imbalance

To treat hormonal imbalance, you can also use folk remedies. Particularly useful are infusions and decoctions based on medicinal plants containing phytohormones - substances with activity similar to human hormones, but less pronounced:

  • sage contains phytohormones with estrogen-like effects, restores the normal structure of the endometrium;
  • Potentilla cinquefoil promotes the production of progesterone;
  • oregano regulates the menstrual cycle, increases the production of female sex hormones;
  • fenugreek stimulates the production of prolactin and estrogens, increases breast milk production, and promotes the speedy recovery of a woman’s body after childbirth;
  • mint renders beneficial influence on the nervous system, normalizes hormonal balance, reduces the severity of menopause symptoms.

It should be remembered that any treatment, including traditional methods, must be agreed with a specialist.

Video: Self-massage to restore the menstrual cycle

Sooner or later, every woman faces endocrine problems. In this article we will look at how to determine hormonal imbalance in the body and what are the reasons for its occurrence in girls. Let's find out what methods exist to normalize the condition and prevent undesirable consequences.

Why does hormonal imbalance occur?

First of all, it is worth noting that hormonal imbalance is not always a pathology. This is quite normal phenomenon in the following cases:

  1. Adolescence, when a girl’s body prepares for her first menstruation and gaining the ability to bear children.
  2. Pregnancy when the growth and development of the fetus significantly change the level of one or another hormone.
  3. Climax, when a woman ceases to be fertile and sex hormones gradually cease to be produced.

In other cases, hormonal imbalance occurs for the following reasons:

The most obvious symptoms are irregular cycles and premenstrual syndrome. If you do not pay attention to these factors in time, they will develop in the future. dangerous diseases sexual sphere - consequences of hormonal imbalance, such as infertility, mastopathy.

More than 80% of girls complain of acne due to hormonal imbalance. Moreover, the rashes are localized in the area of ​​the chin and cheekbones, under the skin, are large in size and are quite painful on palpation.

Another noticeable sign of hormonal imbalance is hirsutism. Girls begin to develop dark, coarse hairs near the nipples, above the upper lip and in the thigh area.

In addition, women with endocrine problems have the following characteristics:

Hormonal imbalance: what to do and how to establish a normal background

If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance, you should definitely undergo examination by a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will refer you for a test. necessary tests for hormones, indicating the day of the cycle on which it is advisable to check them. And only after decoding the results can you prescribe adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not look for advice on forums or ask women you know what to do if you have a hormonal imbalance.

Self-medication and prescribing medications to yourself is fraught not only negative consequences, but also complications of many concomitant diseases. Subsequently, you will have to spend much more material resources and time on therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies for hormonal imbalance in girls

It should be remembered that traditional methods are only supportive treatment. They are not able to cure the disease as monotherapy. Moreover, having decided to use alternative medicine in case of hormonal imbalance, you need to consult your doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is a danger of aggravating the situation by taking excessive amounts of phytoestrogens, which are rich in medicinal plants.

Hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age are common. On the body adult woman influenced by various factors: nutritional disorders, insufficiently active lifestyle, intake medicines(often without a doctor’s prescription), prolonged stress, lack of sleep and much more. You need to know the signs of hormonal imbalance in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What is hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is a decrease or increase in the secretion of female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone), as well as an increased secretion of male sex hormones androgens, accompanied by certain changes in the woman’s body.

The female body produces three estrogens. They support maturation and reproductive function, the growth of the mammary glands, support the body during pregnancy and have an impact on all organs and systems. Progesterone is active from the second half of the menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, it causes the uterine mucosa (endometrium) to produce useful substances, suppresses the contraction of the uterine muscles and the immune system, that is, it supports pregnancy.

The female body is influenced not only by sex hormones. The entire endocrine system participates in the regulation of its functions, producing and releasing superactive substances into the blood in very small doses - hormones.

The main regulatory structure of the endocrine system is the hypothalamus. The production of hypothalamic hormones has a regulatory effect on main gland internal secretion pituitary gland (also located in the brain). The pituitary gland secretes a number of hormones that regulate the activity of other endocrine glands. To regulate the function of the gonads, the pituitary gland secretes two gonadotropic hormones (GTG): follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH - in the first half of the menstrual cycle - MC) and luteinizing hormone (LH - in the second half of the MC).

The ovaries produce sex hormones. Estrogens are secreted by the walls of the follicle in which the egg matures in the first half of the MC. When the egg matures, the follicle bursts and in its place a corpus luteum- gland that produces progesterone in the second half of the MC.

In turn, the hypothalamus is under the control of the cerebral cortex. All links of a woman’s neuroendocrine system are interconnected: when the ovaries secrete a lot of estrogens, the secretion of FSH decreases, when there is a lot of progesterone, the secretion of LH decreases, and vice versa, with a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, the secretion of GSH increases. The same interaction exists between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

Hormonal imbalances in women can occur at any level of the hormonal system “cerebral cortex - hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovaries”.

Reasons for violations

The causes of hormonal imbalance can be different, it all depends on the exposure external factors And general condition body:

  • heavy mental and physical stress, prolonged stress;
  • sudden increase or loss of body weight; extreme diets, malnutrition, irregular meals, as well as overeating due to stress, etc.
  • severe infections, surgeries, oncological diseases, chronic diseases with frequent relapses;
  • diseases of the uterus, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • long-term self-administration of COCs (combined oral contraceptives); doctors select COCs after examination and recommend taking breaks after a while, switching to barrier agents contraception;
  • frequent use contraception for emergency pregnancy prevention - a real blow to the reproductive system;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of drugs from the group of glucocorticoids;
  • changes after childbirth, especially if they were difficult;
  • changes after abortion are another blow to the reproductive system;
  • any uncompensated endocrine diseases: the work of all endocrine glands is interconnected;
  • liver and kidney diseases: hormones are decomposed in the liver, and their metabolites are excreted through the kidneys;
  • hereditary features of the structure and functioning of the reproductive system: a woman after 35 years of age may experience ovarian depletion if she runs out of eggs; this leads to the development of early menopause.

Video about hormonal disorders in a woman:

Who is at risk?

Hormonal imbalances in women after 30–35 years of age can occur in any woman. But there are also risk groups, which include women who are most susceptible to such changes. Risk groups include:

  • leading a sedentary lifestyle, prone to obesity;
  • those who are addicted to extreme diets for weight loss and who are severely underweight;
  • taking COCs without a doctor's prescription for a long time;
  • regularly using emergency contraception;
  • have had several induced abortions;
  • taking glucocorticoids for long periods;
  • having bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

Symptoms of disorders in women after 30 and 35 years

Signs of hormonal imbalance after thirty to thirty-five years appear as:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. Any change in MC, if it continues for two or more cycles, should suggest a hormonal imbalance and the need to contact a gynecologist. Depending on which hormone is secreted insufficiently or excessively, menstruation may vary as follows:
    • excess estrogen - rare but heavy menstruation;
    • lack of estrogen - rare scanty periods, sometimes their complete absence (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea);
    • lack of progesterone - painful menstruation and long-term painful menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding;
    • excess progesterone - MC disorders can be of a different nature, but these are serious disorders that require a full examination to exclude a malignant tumor;
    • excess androgens (male sex hormones) - they suppress the secretion of estrogen, so changes in MC will be the same as with a lack of estrogen;
    • excess of the pituitary hormone prolactin – menstruation is rare and scanty; Normally, prolactin stimulates secretion human milk; with its increased secretion, the MC is disrupted, since it suppresses the maturation of the egg in the ovary, the secretion of FSH and estrogens; With such a failure, pregnancy is impossible.
  1. Changes in the central nervous system. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance: chronic fatigue, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, disturbances in body temperature, mood swings (irritability, tearfulness, unjustified aggression).
  2. Changes in the autonomic nervous system, symptoms: changes blood pressure(BP), accompanied by dizziness and headaches, attacks of increased heart rate, prolonged aching pain in the heart, etc.
  3. Changes in the mammary glands: with an excess of estrogen develops fibrocystic mastopathy, which sometimes (in rare cases) turns into cancer.
  4. Changes in endocrine organs. Excess androgens can lead to changes in body contours according to the male type: the outline of the figure changes, hair growth changes, and even a deepening of the voice. Excess androgens require exclusion of a tumor process.

Possible consequences

Prolonged failures can lead to serious disruptions;

  • lack of estrogen and excess prolactin - to infertility;
  • excess estrogen leads to the formation of such precancerous diseases of the genital organs as endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis (entry of endometrial cells into muscle layer uterus and other organs with the growth of foci of endometriosis in them), fibroids ( benign tumor) uterus; the development of mastopathy is possible - a fibrocystic process in the mammary glands, sometimes turning into cancer; increased production of estrogen in the last days before menstruation leads to the appearance premenstrual syndrome(PMS): the appearance of swelling, headaches, depression or irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness;
  • lack of progesterone leads to menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding and anemia; during pregnancy this leads to miscarriage;
  • A large amount of progesterone or androgens in the blood indicates the possibility of a tumor process;
  • Excess prolactin leads to the impossibility of pregnancy and the development of mastopathy.

Diagnosis and treatment

For any MC disturbances that last more than three cycles in a row, the woman should consult a gynecologist. It’s better to go straight to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. From diagnostic studies First of all, a blood test for hormones is prescribed. Not only sex hormones are examined, but also all others, since disruptions can be caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.

If an excess or deficiency of a hormone has been identified, further examination will be aimed at identifying the existing pathology. An ultrasound of the pelvis and thyroid gland is performed, and, if necessary, endoscopic, X-ray, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.

After the final diagnosis is established, treatment is prescribed:

  1. General restorative treatment: vitamin and mineral complexes, adaptagens (ginseng tincture during the day, valerian or motherwort tincture before bed).
  2. Traditional methods of treatment. Not all problems can be cured with folk remedies. But with minor violations they have a regulatory effect. So, for secondary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation due to overwork, stress, etc.), a decoction of onion peels is used:
  • Separate the husks from 10 large onions, pour in 12 glasses of liquid, boil and wait until the water turns red; take 100 ml twice a day for a month.
  • In case of heavy blood loss due to a lack of progesterone, take the following infusion: nettle leaves; brewed at the rate of 30 g per 350 ml of boiling water; take 100 ml three times a day for three weeks.

Preventing a crash

The following will help prevent problems in the body of a woman of reproductive age:

  • healthy lifestyle, high physical activity;
  • proper regular nutrition;
  • absence of prolonged stress (short-term stress does not count, they stimulate all body functions) and heavy loads;
  • getting rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse and other psychotropic drugs;
  • regular (every six months) visits to the gynecologist.

A woman’s hormonal background is a complex multi-level system. Changes in the functioning of any of the links of this system after 30–35 years lead to disruption of the functioning of not only the reproductive system, but also the entire organism. If the changes continue for a long time, signs of persistent infertility and diseases such as tumors, endometriosis, mastopathy, etc. appear. Therefore, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of disturbances appear.