Is it good to drink water during exercise? A little thirsty trick

Hello friends, each of us once had a question, is it possible to drink water during a workout, before and after it? So this question is very relevant and worries not only beginners in sports, but also experienced athletes. There are a lot of myths around him that contradict themselves, so I will try to answer your question clearly and in detail.

So, water is simply necessary for us to continue our existence. We are almost 70-90% water (depending on age and physiological factors of the body). This once again proves that water plays a very important role in our body. With the help of water, all biochemical reactions in the body occur. As soon as it becomes smaller, then the speed chemical reactions slows down in our body. These facts are well known to physicians, but little known to novice athletes.

Always after a hard workout, a person is thirsty. This is a natural state. Explained simply. During the load, a lot of energy is released. To avoid overheating through the skin, water in the form of sweat begins to evaporate. This is how cooling happens. And when water supplies begin to decrease to a critical state, a mechanism is activated that signals, in the form of a feeling of thirst, about its lack.

The lack of water is signaled by:

  1. Feeling of thirst, and the stronger, the more water will be missed.
  2. Feeling tired and lethargic. This is defensive reaction. It is needed in order to stop the process of overheating of the body as quickly as possible.

Factors affecting the desire to drink during and after exercise:

  1. feature of each organism.
  2. Type of load, duration and intensity.
  3. Training conditions: humidity and ambient temperature.
  4. Dehydration of the body.

The answer to the question is it possible to drink water during training, before and after it.

  1. During training, you can drink water, as there is a loss of moisture, but its loss depends on the intensity of the training. Therefore, drink water in small quantities (a couple of sips at each rest), otherwise if you drink a lot of water at a time, then continue training with full stomach will become very difficult.
  2. Before training, you need to drink about half a liter of water or more (it all depends on the body). It is best to drink water 30 minutes before your workout. However, before the start of intensive work, there is a certain, balanced amount of water in the body. If you drink more than you need, then it will not be comfortable to train (as in the first paragraph).
  3. After the end of classes with a load, it is necessary to make up for the loss of water. Sometimes you are so thirsty that a person long time cannot stop after drinking even more than a liter of water.

But it all depends on many factors, so whether or not to drink water during a workout is up to you personally, see how you feel. Most importantly, listen to your body - it will tell you. Since, unambiguously for everyone, it cannot be said that it is necessary to drink water during exercise or immediately after it. Therefore, see for yourself, in any case, there is nothing fatal in this.

The better to quench your thirst

The only complete product, after which you do not want to drink, is water. It is so arranged by nature that throughout the evolution of man, this liquid only quenched thirst. Quite recently, if you look at the historical perspective, people learned how to make drinks and at some stage began to sincerely believe that it was they who helped them out during dehydration.

It is not true. In any drink invented by man, water still occupies a large mass. True, there is less of it in a liter of juice, because other substances will be present there, which means that you will have to drink more of this liquid. But after all, freshly squeezed juice, you see, is tastier and contains nutrients, such as: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which during or after a workout will even come in handy.

It sounds convincing and this prompted manufacturers to release drinks for a variety of purposes. Energy juices, slimming drinks, "magic" drinks, etc. have appeared. Most of them have complex composition with very little space natural products, and mostly chemistry - flavorings, dyes, sweeteners and a lot of similar rubbish. Therefore, do not abuse questionable drinks during and after training.

A little thirsty trick

  1. Learn to listen to your body - this will help you cope better with thirst.
  2. Don't drink sugary drinks as they will make you even more thirsty.
  3. Put some salt on the edge of the glass and drink water through it. Even in extreme heat, this method works flawlessly. For example, in very hot countries, this method not replaceable, since salt retains water in the body, which leads to greater saturation. And that's all, because with the loss of moisture, salt also leaves the body. Drinking salted water is not very pleasant, but for some reason it is even tasty through salt. However, the norm of salt per day is approximately 5 grams, keep this in mind.
  4. Try to make your own drink, for example green tea or coffee are thermogenics that give energy and help in fat burning. Sometimes they can even help to establish friendly contact with strangers. And this is very pleasant.


Frequently Asked Question: Do I need to drink while exercising? Many do not drink in order to sweat better and see a nice “plumb” on the scales after a workout. Others believe that water increases the workload on the heart. To drink or not to drink during exercise? If you drink, then what, how much and when?

First, be sure to drink. Water is one of the most important components human body. She is regulates temperature, pressure, helps digestive system and does many other things. Our muscles are 75% water. Adipose tissue- on 10%. Water brings oxygen and nutrients into the cells and carries away "waste".

During exercise, the body needs more water, because everything metabolic processes go faster in the muscles. They need to get more nutrients and oxygen and remove decay products faster.

Water also regulates body temperature through sweating. Evaporation of sweat important mechanism body cooling. Intense training, especially in hot conditions or in inappropriate clothing, causes the body to overheat and severe water loss without evaporation of sweat from the surface ().

Symptoms of severe dehydration are weak pulse, nausea, dizziness, weakness. If you ignore them, things can get to heat stroke when the body temperature control system fails. This is life-threatening condition and requires medical attention.

If you are a fan of running cling film or a sauna suit, read. The worst thing you can do in training with your body is to lose fluid, preventing it from evaporating from the surface of the body and not replenishing its losses.

Athletes can lose up to 6-10% of water during training through sweat and breath ( , ). If not replenished lost water, training performance decreases. Even the smallest and most imperceptible dehydration affects intensity, strength, endurance and coordination. A person will be able to lift less weight and get tired faster. Dehydration of everything 2% of body weight can reduce performance by as much as 10-20%. Dehydration by 5% reduces strength and endurance by 30% ().

If you have lost about 500 grams per workout (more than 1 kg in hot conditions), you are dehydrated. Many people like to make comparisons of weight before and after a workout, but you need to remember that this is not fat, but gone water that needs to be returned.

By the way, the Guyton Textbook of Medical Physiology provides a table that shows the amount lost in different conditions of water in a person weighing 70 kg per day:

But thirst is not always an indicator, and you should not focus on it. Intensive training suppresses the activity of thirst receptors in the throat and intestines. So when you are thirsty, your body may already be very dehydrated for a long time.

Before training:
  • 500 ml of water within four hours before training.
  • 200-300 ml of water 10-15 minutes before training.
During training:
  • 80-200 ml of water every 15-20 minutes at physical activity less than an hour.
  • 80-200 ml of a sports drink (about them - below) every 15-20 minutes during intensive training for more than an hour, when a person sweats a lot and profusely.
  • Do not drink more than a liter per hour during exercise.
  • The water should be warm, close to body temperature - cold water is not absorbed until it is heated to body temperature.
After training: The goal is to compensate for the loss of water within two hours after training.
  • Drink about 500-600 ml of water for every pound of weight lost during your workout.

Recommendations from The American Council on Exercise

  • Drink 450-550 ml of water 2-3 hours before training.
  • Drink 200 ml of water 20-30 minutes before training or during the warm-up.
  • Drink about 180-270 ml of water every 10-20 minutes during your workout.
  • Drink another 200 ml of water within 30 minutes after your workout.
  • Drink 450-650 ml of water for every pound of weight lost post-workout.
  • 2 hours before training: 400-600 ml
  • During training: 150-300 ml every 15-20 minutes.
  • Post-workout: ~500 ml for every 500 grams of weight lost during training.

Are sports drinks necessary?

There are special drinks for professional athletes. They not only restore lost fluid, but also maintain electrolyte balance (). This is necessary to maintain intense muscle work during very long workouts or competitions. In addition to potassium, sodium and other elements, they contain glucose for quick energy replenishment.

For athletes, this can be fundamentally important. The average workout or jogger doesn't need special sports drinks unless they run for two or three hours in the heat at noon (you shouldn't do that with a sports drink either).

The question of whether it is possible to drink water during a workout is of interest to many, precisely because most people have a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow muscles and blood vessels work during sports.

What happens to the body during exercise?

In order to correct the situation, let's figure out what processes occur in the body during physical exertion.

  • Muscles contract and release heat.
  • To protect itself from overheating, the body increases heat transfer. going on increased secretion sweat. The greater the load, the more quantity sweat is released.
  • During exercise, the blood vessels dilate, so the volume of blood in the blood should increase. cardiovascular system. The body draws a certain amount of fluid from the muscles again.
  • Additional fluid is required in order to quickly deliver glycogen from the liver and other organs and remove waste products and toxins from the body that are formed as a result of excessive exercise.
  • At intense training the body can lose from 1 to 3 liters of fluid, which will necessarily lead to an increase in blood viscosity. At the same time, the muscles and brain need nutrients and oxygen. To provide them to the body, the heart works harder, pumping thickened blood.

As you can see, our body is in dire need of an additional amount of fluid during physical exertion. This is especially true of power sports, running, volleyball, basketball, tennis. You just need to drink water during boxing training. This will save you from excessive stress on the heart, speed up the process of burning fat, and help you maintain control over yourself.

Should I drink water while exercising at the gym?

Imagine the situation: summer, heat, training in the gym. The air temperature reaches + 35°С. The usual picture. Is not it? How will the person feel in this situation? His heart will certainly begin to beat faster, his body temperature will rise, his thoughts will be confused. Needless to say, under such conditions, the intensity of training will certainly decrease.

To avoid dehydration, be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water a couple of hours before training and drink fluids in moderation during training.

Drink water while exercising gym it is necessary not only in summer, but also in winter, spring and autumn, because at any temperature physical activity entails fluid loss.

That is why large fitness centers have systems with drinking water.

Should I drink water while exercising to lose weight?

People who are losing weight often deliberately reduce their water intake, as it is believed that fluid loss contributes to total loss weight.

It really is. If you sweat in the gym, and then fix the result in the sauna, then you can lose a couple of extra pounds and the weights will please you. But very soon the body will replenish the fluid content. Bullying your body is not only not beneficial, but also harmful.

Therefore, it is better to lose weight gradually, calculating the loss of kilograms for several months in advance. This will ensure that the weight does not return almost instantly. So you can and should drink water during a workout for weight loss!

How much water should you drink during a workout?

The amount of fluid you drink depends on the intensity and duration of your workout. Remember to always focus on own feelings feeling of thirst and general condition organism.

You should know that you always want to drink more water than you need. And if you drink until you are completely thirsty, you will drink much more than you need. Excess fluid will definitely negatively affect the heart, gurgling in the stomach will not add mood, and also reduce the intensity of the workout.

Therefore, you need to drink often, in small portions, while retaining liquid in your mouth.

What water should you drink?

During training, it is better to use ordinary drinking water. It must be disinfected, non-carbonated and at room temperature. Don't drink lemonade while exercising. They do not quench thirst (sometimes increase) and have a bad effect on the body.

Can you drink water after a workout?

After intense physical activity, you can and should drink water. After all, in this way we restore water balance. But, just like during a workout, you should not drink a lot of water at a time. The maximum amount of liquid that our body can absorb is 1000 ml. So why overload it? It is better to drink often, but in small doses.

Text: Olga Kim

Many argue about the need to drink water during exercise. Some argue that it is extremely undesirable to consume liquid during physical exertion, others say that it is necessary for the body. So what is the right way to drink water while exercising?

Can I drink water during a workout or should I still abstain?

Drink water while exercising, on the one hand, it is necessary, because from the biology course at school we know that a person is 75-80% water and lack of water, that is, dehydration, affects the body very negatively. That is why it is simply necessary to monitor the water balance in the body.

With active physical exertion, body temperature begins to rise. To cool his body begins to sweat, which balances temperature regime inside the body. At the same time, the blood begins to thicken, and it becomes very difficult for the heart to pass it through itself and distribute it throughout the body. As a result, the heart receives a double load due to dehydration of the body during sports.

We go in for sports in order to keep the figure normal and reduce weight. But the lack of moisture in the body greatly inhibits the burning of fat. Too much thick blood does not bring oxygen to the cells, which means that fat cells are not oxidized. But only with a sufficient amount of oxygen in the blood can the breakdown of fat occur.

Drinking water during a workout, it turns out, is not only possible, but also vital. Water helps to restore the body after physical exertion, promotes the absorption of proteins, the entry of amino acids into muscle cells. Due to dehydration, the protein is poorly absorbed, and all excess is excreted from the body. naturally. Therefore, if the goal of exercising in the gym is for you to increase muscle mass, then without water this process will occur extremely slowly. If you take additional creatine and protein supplements, then the rate of water consumption per day increases from 1.5 liters (norm) to 3 liters.

There are sports where drinking water during training should be limited. In particular, such a sport is running. In this athletic sport, excessive water intake can reduce endurance. Also, drinking water during training is not recommended for athletes preparing for competitions and wanting to get rid of fluid in the body, this mode is called “drying”. But drinking water during regular workouts is a must.

Council number 1. You can’t drink cold water during a workout, there is a risk of getting sick. Considering the heated body and the impact on it cold water, you can catch a cold very easily.

Council number 2. You need to drink water not in large sips (even if you really want to), but in small ones, but quite often.

Council number 3. After each exercise, drink 2-3 sips of water at room temperature, so the water balance in the body will not be disturbed.

Council number 4. Just because you need to drink water while exercising doesn't mean you can drink it in unlimited quantities. Just in moderation, 2 liters a day is enough.

Council number 5. Instead of the usual mineral water you can also drink special cocktails, it is better to ask the trainers about their composition and benefits.

As you can see, you can drink water during a workout, if this does not apply. certain types sports or special treatment for athletes. Drink water often and in small sips, so it is absorbed much better. Only now the consumption of water during training in liters will lead to swelling and problems with genitourinary system. Drink to your health!

How important proper nutrition for training, it is just as important to drink water, at least during, even after exercise. And not just liquids, in the form of solutions - tea, juice, just pure unboiled water! Do I need to drink during training - before and after, as well as during the day? You must replenish the water in the body that you lose during the day and when you exercise.

The role of water in training

There are several reasons why water during training and, in general, for life, is important for your body. An adult human is made up of approximately 70% water, and water is secondary to air for survival needs.

During training, you need to constantly in small sips drink water to avoid dehydration and thickening of the blood, which interferes with strength indicators in working with weights and with the development of endurance when sweating is increased. Hence, drink water during and after your workout. In addition, only 1 percent dehydration can cause a significant decrease in metabolism, which can interfere with weight loss and also muscle gain. So drinking water is a good addition to exercise if you are trying to gain mass, burn fat, or maintain a healthy weight.

Is it possible to drink water during training, and in what quantities?

Water helps flush toxins from your body and also allows you to breathe. Without water, your lungs cannot convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. An insufficient supply of water can also lead to loss of muscle tone, an increase in body fat, since dehydration slows down the metabolism, and also contributes to the formation of joint pain.

The body during physical exertion needs to consume 30 ml of water for every kilogram of its own weight. Thus, the amount of water you need is very individual. You need to replace any fluid you lose during the day with clean water.

How much water to drink during exercise?

The approximate amount of water will be 1–1.5 l. Drinking during training should be plentiful. It is not necessary to monitor the amount of water consumed up to a gram, the main thing is to drink a lot!

Try to drink in small sips after sets, then you will constantly replenish the liquid, without feeling heavy.

Drinking certain liquids can also lead to water loss, such as caffeinated drinks. So you should never drink sparkling water or coffee in response to your body's thirst and need for water. It is best to just drink water, but in the right amount. Water should not be:

  • carbonated;
  • sweet;
  • boiled;
  • and even more so from the tap.

How much water to drink after a workout?

To drink water after a workout, you do not need to wait a certain amount of time, continue to drink water at any time in the amount that your body requires. Certainly, no need to immediately drink a whole liter, not having time to use during the load, distribute an equal number of servings, just continue to drink your daily allowance throughout the day until the required amount is replenished.

During the drying period a large number of water. Since it implies a salt-free diet, water will leave the body very quickly, which is exactly what athletes are trying to draw dry muscles and separation (muscle division). Salt is able to retain water in the body, and without salt, you will lose potassium, magnesium, and this will lead to cramps. Therefore, fluid replenishment is especially important aspect life of athletes.


Never wait until you feel very thirsty - this is a signal that your body is already dehydrated. Having a dry mouth is one of the recent symptoms dehydration. And also watch for other signs such as headache, heartburn, back pain and water retention. If you don't receive enough water, your body will retain whatever water it can. Other signs of dehydration include mental fatigue, depression or irritability, and this is unacceptable when playing sports. Whatever physical indicators no matter how you develop, the main thing is to replenish the lost fluid during and after the training.

Water during training in video format