Psychosomatics of endometriosis treatment with the power of thought. The influence of a woman’s psychology on the manifestation of endometriosis


Psychosomatics is a field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology and esotericism, according to which some diseases of the body, physical illness, may have psychological reasons. Simply put, any idea, thought or emotion can cause disease in a particular organ. It is believed that endometriosis, the psychosomatics of which is discussed in the article, is no exception.

Psychosomatic reasons

Some diseases human body develop, according to psychosomatics, due to a certain way of thinking, a certain misconception or emotion. Most often these are negative emotions, thoughts, attitudes and blockages, such as fear, anger, aggression, despair, etc. but sometimes the reasons can be different - uncertainty, confusion, etc.

It is believed that if the patient goes deep enough into his internal state, then he himself, or with the help of a psychologist, will be able to find the reason that caused the failure. And as soon as this blockage is removed or the installation is destroyed, healing will occur. Or it will begin to happen much faster in the background drug therapy.

Examples of situations

The disease is diagnosed after an abortion or miscarriage. This may be due to the fact that the woman develops the attitude “I cannot bring a child into my home.” And the body reacts to this, trying to conditionally form the uterus somewhere else, for repeated attempts.

The disease often occurs in adolescents. This happens due to a feeling of loneliness when a girl does not feel comfortable in her parents' house. That is why her inner desire to furnish her home finds such expression.

Psychologists' opinion

Many psychologists working in the areas of psychosomatics consider endometriosis and its causes in their work. They give different but similar explanations for the causes of this problem.

Louise Hay

She sees the psychological causes of endometriosis as a feeling of insecurity and insecurity. If they are supplemented by chronic grievances towards others, disappointments both in others and in oneself, then the appearance of this disease is possible. This is also typical for people who internally reproach themselves and others.

The correct attitude in this case is: “I am strong and capable. I am desired. I love myself and it’s wonderful to be a woman. I am happy with everything I have achieved and know that I will achieve a lot in the future.” This mindset helps break down negative blockages and speed up recovery.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

This specialist believes that endometriosis develops as a result of a lack of a sense of security. If a woman is uncomfortable, uncomfortable with others, she feels constant disappointment and frustration, then this disease may appear and progress. Usually, the place is for the active consumption of sugar, since it is precisely this that replaces self-love in this case.

In this case, the following attitude is considered correct: “I love myself and I am in harmony with myself. Thanks to this, I make the right decisions, and my actions bring the expected results.” As soon as the woman herself believes in these words, the healing process will begin.

Liz Burbo

This specialist gave the most full description this disease. She discovered the prerequisite for its occurrence in three types of blocking attitudes - physical, emotional and mental:

  • Physical blockage is expressed by the fact that the body tries to reproduce in miniature the reproductive system, spreading its mucous membranes to neighboring systems;
  • The main emotional negative attitude is the inability to conceive and bear fruit. These patients shift their own ability to “create” to other aspects of life - they constantly generate projects and ideas. Often the attitude is associated with fear of the birth process itself - fear of death, pain, etc. This fear is so strong that it blocks the ability to conceive.
  • A mental block is that fear of childbirth creates a physical obstacle to conception. Letting go of these fears will speed up your healing.

The cure for this disease takes place in several stages. First, attitudes are discovered, then they are removed independently or with the help of a psychologist. And only after this can recovery begin.

Don't take this area of ​​knowledge too seriously. Psychosomatics is a non-scientific discipline that is not supported by both most doctors and most psychologists. Therefore replace drug treatment Psychotherapy is not possible in this case.

Elena Guskova

According to this specialist, with endometriosis, the endometrial cells of the uterus leave the place where they should be. Therefore, the main conflict for a woman suffering from it is: “My home is somewhere else. I have to/force/want to find another house.” Only by creating comfort around you, making your own, real home emotionally and physically comfortable, can you begin to recover from this disease.

The psychosomatics of endometriosis can be different. Experts in this field give different interpretations, possible causes of the disease. In order to get rid of psychosomatic illness, you need to visit not only a gynecologist, but also a psychologist or psychotherapist, otherwise the disease will return.

Psychological causes of the disease

Pathological growths of glandular tissue of the uterus and ovaries can occur due to childhood or adult problems of a woman. Possible reason is a woman’s failure to accept her own gender identity. This often happens if a girl was deprived of her father’s love in childhood: he died early, left the family, or treated the baby or her mother poorly. If parents often argue with each other, the child feels unwanted, which negatively affects his physical condition.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics believe that the cause of endometriosis is difficult relationships with parents. The disease can occur not only due to the absence of the father, but also due to lack of attention from the mother.

Pathology can also arise in a situation where the parents were too demanding of their daughter. Excessive strictness does not allow the girl to show her own individuality, which leads to a personal crisis. Such girls in adulthood suffer not only from endometriosis:

  • often the disease is accompanied by the inability to refuse;
  • victim complex;
  • inability to defend oneself.

The causes of the disease can also appear in adulthood. If an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the woman may not have warm feelings for the child she has produced. Often girls are angry with a newborn because with his birth they lose some of their previous opportunities and do not feel an internal readiness to care for another person. Rejection of the mother's role can cause endometriosis.

Other reasons for the appearance pathological condition for women it is a feeling of insecurity in a partner, a lack of satisfaction with the relationship. A woman can suspect a man of lying, infidelity, be rude to him, and prevent her loved one from appreciating her as a person.

Psychologist Liz Burbo

American psychologist Liz Burbo believes that this disease occurs due to a woman’s refusal to accept her ability to bear and give birth to a child. Such girls often prefer a career to family. The body reacts to such thoughts, as a result of which the process becomes impossible. Strong negative emotions associated with the birth process can also lead to endometriosis. If a woman is too afraid of dying during childbirth or becoming disabled, a disease will arise that prevents pregnancy and childbirth.

The specialist speaks about physiological reasons: a woman can transfer reproductive function to organs of other body systems.

Louise Hay's technique

Healer Louise Hay states that the underlying reason for the development of the disease is a feeling of vulnerability, a sense of danger. Sick women often feel hopeless, dissatisfied with themselves or the people around them: friends, acquaintances, relatives. The girl refuses to solve problems, prefers to blame her neighbors or circumstances for her failures.

Louise Hay believes that such a patient can only be cured when her self-esteem becomes adequate. You need to take responsibility for your own life, stop waiting and start acting.

Psychosomatics according to Sinelnikov

Healer Sinelnikov claims that endometriosis occurs in those women who do not know how to build harmonious relationships with partners. If a girl blames her man too often, tries to suppress him, treats him roughly, then pathology may arise. The specialist also states that the reasons must be sought individually with each patient, since the circumstances and reactions to them are different for girls.


To treat endometriosis, avoid drug therapy, surgical intervention not worth it, because Working with a psychotherapist will help get rid of the causes of the disease, but will not eliminate the symptoms or restore health. It is important to undergo a timely course of therapy, since advanced endometriosis can cause oncological diseases, losses large quantity blood, iron deficiency.

Women are often prescribed hormonal drugs. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Psychotherapy sessions are important. The program is selected individually for each woman, based on her personal characteristics. The psychotherapist will help the patient accept her feminine nature and form positive attitudes. Psychotherapy is also useful for a cured illness, since sessions with a psychologist will prevent the return of the pathological condition.

If a woman is diagnosed with endometriosis, psychosomatics plays a role important role in the occurrence and manifestation of symptoms of the disease. This gynecological pathology is characterized by the growth of the inner layer of the uterus beyond its limits.

An expression such as psychosomatics means that endometriosis is caused primarily by psychological reasons— experiences are reflected in the physiology of the female body.

Endometriosis is a common disease of the female genital organs, in which the inner layer of the uterine wall grows in the uterine cavity. Discover this pathology most often it is possible by bloody discharge, not related to the menstrual cycle, and.

Associated symptom endometriosis is long lasting depressive state women, a feeling of depression, which indicates the psychological roots of the disease.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis makes it possible to find out the causes of pathology in cases where they cannot be explained by the physiological structure of organs or the consequences of an infection.

A predisposition to this disease can be formed in childhood, when the personality of the future woman is subject to the slightest external influences.

If a little girl’s parents excessively limited her freedom of action and action, constantly criticized her, and used an authoritarian parenting style, she becomes extremely obedient.

But, growing up, the girl does not feel the boundaries of her personality and does not know how to defend them. If a conflict is brewing in a relationship, she prefers not to resolve it, but to close her eyes to disagreements and wait for everything to work out.

At this time, the body, due to the development of endometriosis (exit of endometrial cells outside the uterus), signals that the boundaries have been violated and something should be done. This diagnosis is often made unmarried girls Those whose relationship with their mother is disturbed exhibit coldness in their relationships.

If pregnant women who did not plan to conceive a child, this indicates violated personal boundaries and auto-aggression (aggression directed at oneself).

It happens that after the birth of a child, the manifestations of endometriosis decrease or even disappear. This happens because the mother learns to protect her child and herself as the source of his well-being, to defend her boundaries. The feeling of one’s own strength and the ability to stand up for oneself creates a woman’s inner peace, and the disease recedes.


Any emotion requires release in one form or another. Because in our culture there is an unspoken ban on expression negative emotions, driven inside, they are reflected in the physical condition of a person.

Therefore, any disturbance in the functioning of the body to one degree or another has psychological reasons.

State reproductive system of a woman affects her ability to conceive and give birth to a child. Row negative factors leads to the formation in the woman’s mind of rejection of pregnancy and childbirth, so physiologically conception becomes impossible. Endometriosis greatly interferes with exercise reproductive function and can lead to infertility.

Psychological causes of endometriosis may include the following:

  1. Experience of constant danger and insecurity. The woman experiences fear, worries about the future, and feels threatened. And to conceive and bear a child, emotional comfort and financial stability are necessary.
  2. Excessive worries due to a previous abortion or miscarriage. A woman’s worries about the death of a child in the womb are unconsciously reflected in the search for a safe home for the unborn child in a place other than the womb.
  3. Rejection own body as feminine, self-doubt. The girl unconsciously does not feel beautiful, capable of bearing, giving birth and properly raising a child.
  4. Resentment and anger towards parents (primarily mother). Subconsciously, a woman decides not to procreate due to the abundance of experiences negative emotions in family. Accumulating, such emotions affect the body from the inside and provoke the development of endometriosis.

More influenced psychosomatic factors Women who do not know how to express their emotions are susceptible, but keep their experiences inside. Her general physiological state depends on a woman’s attitude towards herself, her body and sexuality.

Negative beliefs, experienced grievances and fears leave an imprint on her health. Therefore, it is necessary to work with the mental sphere in the same way as with physical condition body.


Dealing with the symptoms of endometriosis is not easy. When studying the picture of the disease psychosomatic reasons are in first place, therefore, without taking them into account, all therapeutic measures do not lead to a cure.

Most gynecologists ignore these factors in the development of endometriosis, and not every patient is ready to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Awareness of the problem is a big step towards healing, and high motivation for struggle and self-development guarantees complete recovery.

Psychological work with fears, incorrect beliefs, suppressed aggression, emotional sphere women leads to an awareness of the causes of endometriosis and a change in their way of thinking. Mental changes, in turn, lead to physical transformations in the body.

Areas of work of a psychologist in the treatment of endometriosis:

  • increased self-esteem;
  • working on accepting your body, femininity and sexuality;
  • assistance in living and expressing negative emotions;
  • working through grievances, fears, loss and other strong emotional reactions;
  • training in relaxation and stress relief techniques.

The process of psychotherapy for endometriosis can be difficult and lengthy, but the result will meet all expectations. In addition, your overall well-being will improve and your emotional background will increase.

Psychosomatics of gynecological diseases, possible consequences

Any gynecological pathologies are associated with relationships between a man and a woman, including sexual ones. The girl’s self-awareness also plays an important role in this. Perceiving oneself as flawed, inferior, or infringed on in rights leads to one or another violation of the reproductive function.

The development of endometriosis can lead to disruption menstrual cycle, infertility and pain during sexual intercourse. Other gynecological diseases have similar consequences - cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages and ovaries, uterine fibroids and others.

With diseases of the uterus, a woman always worries about possible consequences, the worst of which is infertility. Complexes of fear and guilt constantly overcome her, haunted by a feeling of her own inferiority, a desire to isolate herself from everyone.

This provokes an acceleration of the dynamics of the disease and its manifestations, which again leads to increased anxiety, fear and other negative reactions.

Psychological consequences gynecological diseases depression, apathy, depression, social isolation of the individual, and suicidal tendencies may occur.

The study of psychosomatic factors gives great resource to preserve and restore a woman’s health and improve her quality of life.

A positive perception of the world, oneself, men and the fact of giving birth and raising a child is the key to a harmonious family life and maintaining mental and physical health.

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

1. ENDOMETRIOSIS— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Absence feelings security, disappointment and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar.

Love and harmony in my heart help me accept right decisions and act effectively.

2. ENDOMETRIOSIS— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.

Possible positive thought form

I am strong and desirable. It's great to be a woman. I love myself, I am happy with my achievements.


Physical blocking

Endometriosis is very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the lining of the uterus are found on the genitals and in other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.
Emotional blockage

The main emotional block of this disease is the woman’s inability give birth child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability to give birth and create in other areas - with regard to ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.

Mental block

This disease tells you that your attitude towards childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.

My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbearing itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.

Modern science has proven that the influence of psychological factors on life human body huge. With endometriosis, psychosomatics also matters – it manifests itself as both a causal and an effect factor.

Endometriosis is a disorder that develops in the uterine cavity and appendages, associated with which may be infertility, menstrual irregularities, and pain during sexual intercourse. It is also interesting to study the psychosomatics of the disease.

Symptoms of endometriosis:

  • presence of specific vaginal discharge, not related to the monthly cycle;
  • painful manifestations localized in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, possible dizziness;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • feeling of general psychological depression, depression.

IN Lately Specialists pay great attention to the study of the psychosomatics of diseases, including endometriosis, since its occurrence cannot always be explained by factors of a physiological, infectious or genetic nature.

As some experts note, the psychosomatics of endometriosis may be associated with violation of personal boundaries and increased aggression. In this case, aggressive behavior can act as defense mechanism in case of violation of the personal cordon.

Thus, a closed chain is formed, which can only be broken with the help of qualified specialist. That is, the psychosomatics of endometriosis is the most important factor when studying the picture of the development of the disease and the formation of the system therapeutic measures. Unfortunately, most gynecologists working in our hospitals and clinics pay minimal attention to studying the possible psychosomatic nature of most of the diseases with which patients come to them, or completely ignore this factor.

Psychological conditionality of endometriosis

A predisposition to endometriosis can be formed in childhood - when a person works, even unconsciously, on structuring his own personality.

If the child’s parents too intensively limited his development, or, on the contrary, sought to absolutize freedom in upbringing, all this can cause a violation of personal limits.

As an adult, such a woman will not be able to competently determine the boundaries of her personality in relationships with the opposite sex, and promptly identify an impending conflict. Moreover, she will not be ready for the need to defend her boundaries - since from childhood she was instilled with their natural nature.

Endometriosis is especially often diagnosed in women who become pregnant without planning it - which is direct evidence of violated personal boundaries. Such a woman is unlikely to be able to become a good mother - among other things, repressed aggression will hinder her in this. It is very difficult to combat these manifestations, although it is possible. The most important thing is to recognize the problem and the need to find the key to solving it.

Psychosomatics of gynecological diseases: possible consequences

Any disease of the gynecological spectrum is associated with psychology sexual relations, the dynamics of a woman’s sexual activity, her personal self-awareness. That is, in general, the psychosomatics of diseases is medically recognized fact. This also applies to endometriosis. The development of pathology of the uterine cavity is often accompanied by painful sensations, discomfort during sexual intercourse. In addition, there is always a fear, whether conscious or not, of developing infertility.

Thus, a woman who has become ill with pathology of the organs of the reproductive system, regardless of the level of consciousness, finds herself overcome by complexes of fear and guilt. She may feel her own inferiority, like a woman, feel constraint and a desire to withdraw from the world around her, to close herself off internally. In turn, such sensations lead to a worsening of the nature and dynamics of the disease, its penetration into deeper physical and energetic levels. The psychosomatics of the disease intensifies. From this moment, the defeat becomes irreversible, developing from banal erosion to the scale of complex destruction of personal self-awareness and perception. Unfortunately, the relationships and influence of these factors have still been very little studied - but all this is of fundamental importance for the conservation and rehabilitation of women's health, restoration of quality of life.

With endometriosis, psychosomatics are both very simple and difficult to determine.

The psychological consequences of the disease can be depression, depression, despondency, and in especially severe cases, the development of suicidal tendencies.

These psychosomatic manifestations should be dealt with decisively, preferably with the help of a specialist. The first step should be overcoming aggression, accepting one’s own individuality, realizing existing problems and the formation of motivation for struggle and self-development.