Rating of typical misconceptions. “What do you want, he’s old...”

“Anyone who can call for hope in Putin and see in him the author of some kind of “new course” is either an idiot or a scumbag.” - Maxim Kalashnikov

I read the newspaper “Zavtra” very rarely now. The reason for this is the newspaper “Zavtra” itself. Or rather, the journalistic team of the newspaper, which is almost in full force got into security. Recently I accidentally came across an article by the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Zavtra" Alexander Prokhanov, "Putin's Messiahship." After reading this nonsense, I got the feeling persistent feeling that Alexander Andreich has finally gone crazy. I fell into complete insanity, so to speak. Admire it for yourself. What are these phrases worth?

And strange, historically inexplicable, but mystically predetermined appears the appearance in Russian politics of Putin, who, like Stalin, opposes the liberal mega-machine, is waging a desperate battle for sovereign Russia, its imperial Eurasian character, its Orthodox culture, its unique civilization. He does this, like Stalin, under occupation.

What kind of habit do these guards have of clinging to Stalin, comparing the anti-Soviet Putin with Joseph Vissarionovich? And what kind of liberal machine and occupation is Putin opposing? Prokhanov did not explain something. Or just admire it.

There is a lot of secret and conspiracy in this battle. Therefore, Putin himself is still a mystery. He wears a mask, protective armor, and casts several shadows at once, some of which are more reliable than himself. He's a playboy. He is a member of closed world clubs. He is a crane and a Ussuri tiger. He is a Stalinist. He is a fan of Stolypin. He is a secret Russophile. He is the one who stands in the kippah. He is the one who flies in a fighter jet over the destroyed Grozny.

Licked like that, licked, they usually say in such cases. Isn’t Putin a Terminator or Batman? Our Alexander Andreich is very bad for spouting such nonsense. As they say, old age is not joy.

No, I'm not going to sort out this nonsense. In my opinion, Prokhanov himself did not understand what he wrote. I’d rather demonstrate what people think about this. I will cite several dozen comments from three sites on which this material was republished. Let's start with the comments on the website of the newspaper "Zavtra".

vok9491106, 13.10.2012 20:35
After Putin took Prokhanov into his team, Prokhanov completely swam. Well, well, what else will we read from him! But what a fighter he was against injustice. This is what neediness does to a person under Putin!

Nina Ni-s, 10.10.2012 07:14
Well, Putin, during the 12 years of whose rule the destruction of the army and military-industrial complex, education and science continued - Now, according to Prokhanov, he is already a “messiah”, for whom “they pray in monasteries” and whom “Russian patriots glorify”... I wonder why they “glorify” him so much, Prokhanov’s patriots?
And the favorite thought of those patriots is that Putin, who absolutely clearly professes liberalism in economics and anti-Sovietism in ideology, is, in spite of everything, “a friend among strangers,” but only very deeply undercover...
Oh God, what lengths can the former “nightingales of the Soviet General Staff” and “singers of the Red Empire” reach...

Margarita Lobacheva answers him, 10.10.2012 07:39
“What lengths can the former “nightingales of the Soviet General Staff” and “singers of the Red Empire” come to…”
To the point of insanity, my friend, to the point of insanity) M. Kalashnikov not in the eyebrow, but in the eye: “Anyone who can call for hope in Putin and see in him the author of some kind of “new course” is either an idiot or a scumbag.”

Ufo, 10.10.2012 07:43
Putin is the messiah. Prokhanov - John the Baptist with him. State Department - Kaifa. God, what squalor.

Fgv, 10.10.2012 08:04
Alexander Goponovich Prokhanov - "...crushing the fragile...Putin state"

Well, my dear fellow, are you insulting the Great Putin by calling some state, temporarily called Russia, after Him? You are extremely modest in expressing your true feelings for the Great Putin, because you probably wanted to say this: “.. crushing the fragile state of Russia, located on planet earth, revolving around a Star named Putin.”
It's much better and more sincere.

Larisa47, 10.10.2012 20:48
I licked it like that!!!

Fgv, 11.10.2012 09:30
The worst enemy for Russia is a rabid fool-patriot, because with his stupid thoughts, stupid actions, stupid deeds he will do so much harm, hiding behind his patriotism, that the entire Mossad with all the Jewish internal Russian kahal and beitar is unlikely to cope.

At this point I’ll stop citing comments from the website of the newspaper “Zavtra” and move on to the comments on the website Newsland.ru. There they are even funnier.

Minority report replies Owes no one to comment 10/10/2012 at 8:18 am #
Prokhan - I once respected you...

Nikolay Lachin answers Owes no one to comment 10.10.2012 at 21:32 #
It’s unlikely that Prokhanov is for sale, apparently it’s just gone crazy from old age.

Not old Grandfather comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 8:24 #
My God, how people are sinking... or maybe not people anymore...
... well, why has this old fool lost his mind?

Br.Rabbit comments on the material 10/10/2012 at 10:33 #
"Russian patriots glorify him." - a list of “patriots” praising the enemy of Russia, to the studio!!

But among the commentators there were also those who agreed with an old idiot with the great thinker Alexander Andreevich.

mpgolovinov comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 11:03 #
I agree with Prokhanov. Putin carefully disguised all his actions and acted secretly, but the Egyptian events pushed him to take more decisive actions, and therefore his plans became more clearer than the USA and the rest of the West. Now the masks have been dropped and Putin has no need to hide and disguise his actions. Forward, to Carthage. And the people will support, it’s just that all-out capitalism is in the way, we need to tweak it a little and press it a little.

But they immediately answered him

Nikolay Lachin responds to mpgolovinov's comment on 10/10/2012 at 10:03 pm #
That is, to take away from Abramovich those 13 billion dollars that Putin gave him for Sibneft? Will he really take it? Putin has corrected capitalism so that the common people can’t breathe, where else can they correct it? So that they themselves march to the cemetery in formation?

Magnusson comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 14:58 #
How symbolic this is. Under the news: “The number of mentally ill Russians for last years has increased”, there is news: “Alexander Prokhanov: Putin’s Messiahship”

Bambarabia comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 19:27 #
You cannot compare Stalin's enthusiasm and Putin's oil and gas. The Stalinist state is the gravedigger of imperialism and fascism. Russia in modern world-observer and performer.

Valery M. comments on the material 10/10/2012 at 20:21 #
That's it, Prokhanov was completely overcome by insanity. It's a pity. He was a good man.

Sasha Kuhelbekker comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 22:23 #
I think the old man has gone completely crazy.

Genome comments on the material 10/11/2012 at 8:07 am #
Did Prokhanov decide to switch to fantasy with isoteric elements? Strange. Maybe they are already treating with something that causes galyunics? Or maybe he is starving and praying fervently? There, too, a similar effect of changing consciousness occurs.

Grove comments on the material 10/11/2012 at 18:21 #
It looks like the old man has completely fallen into insanity.

I finish my comments here. Now let's move on to his blog in Hydepark. I wonder if people there read the same way as they do on this site?

In the very first comment there were again those who agreed with Prokhanov.

Elizaveta Bam # wrote a comment on October 10, 2012, 15:28
“The Russian state is the highest shrine. Serving this shrine is God’s work. In this matter, God help you, Vladimir Putin!”
God help!

But he was immediately answered in the next comment.

Raspberry Shchur # responded to Elizaveta Bam's comment October 10, 2012, 15:36
But don’t even hope for people’s help.

ddess BydloFob # responded to comment by ddess BydloFob

In short, bro!
Prokhanov is not a patriot.
Prokhanov is a butterfly collector. (by mind and hobby).

So, he will definitely be in heaven, along with Yeltsin, Putin and Gundyaev.

Yuri Logvinov # responded to comment by ddess BydloFob October 10, 2012, 15:56
Yes, he really went crazy, he just went crazy!

I read the newspaper “Zavtra” very rarely now. The reason for this is the newspaper “Zavtra” itself. Or rather, the journalistic team of the newspaper, which almost in its entirety went into security. Recently I accidentally came across an article by the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Zavtra" Alexander Prokhanov, "Putin's Messiahship." Having read this nonsense, I got the strong feeling that Alexander Andreich had completely gone crazy. I fell into complete insanity, so to speak. Admire it for yourself. What are these phrases worth?

And strange, historically inexplicable, but mystically predetermined appears the appearance in Russian politics of Putin, who, like Stalin, opposes the liberal mega-machine, is waging a desperate battle for sovereign Russia, its imperial Eurasian character, its Orthodox culture, its unique civilization. He does this, like Stalin, under occupation.

What kind of habit do these guards have of clinging to Stalin, comparing the anti-Soviet Putin with Joseph Vissarionovich? And what kind of liberal machine and occupation is Putin opposing? Prokhanov did not explain something. Or just admire it.

There is a lot of secret and conspiracy in this battle. Therefore, Putin himself is still a mystery. He wears a mask, protective armor, and casts several shadows at once, some of which are more reliable than himself. He's a playboy. He is a member of closed world clubs. He is a crane and a Ussuri tiger. He is a Stalinist. He is a fan of Stolypin. He is a secret Russophile. He is the one who stands in the kippah. He is the one who flies in a fighter jet over the destroyed Grozny

Licked like that, licked, they usually say in such cases. Isn’t Putin the Terminator or Batman? Our Alexander Andreich is very bad for spouting such nonsense. As they say, old age is not joy.

No, I'm not going to sort out this nonsense. In my opinion, Prokhanov himself did not understand what he wrote. I’d rather demonstrate what people think about this. I will cite several dozen comments from three sites on which this material was republished. Let's start with the comments on the website of the newspaper "Zavtra".

vok9491106, 13.10.2012 20:35
After Putin took Prokhanov into his team, Prokhanov completely swam. Well, well, what else will we read from him! But what a fighter he was against injustice. This is what neediness does to a person under Putin!

Nina Ni-s, 10.10.2012 07:14
Well, Putin, during the 12 years of whose rule the destruction of the army and military-industrial complex, education and science continued Now, according to Prokhanov, he is already a “messiah”, for whom “they pray in monasteries” and whom “Russian patriots glorify”... I wonder why they “glorify” him so much, Prokhanov’s patriots?
And the favorite thought of those patriots is that Putin, who absolutely clearly professes liberalism in economics and anti-Sovietism in ideology, is, in spite of everything, “a friend among strangers,” but only very deeply undercover...
Oh God, what lengths can the former “nightingales of the Soviet General Staff” and “singers of the Red Empire” reach...

Margarita Lobacheva answers him, 10.10.2012 07:39
“What lengths can the former “nightingales of the Soviet General Staff” and “singers of the Red Empire” come to…”
To the point of insanity, my friend, to the point of insanity) M. Kalashnikov not in the eyebrow, but in the eye: “Anyone who can call for hope in Putin and see in him the author of some kind of “new course” is either an idiot or a scumbag.”

Ufo, 10.10.2012 07:43
Putin is the messiah. Prokhanov - John the Baptist with him. State Department - Kaifa. God, what squalor.

Fgv, 10.10.2012 08:04
Alexander Goponovich Prokhanov - "...crushing the fragile...Putin state"

Well, my dear fellow, are you insulting the Great Putin by calling some state, temporarily called Russia, after Him? You are extremely modest in expressing your true feelings for the Great Putin, because you probably wanted to say this: “.. crushing the fragile state of Russia, located on planet earth, revolving around a Star named Putin.”
It's much better and more sincere.

Larisa47, 10.10.2012 20:48
I licked it like that!!!

Fgv, 11.10.2012 09:30
The worst enemy for Russia is a rabid fool-patriot, because with his stupid thoughts, stupid actions, stupid deeds, he will do so much harm, hiding behind his patriotism, that the entire Mossad with all the Jewish internal Russian kahal and beitar is unlikely to cope.

At this point I’ll stop citing comments from the website of the newspaper “Zavtra” and move on to the comments on the website Newsland.ru. There they are even funnier.

Minority report replies Owes no one to comment 10/10/2012 at 8:18 am #
Prokhan - I once respected you...

Nikolay Lachin answers Owes no one to comment 10.10.2012 at 21:32 #
It’s unlikely that Prokhanov is for sale, apparently it’s just gone crazy from old age.

Not old Grandfather comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 8:24 #
My God, how people are sinking... or maybe not people anymore...
... well, why has this old fool lost his mind?

Br.Rabbit comments on the material 10/10/2012 at 10:33 #
"Russian patriots glorify him." - a list of “patriots” praising the enemy of Russia, to the studio!!

But among the commentators there were also those who agreed with the old senile, great thinker Alexander Andreevich.

mpgolovinov comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 11:03 #
I agree with Prokhanov. Putin carefully disguised all his actions and acted secretly, but the Egyptian events pushed him to take more decisive actions, and therefore his plans became clearer to the United States and the rest of the West. Now the masks have been dropped and Putin has no need to hide and disguise his actions. Forward, to Carthage. And the people will support, it’s just that all-out capitalism is in the way, we need to tweak it a little and press it a little.

But they immediately answered him

Nikolay Lachin responds to mpgolovinov's comment on 10/10/2012 at 10:03 pm #
That is, to take away from Abramovich those 13 billion dollars that Putin gave him for Sibneft? Will he really take it? Putin has corrected capitalism so that the common people can’t breathe, where else can they correct it? So that they themselves march to the cemetery in formation?

Magnusson comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 14:58 #
How symbolic this is. Under the news: “The number of mentally ill Russians has increased in recent years,” there is news: “Alexander Prokhanov: Putin’s messianism”

Bambarabia comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 19:27 #
You cannot compare Stalin's enthusiasm and Putin's oil and gas. The Stalinist state is the gravedigger of imperialism and fascism. Russia in the modern world is an observer and a performer.

Valery M. comments on the material 10/10/2012 at 20:21 #
That's it, Prokhanov was completely overcome by insanity. It's a pity. He was a good man.

Sasha Kuhelbekker comments on the material 10.10.2012 at 22:23 #
I think the old man has gone completely crazy.

Genome comments on the material 10/11/2012 at 8:07 am #
Did Prokhanov decide to switch to fantasy with isoteric elements? Strange. Maybe they are already treating with something that causes galyunics? Or maybe he is starving and praying fervently? There, too, a similar effect of changing consciousness occurs.

Grove comments on the material 10/11/2012 at 18:21 #
It looks like the old man has completely fallen into insanity.

I finish my comments here. Now let's move on to his blog in Hydepark. It’s interesting, do people read there the same way as they do on this site?

In the very first comment there were again those who agreed with Prokhanov.

Elizaveta Bam # wrote a comment on October 10, 2012, 15:28
“The Russian state is the highest shrine. Serving this shrine is God’s work. In this matter, God help you, Vladimir Putin!”
God help!

But he was immediately answered in the next comment.

Raspberry Shchur # responded to Elizaveta Bam's comment October 10, 2012, 15:36
But don’t even hope for people’s help.

ddess BydloFob # responded to comment by ddess BydloFob

In short, bro!
Prokhanov is not a patriot.
Prokhanov is a butterfly collector. (by mind and hobby).

So, he will definitely be in heaven, along with Yeltsin, Putin and Gundyaev

Yuri Logvinov # responded to comment by ddess BydloFob October 10, 2012, 15:56
Yes, he really went crazy, he just went crazy!

Old age is not a joy, that's for sure. And it is not a joy not only for the aging person himself, but also for those who see this very old age approaching before their very eyes.

Unfortunately, in old age human brain often fails, opening the way to irreversible personality changes called senile dementia, or insanity.

    ...Forty-year-old Nina, divorced, but still quite a promising woman for marriage, never invited anyone to her home.

    Yes, myself crossed the threshold of her apartment like a torture chamber: her mother, an angry, grumpy old woman, immediately rushed at her with reproaches and insults.

    If Nina could not stand it and broke down, then a saucepan, a stool or any other object that came to the old woman’s hand would fly at her.

    Nina stoically endured, sobbing into her pillow and remembering that just a few years ago her mother was the closest and most understanding person to her...

Senile dementia is a real disease, it begins at the age of 65-75, and no one knows why. What is known is that it affects women two to three times more often than men. And this is quite fair, since, according to statistics, women live to this age much more often.

The first symptoms of senile insanity, dementia

The first symptoms of insanity and dementia usually cause scandals in the family: children (also already beginning to grow old) note a sharpening, exaggeration of the character traits of their parents.

Thus, neatness and love of order turn into into petty pedantry, thrift into stinginess, firmness into stupid stubbornness. Then it gets worse: a narrowing of interests occurs, stereotyped views and statements, extreme selfishness, stinginess and callousness, suspicion, pickiness and tactlessness appear.

Worldly wisdom, which all family members previously resorted to, is transformed beyond recognition, and an old man becomes the tyrant of the whole family.

Memory gradually begins to deteriorate. The ill-fated sclerosis, which everyone, young and old, complains about today, is replaced by the decay of memory, which proceeds as if from top to bottom, layer by layer.

First they are forgotten current events and newly acquired knowledge, the past can be reproduced in amazing detail in every detail.

This moment causes particular irritation among the uninitiated and even accusations of malingering: “What was the name of your math teacher at the gymnasium, do you remember, but where did you put the money - I forgot?”

If the children still don’t understand, that in front of them is not an old man or an old woman with a bad character, whose goal is to deceive those around them, but sick people, and have not turned to a specialist, then the process goes further.

Delirium of damage or theft begins, neatness is lost - in general, for those around them, the era of “life with an idiot” begins (and it can continue for many years), the best way out of which is the death of their parent who has gone crazy.

What can be done to prevent such a painful life for household members?

What to do at the first symptoms of senile insanity, dementia

First of all, at the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor - senile dementia can only be treated with early stages diseases.

You may well refer the need to visit him due to bad sleep, memory loss - old people always have a reason to visit a neuropsychiatrist (the word “psychiatrist” affects irritable old people like a red rag on a bull).

You need to contact a psychiatrist, since senile dementia refers to mental illness, and not neurological.

Never make scandals, don't argue, do not prove the truth. Always be level-headed and patient, and encourage your children to behave in the same way.

Support any expressions of interest, hobbies of old people, buy them their favorite magazines and newspapers.

The stability factor plays a big role: You cannot change the decor in the room, throw away your parents’ things that seem old and unnecessary to you, you must follow their usual daily routine. However, this routine should not be allowed to apply to other family members. Gradually transfer the old man to a separate, comfortable life for him.

Your responsibilities also include caring for the old man., concern for neatness. In other words, you need to forget forever that this person once taught you to walk and read, and become his own mother.

And with the right behavior, your life will not look so tragic and hopeless, as if you declared war on your helpless and sick parent.

Old age can be different: some old people are cheerful and productive until their last breath, others change beyond recognition. Marasmus is a common pathology in the modern world, bringing a lot of suffering to a fading person and, most of all, to his loved ones.

What is insanity?

This is insanity - pathological process complete degradation of psychophysical processes, loss of cognitive functions. Accompanied by brain atrophy, irreversible change human tissues and organs. Among doctors, the disease has a common name “tabes”, reflecting the ongoing process of exhaustion and withering. The disorder begins gradually, the risk group is people over 60 years of age. There are several types of insanity:

  • presenile (premature, presenile);
  • senile (senile);
  • nutritional (in children and adults, due to insufficient protein intake in the body)

What is senile insanity?

Senile insanity is the final and irreversible stage senile dementia or senile dementia. The diagnosis is made only after 60 years of age, the incidence of the disease is high from 10 to 35% in all cases of mental disorders. Irreversibility mental functions in case of dementia, it complicates the course of the disease and complicates treatment. Features of female insanity:

Male insanity:

  • less susceptibility due to shorter life expectancy compared to women;
  • disorders progress slowly;
  • hypersexuality and increased excitability.

Causes of senile insanity

Insanity in old people manifests itself more clearly when different countries There have been demographic holes for several years. The predominance of the elderly part of the population clearly demonstrates the fact that dementia is a common phenomenon that requires the development of social and health programs, which would help people, when the first alarm bells appear, begin to take measures to reduce destructive processes.

Causes of senile insanity:

  1. Marasmus and - the close relationship between the neurogenerative disease identified by A. Alzheimer and the occurrence of marasmus was confirmed back in 1910.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Somatic diseases (pathologies cordially- vascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension).
  4. Oncology.
  5. Prion proteins are foreign proteins of animal origin that come with food and can penetrate into nervous system human and destroy it and the immune system.
  6. Use of psychotropic drugs.
  7. Pick's disease.

Senile insanity - symptoms and treatment

Senile marasmus is a severe multi-organ pathology, which is the final stage. For several years the body was subjected to destructive pathological changes, and insanity is deep serious condition with pronounced symptoms. Treatment of advanced dementia does not bring results and is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition, so it is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Senile insanity - symptoms

Most people in society know who senile people are, due to the high frequency of the disorder. The disease manifests itself in all its glory after 60 years. Early manifestation– worsens the prognosis and all symptoms develop at lightning speed; late occurrence suggests slowly progressive changes extended over time. Signs of insanity:

  • aggravation negative traits character (the greedy one becomes a stingy miser, sloppiness turns into complete absence self-care);
  • increased egocentrism - the need to control everything and everyone increases;
  • women experience delusional disorders (complain that their relatives want to poison them or rob them);
  • indifference and callousness towards others;
  • there is a desire to walk through garbage dumps and store the trash you bring at home;
  • uncontrolled appetite;
  • memory disorders (dates, events, recognition are erased from memory);
  • disorientation in space;
  • cachexia – severe exhaustion.

How to treat senile insanity?

Senile is a person in need of maximum care, care and treatment. Important condition- this is ensuring the regime:

  • a cozy, familiar and familiar environment for the patient (it is not recommended to transport a person to unfamiliar places, even if Better conditions residence);
  • encouragement physical activity(participation in cleaning, cooking, simple household chores);
  • daytime nap;
  • joint with the patient hiking in the park;
  • reception rich in proteins, microelements and vitamins from food (fish, vegetables, herbs, fruits).

Drug therapy is mainly symptomatic and aimed at treating the underlying disease:

  1. Neuroprotectors – nootropil, mexidol, cinnaresin.
  2. Calcium antagonists – verapamil, Cerebrolysin, Dilgart.
  3. Antidepressants - azaphene, tryptophan, preparations based on St. John's wort.
  4. Antipsychotics - clozapine, haloperidol, dicarbine.

With age, many changes occur in the human body, which affect not only organs and systems, but also the psychological state.

Senile insanity occurs in most cases due to diseases of the vascular system, including hypertension. For the male half of the population, a provoking factor is also excess weight Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of your body.

Long-term symptoms can also disrupt brain function, which can lead to irreversible consequences not only in old age, but also in young age.

Let's understand the concepts and terms

Marasmus (degradation-disintegration of personality or) is a disease that gradually progresses and leads to irreversible disorders.

Provokes this state atrophy of all processes occurring in the brain that arise due to diseases and changes in circulatory system. Heredity and a stressful situation can aggravate it.

It is impossible to notice oddities in the patient’s behavior immediately; the person gradually becomes absent-minded, forgetful, and self-centered.

Signs of dementia will become more pronounced and noticeable as it progresses. Eventually the patient will stop recognize their family and friends, will lose all skills, and will require constant monitoring and help.

Senile dementia develops over time and leads to the breakdown of mental functions. Marasmus can be diagnosed not only in the elderly, but also in quite young people, even in infancy.

Dementia in youth is a rare pathology. This condition cannot be treated independently, but requires a specific and careful approach, especially from relatives.

IN modern medicine The following types of insanity are distinguished:

  1. Nutritional marasmus (nutritional dystrophy). This type pathology occurs due to protein-energy deficiency. This condition is diagnosed in children under the age of twelve months (which is why it is often called “infantile marasmus”).
  2. Senile insanity (senile dementia, sclerosis) is the disintegration of personality, which is considered a negative disorder. With this condition, the patient may lose real contact with the outside world and people.
  3. There is also physical insanity, but this condition is diagnosed quite rarely. In a patient, this condition is equated to cachexia, and manifests itself in the form of withering. Very often, experts call this deviation dementia.

Why do old people become senile?

Marasmus can occur and progress as a result of many provoking factors, ranging from prolonged fever to atrophic changes in the brain. Also, very often this pathological deviation affects people who had relatives with this diagnosis. But one should not exclude the influence external factors, such as infectious and internal diseases.

Senile insanity also manifests itself in the following diseases and pathologies of the central nervous system:

If insomnia is caused by a mental disorder or depression, you may be prescribed to take medicine. With severe fussiness and mental disorder it is better for the patient to take.

Supporting a patient - what should relatives do?

In order to support the condition of a patient who has senile insanity, relatives must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • create a favorable home atmosphere;
  • it is necessary to conduct the conversation in a calm atmosphere;
  • address the patient by name;
  • when speaking, you should not use abstruse phrases or words; if necessary, repeat what the patient did not understand;
  • constantly remember the old times;
  • help with everyday activities, support him.

How long to live is a painful but important question

As mentioned earlier, senile insanity can lead to memory impairment, speech function and other pathologies.

As for life expectancy, it will depend on concomitant diseases, general condition the patient, progression of the disease, social activity, heredity, attitude of relatives towards the patient, nutrition, lifestyle and other factors.

For vascular dementia, life expectancy will be no more than 10-15 years, everything will depend on the patient’s condition and concomitant pathologies.

In any situation, the prognosis is unfavorable and the disease sooner or later leads to fatal outcome. At senile insanity the patient becomes incapacitated, insane, incompetent.

To prevent senile sclerosis and dementia, it is necessary to eat properly and supply the body with vitamins and minerals.

It is worth following a daily routine and conducting timely examinations and treatment of provoking diseases.