Cough syrup with sugar. How to make burnt sugar for cough: recipe

Often respiratory diseases, despite taking medications, are characterized by attacks of dry cough, from which there is no escape. In this case, a proven folk method– caramelized sugar. When used, a sore throat decreases and a coughing attack stops.

The effect of sugar on the body is simple:

  • influencing the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, helps suppress the cough reflex;
  • has a mucolytic effect, that is, it thins mucus in the lower respiratory tract;
  • a quick effect on the patient’s body, the general condition will improve in just a few days.

How to cook properly

There are many ways to make caramelized sugar:

  1. Sugar syrup recipe. Place a few tablespoons of granulated sugar in an enamel pan. Place over low heat until the sugar changes color to golden or light brown. It is important not to miss the moment and not to let the sugar mass burn, having received dark color. In this case burnt sugar Not only will it taste bitter, but it will also lose its healing properties.
  2. How to cook sugar candies. Just as in the previous recipe, dissolve the sugar to a syrup state and pour into pre-prepared caramel molds, inserting wooden sticks - toothpicks. If there are no molds, there is a simpler way: place several tablespoons firmly on the table surface and pour the syrup into them, after inserting the sticks. Once cooled, the syrup will turn into candy.
  3. Tasty and healthy milk caramel. To make caramel, you will need to “boil” the sugar in one pan and boil the milk in another. Then, stirring, pour the syrup into the container with milk, continuing to stir. While the caramel has not completely cooled, cut it into small candies.
  4. Taffy for children. The main additional ingredient of this recipe is cream with a high fat content. Place the cream in a metal pan with the addition of a large amount of sugar and stir constantly. There are no exact proportions; everyone prepares sweets to their own taste. After acquiring the viscous mass light brown the product is ready.
  5. Healthy recipe creamy mass. Why "useful"? Because for cooking, in addition to burnt sugar, you will need butter. It is known that butter is useful for colds. With its enveloping and soothing effect, it has a beneficial effect on irritated mucous membranes. Dissolve the butter and add sugar. Stirring the mixture constantly, do not bring it to a boil.
  6. Sweet syrup for children. A syrup made according to this recipe can stop a child’s cough in a few days, and adding water will provide the syrup with a liquid state. Melt one or two tablespoons of sugar until golden brown, add half a glass boiled water and stir well. The syrup is ready.
  7. Candied fruit. Oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, you can make an assortment. The peel of any citrus fruit is suitable for making candied fruit. Cut it into thin strips or cubes, sprinkle generously with sugar, add a little water, and place in the oven.

Terms of use

Ready-made sugar syrup should be used for attacks of severe dry cough. If it has managed to thicken, do not heat it on fire, but place the container with the sweet medicine in hot water. Children will enjoy the lollipops and will help treat sore throats.

An adult can consume milk caramel 3-4 times a day, both in liquid (not hardened) and solid form. It is not advisable to give caramel to small children. During cooking and after cooling, it acquires a porous structure and is likely to scratch the baby’s palate.

Sweet syrup for children is enough to give 1 tablespoon after each meal. It is recommended to give homemade sweet candied fruits to children 1 tablespoon after meals. The course of treatment is at least five days.

When is admission prohibited?

Despite the absolute harmlessness of sugar, before preparing and taking burnt sugar for cough treatment, be sure to consult your doctor about any contraindications. They exist for the following categories:

Only a specialist doctor will be able to refute the suspicion of a tuberculosis origin of the cough and exclude or prevent allergic reaction The child has.

Pros and cons of the method

Burnt sugar is not a panacea and does not replace, but only to a small extent complements medications. And as a supplement it is successful due to its natural origin. Consuming it in moderation is safe and harmless and has no side effects.

The chemical composition of sugar is 99% carbohydrates, from which the body receives energy. Sugar is indicated in acceptable quantities even for pregnant women, when the use of many medical supplies forbidden.

However, we will also point out the existing disadvantages of the method:

  • Excess glucose is harmful;
  • hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • has a detrimental (albeit short-term) effect on tooth enamel;
  • may affect your figure: 100 g of sugar contains 380 kcal.

We have outlined the pros and cons of using caramelized sugar in some detail; the decision to use it is up to you.

Cough– this is a typical sign of a cold, causing a lot of debilitating symptoms. Today you can buy many drugs at the pharmacy to treat cough and relieve its symptoms.

But it happens that after a prescription is prescribed by a doctor, the cough does not go away. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the types of cough; the method of treatment depends on this.

There are two types of cough:

  • moist cough
  • dry cough

Moist cough manifests itself during inflammation that occurs in the bronchi, simultaneously with the resulting sputum, it removes microbes and waste cells of the mucous membrane. The swelling goes away, breathing becomes easier, and the cough begins to subside.

Dry cough more debilitating in its manifestations and is associated with frequent outbreaks of suffocation. A dry cough must be turned into a wet cough as quickly as possible. The child will begin a phase of coughing and mitigation of coughing attacks.

Most parents prefer to treat colds, use folk remedies, which includes burnt sugar prepared at home. Burnt sugar for coughs has a pleasant taste and is liked by many children.

The healing effect of burnt sugar

A product made from burnt sugar should be used immediately as soon as the child shows the first signs of a sore throat. Taking the medication up to 3-4 times a day can minimize the development of chronic cough in the subsequent days of a cold.

How does it manifest itself? healing effect burnt sugar:

  • ability to soften irritation of the laryngeal mucosa
  • relieve swelling of the nasopharynx
  • enhance the expectorant response
  • increase the periods between cough outbreaks
  • slow resorption, leads to enhanced therapeutic effects

Another important advantage is that it undoubtedly has a pleasant taste; children are treated with it without hesitation and with pleasure. They easily learn to monitor their condition, and at the first sign of a sore throat, they report it to their parents.

And above all, restrictions on the consumption of burnt sugar products are kept to a minimum

In the fall, during times of stress and vitamin deficiency, a person’s immunity weakens, so it is so important to strengthen it. The drug is completely natural and allows you to a short time recover from colds.

It has expectorant and bactericidal properties. Strengthens protective functions immunity, perfect as prophylactic. I recommend.

What are the benefits and harms of burnt sugar for coughs?

Contains burnt sugar includes calcium, potassium, and many other valuable vitamin components. First of all, the benefit is a quality alternative a large number other medicines, syrups and tablets.

Burnt sugar copes well with coughing attacks; for children who do not want to be treated with other drugs, burnt sugar will be the best substitute.

But we must not forget that sugar is a high-calorie product and can affect tooth enamel, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with it.

It contains glucose, which can have negative impact on the work of many organs. It should also be used with caution by children with diabetes or allergies. The first 3 days are sufficient for treatment.

Take care of your health! Strengthen your immunity!

Immunity is a natural reaction that protects our body from bacteria, viruses, etc. To improve tone, it is better to use natural adaptogens.

It is very important to support and strengthen the body not only by the absence of stress, good sleep, nutrition and vitamins, but also with the help of natural herbal remedies.

It has the following properties:

  • In 2 days it kills viruses and eliminates secondary signs influenza and ARVI
  • 24 hours of immune protection during infectious periods and epidemics
  • Kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
  • The composition of the drug includes 18 herbs and 6 vitamins, plant extracts and concentrates
  • Removes toxins from the body, reducing the recovery period after illness

Burnt sugar recipes

There are various methods and recipes for making burnt sugar. The choice depends on the preferences of the child, or on the specifics of the situation.

There are the following methods for making burnt:

  • lollipops
  • paste
  • syrups
  • candied fruit
  • toffee

At home, you can prepare a wide variety of sugar products with the addition of various ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. The basis of the recipe is simple, the intended composition is mixed, brought to a boil, the resulting mixture is poured into any form suitable for further use in treatment.

If you carefully pour it into a silicone mold for small cupcakes and insert a special plastic or wooden skewer, you will get a real lollipop.

It’s also good to add to the sugar mixture. cocoa to make chocolate candies, liquid jam to diversify the taste, and food coloring will help you make multi-colored caramel.

Before pouring the resulting mixture into the mold, the mold must be greased with a small amount butter, for easy removal after hardening. Used items after cooking must be immediately soaked in water.


The simplest, but no less effective than other cooking methods, recipe. In a regular teaspoon, the granulated sugar should be held over a hot surface until the sugar begins to melt, but before it begins to burn.

Otherwise, the candies will have a bitter aftertaste. You can add a little milk to the sugar, then the zhenka will acquire a creamy taste.

Paste medicine

An excellent solution for children who have frequent coughing attacks would be to prepare caramel paste as a pain relief. To do this, take a larger amount of sugar, designed for long-term use of this medicine.

The recipe is simple: while the sugar melts and turns brown, you need to add a little butter so that the mixture does not harden, but turns out to be a paste. The resulting mixture can be eaten with spoons or spread on baked goods.


Making burnt sugar in syrup form is quite simple. In the finished, but not frozen caramel, you need to add a glass of boiled water, diluted by half with the juice of half a lemon. Stir the resulting liquid and add a little honey. This syrup will help get rid of cough faster than other recipes for making burnt sugar.

Candied fruits can be prepared in the oven at home. For getting tasty treat Take the peels of tangerines, oranges, and lemons.

Cut into thin strips and generously sprinkle with sugar. Place in a preheated oven with a small amount of water. Ready candied fruits can be consumed for 5-7 days once a day, 1 tbsp. after eating.


Delicious toffees are certainly a favorite among all children. To prepare them you will need high fat cream. The cream is poured into an enamel pan, granulated sugar is added. There are no clear proportions, but you need to add more sugar to the cream.

After stirring, put everything on the lowest heat and cook while stirring. When the mixture turns light brown, remove from the stove. It can be left in a saucepan, or poured into small molds, for example for ice.

Stories from our readers!
“After pneumonia, I drink to maintain immunity. Especially in the autumn-winter periods, during epidemics of influenza and colds.

The drops are completely natural and not only made from herbs, but also with propolis and badger fat, which have long been known as good folk remedies. My main function does it perfectly, I recommend it."

This folk remedy is the first and fastest assistant for initial stages diseases.

And it definitely has many advantages:

  • Suitable for children of different age groups
  • sugar is in every home, and can help if you can’t go to the pharmacy
  • burnt sugar is easy to prepare
  • Pregnant and lactating women can use it as a primary cough control
  • Burnt burner is effective for dry cough
  • Regular use after 3 days significantly reduces symptoms

But still, do not forget that burnt sugar is regular sugar, and its disadvantages remain despite processing. The calorie content remains the same, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

There are restrictions for certain groups of people:

  • children under one year old
  • people with diabetes
  • people with individual intolerance
  • people with liver diseases
  • people with bronchial asthma, epilepsy or tuberculosis

To another unpleasant one side effects can be attributed to the provocation of caries and general harm applied to teeth. Therefore, the chosen method of treating cough should be monitored, and the burner should be used no more than 4 times a day.

Burnt sugar has long been used in folk medicine, our grandmothers also effectively used it to combat a cough attack. Delicious remedy is a productive aid in the treatment of colds and, in conjunction with other drugs prescribed by a doctor, which you should not refuse, works real miracles.

Many people associate burnt sugar only with cooking, while its beneficial properties are much more multifaceted. This sugar can help relieve cough.

What is burnt sugar

Burnt sugar is an alternative to regular sugar, obtained through caramelization and is most often used to decorate ready-made dishes or give them a different flavor. Exist various recipes of how burnt sugar can be used, from creating children's lollipops to making alcoholic cocktails, but this product is much more indispensable in treating coughs.

Useful properties of burnt sugar

Burnt sugar eases the condition wet cough, helping to remove sputum, but is not suitable for everyone precisely because of its sweetness, as it can cause an even more severe sore throat. Traditional medicine recommends consuming the substance obtained by melting sugar in small pieces 3-4 times a day during coughing attacks, with water.

IN childhood It would be correct to offer children not only lollipops made from burnt sugar, but also water in which it is dissolved. The effect of the latter should be similar. Treatment with burnt sugar should bring relief already on the third day after starting to take it.

Before consuming sugar, you should consult a doctor, since this remedy is not universal and may not only be useless, but also provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

How to make burnt sugar

There are two ways to prepare burnt sugar for coughs:

  • in a saucepan or frying pan
  • in a teaspoon

With the first method, you need to put a tablespoon of sugar in the center of a saucepan or frying pan, then put the container on low heat. The sugar will begin to melt, change color and thicken, with a different taste at each stage of sugar melting. During the melting process, the sugar must be stirred, spreading evenly over the entire area of ​​the bottom of the dish. It is important not to overexpose the sugar, otherwise it will turn black and bitter. When hot, pour it into water or place it on foil and wait for complete caramelization.

Everyone knows how painful a cough can be, which accompanies almost everything. colds. In such a situation, it seems that no medication can stop him. And then we learn (or remember) folk recipes that our grandmothers used. One of them, undoubtedly, is burnt sugar.

Perhaps someone will be surprised, and someone will grin skeptically - how can such a simple product become effective medicine? However, we should recognize a time-tested fact - burnt sugar really helps for coughs. This is explained by the fact that during heating it changes its structure and acquires new medicinal properties. This remedy is especially effective for treating children who are very reluctant to take medications.

We would like to make a reservation right away that burnt sugar is not a panacea, and it does not always help. It should only be taken for a dry cough that irritates the throat. Usually it occurs with pharyngitis, and in this case it is surprising medicine softens the mucous membrane and reduces the cough reflex.

When the inflammatory process takes over the larynx and vocal cords(laryngitis), burnt sugar is used in complex therapy. With inflammation of the bronchi and trachea at the very beginning of the disease, the patient is tormented by a strong dry cough, the discharge of sputum is difficult, therefore, as aid You can use sweet medicine to relieve irritation and facilitate the liquefaction and discharge of sputum.

Burnt sugar for cough: how to prepare?

Preparing this folk remedy is not at all difficult. It is done quickly and easily. The main thing is to make sure that the sugar does not burn. Prepare it immediately before use. There are several recipes for burnt sugar. In some embodiments, in addition to the main ingredient, the medicinal product contains other completely available components.

Sugar with milk

Melt half a tablespoon of granulated sugar over a burner until caramel-colored and sticky. Pour it into a cup of warm milk and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Drink remedy follows in one go. It will ease the condition, reduce sore throat and relieve coughing. Can be added to warm milk just a little butter, which will soften sore throat.

With lemon juice

In many publications on traditional medicine you can find recommendations on how to make burnt sugar with lemon. It's really effective remedy, because it not only relieves coughing, but also has antimicrobial properties and strengthens the body as a whole.

And it’s just as easy to prepare: pour melted sugar into a glass warm water, stir until completely dissolved and add to taste lemon juice. You should take the drink 3-4 times a day.

With onion juice

The body's reflex to irritation caused by pathogens is coughing. It is this fact that explains the use in next recipe component with powerful antiseptic property- onion. It enhances the effect of the remedy.

To prepare it, you need to dissolve burnt sugar in a glass of boiled warm water and add juice squeezed from one medium-sized onion. Mix the composition thoroughly and take a tablespoon up to 6 times a day.

With medicinal plants

Medicinal properties burnt sugar is greatly enhanced by infusions or decoctions medicinal herbs. Coltsfoot, plantain, licorice roots, marshmallow and many others have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Infusions are prepared from medicinal herbs.

To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon (tablespoon) of raw materials, leave for an hour and strain. It is more advisable to prepare a decoction from the roots. It is prepared as follows: pour a spoonful of raw materials into an enamel bowl, pour in 250 ml of boiled water and place the composition in a water bath for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, its volume must be brought to the original boiled water.

In a glass of pre-prepared medicinal infusion or decoction, pour the prepared sugar. Stir it thoroughly until completely dissolved. You can add a teaspoon of honey to this mixture. Drink burnt sugar for cough prepared in this way, the recipe for which is quite simple, three times a day, a quarter glass. Young patients are given this drink one tablespoon at a time, but after consultation with a pediatrician.

With raspberry tea

Instead of regular tea brew raspberry leaves (you can use dry ones), let them brew for a quarter of an hour, strain and add to aromatic drink a teaspoon of burnt sugar. This warming tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties, is taken before bed. If after a few days the patient’s health does not improve, the cough persists and the temperature persists, it is necessary to call a doctor at home.

Treatment of a child

Treatment folk remedies should only be carried out with the permission of the attending physician. This is especially important when we're talking about about a sick child. The point is that in children's body inflammatory processes develop rapidly, and self-medication can lead to lost time in diagnosing a serious illness. Particular care should be taken when treating very young children who do not yet know how to cough: active sputum production carries the risk of mucus getting into the respiratory tract.

It is for this reason that for children under three years of age, medications that increase sputum production can only be given with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor. If your pediatrician does not object to the use of burnt sugar, then syrup or candy is prepared for children, depending on their age.

Cough syrup

It is preferable to give this remedy to very young children. You know the principle of its preparation: the sugar is melted over a burner until it turns golden-amber. It is important that the smell is pleasant and the sugar is not burnt. It is poured into half a glass of boiled warm water (or milk) and stirred thoroughly. Take this composition several times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Children over six years old can drink the entire portion at once.


Kids take this “delicacy” with pleasure. To prepare it, pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar into a dry stainless steel spoon. Hold it over the fire until completely dissolved. Stir it gently as you go so that the sugar melts evenly and turns golden brown. Soon you will feel the pleasant aroma of caramel.

Prepare the plate in advance by greasing it with butter or olive oil. This is necessary for easy removal of the lollipops. Carefully pour the viscous liquid onto a plate. You can pour the “burnt candy” into a mold and insert a toothpick into the candy, after cutting off its sharp ends.

I would like to warn parents that this is not an ordinary treat and should not be abused. One lollipop is enough for a day. When cooking, you can add a drop of sage, thyme or other antiviral oil to the melted composition. expectorant herb, then the lollipop will have double effect.


This cough remedy should not be taken by patients suffering from diabetes. It will not harm other people, including pregnant women, if taken in small portions and properly prepared (not overcooked).

In very rare cases, individual intolerance may occur, causing even more irritation and sore throat. This remedy sometimes causes heartburn in people with inflammation of the esophagus and in patients diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia. This happens extremely rarely, but if you feel discomfort in the esophagus, it is better to refuse treatment with burnt sugar.

Holidays are not complete without a laid table with alcohol present. Beverages own production They turn out more natural and tastier. Everyone chooses the proportions of components that he and his friends like. When producing cognac at home, you have to tint it. If this is not done, the color will be transparent. Infusing in barrels will only give a slightly yellow tint.

There are plenty of ways to add color and flavor to homemade drinks. One of them is burnt sugar. It may add color, but it will not affect the taste.

Dye from childhood

There are 2 main recipes for preparing caramel for moonshine. Their main difference is the presence or absence of one ingredient – ​​water:

  1. Without water.
  2. With water.

Without water.

You will need sugar, a frying pan, a spatula for stirring and containers in which the colorant will be placed to store it. It is better to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating. If it has thick walls, the process will take a little longer.

Heat the pan and add sugar. It is better to add it gradually, stirring constantly. The heating power should be low so as not to burn the sugar. Otherwise it will burn. After a few minutes, the smell of candy will appear, which children in the USSR made at home by melting it in a spoon or pan.

The color will darken gradually. The contents will boil and bubbles will appear. The dark brown color, which resembles the color of bitter or dark chocolate, will indicate readiness. When the dye is ready, it needs to be poured into molds or other containers for cooling. Remove after cooling.

With water.

It is important that the water is clean, that is, not from the tap. It's better to buy in bottles. For 100 grams of sugar you will need 130 ml of water, 100 ml of vodka (moonshine, 40% alcohol) and several crystals citric acid. Acid is needed to maintain color uniformity.

Dissolve sugar and water in a 1:1 ratio in a saucepan and set to heat. After boiling, reduce the heat. Stir constantly so as not to burn the sugar. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare. The liquid will take on the color of tea medium degree tea leaves, but not strong.

You need to cool the contents of the pan. It will become hard. Dissolve it in 100 grams of alcohol, for which the color was prepared. This may take considerable time. If the caramel cannot be dissolved, you can warm it up a little. It will become more viscous. Only now add the remaining 30 ml of water and stir thoroughly again. This is justified by cognac production technology.

It is recommended to use glass containers for storage, but nothing criminal will happen in any other container. This dye is almost impossible to spoil, so it does not have to be stored in the refrigerator. Caramel is added to moonshine based on individual preferences and the desired color. Sugar will not add a rich taste because it disappears as a result of heat treatment.

They experiment with color by changing the proportions of caramel or the degree of roasting of sugar. Instead of sugar, you can use fructose. It is important to remember safety and make caramel under a hood.

For the purity of moonshine, it is important not to forget about additional cleaning. Coal is well suited for this purpose. When cleaning, it is better to use gauze, bandages, viscose napkins, folded several times.

In addition to color, you should pay attention to taste and smell. To make interesting combinations, it is better to create your own “gallery of tastes”. Experimentation leads to interesting combinations. Vanilla sugar will add sweetness, spices, cinnamon and cloves will add notes of taste, and mint and lemon balm will add aroma.

It's never too late to develop your sommelier skills. To do this, you need to not be afraid to experiment.

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