Affirmations are powerful words! Positive statements that help change our way of thinking - Affirmations.

The practice of repeating affirmations shows its effectiveness in solving a variety of life problems, from health problems to financial problems. With them you can fulfill almost any of your desires, or at least bring yourself closer to your cherished goal. Doesn't sound too convincing? You may be skeptical of these statements, however, thousands and thousands of people on our planet continue to speak positively about the use of affirmations in their lives. The main thing is that affirmations work regardless of whether you believe in them or not - you introduce positive attitudes into your subconscious, and they begin to work. Well, the most amazing thing is that with the help of affirmations, many people influence such things in our world that it is simply not possible to influence in ordinary ways. However, let’s not get distracted, you can learn about how and why affirmations work from other articles on the site. Here I will post affirmations for all occasions. Choose from this list of affirmations that are aimed at solving your problems and try to apply them in your life to attract something you dream of or create changes in your life.
Note: Expressions "affirmations" And "positive affirmations" here are synonyms.

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What are affirmations?

Affirmation is a positive statement, the regular repetition of which brings you closer to the goal stated by this statement. The word "affirmation" comes from the Latin "affirmatio", which means "confirmation". The principle of how affirmations work is simple and lies in the fact that you force your mind to believe, at least for a while, that the goal you want to achieve has already been achieved. This, in turn, not only motivates you to achieve your goal, but also on a metaphysical level influences reality and creates the prerequisites for achieving this goal in reality. By repeating affirmations at least twice a day - morning and evening, soon, depending on the complexity of the desire, you begin to notice that events and circumstances around you are aligned in such a way that your goal is achieved. In this section you will find as much information as possible about how to write affirmations, how to use affirmations, how affirmations work, and what goals you can achieve with them.

What are affirmations? In short, affirmations can be described as positive statements repeated many times in order to achieve a certain emotional state and, as a result, change. life circumstances. The desired result can be anything within reason: from improving mood and increasing motivation, to meeting a soul mate, and even receiving a certain amount of money.

What are the benefits of repeating affirmations?

What can affirmations actually do? Probably anything, as long as it is achievable in reality, that is, feasible in principle, and only if you yourself are ready to invest your own efforts in the attraction process. Here is a small list of what you can attract into your life with the help of positive affirmations presented on our site or created by you personally.

  • Change your beliefs
  • Develop personal skills and qualities
  • Attract material benefits
  • Meet, create and increase love in your life
  • Improve your health
  • Increase motivation to achieve your goals
  • Improve mood
  • Coping with depression
  • Climb the corporate ladder

This is all a list general benefits repeating positive statements. Yours may be slightly different from what I have suggested as we each have our own desires. Well, what you can attract with the help of this wonderful technique, the fulfillment of desires is limited only by your imagination, again within reason. You can learn more about what you can get from regular practice of repeating affirmations in my next article, which I will link to below.

How to make affirmations

How is the result achieved in outside world, we’ll talk a little later, but for now let’s look at what affirmations are. So, first of all, a repeated positive statement contains several keywords, to which we seek to draw our attention. They include the time of action - usually the present tense, the subject we want to influence - ourselves, and the result or state we want to create.

There are several basic rules for writing affirmations and recommendations for repeating them that you should know if you want to begin the practice of self-hypnosis using affirmations. Next you can see short list basic recommendations for writing affirmations, following which you can create your own positive affirmations to attract into your life what you dream of.

  • The affirmation must be positive. Your statements should be aimed at attracting what you want rather than eliminating what you don't want, for example, you should write: “I am noticing more and more joyful events appearing in my life,” instead of: “I I’m getting rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in my life.”
  • The affirmation must speak in the present tense. It would be extremely ineffective to state: “This year I will become even richer”; instead, one should use the affirmation: “I see myself rich this year,” or “Right now, wealth is coming into my life and I accept it unconditionally.”
  • Affirmation must be specific Try to frame your statements in such a way that they talk about specific things, if possible. For example: “I see 10 million rubles in my bank account in 2020,” or “Right now 10 million rubles are coming into my bank account.”

If you follow these rules for writing affirmations, you will take a big step towards your goal. And the effectiveness of your practice of repeating affirmations depends on how you compose them. You can learn more about how to correctly compose affirmations from the following articles.

How to use affirmations

Well, you have learned how to correctly compose affirmations, but this is only half the battle, now you need to learn how to correctly repeat your positive statements, and for this there are also rules that will allow you to make your practice effective. Here are some suggestions for repeating affirmations

  • Regular practice. Repeat your affirmations every day, preferably early morning and late evening, since this is when your brain is most receptive to suggestion.
  • Clear pronunciation. Affirmations work best when you repeat them out loud rather than silently, as this helps your brain internalize the program that the affirmations carry, but it's okay if you repeat them silently, as long as you repeat them silently so that you do it as clearly and distinctly as if you were speaking out loud.
  • Incorporating visual images, feelings and emotions. Imagine a picture of what you are repeating as if what you are declaring is already happening to you now, the more vividly you imagine, and the more emotions and feelings you include in your images, the better.
  • Know how to let go At the end of the session of repeating your affirmations, try not to think about whether they work or not, just let go of your desire and continue to go about your business, just don’t forget to do something to achieve your stated goal if something from you depends.
  • There really could be a lot more recommendations. Various authors lead different recommendations. Below I will provide several articles on how to properly take positive affirmations so that you can get the most information and make your affirmations as effective as possible.

    Consciously or unconsciously, the repetition of affirmations is accompanied by the evocation of visual or other images in the head, which helps to enhance the effect, and, in general, serves as the foundation on which this technique rests. Next, I invite you to learn a little about how affirmations work, if, of course, you are interested in the details and want to increase the effectiveness of your practice of making wishes come true with the help of affirmations.

    I must say that affirmations are based not only on the discovered effect of words on emotional condition man, but also on the concept of the power of thought. The essence of this concept is that regularly focusing a person’s attention on one thought for a long time greatly increases the likelihood of its manifestation in reality. Thus, immaterial thought manifests itself in the material world.

    Repeating affirmations is incredible. powerful technology impact on human consciousness and, as a consequence, on his entire life. Thousands and thousands of inhabitants of the Earth are convinced of this on own experience, make sure you too. Below you will find various articles about affirmations.

    Articles about affirmations:

    Well, that's probably all. I hope that the information about affirmations presented in this section will be useful to you on your path to success and to the realization of your dreams. own desires. From time to time I will update articles and information in this section so that you can get only up-to-date information about affirmations. Don’t forget about other sections of my site, you will also find a lot there useful information which will help you on your life path. You can find more articles about affirmations, including articles from my old site “New Tomorrow” by clicking on the link below.

    Oleg Akvan

    Many people in modern society suffer from low self-esteem, but cannot do anything to improve it. This negatively affects their lives, and they find themselves in a vicious circle that does not allow them to move on, develop and achieve new successes. However, it turns out that dealing with problems can be much easier than you might think. You don't have to go to a professional psychologist and pay a fortune. It is enough to take advantage of the power of positive affirmations, which will be discussed in this article.

    Positive Affirmation

    Experts report that there is scientific explanation why positive affirmations can have an incredible impact on human life. If you focus your attention on your goals in a positive and motivating way, you will be able to create several neural connections in the brain between specific feelings and actions. This has an impact on chemical substances, which are produced in the brain when you just think about concrete actions, so you can positively “experience” your goals.

    How it works?

    For example, if you've gone through a breakup, listening to a particular song may trigger negative feelings in future. However, if this song was playing when your partner proposed to you, the feelings that this song will later evoke in you will most likely be incredibly positive. So, if you can train your brain to associate discussing and considering your goals with positive feelings, you will be able to experience a feeling of joy every time you think about your goals, which will help you continue to put them first above all others. priorities. Over time, this will allow you to increase your confidence and also improve your self-esteem.

    Step one

    Allow yourself to make a long list of negative traits with which you associate yourself. These can be things that you yourself believe in, as well as things that people around you criticize you for. Don't spend too much time on this step, you don't have to try to figure out which of these points are true and which are unfounded, just write down as much as you can on a piece of paper.

    Step two

    As you look through this list, focus on a few things that you would really like to change in your life. Keeping these aspects in mind, pick up your pen again and write a short affirmation that should not be more than two lines long and should contain strong and detailed words. For example, if you want to improve your self-confidence in social conditions, you shouldn’t just say “I’m confident in myself.” Instead, you should use words like “brave” and “outgoing” to describe you.

    Step three

    Three times a day, every day (morning, afternoon and evening), take five minutes to look at yourself in the mirror and say these affirmations out loud. Speak with conviction and confidence, as if you have already achieved the goals you are talking about. If you are in a situation where you cannot do this, such as if you are in an office at work, write these affirmations several times in a notebook, reinforcing a positive attitude in your own brain.

    Step four

    To truly reprogram your own mind, you need to pay attention to all the details when you repeat your affirmations. Are you standing straight and confident? Or do you do it timidly and embarrassed? Do you feel pain or discomfort associated with a specific affirmation somewhere in your body, such as in your heart or stomach? If so, then you need to place your hand on this area as you say your affirmation, directing your positive energy to this area.

    Step five

    Instead of keeping this affirmation a secret, seek help from those people who would like and are ready to help you do it. this statement true. Have a friend, family member, or psychologist repeat this affirmation out loud to you as if they were simply telling you a true fact. Returning to the example in step two, this person might use the words above to describe you.

    Examples of Everyday Affirmations

    1. I find joy and pleasure even in the simplest things in life.
    2. Success is mine normal condition in life and I am successful in everything I do.
    3. I admire my partner, respect him and care about him. And I see the best in him every day.
    4. I can completely be myself, be 100 percent authentic in my relationships.
    5. When I go to bed I am happy and content because I know that everything is right in my world.
    6. I'm happy with my real life and confident in my future.
    7. With every breath I take, I breathe in confidence and breathe out fear.
    8. I have good feeling humor and I enjoy sharing laughter and happiness with the people around me.
    9. I am strong, confident, energetic, independent and capable.
    10. I only attract positive and inspiring people to me.
    11. I share deep and strong love with my partner.
    12. I always see the good in everyone I meet.
    13. I consistently communicate my wants and needs to my partner in a confident and clear manner.
    14. I am a unique individual and I completely and deeply love who I am.
    15. My heart is filled with joy.
    16. My partner and I enjoy life and always find new ways to enjoy each other's company.
    17. I love meeting strangers, approaching them every time with confidence, enthusiasm and warmth.
    18. I have healthy boundaries of personal space in my life.
    19. I am a creative, persistent and self-sufficient person in everything I do.
    20. When I encounter difficulties and obstacles in life, I easily find solutions, bypassing all obstacles quickly and efficiently.
    21. I feel joy, happiness and contentment in the present moment.
    22. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day of my life I am successful.
    23. I exude confidence in myself Everyday life, attracting others to you.
    24. I want my partner to succeed in life and often try to support him.
    25. I am naturally good at solving problems, I always find the best solutions.
    26. I am becoming more successful every day, in every aspect of my life.
    27. I accept happiness as my normal state.
    28. Nothing is impossible in my life, I am able to achieve any goal I set for myself.
    29. Self-confidence comes naturally to me.
    30. I feel incredibly blessed with what my life looks like right now, but I continue to work towards future successes.
    31. I achieved my goal (insert your goal here) and I feel happy and proud that I did it.
    32. I allow myself to be openly happy, and by doing this I inspire happiness in others.
    33. My word is gold, I am an integral and reliable person.
    34. I view fear in my life as just fuel on my path to success, I take bold actions and allow fear to carry me forward.
    35. I fully accept myself and I deserve incredible things in this life.
    36. I know exactly what I need to do to succeed in my life.
    37. My mind is always filled with positive and inspiring thoughts.
    38. I like the idea of ​​change and I can easily adapt to any situation.
    39. I enjoy everything I do, even the most mundane tasks.
    40. I know that I am capable of real success, and my success is real, it is waiting for me to come for it.

    Affirmation (from Latin affirmatio - confirmation)- a short phrase containing a verbal formula, which, when repeated many times, fixes the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious...

    Affirmations- these are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. At the same time, as we all understand, we do not always use positive, but also negative statements; if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, then you need to use them only in a positive form.

    How does Affirmation work?

    Think about what you are saying? Count how many times a day, for example, you or the people around you say the word “Nightmare!!!” and “Horror!!!” These words must be forgotten! Each time, instead of them, say “Hurray!” If it’s difficult to do this out loud, you can say it to yourself. The main thing is to replace every negative impulse with a positive one.

    Or, for example, the phrase of a surprised person “Wow!” does not stand up to any criticism at all. Remember once and for all – “All for yourself.” And only this way, then prosperity will follow on your heels.

    Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our environment. Remember that like attracts only like. Negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and fears and concerns will certainly come true, since we ourselves have projected them. What you think about is what you become.

    From the above we can draw a wonderful conclusion: “positive thoughts and emotions, happiness and pleasure, will attract into our lives happy events and the people we need."

    Well, for those who are convinced that this does not work. Let me explain that affirmations can only fail in one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you really are. That is, if you think one thing, say another, but mean a third. That is, if you say every day, “I want a suitcase of money,” and the subconscious replies, “Yeah, hee-hee, now I’ll repeat it 10 more times and get two suitcases... This theory doesn’t work,” of course, nothing will work. . Because no specific purpose. There is a simple “I want.”

    The main thing is yours positive attitude, faith that you will succeed. First come to harmony within yourself, and you will immediately notice that the world around you has changed. Changed as much as you wanted it to.

    So, firstly, any positive statement is formulated in the present tense or as an already accomplished fact. Secondly, there should not be a particle “not”. Thirdly, it should be aimed only at a good cause and in the name of goodness and love throughout the Universe.

    And one more thing, the wishes that you think you want do not come true. And those whose fulfillment your subconscious actually wants. So, don’t be surprised if what you so passionately wanted but were afraid to even think about comes true...

    Saying affirmations is effective way achieving your goal, happiness, inner harmony, health and well-being. Work with them every day, saying them out loud or to yourself, and the result will not keep you waiting!

    And the last piece of advice, before you start using affirmations, ask forgiveness from yourself and your body for previously thinking badly about someone (especially about yourself), for experiencing negative emotions, and promise yourself from this moment to think and speak only positively. And keep that promise.

    Affirmation for money - attracting money

    If you want to attract more money into your life, find or create beliefs that you feel comfortable working with.

    Here are some examples:

    I'm always in the right place at the right time.

    I always receive everything that is the greatest good for me.

    Money flows to me easily.

    If others can be rich, I can too!

    I am a money magnet.

    I always get what I want for myself.

    I'm full of ideas to make money.

    I earn 100,000 rubles a month.

    Unexpected income makes me happy.

    Money flows freely and easily in my life.

    I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.

    I'm very successful.

    My thoughts of prosperity create my prosperous world.

    My income is growing all the time.

    I am a magnet that attracts money.

    I am open to monetary abundance and easily attract material wealth.

    I like money. And they love me.

    Money comes to my house.

    My income has increased many times over.

    I find myself in the world, I realize my talents and have a good income.

    My money channel is open. Money flows to me easily and freely through it.

    My cash flows clean and open to financial income.

    I find money ideas and materialize them.

    Money luck smiles on me.

    I deserve a high salary.

    I deserve the life of my dreams.

    I find money to travel.

    I'm taking action. I set financial goals for myself and go towards them.

    Money is good.

    Material benefits come to me. And I accept them with gratitude.

    Divine riches are always with me.

    My business is successful. He is thriving.

    I see abundance in the world. I know that money always comes to me to realize my true goals.

    I believe in my success.

    I'm already successful.

    All the riches of the world are available to me if I am ready to let them in.

    I'm risking. I move forward towards those goals that excite me.

    I act and have results.

    I make decisions consciously and easily.

    I'm a man of my word. Said, done. I set a goal and accomplished it.

    I am a generous person and share my blessings with the world.

    Money was created to do good.

    I let wealth into my life.

    I am buying an apartment (house) of my dreams.

    I'm getting rich.

    The money egregor loves me.

    I attract money from multiple sources.

    I have as much money as I'm willing to let in.

    My job is successful, I like it and it allows me to realize myself.

    My business brings me from “amount” of rubles per month.

    I believe the universe is abundant.

    I am a winner.

    I'm getting the education I need.

    I realize myself easily.

    I'm doing what I love. I sincerely serve people and receive financial rewards for this.

    I always have money.

    I deserve to have all the goods in the world.

    I see endless opportunities to increase my income and use them to benefit myself and the world.

    I am happy in the presence of my beloved.

    I am grateful to fate for sending me the ideal partner.

    I see love in the eyes of my partner (husband, boyfriend). I love what I see.

    Our relationship is getting better and better every day.

    My lover and I are perfect for each other spiritually, sexually, emotionally and intellectually.

    I attract love and romance into my life.

    I gladly give unconditional love to my partner (husband, boyfriend).

    I have a wonderful partner (husband, boyfriend) and our relationship is filled with happiness and love.

    Love is everywhere and I am open to receiving love.

    I am happy in a relationship with a man who truly loves me.

    Our love grows every day.

    I really like to accept and respect our differences - we complement each other perfectly.

    I support my partner (husband, boyfriend) in everything, and he supports me in everything.

    I love and respect my partner (husband, boyfriend).

    I want love and I radiate love.

    I am surrounded by love and happy with my life.

    My heart is always open to love and I radiate love too.

    All my relationships are long-lasting and filled with love.

    I love life and everything it gives me.

    My partner is the love of my life and the center of my universe. He loves me just as much as I love him.

    In life, I always receive what I give, many times over. I am always ready to give love.

    I receive love whenever I am in a relationship, and I am happy to receive and give love.

    I deserve love and I receive it in abundance.

    I'm the most loving person and my life is full of joy.

    I love those around me, and everyone loves me in return.

    Wherever I go, I will find my love. Life is full of joy!

    My partner and I are perfect for each other, and our love is simply divine!

    I give love, and it comes back to me strengthened many times over.

    I am worthy..! (Worthy of love. Worthy of praise. Worthy of happiness. Worthy of pleasure. Worthy of peace.)

    I exude goodness.

    I only care about my own opinion about myself.

    I am stunningly beautiful and charming!

    My life is beautiful!

    I'm doing everything right.

    1. I can do everything!
    2. I can do everything well!
    3. In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
    4. I'm grateful (grateful)
    5. Universe for all the material blessings in my life.
    6. Today is the best day of my life.
    7. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
    8. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
    9. I'm doing well and every day my life is getting even better!
    10. My life blooms in complete harmony.
    11. I realize and feel my strength.
    12. In any situation I am calm and focused.
    13. Luck always accompanies me.

    1. I'm always safe and God keeps me safe
    2. The truth is revealed to me about everything I need to know
    3. Everything I need comes to me on the right day and time
    4. Life is joy and it's full of love
    5. I love and I am loved
    6. I am healthy and full of vitality
    7. Everything I do brings me success
    8. I want to change and grow spiritually
    9. Everything is already good in my world

    Louise Hay's affirmations for women

    1. I constantly discover wonderful qualities in myself
    2. I see my magnificent inner self
    3. I admire myself
    4. I am a wise and beautiful woman
    5. I was determined to love myself and enjoy myself
    6. I'm in charge of my life
    7. I am the one and only to myself
    8. I'm expanding my capabilities
    9. I have a wonderful life
    10. I am free and can realize myself as an individual

    1. I am well.
    2. Happiness surrounds me.
    3. My mental health is fine. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.
    4. Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.
    5. I am free from stress.
    6. Every day I feel healthier and healthier.
    7. I eat healthy and I feel great.
    8. Every day my vision is better than yesterday.
    9. I love to exercise every day.
    10. I am grateful for my healthy body.
    11. Perfect health is my divine right, and I claim it now.
    12. Every cell in my body radiates energy and...
    13. My the immune system is very strong.
    14. Every organ in my body performs its functions to an optimal extent.
    15. My body is energetic.
    16. I have enough strength, energy and vigor at any time of the day.
    17. God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.
    18. The light within me has a healing effect.
    19. Every doctor that I meet along the way helps me recover.
    20. My inner voice leads me to suitable method restoring my health.
    21. My body heals quickly and easily.
    22. My Vital energy is increasing every day.
    23. Health and longevity to you!!!

    I am the creator of my own body.

    I feel full.

    I am ready for changes in my body, I want these changes.

    My body is as light as the wings of angels.

    I will become whatever I want.

    Everyone is proud of my beautiful figure.

    Water “kills” my cravings for high-calorie foods.

    I consider my body a temple of beauty and...

    I easily lose twelve kilograms and become beautiful and happy.

    I am in control of my life.

    I eat very little, but at the same time I quickly saturate my body.

    I choose healthy and wholesome food.

    Happiness is my body!

    I quickly and easily give up sweets and high-calorie delights.

    I'm full of grace.

    Passers-by envy me with “white envy” and secretly admire my body.

    I am immensely happy that my body is so elastic.

    I want to lose weight and I feel that weight loss is already happening!

    I have a sexy, tight body.

    Adaptability to change is one of my greatest abilities.

    Water is my insatiable favorite drink.

    My body is a reason for inner delight.

    My body quickly processes everything I eat.

    I get peace from knowing that the pounds are leaving my body.

    I get undisguised pleasure from the feeling of slight hunger.

    My kilograms are melting like clouds.

    My body and my figure are a real role model.

    The body in which I live creates an “ensemble” of my thoughts.

    One meal a day is enough for me so that I have time to saturate my body.

    I love mirrors and like to buy them often.

    I'm proud to be as big as a bird.

    My slimness is what inspires me to further work on myself.

    My body always obeys my orders and always carries out my commands.

    Making wishes come true with the power of thought - is it real? What is visualization? How to correctly visualize desires so that they come true?

    read this: you will learn how to fulfill any of your wishes with the power of thought cherished wish, not to mention everyday ones.

    Affirmations video

    “You need to think positively!” Admit it, how many times in your life have you heard this terribly hackneyed phrase. And if you are one of those whose thoughtful face is often mistaken for sad, these words, we are sure, accompany you every day. But for some reason no one is in a hurry to explain what it means to “think positively” and how it can help you. Can good thoughts and optimism really make your life better? We answer: oddly enough, they can. You just need to choose the right affirmation for yourself. Are you wondering what kind of animal this is? Let's talk about everything in order.

    Affirmations: what are they?

    First, let's talk about thinking as such. Psychologists have long proven that most of our problems (no matter personal life, at work or with health) lies in our heads. We convince ourselves that something is wrong with us. This is called the great power of persuasion. And since its influence is enormous, why not try to use it for good? That is, to convince yourself of the opposite: that everything is fine, that life is wonderful! Scientists conducted several experiments, and it turned out that this is indeed possible! Even in medicine, self-hypnosis is sometimes used (you've probably heard of the so-called “placebo effect”). And all because this method is not only very effective, but also incredibly simple.

    And now about affirmations. What is this? Essentially it's simple correctly composed phrases with which you can set yourself up in an optimistic mood. And they don't require any special effort.

    Psychologists from all over the world claim that if you use these positive attitudes correctly, you can easily improve your well-being, calm your nerves and change your life for the better.

    How do they work, you ask? The fact is that we are very often exposed to negativity in our daily lives. It’s enough to go online in the morning to get a dose of scandals, scary stories in the news, terrible disasters and other human misfortunes. No matter how indifferent and skeptical we may be, we cannot simply throw this information out of our heads. And therefore, without noticing it, we think about the negative and expect a catch everywhere. The situation is complicated by our previous mistakes, which are also difficult to part with. Thus, having accumulated in oneself negative emotions, we walk through life with a hidden expectation of trouble. And then for some reason we wonder why everything is not as good as we would like, while we ourselves do not allow a single good thought into our heads. This is where affirmations come to the rescue. These are exactly the same positive words that we so lack in this kingdom of negativity. By filling ourselves with cheerful attitudes, we think less about bad things., we concentrate on positive aspects and attract happiness to ourselves. It’s clear that every day everything becomes much better for you. But all that has changed is your outlook on life.

    Well, are you ready for positive changes in your life? Then look at how to use affirmations correctly.

    Rules of application

    As we said above, affirmations are a fairly simple way to allow yourself to be cheerful every day. But even such an easy method has its own nuances. So what do you need to know before using affirmations?

    The best attitudes for women: a list of specific phrases

    What do all women dream about? Of course, about beauty, love, harmony with yourself and the world around you. Career women are also about wealth. We define all this as happiness. What affirmations are suitable for women? We have collected for you best phrases for all occasions.

    For self-confidence

    As you know, there is nothing more difficult than working on yourself. But there is nothing more useful. What phrases will help you in this difficult matter? Read below.

    To attract love and happiness

    In order to become happy, we, girls and women, need to feel loved. And, of course, to love yourself. How can you attract this wonderful feeling of love into your life? It is enough to use a few truly strong and effective phrases.

    1. I was created to be happy!
    2. I am the creator of my own happiness!
    3. I'm filled with love!
    4. I love my life!
    5. I love myself the way I am!
    6. I radiate joy and love!
    7. I love and I am loved!
    8. I attract men!
    9. My heart is open to love!
    10. I am free to express my feelings!
    11. I found the right person for me and I am loved by him!
    12. I have the right to happiness!

    To attract finance

    There is nothing wrong with wanting a luxurious life. Without financial well-being this, unfortunately, is impossible. If you would like to improve your well-being, read examples of affirmations for attracting wealth.

    1. I am worthy of material well-being!
    2. I deserve wealth!
    3. All sources of income are open to me!
    4. I am grateful for my abundance!
    5. Money comes to me easily!
    6. All my investments bring me profit!
    7. I have money for all my desires!
    8. I'm getting richer every day!
    9. I manage my finances wisely!
    10. I am happy that I can provide for myself and my family!
    11. I live in abundance!
    12. I am financially independent!

    For success at work

    When everything is great at work, success follows you, and all matters are easily resolved, it is much easier to love what you do. Do you want to come to work with pleasure? Do you dream of career growth or prosperity of your business? Remember a few simple phrases.

    1. I embody success!
    2. My colleagues respect me!
    3. I'm a great leader!
    4. My boss appreciates my work!
    5. I have good luck in business!
    6. I'm full of brilliant ideas!
    7. Everything comes easy to me!
    8. I am always ahead of my competitors!
    9. I easily overcome all obstacles!
    10. I'm full of energy!
    11. My business is growing every day!
    12. I love my job!
    13. My work inspires others!
    14. My success is increasing every day!
    15. I'm happy with my income!

    For weight loss

    You've probably heard that often problem excess weight also sits in our heads. We convince ourselves that we cannot get in shape, and all our efforts are in vain. At first glance, it may seem that these phrases do not really help you lose unnecessary pounds, but in fact they relieve you of the main problem that leads to weight gain – self-dislike.

    When you learn to love yourself, you can easily get your body in shape.

    If you decide that it’s time to change something, take a closer look at weight loss affirmations.

    1. I can easily become whatever I want!
    2. I'm proud of the way I look!
    3. I love my reflection in the mirror!
    4. I get full quickly!
    5. I eat only healthy and wholesome food!
    6. The results of my work on myself are more noticeable every day!
    7. I am becoming slimmer and more beautiful every day!
    8. I am proud of my success in working on myself!
    9. I inspire others to work on their body!
    10. I am feminine and beautiful!
    11. Men like my figure!
    12. I love what nature has given me!
    13. I am a role model!
    14. My body easily obeys me!

    On every day

    Here are a few more phrases that will make your every day better.

    1. Every moment in my life is happy!
    2. I let go of my past mistakes!
    3. My talents are unique!
    4. I am full of peace!
    5. I radiate goodness!
    6. Luck loves me!
    7. I follow my intuition!
    8. My every wish comes true!
    9. I have achieved harmony with myself!
    10. My work on myself is bearing fruit!
    11. I inspire others!

    As you can see, just a few words can change your life. Affirmations are easy to remember and repeating them will not be difficult. This step will allow you to become the best version of yourself. And we wish you success in this serious matter!

    This is where affirmations come to the rescue. Affirmations are conscious thoughts that a person thinks intentionally in order to replace already formed beliefs.

    By and large, affirmations are nothing more than thoughts. You can repeat affirmations either out loud or silently.

    Perhaps affirmations are the simplest and most powerful way to influence the subconscious mind. You can work through affirmations anywhere, anytime. Simply choose an affirmation that expresses your desires and repeat it several times.

    And it doesn’t matter where you are now and where you are trying to get to. It is important to correctly compose affirmations and work with them, and you will notice the effect very quickly.

    How do affirmations work?

    Affirmations work on the principle of replacement. The mind can only hold one single thought at a time, so the essence of affirmations is to fill and hold thoughts in your mind that reinforce your desire.

    Imagine a glass of cloudy water.

    You take this glass and put it under the tap, turn on the water and start pouring into it clean water. Muddy water begins to overflow over the edges, and clean water flows into the glass. Over time, all muddy water will be replaced with a clean one.

    The same thing happens with the human brain. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the brim. When you work through a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not happen immediately, but over time. The stronger the affirmation that you want to replace, the more time and effort you will have to spend to make the replacement.

    The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that help achieve the desired result.

    If a certain thought is held in the mind long enough, it begins to evoke emotions that activate the work of the universe.

    Affirmations have nothing to do with the state of current affairs. They are based on how you would like your affairs to be.

    Emmerson said: “We become what we think about all day long.”
    Using affirmations every day is the easiest way to change your desired situation for the better.

    50-60 thousand rush through our brain. thoughts daily. Why do only 1-5% have an impact on us, while the rest simply disappear into the flow? Because these 1-5% make us emotional!

    Now let's look at how to compose affirmations.

    Criteria for correct affirmation:

    1. Affirmations should always say what you want, not what you don’t want.

    Affirmations should be about gaining something, not about getting rid of something. Affirmations should talk about achieving something, not avoiding something.

    You get what you focus on!

    Wrong affirmations:

    • I don't want to sleep so much
    • I don't want to earn so little
    • I don't want to travel that far to work

    Correct affirmations:

    • I sleep X hours a day, sleep well and feel great (X - replace with the desired number)
    • I earn xxx per month (x - replace with the necessary numbers)
    • I have xx km to my work (xx - replace with the necessary numbers)

    Did you get the point?

    Affirmations should be in an affirmative form, and in no case in a negative form. The use of the particle “not” is prohibited. If you want to achieve success in a certain matter, the affirmation may sound like this: “I was successful in...” and in no case “I did not lose...” or “I did not fail.” Negative affirmations on a subconscious level act completely opposite than we believe. They are destroying you. Since you say lost, it means defeat is perceived. To put it simply, the “not” part is ignored by the subconscious. If you want to get positive results, you need to create positive images. Negative images lead to negative results.

    Avoid using phrases such as:

    • Never
    • Stopped
    • Got rid of
    • And etc.

    2. Affirmations should be formulated in the present tense.

    When you repeat affirmations, you should feel that what you are affirming has already happened.

    The brain does not understand the past and future. When you say, “I will have a house on the ocean,” your brain understands that “I don’t have a house on the ocean.” When you say “I will,” you are indirectly saying that you don’t have it now. Your subconscious does not understand words such as “I will”, “soon”, “tomorrow”. It only understands what is happening to it right now. Depending on how you accept a certain idea now determines how quickly it will be implemented in the future. When you tell your subconscious that you already have it, it immediately begins to realize it. When you talk about the future, the subconscious does not know when to start implementation and whether to start at all.

    Wrong affirmations:

    • January 10, 2012 I will buy new house(although that may be the goal!)
    • Next week I'll have great hair
    • I'll have a wonderful day tomorrow
    • Starting Monday I will completely stop drinking alcohol.

    Correct affirmations:

    • I bought a new house
    • I have great hair
    • I'm having a wonderful productive day
    • I am always and in all situations 100% sober

    3. Affirmations must be specific.

    Affirmations must be specific because only specific wording can evoke strong emotions. The whole point is that affirmations create emotions, and how emotions are stronger they create, the better these affirmations will work for you. And what emotions can vague, general formulations create?

    Compare, for example, the following two statements:
    “We bought a new beautiful house” and
    “We bought a new three-story white brick house the size of a football field and this house is located on the seashore”

    Do you feel the difference in emotions?
    It is precisely thanks to this difference that your wish will come true.

    Do you want to buy a car?
    Compare these two formulations:
    “I have a new beautiful Lexus” and
    “I have a new snow white Lexus GS 460 with an automatic transmission.”

    Do you feel the difference?

    You should have noticed that in the first formulations the emotions are weak, and in the second they are strong. All this is thanks to the pictures that your brain draws in the first and second cases.

    4. Affirmations should be written using words that indicate emotions.

    We have already talked earlier about how effective affirmations differ from ineffective ones, and we came to the conclusion that effective affirmations evoke strong emotions. It is precisely in order to make our affirmations even stronger that we will add emotional words to the affirmations. When composing affirmations, we need to make sure that they evoke joy, inspiration and enthusiasm in us. Any words that evoke strong emotions in you will also have a strong effect on your subconscious. The rule is simple: the stronger the emotions, the faster your belief will change.

    Find words that create movement in your brain, that catch you and evoke emotions, words, very vivid words.
    Here are some good words:

    • stunning
    • fabulous
    • amazing
    • comfortable
    • with great joy
    • simply and easily
    • with pleasure
    • with admiration
    • and etc.

    I will say that affirmations that reinforce your most important life values ​​have enormous power. Think about your values.

    Examples of emotional words in affirmations:

    • I easily and with great pleasure build my own business
    • 30 min. every day I visualize my future with great joy
    • I treat my wife (husband) with awe and admiration.
    • I enjoy doing exercises every morning
    • I really love thinking about promoting my own business.

    5. Affirmations should concern only you and the state of your affairs.

    You can only make affirmations about yourself and your affairs. Affirmations that are aimed at making someone else better will not work. We cannot do affirmations instead of someone else.

    If you want to help someone change, think about what change in you will help that person and direct your affirmations towards these changes in yourself.

    Remember, you cannot force someone to do something with affirmations.

    The following affirmations will lead to nothing. You're just wasting your time:

    • People love and respect me
    • My boss thinks I'm the best employee
    • My boyfriend/girlfriend loves me more than anyone in the world
    • My mom is getting better

    No matter how good the affirmations that apply to other people are, I do not recommend using them. You cannot significantly influence other people with your thoughts. Therefore, it is better not to waste your strength and energy and take care of yourself.

    The secret to how affirmations work is to make repeating them simple and convenient. Imagine that your statement consists of more than 10 words. How many times can you repeat it? Optimally this is 3-4 words. For example me successful man" Only you must clearly know what a successful person means to you. These repeated affirmations can be very short period time to significantly impact your life.

    Try to find an affirmation that, when repeated once, already evokes very positive feelings. It will be very good if there is one.

    Why affirmations may not work for you?

    Often people make very gross mistakes in the construction of affirmations and therefore do not get any effect.

    Here are a few of these blunders:

    • Constructing an affirmation using the word “can.”
      For example, “I can be a successful person.” Your subconscious already knows that you can, so it won’t even start doing anything. And then, with such an affirmation, you don’t even take responsibility.
    • You don’t work with affirmations regularly.
    • Affirmations are framed in the future tense.
    • Affirmation causes a lot of resistance in you

    If you claim that you will have something, this “will” is perceived by the subconscious that you do not now have what you claim. And thus you will always “be” and never find in the present. If you practice affirmations every day, but repeat different affirmations each time, the effect is greatly weakened. The following analogy can be given: if on a sunny day you take a magnifying glass and point it at one place, thereby concentrating the rays of the sun in one place, you can easily light a fire, but if you take the same magnifying glass and constantly move it, concentrating on different points , you won't be able to do this. This happens because energy is dissipated.

    And the biggest mistake people make when working with affirmations is that they lack patience. When you are just starting to work with affirmations, you need to break through the concrete wall of your current beliefs. It can take a month of hard work, and people have tried it for a couple of days and say, “they don’t work.” Of course, they don’t work if now you have already taken root such powerful beliefs, for example, “I can’t see success like my ears,” “all these books are written just to make money. No one is interested in you, and no one will teach you anything,” “I don’t believe in the subconscious, only my logic is real.” What happens if a person with such beliefs begins to use the affirmation: “I am a successful person.” This affirmation may go against your entire belief system.

    That’s why it takes time for affirmations to start working. Exactly how long it will take depends on how much you believe in your current affirmation.

    Examples of affirmations you can use (although I highly recommend creating your own affirmations according to the rules I described above):

    1. Every day my self-confidence grows
    2. I am a genius and in everything and always I apply my wisdom
    3. Now I have more money than before
    4. I need all my wishes to come true
    5. Every day my business is thriving
    6. I am surrounded only by positive, cheerful and successful people
    7. The Universe always leads me to my dreams in the most harmonious way
    8. Everywhere and in everything I achieve success
    9. Every day, everywhere and in everything, things are getting better
    10. Every day I get better and better
    11. Every day my income grows, regardless of whether I work or relax
    12. The Universe guides me through life in the best and most harmonious way
    13. I deserve great happiness, great family relationships and wealth.
    14. I live an amazing life and attract only the best to it.
    15. Amazing ideas always come to me on time
    16. I start every day with love and gratitude.
    17. I attract successful people who help me build my business

    Affirmations for every day

    1. My world takes care of me
    2. Every day my life gets better and better
    3. Every day more and more money comes to me
    4. Every day my business is getting better and better in every way.
    5. Every day I feel better and better
    6. Every day I get better as a person

    Andreev Alexander