Aqualor baby for newborns and older children: instructions for use. Instructions for use "Aqualor Baby" (drops, soft shower and spray) for newborns and older children

Aqualor baby instruction

Instructions for use of the drug Aqualor baby acquaints parents with all the necessary information on its use. Each of the paragraphs of the accompanying sheet contains complete information about the preparation of a narrative nature, although there are warning theses. Recommendations are given for practical application medicinal product and reviews about it are given.

Release form and composition

The drug Aqualor baby is produced in the form of drops and in the form of a spray.

Aqualor baby spray

Spray Aqualor baby, the bottle of which contains isotonic solution sea ​​water of natural origin without the addition of preservatives.

The drug enters the pharmacy in a plastic shower bottle, the volume of which is 100 milliliters.

Aqualor baby drops

Aqualor baby drops, the bottle of which contains an isotonic solution of sea water of natural origin without the addition of preservatives.

The drug comes to the pharmacy in a plastic dropper bottle, the volume of which is 15 milliliters.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug can be stored for three years at room temperature in places that are difficult for children to visit.


Thanks to the drug, the infection of the nasopharynx practically does not manifest itself, and when it occurs, there is no further spread to the area inner ear. The drug promotes clean nasal breathing of the baby during feeding, also developing the skills of blowing the baby's nose.

The drug is prescribed mainly to the smallest patients in order to eliminate problems with feeding, to carry out hygiene measures, as well as for certain diseases.

  • For prevention and treatment in combination colds, influenza and SARS;
  • At acute rhinitis, including allergic nature, as well as during exacerbation chronic stage diseases;
  • In order to prevent and, if necessary, participate in complex therapy diseases of the ENT group (with otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis);
  • For use in daily hygiene procedures for the nose;
  • For acquiring blowing skills in babies;
  • To make the process easier breastfeeding when the baby has difficulty breathing through the nose.


The drug is not limited in its use, it can be safely used by pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding. However, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor when it is planned to be used after surgery.

Aqualor baby instructions for use

The drug is used intranasally.

For hygiene purposes and preventive measures to prevent diseases in the nasopharynx and nose, children from the first day of life can use 2 to 4 washes in each nostril every day.

In infants, the washing process requires caution, while the child is laid down and the head is turned to one side.

By inserting the tip of the balloon directly into the nostril, the one at the top, and rinse the nose continuously for several seconds. Then the child should sit down and blow his nose. Repeat the procedure in the same sequence for the other nostril.

Aqualor baby soft shower

Spray Aqualor is completely natural. It contains only pure sea water with useful minerals.


The drug has the ability to provide effective help in hygiene procedures, and is also able to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and participate in the restoration of breathing. Also, the drug is capable of providing a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating irritation of the nasal mucosa and increasing local immunity.


The drug is indicated for use in prevention, as well as for participation in the complex therapy of diseases in the nasal cavity.


  • Turn the baby's head slightly to the side;
  • In that nasal passage that is on top, insert a special nozzle of the balloon;
  • Rinse your nose for a few seconds;
  • Sit the baby down and ask him to blow his nose.
  • Do the same with the other nasal passage.


The main rule for performing a nose wash, which should be followed, is salt water. Do not rinse the nasal cavity with fresh water. You should also follow the basic rules for hygiene procedures when making such a toilet. If nasal lavage is performed in medicinal purposes it is also necessary to follow the instructions and prescription of the doctor.

Side effects

The drug practically does not have side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the drug component.

Additional instructions

You should be very careful with the drug, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Aqualor analogues

There are quite a few analogues of the drug, and the most commonly used of them are Evkazolin, Knoxprey, as well as Grippferon, Xymelin, Quicks and others.

Aqualor price

The cost of the drug in various forms its application is quite different and amounts to about 99 rubles for Aqualor in the form of drops, and at least 355 rubles in the form of a spray.

Aqualor reviews

A lot of reviews have been left about Aqualor. The solution, like the spray, is praised for its effectiveness and speed, and especially for its invaluable help to babies in cleaning their breath.

Here are a few of those left just the other day.

Pauline: As soon as the cold season comes, so we begin to store in in large numbers those tools that help cleanse the nose. I am delighted with Aqualor so it helps the baby from nasal congestion, although he really does not like this procedure. Effective drug, however, is expensive.

Love: Good drug to eliminate a runny nose and clean the nose from crusts and various clogging inclusions. Although I have always used saline, I also find Aqualor worthy of attention.

Daria Vasilyeva: I think that the drug is quite expensive for salt water, however, with small children, there is nowhere without it. And since washing the nose is not recommended with fresh water, it means that we will not look at the price tag for the benefit of the baby.

Before using drops to treat a runny nose, doctors recommend washing the nasal passages. Do it best sea ​​water, which today is available in the form of various sprays. A convenient, safe and effective remedy for washing the nose, treating rhinitis and preventing nasal congestion is Aqualor spray.

Composition and pharmacological properties

In the instructions for use, manufacturers state that Aqualor's composition is completely natural. Sea water for the manufacture of the drug is taken in the Atlantic region, which is environmentally friendly. In addition, the spray contains all those in sea water active substances and micronutrients.

Thanks to this composition, Aqualor has the following properties:

Release form

All medicines of the Aqualor line available as sprays and nasal drops. In turn, sprays can be sold:

  1. In spray cans - shower.
  2. In spray cans with nozzle for jet spraying.

Aqualor-shower is very convenient for treating children.

According to the place of application, Aqualor is divided into a spray for the nose and throat. Cartridges can be "pocket" in just 50 ml of volume or up to 200 ml.

Indications for use

Aqualor spray is intended for use at following states and diseases:

Aqualor spray for a cold

Spray shower thoroughly treats nasal passages preparing them for application medicines in the form of drops, ointments or sprays. Irrigation with a shower is productive for protection against the spread of infections and for clearing the nasal passages before surgery.

With adenoids and sinusitis in children

Sea salt helps to effectively clear the nasal passages from purulent discharge and eliminate swelling of the mucosa. However, it is possible to effectively cure sinusitis and adenoiditis only in complex treatment using Aqualor and antibacterial drugs.

For allergies

The drug is useful for people prone to allergic manifestations during the flight of pollen and flowering plants. Daily rinsing of the nose and throat with Aqualor spray will reduce sneezing, itching and severe runny nose. Moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane, spray-shower quickly washes away particles of allergens, which makes it effective in treating the observed all year round allergic rhinitis.


The only contraindication to the use of Aqualor Spray is individual intolerance to sea water salts. The drug has no other contraindications. It can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers, children from the age of six months and people with any chronic diseases internal organs.

Types of Aqualor

There are five types of Aqualor for the nose and spray with a special nozzle designed to treat the throat.

Aqualor soft

The dosage form does not contain extraneous additives, has a sparing effect and isotonic concentration. Spray Aqualor soft is available with a special shower dispenser, with the help of which soft irrigation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx occurs. Can be used for children from six months of age and adults.

Daily hygiene involves the use of Aqualor soft spray every morning and evening. For preventive purposes, the drug is used from one to three times a day. In the treatment, the nasal passages are washed with a spray two to four times a day. For emergency prevention, which is carried out upon contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to spray the solution into each nasal passage for one second.

Aqualor soft mini is a pocket form of the product, which is very convenient to use in in public places and take it with you on the road. The spray shower allows you to effectively irrigate and rinse irritated, especially sensitive or injured mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and nose.

Produced in bottles of 125 ml with a volume, has a spray-shower and is indicated for use in adults and children over the age of two years. The hygienic sea water solution does not contain any additives or preservatives. Due increased concentration sodium chloride (21g/l) Aqualor forte provides:

  • cleansing the nasal passages from crusts;
  • drainage of inflamed sinuses from purulent contents;
  • penetration of the agent into the depth of the focus of inflammation;
  • sanitation of the ciliary epithelium and the return of its protective functions.

Aqualor forte is used for the prevention and treatment of the common cold in combination with other means, removing obstacles (mucus, crusts, etc.) from the nasal passages for their absorption. The drug is indispensable as a means for washing the nose and nasopharynx after surgical interventions. Aqualor forte is able to effectively increase immunity in long-term and frequently ill people.

Available in pharmacies pocket Aqualor forte mini, which is convenient to use when severe congestion nose in public places.

Aqualor forte with aloe vera and chamomile

The extra preparation has a spray jet and is used for washing the nasal passages in adults and children from the age of two. In the composition of the spray, except hypertonic saline sea ​​water, includes extract of Roman chamomile and aloe vera. Due to this composition, it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative action.

Sprayed by a jet, the drug, both isolated and in combination with other drugs, is indicated for the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis and chronic infectious rhinitis accompanied by respiratory failure due to edema.

Aqualor Baby

It was developed by pharmacologists for children special composition a drug that does not cause allergic and other reactions. You can use it from the first days of a child's life. Aqualor for children is produced spray and drops.

The spray is used to irrigate and rinse the nasal cavities, which provides the baby with free breathing. You can use the shower head without fear, since it has a restrictive ring, which eliminates injury to the child's mucous membrane.

Aqualor Baby drops are designed for restless babies who find it difficult to irrigate and rinse their nose. According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to instill one or two drops into each nasal passage two to four times a day. The duration of the use of the drug is not limited.

Used Aqualor for children as daily hygiene, for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of any form inflammatory diseases nose, nasopharynx and sinuses in children from the first days of life.

Aqualor norms

The seawater solution does not contain preservatives and comes in the form of a spray in a bottle equipped with a jet dispenser. The jet of the drug entering the nasal passages is able to cope with the plugs formed in them from the mucous secretions. After that, a slight pressure softens and washes out the dried crusts, penetrating further into the paranasal sinuses. This effect is very important in the treatment of diseases whose symptoms are copious discharge thick mucus.

Aqualor throat

The composition of the drug, in addition to sea water, includes chamomile extract and aloe vera. It is used for children from the age of six months and adults. Has a triple effect:

  • eliminates perspiration and sore throat;
  • reduces swelling of the throat;
  • stimulates the healing process.

Produced in bottles of 125, 100 ml and in mini bottles of 50 ml. The pocket-sized spray is convenient to take on the road and use in public places.

The indication for the use of the drug is the complex treatment and prevention of colds and viral diseases, preparation and recovery after operations in dentistry and otorhinolaryngology.

Instructions for use spray Aqualor throat recommends taking for prophylactic purposes every morning and evening after brushing your teeth, making one injection.

Aqualor - instructions for use for children

For children older than two years of age, the nasal passages can be washed or irrigated both in the supine position and in the sitting position. For the procedure it is necessary:

  1. Turn the baby's head to one side and insert the tip of the bottle into the upper nasal passage.
  2. Press the dispenser for a few seconds, rinsing the nasal cavity.
  3. Help your child blow his nose.
  4. Carry out a similar procedure with another nasal passage, after turning the baby's head in the other direction.

For children under the age of two years, the drug is given only lying down:

  1. Put the baby on its side and gently insert the tip into the nasal passage, which is located on top.
  2. Rinse the nasal cavity for two seconds.
  3. Remove the rest of the liquid with an aspirator. If the child knows how, then help him blow his nose.
  4. Perform the same actions with the second nasal passage, turning the baby over to the other side.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Before each use, the nozzle is recommended slurry ethyl alcohol or scalded with boiling water. This is necessary to avoid re-infection.

Keep the Aqualor spray out of the reach of children. The air temperature for its storage should be within + 5- + 25 degrees. Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the balloon.

According to the instructions attached to the spray, Aqualor has no contraindications, side effects and addiction. However, before using them for medicinal purposes, it does not hurt to consult with your doctor. Dolphin, Quicks, Aqua Maris sprays can serve as clinical analogues of the remedy.

All young mothers know that a baby needs hygiene procedures. Many people know how to properly hold a child while bathing and what kind of detergent to use. But not everyone knows how to properly clean a small nose from pollution.

Daily hygiene from the very beginning early age helps the child quickly adapt to new conditions, protects him from infections and creates a feeling of comfort. It is necessary to bathe the baby daily, using special detergents for children, not irritating to the eyes and delicate skin of the baby.

It is very important to keep the little nose clean. In the nasal passages of the baby, mucus often stagnates, small dust particles settle, crusts form, and when regurgitation, droplets of milk fall. The baby does not know how to blow his nose, difficulty in nasal breathing leads to anxiety of the child, especially during feeding. And if an infection occurs, the baby may develop a runny nose. In addition, the infection can quickly spread to the middle ear and cause otitis media, since the "inexperienced" local immunity of the newborn is not yet able to fight back microbes.

So that a runny nose does not overshadow the life of your baby, it is necessary to toilet a small nose every day before the first or second feeding.

The baby has very narrow nasal passages, so it is quite difficult to completely clean the baby's nose with conventional means, and not all means are good in this matter. For example, cotton buds it is not recommended to use for processing the nose of a newborn, since the skin and mucous membranes of the child are very thin, delicate and easily vulnerable. It is also undesirable to lubricate the nasal passages with oil: oil, once on the nasal mucosa, slows down the natural processes of self-cleaning of the mucosa, which can lead to inflammation.

What to do? What is the safest and most effective cleansing method for a small nose?

Today the most effective means for daily nasal hygiene, doctors around the world recognize sea water. Based on natural sea water, European scientists have created a drug Aqualor® Baby- spray and drops for daily hygiene of the smallest noses. Aqualor® Baby- this is isotonic sea water, that is, the concentration of salts in it is close to the concentration of salts in the fluids of the human body, which means that the use of a spray or drops will not cause the slightest discomfort to the baby. Aqualor® Baby contains all the trace elements and active substances of natural sea water necessary for the health of the nasal mucosa, effectively moisturizes and cleanses the upper mucosa respiratory tract preventing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Special baby nozzle spray Aqualor® Baby creates a soft cloud of sea water drops, which makes the process of washing the nose pleasant for the baby, and the restrictive ring on the nozzle eliminates trauma to the mucous membrane. Spray Aqualor® Baby retains sterility for the entire period of use and does not contain preservatives.

If your child is anxious and naughty during hygiene measures, it suits him better drops Aqualor® Baby, which will carefully clean the noses of the most "intractable" babies.

Spray and drops Aqualor® Baby can be used from birth. Regular hygiene of the child's nasal cavity will help to avoid colds during an unfavorable epidemic period, as well as prevent the development of an allergic rhinitis.

Aqualor for newborns - safe and effective drug. It is allowed to use immediately after birth. The drug cannot cause Negative consequences on an organism that is still at the stage of formation. Spray is used for fast elimination mucus from the nasal passages, because it can be used not only for irrigating the throat. Aqualor baby consists exclusively of ocean water. It does not contain harmful ingredients that can cause allergic reaction.

When should the drug be used?

Instructions for use contains full information in which cases it is advisable to use the medication. The solution is quite mild, so it does not irritate the nasal concha. It can also be used for prophylaxis during a flu or cold epidemic.

You can also treat your throat with a spray that includes chamomile and aloe. This drug helps to quickly get rid of negative symptoms, not only for children, but also for adults.

Drops can be used as a daily hygiene product for baby

The drug is prescribed to the baby in case of diagnosis the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • SARS;
  • runny nose;
  • otitis;
  • flu.

The medication can be given to infants because it is gentle on tissues and does not irritate mucous membranes. It does not contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. That is why the remedy must be combined with others in case strong manifestation certain symptoms.

Babies need to clean the passages well before use. In this case, from moisture will be achieved maximum effect.

The solution consists only of salt, therefore, it helps to soften the crust, but at the same time does not cause the secret of mucus to be produced in large quantities. The epithelium will be completely hydrated, so the newborn becomes much more comfortable.

Rinse the nose can be all, without exception, children. The spray is also effective when used by adults. Its use should be abandoned only if there is an individual intolerance to individual components.

Nuances of use

Parents are wondering how many times it is necessary to drip the baby's nose in case of diagnosing inflammation. The algorithm of actions will be able to choose the attending physician more correctly. However, before use, it is always necessary to rinse the plastic tip in boiled water.

How best to use Aquamaris in order to have the maximum effect in the treatment of an infant:

  • The baby must be placed on a hard and level surface. Next, you should slightly lay it on its side.
  • With the help of the hand, the head of the newborn should be held without tension. The other hand should be used to inject the drug into the nasal passage. Please note that it has a restrictive ring.
  • Two drops will be enough to achieve the effect.
  • Residual liquid can be removed with a clean handkerchief.
  • To instill the second nostril of the child, turn it over to the other side.

Sea water must be properly used. In this case, even a baby who has just been born will not be harmed. However, parents should ensure that the composition does not get into the eyes during use. In this case, it is necessary to send the child to the shower and rinse the eyes thoroughly. Salty water can pinch a lot, so the baby becomes very irritable.

It is far from always allowed to use a nasal spray for the treatment of infants. It may have a strong jet, which negatively affects the structure of the epithelial lining. However, the manufacturer took care to give parents control over the intensity of the injection. The shower function involves the use of a special nozzle that makes the spraying process as smooth as possible.

Use is possible only if the child does not have individual intolerance. These cases are rare, but once again parents will not hurt to make sure of this.

Aqualor is a drug that has undergone numerous studies. They didn't find side effects manifested in infants. It is important to follow the instructions exactly and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

Aqualor baby soft shower - isotonic sea water for children from birth.
Thoroughly rinses all parts of the nasal cavity, actively cleaning them from bacteria, viruses, allergens, crusts, mucus, and impurities.
Helps restore nasal breathing.
Moisturizes and helps maintain normal physiological state mucous membrane of the nasal cavity mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
Increases local immunity.
Accelerates the processes of regeneration of the nasal mucosa.
Increases the therapeutic efficacy of drugs applied to the nasal mucosa, reduces their consumption and side effects (vasoconstrictors, antibiotics, TGCS, etc.)

Indications for use

Nasal wash solution Aqualor baby for daily hygiene of the baby's nasal cavity, with a runny nose in children from birth, for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in an unfavorable epidemic period, after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Application methods

Daily hygiene: Rinse each nasal passage 1-2 times a day (morning and/or evening).
With a runny nose: Rinse each nasal passage 2-4 times a day, if necessary, more often.
Prevention of the common cold: Rinse each nasal passage 3 times a day.
The duration and frequency of use of the drug are not limited.
Aqualor baby drops drip 1-2 drops into each nasal passage 2-4 times a day.
The duration and frequency of use of the drug are not limited.

Interaction with other drugs

For complex treatment, use Aqualor baby before using other local remedies.


Overdose of the drug Aqualor baby unlikely.

Release form

Aqualor baby - spray; bottle - 125 ml.
Aqualor baby - drops; bottle - 15 ml.


Aqualor baby contains: isotonic natural sterile sea water - NaCl content 8-11 g/l.
Contains all active substances and trace elements of sea water: K, Mg, Na, Cl, Se, I, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, etc.

main parameters

ATX code: R01A -