To return the stolen calves in a year. Locking the doors of the house with a magic lock

Unfortunately, theft in our lives is becoming more and more common. Probably most people have at least once encountered such an unpleasant situation as theft. Usually, things that are expensive and valuable to us are taken away right from under our noses.
People who steal do it for different reasons. For example, some steal from the store, that is, they don’t have what you have, while others make a living from this, and others simply out of boredom. There are also people who suffer from kleptomania; with this disease, a person simply cannot live a day without stealing something.

How to be in such a situation if everything known methods, don’t help to return what was stolen?

Probably, few people know that in magic there are special conspiracies that help restore justice and return a stolen item to the owner.

But before performing a ritual against theft, a person must be sure that this is really theft and not a banal loss. After all, if the thing was lost by you, or you simply forgot where you put it, magic will result in troubles and troubles for you in later life.

Here is a fairly effective ritual that can be performed at any time of the day, and regardless of the phase of the moon.

You will need to draw a silhouette of a person on a blank piece of paper. Then, above it you write the word “thief”. Next, light three church candles and place them in front of you along with any icon. Afterwards, you need, holding your right hand over the piece of paper, say a spell: “On the island of Buyan, there beyond the sea and ocean, there is a chest in it damask knives are lying. Let these damask knives go to the thief, cut his flesh, stab him in the heart, chop his body. Let the thief return to me the servant of God (his name) what was stolen, not lose anything, but return everything. The thief will be cursed, in my strong words, by the holy land, the Ararat spell, brick disgrace, swamp mud, combustible ash. Become, you thief, crooked, lame, bad and skinny. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, you won’t die your death, but you will be nailed to a board with rusty nails, stronger than grass You will be dried out and frozen even more. You will live when you return what was stolen from me, the servant of God (your name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

This ritual is best carried out as soon as you discover the loss, since the item will retain your energy for some time, with the help of which you can influence the thief.

The conspiracy operates according to to the following principle: from the beginning, the robber begins to have troubles and bad luck, and he is absolutely sure that all his misfortunes are brought by the stolen thing. Soon he will try to return the stolen property to its owner. There are, of course, cases when a thief simply tries to get rid of stolen goods, that is, simply throw the thing away, but there is no doubt that even if he does this, the loss will still come back to you.

People often encounter the problem of property theft. Returning things is quite difficult. That's why most people turn to white magic. There is a conspiracy to make the thief return the stolen property. When performing any ritual, you need to believe in its power, otherwise there will be no result.

You can return what was stolen using magic

Let's consider a ritual of white magic and specifically a conspiracy to make a thief return what was stolen. Mages only use strong rituals, thanks to which you can return stolen items. There is nothing complicated about the rituals, so anyone can perform them. Moreover, a conspiracy to return stolen property is effective in most situations. It doesn't matter what property was stolen. Even if your phone is stolen, rituals can help.

As the name suggests, you will need to purchase a scarlet candle. The ceremony to return stolen property must be performed on Friday - the day the candle was purchased. You can skip the service. Important aspects:

  1. It doesn't matter what the phase of the moon is.
  2. The plot is carried out after the sun has set.
  3. To begin with, the candle should be lit. It should be on the table. Only you should be in the room.
  4. Rituals are performed without strangers.
  5. You should wait a couple of minutes for the candle to simply burn out, and then imagine this thing that was stolen.
  6. Here it is important to remember all the details about the missing thing, what it felt like, color and what connected you with it.

“The thief who robbed me will now suffer and will not be able to live in peace until he returns what he stole. Every day he will be tormented by doubts about his evil deeds. The thief will think about how to return the property. When he does not obey the supreme powers, he will not see life.”

After the agreed phrases, blow out the candle. The next day it must be put in place of the item that was stolen. This ritual must be performed only if you have no doubt that your property has been stolen. There are also rituals with which you can return an item that ex-husband sold for money.

Conspiracy with salt

You must remember where the item was before it was stolen. The white magic ritual must be performed on Thursday.

The ritual with salt is performed on Thursday

“I pour salt on the robber’s eyes, I wash away the thief’s sinful thoughts, I soften his heart so that I can get my things back.”

If you perform this ritual, your thoughts should be pure and your state of calm. After saying a prayer for the return of money or gold, it is important to relax (it is better to sleep).

Conspiracy with water

To perform this you need a vessel with water. The filled vessel must be broken. You need to read the plot so that the thief returns the stolen property:

“I break a vessel with clean water in order to achieve justice and get my thing back. Let the robber escape from punishment. Let this water carry him through the ditches so that the villain has no peace of mind! To return what was stolen and get what it deserved. Let this cup be his grief! Let these fragments of the vessel prick him, cut him and torment him, and give him no rest! "

The pieces of the broken vessel with water need to be collected. It is important to note that it is prohibited to collect them by hand. To do this, take a broom. Take the fragments outside the door of the house or outside the entrance door and bury it. The water needs to be wiped off and the rag also taken outside (after the spell the water becomes dead). None of the ritual items used should be stored in the house.

There are also rituals with water to return something that the ex-husband sold for money.

Conspiracy with the number 40

For the ritual, prepare all the knives in the house. Place the knives in a basin, fill it with water, and place the basin on the stove. Knives must be completely covered with water. Read the plot 40 times:

“Sharp knives, cut, stab until they bleed, to the bone. Go to the robber, and cut him until the blood comes out on his unclean body, so that he gives back what he stole, everything that he took from me. Teach him a lesson so that he returns things and doesn’t steal anything. Do not renounce the curse of the robber: 40 prayers, 40 slander, a strong conspiracy with painful diseases. Let it be so".

After the ritual, you need to pour the water out the entrance door. Perform the ritual for three days.

Conspiracy with a candle

First you need to light the candle.

The candle must be cut with a sharp knife

Then, as if cutting the candle fire with a sharp knife, you need to force yourself to feel the conspiracy and say the following words:

“The one who used my thing appears to me in a dream, take away the knife, return what is mine. Otherwise I will take your soul and mutilate it with a knife.”

Before going to bed, be sure to place the candle under your pillow and fall asleep. After a conspiracy to return stolen items, things will be returned to you two days later.

Features of rituals

Before performing a ritual on a stolen item, you need to know for sure that the item was not lost through your fault. Perform all rituals without lying, since higher powers will not forgive you for this. If the item was simply lost and was not stolen, then such a lie threatens you with a much greater loss than you think. This can even lead to poor health. When an item is stolen, the faster the ritual to return the item is completed, the better. There is a high probability that the stolen goods will be returned to you faster.

The ritual cannot always give 100% results. When you need to return something that your ex-husband sold for money, it is better to seek help from an experienced magician.

Conspiracy to attract money

Let's give a ritual to attract lost money. At dawn, take a handful of flour and put it in a bag. Wear this bag on your chest and head to church. Go to the temple, silently.

When leaving church, do not talk to people. So all the way home, silently, and walk. When you get home, go to the bathroom. Remove the bag and untie it. It is also important which hand you use to untie it with your right hand. Then, starting from the head, sprinkle wheat flour on yourself three times, saying:

“Bread gives birth to money, and money gives birth to bread. The temple has countless treasures and I have just as much wealth. Let it be so".

Then wash your face, dry yourself with a towel and say:

“(name)’s body received communion with blessed water, luck returned. Amen".

New moon spell

This conspiracy is carried out to attract finance to the moon. To do this, take a saucer and water from the spring. The ritual is carried out in the moonlight. The person conducting the ritual takes a bowl with the words:

“Your mercy is purified water, You are filled with the light of the moon, so fill my house with money.”

The ritual is performed on the new moon

Then we drink the charmed water. The ritual is performed only by the female gender, because the moon is feminine.

Ritual for good luck

The magician uses in practice only a valid spell for good luck. It often happens that a person is constantly unlucky, both in family matters, and at work. Therefore, people often turn to magic for help.

Conspiracy with threads

The ritual is quite strong and is performed only once. For the plot you will need three thick threads different colors. Be sure to find a thread of yellow, green and of blue color. Weave a braid from these threads. When performing, say:

“At dawn I will get up and whisper a prayer. On the threshold of the house I will cross myself. I'll go to high mountain and look around in four directions. From the mountain I see a wild horse. Not a single person saddled him. That horse has a stubborn character. I will tame the brave horse and calm his violence. He will obediently walk under me wherever I want to take him unconditionally. My will is as strong as granite, and my word is like a prayer. Let it be so".

Then you need to take a braid woven from threads and tie it on your left hand. Good luck will be with you as long as the thread on your hand is intact. But if the thread will break, then luck will turn away from you immediately. For a favorable ending to the plot, you need to remove the scythe and burn it. You cannot force luck to come when you do not believe in what you have done.

The ritual requires blue, green and yellow thread

Spell to attract luck

The white magic ritual is performed on Tuesday. When performing it, you need to take the correct position. Turn to the east and say the following words:

“The beautiful cat lived in the house, caught mice and slept a lot. A good-natured demon protected the house from misfortune. Now I live here, a beautiful girl. I'll walk out the door in a gold dress. The dress is unusual, shimmering with the sun. I’ll go out, stand next to people, the bright light shimmers from behind me from behind the gate. My outfit filled with light and purity will remove evil from around me and my home. Immaculate water flows, no harm will happen to me.”


Since most people believe in God, in addition to conspiracies, they also use prayer for the return of things. The prayer looks like this:

“From Julian, the godless king who killed Christians, Saint John was sent to earth. He helped from his property, but persuaded others to run away from the suffering of the infidels, and sent many away for such torments in prison from the torturer. After the death of the sinful sovereign, he was released from prison, the saints helped others, through prayer and fasting, as God commanded. Saint John gave alms to the poor, visited the helpless and calmed the mourners. John the saints, helped to cope with all sorrows, saving them from sin and misfortune. Many have found consolation; in your prayers John is holy. We resort to your help, heal and save the souls of people who disobey the Lord, who have taken the sinful path. Hear our prayers. We ask for protection from theft and robbers. Amen".

It is worth keeping in mind that rituals are only tools for making profit. The ritual of white magic is not the main method of correction financial situation. It is better to seek help from an experienced magician and not tempt fate. Even white magic may have undesirable consequences both for you and your loved ones.

How disappointing it is when your “native” property completely unexpectedly “changes owner.” On the one hand, it’s a pity for a good thing, but here you also feel like a complete fool.

And if you delve deeper, you just get a shuddering feeling of complete defenselessness in front of cunning and arrogant thieves.

How can we find control over them? They stop at nothing, like black mold, they climb everywhere. They walk among decent, unsuspecting people and look for what is wrong.

They immediately find a “master’s” place for property that does not belong to them.

You can fight thieves different ways. An option for using magic is proposed. This “extravagant” method also has a right to exist.

It is clear that he cannot cope with every thief. But, in principle, this is not the main thing.

A conspiracy to return stolen property will solve other problems (along the way).

Firstly, it will calm you down nervous system offended person. Secondly, it will create a thief (that's for sure).

Well, actually good case, the item will come back to you. Some, in addition to the joy of restoring justice, also receive surprise.

How inventive the Higher Powers are! Now to practice.

It’s good if the missing item is in the photo. Reconsider. Maybe this valuable item was accidentally highlighted in one of the pictures.

Then carry out a ceremony to return the stolen property using a photograph.

  1. At night (any day), light three black and white candles. They must be placed opposite each other with rulers.
  2. Place a photo of the stolen item in the center of the “composition”. Just cut it out so that other objects do not get confused “under the magical hand.”
  3. Read these words:

“By the queen of the sea, by the light side, by the dark side, I conjure, I attract justice! Let (the name of the item) return home to its owner. Let the thief turn over, encounter the dark side of the Queen of the Sea, and let him go from the hands of (name of the object). The light side of the Queen will turn to me, the dark side to the thief in prison! Amen!"

This plot can be repeated six nights in a row. If the property comes back earlier than the specified period, then the ritual should be interrupted.

Please note that after the magical effect, the thief will certainly be punished. This will not necessarily be a court and prison.

The Higher Powers themselves will decide how to punish a person. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform this ritual if, unfortunately, the thief turns out to be a close friend.

It is likely that you will not like the punishment that he likes. Higher Laws will be placed.

If you are sure that you know the thief, place his photo along with an image of the property between the rows of candles. Only they need to be lit not in groups of three, but in groups of twelve.

The plot reads the same. Repeat thirteen times. The property will definitely either be returned or there will be compensation for the loss. More often than not, it turns out to be much more valuable than the lost property.

For example, a girl was very sorry for the loss (of really valuables) that was stolen from her on the train. She performed the ceremony. She did not know the thief's identity. Therefore, I performed the ritual in the first version.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought it new car, they built a dacha, it’s clear that there is wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

So, no one returned the ring to her, and she did not report it to the police. And a month later, when the anger had already begun to fade in her soul and turn into memories, she met a very interesting “comrade”.

No, this is not a romantic story at all. He turned out to be a jewelry appraiser. A well-known and authoritative person.

Having accidentally learned about her misfortune, a friend made inquiries and found out where the rarity was located. A series of negotiations followed, as a result of which he brought the girl together with the current owner of this ring.

He turned out to have a nephew... After a while they got married, and the generous uncle returned the ring to the girl as part of a wedding gift.

Although, this is not the most confusing story that can happen.

To return a stolen item

First of all, you need to stop the flow of your despair, anger and hatred. Rituals must be performed only in a calm state.

There is such a school “Simiron”. The ladies give great advice. Like, laugh at how ugly you look now. They overlooked the thief and failed to prevent the crime.

Agree, if instead you could lose a loved one, then the loss no longer seems so significant.

When your attitude towards trouble becomes calmer, then perform the following ritual.

Fill a container with water from the tap. Slam him on the floor as hard as you can and say:

“I pour fresh, fair water into the thief’s fate. Let him meander and run away from pursuit. Let her toss it around the ditches and gateways so that the werewolf has no peace! So that he returns the stolen goods, and swallows the dashing fate. Full measure, a bitter cup, cannot break our curse! As the fragments fly and cut, so is his fate to be broken, terrible and unhappy! Amen!"

The fragments must be collected, just do not touch them with your hands. Use gloves, a broom and a dustpan.

Be sure to take them out and bury them so that innocent people do not touch this “source of trouble.” Wipe off the water with a rag, which should also be taken out of the house.

Do not keep any items that participated in the ritual.

An ancient conspiracy to return a stolen item with a knife

There is also a ritual in which a silver knife is used. Now they are trying to replace it with products made from a different material, but this significantly reduces the effectiveness of influencing fate.

You need to take a knife and any of your things made of natural fabric.

It is advisable to use in the ritual an item that you have previously worn and have not washed yet.

Of course, you don’t have to ruin your favorite T-shirt or dress. Use something old that you are already planning to throw away.

Previously, children's own shirts were used in the ritual. They were not thrown away, but were given as inheritance to children and grandchildren.

So, the one that, due to wear and tear, could no longer be worn on children, was used in the search for stolen goods.

If you want to find out the name of the thief, then perform the ritual in the evening, before going to bed.

It is necessary to cut clothes into strips or shreds, saying:

“I cut my clothes into strips, into shreds, so as not to sew them or wear them. So the fate of the thief is cut, the veins stretch, darkness comes and swallows him up. He should not be happy with my goods. I forbid him to have fun with silver. Until he returns the stolen goods, sees the light of the sun, he will be beaten and cursed by everyone. You can’t change words, just like you can’t sew clothes! Amen!"

Theft has existed exactly as long as man has lived on earth. For some, theft is a kind of entertainment option, for others it is a form of income, and for others it is a disease that is extremely difficult to get rid of.

There are many traditional ways fight against thieves, but most of them, unfortunately, are not effective. Did you know that a conspiracy against thieves is one of the most effective ways how to protect yourself from problems this kind, and to punish dishonest people who have already managed to clean out the house ( land plot, dacha, etc.).

Power in magic

Surely you have heard more than once that magically performed acts (rituals, ceremonies, love spells, etc.) help achieve the desired goal. So, with the help of magic you can:

  • to bewitch a loved one;
  • turn away your mistress;
  • attract wealth, success, luck;
  • bring to clean water thieves;
  • protect your money and property by making a talisman against thieves;
  • return what was stolen;
  • punish the attackers.

But at the same time, it is important to know and remember that you can resort to the help of magic in cases where thieves have actually been in the house (dacha, garden plot). With the help of witchcraft it is not possible to return an item that has been lost. Moreover, if you carry out rituals or ceremonies in the event of loss of things, this can result in a lot of trouble for the sorcerer himself. Believe me, the consequences can be the most unpleasant. For this reason, experienced sorcerers and magicians advise thinking carefully before using the powers of magic for your own personal purposes.

Conducting rituals against theft

If you are sure that the missing things are the work of robbers, then rituals and ceremonies should be carried out in as soon as possible. Each item is capable of preserving the energy of its owners for 7-10 days, with the help of which you can both find the thief and force him to return what was stolen. Magically performed acts affect objects in such a way that they bring all sorts of troubles to the dishonest person.

When rituals (ceremonies) are carried out in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of property acquired illegally, but will also try to return it to its rightful owners. A person who has committed a crime subconsciously understands that only such actions will help him remove the curse from himself and return the blessings of life that “leave” the thief when a magically performed ritual is imposed on him.

There are also frequent cases when a thief, in order to get rid of the ill-fated “catch” as soon as possible, throws away the loot. In this case, good will still return to you, even if several weeks pass, but sooner or later things will be with you. The thief himself will be haunted by fears and various kinds of troubles for a long time. In the world of thieves, there is even such a sign: to get rid of stolen goods without returning the items to the owners themselves means to expect trouble in the form of arrest.

Rules for carrying out conspiracies against thieves

Conspiracies against thieves will not work if you do not adhere to the main rules for performing magical acts:

  1. Don't use magic to check if it exists. If you make a conspiracy against thieves, but there were no robbers in the house, then the consequences can be the most terrible. IN best case scenario the spells will not work, and in the worst case, you can harm your family and lose happiness, money, success, luck and other worldly goods.
  2. Only by believing in magic can you achieve the desired result. If you do not believe in acts of this kind, then it is better not to waste your time and energy.
  3. When enacting a conspiracy from a thief, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you are asking from higher powers. So, for the spells to work, you should concentrate as clearly as possible on the problem itself.
  4. You need to read the plot so that the thief returns the stolen property with all seriousness, as in principle, others magic spells. Drop the jokes, the giggles, the fun. You must remain neutral-serious.
  5. During the magical act, no one should help or distract. It is best if you read the plot in splendid isolation.
  6. Do not perform fortune telling if you want to harm someone, guided by a sense of revenge. The conspiracy should help the caster. And how this action is carried out should not concern you. Even if the thief suffers.
  7. Magic does not like publicity, so it is better not to spread your intentions among your family and friends.
  8. Before reading the conspiracy against thieves, turn to the Lord God. Prayer will help you achieve the desired result. And even if you make a mistake somewhere and do something wrong, your family and children will not suffer, as usually happens when the rules of magical rituals are violated.
  9. When pronouncing a spell from a thief, you need to focus on his words.
  10. When a conspiracy involves the use of an object (a photo, a lock of hair, a personal item of the person for whom the conspiracy is being read, etc.), but there is no such thing in the house, then it is best to resort to the help of another ritual, for which there is everything necessary.
  11. It is believed that in order to enhance the effect of the ritual, you need to exclude alcohol from your menu (three days before the act), dress in plain and not colorful clothes and not wear makeup.
  12. It is forbidden to resort to magic during menstruation.
  13. When activating the plot “how to punish a thief”, be sure to put in “protection” from opposition, otherwise the forces directed towards the thief may return to you and cause harm.
  14. The prayer that must be read before pronouncing the conspiracy must be spoken in front of the icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Kazan Mother of God. It will not be superfluous if there are other icons of God’s Holy Helpers in the house.
  15. When executing conspiracies to ensure that the thief returns everything stolen, try to have church candles and silver objects in the house. And yes, don't forget about holy water.
  16. You need to read the plot from the thief clearly, slowly and without hesitation. Therefore, it is best to memorize the magical text.

Conspiracies against theft

Unfortunately, today there is practically no reliable protection against thieves. New methods of restricting access to their apartments are literally “seen out” by thieves in a matter of days, and they can easily operate in the house, taking away everything they like.

And even if there is reliable protection against thieves, a modern security system or something like that, then you will have to pay a lot of money for it, which not everyone can afford. What should people do in this case who cannot afford expensive protection? How to protect the territory of your home from intruders? There is a way out - you can drive away the thief with a strong conspiracy. If you have already become a victim of dishonest people, then with the help of magic you can find out who stole the money and how to find the thief. Also, using a strong magical ritual, you can punish thieves who took things out of the house.

Conspiracy of this kind is quite simple to carry out, but at the same time they have an amazing effect.

Locking the doors of the house with a magic lock

Do you want to get rid of thieves forever? Thanks to this magical ritual, you can protect the territory of your home from all kinds of encroachments by dishonest people.

To activate this magical act, you will need several old keys, the number of which should match the number of locks on the doors of your house. Next, standing near each lock in turn, touching the keyhole with the corresponding key, we pronounce the following words: “I lock with the key, I close with words. From dashing people I hide all the doors, all the goods, all that is mine. So that anyone who encroaches on my property will pass by. Let everything turn against dishonest people!”

So, after spending similar procedure near each door, we collect all the keys together and tie them with a red ribbon. Afterwards, we hide the magic bundle in a secret place inaccessible to everyone.

A security magic lock that is placed on the house will once and for all keep thieves away from the house.

The simplest magic rituals from thieves

To protect the territory of your home from a thief, when leaving your apartment, linger on the threshold and, holding the doorknob, say the following words three times:

“Give up the hands and feet of the thief in my house. Let him pass by my door, let him not be able to enter the house.”

This conspiracy creates an invisible veil against theft.

The second way to scare away dishonest people. Before you leave the house, place an empty glass and a salt shaker on the kitchen table, and then say the following spell:

“A thief will come into my house, I will treat him with salt, but I will not offer him water!”

Conspiracy for valuables from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova – Siberian healer who are asked for help great amount people with problems of various nature. Someone goes to a healer to bring back a loved one, she helped someone find happiness and good luck.

Natalya Stepanova also has a conspiracy that helps protect this or that valuable thing from the attacks of dishonest people.

A strong conspiracy from thieves.

Seduce your home from thieves. Home protection ritual. A talisman against theft. Magic at home.

Protecting your home from thieves and robbers. CONSPIRACY.

So, to do this, you need to put a precious object in the middle of the table, cross yourself three times and, looking at the value, say the following words:

"How dead man I can’t get away from the coffin, so this thing won’t be lost from me. Let the hands of a criminal thief become dead, like those of a dead man. The dead man will not be able to raise his hand, he will never raise it, and the thief-criminal will not be able to take away my thing. Stand as my amulet for the criminal thief, serve me from now on, and tie the criminal thief’s arms and legs!”

We punish the thief

If you were unable to protect your property and thieves have already been in your house, cottage or garden plot, then you can resort to the power of this ritual of punishing intruders. With its help, you have the opportunity not only to find and punish thieves, but also to return the stolen property back to your home.

To activate this ritual you need to take 7 knives. We lay them out on the kitchen table so that the sharp edge of each of them “looks” at to different parties. Afterwards you need to say a conspiracy:

“Like on a seashore, on a river, in a steel chest, 7 flint knives, 7 defenders of one and equal. I open the chest, take out my iron friends, and direct them into business. Having become my amulet, you will approach everyone who has committed an atrocity and laid their hands on my property. Let them search for the burglar until one of them finds him. Wherever he is, he cannot escape punishment. Help me catch the evil one with a knife, find him, and when you find him, cut his knives lengthwise and crosswise. So that he returns the stolen goods in my house and does not hide anything. My defense is as strong as a block of stone, it cannot be removed or broken!”

Having carried out the conspiracy according to all the rules, don’t even doubt it, magic will punish the person who visited the house and took away the property.

We return our property

If you notice something missing in the house, don’t worry, with the help of this magical fortune-telling you can find out who was in the house and return the stolen property.

To force the person who stole things to return them, you need to take a church candle, light it and, as if cutting the flame with a dull knife, say the following words:

“Let me see in a dream who stole, who took my things. Find me and take the knife from me, otherwise I will wound your darling, like a tractor cuts through a vegetable garden while ploughing. My words are strong, like a block of stone, they cannot be removed or broken!”

After reading the plot, you need to hide the cutlery under the pillow and try to remain silent until the morning awakening. And if you did everything correctly, then that same night you will have a dream that will tell you the appearance of the enemies and the place where they are located.

Conspiracy to identify the thief

Thanks to this magical act, identifying enemies who have been in the house and stolen property will be very quick and simple. So, we prepare 3 sunflower flowers and before going to bed, put them under the pillow. And in a dream you will imagine the thief and his location.

In the morning, before leaving the house, tap the opposite side of the broom (the one that is not swept) three times on the floor and say the following phrase:

“Everything is closed, locked, I can’t see with my eyes, I can’t clean it with my hands, I can’t take anything away from my house.”

Charms against thieves

Magic acts against theft are effective and at the same time simple to perform. But together with them, you can protect your home from uninvited guests by making a talisman.

Herbal mixture

To make a herbal amulet that can protect your home from thieves, take a rag bag, preferably blue and medium in size (if you don’t find one in the store, you can easily sew it yourself), and fill it with a special herbal mixture for which you will need:

  • a pair of flowers taken from garlic arrows;
  • a small handful of thistles;
  • small chicory root;
  • a handful of cumin seeds.

We grind the components into powder, and when you fill the bag with it, read these words:

“I implore you, protect my house from thieves. There will be no robberies here. Let all who covet my property not cross the threshold of my house.”

Hide the amulet near the front door so that no one will find it.


Take a glass container and fill it to the top with threads of different colors. The main thing is that the threads must be natural (not artificial material). We put this amulet in the locker. And rest assured, from now on, not a single thief will appear in the room.


Brownies have long settled in people's homes. But in order for him to protect his home from dishonest people, you need to please him by charming the toy. So, taking the doll in our hands, we speak the amulet with these words:

“Father Brownie, I present you with a simple gift, play with it and have fun, but don’t forget. Serve as a servant, protect my home from anyone who wants to take possession of my property.”

We place the enchanted amulet-toy in the hallway. We wish you good luck and good health!

Theft has existed as long as man himself has existed. For some, theft is a kind of entertainment, for others it is the main means of earning money, and for others it is a disease that is very difficult to get rid of.

Not everyone knows that there is a special magic that allows you not only to punish a thief, but also to return a missing item. A conspiracy aimed at returning stolen property is often the last opportunity to get an expensive item back.
At the same time, it is important to remember that such magical rituals can only be used if the item was actually stolen. Using rituals when the item was simply lost will result in a lot of trouble for the magician himself, so you need to be extremely careful.

When should this ritual be performed?

If you are sure that the item or things have actually been stolen, a special ritual should be performed as soon as possible.
All things retain the energy of their owner for some time, with the help of which you can force a thief to return what was stolen.

If the ritual is performed in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unlucky item, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.
There are times when a thief does throw away stolen items. In this case, your item will still get to you sooner or later, and the thief himself will still for a long time will be haunted by troubles and failures. In the world of thieves there is even a corresponding sign, which says that one should not throw away a stolen thing that has brought misfortune, otherwise he will soon be overtaken by retribution or imprisonment.

Carrying out a conspiracy

This ritual can be performed at any time of the day and during any lunar cycle; the main thing is that the ritual must be performed as quickly as possible after the theft is discovered.
Need to write to clean slate paper the word “thief” and draw a silhouette of a person under it. In front of you you need to put an icon and several church candles. Right hand hold it over a sheet of paper and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them stab his heart, let them chop him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives away everything he took. That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, cursed by the land of the saint, by the spell of Ararat, by scorched brick, by swamp mud, by flammable ash, by a mill dam, by a bottomless house, and by a bathhouse jug. You become crooked, thief, lame, stunned, stupefied, thin. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, it’s not your death to die, you’ll be nailed to a board with rusty nails, withered stronger than grass, frozen stronger than ice. Once you return what was stolen from the servant of God (name), only then will you live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading last words you need to put the sheet with the drawing in a safe place where no one can find it.

If you are sure that the item or things have actually been stolen, a special ritual should be performed as soon as possible. All things retain the energy of their owner for some time, with the help of which you can force a thief to return what was stolen.

Magic affects objects, and they will bring all kinds of trouble to the thief.

If the ritual is performed in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unlucky item, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.

If you have been robbed, this plot will help you return what was stolen. After you read this plot, the thief himself will try to give you the stolen item as quickly as possible, so he will start to get sick. This spell is best used if you suspect someone you know is stealing, since this magic does not have strong consequences.

"Neither Sunday, nor Tuesday, nor Wednesday. Amen.
There is a fiery house in the field,
No one enters this house
No one comes out of it.
The grandfather sits in it without strength, without legs, without arms,
No one sees or hears his torment.
He himself takes away my strength from the thief,
He squeezes all the blood out of his hands and feet.
Pulls his veins, drinks his strength,
He looks at him and says:
- You, thief, give back what you stole,
What he took from (so-and-so) without asking.
And until you return the good to her,
Don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t drink, let your eyes flow with tears,
And let the pain bother your body,
It aches, hurts, burns like fire day and night.
You can’t rest for a moment from this pain,
Until (the name of the one who was robbed) her goods will not be returned.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A strong conspiracy to return stolen property

This spell is very effective. He has already helped many people get theirs back, and he will help you too. The spell is read nine times into the open window:

"Like fires burn in open field, so you too burn, wriggle, wear yourself out from your deeds. As birds fly over the blue sea, so fly, fly to me, don’t stumble. If something is stolen, try to return it home. Let your hands wither and your legs become deaf until you come to me. Let the thoughts scare you evil dream keep asking until you return my item. So that you don’t sleep, don’t eat, don’t go for walks, and don’t want to take someone else’s. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

After reading this plot, the thief will soon give you your item.

If the money is stolen

When your money is stolen, it is very difficult to get it back, but it is possible. If you perform such a ritual, the money can be returned, however, it may come to you not necessarily from the thief, but from a completely different source. To perform the ritual, you will need a pinch of Thursday salt, which is poured onto a white plate, and seven candles are lit around it. While they are burning, you should visualize how the amount of money that you lost appears in your wallet. As you do this, repeat the following words:

“The devil took it and ran. He ran into the threshold, tripped and rolled over. Yes, the wallet fell out of my paws, and right onto my fence. His horns and hooves were broken - his strength was broken. He won’t get up, won’t turn around, but he keeps whining and whining and blaming himself for everything. That devil (the thief’s name, if known, but if not, then you need to say the word “thief”) is brother. He would be glad to help him, but they are tied with one rope, stealing now is awkward! I’ll set the devil on fire, but the thief himself will remain, but he won’t be able to cope with his guilt! What he stole, he will return and dive to hell. Amen!"

They read the spell so many times until all the candles burn out. If you know who stole the money, then you can pour salt on that person’s doorstep, and if a stranger stole it, then the salt is taken to the cemetery and poured onto any old grave. When leaving the cemetery, they don’t look back. What was stolen will definitely be returned.

Remember that turning to magic for help too often can have a negative impact on both your health and other areas of your life. Resort to magical rituals only when no other solutions to pressing problems are foreseen.

Force a person to return property

Collect all the knives that are in the house, put them in a basin, pour in water, and place the basin on the stove. There should be enough water to cover the knives. And read it forty times. Pour the water out the gate (for those who live in apartments, out the front door.) Do this for 3 days.

Oh, you damask knives, you cut and stab everything,
to white bones, to red blood.
Go, knives, to the thief, chop and stab to the bone,
to the point of blood, so that he would give back what he had stolen, everything that he had taken from me.
Be you, thief, cursed: with forty prayers, forty slander, forty wards, forty funeral services, forty curses,
the most powerful conspiracy, boiling resin,
flammable ash, painful disease.
Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and push
mortal melancholy to the grave.
Take it with a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is especially effective when read at the scene of the loss.

For safety

When closing the lock

"A fence made of crosses, Savior at the door. Angels guard, saints protect me. Heart of a thief, stop, Link your legs together. Passions for you, misfortunes for you, Forget how to breathe, forget how to walk, Forget how to run. Forget yourself and my name. May my curse befall you. South is your west, east is your north.
My word is strong and sculpted to the deed.

A strong conspiracy against thieves before leaving home

This strong conspiracy protecting the house from thieves. You need to read the plot after you have left the door of your house in order to leave for a long time. It is very important that you do not wear any gold or silver jewelry while reading the plot.
When you turn the key in the door lock, whisper:

“Whoever approaches the door with evil, let him find destruction here, in the name of the Holy Spirit, I lock this door. Let no one except me, the servant of God (his name), be able to open this door. Amen, amen, amen.”

Then cross the door three times and silently leave the entrance. The main thing is don’t look back, if you look back at least once, the conspiracy will not help you and your house will definitely be robbed by dashing people.

A good plot against pickpockets

The first thing you need to remember is that this spell can be used if you have a cross on your body. For unbaptized people, the conspiracy will not help.
When you go out with a large amount of money, say the following:

“The cross is on me, the cross is in the window, whoever takes my money will die from this cross. Amen, Amen, Amen.”

Against pickpockets, you can use another conspiracy every day, which you need to cast on your wallet or bag:

“In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image, whoever offends me by stealing will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”