To travel to the Moscow Central Circle, you can use regular travel tickets and social cards. Procedure for using travel tickets on the Moscow Central Circle

Certificate of disability

To complete the picture, it is necessary to add that the retired lieutenant colonel of justice received disability due to a serious illness. A 61-year-old man's heart still beats only because he has a artificial valve. Nikolai Dmitrievich has been enjoying the right to free travel for several years, and now for the first time he is faced with the fact that at the MCC there is a “special” attitude towards people with disabilities - you have to stand in line at the ticket office, dig through documents in the cold to find the necessary certificate- “comfortable environment”, and that’s all.

“NI” turned to the Moscow authorities for clarification, and received a response from the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro”. That is, the organization whose services in the metro all disabled pensioners near Moscow use without any presentation of certificates. And this is how the head of the press service, Nadezhda Dorzhieva, answered the question about why it is necessary to present a certificate of disability at the MCC:

"On Moskovsky central ring discounted travel is provided for maximum number citizens, which is unique for urban transport. On the MCC, all available Moscow benefits valid for travel on the metro are valid, and the right to preferential travel is also granted to beneficiaries federal level. This became possible thanks to amendments to the orders of the Russian Ministry of Transport, according to which city transport tickets became valid on the railway infrastructure.

The right to preferential travel on the Moscow Central Circle can be used by categories of preferential citizens of Moscow who have the right to preferential travel on the metro (according to Moscow Government Decree No. 452-PP).

Also, the right to free or discounted travel can be used by those categories of citizens for whom such a right is established by federal legislation, i.e. federal beneficiaries other regions. travel documents are issued at the ticket office upon presentation of documents confirming the right to the benefit: an identity document (passport, birth certificate); a document confirming the right to receive benefits; certificates Pension Fund, approved by resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund Russian Federation from 02.11.2006 No. 261p.

To obtain this ticket, you must contact the MCC ticket office.

As for the provision of preferential travel in suburban and city transport for citizens who are not beneficiaries at the federal level, this is the right of the region for its residents.

The provision of such benefits for residents of the Moscow region is carried out, accordingly, by the government of the Moscow region.

The Moscow city government, in turn, does not have the right to provide the so-called. “regional” benefits for residents of other regions of the Russian Federation.

The provision of the right to preferential travel is implemented by concluding an appropriate agreement between the region and the organization providing transportation, in which the parties stipulate what documents and where “preferential” passengers must present them.

The Moscow Region region has not concluded such agreements on the MCC for its residents.”

It follows from the answer that the Moscow Region government has not entered into any agreement with the MCC. But, at the same time, it seems to us, it does not follow at all that the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro” did not have the slightest opportunity to equip its turnstiles with such a device so that disabled people could easily enter the platform. What if a disabled person uses a wheelchair, and what if he hears poorly or doesn’t hear at all? Who will explain to him what they want from him and why they don’t let him in? And if a disabled person simply did not take such a certificate with him, should he pay for something that he has the right to use for free?

We have deliberately given this long answer so that the reader can decide for himself whether it even contains answers to the questions that NI asked? Here are our questions:

1. What is the rationale for introducing such rules?

2. Isn’t this a discriminatory measure against pensioners near Moscow? After all, no one asks Muscovites for such information?

3. Does the Moscow Department of Transport plan to abandon this practice, and if so, when?

4. Does the Moscow Department of Transport plan to make an official apology to pensioners who suffered from ill-conceived rules for using the MCC?

Nikolai Dmitrievich now carries his disability certificate with him all the time: “What outrages me is that every time I have to go to the ticket office and get a one-time ticket, it’s somehow outdated and humiliating.”

The MCC project is, one might say, “newborn”. And, not surprisingly, it has shortcomings. Another thing is surprising - from the answer of its owners, we still did not understand whether the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro” even considers such a situation problematic, requiring, as “NI” seems, an immediate solution.

Approved by the order of the acting First Deputy Head of the Metro for Strategic Development and Client Work dated January 11, 2018 No. UD-08-8/19

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedure for using travel tickets on the Moscow Central Circle (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the rules for using travel tickets for travel on the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (Moscow Central Circle) (hereinafter referred to as the MCC).

1.2. The following travel tickets are sold at the MCC ticket office:

1.2.1. Unified travel tickets for travel on a trolleybus, bus, tram in city traffic and on adjacent interregional routes of regular transport in suburban traffic (except for routes No. 510 and No. 510e in suburban traffic), on the metro, monorail transport system, MCC (hereinafter referred to as Unified travel tickets tickets):

For 1, 2, 60 trips;

No limit on trips on trams, buses, trolleybuses and no more than 70 trips on the metro and/or monorail transport system and/or MCC for 1 calendar month;

No travel limit for 1, 3 days, 30, 90, 365 days;

1.2.2. Preferential travel ticket for students without a travel limit for 1, 3 calendar months;

1.2.3. Preferential travel ticket for students for 1 trip to the MCC (valid only for the MCC);

1.2.4. Travel ticket "Wallet", which gives the right to travel on a trolleybus, bus, tram in the city
communication and on adjacent interregional routes of regular transportation in suburban traffic (except for routes No. 510 and No. 510e in suburban traffic), metro, monorail transport system, MCC within the limits of the amount paid (hereinafter referred to as the “Wallet” travel ticket).

Unified travel tickets and the Wallet travel ticket are also sold at specialized ticket sales points of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, ticket offices of the Moscow Metro, and the Moscow Monorail Transport System.

1.3. Travel tickets (with the exception of discounted travel tickets for students without a travel limit for 1, 3 calendar months) are sold in electronic form by recording them on travel document carriers:

1.3.1. on a paper ticket form;

1.3.2. to the Troika transport card;

1.3.3. to other carriers of travel documents (keychains, bracelets, rings, tokens, etc.) with a transport application.

The Troika transport card is a contactless smart card designed for recording travel tickets for transport common use in city traffic, including the metro, monorail transport system and commuter electric trains, including the MCC, as well as for receiving an individual city ​​services (hereinafter also referred to as the Troika transport card).

Transport application is a special program placed on plastic payment cards and other tangible media within the framework of joint projects with partners State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", which allows you to record travel tickets purchased at tariffs approved by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in accordance with With current legislation of the Russian Federation, for travel on public transport in urban traffic, including the metro, monorail transport system, and commuter electric trains, including the MCC (hereinafter referred to as the transport application).

WITH public offer The use of the Troika transport card and other cards containing a transport application can be found on the official website of the Moscow Metro in the section Fare payment/Troyka Transport Card and on the official website of the Unified Transport Portal in the Metropolitan and MCC section http://transport.mos .ru .

1.4. The following can be recorded on the Troika transport card and other media (keychains, bracelets, rings, tokens, etc.) that have a transport application:

Single travel tickets for 1, 2, 60 trips;

Unified travel tickets without a travel limit for 30, 90, 365 days;

Travel ticket "Wallet".

1.5. The following can be written on a paper ticket form:

Unified travel tickets with no limit on trips on trams, buses, trolleybuses and no more than 70 trips on the metro and/or monorail transport system and/or MCC for 1 calendar month;

Single travel tickets for 1, 2 trips;

Unified travel tickets without a travel limit for 1, 3 days;

Preferential travel tickets for students for 1 trip.

1.6. Unified travel tickets without a limit of trips on a tram, bus, trolleybus and no more than 70 trips on the metro and/or monorail transport system and/or MCC for 1 calendar month are sold from the 18th day of the month preceding the period of validity of the ticket until the 8th day inclusive of the month validity of the travel ticket.

1.7. Preferential travel tickets for students and students for 1 trip to the MCC for full-time students and students are sold from September 1 to June 15 inclusive upon presentation of a document confirming entitlement preferential payment directions:

Preferential travel tickets for students for 1 trip to the MCC for full-time students in residency programs, programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies), are implemented upon provision of a social card of a resident, graduate student (hereinafter referred to as SKO, SKA).

Preferential travel tickets for students for 1 trip to the MCC are valid for travel with a document confirming the right to receive benefits.

1.8. Travel for citizens entitled to free travel or reduced fares is carried out using a Muscovite social card (hereinafter referred to as SCM), a social card for a resident of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as SKMO) and SCU, SKS, SKO, SKA issued by the Centers public services"My documents", authorities social protection population at the place of residence.

Preferential travel tickets for students without a travel limit for 1, 3 calendar months are sold only at SKU, SKS, SKO, SKA.

1.9. One-time discount tickets for citizens of the Russian Federation who have the right to free travel on suburban railway transport provided by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence, are issued upon presentation of:

Identity document;

A document confirming preferential status;

Certificates, a sample of which was approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2006 N 261p.

Single discount tickets for citizens of the Russian Federation, who are granted the right to free travel on suburban railway transport by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, are valid only on the MCC.

1.10. For the period of production and replacement of SCM, residents of the city of Moscow at the Public Service Centers of the city of Moscow “My Documents” or the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow are issued temporary unified social tickets (hereinafter referred to as UESB), which are valid for 30 days from the date of the first pass.

1.11. For the period of production and replacement of SKMO residents of the Moscow region, the social protection authorities of the population of the Moscow region are issued temporary unified social tickets for a resident of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as VESB MO), which have a validity period of 45 days from the date of the first pass.

1.12. In the event of a malfunction of the SCM, SKMO, VESB, VESB MO (except for cards/tickets that are canceled due to a stop list or that raise doubts about the authenticity), the owner is issued a one-time temporary discount ticket for travel in the metro, monorail transport system and MCC, valid for 3 days, including day of issue (hereinafter referred to as VLB).

1.13. VESB, VESB MO, VLB, one-time discount tickets for citizens of the Russian Federation, for whom the right to free travel on suburban railway transport is granted by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence, and discount tickets for students and students for 1 trip to the MCC are valid for travel in the presence of a document giving the right to receive benefits and an identity document.

1.14. In the event of a malfunction of the SKU, SKS, SKO, SKA (except for cards/tickets canceled by the stop list or raising doubts about the authenticity), the owner must contact the place where they were received.

1.15. Faulty SCM, SKMO, VESB, VESB MO must be contacted at the place where they were received.

1.16. When purchasing travel tickets at the MCC ticket office, you should pay attention to the information on the indicator installed at the ticket office window. When selling a travel ticket, the passenger is given a sheet with information about the type of travel ticket, the period of its use, the amount paid to pay for the travel ticket, the balance on the travel ticket and a control coupon.

1.17. Unified travel tickets provide the right to travel on public transport in urban traffic, including the metro, monorail transport system, and suburban traffic on the MCC, within the established travel limit and/or validity period of the ticket .

Each time you pass through the turnstile in any type of transport, one trip is deducted from the Unified travel ticket for 1, 2, 60 trips. At the same time, within the framework of one trip, it is possible to make transfers between the metro, monorail transport system and MCC without charging additional fares in accordance with Section 5 of this Procedure .

When using Unified travel tickets without a limit of trips on a tram, bus, trolleybus and no more than 70 trips on the metro and/or monorail transport system and/or MCC for 1 calendar month for each passage through the turnstile of the metro, monorail transport system or MCC with a travel ticket one trip is written off, and the number of trips by ground transport is not limited.

When using Unified travel tickets without a travel limit
for 1, 3 days, 30, 90, 365 days, the number of trips within the validity period of the ticket is not limited.

1.18. The “Wallet” travel ticket provides the right to travel on a tram, bus, trolleybus, metro, monorail transport system and MCC within the amount paid.

Each time you pass through a turnstile in any type of transport, a part of the balance equivalent to the cost of one trip at the established tariff is written off from the “Wallet” travel ticket.

Within the framework of one trip, it is possible to make transfers between the metro, the monorail transport system and the MCC without charging an additional fare in accordance with Section 5 of this Procedure.

The “Wallet” travel ticket provides the right to travel on a tram, bus, trolleybus, metro, monorail transport system and MCC at the “90 minutes” tariff with the possibility of making an unlimited number of transfers between the specified modes of transport (passes to the specified mode of transport) within one trip. within 90 minutes, subject to making only one pass to the metro, monorail transport system and MCC.

1.19. The validity period of the travel ticket and/or the number of remaining trips and/or the balance of the “Wallet” travel card can be checked at the information terminal in any lobby of the metro station, monorail transport system and MCC.

1.20. Travel ticket holders require careful and careful handling. They must not be subjected to extreme cooling or heating, placed in a humid or aggressive environment, bent, or exposed to mechanical stress or electromagnetic fields.

1.21. In case of damage to the paper form of the ticket through no fault of the carrier, a travel ticket with an unexpired validity period (except for the Unified travel ticket without a limit of trips on a tram, bus, trolleybus and no more than 70 trips on the metro and/or monorail transport system and/or MCC on 1 calendar month, Unified travel tickets without a travel limit for 1, 3 days) can be restored to any usable travel ticket carrier that has a transport application provided by the passenger at the Moscow Transport Service Center, provided that the damaged paper ticket form can be identified by number.

Travel tickets on paper forms that cannot be identified by number cannot be exchanged or restored, and their cost to the passenger is not reimbursed.

1.22. If the Troika transport card is damaged through no fault of the carrier, i.e. in the presence of mechanical, thermal, chemical or other damage, the travel tickets recorded on it (paid but unused) with an unexpired validity period can be restored to any usable travel ticket carrier that has a transport application provided by the passenger at the Service Center " Moscow Transport" provided that the damaged Troika transport card can be identified by number .

Travel tickets on Troika transport cards that cannot be identified by number cannot be exchanged or restored, and their cost is not refunded to the passenger.

1.23. If a paper ticket form or a non-personalized Troika transport card is lost, as well as other media with a transport application, the travel tickets written on them are not restored or blocked, and their cost is not reimbursed.

1.24. Travel tickets purchased by a passenger cannot be exchanged for other types of travel tickets.

2. Validity periods of travel tickets

2.1. Validity periods for all travel tickets for travel to public transport Moscow cities are established by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow.

2.2. Single travel tickets for 1 and 2 trips are valid for 5 days, including the day of sale.

2.3. Single travel tickets for 60 trips are valid for 45 days, including the day of sale.

2.4. Validity period of Unified travel tickets without travel limit
for 1, 3 days begins to be calculated from the moment of the first pass, but no later than 10 days from the date of sale, including the day of sale (no later than the date specified in the information sheet).

2.5. Validity period of Unified travel tickets without travel limit
for 30, 90, 365 days begins to be calculated from the date of sale, including the day of sale.

2.6. The validity period of the “Wallet” travel ticket begins to be calculated from the moment of production for the validity period of the information carrier.

If the “Wallet” travel ticket has not been replenished for 5 years, you must re-activate the “Wallet” travel ticket by contacting Service center"Moscow Transport" or by topping up the "Wallet" travel card.

2.7. Preferential travel tickets for students for 1 trip to the MCC are valid on the day of sale.

2.8. Single discount tickets for citizens of the Russian Federation, who are granted the right to free travel on suburban railway transport by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, are valid on the day of issue.

2.9. Travel ticket "Wallet" and Unified travel tickets
1, 2, 60 trips do not have a delay interval for re-pass.

Unified travel tickets without a travel limit for 1, 3 days have
20 minute delay interval for re-pass.

Unified travel tickets without a travel limit for 30, 90, 365 days have a 7-minute delay interval for re-entry.

All social cards, except for social cards for disabled people of group I (III degree of disability) and children of disabled people aged
up to 18 years of age, temporary unified social tickets and temporary tickets have
7 minute delay interval for re-pass.

3. The procedure for paying for travel tickets and recording travel tickets on media

3.1. You can pay for travel tickets and record them on travel ticket carriers at the ticket offices of the Moscow Metro, the Moscow Monorail Transport System, at specialized ticket sales points of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", at the ticket offices of the MCC (carrier JSC Russian Railways).

In addition, you can pay for and record the “Wallet” travel ticket on a medium in ticket vending machines installed at metro stations, the monorail transport system and the MCC, using terminals, cash desks of agents of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro” (if the agent has the technical capability register a travel ticket), information about which is posted on the website

Also top up your balance "Wallet" travel ticket can be accessed remotely on the website and using terminals, ticket offices and other functionality of agents of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", information about which is posted on the website ( remote replenishment).

It is necessary to activate (record) the remote replenishment of a “Wallet” travel ticket on a medium at information terminals and ticket vending machines installed in the lobbies of metro stations, the monorail transport system and the MCC.

One-time discount tickets for citizens of the Russian Federation, who are granted the right to free travel on suburban railway transport by the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, and discount tickets for students for 1 trip to the MCC are paid for and issued only at the MCC ticket office.

3.2. Transport card "Troika" to record any travel ticket transferred to the passenger for temporary use, from the passenger A security deposit for the Troika transport card in the amount of 50 rubles is charged. The deposit value of the Troika transport card can be returned to the passenger upon return of a functional and undamaged Troika transport card. at any ticket office of the metro, monorail transport system, MCC or at specialized ticket sales points of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", regardless of the place of receipt for temporary use.

Troika transport cards that are not marketable are not accepted for return: mechanical damage(dents, holes, missing part of the specified card, deep scratches, cracks, breaks, strong bends, etc.), chemical, thermal damage to plastic, damaged appearance(presence of stickers, stickers, inscriptions, ink stains, paint, etc.).

Attention! When returning a Troika transport card, the cost of paid but unused travel tickets written to the Troika transport card by the passenger cannot be returned/reimbursed to the passenger.

3.3. The cost of transportation services paid by the passenger, but not yet provided to him, on public transport in urban traffic, including the metro, monorail transport system, and suburban traffic, including the MCC, when using the “Wallet” travel ticket cannot exceed 3,000 rubles and be less than 1 ruble. In this case, the amount of replenishment of the “Wallet” travel ticket must be a multiple of 1 ruble.

3.4. On the Troika transport card or other media with a transport application, no more than two Unified travel tickets and one Wallet travel ticket can be stored simultaneously.

for 30, 90, 365 days is possible not only after the expiration of the previously recorded Unified Travel Ticket without a travel limit for 30, 90, 365 days, but also during the last 30 days of its validity, while the validity period of the new Unified Travel Ticket begins to count after the expiration of the first Unified Travel Ticket.

Register a new Unified travel ticket without a travel limit
for 30, 90, 365 days, if you have a previously recorded Single Travel Ticket with a travel limit, you can at any time. The validity period of the second Unified Travel Ticket without a travel limit begins to be calculated after the expiration of the validity period/number of trips of the first Unified Travel Ticket.

You can register a new Single Travel Ticket with a travel limit if you have a previously recorded Single Travel Ticket with a travel limit at any time. The validity period of the second Unified travel ticket with a travel limit begins to be calculated from the date of registration of the Unified travel ticket, including the day of sale, the write-off of trips from the second Unified travel ticket with a travel limit begins after the expiration of the validity period/number of trips of the first Unified travel ticket.

You can register a new Single Travel Ticket with a travel limit, if you have a previously recorded Single Travel Ticket without a travel limit for 30, 90, 365 days, at any time. The validity period of the second Unified travel ticket with a travel limit begins to be calculated from the date of registration of the Unified travel ticket, including the day of sale, the write-off of trips from the second Unified travel ticket with a travel limit begins after the expiration of the first Unified travel ticket.

The “Wallet” travel ticket begins to be valid only after the expiration of the validity period/number of trips recorded on the Troika transport card or other media with a transport application, Unified travel tickets, which in turn are valid in the order of their recording on the Troika transport card or other media with a transport application.

4. Procedure for using travel tickets

4.1. Travel tickets are intended for access to all metro stations, monorail transport system and MCC through turnstiles.

To pass through the turnstile you must:

Make sure that the control device is in its original state (the red indicator is on, the green indicator is off, the information “Attach the ticket to the yellow circle” is displayed on the screen);

Apply the medium on which the travel ticket is written, either side to the control device (yellow circle) for a sufficient time for the device to operate;

Make sure that the green indicator lights up, and the screen displays a number showing the number of remaining trips (for Unified travel tickets for 1, 2, 60 trips) or the validity period (for Unified travel tickets without a limit of trips);

Go through the turnstile;

If the green indicator does not light up, but a sound signal is heard and there is no permission to pass (the red indicator is on, the information “Re-attach the ticket to the yellow circle” is displayed on the screen), you must re-attach the ticket to the same control device, make sure that the green indicator lights up , and go through the turnstile.


When using the transport application on bank cards Oh, mobile phones and other media, in order to correctly read recorded travel tickets, you must use turnstiles with a yellow circle;

To travel using bank cards and carriers that have a banking application and do not have recorded travel tickets, you can use turnstiles without a yellow circle with installed joint devices for reading bank cards or electronic funds from payment (bank) cards, with contactless payment technology through a control device (validator ); each time you pass through the turnstile, the fare is debited in accordance with the tariffs established by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

When using SKM, SKMO, SKS, SKU, SKO, SKA, including those with a banking application, to exercise the right of free/preferential travel, you must use only turnstiles with a yellow circle.

4.2. If the ticket does not work, the passenger must contact the ticket office of the metro, monorail transport system, or MCC. If a travel ticket recorded on a Troika transport card or other media with a transport application does not work, the passenger can also contact the Passenger Agency of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, the specialized ticket sales points of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans or the Moscow Transport Service Center.

4.3. Passengers with travel tickets canceled according to the stop list are sent to the Moscow Transport Service Center to clarify the reason for the cancellation.

5. The procedure for organizing transfers when traveling on the metro, monorail transport system and MCC within the framework of one trip

5.1. Within the framework of one trip, it is possible to make transfers without charging additional fares:

5.1.1. From any metro station to the MCC station, which is part of the transport hubs "Avtozavodskaya", "Botanical Garden", "Vladykino", "Voykovskaya" ("Baltiyskaya"), "Dubrovka", "Izmailovsky Park" ("Izmailovo") , “Kutuzovo” (“Kutuzovskaya”), “Luzhniki”, “Novopeschanaya” (“Sorge”), “Okruzhnaya”, “Open Highway” (“Rokossovsky Boulevard”), “Gagarin Square”, “Ryazanskaya” (“Nizhegorodskaya” ), "City" (Business Center), "Khodynka" (Panfilovskaya), "Khoroshevo", "Cherkizovo" (Lokomotiv), "Shelepikha", "Entuziastov Highway", "Park of Legends" (Zil "), "Varshavskoe Highway" ("Verkhnie Kotly"), "Volgogradskaya" ("Ugreshskaya").

5.1.2. From any MCC station to the metro stations that are part of the transport hubs Avtozavodskaya, Botanical Garden, Volgogradsky Prospekt, Vladykino, Voykovskaya, Dubrovka, Izmailovsky Park, Kozhukhovskaya, Kutuzovo", "Luzhniki", "Nagatinskaya", "Oktyabrskoe Pole", "Okruzhnaya", "Open Highway", "Victory Park", "Gagarin Square", "Ryazanskaya", "City", "Technopark", "Khoroshevskaya" , “Cherkizovo”, “Shelepikha”, “Highway Enthusiasts”.

5.1.3. From any metro station and MCC station to a station of the monorail transport system " Exhibition Center", "Timiryazevskaya", "Milashenkova Street".

5.1.4. From any station of the monorail transport system to the metro stations "VDNH", "Timiryazevskaya", "Fonvizinskaya", to the MCC station, which are part of the transport hubs "Okruzhnaya", "Vladykino", "Botanical Garden", "Yaroslavskaya" (" Rostokino").

5.2. When traveling on the metro, monorail transport system and MCC, transfers specified in clause 5.1 of the Procedure are carried out without charging an additional fee when validating the ticket, subject to following conditions:

5.2.1. When transferring between the metro, the monorail transport system and the MCC, other types of public transport are not used.

5.2.2. When transferring between the metro, the monorail transport system and the MCC, no more than one entrance is made to the stations of the MCC and (or) the monorail transport system.

5.2.3. When traveling on the metro, monorail transport system and MCC, no more than two passes are made on the metro, including the monorail transport system, provided that between these passes a trip to the MCC was made.

5.2.4. The time interval from the moment of entering one of the metro stations, monorail transport system, MCC until the moment of entering the station last transplant between the metro, monorail transport system, MCC is no more than 90 minutes.

5.3. When traveling by metro, a transfer between metro stations that are part of the Petrovsky Park transport hub is carried out without charging an additional fee, if the time interval from the moment of entering one of the metro stations to the moment of entering one of the specified metro stations is no more 90 minutes.

1 - Including for citizens studying full-time in educational programs residency programs, training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) in accordance with Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 15, 2015 No. 880-PP.

Issues of forming a ticket menu, definitions preferential categories citizens and the conditions for transferring to other types of urban public transport when traveling along the (MCC) were discussed at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

“We continue to prepare for the launch of the MCC - the Moscow Central Circle - a surface metro, 50 kilometers in the middle part of Moscow. One of the largest infrastructure projects. It is suggested to save everything existing benefits on transport for the Moscow Central Circle, although it is under dual jurisdiction - the metro, the city and the “Russian railways" Nevertheless, I think that it is important to preserve the city unified system providing benefits. This is the first. And secondly, it is necessary to provide free transfer from the metro to the MCC and back. Plus, determine the ticket menu, which will work in the near future,” said.

Two draft Government resolutions were proposed for consideration. “The first is the use of Moscow metro tickets, which everyone is accustomed to, all Muscovites and guests of the city without exception. These tickets will be valid for travel on the Moscow Central Circle. This means that the Troika card and the entire ticket menu that is available in the Moscow Metro will be valid on the MCC. And as you instructed us, a transfer between the Moscow metro, the Moscow monorail and the MCC within 90 minutes after the first validation, respectively - this transfer will be valid,” explained the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, head of the capital.

Thus, the decree of the Moscow Government establishes the same fare for travel on the Moscow Metro and the MCC using standard city tickets (“United”, “90 minutes”, “Troika”), as well as a free transfer from the MCC to the metro and monorail, subject to the following conditions:

— between trips by metro and MCC no other types of public transport are used;

— no more than one pass through the turnstiles of MCC and monorail stations is allowed;

— no more than two passes through the turnstiles of Moscow Metro stations (including the monorail) are allowed, provided that there was a trip between them on the MCC;

— the right to a free transfer is valid for 90 minutes from the moment of the first passage through the turnstile.

Thus, passengers will be able to make free transfers when traveling on the following routes:

— metro — MCC — metro;

— metro — MCC;

— MCC — metro — monorail;

— monorail — metro — MCC — metro;

- similar routes.

Interchange nodes of the central ring, the Moscow metro and the monorail have also been identified, at which free transfers will operate.

Among them:

- stations "Exhibition Center", "Timiryazevskaya" monorail - for transferring passengers from the metro and MCC;

— MCC stations that are part of the transport hub: Avtozavodskaya, Botanical Garden, Vladykino, Voikovskaya, Dubrovka, Izmailovsky Park, Kutuzovo, Luzhniki, Novopeschanaya, Okruzhnaya, Otkrytoe Shosse, Gagarin Square, Ryazanskaya, City, Khodynka, Khoroshevo, Cherkizovo, Shelepikha, Shosse Enthusiasts - for transferring passengers from the metro;

— metro stations “Avtozavodskaya”, “Botanical Garden”, “Rokossovsky Boulevard”, “Vladykino”, “Voikovskaya”, “Dubrovka”, “Kutuzovskaya”, “ Leninsky Prospekt", "Mezhdunarodnaya", "Oktyabrskoe Pole", "Partizanskaya", "Polezhaevskaya", "Sportivnaya", "Khoroshevskaya", "Cherkizovskaya", "Shosse Entuziastov" - for transferring passengers from the MCC;

— metro stations “VDNKh”, “Timiryazevskaya”, MCC stations Okruzhnaya, Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Yaroslavskaya - for transferring passengers from the monorail.

The MCC stations still have working names. Before the opening of the ring, some of them plan to rename. In particular, instead of Voykovskaya there should be Baltiyskaya, instead of Izmailovsky Park - Izmailovo, instead of Kutuzovo station - Kutuzovskaya, instead of Novopeschanaya - Zorge, instead of Open Highway - Rokossovsky Boulevard. They plan to call Ryazanskaya Nizhegorodskaya, City - Business Center, Khodynka - Panfilovskaya, and Cherkizovo - Lokomotiv. In addition, all benefit recipients—residents of Moscow—will be entitled to free or discounted travel on the MCC in their usual form using a Muscovite social card or a student social card.

For Muscovites benefiting from benefits, travel on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) will remain free. As the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin emphasized, it is very important to maintain a unified system of providing benefits in the city and to ensure free transfer from the metro to the city train and back, RIA Novosti reports.

“It is proposed to maintain all existing transport benefits for the Moscow Central Circle... It is important to maintain a unified system of providing benefits in the city. And secondly: to ensure free transfer from the metro to the MCC and back”, - said Sergei Sobyanin at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

In turn, the head of the city department of transport and development of road infrastructure, Maxim Liksutov, said that two draft resolutions have already been developed on the use of metro tickets at the MCC and free boarding from the subway to the train and back within 90 minutes from the moment of the first validation, as well as the right to use benefits at the MCC of all benefit categories.

According to the portal, at a meeting of the presidium of the capital government it became known that more than three million beneficiaries, including pensioners, will receive the right to free travel on the MCC; disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War; participants in the defense of Moscow; home front workers; residents besieged Leningrad; former prisoners Nazi camps, prisons and ghettos; Heroes Soviet Union; Heroes of the Russian Federation; Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory of three degrees; labor veterans; honorary donors (USSR, Russia or Moscow); one of the parents and children from large families; orphans and children left without parental care, and their guardians (trustees); trainees and students.

The MCC will also have a Muscovite social card and student and schoolchild cards. It will be possible to pay for travel on the city train using a card “ Troika”, tickets “ United" And " 90 minutes".

The materials note that transfers from the MCC to the metro and monorail and back will be free in following cases: between trips by metro and MCC no other types of public transport are used; no more than one pass through the turnstiles of MCC and monorail stations is allowed; no more than two passes through the turnstiles of Moscow metro stations (including the monorail) are allowed, provided that there was a trip between them on the MCC; The right to a free transfer is valid for 90 minutes from the moment you first pass through the turnstile.

"Thus, passengers will be able to transfer for free when traveling on the following routes: metro - MCC - metro; metro - MCC; MCC - metro - monorail; monorail - metro - MCC - metro", - the message says.

Let us remind you that the launch of the city electric train - the Moscow Central Circle - is scheduled for September 10, 2016.

/ Monday, August 15, 2016 /

Topics: Public transport Medicine Metro MCC Sobyanin

On August 15, the Presidium of the Moscow Government determined who and in what cases will be able to transfer to the Moscow Central Circle for free, how much the journey will cost, and what tickets will be valid.
At the meeting it was decided that more than three million beneficiaries in the capital will receive the right to free travel on the MCC.
These are: pensioners;
disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
participants in the defense of Moscow;
home front workers;
residents of besieged Leningrad;
former prisoners of Nazi camps, prisons and ghettos;
Heroes of the Soviet Union;
Heroes of the Russian Federation;
Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory of three degrees;
labor veterans;
honorary donors (USSR, Russia or Moscow);
one of the parents and children from large families;
orphans and children left without parental care, and their guardians (trustees);
trainees and students
Also on the Moscow Central Circle there will be a social card for Muscovites and social cards for students and schoolchildren.
The cost of travel on the metro and on the MCC will be the same. In addition, standard city tickets will be available on the MCC - “ United", “90 minutes", “Troika”.
Among other things, transfers from the MCC to the metro and monorail and back will be free in the following cases:
No other types of public transport are used between trips by metro and MCC;
No more than one pass through the turnstiles of MCC and monorail stations is allowed;
No more than two passes through the turnstiles of Moscow Metro stations (including the monorail) are allowed, provided that a trip on the MCC took place between them;
The right to a free transfer is valid for 90 minutes from the moment you first pass through the turnstile.
. . . . .
At the meeting, the interchange nodes of the MCC, the Moscow Metro and the monorail were also identified, at which free transfers will operate.
Stations Exhibition Center, “Timiryazevskaya” monorail - for transferring passengers from the metro and MCC;
MCC stations included in the transport hub: “Avtozavodskaya”, Botanical Garden, “Vladykino”, “Voykovskaya”, “Dubrovka”, Izmailovsky Park, “Kutuzovo”, “Luzhniki ", “Novopeschanaya”, “District”, “Open Highway”, Gagarin Square, “Ryazan”, “City", “Khodynka”, “Khoroshevo”, “Cherkizovo”, “Shelepikha”, Highway Enthusiasts- for transferring passengers from the metro;
Metro stations “Avtozavodskaya”, Botanical Garden, Rokossovsky Boulevard, “Vladykino”, “Voykovskaya”, “Dubrovka”, “Kutuzovskaya”, Leninsky Prospekt, “International”, October Field, “Partisan”, “Polezhaevskaya”, “Sports", “Khoroshevskaya”, “Cherkizovskaya”, Highway Enthusiasts- for transferring passengers from the MCC;
VDNH metro stations, “Timiryazevskaya”, MCC station District”, “Vladykino”, Botanical Garden, “Yaroslavskaya”- for transferring passengers from the monorail.
Before the opening of the railway ring, some stations will receive new names. For example, instead of “ Voikovskaya” a station will open on the MCC Baltic”, “Izmailovo”- instead of Izmailovsky Park, “Kutuzovskaya”- instead of " Kutuzovo”. Stop “Novopeschanaya” will change the name to “ Sorge" , “Open Highway” on Rokossovsky Boulevard, “Ryazan” on - “Nizhny Novgorod”. Instead of " City" the station will open "Business center ", “Panfilovskaya”- instead of " Khodynki” And " Locomotive"- instead of " Cherkizovo”.
The launch of passenger traffic on the Moscow Central Circle is scheduled for September 10. The new ring railway line will become the second full-fledged metro circuit (after the Ring), which will be fully integrated into the capital’s subway system using transport hubs.

The Presidium of the Moscow Government has extended the benefits available on city public transport to travel along the Moscow Central Circle (MCC).

“We continue to prepare for the launch of the MCC. It is proposed to maintain existing transport benefits for the MCC, although it is under the jurisdiction of the metro, the city and Russian Railways. I believe that it is important to maintain a unified system of providing benefits in the city.”, - said the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin at a meeting of the presidium on Monday.

According to him, free transfers from the metro and monorail to the MCC will also be provided. "Plus a ticket menu that will be available soon"- added the mayor.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov proposed maintaining all existing transport benefits on the MCC, as well as using metro tickets on the ring.

"All tickets, including “ Troika”, and the remaining tickets will be valid on the MCC. At the same time, transfers between the metro, monorail and MCC and back within 90 minutes will be valid.", - said Liksutov.

He clarified that all beneficiaries will be able to use a Muscovite social card on the ring, as well as a student and schoolchild social card.

Benefit recipients in the Moscow region encountered difficulties getting to the MCC. Passengers from the region cannot use their social cards and are forced to confirm their right to benefits right at the turnstiles. The card does not work automatically, and people are required to provide documents as proof.

“You see: the ticket is faulty. Unfortunately, I encountered this problem on the very first day that the access system was introduced,” Tatyana learned that for everyone, but not for her, at the Rostokino station, on the very first day works of the Moscow Ring. The turnstile did not open for her and for hundreds of mothers with many children from the Moscow region. According to eyewitnesses, huge queues of beneficiaries lined up at the station.

“At the same time, the controllers themselves were confused about which category of beneficiaries should be allowed through. That is, they did not have clear instructions at that time. There was some chaos, some of us were simply allowed through the turnstile,” says Tatyana Sova.

Social cards for large families at MCC turnstiles do not work today. People go to the ticket offices of the metro and the Moscow Ring. The operators answer: there was no place on the list of beneficiaries for large families from the Moscow region.

"Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor, children from large families are residents of Moscow. That is, those with many children are only Muscovites, it turns out. Unfortunately, we don’t have any benefits for the Moscow region yet,” the cashier replies.

Tatyana Kordikova has four children. She travels with her two elders from Chekhov to the hospital. And this happens more than once a week. It was not possible to access the social card. I had to buy a ticket for three. With such a load family budget won't cope.

“To travel now, I had to pay 150 rubles for myself and two children. I have small children, I want to take them to the theater and the zoo, but I’m not able to pay that much every time,” admits mother of many children Tatiana Kordikova.

The MCC explained that according to the papers, the “Swallows” that run around the ring are considered commuter trains. And in order for regular city tickets to be valid there, a special order from the Ministry of Transport had to be issued.

“The right to preferential travel can be used by all beneficiaries of the city of Moscow who had the same benefits as in the metro, according to Decree No. 452-PP of the Moscow government, as well as holders of benefits at the federal level. This became possible thanks to amendments to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and made The situation on the Moscow Central Circle is unique, when all city benefits apply to the railway structure,” explains Dmitry Komendantov, Deputy Head of the Moscow Metro for Communications.

Large families from the Moscow region do not have the right to free travel on railway transport. And they just can’t feel that the MCC has essentially become another, the 14th metro line.

“We must understand that providing free travel on suburban railway transport is another measure social support, and, of course, providing such additional measure- This additional funds from the subject’s budget,” notes the minister social development Moscow region Irina Faevskaya.

The situation is unpleasant. And, it seems, unexpected for many. It turned out that several more categories of beneficiaries were not taken into account. Among them are, for example, employees of the Moscow city squad. Officials from several departments will have to count and think about how to correct the situation. In the meantime, beneficiaries are forced to buy tickets or refuse to travel along the Moscow Central Circle.