Geography OGE trial test in Word. Geography Gia

The Main State Exam (OGE) is a mandatory test for 9th grade students, based on the results of which they have the opportunity to continue their studies in the 10th grade of the school or enroll in another educational institution to get the initial vocational education. Among the subjects that schoolchildren can take at their own choice in 2018 is the OGE in geography. Typically, it is chosen by those ninth-graders who will study in specialized grades 10-11 related to geographic focus, or by students who are simply well versed in this subject and consider it the easiest to pass.

According to information published by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) in 2018, no changes are envisaged in the structure and content of the state exam in geography for ninth-graders. Students are given 120 minutes to complete tasks.

During the work, it is allowed to use a ruler, a calculator without a function for programming calculations, and atlases on geography for grades 7-9 (from any publisher). This list additional materials approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. At the same time, you cannot bring with you any items that may help in cheating. This especially applies to smartphones and smartwatches, into which you can download cheat sheets.

For the geography exam in 2018, Rosobrnadzor has set the following dates:

  • April 23 – date early delivery(reserve day May 3);
  • May 31 – main delivery date (reserve day June 18);
  • September 10 is the date of additional delivery (reserve day is September 18).

KIM structure

The task of the KIM (control and measuring material) is to assess the level of preparation of ninth-graders on topics covered in the process of studying geography in grades 5-9. The tickets contain tasks that require not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge in a given subject. This refers to the ability to work with charts, maps or other statistical data.

In the process of checking the work, members of the commission will evaluate the following parameters:

  • Understanding geographical features continents, oceans of the Earth, the population of the planet and the processes of development of its different areas.
  • Knowledge of important discoveries related to geography and their results.
  • Understanding geographical location and nature characteristics Russian Federation, knowledge of industries National economy, distribution of minerals, zoning features and characteristics of the peoples inhabiting Russia.
  • Knowledge of anthropogenic and natural origin, which cause geo-ecological problems.
  • Ability to understand species natural resources, features of their protection and use by humans.

  • Knowledge of measures aimed at preserving nature and protecting people from the effects of man-made and natural disasters.
  • Ability to calculate, using maps, distances and directions, the location of specific geographic objects.
  • The ability to collect information from different sources to study geographical phenomena and objects, environmental problems, features different zones planet and its provision of natural resources.

Each ticket contains 30 tasks that test students' geographic literacy and ability to apply existing knowledge and skills. They are not arranged in order of increasing complexity, but are grouped by topic or next to the corresponding graphic material:

  • 17 tasks (1-8, 10-13, 21, 22, 27-29) require choosing an answer from the proposed options;
  • 10 tasks (9, 14, 16-19, 24-26, 30) require answers in the form of one word (phrase) or numbers;
  • 3 tasks (15, 20, 23) require writing a reasoned answer from a couple of sentences.

Performance evaluation

By passing the state exam in geography, a 9th grade student has the opportunity to correct the grade received during school. Maximum score, which can be obtained for completing the examination work - 32. In this case, the points scored are identical to the following school grades on a five-point scale:

  • 0-11 points – two;
  • 12-19 points – three;
  • 20-26 points – four;
  • 27-32 points – five.

To continue studying in a specialized class or college with a geographic specialization, when solving KIM, you need to get at least 24 points. At the same time, the decision simple tasks is assessed at a maximum of 17 points (which is 53.1% of the total points), complicated tasks - up to 11 points (34.4%) and tasks of increased complexity - up to 4 points (12.5%).

Preparation for the OGE

Despite the fact that geography is not as complex a science as physics or chemistry, it includes large amounts of information, which will require you to spend dozens of hours processing in preparation. Therefore, you should start preparing for the main state exam in geography in grade 9 already at the beginning school year in order to systematically study all the necessary material.

To successfully pass the OGE, the following useful tips will be useful:

  • You should focus on school curriculum and material from textbooks on geography published by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • During the preparation process, pay attention to working with atlases and contour maps.
  • Use atlases and other literature only from the latest editions: it is important to look not so much at the year of publication as at the information contained in the manual. It is worth considering that some publishing houses simply re-issue old publications without changing the information, while CIMs always contain the most “fresh” data and indicators.
  • Pay attention to practical tasks related to the calculation of geographical units.
  • You should study the material in advance and in small quantities, since the amount of information in the OGE on this subject exceeds most other disciplines, so you need to have a reserve of time to process and memorize it.
  • Remember important details or significant surnames, materials with an interesting presentation will help. For example, this could be watching films or video lessons dedicated to great geographical discoveries.
  • Take geographical tests on the Internet, where a certain time is provided for answers - this will allow you to accustom yourself to composure and activate mental process under limited time conditions.
  • Work with demonstration tickets for the 2018 OGE in Geography to test yourself and have an idea of ​​what topics you should focus on Extra time. This will also allow you to become familiar with the structure of the ticket forms and not waste extra time studying it during the exam.

Video consultations for passing the OGE from Rosobrnadzor

In 2017, students in grade 9 will prepare for and subsequently pass the state final certification. All students, without exception, will be required to take the GIA test. There are no changes in the structures and contents of CMM.

Structure of State Examination tasks for 2018 in geography

The tasks in the test materials on geography are structured into three blocks according to the type of complexity of the questions and the type of answers.

  1. Block A – 17 thematic questions with possible answers;
  2. Block B – 10 tasks with short answers given (one or several words) or with a numerical sequence;
  3. Block C – 3 tasks, requiring a complete and detailed answer to the question posed (a few sentences are enough).

In the test part State Examination in Geography, tasks are not arranged in increasing complexity, but are consolidated by topic (sources geographic information, structure of the Earth, continents and oceans, peoples and countries, geography of Russia) or are located near the corresponding graphic (illustrative) material.

Categories of GIA participants by geography

The Main State Examination is compulsory for all ninth grade students educated in traditional schools. It allows you to effectively assess the level of training of schoolchildren for their subsequent placement in specialized classes or specialized colleges. According to established law from September 1, 2013, certification is carried out in two forms:

  • OGE (main state exam)– for students who do not have health problems and are not trained in special types of organizations;
  • GVE (state final exam) – submitted orally or in writing by schoolchildren who have health limitations or are studying in special closed institutions.

Students who do not have any debts are allowed to take the exam. training course(grades in disciplines must be positive).

There is a single schedule for the exam throughout the Russian Federation. The due date is set no earlier than 20 April.

How to become a participant in the 2018 GIA?

In order to gain access to State Examination in Geography 2018, you must draw up an application and send it to the educational organization. When registering, you must have a passport or other documentation confirming the student’s identity. The form must contain information about the preferred form of passing the GIA and the timing of the exam (passing will be carried out ahead of schedule or during the main period).

Applications are accepted until February 1, 2018 in educational organizations at the place of study.

Early completion of State Examination in Geography in 2018

Pass State Examination in Geography ahead of schedule can be:

  1. Persons studying in evening classes and called up for military service;
  2. Athletes traveling to training camps, competitions, competitions;
  3. To students changing permanent place residence;
  4. Persons wishing to continue their studies abroad in the Russian Federation.

Passing the exam early allows you to resolve emerging difficulties in the student’s life and optimize the certification process. But, as a result, a ninth-grader has less time to prepare for the State Examination than his peers taking exams during the regular period.

Demo version of the State Examination in Geography 2018

Demo version of FIPI GIA in Geography 2018 will help identify the level of preparation and those aspects of the scientific field that need to be studied more thoroughly. You can practice for a while so that during the exam you won’t have difficulty solving problems and writing answers to questions quickly. Examples of tests available on our portal help to recreate a holistic picture of the required knowledge in a geographical area for each student.

You can download demo - version of GIA on our website, the list of tests is systematically updated. All materials are identical to the actual exams that will be conducted in 2018. Each geography CMM is designed in accordance with the requirements Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

Additional information about the State Examination 2018

On the day of the exam, the student must have his own passport, an admission card for taking the State Examination in Geography and a pen with black ink. Strictly two hours are allocated for completing State Examination tasks in geography. During testing, you can use a ruler, a non-programmable calculator, and atlases with geographic data published by any publisher.

It is prohibited to use other items during the certification process. Any violation of the rules of the established procedure will lead to disqualification from the exam.

A student may leave the classroom during the State Examination only by good reason, under the control of one of the observers, having previously given him a form with answers. Certification participants cannot talk to each other or use devices mobile communications and move around the premises without the permission of the organizer.

The minimum score for passing the State Examination in Geography is 12 , maximum – 32 . If a student is not satisfied with the grade received or does not score minimal amount points, he can submit a request to retake the exam within 3 days. To do this, you need to draw up an application and submit it to the local educational authority, where there is a commission for reviewing the results of the State Examination Test. The final exam will be retaken no later than the beginning of the new academic year.

How to prepare for the 2018 State Examination in Geography?

In one of the sections of our Internet resource, you can familiarize yourself with the publications that you will need in preparation for State Examination in Geography.

List of aids for students:

In addition to printed materials, preparation for State Examination in Geography 2018 can be carried out by students and their parents with the help open bank assignments on the official website of FIPI ( Everyone can check the level of their own knowledge and improve their preparedness using demo versions of tasks, specifications and codifiers, and registration on the site is not required. Training tasks grouped depending on the topic, each block contains more 800 exercises, which allows you to diversify the learning and training process for a ninth grader.

Also, many sites offer online testing in geography. But, in most cases, the results of the passed test can only be obtained after sending an SMS to specified number. Therefore, you need to use only trusted sources to avoid time and financial costs.

In addition to theoretical preparation, successful passing of the exam is also influenced by psychological attitude. Confusion and anxiety can lead to lower results than you expected. In order to avoid unnecessary difficulties, think about why you need this exam, what depends on it and how well you are equipped with knowledge in the field of geography. Tune in to the fact that worries will not bring any benefit, but will only interfere with concentration.

Statistics for passing the State Examination Test in Geography for past years

According to statistics from an independent monitoring agency, in 2017 more than 700 thousand students. Near 500 works were canceled due to incorrect filling out of forms, use of telephone numbers and crib sheets. More 2000 phones were confiscated before the start of the exam from ninth-graders while passing through metal frames. The average GIA test score in geography was 52 percent. The number of ninth-graders not allowed to receive a certificate is just over 1 percent of the total.

The tasks from the sections “Geography of Russia” and “Sources of Geographical Knowledge” were completed most successfully. Difficulties arose for most students in tasks that required analytical skills in working with information. Mainly, errors were found in the interpretation of geographical concepts and specialized terms.

Average score has decreased from 26 to 24, which indicates a decrease in the level of preparation of students. The knowledge of passing ninth-graders in the field of “Peoples and Countries” is insufficiently developed. On the contrary, analysis of data on the skill of determining distance on a map using scaling allows us to assert that this area is quite well mastered by schoolchildren ( 73 percent coped with similar tasks).

Exam Schedule

Attention 9th grade graduates educational organizations offered tutorial to prepare for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 20 training options examination papers. Each option includes tasks different types and levels of complexity for all sections of basic school geographical education: sources of geographical information; nature of the Earth and man; continents, oceans, peoples and countries; environmental management and ecology; geography of Russia. A significant bank of examination materials provides an excellent opportunity for intense workout and mastery of what is necessary for successful passing the OGE knowledge, skills and abilities. At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks are given.

The work belongs to the genre of educational literature. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the series "OGE-2018. Large collection of training options." On our website you can download the book "OGE-2018. Geography. 20 training versions of exam papers to prepare for the main state exam" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.88 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

control measuring materials
for conducting the main state exam in 2018
by geography

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– to assess the level of general education in geography of 9th grade graduates educational organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

Each version of the 2018 KIM includes tasks that test the level of knowledge of the content of all the main sections of the geography course for the primary school and the fulfillment of the basic requirements for the level of training of graduates.

4. Communication examination model OGE with KIM Unified State Exam

A significant part of CMM tasks for OGE are similar in type to tasks used in exam paper Unified State Exam.

Unlike the Unified State Exam, in the KIM for the Unified State Exam more attention is paid to students’ achievement of requirements aimed at practical use geographical knowledge and skills. Also important for the OGE is to check the maturity of the ability to extract and analyze data from various sources of geographic information (atlas maps, statistical materials, diagrams, media texts).

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The examination paper consists of 30 tasks. The assignments test the knowledge that forms the basis of students’ geographic literacy, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and skills in contexts corresponding to the main sections of the school geography course.

The work contains 27 tasks with a short answer, of which: 17 tasks with an answer in the form of one number, 3 tasks with an answer in the form of a word or phrase, 7 tasks with an answer in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers; 3 tasks with a detailed answer, in which you need to write down a complete and substantiated answer to the question posed.

6. Distribution of CMM tasks by content, tested skills and methods of activity.

Every year, as spring approaches, ninth-graders and their parents begin to feel more and more anxious. The exam for high school graduates, which awaits them at the end of May, is life stage, based on the results of which students will be divided according to the level of knowledge they have acquired, and subject teachers will draw a conclusion about their professional competence.

Among the subjects that can be taken as an elective in 2018 is geography - a complex but interesting science, so a significant part of schoolchildren choose this OGE as a variable component. However, there is a certain catch in this subject - of course, it is much simpler than chemistry or physics, but it is characterized by such a volume of data that to master it you will have to spend dozens of preparatory hours.

Do you want to create a preparation program for yourself for a future test? Well, let's figure out how the OGE in geography will be held in 2018, and also find out what is included in its content!

Demo version of OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in Geography

In order to create a competent preparation schedule, it will not be superfluous to know on what dates this or that examination test is scheduled. For geography, Rosobrnadzor has allocated the following dates:

  • April 23 (Monday) is an early date for passing the geographical OGE. Reserve day – May 3, 2018 (Thursday);
  • May 31 (Thursday) is the main date for the geography exam. For insurance purposes in the main period, June 18, 2018 (Monday) was reserved;
  • September 10 (Monday) is a day designated by Rosobrnadzor as an additional day. The reserve date was September 18, 2018 (Tuesday).

Structure and content of KIM

Geography tickets must evaluate the preparation of schoolchildren in each of the sections included in the geography course for grades 5-9. The OGE in this subject has a significant difference from 9th grade graduates will have to show practical skills in mastering this subject. Therefore, tickets often contain tasks in which you will need to work through maps, diagrams or statistical information.

The main topics included in the KIM concern the nature of our planet, as well as man as its integral object, continents, oceans, peoples and countries of the world, the geography of Russia, features of modern environmental management and geographic ecology. When checking the work, the commission will evaluate several parameters at once, which we will list for your convenience.

KIMs on geography will raise topics from school course from 5th to 9th grade
  • Knowledge of the geographical features of continents and oceans, as well as the peoples inhabiting the Earth. In addition, schoolchildren should be informed about the process of development of the territories and waters of the planet;
  • Understanding important discoveries in the field of geography and their main results;
  • Ability to describe geographical position Russian Federation, understanding of the peculiarities of its nature, awareness of the national economic complex of the country, geographical zoning, development of natural resources, as well as the everyday characteristics of the peoples inhabiting Russia;
  • Awareness of natural and anthropogenic factors leading to the manifestation of geo-ecological problems. Knowledge of methods for preserving nature and protecting humanity from natural and man-made disasters;
  • Ability to work with sources of geographic information, study and analyze different territories of the planet, identify the degree to which they are provided with natural and human resources;
  • Knowledge of the characteristics of significant geographical objects and phenomena;
  • Ability to determine coordinates, calculate distances, orientate in directions;
  • Skills in using geographic knowledge to solve everyday problems.

The ticket includes 30 tasks. They can be distributed as follows:

  • 17 tasks that require a short answer in the form of one number;
  • 3 tasks, the answer to which is a word or combination of words;
  • 7 tasks in which the result of calculations will be a number or a certain sequence of numbers;
  • 3 tasks that require a reasoned answer with justification for the conclusions and calculations made.

The maximum points that can be scored when solving a KIM is 32. At the same time, for tasks of a simple level you can get up to 17 points (or 53.1% of all points for a ticket), for tasks of increased complexity - 11 points (or 34.4 %), for the maximum difficult tasks– 4 points (or 12.5%).

At the OGE in Geography you will have 120 minutes to solve thirty tasks.

Regulations and features of the exam

The specialized commission considered that this CMM was already optimal, so no changes were made to the tickets. Ninth grade graduates will have to complete all tasks in 120 minutes. Before the OGE, students should get rid of all unnecessary items in advance that could be considered tools for cheating. Do not try to carry a smartphone or smart watch, having loaded cheat sheets into them in advance!

You will not be left completely helpless - for geography, you are allowed to take a ruler and a simple calculator, which does not have the ability to program calculations. When solving assignments, students will be able to use geographical atlases - they will be given out right in the classroom, so take with them a stack of publications from all the years schooling not necessary.

How does the OGE grade affect the school certificate?

With the help of the mark received for the OGE in geography, you can adjust your grade for the years of study at school. The points scored are converted into grades according to the following scheme:

  • from 0 to 11 points – the student is given a “two” for the OGE;
  • from 12 to 19 points – the student receives a “C”;
  • from 20 to 26 points – a ninth-grader wrote the OGE with a “B”;
  • from 27 to 32 points – the exam mark is identical to “five”.

If a student wishes to continue his studies in a specialized class or college that trains specialists in the field of tourism or other geographical activities, he should score at least 24 points for the OGE.

How to prepare for the OGE in geography?

Start preparing at the beginning of the school year so you don't have to worry about it later!

When preparing for this OGE, students can use the following tips and recommendations:

  • first of all, you should focus on the school curriculum and have on hand, published with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Don't forget to regularly work with contour maps and atlases. Atlases cannot be used directly in the exam, so it is worth memorizing basic geographic nomenclature well in order to be able to determine the location of geographic objects on a simple contour map;
  • When buying atlases, look at how “new” the publication is - you need to pay attention not even to the year of publication of the manual, but to the data it contains. Some authors and compilers sin by simply re-publishing old versions of atlases, while KIMs always contain the latest data and figures.
  • be sure to work through the 2018 demo tickets (you can download them from the links at the beginning of the article). This will allow you to understand which topics you did not understand or did not understand well enough. In addition, the process of filling out forms must be made automatic so that during the exam you do not waste time studying their structure;
  • start learning geography in advance - the amount of information in this OGE is much larger than in other disciplines, so the acquired knowledge will need to be “settled”;
  • watch video lessons and films telling about the great geographical discoveries. An interesting presentation of the material will help you better remember names and important details;
  • regularly take tests online - the limited time allocated for each test or task will help you get organized and activate your mental process.