I want to become a vampire in real life. Is vampirism possible in a family? Becoming a vampire by being bitten

Vampires are powerful supernatural creatures of the night. How to replenish their ranks with your fresh blood and how to become a vampire at home, without leaving your cozy apartment, or rather, the family crypt?

Real and creepy ways

The most famous way to become a vampire is to be bitten by another vampire. To meet him or her, you will have to wander a lot through abandoned cemeteries and Gothic churches, go to Transylvania or Hollywood. Blood alone is not enough for a vampire - he must receive very real benefits from the victim’s conversion. He also will not bite pitiful, weak, weak-willed people even for food.

According to beliefs, those who are cursed for unseemly actions can become vampires. However, a curse is not a 100% guarantee of transformation, and the life of the cursed (especially suggestible people) is very difficult: work and personal life do not quarrel, illnesses, real and imaginary, occur.

Cute and relatively harmless ways

Black clothes, white powder, bright scarlet lipstick and false fangs will help you turn into a vampire. What to do to become a vampire - ways not related to makeup:

  1. You can transform into a vampire in many computer games. The most popular of them: The Sims 2, The Sims 3, Fallout 3, series The Elder Scrolls, as well as Vampire: Masquerade – Bloodlines. This is the most harmless way to become a vampire at home without biting and causing horrific mental and physical trauma to others.
  2. Write a glamorous vampire novel. If it sells well, grateful ghouls will flock to the author to personally thank him for popularizing their bloody way of life.
  3. Get a job in Hollywood. At worst, the Russian film industry will do. If you don’t have a creative streak, but have ambition and eloquence, you can get involved in politics.

Here's how to become a vampire profitably.

The Dangers of a Vampire's Life

There are advantages and disadvantages to being a vampire. Before you radically change your lifestyle, it is worth thinking about the consequences. Things to think about before becoming a real vampire:

  1. A persistent desire to turn into a ghoul can lead to long-term imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital or prison. There is a great risk of falling victim to a satanic sect, charlatans, or simply deeply inadequate and mentally unhealthy individuals.
  2. Although Hollywood does its best to romanticize vampires, in reality the prejudices are incredibly persistent. In Malawi in 2002, in one of the villages, several people were killed simply because they were suspected of vampirism. Local residents who committed massacres against fellow villagers assured that the country's authorities at all levels were in collusion with the ghouls - from the village headman to the president.

Other reasons for reflection are not so serious, however:

  1. If you become a vampire at a very young age, you may never grow up - like the heroine K. Dunst in the film Interview with the Vampire.
  2. You will have to think hard about activities that can fill your eternal life. Parties will have to be excluded from the list of entertainment - real vampires are always gloomy and thoughtful. We'll have to give up deadly sunbathing, solariums and delicious dishes with garlic. At the same time, you will have to part with cigarettes, alcohol and cakes - vampires have only one bad habit.
  3. Thanks to Van Helsing and other enthusiasts, eternal life may turn out to be not only boring and dull, but also quite fleeting.

It is important to remember one thing: having become a vampire, it is absolutely impossible to change your mind and regain your human appearance.

How to become a vampire in real life: 3 diseases that can turn a person into a vampire + 3 stages of development of blood addiction + 4 signs of an energy vampire + 3 ways to become a vampire at 12 years old.

The existence of vampires in the 21st century is one of the most controversial topics among mystics, historians and adherents of demonology.

The modern image of a slain creature, thanks to literature and cinema, has ceased to be something exclusively monstrous (remember Edward from The Vampire Diaries), and demonic characteristics have been combined with human traits.

But one thing still remained unchanged - a strong interest in the living dead. So do they exist among us, and how to become a vampire in real life?

Vampires in world mythology

The first mentions of vampires belong to myths ancient civilizations, which existed back in the 4th millennium BC. e. Thus, on the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia there were at least two civilizations whose legends contained unambiguous prototypes of vampires.

Among the peoples of Babylon, fear was instilled in people by myths about a woman - the demon Lilu, who kidnapped newborn children. It was believed that a child kidnapped by Lilu was doomed to die, because the she-devil did not disdain to drink infant blood or feed on young brains.

In Sumerian legends, blood-sucking aksharas were similar to Lilu. Only women could be Aksharas. They also kidnapped newborn children and killed pregnant women in order to profit.

Following the Babylonians and Sumerians, references to bloodthirsty vampires appeared among legends Ancient India. Elements characteristic of the image of a vampire were present in both Hindu images of demons and deities.

In the first case sacred texts contained legends about vetals - vampire spirits who stole the bodies of the dead.

A striking example of Hindu deities drinking blood was the goddess Durga. Hindus revered Durga as a goddess who killed one of the most terrible demons - Raktabia.

According to legend, Raktabia could be reborn from every drop of his blood into a new demon. Therefore, the goddess Durga herself took on a demonic image (sharp fangs, a long tongue, a necklace of human skulls) and drank all the blood of Raktabia, ridding the world of the terrible creature forever.

Legends about the dead who rose from their graves were also present among the myths of peoples:

  • Ancient Greece.
  • Rome.
  • Eastern Europe (state of Prussia, 19-20 centuries).
  • Slavs

Myths about the existence of vampires in real life were also kept by residents Ancient China. However, they considered vampires not the risen dead, but creatures that feed on human energy “qi”.

According to Chinese legends, without the necessary reserves of this energy, a person begins to gradually die, just like without the required amount of human blood. Therefore, energy vampires are capable of inspiring no less fear than the dead thirsting for blood.

There are references to vampires among Slavic myths about the dead. Ancient literary works of Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Romanians contain descriptions of incredibly strong afterlife creatures with cold skin, long nails and sharp teeth.

In those days, vampires were called "ghouls", "werewolves" or "scavengers". It was believed that a ghoul could appear in the form of a deceased person near the house of the victim’s relatives or friends, begging them to let the demon inside.

Good-natured relatives who believed that they close person alive, severe disappointment soon awaited. After all, the soul of the deceased, unable to find peace, finally lost all human traits and pursued only one goal - to live.

Ghouls also drank blood and ate human organs. The dead appeared in the form of a werewolf, as a rule, after the full moon and disappeared with the first rays of the sun.

Legends and myths of the peoples of the world with detailed description uprisings of the dead cannot leave modern researchers of demonology and mysticism indifferent. But they are also unable to become evidence that vampires continue to exist in real life.

A way that will help you look at life after death more realistically is to study the history and characteristics of the human body under the influence of various diseases.

How to become a vampire in real life and vampire diseases...

We will try to find the answer to the question by studying real ways to turn a person into a vampire.

It should be clarified that this section does not contain practical advice on how to become a vampire without dying. Indeed, often the cause of such a terrifying transformation is an illness, as a result of which a person still says goodbye to life.

But before this happens, such changes occur in the patient’s image that he himself wishes to die.

Diseases that caused people to become vampires in real life:

  1. Bubonic plague.
  2. Porphyria.
  3. Renfield syndrome.

The first historical case when the dead got out of their graves occurred in the mid-14th century in Europe. At that time, the epidemic began to spread with terrifying speed bubonic plague.

From fatal disease Entire cities disappeared, thousands of people died every day across the continent. According to all customs, the authorities had neither the energy nor the opportunity to bury the bodies of deceased patients. The bodies of dead people were transported in dozens outside the infected city and dumped in one large pit.

Often terminally ill plague patients with no outward signs of life were buried without waiting for confirmation that they had actually died. In this way, patients who, from severe exhaustion, plunged into Sopor or experienced a short-term clinical death, also found themselves buried alive.

How the first “vampires” appeared in real life:

  • Patients emerging from lethargy tried in any way to get out of the grave, where, due to the carelessness of those around them, they were placed along with the dead people.
  • The brains of "real life vampires" were severely damaged after the virus and short-term death. Therefore, the behavior of such patients was not particularly good-natured.
  • One of the symptoms of bubonic plague was severe thirst and anemia. It is likely that an infected person who had lost his mind did not disdain to try to suck the blood from his own wound.

The frightened crowd finished off the dead rebels from the other world. Their heads were cut off and their bodies were burned at the stake.

After the outbreak of the plague, the vampire image disturbed human consciousness for a long time. And now, many centuries later, scientists started talking about new group diseases that generate vampires in real life. This group of hereditary and acquired diseases is called “porphyria” - a gene disease.

Porphyria includes diseases that cause metabolic disorders necessary for the body to function properly.

The consequence of these disorders is sun intolerance. Due to a gene mutation, the human body experiences aggressive light-chemical reactions, causing rash, severe redness and burns of the skin.

Except severe redness and rash, a patient with porphyria begins the process of death of soft tissues on the face.

The following are susceptible to death from porphyria:

  • eyelids;
  • skin of the skull;
  • lips and gums.

The result of the death of a significant part of the gums and lips was visual illusion, in which it seemed that the patient’s teeth were enlarged several times.

The nervous system of the “vampire” also experienced strong changes. Due to the affected nervous system and the dead nerve cells psychoses began to appear, panic attacks, unpredictable reactions of the body to medications.

It should be noted that the appearance of a person with porphyria very vividly generated in the mind the image of a vampire in real life.

Another disease that answers the question of how to become a vampire in real life is called Renfield syndrome. This mental disorder, which causes a very strong thirst for blood in a person. Exact reasons The origins of this disorder are unknown.

There are several types of “vampire in real life” syndrome:

  1. The vampire drinks only his own blood, deliberately causing harm only to his body.
  2. The patient thirsts for the blood of animals.
  3. The need for blood is fulfilled at the expense of other people.

According to research, these types of disorders can also act as stages mental illness. So, in childhood, a vampire tastes his own or an animal’s blood for the first time, and when it ceases to bring tangible pleasure, he moves on to violence against other people.

If you do not want to infect yourself with dangerous diseases, but still want to become a vampire in real life, we offer you another type of influence on others.

Energy effects, how to become a vampire in real life without dying

Before you start trying to become a vampire, ask yourself what exactly got you interested in these afterlife creatures? If you have a mysterious appearance, strength or ability to influence others, perhaps it would be better to try yourself as an energy vampire?

Then you will not have to greatly limit your usual lifestyle or consume human blood. And most importantly, you will get the only correct answer to the question of how to become a vampire in real life without dying?

Invariably, in all ancient legends, the main sign of a vampire was the consumption of human or animal blood, as a valuable source of life and mystical powers.

But next to bloodsuckers, for many centuries there has been another category of vampires who gain strength through energy supply from other people.

They do not have sharp fangs, long nails and do not get sunburned, so it is impossible to determine them except at the energy level.

Signs of an energy vampire in real life:

  1. Causes others to express their emotions violently.
  2. His presence leads to a change in mood and well-being.
  3. Tries to be as close to the victim as possible.
  4. Looks focused and self-confident.

If you are interested in how to become an energy vampire in real life, first determine how exactly you want to use someone else's energy.

So, you can become a vampire who improves his net worth and punishes enemies by draining their energy. Either you can suck out the bad human energy and in return share your own powers, acting as both a vampire and a donor.

In real life, energy vampires who suck out other people's energy are present in much greater numbers than those who give it away. They become energy vampires through the discovery of energy flows and analysis of their own feelings.

You need to understand that each person has his own energy field and the channels through which his “qi” moves in the real world. First, the vampire needs to learn to see or feel these flows.

How to learn to feel the energy of another person:

  1. Focus your attention on the donor person.
  2. Try to understand what images your consciousness generates: shape, taste, structure, smell, etc.
  3. Monitor your feelings and emotions.
  4. Feel whether the person is cold or warm. Cold will indicate that a person’s energy can be dangerous for a vampire. It is not advisable to suck it out.

Once you understand that you can become an energy vampire without dying, move on to the process of sucking out someone else's or your own energy.

You need to do this by imagining that energy flows from the donor person to you through invisible streams in the form of a light or dark substance or ball. Next, imagine that the received energy is slowly dissolving in your body. If you want to give your energy and become a donor, imagine the process in reverse.

For more information on how to determine whether you are a vampire or a donor, as well as ways to protect yourself from the first category of people, look in the thematic book “Energy Vampires” at the link: https://www.proza.ru/2015/08/19 /171

If your desire to become a vampire is so great that draining energy alone cannot fully satisfy it, move on to more practical actions.

Real facts about the existence of vampires:

3 ways to become a vampire in real life at 12 years old

An irresistible interest in vampires usually arises from early years. Then the afterlife creatures seem much better real people with their propensity for disease and short lifespan. As a rule, especially strong desire transformation occurs at 12-15 years.

So, is it possible and how to become a vampire in real life at the age of 12? Let's try to give an answer from the point of view of the most common ideas about the existence of vampires.

How to become a vampire at 12 years old:

So, how to become a vampire in real life at 12 years old? We think no way. After all, 12 years is a very young age to appeal to forces that, most likely, you cannot cope with.

The methods mentioned are based on myths and legends that have been preserved for many centuries.

But modern reality has no confirmation that at least one of them ever had the desired result.

It should also be remembered that too much interest in afterlife may be a symptom of illness or mental disorder.

Vampires, who are they - an ancient race or unclean dead, night owls rising from their graves? How to become a real vampire in real life, and is it even possible? For centuries, vampires have terrified people. Creepy legends about killers feeding on the blood of the human race are still alive today, and arouse keen interest not only among modern horror fans. The theme of real vampires is inextricably linked with witchcraft - black magic. In Russian Black Book, vampires are called ghouls, and a clear understanding of who these bloodsuckers are is given. Judging by ancient surviving texts, ghouls are a real phenomenon. Therefore in Slavic tradition there was a classification of the deceased and clear regulations for the burial of the dead. You can believe in real vampires, you can not believe in them. But there is truth in this.

Rituals on how to become a real vampire in real life - fact and fiction

A pawned deceased could become a vampire, i.e. unclean dead man, corpse. In the Slavic tradition, these are people who died a violent or premature death - murdered, suicides, those who died from drunkenness, drowned people, and those who died from ghoul bites. Unbaptized children also fell under the category of undead. And, of course, deceased sorcerers and witches were considered as such. They believed that the soul of a hostage deceased cannot go to another world, and therefore wanders the earth.

If vampirism sounds romantic to you and you're looking for a ritual to actually become a vampire, read on. So. In Rus', ghouls were known long before the arrival of Christians in our lands and the implantation of the alien Latin-Jewish faith. Even before Perun, Khors, Volos and Mokosha, our ancestors worshiped the shores and ghouls, making sacrifices to them in special places. It’s difficult to say exactly what kind of victims it is now, and one can only guess who the bereginii and ghouls are. Perhaps the bereginii were “good” spirits, while the ghouls were “evil” spirits.

Then gradually the spirits “overgrown with flesh” and became one of unsolved mysteries witchcraft. Today one can hardly talk seriously about instructions on how to become a vampire in real life. But in the old days, in the era of sorcerers who possessed amazing power, it seems to me, there were rituals and spells that raised the dead from their graves. Such dead people who could become vampires were buried away from the farmsteads, and in a special way. The Slavs had a strong belief in ghouls. It was believed that they could not only drink the blood of the living and rip from the body, but could cause drought, famine, and pestilence.

How to become a vampire in real life - instructions for transforming consciousness

Hardly anyone wants to become the walking dead. But the fact is that today the term vampire has acquired a romanticized meaning. The semantics of this word no longer causes hostility and rejection among people. But remember that the word vampire is of Western origin. The Russian designation for this terrible phenomenon is ghoul. A disturbed, bewitched dead man, sleeping in the cold earth and crawling out at night, drawn by the call of the sorcerer, or insatiable hunger. Do any of you want to become a ghoul?

I think there is a ritual to actually become a vampire. But this is nothing more than a game, theatricality. Such a ritual may be part of some youth subculture, nothing more. Modern romantic literature and cinema have a strong influence on the fragile, exalted minds of teenagers. Today, real vampires are heroes, noble, beautiful, successful creatures and, most importantly, immortal. It is not surprising that many people like this portrait. And the question arises, how to become a real vampire in real life?

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Instructions on how to become a vampire in real life

If, after reading my article, you still need instructions, following which you can become a vampire in real life, then I offer you a series of sequential actions.

How to become a vampire in real life? Strength, beauty and inaccessibility to attract people were the main properties of vampires. With the release of the Twilight saga about real vampires on the world's silver screen, various forums were immediately filled with questions on various topics. But, one of the most popular questions and the main topic on various forums was: “how to become a vampire?” Avid fans even began visiting private dentists with the desire to get similar fangs for themselves! And if you are a fan who also wants to become a vampire in real life, then this information is just for you!

How to become a vampire and types of vampires?

To become, of course, a real vampire, you can only give up normal human feelings. Because vampires do not know human love, joy, compassion. First of all, you must understand what you are going to do. This step, terrifying, you must, as it were, erase your parents from your memory, since for you they will become like vessels for drinking tasty blood. There is no such definition for a vampire - relatives.

There are two types of vampires living in our world. The first is blood-sucking, and the second is energy-sucking.

How to become a blood-sucking vampire in real life?

1. Let's look first at the first of the groups of predators. Bloodsuckers, in turn, can be divided into several types. There are vampires who see people only as food. They are bloodthirsty, callous and cruel. But, there are also those who are calm and quiet, who do not rush at everyone, but kill people only when it is vitally necessary for them. And there are those who do not live in one place, they travel all the time and look for their victims in different places.

Vampires can be divided according to another special principle of division. Higher and lower. Vampires more low level They can turn any person into their own kind to replenish their family. And the highest of the vampires do not turn any person into a vampire, because they are more selective and demanding of their victims. They prefer those similar to their own kind. That they were smart, beautiful, strong, but they should also have a pure soul, they should not be familiar with such feelings as envy, greed, and other properties.

But now we want to tell you how to become a real vampire. There are several ways to turn into a vampire. In order to become a real vampire you must go through special rite- this is one of the ways.

How to become a real vampire - all the ways?

How realistic is it to become a real vampire? After all, vampires keep their secrets of the initiation rite in the strictest confidence, and only those people in whom they are fully confident will be able to undergo it.

The first option is a bite from a real vampire. But to do this, you must find such a similar vampire, and negotiate with him so that he bites you. What should I do for this? To do this, you need to find their habitats and spend a lot of time in these places to meet them. But this is very dangerous, where everything will be decided by chance itself. Left alone with a person, a vampire will act in two ways. He will drink all your blood or draw you into his own kind. You need someone to turn you into a vampire, and not kill you. And this depends on his behavior and mood.

The second way is to curse that person who really wants to become a real vampire like you. If you find that person who truly hates you and curses you, then success is guaranteed for you. The more this person hates you, the more chances you have of becoming a real vampire. But here, believe me, the risk is very high. If a person who is cursed, but nevertheless does not become a vampire, his life will go out of whack. Will begin big problems in his personal life, at work, all your friends will also leave.

The third way to turn into a vampire. This is to use black magic. There are two books that will help you become a truly real vampire. On the Internet and in life, there are two such books that allow you to become a vampire. These books are called “The Tape of the Sacrifice” and the Book of Blood.” But keep in mind, there is one small nuance.

Getting these books is incredibly difficult. But don’t despair, search on the Internet or in bookstores, you will certainly find it, there is a proverb “he who seeks will always find.”

The fourth way will turn into a vampire. This is your desire, a great desire to become a bloodthirsty or energy vampire. To do this, you need to think every day about how to become a vampire, try to materialize your idea. In the end, keep in mind that all thoughts will materialize at some point. If only there is your desire and thanks to your destiny you will turn into it. There is a legend among vampires that if a child is destined to be a vampire, no matter when, he will still be one.

The fifth way to become a vampire directly. Rumor has it that there are some recipes that help you turn into a vampire. One of them: dig up a worm during the full moon and ask your close friend to bite you. Well, the second recipe: on Friday the 13th, you need to take the life of a sparrow and completely drink its blood.

And, despite all these methods that were described by me, there are many people who claim that you cannot do without real vampires to become like them. There is also a medical theory. Where it says: there are people, from birth, in whose blood certain things are missing necessary substances in order for them to continue to live, they need to constantly replenish these nutrients, for this they need to drink blood.

How to become an energy vampire?

2. Now let's move on to studying the energy vampire. An energy vampire is a person who sucks other people’s energy for his own needs. Naturally, the question arises: how can one become one? The first path is to become a qigongist. A qigongist is a person who has special knowledge of how to take energy away from people and use it for their own purposes. In addition, they know all the energy points from which they can quickly obtain the necessary energy. Energy vampires, first of all, deprive the victim of energy, in order to start downloading it, they drive the person crazy. The more angry they make him, the more energy they can get from him.

I hope that you all understand that it is impossible to just become a real vampire. There is no need to take all these methods, legends and myths so seriously. If you want to become a real vampire, just play with your friends, without any injuries or bruises. Well, if you are a real vampire, then share with our readers the secret of how to become a vampire. Well, if you are “lucky” to become a real vampire with the help of our article, then be “humane” and write to us about it. If anything is not clear, you can watch the VIDEO:

I sincerely hope that this article of mine helped you answer your question, How to quickly become a real vampire. If you change your mind about becoming a vampire, then be .

Strength, beauty and inaccessibility were the main properties of vampires to attract people. With the release of the Twilight saga on screens worldwide, the forums were instantly filled with questions on various topics. But the most popular and main topic was: “How to become a vampire?” Fans even started coming to dentists wanting fangs! And if you are such a fan who wants to become a vampire in real life, then this information for you!

Contents [Show]

Types of vampires

You can become a real vampire only by abandoning ordinary human feelings. Because they do not know human joy, love, compassion. First you must understand what you are getting into. With this step, you seem to erase your parents from your memory, and for you they will become nothing more than vessels filled with blood. Because vampires have no relatives. There are two types of vampires in the world. These are blood-sucking and energetic. First, let's look at the first group of these predators. Blood-sucking animals, in turn, are also divided into several types. There are some vampires who see people simply as food. They are bloodthirsty, insensitive and unrestrained. There are calm and quiet ones who do not attack everyone and kill only when it is vitally necessary for them. And there are those who never have permanent place residence, they travel all the time. Vampires can be divided according to another principle. Higher and lower. Vampires of the lowest degree are capable of converting any person they desire into their own kind, in order to complete their family. Well, the higher vampires will not convert just anyone, since in this regard they are more demanding. They prefer their own kind. That is, smart, beautiful, strong, but they must also be pure in soul and they must not know such feelings as greed, envy, etc. Well, now we’ll tell you how to become a real vampire. There are several known methods of circulation. And going through a ritual is one of the ways.

How to really become a vampire - all the ways

Vampires keep the secret of this ritual in the strictest confidence, and only those in whom they are completely confident will be able to undergo it. The first treatment option is a bite from the vampire himself. To get bitten, you must first find a vampire. To do this, you need to find their habitat and visit these places more often. But this is a very dangerous activity, where chance decides everything. Left alone with a person, the vampire will have two options for the outcome of the event. Drink all the blood or turn you into your own kind. Also, a lot depends on the person himself, on his behavior and how he is configured. Another treatment option is to curse a person who longs to become a vampire. It only takes one person to fiercely hate and curse you. And the more he hates you, the greater the chances that you will become converted. But here too the risk is great. A person who was cursed but did not become a vampire has his life out of whack. Problems in personal affairs, at work, lack of friends. The third, but not least, option is turning to black magic. There are two books with which you can become a true vampire. These are the Book of Blood and the Tape of the Sacrifice. But there is one caveat. They are incredibly difficult to get.

You can also become a vampire thanks to a great desire to become one. And if you try to materialize your thought day after day, it will eventually happen. Perhaps even by fate to be converted. There is a legend among vampires that if a child is destined to be a vampire from birth, then no matter what he will become one. Rumor has it that there are certain recipes that can help you turn into a vampire at home. One of them: eat the worm you dug up during the full moon and ask your friend to bite you. Well, the second option is to take the life of a sparrow on Friday the 13th and drink its blood. And despite all these ways that have been given, in the world great amount people who claim that real vampires are essential here. This is the medical theory. There are people at birth who lack certain substances in their blood, and in order to temporarily replenish this supply of substances, they must drink blood.

How to find a vampire

In real life, finding a real vampire is not an easy task at all. Psychics and sorcerers, answering the question “how and where to detect a ghoul,” say that such creatures are found in big cities, because they need human blood, and on a large scale locality it's much easier to hide - in villages everyone knows each other, and vampires don't survive there!

How to become an energy vampire

Now we will learn how to become energy vampires. An energy vampire is a person who consumes someone else's sucked energy and other forces to satisfy personal needs. Naturally the question is imposed. How to become one? One way is to become a qigongist. A qigongist is a person who has special knowledge of how to take human energy and use it. In addition, qigong practitioners are aware of energy points with which you can speed up the process of gaining strength. You can also become a mental vampire. Such creatures have increased eloquence and can mentally suppress the victim. Energy vampires, before depriving the victim of energy, must first infuriate him, make him lose his temper. And the more negativity on the part of the victim, the more energy there will be for the vampire. We hope you all understand that it is impossible to simply become a real vampire. There is no need to take all these methods seriously, they are just myths and legends. Play vampires with your friends without any injuries or bloodthirsty behavior. Well, if you are a real vampire, then share your secrets with our readers. We sincerely hope that our article helped you answer the question of how to quickly become a vampire. If you have become a vampire lord at home without a bite, then tell us about it right now, we would be very interested to know about your method or ritual.

The article was written specifically for the site - World of Useful Advice.

Recently, a certain aura of romanticism has matured around the images of vampires. And that's all more people wondering how to become a vampire in real life, without even thinking about the consequences.
It is believed that vampires do not age, have super strength, can read people's thoughts, and are excellent hypnotists. However, all these qualities have a downside. If you want to become one of the members of the people of the night, we certainly cannot forbid you from doing so, but in return we will tell you how things really stand with vampires today.

There are 4 ways to become a vampire.
Being born with a predisposition to vampirism
Transformation using vampire magic
Being bitten by a vampire
Seem like a vampire

But first, let's tell you about how vampires actually live in Russia and most countries, about what you will most likely have to face if you can become a real vampire.

How to find a vampire in Russia and how they live

Most often, vampires are loners

It is worth saying that Russia is not the most favorable country for vampires. Large concentration of law enforcement agencies and a large number of personal documentation you need to have to an individual(passport, identity card, inn) make the life of an immortal being who is afraid of daylight very uncomfortable. Most often, vampires choose third world countries such as African countries, the slums of Brazil or India for their lives. Places where the police often don't even bother to investigate murders.
It is believed that most vampires live in India. This country is home to almost a billion people, which means there is no shortage of food, a tolerant attitude towards death and is full of slums. By the way, the cult of the goddess Kali-Ma was very widespread in India, and among the followers of this cult there were many vampires.
But Russia also had its own vampire order and it was called “Nine Invisibles”. Whether it has survived to this day or not is unknown.

How modern vampires live

There were many vampires among the Thug cult that existed in 19th century Bengal.

Now we will have to dispel the romanticism of those who believe that vampire life is beautiful pictures from the movie “Twilight” or novels about “Count Dracula”.
The life of a vampire is agony. The eternal struggle for existence and painful hunger.
Vampires do not live in packs. They are all hermits and loners. Most often, vampires have to live among gypsies or homeless people. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to erase the history of your personality and be someone who will not arouse suspicion among neighbors and others.
Vampires are usually divided into two categories. These are shepherd vampires and nomadic vampires.

Vampires often have to lead the lifestyle of people invisible to society. Homeless people or gypsies.

Vampire shepherds

Vampire shepherds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They may live in ditches, sewers, abandoned garages, or abandoned buildings. In appearance, these are ordinary homeless people, but they do not appear on the street in daylight. The shepherds are sedentary. They can change their shelter, but only after they realize that there is nothing else to take in the area. Vampire shepherds most often settle in unfavorable areas and villages, where it is easier to hide the consequences of their hunt.

Vampire nomads

These vampires are constantly traveling. They can safely spend the night in the forests in the open air and their victims most often become people they meet along the way. Mostly these are drunkards, homeless people or simply naive travelers.

Vampire shepherds and vampire nomads do not like each other. Shepherds most often dislike nomads because they sometimes wander into their territory and hunt there. And nomads do not like shepherds, considering them something like housewives.

Ways to become a vampire in real life

Born with a predisposition

Some people are born with a predisposition to vampirism. Usually these people gravitate towards everything dark, prefer to watch violent films and experience an incomprehensible inner trembling when they see shelter. Such people rarely experience emotions, both joyful and sad.
But even if there is an innate predisposition to vampirism, it is not a fact that this person will become a vampire. To completely transform, he needs some techniques. These can be tantric techniques or black magic exercises.
A person with an innate predisposition to vampirism may meet a vampire in his life who will tell him in which direction to move in order to make a transformation. However, a long friendship will not work, since vampires are always loners and after completing the transformation, the mentor will leave the student.

Vampire magic

An ordinary person can become a vampire thanks to vampire magic. But only special vampire sorcerers know it.
For a vampire sorcerer to decide to initiate you into the children of the night, he himself must be interested in this. However, the difficulty here is that vampire sorcerers, in principle, can only need one thing from people and that is human body. Vampire sorcerers are very cruel and even ordinary vampires try to avoid them. Vampire sorcerers need more than just blood from a person. Usually, having quenched his thirst, the vampire sorcerer uses the human body for his rituals, which are shocking in their cruelty. The ancient treatise “Hammer of the Witches” says that people who accidentally witnessed the rituals of vampire sorcerers went crazy after what they saw.

Vampire bite

Most known method and extremely popular in cinema and literature. A vampire bite can actually turn a person into a vampire. However, this method does not give 100% effect. A person can either transform or die. In addition, the person receiving the bite will experience 2 waves of agony. The whole body will burn, you will be very thirsty, but water will not quench your thirst, your brain will seem to be leaking out of your ears, and your back will be tied in a knot.
For this method, you will also need to find a vampire who is ready to bite you, not to drink your blood to the last drop, but to make you one of his fellow tribesmen.

Seem like a vampire

The ancient treatises of the Inquisition and witchcraft do not say anything good about being a vampire. Perhaps you just want to feel the romance of vampire life. Live in the image that is shown in the movies and join the vampire subculture. Then, for this you just need:
a) purchase false fangs or sharpen your teeth into the shape of fangs.
b) buy themed clothes. Vampire clothing can be classic or more modern.
Classic vampires dress like the lords and duchesses of the 18th and 19th centuries. Modern vampires can wear revealing outfits with a lot of cutouts. Mainly black or red tones are used.
c) pale skin color. Using regular powder, you will need to make your skin pale.
d) now your favorite drink will be red wine or red juices. Among non-alcoholic drinks, you should give preference to tomato juice.
d) you will need to find friends with similar interests. It is much more interesting to communicate with people with similar hobbies in life.
f) Theaters des Vampires, Lacuna Coil and Lacrimosa are a few musical groups that you should pay attention to. Find the rest to your taste yourself.

And so, your introduction to the vampire subculture is over. You are one of them.

Ritual to become a vampire

Finally, we left a description of the ritual to become a vampire. The ritual is called “Five Roses” and is distributed on foreign Internet forums. There is no exact evidence that the ritual is indeed an ancient rite of initiation of a vampire, but there are no arguments against it.
The ritual must be done on the full moon after 12 o'clock at night. We need you to stay in a dark room where there is no one and no extraneous sounds won't bother you.
You will need 5 roses, wine and a candle.
Arrange 5 roses evenly in a circle, place a glass of wine in the center, light a candle and hold it to your chest. You need to be completely naked, even removing your underwear. Moonlight should fall on your circle of roses and a glass of wine.
Stand next to the altar facing the moon and say “Ego sum homo velle fieri frater noctis.” You need to say this phrase 5 times while looking at the wine.
Next, you need to go around the altar 13 times, saying “Me in nocte fieri a parte me, ut fame et maledictionem.”
Next, stop at the place where you started, put out the candle and take the wine, say “Servus tuus esurit” 1 time. Servus tuus mortem. Servus tuus hic et nunc.” and drink wine.

To be honest, I am skeptical about such rituals, there are so many of them on the Internet and it is unlikely that any of them are part of vampiric magic. But who knows, the “Five Roses” ritual is one of the oldest rituals on the Internet and maybe you will succeed.

Regardless of whether you choose the path of the children of the night or the vampire subculture, try to do everything carefully. And if you understand that this is yours, then act.

The very unusual question of how to become a vampire has always caused unhealthy excitement in society and the ardent interest of ordinary people. Books and films about vampires are an impressive and very rich page of world culture, which tirelessly fuels this interest. Since ancient times, retellings and legends about vampires have lived in the human mind.. What is this, myth or reality? What are the signs of a vampire? And how to recognize it? Is it even possible to become a vampire in real life? We will try to figure this out.

Why do people want to become a vampire?

If you believe literature and cinema, vampires are a kind of closed society in the middle of ordinary society. They communicate little with ordinary people, do not like sunlight, drink blood and go to sleep in coffins. Aristocratic pallor and a closed lifestyle - it was these signs of vampirism that attracted people and made vampires representatives of the upper class. The desire to become a vampire was greatly fueled by romantic stories in the style of the notorious "Twilight", so languid young girls, passionate boys and mature men and women in any time and era they dreamed of becoming vampires, almost without thinking about the seriousness possible consequences. In addition to eternal life, power over people, beauty and wealth, there is also another side to the coin in the everyday reality of vampires. This is hostility and misunderstanding, loneliness and eternal wanderings in search of food. Exist different types vampires.

  1. Aloneevil and insatiable, kill everyone indiscriminately, for food and entertainment.
  2. Others are quiet and peaceful– live in a closed society and suck blood only when necessary.
  3. And the third are vampire nomads. They travel all the time in search of food and thrills.
  4. There is a fourth type of vampires - energy ones.. They do not drink blood, but they do eat human emotions. And this is no less dangerous.

How to become a vampire in real life: secrets of conversion

Turning into a vampire is not an easy task. If you think that you just need to want or write it cherished wish on the New Moon and everything will happen by itself, then you are mistaken. You need to set a goal on how to become a vampire at home, and then move on to its implementation. There are four ways to become a vampire

  1. Find a vampire and ask him to bite you. Let’s say right away that the method is not very reliable, since vampires do not walk the streets just like that: you won’t meet them at work or at school during recess. A vampire's attention must be earned. And for this you need to be strong, dexterous and brave. Only such people are chosen by the patron vampire and transformed into others like himself. Otherwise, it may simply suck your blood. So this method is very risky.
  2. Resort to vampire magic. Vampire magicians have existed since ancient times, they brought into their mysterious world new teachings, were able to perform sacred rituals. Very few experts and competent connoisseurs of vampire magic have survived to this day, so you are unlikely to be lucky enough to meet any of them (see point 1). They say that vampire spells are contained in ancient books, and the books themselves are hidden in the archives of old libraries. You can check. If becoming a vampire is already unbearable, and the library is very far away, try this method: on a full moon, eat an earthworm you dug up or drink the blood of a sparrow on Friday, the 13th of any month.
  3. A person who is cursed can become a vampire. But it's very dangerous way If you fail to turn into a vampire right away, you will be doomed to terrible physical and moral torment.
  4. Natural predisposition to vampirism, or rather - genetic disease porphyria, signs of which are sensitivity to daylight and dry skin in the lip area. As a result, something like a grin appears on the person’s face, which makes him look like a vampire. A very rare and very unpleasant disease.

What to do if you can't become a vampire?

First of all, don't get upset. Real vampires do not experience any emotions: they do not rejoice, do not scream, do not swear, but they are not sad either. Act like a vampire.

  • Dress like a vampire: all black and red, Long Dresses, cloaks, trains and lace are required.
  • You can do the appropriate vampire makeup.
  • Buy in store accessories for a vampire: teeth, fangs, jewelry, special lenses.

Put all of the above on yourself and go celebrate Halloween - October 31st. On this day you will meet many of your own kind and will feel in the 7th heaven of your vampire happiness. However, on other days it is not forbidden to wear vampire costumes. It's just that not everyone likes them. It is especially contraindicated to appear in this manner near housing offices and clinics where increased concentration pensioners. So it’s better to wear your vampire clothes at home, and if you live on the ground floor, you can occasionally appear in a lighted window at night. Yes, for prevention.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

As we have already said, there is a completely different type of vampire - an energy vampire. He doesn’t have to drink your blood in order to really “get” you. He leads a completely normal person and in no way expresses his intentions. And the intentions of the energy vampire are simple and clear to him: it is sucking the life energy out of other people. Goals:

  1. Find the victim.
  2. Cause negative emotions in her.
  3. “Feed off” from someone’s irritation, aggression, anger.
  4. Squeeze out all the juices, upset, infuriate.
  5. Leave happy.

What to do when meeting such “slippery types”, or more precisely, how to protect yourself from an energy vampire? To start you should recognize such a character, which may appear regularly in your life. After all, a vampire needs constant feeding. A It's very easy to recognize vampires:

  1. Some people constantly complain about life and force others to listen to their whining.
  2. Others deliberately provoke conflicts in order to feed off other people’s aggression and negative emotions.
  3. Still others constantly give out advice and show unhealthy attention to others.
  4. Fourth - manipulate people, turning them against each other.

However, from all these “energy bloodsuckers” there is own defense.

  1. Place a visual barrier: Cross your arms over your chest or hide them behind your back and curl up. You can also look for a few seconds at the interlocutor’s forehead, in the third eye area.
  2. Limit your communication time with such people or completely reduce it to zero.
  3. Communicate with them politely, level-headedly, under no circumstances do not argue or enter into conflict.
  4. Don't be manipulated, change the topic of conversation or say that you need to go.

How to become a vampire in Skyrim?

If the thrill of blood in real life is of no use to you, try becoming a vampire in Skyrim. IN computer game no need to dress up like a scarecrow, put on makeup and try on sharp and uncomfortable fangs. Also, unlike real life, computer vampirism is much safer and cooler. All you have to do is encounter a vampire in the game, and you can catch the disease “Sanguinare Vampiris”. Unless, of course, your opponent uses the Drain Life spell against you. Then you will have 72 hours to decide whether you want to become a vampire or not. If you suddenly change your mind and refuse the fate of a vampire, then you will have to visit the Altar of the Nine, or drink a potion of healing diseases. For those who decide to continue playing as a vampire, the first stage of the disease will begin, accompanied by next permanent effects :

  • "Weakness in the sun";
  • "Disease Resistance";
  • "Poison Resistance";
  • "Steps of a Night Predator";
  • "Herald of the Night"

Video: how to become a vampire at home?

Ghouls, ghouls... There is so much mysterious and mystical in these names. There are chilling legends about them. I wonder if they really exist, or are they just a figment of the imagination of writers and artists? Who are energy vampires? Are there many of them among us? Let's try to answer all these questions. We will also find out how to become a vampire. This will not be difficult to do at home.

Who was the first vampire? A little history

Many of us have probably watched feature films about Count Dracula, who inspires genuine horror and fear. In Stoker's novel, he appears to readers as a Transylvanian count, subjugated by his vicious passion to drink the blood of living people. His victims also become vampires and begin to lead their own unusual lifestyle. Few people know that this character has a real double. His name was Vlad Tepes. He was the governor of Wallachia. Why is this particular person considered to be the first vampire? Did he really drink people's blood? Why did Stoker choose him as the progenitor of his character? There are many dark mysteries associated with this man. Even during his lifetime, there were terrible legends about him. For example, there is a known case when a merchant arrived in Wallachia and soon discovered that his wallet was missing. The thief was found and impaled. They put one extra coin in the wallet and gave it to the owner. He, seeing the surplus, reported this to the governor Tepes. Vlad said to the merchant with a laugh: “If I had not confessed, I would now be sitting on a stake with the thief.”

And here's how the governor ended poverty in his city. He gathered all the holy fools and beggars in one house, fed them to their fill and asked if they wanted to end their earthly suffering. They answered in the affirmative. After that, Vlad closed all the windows and doors and set the house on fire. All the people in it were burned. Now Vlad Tepes has been declared a national hero in Romania. There he became known as a valiant warrior who defended his people from Turkish invaders. It is unlikely that he was a real vampire and fed on the blood of people. But legends about his cruelty have survived to this day and prompted Stoker to write his immortal novel. Many teenagers, impressed by the exploits of Count Dracula, are seriously thinking about how to become a real vampire.

How to spot a ghoul?

I wonder if there are vampires among people? And if there are, how to recognize them? If we turn to literature, we can find out that a real vampire can be distinguished by certain qualities.

  • Leads night look life, and usually sleeps during the day. Moreover, he certainly rests in a coffin, which stands in his room.
  • He has pale skin and a thin appearance. There are no overweight individuals among vampires.
  • He never smiles or has fun. His constant companions are sadness, grief, melancholy.
  • Its fangs are slightly longer than human ones. This is the main visual hallmark ghoul.
  • He wears black clothes. Colored things are not for him.
  • Possesses enormous physical strength. At the same time, it will not be possible to immediately see this in it visually. He doesn't have big muscles or a toned figure. On the contrary, he looks sickly and thin.

How to become a vampire? Ways for everyone

It is believed that there are several techniques to help you become a ghoul.

  • Vampire bite. If a person is bitten by a ghoul and tastes his blood, then this “lucky” person will acquire the qualities of his tormentor.
  • A curse. It is believed that people who have been wished bad things in anger are at risk of potential bloodsuckers.
  • A strong desire to be like him. If a girl or young man tries to imitate a ghoul in everything, then perhaps they will soon acquire some of his qualities. This option is suitable for those people who want to know how to become a vampire without a bite.

Ghouls have always attracted people with their mystery and mystical power. Many feature films have been made about them, many books have been written... And after the release of the Twilight saga, interest in these individuals became simply colossal. Many teenagers wanted to become like vampires. What should be done for this? How to become a vampire at home? Firstly, you should avoid solariums and visiting the beach. You should try to go out less during the day. This will help make your skin pale. Secondly, you should wear only black clothes and use special makeup. White face powder, black and red shadows around the eyes, dark cherry, almost black lipstick - this is what you need. Thirdly, you need to purchase special insert “fangs”. They are sold in kiosks and toy stores. There is a more radical option - go to the dentist and ask him to grow real fangs. Changing your appearance is much easier than starting to lead the lifestyle of a ghoul. After all, you will have to put a coffin in the room instead of a bed, sleep during the day, and eat exclusively fresh blood. Next we will talk about how to become an energy vampire. Everything is much simpler here.

Groups of energy vampires

Many people seriously believe in the existence of various ghouls, zombies, ghouls, and so on. But there are also a large number of skeptics who claim that they live only in folk tales and legends. But almost everyone admits that there are so-called energy vampires. And there are not so few of them. It turns out that they can even be conditionally divided into groups.

  • "Hunters". The most dangerous species. They act purposefully and carefully choose their prey. Most often they can be found in churches, cemeteries, public transport, metro, at various public events, discos, where large cluster people, and people are constrained. It is almost impossible to notice them. They blend into the crowd.
  • "Stocking up." The most common group. They act subconsciously. Can be found in crowded places and at public events. They differ in that they try to attract the attention of others by gesticulating and loudly talking.
  • "Grabbers." They are rare, but very dangerous. To recharge energy from the outside, they need to grab a person by exposed parts of the body, mainly by the hands. They cannot act through clothing. When touched by them, a person often loses control of himself. An example is gypsies at train stations.
  • "Radio operators." The most harmless kind. There are a lot of them. Having fed with energy, they pass it on to other people. They are found mainly at parties and discos. You can also see it on public transport.

How to become an energy vampire?

How can you learn to drain people of their life energy? What skills do you need to have for this? It should be noted here that most energy vampires engage in this “dirty” business unconsciously. But there are also “professionals” who have special knowledge and techniques that allow them to take the life energy of people around them. How do they do it? Let's talk now to the point and find out how a person can become an energy vampire? Let's remember the lessons of physics: if you connect two vessels with a tube, one of which is filled with liquid, then after some time its level in them will level out. The same thing happens with people. From more energetically strong man vital forces will go to the weaker. The easiest way is physical contact. If a person wants to feed off someone’s energy, it is enough to simply touch another person and mentally imagine that vital forces are coming from the “victim” to him and filling him. Maybe it won't work the first time. But with a little practice, things will get better. A method that excludes physical contact, which is based on the contact of human auras, is also often used. It is important to understand here that every person has a certain protective biofield. It's called an aura. As a rule, it is closed. But when a person shows interest in something or someone, positive or negative emotions, then it opens, allowing another aura to penetrate it. Therefore, the first thing a person who wants to learn the basics of energy vampirism needs to do is learn to attract interest and emotions from other people. Let it be sympathy, pity, anger, curiosity and so on. A vampire who has received his dose vitality, will later determine for himself what kind of feelings he needs.

Is vampirism possible in a family?

For every person, his home is a haven where he can relax from all the troubles of life. Beloved family members will always greet you with understanding and tenderness. But this is ideal. But in reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. Often it is in a person’s own family that vampires can be found. For example, after a quarrel with her husband, a wife feels devastated. Her mood deteriorates and the blues set in. And after this the husband feels “on the crest of a wave.” He's doing well, he's in a great mood. He took some of the energy from his wife. Children are no exception here either. After their next prank, dad or mom, having punished them, feels bad. Next time the child is looking for any reason to irritate them again. Here is the answer to the question “how to become a vampire at home.”

Do energy vampires have a good life?

But you shouldn’t think that life for such “ghouls” is simply wonderful. This is a dangerous activity, and you don’t need to take their path. After all, along with someone else’s energy, you can take away all the sores of the “victim”. Over time, you can acquire such a “bouquet” of diseases that neither doctors nor sorcerers can help. And the person who is engaged in this “dirty” business loses the ability to be nourished by nature. What awaits him? Premature aging and exhaustion. This is a warning to those trying to learn how to become a vampire. Now this is not difficult, when a lot of books have appeared on this issue, the Internet is at hand. But will it make you happy and healthy?

Methods of protection against energy vampires

And now about the most important thing. In order to protect your aura from leakage of vital forces, you need to follow some rules.

  • Try not to stand out in the crowd with your bright appearance, flashy frilly clothes, or provocative makeup. A “gray mouse” will never impress an energy ghoul.
  • Always be modest, do not stand out with your daring behavior, loud conversations, gestures. Vampires, as a rule, try to “drink” the energy of spectacular, strong personalities.
  • Stay away from noisy gatherings and unpleasant places.
  • In any situation, remain cool and calm. Avoid scandals and quarrels, do not be offended or hold a grudge against people. Then the person trying to unbalance you will quickly fall behind, since he will not receive the desired portion of energy. Victor Hugo also said: “If someone has offended you, take revenge on him like this. Stay calm - this will be the beginning of revenge. Forgive the offender - this will be the end of him.”
  • Do good to people, give them yours great mood. The law of the cosmos works here: the more good you give, the more you receive. After all, as you know, vampires feed only on “rotten” negative energy. Positivity in relationships is not for them. Remember how good and calm your soul felt after you gave alms, carried an old woman across the road, or helped a friend.
  • Find time to travel outside the city. Communication with living nature is the best source of vitality.
  • Believe in God and in his protection. Then no one can take your energy away.

We looked at several ways to become a vampire at home. We also found out how energy ghouls operate and listed methods of protection against them.