How the baby food production business is organized in Russia. Production and sale of baby food

Sales have increased significantly in Russia since 2010 baby food, which is associated with an increase in the birth rate in the country and an increase in the consumption of goods per child. On the market, all types of baby food are divided into two segments: “human milk substitutes” and complementary feeding products. Medical and dietary food products for children stand apart. Complementary feeding products occupy 79% of the baby food market, which is not surprising, since they are present in the diet of a child under 3 years of age. The absolute leader among them is baby puree(27.1%). "Female milk substitutes", respectively, occupy 21% of the market.

The following groups of baby food products can be distinguished:

- milk based formulas. There are dry, liquid, fresh, and fermented milk. There are partially adapted mixtures and adapted ones, as close as possible in composition to human milk. The first are intended for children aged from 0 to 6 months, the second - from 6 to 12.

- fruit and vegetable mixtures(canned fruit, berries, vegetables and mixed juices and purees, canned vegetables, cereals and meat and vegetables, cereals and fish). According to the degree of grinding, there are homogenized, finely ground, and coarsely ground. For children aged 3-4 months.

- grain-based mixtures(flour (from various cereals) for baby food, dry milk porridge, instant cookies and pasta). For children aged 4.5-5 months.

- mixtures based on meat and fish(meat, meat and vegetable and canned fish). According to the degree of grinding, there are coarsely crushed (for children over 9 months of age), puree (from 7 months) and homogenized (from 5 months). There are canned meats of groups A and B: A – mass fraction of raw meat no more than 55, offal no more than 30, oil or fat no more than 5, cereal no more than 5, starch or flour no more than 3; group B - raw meat no more than 35, oil or fat no more than 8, vegetable or milk protein no more than 5, cereals no more than 10, vegetable components no more than 30.

The production of baby food is a responsible and labor-intensive business, although quite profitable: in 2011, the average cost for 1 kg of food was more than 500 rubles.

Types and cost of raw materials

  • Dairy raw materials. Use whole and skimmed milk, milk powder (whole and skim), cream, sour cream and cow butter. The average cost of milk on the market is 13 rubles per liter.
  • Grain raw materials. This includes flour and various types of cereals (semolina, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, rice). Cost of cereals: wheat 4-10 thousand rubles per ton, peas 6.5 - 10 thousand rubles, buckwheat 12 thousand rubles, corn 6-8.5 thousand rubles, oats - 6 thousand rubles, semolina - 15 -16 rub/kg.
  • Fruit and vegetable raw materials. Almost all types of vegetables, fruits and berries are used. The most popular types are apples, plums, peaches, apricots, citrus fruits, pumpkins, zucchini, black currant, cherry, cherry, rosehip. Prices for vegetables and fruits constantly fluctuate depending on the season. Here are approximate wholesale prices: potatoes – 4.5 – 6 rubles/kg, beets – 4.5 – 6 rubles/kg, pumpkin – 2 – 5 rubles/kg, carrots – 7-8 rubles/kg, apples – 18-40 rub/kg, pears – 30-60 rub/kg.
  • Meat raw materials. They use various types of meat (pork, beef, lamb) and poultry. Offal (liver, tongue) is also used. Price: beef – 115 rubles/kg, pork – 124 rubles/kg, lamb – from 230 to 270 rubles/kg, chicken – about 75 rubles/kg.
  • Fish raw materials. This includes various types of ocean, sea and freshwater fish. The most common are pike perch (about 130 rubles/kg), cod (83-88 rubles/kg), tuna (130-200 rubles/kg), hake (100-120 rubles/kg), carp (75-110 rubles/kg ).

Technology and equipment

The general technological process for manufacturing infant formula includes the following stages: receiving and checking raw materials, cleaning and preparing raw materials, mixing and dosing, packaging and packaging of the product.

The production of each type of infant formula has its own characteristics.

1. Infant formulas.

Adapted mixtures consist of 60% whey proteins and 40% casein. Partially adapted milk formulas are made from powdered cow's milk.

In the production of dry mixtures, raw milk goes through several stages of processing. The entire production process can be divided into two groups:

A. Processes for processing raw materials before drying.

b. Drying and all subsequent operations.

A. After receiving the raw materials, they are cleaned, sorted and cooled for storage. Immediately before production it is heated and separated. Next, the milk undergoes pasteurization, normalization according to mass fraction fat and homogenization. Solutions of iron sulfate and milk sugar, warmed up and cleaned. Next, the mixture is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 105 ± 10°C, vegetable oil is added with fat-soluble vitamins and solutions of water-soluble vitamins, after which the mixture is homogenized.

b. The raw materials are dried in a spray drying unit. Then it is dried in three stages: in the first section, from 20 to 40°C, in the second - from 20 to 40, in the third - from 10 to 12°C.

The finished mixture is mixed with other components (powdered sugar, casein) and packaged.

There are also low-lactose mixtures free of milk sugar. They are made by mixing a dry low-lactose base with sugar and adding a source of iron and vitamins. Various extracts are also added, such as low-sugar molasses or malt.

Milk consumption is 8704-8713 kg per ton of dry product.

Store (according to GOST) at temperatures from 1 to 10 °C and relative air humidity not higher than 75% for no more than 6 months from the date of production.

When producing fermented milk products for children, raw milk is fermented by adding thermophilic or mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria, etc. Yogurt is fermented for 4-8 hours, kefir for 9-13 hours, cottage cheese for 10-14 hours. Unlike dairy products for adults, children's products are additionally fortified and subjected to thorough microfiltration. They also add more beneficial bacteria. The mass fraction of fat is also less: for milk and fermented milk products - no more than 3.5-4%, for curd products - no more than 5-9%. The share of sugar in fermented milk and curd products is no more than 7%, in milk drinks and cocktails. – no more than 5%.

The production line for milk-based baby products includes:

  • separators. Divides cream with medium fat content into high-fat cream (about 80-200 thousand rubles);
  • vacuum deodorization units. Removes foreign odors and tastes (about 625 thousand rubles);
  • baths for normalization. They install the required mass fraction moisture (150 thousand rubles);
  • long-term pasteurization bath (from 150 thousand to 1 million rubles, depending on the size);
  • homogenizer-plasticizer. Give the oil a uniform structure and moisture distribution (from 340 to 800 thousand rubles);
  • vacuum evaporation unit (250-300 thousand rubles);

2. Fruit and vegetable mixtures.

The first stage is preparatory. Raw materials are sorted on roller and belt conveyors, removing rotten, wrinkled, contaminated fruits. When preparing raw materials, all excess parts of the fruit (skin, seeds, seeds, twigs) are removed, and several methods can be used. The chemical method is used to remove the skin of the fruit, for which they are placed in a hot (80-90°C) solution of caustic soda. The steam-thermal method is the treatment of raw materials with live steam under pressure. This is how various root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) are processed; they are also cleaned with a simple mechanically. The refrigeration method is the most expensive due to expensive equipment; it involves freezing the raw materials and removing the exfoliated skin.

After cleaning, the raw materials are washed to remove dirt and toxic chemicals. Next, the raw material is subjected to grinding (crushing), which is best done in a steam environment to preserve vitamins and useful microelements. The crushed raw materials are boiled (blanched): various types of raw materials are distributed into separate chambers, the desired mode is set and sealed. When boiling the berries, add water. In a grinding machine with a sieve hole diameter of 1.2-1.5 and 0.7-0.8 mm, the raw materials are crushed to puree. Next, the raw materials are mixed according to the recipe, sent for deaeration (removing air from the product) and heating, if necessary, subjected to homogenization. The mass is heated to 85? C, loaded into a sterilized container and sealed. Purees, nectars, creams are sterilized at 100 °C for 20 minutes, desserts - at 100 °C for 45 minutes. During processing, about 30-40% of the mass of raw materials is lost.

Requirements for raw materials, packaging, and storage are in GOST R 52475-2005 and GOST R 52476-2005.

To produce purees, juices, and desserts from fruit and vegetable raw materials, you will need the following equipment:

  • washing machine (200-500 thousand rubles);
  • steam thermal unit (240-750 thousand rubles);
  • crusher for fruits and vegetables (50 thousand rubles)
  • cleaning machine (300-400 thousand rubles);

Such a line can produce 1500 kg/hour (6000 cans/hour).

3. Grain mixtures.

The production of baby cereals includes several stages. First, the grain is cleaned of impurities using magnetic installations. Then they are passed through vibrating sieves for control sifting. Manna and wheat cereal Before sifting, they are subjected to steam treatment on a screw apparatus. In a dry grinding mill, the cereal is crushed to a particle size of 500 microns and sifted again.

Next, the product is sent to a mixing and dosing station, where, according to the given recipe, the components of the future porridge (cereal flour, milk powder, sugar, fruit and vitamin powders) are mixed. Using an electromagnetic separator, mixtures are checked for the presence of excess impurities. Next, the product is packaged in various containers: boxes made of cardboard covered with inside polyethylene, paper bags with an inner foil bag, cardboard, tin and tin cans.

Technical conditions and requirements for grain-based children's products are in GOST R 52405-2005.

The line for the production of porridges from various types of grain includes:

  • grain hulling machine. Designed to remove flower, fruit and seed shells from the surface of grains (from 100 to 250 thousand rubles);
  • grinding unit (about 140 thousand rubles);
  • sifter Used to separate bulk materials into fractions by size (from 12 thousand rubles);
  • screw dryer (about 270 thousand rubles);
  • aspirator for cleaning cereals from small impurities (about 75 thousand rubles);

4. Canned meat and fish.

On initial stage In the production of canned food, raw materials are prepared and processed: meat is veined, sorted, cleaned of bones and unnecessary organs. The fish is defrosted, if necessary, unnecessary elements are removed and cut into pieces weighing 80-100 g. Auxiliary raw materials are prepared: butter, seasonings, vegetable raw materials. Next, the raw materials are cut and crushed, mixed, rubbed three times: through sieves with a hole diameter in the first machine of 1.5-2 mm, in the second - 0.8-1, in the third - 0.4-0.5 mm. Next, the raw materials are filtered using mesh filters with holes with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 mm, blanched, homogenized and deaerated. After all operations, the product is packaged and sterilized at 120°C for 50 - 70 minutes. Requirements for storage, raw materials and products can be found in GOST R 51770-2001.

To produce meat and fish complementary foods, the following is required:

  • defrosting chambers (about 300 thousand rubles);
  • meat deboning installations (manual - about 100 thousand rubles, automatic - from 200 to 600 thousand rubles);
  • machine for grinding meat (about 160 thousand rubles);
  • machine for cutting chickens (about 120 thousand rubles);
  • equipment for mixing and salting raw meat (from 120 to 350 thousand rubles);
  • blancher (50 – 100 thousand rubles);
  • refrigeration chambers (from 120 thousand rubles);

Also, to establish the general technological process, you will need the following auxiliary equipment:

  • machine for packaging, dosing and filling raw materials (1-1.6 million rubles);
  • Seaming machine (from 250 thousand to 1.4 million rubles);
  • autoclave (from 75 thousand to 1.5 million rubles);
  • washing machine for containers (about 500 thousand rubles);
  • labeling machine (about 200 thousand rubles);
  • tank with a volume of 10 cubic meters. m. (about 600 thousand rubles, plus a control panel 45 thousand rubles);
  • pump (from 19 to 55 thousand rubles);
  • receiving tank with a volume of 1000 liters (about 180 thousand rubles);
  • belt conveyor (from 23 thousand rubles per linear meter);
  • scales;
  • loaders and rockers;
  • trolleys and saws;

Premises requirements

A plant producing baby food must meet a number of sanitary and fire safety. The enterprise must have a developed ventilation system. The workshop requires natural, mechanical, mixed ventilation or air conditioning in accordance with hygienic requirements. Supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation is also provided in combination, if necessary, with local exhaust ventilation. Household premises, bathrooms, laboratories, warehouses must have separate systems ventilation. The air entering the room must pass through oil and other fine filters (source SanPiN Products should be kept away from heating devices and direct sunlight.


When starting a business producing any food products A certificate of state registration or a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion is required. To do this, you should collect the following package of documents:

  • application for registration,
  • regulatory and technical documentation on the basis of which the production processes,
  • instructions, annotations, certified copies of SEZ,
  • consumer label,
  • results of tests carried out for products (physico-chemical, radiological, organoleptic, etc.),
  • sampling act,
  • a copy of the trademark.

Organization of production and investment

Opening an established production of all types of baby food is an impossible task for a beginner. Therefore, you should start with the production of products that do not have the most labor-intensive technological process, long term storage and in great demand. This solution will protect you from crisis situations. Opening a business for the production of purees and milk mixtures has great prospects, since the equipment for the production of these types of goods is suitable for production canned meat and fermented milk products.

The initial investment in equipment when starting the production of purees, juices and milk mixtures will be about 7-8 million. When producing 90 tons of purees (360,000 cans weighing 250 g, about 3,000 cans per hour) per month, about 130 tons of raw materials will be needed, the costs will be about 3 , 5 million rubles. Per ton of milk formula, the consumption of raw materials will be about 114 thousand rubles. The average cost of a can of puree (250 g) on ​​the market is about 20 rubles, milk formula (400 g) is about 130 rubles.

Sales of goods

There are many companies in the baby food market that have already proven themselves as manufacturers of quality products, so for active sales It is necessary to develop products in several directions. Firstly, the range should be expanded and the opportunity to release new products should be taken advantage of. For example, it would be a good idea to launch a line of products for children 2-4 years old, who need to learn to eat not only pureed food, but food in pieces. Secondly, it is worth remembering about the packaging, which should be airtight and convenient. It is better to pack in small jars. The container should be equipped with spoons and straws.

The main distribution channels are not only supermarkets, but also specialty stores goods for children.

Kristina Cherukhina
- portal of business plans and manuals

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Canned fruit is one of the types of shelf-stable products for baby food. Canning food makes it possible to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and to provide the child population in the northern and remote areas of the country with vitamins and mineral salts that cannot be synthesized in the body.

Canned fruits account for over 80% of the production volume of canned baby food. The widest range of pureed canned fruits is available, which in nutritional value is almost as good as fresh fruits, and even surpasses them in digestibility.

They produce natural purees, without any additives, and purees with added sugar 5...18%, depending on the acidity of the fruit. According to the requirements of the standard for canned fruits and berries for baby food, natural purees from apples, pears and fruit mixtures, the finished product must contain soluble solids 10...12%, organic acids (malic acid) 0.2...0.6%. Fruit purees with sugar should contain up to 14% (apple) or up to 24% (blackcurrant) soluble solids.

Quality finished products characterized by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators and safety indicators. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has approved the safety criteria established for canned baby food. Test results must confirm the absence of toxic elements, nitrates, mycotoxins and pesticides.

The main raw materials for the production of fruit purees are apples, pears, apricots, plums, raspberries, black currants, rose hips and other fruits and berries. Some types of canned food include milk, semolina or rice, semi-finished tropical fruits with sugar (bananas, mangoes, etc.). Puree canned fruits can be produced fortified with the addition of ascorbic acid in an amount of 0.05%.

The raw materials used in the production of canned food for children are subject to increased requirements in terms of organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition, technological and consumer properties. Raw materials should be grown in environmentally friendly areas, with careful control for the content of pesticides, radionuclides and salts heavy metals. Each batch of raw materials must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the type of pesticides used and the date of last treatment.

The use of semi-finished products containing any preservatives is not allowed.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. When producing canned fruit, it is important to preserve the nutritional and biological values, as well as the taste benefits of products for children. This depends not only on the quality of the raw materials, but also on the technology of its processing. The methods and modes of processing raw materials used can have both positive and bad influence on the quality of the finished product.

Modern production of canned baby food products on an industrial basis allows the use of advanced technologies for gentle processing of raw materials, ensuring product safety and maximum preservation of values. In the production of canned fruit, these indicators significantly depend on the performance of the operations of sorting raw materials by quality, washing, grinding, deaeration and heat treatment.

Sorting quality is carried out especially carefully. Fruits with a damaged surface, unripe, rotten, moldy, as well as foreign impurities are removed. As a rule, sorting is carried out on a sorting conveyor conveyor.

Washing of raw materials carried out to remove contaminants, toxic chemicals, foreign impurities and microorganisms. The fruits are washed in clean running drinking water. The quality of washing is controlled by the contamination of washed raw materials with microorganisms, which should not exceed the maximum permissible norm.

Grinding used to destroy the integrity and internal structure raw materials and semi-finished products in order to form a given shape and size of pieces and particles of the product, ensuring its effective subsequent processing, the most full extraction useful substances from the intracellular space, as well as easy and rapid digestibility of the product when consumed. The main grinding methods are crushing, grinding and homogenization. When crushing, the danger of stimulating oxidative processes increases, since as a result of the destruction of cell walls and contact with air, the activity of oxidative enzymes present in the fruit is activated. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out grinding in an atmosphere of water vapor or inert gases (carbon dioxide or nitrogen) in order to protect the biologically active and nutrients of the raw material from oxidation and destruction.

Deaeration– the operation of removing air from the crushed product. Air causes the destruction of ascorbic acid and oxidizes polyphenols and dyes. Leads to color change and worsens organoleptic properties.

Heat treatment Fruit raw materials are used for the purpose of blanching, boiling, heating and sterilization. The temperature and duration of heat treatment are selected based on the condition of minimal negative impact on the product.

Canned fruit takes up important place in children's nutrition, as they contain a significant amount of sugar, organic acids, as well as protein, amino acids, pectin, polyphenolic and coloring substances and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Stages of the technological process. The production of canned fruit for baby food consists of the following main stages and operations:

– preparation of fruit raw materials: sorting by quality, calibration, washing, removal of stalks and seeds;

– crushing fruits, boiling, cleaning and rubbing the crushed mass;

– preparation of sugar syrup and other additives;

– dosing of prescription components and mixing of the recipe mixture;

– homogenization, deaeration and heating of the recipe mixture;

– washing, sanitizing, storing and supplying empty cans;

– packaging the final semi-finished product into jars, sealing the jars, checking for leaks and sterilizing the product;

– cooling, washing and drying cans after sterilization, applying labels and placing cans in transport containers.

Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line begins with a complex of equipment for the preparation and processing of fruit raw materials, which includes washing machines, a sorting conveyor, machines for removing stalks and seeds, a fruit crusher, an apparatus for boiling crushed mass and rubbing machines. The line includes auxiliary equipment complexes (not shown on the machine and hardware diagram) for the preparation of sugar syrup and the preparation of cans.

The leading complex of equipment for obtaining a ready-made recipe mixture and packaging it in cans contains dispensers of recipe components, a container with a stirrer, a homogenizer, a deaerator, a heater, a machine for packing the semi-finished product into cans and a capping machine. The final set of equipment includes a sterilizer, machines for washing, drying, labeling and stacking cans filled with product.

In Fig. Figure 4.2 shows the machine and hardware diagram of the production line for canned fruit for baby food.

Design and operating principle of the line. Box pallets with fruits are fed by conveyor 1 to the tipper 2 and load the fruits into the drum washing machine 3 for the first washing of fruits and vegetables with a hard structure. The raw materials are placed in a rotating drum of this machine and are progressively moved due to its tilt. The first two parts along the length of the drum are in a bath filled with washing water. The third part of the drum with the product is rinsed with water using a shower device.

Further washing of fruits is carried out in two unified conveyor machines 4 And 5 installed in series. The raw material enters a machine bath filled with water and is intensively mixed due to the bubbling of water, which is created by forcing air by a compressor through a bubbler located at the bottom of the bath. The washed fruits are removed from the bath by an inclined conveyor, in the upper part of which they are rinsed clean water from the shower device. Fruits with a soft texture are usually washed in machines 4 And 5 bypassing the car 3 .

Washed berries and stone fruits are destemmed in a machine 6 . The working parts of the machine are rubberized rollers arranged in pairs and rotating in different sides. The rollers are installed with a small gap between them, into which the fruit cannot get in, and the stalks are retracted and torn off.

Fruits are sorted by quality on a sorting conveyor 7 . The fruits are then loaded by conveyor 8 into a pitting machine 9 . In it, the fruits are loaded into the nests of the matrices and move to the punches, which perform a reciprocating movement in the vertical plane. The seeds from the fruit are knocked out by the punches when the dies stop and they fall through the holes of the dies into the drum. From where they are removed from the machine via a tray. The peeled fruits fall into the unloading tray as the matrices pass through the drum.

The first stage of fruit crushing is carried out in a crusher 10 , having a grating-type cutting device. Crushing fruit raw materials allows you to obtain a total mass consisting of particles various shapes with dimensions no more than 3...4 mm. As a result of crushing, cell tissue is destroyed and the release of juice is facilitated; the crushed mass acquires a flowing liquid-like consistency, convenient for pumping, mechanical and thermal processing of the product

Rice. 4.2. Machine and hardware diagram of the production line for canned fruit for baby food

The crushed mass is sent for boiling to a thin-layer heat exchanger 11 with a cleanable heating surface. The product being processed is heated in the annular gap between the rotating drum and the inner surface of the housing, heated by steam. When passing through the annular space, the product is mixed by drum knives, which impart turbulent movement to the product and remove the adjacent layer of product mass from the heating surface.

Boiling is intermediate in duration between blanching and boiling, which ensures thermal effect, in which the inner layers of the product are processed to soften the tissue and damage the integrity of the fruit.

To remove seeds, seeds and coarse tissues, the boiled mass is processed in a rubbing machine 12 , equipped with sieves with openings of approximately 3 mm. At the next stage of grinding, the fruit mass is pumped 13 into the second cleaning machine 14 . To obtain finer grinding and reduce the amount of waste, mashing is usually carried out in two or three stages by successively passing through the first sieve with a hole diameter of approximately 1.5 ... 2.0 mm. The second is 0.8...1.0 mm and the third is 0.4...0.5 mm.

The recipe mixture is prepared in a cooker with a stirrer 15 , into which the fruit mass is dosed in the recipe ratio, sugar syrup, sugar and other necessary ingredients.

Further grinding of the recipe mixture is carried out in a plunger homogenizer 16 , in which it is possible to obtain a homogeneous finely ground product with particles of fruit pulp measuring 0.1 mm or less. Air is removed from the product in a deaerator 17 .

Finished puree product through a screw heater 18 loaded into the receiving hopper of a filling filling machine 19 . Empty cans, washed and thoroughly washed, are fed into the same machine. sanitization. After filling with a dose of the product, the cans are subjected to control on the inspection conveyor 20 , sealed in a steam vacuum machine 21 and sent to a hydrostatic sterilizer 22 . Canned fruits with a pH below 3.8 are sterilized at a temperature of 100 °C or pasteurized.

The cans then enter the machine 23 for washing and drying cans, labeling machine 24 and a car 25 for placing cans in boxes.

Nutricia, a company specializing in the production of baby food, was founded in 1896 in the Dutch town of Zoetermeer. Its founder, Martinus van der Hagen, was the first in the world to obtain the right to produce special milk for infants, similar in composition to mother's milk. In 2007, Nutricia became part of Danone's infant nutrition division (Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition), and the company's products are now sold in more than 100 countries. Nutricia began operating in Russia in 1994, and in 1995 acquired a baby food production plant in the city of Istra and completely modernized it. Now baby formula and cereals under the Malyutka brand are produced here.

The milk base comes to Nutricia from Ireland. It is a dry powder obtained by mixing milk, whey and vegetable oils. The mixture is stirred and then sprayed using a nozzle. Under the influence of hot air, water evaporates from the formed particles and as a result a powder is formed. It is packaged in big bags, which are simultaneously filled with nitrogen, which displaces the air. This is done to prevent oxidation from occurring inside the package. The big bag is hermetically sealed, and then a second bag is put on it for transportation.

Other raw materials enter the plant in the same form: vitamins and minerals, which are delivered from factories in the Netherlands. Nutricia works with foreign suppliers because Russian farmers are not yet able to provide raw materials of adequate quality. All raw materials entering the plant are tested in a physical, chemical and microbiological laboratory. The second is taken outside of production, again to minimize risks.

Then the bags of raw materials are moved to a high-control area. To do this, they pass through a special gateway, in which the transport packaging is removed from them and transferred from wooden pallets to plastic ones. This area is protected from any harmful microorganisms. Local air passes through several stages of filtration. Purified air is supplied to the room through fabric sleeves; they are easy to remove and wash. All equipment and instruments passing through the gateway are disinfected. In addition, the high-control zone is completely free of water. They wash and clean here exclusively with vacuum cleaners. All plant employees undergo daily medical examinations and are not allowed to work if they show mild signs of illness. Those who drive vehicles also undergo a blood alcohol test.

Baby food has increased requirements for primary packaging (that which is in direct contact with the product). For this, foil is always used, which, in addition to its barrier properties, is also good because it does not interact with the product in any way. Each new supplier undergoes a quality test and each batch of material is tested for microbiology.

From here the raw materials are lifted to the fourth floor into the mixing area. There, the bags are opened, the mouth of the bags is disinfected and connected to the equipment, so that the ingredients fall into it without contact with external environment. The components are dosed using high-precision cells and then enter the blender. If there is any deviation, the process automatically stops. After the blender, the mixture falls onto a sieve with a mesh size of 1.4 mm. This is a barrier to possible third-party inclusions in the product. There is a giant magnet here for the same purpose. Dosing, mixing and screening take place on different floors, that is, the process is built vertically, from top to bottom. Typically, compressed air is used to transport the product through pipes, but here it falls under its own weight.

Flour that has passed the incoming control is sifted and then, together with water, enters the extruder for processing. There at a temperature of 180 degrees and high blood pressure the molecular structure of the flour breaks down. This process is somewhat reminiscent of making popcorn. Each particle seems to explode and become like a corn stick. The flour is cooked, and at the same time, thanks to the high temperature, all extraneous microflora dies. The resulting pellets are then dried and ground. This process saves many nutritional properties, taste and aroma of the product.

The mixed product passes through three floors and enters the packaging area. The contents are packaged into bags in a nitrogen environment. Nitrogen is a safe inert gas that displaces oxygen from the pack, creating a sealed environment and preventing oxidation. Percentage oxygen in the pack is less than 2%. This packaging allows you to store the product for 18 months.

Then the packages are weighed and move to the low control zone, where they are packed into cardboard boxes along with spoons. Each box is marked with its own unique number, which encrypts complete information about the product. The boxes are then put through an X-ray machine where they are checked for foreign matter. If the camera sees a particle that differs in density from the rest, the pack is rejected.

Boxes of product are packed into transport boxes, which are then placed on wooden pallets by an automatic stacking robot. The formed pallet is wrapped in a transparent protective film, marked and delivered to the warehouse in the quarantine zone. Within five days the product undergoes final checks. To do this, samples are taken from each batch and sent to the laboratory. Only after this the product leaves the quarantine zone and is sent to stores.

Canned fruit and berry purees

Canned food for children is produced in a wide range: fruit, vegetable, fruit and vegetable, vegetable and meat, meat, etc.

Canned fruit and berry purees

The range of pureed canned fruits for baby food includes several product groups that differ in the composition of their components:

  • natural purees without any additives from pears, apples and their mixtures;
  • puree with sugar from apricots, plums, cherry plums, cherries, pears, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, plums, blueberries, black currants, rose hips, apples of one type or from a mixture of two or three types of these fruits and berries. Sugar is added in an amount of 5 - 18% depending on the acidity of the fruit;
  • puree from semi-finished tropical fruits with sugar;
  • puree from apples or apples and carrots with juices from berries (red currants, blueberries, black currants, sea buckthorn) or rose hips;
  • puree from a mixture of fruits, berries, vegetables and juices;
  • apple puree with milk, sugar and cereals (semolina, rice);
  • apple, cherry or plum puree with cream and sugar;
  • fruit and berry creams from a mixture of apples with strawberries, blueberries or chokeberries with the addition of sugar and semolina;
  • fruit and berry cocktails;
  • fruit and berry desserts made from plums, apples or a mixture of apples with cherries, plums or black currants with the addition of sugar, modified starch and whey.

Puree-like canned fruit and berries, except for the last three groups, can be produced fortified, with the addition of 0.05% ascorbic acid.

The basis of all types of canned fruit purees is puree of fruits and berries of one type or mixed with other fruit or vegetable purees.

The technology for producing puree for all types of canned puree is approximately the same.

For the production of canned fruit purees, prefabricated lines consisting of machines are used various types or equipment complexes for the preparation of certain types of raw materials.

Preparation of fruits and berries. Incoming raw materials are first sorted on roller (pome fruits) or belt conveyors, removing unripe, rotten, wrinkled specimens affected by diseases or agricultural pests, as well as foreign impurities, then washed in two sequentially installed conveyor-type or fan-type washing machines, berries - in vibrating machines washing machines or under the shower at a water pressure of 30 - 50 kPa

Technological scheme for the preparation of pome and stone fruits:

1 - tipper for box pallets; 2 - washing machine; 3 - unified washing machine; 4- conveyor; 5- elevator; 6 - crusher; 7- machine for removing stalks; 8 - pitting machine

After washing cherries, sweet cherries, plums and berries, the stalks are removed using a rotary or linear type. The berries are also cleaned of twigs and sepals. Stone fruits are removed from seeds using machines for removing them or wiping them. When using mashing machines, the fruits are preheated to soften the pulp. Wiping machines must have stainless steel sieves with holes with a diameter of 5 - 7 mm, depending on the size of the seeds in the fruit. Before operation, pitting and grinding machines must be adjusted so that no pulp remains on the pits.

To remove pits from fresh, not heat-treated plums and apricots, a machine is used; to remove pits from cherries, cherries and small-fruited plums, single-drum pitting machines are used.

Pome fruits are crushed in various types of crushers into pieces measuring 3 - 5 mm.

Rose hips are crushed using grating type crushers D 1-7.5. The crushed mass is filtered through a sieve with a hole diameter of no more than 5 mm to remove seeds and hairs, washed in the shower for 2 minutes at a water pressure of 30 - 50 kPa.

Carrots are cleaned of dry foreign impurities and washed sequentially in a paddle and drum washing machine, then the ends are cut off and peeled in a steam-thermal apparatus or a carborundum washing machine. After cleaning, manual cleaning and rinsing in the shower with water at a pressure of 300 kPa is carried out.

The prepared carrots are crushed in a crusher D 1-7.5 into pieces with a maximum cross-section of 3 - 5 mm.

To prepare carrots, it is advisable to use a set of equipment that provides for the mechanized implementation of all the above operations.

A set of equipment for preparing carrots:

1 - container tipper; 2, 7 - paddle washing machines; 3 - drum washing machine; 4 - conveyor for trimming the ends of carrots; 5 - inclined conveyor; 6- steam blancher; 8 - inspection conveyor; 9, L - elevators; 10 - blancher; 12 - cutting machine; 13, 15 - containers; 14 - pump; 16 - water separator

A set of equipment for preparing pumpkins and zucchini:

1 - container tipper; 2 - locking machine; 3 - washing machine; 4- table; 5- machine for cutting the stalk; 6, 8 - conveyors; 7- estrus; 9 - washing machine; 10 - conveyor for inspection and trimming of zucchini; 11 - machine for cutting into circles; 12 - elevator; 13 - crusher; 14 - installation for boiling; 15, 17 - containers; 16 - wiping machine; 18 - pump; 19 - control panel

The pumpkin is washed twice and peeled. If there is no green subcortical layer, it can be processed without cleaning. In this case, the bark separates when wiped.

Then the pumpkin is cut into pieces, the seeds and stalk are removed, after which they are cut into smaller pieces using a cutting machine and crushed into pieces measuring 3 - 5 mm in the largest section.

To prepare the pumpkin, it is advisable to use a set of equipment, which, however, does not provide for mechanized cleaning of the pumpkin from the bark.

It is advisable to carry out fine crushing of fruits, especially apples, in a steam environment to preserve vitamins and other biologically active substances from destruction.

Boiling and rubbing. Prepared and weighed raw materials of one type or in a mixture with other components in accordance with the recipe are fed into the apparatus or screw blanchers for boiling.

The berries are served for boiling immediately after washing without preliminary chopping.

In the apparatus, raw materials are boiled in continuous or batch modes under pressure.

During continuous operation, the apparatus is filled with raw materials, the shut-off valve of the discharge hole is opened and its drive is turned on. After this, boiling is carried out continuously with the mixer turned on and steam supplied, the raw materials are loaded and unloaded simultaneously, continuously.

When operating under pressure, the apparatus is loaded with raw materials and sealed using valve seals. Boiling is carried out according to the regime established for this type of raw material.

When boiling raw materials together individual species crushed fruits and vegetables are loaded sequentially, taking into account the duration of boiling of each type of raw material.

After boiling of all types of raw materials is completed, the pressure in the apparatus is released and the product is unloaded through the unloading mechanism. In screw blanchers, work is carried out continuously.

When boiling rose hips and prunes, add water to the boiler in the amount of 10% of the weight of the fruit.

During continuous boiling, each type of raw material is processed separately and the mixture is made up of pureed mass in accordance with the recipe.

Boiled fruits and berries are immediately sent for wiping. For wiping, use a double wiping machine with a sieve hole diameter of 1.2-1.5 and 0.7-0.8 mm. For maximum hair removal, rose hips are wiped on a third rubbing machine with a sieve hole diameter of 0.4 mm.

Preparation of semi-finished products. Semi-finished purees and juices, hot-packed in glass containers, is used as follows. The container with the semi-finished product is thoroughly washed from the outside, then opened in a separate room. If there is a chip on the neck of the cans, semi-finished products are not allowed into production.

After emptying, the container is rinsed with a small amount drinking water(up to 10% of the puree mass). Rinse water is added to the puree.

Semi-finished hot-filled and aseptically preserved puree products are heated to 60 °C and wiped on a rubbing machine with a sieve mesh diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 mm.

Quick-frozen fruits and berries are released from packaging and transferred for boiling and mashing, just like fresh fruits.

Preparation of materials. Cow butter is removed from packaging, cleaned of paper residues and oxidized surface layer, melted in digesters at 60 °C and filtered on a filter with a sieve hole diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 mm.

The surface of the packages of citric and ascorbic acids is thoroughly wiped from dust, the package is opened and, by pouring the suspended contents into the container, the possibility of foreign impurities getting into the product is prevented.

Semolina is passed through a sifter with a magnetic catcher.

Rice is prepared using a set of equipment, which includes a sifter, a hydraulic chute, two containers, a heater, a water separator and a blanching unit.

In the absence of such a complex, the rice is passed through a grain separator, where small, light impurities are removed, then through a hydrochute with a device for removing heavy impurities. After cleaning, the rice is washed in a washing-shaking machine (vibrating) and boiled in water at 38 ± 2 ° C for 15 - 20 minutes until the weight of the rice increases by 2.5 times.

A9-KLM/15 equipment complex for rice preparation:

1 - scales; 2 - hydraulic chute; 3, 8, 12 - containers; 4, 6, 7 - pumps; 5 - blanching container; 9 - water separator; 10 - frame; 11 - conveyor

Technological scheme for preparing milk and cream:

1 - tank truck; 2, 8 - containers with scales; 3, 6 - containers for storing milk; 4, 7, 9 - pumps; 5 - heat exchanger

Granulated sugar is passed through a sieve with a magnetic catcher with a hole size of no more than 3 mm. Sifted sugar is added in dry form or in the form of syrup of the required concentration, depending on the type of product.

The syrup is prepared at a syrup station or in double-walled kettles with a stirrer. After dissolving the sugar, the solution is boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered through a sieve filter with a sieve opening diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 mm or through a cloth.

Milk, cream and whey are filtered through a sieve filter with a sieve hole diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 mm, then pasteurized in plate pasteurizers at 74 ± 2 ° C for 15 -20 s, transferred for mixing or cooled in the same pasteurizers up to 30 °C and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Mixing. Prepared fruit purees and materials are mixed according to the recipe in an MZS-320 evaporator, which provides the ability to heat and vacuum the mixture.

Dosing of puree and other components is carried out by weight or volume depending on the type of product. After mixing, the product should have a uniform, homogeneous consistency.

Deaeration, heating, homogenization. The finished mass in the production of pureed canned food is transferred for deaeration and heating, and in the production of homogenized canned food it is sent for homogenization.

Homogenization is carried out in plunger homogenizers, etc.

When making canned rice, cooked rice is added to the mixture after homogenization, which makes the process easier and makes the canned food more attractive. appearance. The prepared pureed or homogenized mass is deaerated in an MZS-320 apparatus at a residual pressure of 41 - 34 kPa for 10 - 20 s or in a continuous spray type deaerator at a pressure of 60 - 70 kPa for 5 - 8 s.

After deaeration, the product is heated to a temperature of 85 ± 2 °C in an MZS-320 batch apparatus or in continuous tubular heaters, or other types of heaters. The optimal heater for puree-like masses is a heat exchanger with a cleanable heating surface.

The heated mass at a temperature of at least 85 °C is sent for packaging, capping and sterilization or pasteurization.

Packing and capping. The prepared heated puree-like mass at a temperature not lower than 80 ° C is packaged in containers that have undergone the required sanitary treatment.

Canned food intended for sale in trading network, are packaged in type I glass jars with a capacity of no more than 0.25 dm3, type II - with a capacity of no more than 0.35 dm3 and metal varnished jars with a capacity of no more than 0.25 dm3. When producing canned food according to orders from trading organizations for children's institutions, canned food is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of up to 3 dm3.

Packaging is carried out on dosing and filling machines designed for volume dosing and filling jars with puree products. Filled cans are sealed with metal varnished lids on automatic vacuum sealing machines or a steam vacuum sealing machine. For type II glass jars, the B4-KUT-1 steam vacuum sealing machine is used.

Vacuum sealing machine B4-KUT-1:

1- bed; 2 - capping mechanism; 3 - stove with control panel; 4 - gearbox; 5 - drive; 6 - lid store; 7 - feed mechanism; 8 - steam superheater; 9 - conveyor

Rolled filled jars are immediately transferred for sterilization (pasteurization). The time from rolling up the cans of product to the start of sterilization should be no more than 30 minutes. Sterilizes puree-like canned food for baby food in vertical and horizontal autoclaves, continuous submersible pasteurization units and continuous-action devices.

All types of canned baby food are sterilized in autoclaves and continuous apparatus; in submersible installations only one- or two-component fruit purees with or without sugar and juices are sterilized.

When pasteurizing in submersible installations, before packaging, the puree must be heated in a heat exchanger with a cleanable surface to 98 + 2 ° C and held at this temperature for 2 minutes 40 s. Then it is cooled to 85 °C, packaged at this temperature, sealed, pasteurized in an immersion pasteurizer at 90 °C for at least 26 minutes, then cooled for 12 minutes to 40 °C.

When sterilizing puree-like canned food in continuous devices, the product must have initial temperature not lower than 80 °C. Then the product in the apparatus is gradually heated to 100 °C, kept at this temperature for a certain time depending on the type of canned food, and also gradually cooled to 30 °C.

In irrigation pasteurizers, the product is also gradually heated by spraying water at a threefold temperature change, holding at a pasteurization temperature of 95 - 98 °C, then the temperature is gradually reduced by spraying with water.

Technological diagram for the production of canned food, including the operations of boiling, rubbing, mixing, homogenization, deaeration, heating, packaging, capping

Technological scheme for the production of canned puree:

1 - steamer; 2.4 - wiping machines; 3, 5, 9 - pumps; 6 - container with stirrer; 7 - homogenizer; 8 - deaerator; 10 - heater; 11 - filling machine; 12, 14 - conveyors; 13 - automatic capping machine

In accordance with GOST 15849-89 for canned fruits and berries for baby food, natural purees from apples, pears and fruit mixtures must contain soluble solids 10 - 12%, organic acids (malic acid) 0.2 - 0.6%, fruit puree with sugar - soluble solids up to 14% (apple) or up to 24% (blackcurrant).

The range of puree-like canned tropical fruits includes puree with sugar from bananas, guava, mango and papaya of one type or mixed with other purees (cherry plum, apples).

Nectars (juices with pulp) are produced from the fruits of bananas, guava, mango, papaya and their mixtures. The amount of added sugar in nectars ranges from 2.7% (banana nectar) to 10% (papaya nectar), and citric acid - 0,15 - 0,2%.

The resulting mixtures are homogenized at a pressure of 15-17 MPa (for nectars) and 12 MPa (for purees). Homogenized products are deaerated at 35 - 40 °C and a residual pressure of 6 - 8 kPa, then heated to 80 °C and packaged.

Sealed jars and bottles with purees or nectars are sterilized in autoclaves at 100 °C or continuous pasteurizers at 95 °C.

Creams and desserts differ from fruit purees in their composition and consistency. Creams are made from apples or applesauce with the addition of strawberry, blueberry, chokeberry and rowanberry puree, sugar and semolina.

Desserts are made from plums, apples, black currants, cherries or mixtures thereof. Starch, sugar and whey are added to the fruit part. When making desserts, first mix the puree with sugar and heat it to 55 - 60 °C, then add a mixture of corn phosphate starch and whey, preheated to 40 °C, into the heater.

When making fruit and berry creams, semolina is pre-mixed with sugar, then served in a heater, where the fruit mass was previously placed. After mixing, the product is sent for deaeration and heating. The hot mass is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 0.25 dm3, sealed and sterilized in autoclaves. Creams are sterilized at 100 °C for 20 minutes, desserts - at 100 °C for 45 minutes.

Meat, vegetable and fruit and vegetable coarsely ground canned food and canned food, cut into pieces

Coarsely ground canned food includes the following assortment: spinach with meat and potatoes, green peas with rice and carrots, vegetable zucchini sauce, carrots with applesauce, carrots with apricot puree, pumpkin with rice, prune compote.

Canned foods cut into pieces include:

first lunch courses: vegetable soup with green peas, vegetable soup with cauliflower, green cabbage soup, spinach with meat, vegetable soup with meat and potatoes, vegetable soup with meat;

second lunch courses: green peas in sour cream sauce, carrots in sour cream sauce, carrots with green peas in sour cream sauce, vegetable stew in tomato sauce, vegetable stew with meat in white sauce, liver with vegetables in sour cream sauce, meat with vegetables.

Washing, cleaning, inspection, and blanching are carried out in the same way as in the production of pureed canned baby food.

The prepared vegetables are chopped. Greens are cut by machine or chopped with knives into pieces no larger than 5 mm in size, white cabbage and zucchini are crushed in crushers into pieces 3 - 5 mm in size. Potatoes for coarsely chopped canned food should have pieces measuring 3 - 7 mm; for canned food, cut into pieces

Technological line for preparing meat and liver:

1 - platform scales; 2- basket; 3 - digester; 4- lift; 5 - meat cutter; b - digester KV-600 “Vulcan”; 7 - centrifugal pump; 8 - MZS-316 reactor; 9 - electric hoist; 10 - filter; 11 - lift; 12 -

juices, raw potatoes are cut into cubes with edges measuring 6 - 10 mm. After cleaning, the onion is cut into circles 3 - 5 mm thick and sautéed in refined vegetable oil at 110 ° C for 20 - 30 minutes.

After blanching, carrots are cut for coarsely chopped canned food into pieces 3-5 mm in size, for canned food cut into pieces - into cubes with a side size of 6-10 mm.

The pumpkin is prepared as for canned puree, then boiled and rubbed on a double grinding machine through sieves with a hole diameter of 1.2-1.5 and 0.7 - 0.8 mm.

After blanching, spinach and sorrel are crushed on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 5 - 7 mm.

A complex of equipment is used to process meat and liver into canned food. After deboning, trimming and inspection, the meat is cut into pieces weighing 100 - 200 g and blanched in water at 98 ° C for at least 30 minutes at a ratio of meat to water mass of 1: 1.5.

Veal and beef liver are veined, soaked and blanched, as in the manufacture of canned puree. Blanched liver is ground on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 10 mm.

Fruit and vegetable materials and semi-finished products are prepared in the same way as canned puree.

The eggs are inspected and washed in running water, then broken and poured into a small cup; After making sure that the eggs are fresh, serve them for mixing.

Mixing and heating coarsely ground canned goods. The prepared raw materials and materials are mixed in accordance with the recipe for this type of canned food in a closed mixer with an MZS-320 type mixer, where mixing is carried out simultaneously with heating the mass to 85 ° C. The hot mass is served for packaging.

When producing canned food, cut into pieces, which include the first and second dinner courses, the liquid phase (dressing, filling, sauce) and mixtures of vegetables and meat are prepared separately.

Preparing dressing, filling and sauce. Dressings are prepared for green cabbage soup and spinach with meat. The dressings include eggs, milk, wheat flour, and broth.

The sauces are prepared: white, tomato and two varieties of sour cream.

The composition of the white sauce includes: cow's butter, sugar, salt, flour, meat broth. Dry matter content 16.5%.

Tomato sauce includes: butter, sugar, salt, tomato puree, flour, broth. Dry matter content 24%.

Sour cream sauce for vegetables includes: cow's butter, sour cream, sugar, salt, flour and water. Dry matter content 29.5%. Sour cream sauce for meat dishes also includes tomato puree; the dry matter content in this sauce is 21.5%.

All components included in the product have a temperature of at least 80 °C. When packaging soups, dosing and filling machines are used, in which the solid phase is first dosed into the jar, then the jar is filled with filling.

ca or dressings, are loaded in accordance with the recipe into a double-walled kettle with a stirrer, stirred and boiled for 2 - 3 minutes, then rubbed on a rubbing machine with a sieve hole diameter of 0.7 - 0.8 mm.

For all canned foods cut into pieces, except soups, the prepared mixtures of vegetables and meats are mixed with the appropriate sauce or dressing in a mixer with a stirrer and heating; heated to 85 - 87 °C and served for packaging.

When making soups, only prepared raw materials and materials are mixed in a mixer, and the filling is added separately to each jar when packaging.

Soup is used as a filling for soups table salt concentration 3%, prepared in water or broth.

Packing, capping, sterilization. Coarsely crushed canned food and canned food, cut into pieces, are packaged on dosing and filling machines for viscous products at a product temperature of at least 80 °C.

When packaging soups, dosing and filling machines are used, in which the solid phase is first dosed into the jar, then the jar is filled with filling.

After filling, the jars are immediately sealed and submitted for sterilization. Sterilize at 120 °C for 50 - 70 minutes, depending on the capacity of the jar and the composition of the product.

There are more and more children, and parents have less and less time. In the context of a global shortage of free minutes, both fathers and mothers are faced with the acute question of feeding babies, which should be based on balanced, healthy and delicious food. As the child grows up, the need to provide a variety of dishes is added to this list.

Of course, many mothers at the birth of a baby put aside all their affairs and begin to deal only with them, which is very correct. However, even in this case, giving the child everything he needs in terms of nutrition is problematic. You will have to cook often, selecting environmentally friendly and safe products(for example, for vegetable purees), which is not easy to do in today's reality.

That is why there is a need for complementary feeding based on ready-made baby food, which becomes more varied every year and, in addition, is enriched with the vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body.

This state of affairs can be very attractive for the organization own business. The production of baby food today is an interesting and profitable niche with a competent approach and high-quality implementation.

What to produce: choosing the type of product

Before you start drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the segment in which you plan to operate. There are two of them on the baby food market:

  • complementary feeding products are, in fact, all kinds of purees and cereals;
  • mother's milk substitutes, which in composition are as close as possible to human milk and are suitable if breastfeeding for some reason is not possible.

Complementary feeding products are in greatest demand, occupying about 80% of the total market volume. They are in demand by all groups of babies (both those who were naturally fed and those who were bottle-fed). Therefore, the preferred choice is to produce and sell baby food for complementary feeding. Despite the fairly large offer, there is room for new manufacturers in this segment. There will definitely be demand if consumers like the products.

Production range: choice of food group

For children aged 3-4 months and up to approximately 3 years, it is recommended to provide the most natural and healthy diet. That is, feed them with cereals, purees, meat and fish dishes, brought to a special consistency. It is especially important to follow these rules if the child is under one year old.

Then, more familiar food is gradually introduced into the diet, prepared in fairly large pieces and similar to what mom and dad eat. However, this does not mean that healthy food for your baby should be boring and monotonous. This is where manufacturers come to the rescue, offering a wide selection of products that are varied and at the same time adapted to the child’s body.

What kind of complementary feeding products should be produced? There may be several options:

  1. Dairy products, including fermented milk (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.).
  2. Vegetable and fruit mixtures. Among them are mixed juices, purees, canned vegetables and cereals, etc. They can be of three types: finely and coarsely ground, homogenized. Suitable for babies from 3 months.
  3. Grain mixtures. Not only cereals, but also instant cookies (yes, there are such things), and even pasta. Can be given to children after 4-5 months.
  4. Meat and fish mixtures may also contain plant and vegetable components and dairy products. They vary in meat/fish content and degree of grinding. Homogenized ones can be fed to children from 5 months, pureed ones - from 7 months, and coarsely ground ones for children over 9 months.

Depending on the possibilities, mainly financial, it is possible to establish the production of baby food of all the above types. Or you can stick to canned vegetables and dairy products, and as your business develops, add the production of fish/meat mixtures to the offered range of baby food.

Raw materials for production: what and at what cost

The most important thing in feeding a child is to ensure that his body receives sufficient quantity nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and also to prevent the entry of low-quality or unsafe products. Manufacturers should take this into account. A business plan for the production of baby food includes a careful selection of raw material suppliers.

Products for the preparation of mixtures must be grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without pesticides and antibiotics, and also be protected from possible contamination by bacteria and fungi during transportation. This will have to be closely monitored both by the supplier (therefore he must be trusted and conscientious) and by the manufacturer himself, that is, you.

To organize the production of baby food of the above types, you will need the following types of raw materials:

  • vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, pumpkins, plums, apricots and peaches, cherries, currants and some others are especially popular;
  • dairy products - whole, low-fat, dry, cream, sour cream;
  • grains - cereals and flour made from them (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat);
  • meat and fish - poultry, beef, pork, cod, pike perch, hake, tuna, etc.

As for the cost, prices fluctuate depending on seasonality and a number of other factors. On average, the following costs per kilogram of various types of raw materials can be given (when purchased in bulk):

  • vegetables - up to 15 rubles;
  • fruits and berries - up to 50-60 rubles;
  • milk - 13-15 rubles per liter;
  • grain - from 5 to 15-20 rubles;
  • fish - from 75 to 200 rubles;
  • meat and poultry - up to 300 rubles.

At the same time, the cost of a kilogram of baby food today averages at least 500 rubles. That is, the business is capable of generating considerable profit even taking into account the high prices for some types of fruit, as well as meat and fish products.