Which chewing gum is better. Myths about chewing gum

There is an opinion that the use of chewing gum during a diet can adversely affect the body. Chewing gum is food product, confectionery. The same high requirements have been developed for its quality and safety, as for any other food product.

If we consider the composition chewing gum, then it contains only ingredients approved for use in food products. Consider how they are useful or harmful in losing weight.

The composition and calorie content of chewing gum

Back in the late 19th century, the composition of the ideal chewing gum was created:

  • 60% sugar or sweeteners;
  • 20% rubber;
  • 1% flavored additives;
  • 19% corn syrup.

The basis for modern chewing gums is 4 types of components: base, flavors, dyes, sweeteners. Depending on the taste of chewing gum, natural or identical natural flavors are used.

There are about 16 kcal in one chewing gum pad, as you can see, the product is low-calorie.

So fears whether it is possible to recover from chewing gum are in vain.

The benefits and harms of chewing gum for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, under no circumstances should you try to replace chewing gum with your meal. The body is simply not fooled. The desire to eat will decrease for a while, but then it will become even stronger, since chewing gum will provoke it.

A few records a day won't do any harm.

Also, when chewing, gastric juice is formed, but since food does not penetrate inside, the juice will gradually corrode the walls of the stomach, which threatens diseases of the digestive tract.

Caloric content also raises questions many chewing gums contain sugar.

White sweetness is the worst enemy slim figure. Sugar not only increases body weight, but also does not give anything useful to the body.

It does not contain vitamins, trace elements and proteins - only harmful carbohydrates. Pure sugar is rarely used in the composition of the product. Analogues are in demand, they keep a sweet aftertaste longer.

If the gum is sugar-free, you can use it to reduce weight. Sorbitol is used in the food field as a sweetener. In not large quantities it's not harmful, but if you consume more than 10 plates a day, there is a risk of diarrhea and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet and chewing gum compatibility

Almost all diets are advised to monitor the number of calories consumed. Many people who are losing weight wonder if it is possible to use chewing gum with a particular diet. Let us consider in more detail the types of diets and their rules.


The diet has established itself not only as one of the most effective, but also as a controversial method of losing weight. The diet aims not only to reduce weight, but also to cleanse the body of toxins, as well as reduce the size of the stomach.

The drinking diet includes a ban on solid food on the whole month. With the right approach severe hunger should not interfere, since the number of servings and the amount of calories required by the body is not limited by the rules.

At drinking diet you need to give up chewing gum, and there is an explanation for this.

According to the methodology, the body is given a month to rest. And while chewing gum, the stomach automatically starts the process of digesting food. Only in this situation there is no food, which means there is nothing to digest, which is fraught with acute illnesses digestive system.


During diet food chewing gum helps to reduce stress and eases the feeling of hunger on early stages. When you adhere to a special diet, it is often not possible to take a serving of food on time, and the process of chewing gum distracts from this.

Without harm to the body, you can use chewing gum after eating or immediately before taking it.

Choose a product that is low-calorie and sugar-free, but with a long lasting taste. Star nutritionist Pierre Dukan won't ban gum and advises chewing it to temporarily reduce the feeling of hunger.

Table number 5

The diet includes all the necessary nutrients. Products recommended for this diet are endowed with lipotropic substances, liquid, and fiber. The use of dairy and fermented milk products, boiled pasta, soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.

Foods containing a significant amount of cholesterol, purines, essential oils, nitrogenous extractives, fat breakdown products formed during the frying process, and oxalic acid should be removed from the menu. Chewing gum is not allowed on this diet..


It is the most popular and effective for weight loss. The meaning of the diet is the use of protein products. This reduction in body weight is considered healthier than some of the mono-diets based on daily use the same type of product.

Chewing gum can be consumed, but only up to 30 minutes before or after meals.

By blood group

The diet is based on an elementary rule - a person with a certain blood type needs to eat what people ate at the time when this blood type appeared. Thus, nature itself tells a person which of the products is most useful for him.

Oksana Selezneva candidate medical sciences, a dietitian argues that it is wrong to prescribe individual nutritional recommendations, making a decision only on a blood type test. However, chew chewing gum during the diet is possible, but not containing sugar.


Mono-diet takes only three days. During this time, you can get rid of 3-5 kg excess weight. At the same time, nutritionists note that this diet is beneficial for the body, since the products contain a large number of useful substances. You can chew gum on this diet, but without sugar.


Considered a low-carb diet option. The point is that all the foods you eat contain a small amount of carbohydrates. Due to the fact that the intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the body begins to consume its own "fuel" located in the fat folds.

Chewing gum with such a diet is not advised to use.

Separate food

Methodology separate power supply is based on the rules of using only compatible products and not mixing incompatible products in one meal. The main rule is not to mix proteins with carbohydrates. Therefore chewing gum can be consumed only after a carbohydrate meal.

What chewing gums can you chew while on a diet?

Being on a diet and using chewing gum, you need to correctly approach their choice. Modern developers of this product present chewing gum for weight loss.

diet gum

The manufacturer guarantees the following positive properties:

  • ensuring oral hygiene and fresh breath;
  • and stimulation of weight reduction;
  • maintaining blood sugar levels;
  • receiving by the body useful vitamin and minerals;
  • cellulite prevention;
  • boosting immunity.

The product does not contain chemical additives, but only natural herbal ingredients, which is important for those who are especially picky about their health.

Many children love chewing gum and are ready to chew it for hours. However, most parents are negative about it. Adults believe that because of chewing gum fillings fly out of the teeth, and after accidentally swallowing it, it will not be digested. Are such fears really justified?


Chewing gum - not the best useful product, but it is also impossible to call it absolutely harmful. Under the condition of moderate consumption, this delicacy even has a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, sometimes you can still pamper your baby.

The process of chewing gum causes the same reflexes in the child's body that occur when eating ordinary food:

  1. Increased salivation. Together with saliva, food remains are removed from the teeth. This prevents the formation of plaque in which bacteria multiply.
  2. Restoration of acid-base balance. After eating at oral cavity the level of acidity rises. Creates a favorable environment for reproduction harmful microorganisms that destroy teeth and provoke the development of caries. The pH level is restored on its own, but increased salivation speeds up this process.
  3. Stimulation of production gastric juice. It is necessary for the digestion of all food entering the body. If the gastric juice is not enough, there are problems with digestion, the stool is disturbed, there are pains and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea. Hence the rule that you can chew only after eating, so that there is something to digest.
  4. Strengthening of the jaw joint. Some physicians recognize this effect as positive. According to them, modern food provides insufficient jaw loading. To increase it, it can be useful to chew a little gum. But chewing gum can be replaced with carrots, cucumbers or apples. It is not only healthier, but also tastier.


When wrong and too frequent use chewing gum, all the positive effects begin to work to the detriment. In operation child's body violations occur:

  1. Constant dry mouth, "jamming" in the corners of the lips, causing discomfort and pain when eating. Increased salivation is beneficial. However, the body can get used to the fact that this process is stimulated by chewing gum. In this case, the independent production of saliva will stop.
  2. Development in early age gastritis and stomach ulcers requiring serious treatment. If a child chews gum on an empty stomach, then the entire volume of gastric juice, which is secreted at the same time, is useless for digestion. Being a caustic acid, it begins to corrode the delicate gastric mucosa.
  3. Loose teeth and malocclusion. Some experts consider the increased load on the jaw joint that chewing gum creates beneficial, but others insist on the opposite. The explanation is given as follows: if chewing is too active, the child's weak teeth begin to loosen and bend. As a result, you have to go to an orthodontist, put braces on your child, and also resort to other expensive procedures. If a child has fillings, then they can collapse or fly out under the mechanical action of the gums while chewing gum.
  4. Chewing gum has no nutritional value- its composition: it is gum, artificial sweeteners, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and wax.
  5. Chewing gum does not replace toothbrush and does not protect against caries. And chewing gum with sugar, on the contrary, contributes to the destruction of fragile children's tooth enamel.

The popular belief among parents that swallowed gum "sticks the gut together" is not far from the truth. Although the gum does not stick to the walls of the intestines, it settles in it. It is not digested, causes malfunctions in the stomach, and for its removal from the body naturally it takes time. If the baby swallows several chewing gums at once, they will accumulate in the intestines and possibly cause an obstruction. You should also be wary that the child may choke on chewing gum. Therefore, try to exclude such situations, and simply do not give your child chewing gum until 5-6 years old.

According to the observations of neurologists, children who use gum without restrictions are more likely to experience pronunciation defects and speech delays. If a child suffers from allergies, then chewing gum can provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of this disease. It contains many chemical substances. Some of them equate to strong allergens. The most dangerous are chewing gums with a sharp taste, smell and bright color.

Moms take note!

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At what age can gum be given to children?

Even though the gum has positive sides, you can give it to children over 6 years old, only immediately after a meal and for no longer than 10 minutes. Chewing gum is not a treat, and uncontrolled chewing will translate all the pluses into minuses.

How to chew gum so that it is not harmful to health?

The potential harm from chewing gum outweighs it positive traits. Parents are aware of this, but it is impossible to explain to a child that a treat can undermine his health. The only important thing for a kid is that chewing gum is an interesting and fun activity. Therefore, you should not provoke tantrums, depriving your child of pleasure. It is better to agree with him that you will give him an elastic band if he agrees to comply with your conditions:

  1. Chew only after meals so that the secreted gastric juice affects the food, and not longer than 10 minutes. During this time, there are beneficial features gum, but then there are side effects.
  2. Choose chewing gum with neutral flavors, colors and odors. They contain fewer harmful chemicals, including allergens.
  3. Spit out the gum after chewing. Make sure that the baby does not swallow it, explain that because of this, his tummy will hurt.

There are also children who are used to chewing gum always and everywhere. Of course, it will be difficult for them to immediately switch to 10-minute use. In order not to cause stress in the child, chewing time should be reduced gradually.

You can give your baby gummies as a substitute for gum. Just do not overdo it with its use, otherwise the child will again become addicted to treats. Set a clear routine: he does not chew anything for half an hour or an hour, and you give him candy for this. Don't give in to whining and begging, and don't forget to tell your kid that even though he chews gum, he should brush his teeth every day.

Subject to simple rules for chewing gum, both parents and their child will be satisfied. The kid will continue to have fun, but without harm to health. He can keep strong teeth, will not suffer from stomach pains, allergies and other unpleasant consequences which causes uncontrolled gum chewing.

Brovchenko family. How do we replace chewing gum for children?

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Chewing gum is a phrase familiar to all people today: both adults and young children. encyclopedic value says that it pastry, intended for chewing, made using an insoluble polymer base, which is not less than 16% and is not to be swallowed.

Chewing gum appeared in Russia in 1957 and quickly gained popularity, however, like many products that began to be sold (from under the floor). The production of their own chewing gum in the USSR was launched much later - only in the seventies, first in Armenia and then in Estonia. People have been chewing it for more than half a century, and the debate about the benefits and harms has not subsided so far. As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. We will talk about this.

Why do people chew gum?

Among young people aged 14 to 24 living in Russian cities millionaires, a survey was made.

The poll results are:

  • 75% - Freshens breath well
  • 62% - Long-lasting taste and chewing properties
  • 54% - Have a favorite flavor
  • 38% - Affordable
  • 25% - Widely represented in the sale
  • 14% - Brand awareness
  • 10% - Bright interesting packaging
  • 9% - Has healing properties
  • 8% - Product of modern man
  • 7% - Uplifting

Bubble Gum

This ability of chewing gum to inflate bubbles is especially attractive to most people. Do you know the name (bubble gut)? This is the name of chewing gum in English-speaking countries. And it translates like this (elastic band for bubbles).

By the way, it is precisely such a mark or a picture with bubbles that indicates that excellent samples can be blown out of this chewing gum. For beginners (inflaters) on the Internet, you can find training instructions in pictures and entire forums where users exchange experiences.

Blowing bubbles is all about practice. You can try to break the world record, which was set in 1994 by American Susan Montgomery, by blowing a bubble with a diameter of 58.5 cm from a chewing gum.

Composition of chewing gum

Chewing gum is produced and sold different shapes: plates, pads, balls and tubes.

But the main thing is not the form of the product, but its content. All chewing gums contain an inedible elastic base made of synthetic polymers. They also include various flavors and nutritional supplements, including flavors, preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, flavor enhancers.

Pay attention to what makes gum sweet. It can be fructose or glucose, which tastes good not only for you, but also for bacteria.

Prefer sugar free? Do not rush to rejoice. Sweeteners are not such a worthy alternative. For example, aspartame is a source of phenylalanine, which disrupts hormonal balance. Therefore, manufacturers write on the labels that it is better not to use the product for diabetics, pregnant women and people prone to overweight.

Another group of sweeteners are xylitol and orbit. Bacteria do not like them, so chewing gum with xylitol does not cause cavities. However, they can have a laxative effect, some manufacturers notify buyers of this in small text on the wrappers.

Benefits of chewing gum

After eating, chewing gum is especially pleasant, and this is also just the case when it is also useful.

First, extra salivation will help rinse your teeth in your mouth, getting rid of food debris.

Secondly, it will facilitate digestion. After a hearty meal, we sometimes feel heaviness in the stomach. By continuing to chew, you force the body to secrete gastric juice, and as a result, food is digested faster. Deception, of course, but completely innocent.

Thirdly, such mechanical chewing is also a massage of the gums, and this is already the prevention of periodontal disease.

As for the whitening effect: the abrasive substances included in the composition will not make your teeth snow-white and will not get rid of caries, but they can prevent the appearance of plaque.

Remember, everything is good in moderation. The maximum time for chewing gum after eating is 10-15 minutes. The receptors will also help you orient yourself: if you feel that the taste is gone, spit it out.

Harm of chewing gum

If you constantly chew gum, and even more so on an empty stomach, you can bring yourself to serious illnesses- gastritis or ulcers. Constant chewing produces gastric juice that will eat away at the walls of your empty stomach.

Along with months of treatment, your money and priceless minutes of life will also go away, which can be spent on activities more interesting than waiting for a doctor in a clinic.

You need to understand that chewing gum cannot cope with bad breath, the appearance of which is associated with diseases of the gums, teeth or gastrointestinal tract.

You will mask your stale breath by interrupting it with strong minty or fruity notes, but after some 15-20 minutes the smell will appear again. Don't add to already existing diseases new, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the symptoms.

We fix the composition of chewing gum and their effect on the human body

  • Sorbitol (E 420) - sweetener, can cause gastrointestinal insufficiency.
  • Emulsifier soy lecithin (E 322) - increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Mannitol (E 421) is a sweetener that can cause stomach upset. In large quantities, it is harmful to the teeth.
  • Aspartame (E 951) - sweetener, contains phenylalanine, contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria.

At what age can you chew gum?

There is an opinion that the minimum age at which children can buy chewing gum is three years. At this time, babies stop treating everything that gets into their mouths as food, and it is easier for them to explain that chewing gum is a means of oral hygiene.

They are afraid of the doctor and the effect of aerophagia - in the process of chewing, the child swallows air, which results in bloating, heartburn and belching. It is very dangerous to get chewing gum in the respiratory tract.

How gum is made in production (video)

In the end, chewing or not chewing gum is up to you. On the one hand, she takes nervous tension and brings pleasure when blowing bubbles. A. On the other hand, think about the impression you make on others. Someone may perceive this as disrespect, someone as a lack of culture.

Since ancient times, people have been chewing something: the ancient Greeks - the resin of the mastic tree, the Mayans - rubber, the Siberians - the resin of the larch, and in India - a mixture of aromatic leaves. All these “chewing gums” gave the breath aroma and freshness, eliminated unpleasant odors, cleaned the teeth, massaged the gums, and simply left a pleasant taste in the mouth. After the discovery of America, chewing tobacco appeared in Europe, which became very widespread.

But this is all background. And the history of chewing gum began on September 23, 1848, when the world's first factory for its production appeared. Factory founder John Curtis made a chewing mixture from the resin of coniferous trees with the addition of flavorings. But the first attempt to make chewing gum on an industrial scale was not successful. Nevertheless, it is from the founding of the factory that the history of chewing gum begins.


Since the beginning of the 1970s in the USSR, chewing gum wrappers and “inserts” with pictures, stickers and transfer tattoos have been collectible among schoolchildren.

On June 5, 1869, an Ohio dentist patented his chewing gum recipe. And in 1871 Thomas Adams received a patent for the invention of a machine for the production of chewing gum. It is at his factory that in 17 years the famous "Tutti-frutti" will be produced - a chewing gum that has conquered all of America.

Since then, chewing gum has undergone many metamorphoses: it changed colors and tastes, was produced in the form of balls, cubes, butterflies, etc., and took a very long time. important place in the life of young people in the second half of the 20th century, and even today it remains very popular.

13 facts about chewing gum

1. Chewing gum helps to lose weight. American scientists have found that the process of losing weight contributes to the use of chewing gum - it speeds up the metabolism by as much as 19%.

Chewing gum also helps reduce appetite - chewing stimulates nerve endings that transmit a signal to the brain area responsible for satiety.

2. Chewing gum affects memory. There is an active debate about the effect of chewing gum on memory. So, psychologists from England found that chewing gum impairs short-term memory, which is needed for momentary orientation. A person can quickly forget the price of the goods that he just held in his hands, or lose the keys in the apartment. According to scientists, any monotonous unconscious movement adversely affects it, that is, a person becomes more distracted.

But scientists from the University of Newcastle (USA) believe that when chewing, the activity of the parts of the brain responsible for memory increases, insulin production and heart rate increase, which means that a person thinks much better. Japanese researchers came to the same conclusion. During their experiment, the process of chewing reduced the time it took subjects to complete tasks, chewers completed them 10% faster than non-chewers.

3. Chewing gum is helpful. During chewing, salivation increases, which helps to clean the teeth, gums are also massaged, which to some extent is the prevention of periodontal disease.

4. Chewing gum can be chewed for no more than 5 minutes and only after eating. These are the recommendations of the experts. If you chew gum for longer, it will lead to the release of gastric juice into an empty stomach, which contributes to the development of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

5. Chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing your teeth. Dentists are sure that it is impossible to replace a full-fledged brushing with chewing gum. And even if there is no toothbrush at hand, then replace it water is better by rinsing your mouth.

6. Chewing gum does not protect against cavities. Caries does not appear on chewing surfaces, but on interdental surfaces, so there is no benefit from chewing gum to prevent this disease.

7. Chewing gum is bad for teeth. It destroys fillings, crowns and bridges. Destruction has both a mechanical effect on the teeth and a chemical one - saliva, which is formed during chewing, contributes to the formation of alkali that corrodes fillings.

8. Chewing gum helps to recover faster after operations on the large intestine. This is due to the activation of digestive hormones during chewing. So, in the UK, when treating patients after intestinal surgery, it is recommended to chew gum for 30 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening. This helps patients return to regular food intake faster and reduces postoperative period. This action of chewing gum is explained by the fact that when chewing, the secretory and motor activity of the intestine is reflexively stimulated.

9. The chewing gum is soothing. And also is a good remedy under stress, improves concentration. “This was proved by English scientists from Northumbria University. Chewing gum plays the role of a "simulator", allowing many to relive the most blissful moments of their lives, when they were still eating. mother's milk. People switch off from anxiety, ”explains psychoanalyst Alexander Genschel.

10. Chewing gum does not help get rid of bad smell from mouth. It has such a short-term effect that in general it can be called useless.

11. The chewing gum contains a dangerous substance. Aspartame is a sweetener, the substance was invented in 1965 and still causes suspicion among doctors. The fact is that during the breakdown of aspartame, two amino acids are formed in the body - asparagine and phenylalanine, as well as a very dangerous alcohol - methanol. In certain concentrations, methanol is dangerous for pregnant women and affects normal development fetus. In addition, methanol turns into carcinogenic formaldehyde.

12. Chewing gum should not be given to children and pregnant women. American neurologist John Olney proved the danger of glutamate - it is an amino acid and food supplement enhancing the taste. He discovered the phenomenon of excitotoxicity: death nerve cells due to their overexcitation caused by glutamate and aspartame. According to the scientist, these substances pose a great danger to the developing brain, which means during pregnancy and then until adolescence. The periods when it is definitely worth giving up chewing gum are the last 3 months of pregnancy and the first 4 years of life.

13. There was always chewing gum! Archaeologists have found pieces of prehistoric resin with imprints of human teeth in Northern Europe, which date back to the 7th-2nd millennium BC. The ancient Greeks chewed the resin of the mastic tree, the Indians - the resin of conifers, the Mayan tribes - chikl.

What can replace chewing gum


The ancient Greeks chewed the resin of the mastic tree to freshen their breath and cleanse their mouths. The Maya used for the same purpose the frozen juice of hevea - rubber, and the North American Indians chewed the resin of coniferous trees, which they evaporated at the stake. In Siberia, larch resin is still often chewed, at first it crumbles, but then, with long chewing, it gathers into a single piece. She not only cleans her teeth, but also strengthens her gums. They also often chew the resin of cherries, pines, spruces ... But this requires very good and strong teeth. In Soviet childhood, we chewed tar - but this, of course, is the most extreme option.

Zabrus and beeswax

Since ancient times, bee products have been another natural chewing gum. Honeycomb covers - zabrus - are not so convenient to chew, because they crumble in the mouth, but they are very useful, since they also contain bee saliva, and honey, and a little bee venom with which bees seal honeycombs. Zabrus has a high concentration of vitamins A, B, C, E, there is almost everything necessary for a person trace elements and a very rare type of fat secreted by bee glands.

Coffee beans

You can freshen your breath not with chewing gum, but ... with coffee. You need to chew a few grains, this will beat off all unpleasant odors, such as garlic or alcohol. The fact is that coffee beans contain substances that destroy bacteria - the cause unpleasant odors. In addition, small amounts of coffee are useful - invigorate and improve memory.

Mint and parsley leaves

Chewing gum is often chewed to silence the stomach for food. Actually, it's quite harmful occupation, since the use of chewing gum on an empty stomach can lead to gastritis or exacerbate existing stomach ailments. To drown out the feeling of hunger and, by the way, freshen your breath, you can chew a mint leaf or a sprig of parsley. These herbs are rich essential oils and vitamins, they will not bring harm, but the appetite will dull.

Chewing marmalade

Sweet and useful replacement chewing gum - chewing gum. It is easy to prepare it yourself, and if you use molds or cut out figures from it, then with such marmalade you can distract the child from chewing gums in bright wrappers.

To prepare chewing marmalade, you will need fruits (apples, pears), sugar, water, vegetable or olive oil. You need to clean the fruit, turn them into a puree, boil with sugar and water. When this mass has cooled and caramelized, grease a wooden board vegetable oil and put fruit puree on it, cover it with gauze. In summer, this mass can be put where they fall Sun rays. After a while, cut it into slices.

Chewing gum in most cases does not contain sugar, which is positioned as an advantage. That's right, sugar consumption leads to tooth decay. But are artificial sweeteners really that good and harmless?

Natural sweeteners almost identical in calories and effects on the body of regular sugar. Synthetic ones can negatively affect internal organs many of them are toxic.

In addition to sugar substitutes, chewing gum contains a lot of preservatives and flavors. And believe me, they have nothing to do with wild berries or bananas. Have you ever tried to ask about the composition of chewing gum?

Glycerin is considered relatively safe when used in small amounts. However, it can cause diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Antioxidant E 320 is derived from petroleum and is banned in some countries. Negatively affects the kidneys, liver, stomach, gland, reproductive function. It may also have a carcinogenic effect.

The sweetener can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hives. It irritates the stomach and provokes kidney dysfunction. Strongly not recommended for patients diabetes.

The sweetener aspartame causes headache, depression, anxiety, asthma, fatigue, blindness, aggressiveness, epilepsy, memory impairment. This sweetener is also not recommended as well. May have a teratogenic effect, ie. provoke deformities.

Children under 3 years old should not chew gum at all. It is much better to replace it with natural gummies.

The sweetener acesulfame has a carcinogenic effect. In animals, it caused tumors of the lungs, mammary gland, leukemia.

And it's not yet full of substances that can be part of chewing gum. As you can see, there is little good in them.

What is the harmful process of prolonged chewing

When chewing gum, a large amount of saliva is released. Usually this happens when eating food, saliva softens it. In the absence of food in the oral cavity, an abundance of saliva enters the stomach.

Once in the stomach, saliva reduces the level of acidity. In response, the stomach begins to produce more gastric juice. This leads to peptic ulcer and gastritis, which is why refrain from chewing gum even on an empty stomach.

Frequent gum chewing can cause temporomandibular joint dysfunction and even malocclusion.

It may sound, but chewing gum is psychologically addictive. For many people, constant chewing is comforting and reassuring.

There are still benefits to the oral cavity from chewing gum. Most safe option- chew no more than 15 minutes. Use chewing gum only for hygienic purposes, when it is really necessary.