The cat hit his head hard. A cat has a severe concussion: what to do? Symptoms of Concussion in Cats

Both the cat and little kitty can suffer a concussion for numerous reasons. Let's look at a few of the most common:

  1. Incorrectly grouped own body, the pet will not be able to land on its paws, falling from a decent height, but the purr will certainly receive a strong blow to its head under such circumstances, causing a concussion.
  2. The injury in question is often inflicted on an animal by a person, both accidentally and intentionally. After all, unfortunately, not everyone loves cute furry creatures, so cruel people quite often simply kick cute creatures.
  3. If a kitten is very frightened, it can hit its head on any obstacle, and the blow, in turn, will provoke a concussion.
  4. Quite often, the behavior of a purr becomes the reason for the development of the manifestation in question, for example, a cat constantly competes with its relatives, trying to defend the rights to its territory, or ordinary exploration of the territory leads to a heavy object falling on the animal’s head.

Signs of a concussion

First of all, you need to understand that a concussion is not a disease, but a consequence of an injury. If left untreated, complications will arise in the form of chronic diseases that undermine the health of the pet. The owner must be aware that any head injury, sometimes minor, can lead to a concussion.

A cup that accidentally falls on an animal's head or a blow from a sharply opening door can provoke this pathology. After this, your animal may appear normal. And all because the milder the injury, the more difficult it is to notice with the naked eye the deterioration of the animal’s condition and, even more so, disruptions in brain function.

After all, after minor injuries, a cat eats well and reacts adequately to the situation. But after a few months she may experience seizures, convulsions, and heart ailments. By that time, the owner has already forgotten about the injury. That is why it is so important to show the patient to the doctor after it, even if the injury is mild.

When it is strong, a short-term loss of consciousness may be a symptom of a concussion. The animal comes to its senses after a few seconds or minutes. The longer it lasts fainting, the more serious the injury. When the injured animal comes to its senses, it looks stunned, not understanding what happened to it. Sometimes short-term memory loss may occur. A cat does not recognize its owner, hisses at him, and hides in hard-to-reach places.

It often happens that animals are walking on the street and get injured there, and the owner is not present. You can suspect something is wrong based on the following signs: bruises, hematomas, bruises on the head and neck, pale mucous membranes. Problems with the head are clearly signaled by the animal's eyes. It's about about the unnatural shape of the pupil, that is, about the dislocation of the lens.

May appear on the pupil pale spot, the iris is trembling. The eyes of cats after severe head injuries look unnatural because the lens capsule is displaced. Also visual apparatus may respond to injury with nystagmus - rapid movement eyeballs. Unsteady gait, twitching facial muscles or their paralysis, convulsions, loss of orientation and hearing, wheezing, rapid pulse - typical symptoms of severe head injuries in animals. Their headaches may manifest themselves by leaning against walls or corners and freezing in this position.

Signs of a concussion depend on the severity and location of the impact. Brain tissue is damaged not only in the place where the blow was struck, but also on the opposite side.

First and most obvious symptom– short-term loss of consciousness after the blow. It may take a few seconds or minutes for the cat to regain consciousness; as a rule, the longer the fainting lasts, the more serious the injury. After regaining consciousness, the cat looks stunned, as if it does not understand what happened. Sometimes short-term memory loss is observed: the pet does not recognize the owner, hisses, backs away, trying to hide in a hard-to-reach place.

The first and most obvious symptom is a brief loss of consciousness after the blow. It may take a few seconds or minutes for the cat to regain consciousness; as a rule, the longer the fainting lasts, the more serious the injury. After regaining consciousness, the cat looks stunned, as if it does not understand what happened. Sometimes short-term memory loss is observed: the pet does not recognize the owner, hisses, backs away, trying to hide in a hard-to-reach place.

Characteristic symptoms

A caring owner will be able to recognize a concussion on his own, because the signs of the manifestation in question are quite easy to notice. The characteristic symptoms are the following:

  1. A kitten or adult cat loses consciousness for a while immediately after the blow.
  2. After consciousness returns to the animal, habits and habits sometimes change completely:
  • the pet may not recognize its place of residence or owners;
  • seeks to find a dark corner to hide;
  • behaves aggressively with its owners.

If the owner was not at home at the time of the injury, some signs will help recognize a recent, very unpleasant incident:

  • the occurrence of a bruise or hematoma in the head or neck area;
  • change in color of the mucous surface;
  • change in the shape or color of the eye lens;
  • dilation or, on the contrary, unnatural constriction of the pupils;
  • change in your pet's gait;
  • convulsions and twitching of facial muscles.

Sometimes after strong blow cats experience complete paralysis of both front and hind limbs or loss of previous orientation.

Diagnosis of concussion in cats

It is important to understand that the symptoms of concussion in cats depend on the severity of the injury and the location of the impact, i.e. locations of the affected area. Brain tissue is damaged both in the place where the blow occurred and on the opposite side: the brain is shaken by the blow and then hits the opposite wall of the skull.

If you suspect a concussion, you should provide your pet with complete rest and take her to the clinic as soon as possible. Transporting an animal to unconscious– on a flat surface, lying on its side, body straight (do not try to push the cat into a tight carrier).

If you notice the main symptoms of a concussion, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Based x-rays And clinical signs the doctor will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Cat treatment and care

Of the drugs prescribed vascular agents, painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics. In severe cases, medications to maintain respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Treatment largely depends on the severity of certain symptoms. For example, if a cat becomes fearful, nervous or aggressive after a concussion, a long course of sedatives is prescribed.

In case of concussions, the cat should be calmed down, placed on a soft pillow, preferably in a dark, cool room, and if after 10 minutes the cat does not feel well, contact a veterinarian.

If a cat has lost consciousness due to a concussion, it should not be disturbed or moved. It is necessary to lay it on its side and make sure that the tongue does not sink in, that is, so that the cat’s tongue sticks out, and when vomiting, it would not choke on the vomit. You need to put it on your head cold compress, that is, wetted cold water, a towel folded in several layers or an ice pack.

Specific treatment for concussion in cats has not been developed. CT studies, radiography, MRI are not very informative, so the doctor must be experienced enough to, based on clinical condition make the correct diagnosis. First of all, the veterinarian determines the extent of the injury and takes measures aimed at eliminating or preventing the development of edema.

The medications prescribed include vascular agents, painkillers, sedatives, and antiemetics. In severe cases, medications to maintain respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Treatment largely depends on the severity of certain symptoms. For example, if a cat becomes fearful, nervous or aggressive after a concussion, a long course of sedatives is prescribed.

To prevent a concussion in a cat from leading to irreversible disturbances in the functioning of this organ, it is necessary to provide the recovering pet with complete rest: you cannot turn on the TV or music loudly, invite noisy guests, or do general cleaning. Peace, physical and emotional – necessary condition, in case of non-compliance with which drug therapy loses effectiveness.

Within a year after experiencing a brain injury, you should regularly visit a veterinary neurologist. The doctor will monitor the restoration of brain function of the mustachioed patient, adjusting, if necessary, the previously developed maintenance therapy regimen.

Cats are very dexterous animals, but they do not always manage to avoid falls and bruises. Head injuries and severe concussions in cats are common.

Why does this happen?

The cause of a concussion in outdoor cats can be a fall from a height, being hit by a car on the road, an awkward jump from a tree, or being hit by a person.

Domestic cats get it as a result of heavy objects falling on them or hitting a wall if the animal is scared or does not have time to brake in time. Concussion is accompanied by disorder cerebral circulation, and sometimes hemorrhage. This process results in disruption (temporary or permanent) of normal brain activity and activity.

First of all, you need to call a veterinarian. Experienced doctor will have immediate help animal.

What happens when you hit your head?

When an animal experiences a concussion, the functioning of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system is disrupted for some time. Most often, cats suffer from mild concussions.

As you know, a strong concussion in a cat is the result of damage due to an impact. If you don't start on time correct treatment brain injury, this is fraught with complications that can develop into chronic diseases that can worsen the pet’s health and limit its physical activity.

Every cat owner should be clearly aware that even a minor injury to the head can result in a concussion. Moreover, the more minor the damage, the more difficult it is to determine disorders in brain activity at home.

A cat can behave absolutely adequately, not suffer from a lack of appetite, and also not show signs of disturbance motor functions. However, after some time, symptoms such as seizures, heart problems, behavioral disorders. This indicates a hidden brain injury.

Therefore, there is no need to wait for any symptoms of a concussion to appear after the impact - you need to take your pet to the veterinarian. Moreover, for emergencies there is a 24-hour veterinary clinic. It is better for this to be a false alarm than for the appearance of chronic diseases as a result of delayed treatment or lack of treatment at all.

Symptoms of Concussion in Cats

The most telling symptom of a concussion in cats is a short-term loss of consciousness after injury. usually occurs for a couple of minutes, but it can also occur. In this case, the following pattern is observed: the longer the cat is unconscious, the more severe its condition and consequences.

When the cat regains consciousness, it may not be oriented in space. More rare symptom may be temporary. In this case, the animal may not recognize the owner, behave aggressively, or hide in secluded corners. A concussion in a cat is common, but the condition of your pet cannot be ignored.

Strange animal behavior

You should promptly consult a specialist if your cat exhibits the following signs:

  1. Uneven pupils.
  2. Lack of pupillary response to light stimulus.
  3. Rapid and unnatural eye movements.
  4. A cloudy spot on the pupil, trembling of the iris, an abnormal appearance of the eye associated with displacement of the lens or damage to the ligaments that support it.
  5. Bruising on the head.
  6. Too pale or, conversely, too reddened mucous membranes.
  7. Dizziness (its sign is an unsteady and unsteady gait).
  8. Headache is a sign of it: the animal rests its head on a hard surface and stands motionless.
  9. Drowsiness.
  10. Attacks of aggression.
  11. Involuntary twitching of paws and facial muscles.
  12. Paralysis of limbs.
  13. Short-term loss of hearing or vision.
  14. Difficulty in orientation.
  15. Increased heart rate.
  16. Intermittent breathing accompanied by wheezing.

You need to know that the intensity of the symptoms of a concussion in a cat directly depends on the severity of the injury and the area affected. The mechanism of brain damage during trauma is as follows: the place where the blow was directly received suffers, and after that the brain hits the opposite wall of the skull, also receiving injury. During a concussion, the hypothalamus and brain stem are most vulnerable. It is very dangerous. This condition can lead to paralysis of the animal, temporary or permanent, so it is very important to provide assistance as soon as possible. Typically, the main symptoms in animals disappear within 2 weeks. In any case, calling a veterinarian will not hurt.

Providing first aid for a concussion in a pet

If the cat received a blow to the head area and there is a suspicion that she has a concussion, then you need to bring her into a room with dim lights and put her down. If the symptoms do not disappear within ten minutes, then you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. IN big cities There is usually a 24-hour veterinary clinic.

In case of loss of consciousness, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • do not try to stir up the animal or lay it on its side;
  • in case of tongue retraction, ensure its straightening;
  • Apply dry cold to the injury site;
  • apply a cold compress to your head (wet a towel in cold water, fold it several times and place it on the animal’s head);
  • if there is an open wound, you need to stop the bleeding and apply a bandage;
  • if vomiting begins, make sure that the cat does not choke on the mass;
  • in case of cessation of breathing, it is indicated to do indirect massage heart and artificial respiration.

Among the drugs that can be used without consulting a doctor, use an injection of caffeine and camphor. But it’s better not to treat a cat’s concussion on your own. The symptoms should prompt you to see a specialist.

Cautious Actions

It should be remembered that the cat after being injured is in in a state of shock and may react hostilely to attempts to help. Therefore, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to worsen the condition of your mustachioed pet.

If the cat is unconscious, it must be transported by first laying it on its side and straightening its body. In this case, it is strictly not recommended to put the pet in a carrier or transport it while holding the animal in your arms. For transportation, a flat surface must be provided. If you notice a concussion in a cat, what should you do in this situation? A veterinarian can tell you about this.

Treatment of concussion in cats, cats and kittens

Specific studies on concussion in cats have not been particularly effective. X-rays or MRIs do not provide complete information about the injury. Therefore, you should contact a qualified and experienced veterinarian who can, based on clinical data, correctly assess the cat’s condition and make a diagnosis.

The doctor first assesses the complexity of the injury and administers medications to the animal that prevent the development and support the functioning of major vital functions. It should be taken into account that a strong concussion in a cat can disrupt the pet’s usual lifestyle.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing painkillers, vascular and sedatives. If the cat’s condition is severe, then additional medications are prescribed to support cardiac and respiratory activity. In case of nervous or aggressive behavior the animal is prescribed sedatives which should be taken for a long time.

Bed rest

In order for your pet’s recovery to go well and chronic painful disorders in the functioning of the brain not to appear, you need to create conditions for complete rest. Treatment with medications is only fully effective when the animal is in a state of complete rest.

A typical severe concussion in a cat can be cured within 2-3 weeks, provided the doctor's recommendations are followed.

If the concussion was serious, the animal must be monitored by a veterinarian for another 12 months. If necessary, he will adjust the prescribed course of medications and will monitor how quickly and fully brain functions are restored. Now you know how to check for a concussion in your beloved cat.

Every cat or kitten owner should be familiar with the symptoms and first aid rules for a concussion. Timely detection of symptoms and treatment first aid can save your pet's life. It should be remembered that the behavior of an animal is an indicator of its condition.

With all the endless love for for a pet the owner is not able to fully guarantee its safety. Accidents are a reality not only of human life, but also of cat life. Among the many injuries suffered by animals, head trauma is quite common.

What indicates a head injury in a cat?

If your cat hit its head when falling from a height, was in a car accident, or was injured at the hands of cruel man, no need to wait indirect signs injury. Timely call to veterinary clinic, calling a doctor to your home or transporting the animal to the hospital on your own will ensure that the pet will not experience painful health problems in the future.

Clinical manifestations of brain contusion are:

  • short-term or long-term loss of consciousness;
  • disorientation in space, sometimes accompanied by unmotivated aggression;
  • open bleeding wounds in the skull and collar area;
  • hyperemia or pallor of the sclera, mucous membranes;
  • ophthalmological disorders in the form of changes in the iris, lens, pupil, the appearance of spots on the sclera, visible hemorrhages;
  • twitching of the eyeballs;
  • tremor, loss of coordination, convulsions;
  • partial numbness;
  • abnormal pulse, breathing, salivation.

The presence of even one of the above signs should alert the owner and serve as a reason to contact a specialist.

What to do

First of all, provide the animal with motor and psychological rest. Place cold ice at the site of the bruise; the cat’s body must be wrapped up, since the four-legged animal may experience chills. Then you should urgently show your pet to a veterinarian.

At the hospital, the cat will be examined, tests will be done to identify concomitant injuries and general clinical condition, and the necessary therapy will be prescribed, for example:

  • drugs that reduce cerebral edema;
  • maintaining the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • painkillers, sedatives and antiemetics;
  • processing open wounds antiseptics;
  • course of antibiotics (if necessary).

An important condition for the animal’s complete recovery is post-traumatic rehabilitation under the guidance of an experienced neurologist.

Professional services

By contacting our clinic, you can count on a detailed diagnosis and objective, and most importantly, effective treatment. We come to help at any time of the day, provide inpatient consultations and make home visits. Our qualified veterinarians will do everything necessary to restore your pet's health.

Cats are very curious by nature. They need to stick theirs everywhere wet nose, climb to the very top high point. Despite the fact that these animals are distinguished by amazing dexterity, their curiosity sometimes leads to sad consequences- they receive various injuries, including concussion.

Causes of injury

A cat can get a concussion in the most various reasons. The most common of them is fall from high altitude . Despite their agility and ability to always land on their paws, which significantly softens the blow, cats do not know how to circumvent the laws of physics. When falling from a considerable height, they do not die like other animals, but receive a strong blow, causing a concussion of the head and spinal cord.

Unfortunately, it is often the person who causes the injury. It can be inflicted accidentally (a blow from a door being opened, a kick while walking) or deliberately. Not all people love these cute animals.

A cat can get a concussion by hitting an obstacle at high speed. This happens when an animal gets scared of something and rushes headlong away. At this moment, there may be an obstacle in its path that the cat, in a panic, does not notice.

Finally, these animals make trouble for themselves. While playing or exploring the surrounding area, animals can throw a heavy object onto themselves, the impact of which can cause a concussion.

What happens when you get a head injury?

Falls from heights and blows to the head lead to disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system in an animal. A severe concussion in a cat is equivalent to a brain contusion. That is, in a limited area of ​​the brain, organ tissue is damaged. Along with the immediate impact zone, the brainstem and hypothalamus are affected.

Strong blows cause destruction of brain tissue both at the site of impact and at the wall of the skull located opposite. A concussion disrupts the functioning of vital centers. Blood circulation may be impaired. In severe cases, a severe concussion in a cat is accompanied by hemorrhages in the brain tissue and necrosis.

Spinal cord concussion in a cat

This injury most often occurs due to a fall from a great height. When the spinal cord is concussed in cats, the functioning of the pathways is disrupted, which causes problems with the functioning of any part of the organ. For example, if brain function is disrupted in the area of ​​the cervical thickening, then the cat will experience paralysis of the limbs and parts internal organs. However, the animal will continue to live, so the brain will ensure the functioning of the lungs and heart. If a spinal cord concussion causes disruption of its functioning at the level of the 4th and 6th pairs of nerves, then the animal is likely to die, since this pathology will lead to paralysis of the respiratory center.

Symptoms of Concussion in Cats

Most characteristic symptom for this injury, loss of consciousness immediately after the impact. The animal remains unconscious for several minutes, then comes to its senses. However, if there is a brain injury, the cat may fall into a coma. The severity of the concussion can be determined by the duration of unconsciousness. How longer cat does not come to his senses, the more severe the injury and the more dangerous the consequences.

After the return of consciousness, the cat has poor spatial orientation for quite a long time. In some cases, memory loss may occur. The cat is afraid of the owner, does not recognize him, and can even show aggression.

You should contact your veterinarian immediately if your cat has the following symptoms:

It is important to understand that intensity of symptoms depends on how severely the animal is injured. But this does not mean that if symptoms are mild, you do not need to take your cat to the veterinarian. It is necessary to consult a specialist in any case.

Symptoms of spinal cord concussion in cats

With a mild injury, when the substance of the spinal cord remains intact, the cat may experience short-term paralysis of the limbs. At severe injuries with cracks of the vertebrae and ruptures of the membranes of the spinal cord, signs of total paralysis are noted. Sensitivity of the limbs and tail is reduced to a minimum. The rectum may fall out.

With a severe concussion of the spinal cord, the cat will move only on its forelimbs for some time. Although the hind limbs retain sensitivity, they do not obey brain signals. Without treatment, there is a possibility that hind limbs They will remain paralyzed, and a hump will grow at the site of the spinal cord injury. This is if the animal survives.

First aid for a cat with a concussion

In the case where the injury is caused by a strong blow to the head, you need to take the cat and bring it into a room with fresh air and dim lighting. If the animal is unconscious, then you need to do the following:

Before the veterinarian arrives, it is allowed to make the injured pet caffeine injection, but it’s still better not to try to treat yourself.

Do not forget that after a concussion the cat will be in a state of shock for several days. At this time, she may not recognize her owners and treats them aggressively. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If the cat still does not regain consciousness, and there is no way to call a veterinarian, then the pet should be transported for examination by a specialist on its side. However, the animal should not be placed in a carrier. It is better to transport the cat in your arms.

Treatment of concussion in cats

High-quality animal treatment is possible only after a comprehensive examination. Unfortunately, research methods such as X-rays and MRI cannot be applied to a cat. Or rather, it can be used, but for concussions in cats, these research methods will not be effective. Therefore, veterinarians have to make a diagnosis based on clinical data.

The specialist first assesses the severity of the concussion, and then, if necessary, gives injections to prevent brain swelling. In addition, the veterinarian may give injections of life-sustaining medications.

Drug treatment is reduced to the use of analgesics and sedatives . Also, vascular medications will not be superfluous. For severe concussions, medications may be prescribed to support cardiac function.

The cat recovers from the concussion within a few weeks.

Neither a person nor an animal can be insured against force majeure in life. A fall from a window or an inattentive driver can cause a concussion in cats. What should the owner know about this condition? How is it treated? What should be done first in case of a concussion, and what is prohibited? Arm yourself with useful information.

About the signs of pathology

First of all, you need to understand that a concussion is not a disease, but a consequence of an injury. If left untreated, complications will arise in the form of chronic diseases that undermine the pet’s health. The owner must be aware that any head injury, sometimes minor, can lead to a concussion. A cup that accidentally falls on an animal's head or a blow from a sharply opening door can provoke this pathology. After this, your animal may appear normal. And all because the milder the injury, the more difficult it is to notice with the naked eye the deterioration of the animal’s condition and, even more so, disruptions in brain function. After all, after minor injuries, a cat eats well and reacts adequately to the situation. But after a few months she may experience seizures, convulsions, and heart ailments. By that time, the owner has already forgotten about the injury. That is why it is so important to show the patient to the doctor after it, even if the injury is mild. When it is strong, a short-term loss of consciousness may be a symptom of a concussion. The animal comes to its senses after a few seconds or minutes. The longer the fainting state lasts, the more serious the injury. When the injured animal comes to its senses, it looks stunned, not understanding what happened to it. Sometimes short-term memory loss may occur. A cat does not recognize its owner, hisses at him, and hides in hard-to-reach places.

It often happens that animals are walking on the street and get injured there, and the owner is not present. You can suspect something is wrong based on the following signs: bruises, hematomas, bruises on the head and neck, pale mucous membranes. Problems with the head are clearly signaled by the animal's eyes. We are talking about an unnatural shape of the pupil, that is, a dislocation of the lens. A pale spot may appear on the pupil, and the iris may tremble. The eyes of cats after severe head injuries look unnatural because the lens capsule is displaced. Also, the visual apparatus can respond to injury with nystagmus - rapid movement of the eyeballs. Unsteady gait, twitching of facial muscles or their paralysis, convulsions, loss of orientation and hearing, wheezing, rapid pulse - typical symptoms of severe head injuries in animals. Their headaches may manifest themselves by leaning against walls or corners and freezing in this position.

Signs of a concussion depend on the severity and location of the impact. Brain tissue is damaged not only in the place where the blow was struck, but also on the opposite side.

A cat has a concussion: what to do?

First of all, it is necessary to ensure complete rest and quickly deliver the injured animal to the clinic. If the cat is unconscious, then it is transported on a flat surface in a position on its side. There is no need to squeeze the animal into a cramped carrier.

It is worth noting that specific treatment concussion in animals has not been developed. MRI and radiography in this case are not informative. The veterinarian must be experienced in order to make a correct diagnosis visually, based on the clinical condition. He will first determine the extent of the injury. Then he will take measures to prevent the development of edema. For this purpose it is prescribed vascular drugs. The cat is also given painkillers, antiemetics, and sedatives. If the case is severe, then you cannot do without supporting cardiovascular and respiratory functions.

Treatment for a concussion depends on the severity of its symptoms. And this, in turn, directly depends on the age of the animal and its immunity.

To prevent the pathology from leading to irreversible consequences in the functioning of the brain, the affected pet must be provided with complete rest. This means he shouldn't hear loud sounds, music, seeing new people in the house. Physical and emotional peace will enhance the effectiveness of therapy. After the pet’s condition improves, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian several times throughout the year. The specialist will adjust the maintenance therapy regimen if necessary.