Who is a serval. African cat Serval - a sign of prestige

Domestic servals are valued for their unusual appearance wild cats, which in fact they are. Not so long ago, breeders found out that this species is perfectly tamed, playful and good-natured, if approached wisely. Exotic lovers quickly took note of this and began to get a very beautiful exotic animal.

The serval, also called the bush cat, is distinguished by the pride and grace of an African predator. Its size is small compared to other African counterparts and simply gigantic, if you equate it to an ordinary domestic cat. The weight of spotted pets ranges from 8-18 kg. Height - 40-65 cm, and body length can reach 130 cm.

The head is relatively small, the muzzle is not elongated, but the ears are rather large, set high, well furred inside. The bridge of the nose and nose are wide. The eyes are almond-shaped, large. Servals are real top models in the feline world. Their limbs in relation to the body are the longest, while the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones.

The coat is short, thick and shiny. The main color is golden brown. On the chest, abdomen and muzzle, lighter areas are visible, almost white, and the main decoration of the cat is contrasting black spots arranged in stripes. Color may have some differences depending on the geographical homeland. Servals from the steppe regions are distinguished by large spots and a light background, while forest cats are darker.

Serval hybrids

In captivity, servals sometimes mate with common domestic cats. On the basis of such hybrids, new breed, which was named. There was also information about the appearance of a hypoallergenic breed with nice name. Subsequently, they turned out to be the same shrouds, the price of which the scammers greatly exaggerated. In addition, matings of bush cats with steppe lynxes, caracals often turn out to be quite successful. As a result, the so-called servicals or caravals are born.

Servals in the wild

Servals are distributed almost throughout Africa, with the exception of the South of the mainland. There are 14 subspecies in total, some of which are endangered.

AT wild nature servals settle in shrubs and grassy thickets near the water. They are active mainly at dusk and also at dawn. Thanks to high limbs servals and perfectly developed hearing, servals move carefully in tall grass looking over it for prey. The hunting tactics are similar to, the serval does not like chases, he prefers ambushes and long jumps. From a place, a cat can jump 3 m in height and up to 5 m in length. Serval rodents often have to simply dig out of holes. For arboreal animals, it climbs onto tree branches, swims well.

Servals lead a solitary life and try to avoid all sorts of conflicts.

They breed throughout the year. During courtship, both the female and the male rest and hunt together for several days. Pregnancy lasts 65-75 days. There are usually two or three kittens in a litter. Up to 5 months, the mother feeds them with milk, and at the age of about a year they go to free bread.

Character, intelligence and habits

Nursery-bred domestic servals are amazingly friendly and affectionate animals which pose little to no risk to humans. However, they are categorically not recommended for families with small children who have not yet learned to respect animals.

In general, servals are sociable, playful and intelligent. They are very affectionate and gentle with all family members. They prefer to sleep in bed and are rarely aggressive towards strangers. Only if they have not previously had experience of communicating with other people, they can avoid contact. It can even be said that there is a certain fearfulness and cowardice in the character of the serval. It is important for these cats to feel secure and know that there is a safe place nearby.

By nature, servals are very curious, they enjoy learning new games and exploring previously unfamiliar territories. They usually get along well with other cats. Cohabitation with a dog depends on the nature of the latter. The serval will not mind making friends and playing together if they do not show aggression towards him. Rodents, birds, ferrets will remain potential food for the cat, so you should not seduce her, and even more so then scold her for the usual manifestation of the hunting instinct.

Servals are very smart, they quickly remember house rules, but they are also easy to train and can learn several commands. They are distinguished from an ordinary cat by their size and speed of reaction, in addition, servals are very fond of water.

Maintaining a serval at home

It is recommended to start a serval only for living in a private house with an attached aviary and free entrance to it from a separate cat's room. It is important that the animal always has a place where he can hide or just retire to relax. Sometimes servals are brought into apartments, but this is not the most the best way. Servals need to move a lot to maintain a good physical form and health.

Servals do not need special care, they do not have a specific smell and are very clean.

Not so long ago, they did not even suspect the possibility professional care for wool, and therefore they are accustomed to take care of personal hygiene themselves. True, many owners to maintain a neat appearance during the period seasonal molt comb out their kitties using natural bristle brushes or special mittens. Caracal can be offered to bathe as fun, but they do not need to be washed with professional shampoos or air conditioners. Servals go to the toilet on a pot with filler, which differs from the cat's time only in size.

It is also worth considering that servals with the onset of puberty begin to actively mark the territory. In this regard, castration / sterilization is recommended for animals not for breeding.

Video about the maintenance of a home serval:

Features of education

In raising a serval, you will have to show considerable patience, while it is important to take into account a lot of features, not to neglect the advice of breeders.

Serval kittens are very fond of chewing everything, in this they look like puppies. To divert the attention of the baby from valuable things will wash a lot of toys. to. And electrical wires and electrical appliances are recommended to be sprayed with special cat sprays from the “antigryzin” series, which are sold in ordinary pet stores. In no case should you scream and beat the cat, she may not forgive this. In addition, a clear command “no!”, backed up with water from a spray bottle, will be more effective. You can’t play with the baby with your hands or feet, as he grows up, he will perceive them with his toys, he can scratch, bite or attack from an “ambush”.

Leash training should be done as early as possible. On the street, the kitten should feel absolutely safe next to the owner, this is the main key to success.

What to feed a serval

You need to feed the serval in such a way that he does not even think of yearning for the African savannah. In wild nature most of The diet of the predator falls on rodents and birds. The smaller part are snakes, lizards, insects. Of course, you don’t have to catch grasshoppers for a cat, it’s enough to make correct menu from meat (beef, veal), fodder mice, rats and poultry. As a compliment from the chef, the animal can be offered quail eggs and offal. Be sure to include vitamin and mineral supplements in the diet. Water must always be freely available.


Servals usually good health and good immunity. With proper maintenance and nutrition, they practically do not get sick. But before you get an unusual pet, you should make sure that there is a veterinarian nearby who can provide qualified assistance. Servals are vaccinated with conventional cat vaccines. The life expectancy of a serval is 13-15 years, some individuals can live up to 20 years.

Serval kitten selection and price

The optimal age for a kitten to move to new family- 2-3 months. During this period of life, the baby begins to get used to smells and rules. He chooses his “favorite” among people and begins to become a full-fledged member of the family. At this age, the active education of the animal begins, accustoming to walks and other things. Grown servals will find it more difficult to adapt to a new home.

It is very important to buy exotic animals from breeders and not from resellers. The baby and his parents must have a full package of documents confirming the origin and health. But more importantly, he early age was accustomed to man.

If the animal was captured in the wild or raised in a closed enclosure, this can result in huge problems with behavior and domestication in the future.

The cost of servals depends on many factors. Breeders set prices themselves, focusing on the average market value 2 in the country, in Russia it is 400 thousand rubles. In some catteries, kittens can cost $8,500 or more. In other CIS countries, the price of a serval is usually slightly lower - 7000-7500 thousand dollars. Kittens for breeding are always more expensive than those sold as pets for castration / sterilization. The main thing when buying an exotic animal is not to run into scammers.


Photos of kittens and adult domestic servals.

Serval is a predator from the cat family. This unusual cat looks very attractive and graceful, and many breeders and cat lovers dream of having this unique pet.

Representatives of this breed of cats outwardly are very similar to other predators - cheetahs. In the photo, servals look very unusual and graceful.

Of course, many would like to have such an elegant and unusual animal at home. But before you buy it, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the rules for the care and maintenance of a pet at home, the history of its origin and the price for it in Moscow nurseries.

The history of the origin of the serval

Few are familiar with this unusual breed cats. Serval is different called a bush cat and he is a rare animal. These cats appeared in Africa. They are free-spirited and independent. Most often, representatives of this breed are found in the east. For example, about 40 subspecies of these cats are common in Tanzania. Some of them are listed in the Red Book.

They began to call predators bush cats because, most often, bushes located near a reservoir became their habitats. Servals, as a rule, go hunting twice a day - before dawn and at dusk, after sunset. Their prey, most often, are hares, birds, small rodents and small antelopes.

On the number of bush cats, of course, affected by poaching. Servals were hunted for their magnificent coats. Therefore, soon several subspecies were on the verge of extinction. However, people stopped exterminating magnificent cats, and began to gradually domesticate them. Today, many servals can be kept at home, in a spacious house or apartment.

Despite the fact that servals are predators, they get along in houses and behave very friendly and affectionately towards their owners. All over the world, this cat breed is considered elite, and many breeders are ready to pay fabulous sums in order to acquire such an unusual pet.

Serval: breed description, appearance

Bush cats outwardly look very attractive and unusual. Since these pets are primarily wild predators, the color of the coat helps them to perfectly camouflage in vivo habitat. The height of the serval jump is more than 3.5 m. early morning(from 5 a.m. to 8-9 a.m.) and late evening (from 10 p.m. to midnight).

At the withers, adults reach about 60 cm, in length 120−130 cm, not considering the length of the tail. The length of the tail is about 35 cm. Among other members of the cat family, servals have the longest ears and limbs. Otherwise, these cats have a well-proportioned physique and well-built bones. The weight of a bush cat can reach 17 kg.

As for the predator's coat, it has a light milky shade with slight spots. Brown. There are also various lines with a yellow background in the color. Thanks to the color and graceful gait, the pet looks very majestic and sophisticated.

Breeders also managed to work on this breed of cats and brought out a new subspecies with an unusual color. On the fur of such a pet there are silver flecks, which were located on a snow-white background. On the stomach chest and the muzzle is snow-white with slight spots. On the ears with outside the spots are more pronounced, and there are black tassels on the tips of the ears. This indicator indicates a direct relationship with lynxes.

Bush cat personality

Servals have sociable and calm personality, so they quickly get along with new owners. In addition to these qualities that are important for keeping at home, this pet is very playful and active cat. Experienced breeders it is recommended to purchase kittens, not adults, since animals need some time to get used to a new owner.

Servals are amenable to education and quickly learn new information. The extraordinary mind of these pets helps them to correctly perceive information and remember it. The serval shows its love and affection for the owner, like any other cat: it rubs against his legs, purrs. Serval meow is not like sounds ordinary cats and more like birds chirping.

Servals love to hang on ropes or wires, so it is better for the owner to remove them away from the eyes of the pet for his own safety. Cats love soft toys that they like to chew on. Ropes, toys and other items that unnecessarily attract an unusual pet are best sprinkled with apple spray. It will discourage the serval from approaching these things. It is better for a cat to buy special toys, but only big size so that she doesn't accidentally swallow them.

This representative of the cat family has qualities such as:

  • cunning;
  • stubbornness;
  • resourcefulness;
  • dexterity.

If desired, these qualities can be adjusted with the help of timely education.

Bush cats love to fool around and play tugging and grabbing like dogs. Servals can also chase the ball and bring it to the owner.

Care and features of keeping a pet at home

Despite the fact that the serval is primarily a wild predator, it gets along with other domestic animals (except for rodents and birds) and even treats dogs. Walking a cat is best on a leash, and at home it is worth paying more attention to him so that he can quickly get used to the owner.

You can't beat a serval, even if there are good reasons for it. As a rule, a simple strict remark is enough for a cat, and in extreme cases, you can spray it from a spray bottle.

Servals love to swim and that's why water procedures will not cause problems for the owner. It is advisable to bathe your pet once a week. You can also take the cat with you to the pond, where this cunning hunter, once in the water, will try to catch fish.

As far as diet is concerned, feed pet the best food is:

  • chicken bones;
  • wings;
  • calcium supplements;
  • vitamins.

Adult cats, as a rule, consume from 450 g to 1.5 kg of meat per day. Pets can also be fed dry industrial feed no less than premium.

To accustom a serval to a tray is quite simple, like any other thoroughbred cat. The pet's coat needs to be combed once a week, the same applies to cleaning the ears from dirt.

Health and mating of bush cats

wild servals live an average of 10 to 12 years, and domesticated - 15-20 years. The mating process in bush cats occurs spontaneously, on occasion. Pregnancy in representatives of this breed proceeds quite quickly - 2 months. It is best to buy serval kittens in a specialized nursery, which will be much easier to educate and accustom to living with new owners.

Like any other purebred cats, bush needed routine vaccination and preventive inspections at veterinarian . If the pet began to limp or he had diarrhea, then he should be shown to the veterinarian immediately.

Where to buy a pet?

You can buy a bush cat kitten in a specialized cattery in Moscow. At a more reasonable cost, a serval can be bought on an ad, with hands, but the guarantee that the pet is really a thoroughbred is sharply reduced. As for the price, in the cattery of the capital you will have to pay at least 4,000 dollars for a serval kitten.

What could be more exotic and original than a wild animal in the house? A proud gait, a noble color, intelligent eyes are signs of an African serval. This is the most elite and unusual representative of domestic cats. Wild animal lovers can make their dream come true without risk to themselves and loved ones, because servals are very friendly and peaceful animals. However, their content requires money and time. We will deal with the rules for caring for a serval and its habits.

History of the African Serval

The breed has attracted attention because it looks like a wild cat, but the habits and character allow these individuals to live with people. Due to the intervention of poachers, the serval population has declined. Once they widely inhabited the African continent. Now most of the cats live in Tanzania. Due to poaching, some species are listed in the Red Book.

It is interesting! There are 14 types of servals. The main difference is the coat color. About 40 subspecies of servals inhabit every 100 km.

Initially, they were called bush cats (due to the fact that they preferred bushes around water bodies for shelters). Representatives of the species love freedom. In the natural environment, the animal lives 10-12 years. With the care of people, the pet has every chance to live 15-20 years.

This is perhaps the only animal whose roots go back to the wild depths of the fauna, which is quite possible to shelter in a private house or a large apartment. The African wild cat is recognized and praised all over the world. They are associated with prestige and wealth. Such an exotic pet will not only decorate the family, but also good friend adults and children. The serval is a cat that is one of the most elite breeds.

Appearance standards

Serval looks like a real graceful African predator. Breed standards have not been fully developed, but there are some features of the animal:

  • body length up to 1 m;
  • long limbs (the front ones are shorter than the hind ones);
  • small head;
  • large, high-set ears, lowered from the inside, covered with white and black stripes on the outside;
  • wide nose;
  • almond-shaped eyes (boomerang shape along the upper eyelid);
  • pronounced pads for vibrissae;
  • the vibrissae themselves are long and rigid;
  • thick tail up to 40 cm.

Serval weight is 8-18 kg. The pattern of wool is similar to the patterns of a cheetah. The chest, belly and muzzle are distinguished by a light, white color. The body is covered with spots that merge into stripes on the back of the beast. Color varies from sand to copper. The coat of servals is short and dense. Breeders try to keep it silky and shiny.

The nature and habits of the serval

Without proper upbringing, a serval may well demonstrate wild habits. It is necessary by all means to suppress its predatory instincts and try to prevent situations in which the animal will have to defend itself. It is better to take a kitten from 1.5 to 5 months. At this age, he is strongly attached to the owners.

This beast prefers to spend natural energy on games and running. The serval is very athletic, so you need to be prepared for the pet's playfulness. Also, the serval cat will noticeably mark the territory. To avoid this problem, you need to sterilize the animal in a timely manner.

Note! Males are castrated at 7-8 months, and females are spayed a year.

It often takes time for a serval to adjust to its surroundings. The owners of servals assure that with proper care, the pet is incredibly strongly attached to the family. Therefore, the animal is often compared to a dog. Servals are distinguished by sociability and calmness. Compliance with a beloved owner allows you to educate the beast. Attentiveness, the correct perception of information and the correct reaction enable the serval to learn quickly. Nose a stranger and a master who has not earned respect, the serval will behave stubbornly.

Important! The serval can jump up to 3 meters high.

Such a beast will surely conquer all the peaks in the house, so you need to worry about paintings and fragile objects in advance. Servals also love to grab ropes and hang on them, as well as other objects suitable for this activity. The beast will surprise you with how much he loves to chew toys. To prevent the pet from chewing on something important, you need to provide him with a soft “sacrifice” (but rather big so that he cannot swallow it).

Advice! If the serval has already become accustomed to chewing things, apple spray will help rid him of the habit.

Servals are friendly and curious. They will happily meow when the owner appears, but the serval's voice is not like a cat's - more like the chirping of birds. If you earn the respect and love of the beast, he will be the most faithful and loving pet.

When a child is “attacked”, an African cat can scratch and bite, so you should not get a cat if there are small children in the house. Constant fear can make the animal nervous. The serval will get along well with a large friendly dog. With small pets, you need to be careful to “acquaint” the cat, because he can take them for toys and chew them. Small animals (hamsters, mice, birds, reptiles), which are the prey of the serval in the natural environment, are best protected from its presence.

Pet health

The space for playing a small serval needs to be protected from high surfaces. The jump can damage the pet's still fragile limbs. Be sure to pay attention to the cat's stool: with regular diarrhea, you need to contact the veterinarian. A plentiful litter box can lead to severe dehydration in a cat.

Important! Vaccination of servals should take place without the use of active viruses. From such a vaccine, the animal may die.

You need to prepare for the fact that the beast will often mark the territory. The solution to the problem will be castration (7-8 months) or sterilization (12 months). At proper care The African wild cat lives up to 20 years.

Serval will become true friend and joy in the house. A playful pet, endowed with intelligence and respect for the owners, simply cannot disappoint. Source: Flickr (Ailie)

Serval diet

Animal nutrition should be taken seriously. If it is not possible to bring his diet closer to the one that was waiting for the baby in Africa, you should not start it. At home, the serval catches rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, and insects. At home, raw chicken or quail meat with bones, offal (heart, neck, thighs) is suitable for him. You can give preference to super-premium food. Vitamins (especially calcium) are required. A serval eats 0.5-1.5 kg of meat per day.

Serval kittens need bottle feeding. So the animal quickly gets used to people. The person who feeds them since childhood is considered a parent by servals. The owner becomes the head of the "pack".

Caring for a "domestic cheetah"

Serval can be walked. For walks you need to buy a leash. During the walk, you will have to watch the beast, because it can get tangled in the collar. When a serval is hooligan, you can not shout or beat him.

Advice! To punish the beast, you can spray it with a water pistol or simply express a stern remark.

It is better to play with a cat lying on the floor. So the pet will remember the owner's facial features, will see his eyes. In a favorable environment, the pet will be more comfortable and calmer.

You need to bathe the serval once a week. The process will not cause problems, because the animal is good with water. In the warm season, you can swim with a serval in a pond. The pet will catch fish and insects, which will add to the fun.

Ears and eyes should be cleaned once a week. Comb with the same frequency. A serval cat is accustomed to the tray quickly - you just need to show the beast the device and regularly talk about the rules of defecation. After a few days, the pet will find the tray on its own.

Is it worth choosing a serval

The fear that a wild animal cannot become a domestic one works against the purchase of such an animal. But in the case of the serval, this is a completely unfounded speculation. No wonder this predator is considered one of the most domesticated. In a moment of danger, a serval will run away rather than attack. He lovingly accepts the care of people, becomes their friend for life. However, servals have flaws that can be intimidating. The beast is not worth buying if there is no time and desire to educate, play and care for him.

Advantages of a serval cat:

  • the amazing beauty of the serval;
  • calm character, lack of unreasonable aggression;
  • in a moment of danger, the serval will try to wriggle out, and not bite;
  • the beast is surprisingly devoted and loving;
  • almost dog nature (the serval loves to bring balls, take away toys and just fool around);
  • amenable to training, can even perform complex commands;
  • friendly to other animals (if they are large);
  • there are no hereditary diseases;
  • life expectancy;
  • simple pet care;
  • good health.

Disadvantages of the African beast:

  • servals are cunning and sometimes stubborn, so you need to mark the boundaries of what is permitted;
  • can harm a small animal, mistaking it for a toy;
  • love for jumping and high furniture;
  • with a lack of education and toys, the serval will spoil the furniture;
  • loves to overturn and tear everything;
  • needs free space for games;
  • the cat does not understand the cry and brute force, will respond with anger to aggression;
  • often marks territory;
  • servals do not like quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • high price (servals are bred in nurseries, export from Africa is prohibited);
  • limited number of nurseries;
  • the need for a special diet.

Serval will become a true friend and joy in the house. A playful pet, endowed with intelligence and respect for the owners, simply cannot disappoint. It will be in place in the living room by the fireplace and at a business meeting. A charming African serval will add elegance and emphasize the owner's style.

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Serval cats are carnivorous mammals from the cat family. They are called shrubby because the usual habitat of animals is not always associated with the forest. Most species prefer savannas, bushes, semi-deserts. However, there are still those who live in the forests.

Serval cats are carnivorous mammals from the cat family.

This graceful cat looks like a cheetah. The same long legs, a relatively small head and two stripes descending from inside eye. Their nature came up with for mimicry in thickets of grass. However, it all looks very sad. It seems that this African predator was undeservedly offended by someone. Since then, a streak of resentment has always stretched from the piercing gaze of a wild animal, giving the muzzle not so much a compassionate, but a stern look.

Most species prefer savannas, bushes, semi-deserts. However, there are still those who live in the forests.

The African serval cat is a slender, long-legged animal of medium size. However, compared to domestic cat is a large, fast and wild creature.

The body length ranges from 90 to 135 cm, the height at the withers is from 40 to 65 cm. The weight of this cat is relatively small. It fits in the range from 8 to 18 kg. Ordinary domestic cats, fed by their mistresses, can also reach such a mass.

The serval cat among all small cats has the highest paws and big ears. But his head is small and elongated horizontally. The tail for a cat of this size is short - only about 40 cm, that is, less than the length of the body.

Servals are considered close relatives of lynxes and caracals, although outwardly they look more like a miniature cheetah. The camouflage of this cat is designed to hide in tall grass and bushes. This combination dark spots and stripes on a yellowish gray background. His chest, belly and muzzle are light, with rare spots. The ears are also spotted - yellow or white spots are scattered over a black background.

Dangerous cats (video)

Gallery: serval cat (25 photos)

Geographic differences in serval phenotype

These representatives of the cat family live in Africa, but in different regions and natural conditions.

Servals living in areas where there are no continuous forests have large spots on a light background. Those living among the trees have a darker color, small spots and not so long legs. The difference in appearance and habitats once made it possible to distinguish them into a special subspecies of serval-shaped cats, or servalins. However, later biologists changed their minds and returned the name serval to the forest populations of these cats.

There are others geographical features serval populations. For example, completely black animals live in the mountains of Kenya, making up about half of the population of local representatives of this species. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genome of most cats of this population, which is mainly due to geographic isolation. Natural barriers do not allow the exchange of genetic material, which produces natural selection on a number of grounds. In particular, a sign of melanism has become entrenched in this area.

Home servals

Serval cat breed at home appeared recently. It turned out that these wild predators, under certain conditions, may well live next to a person, becoming a member of his family. Moreover, they are able to interbreed with domestic cats and even with caracals.

A large cat of the serval breed gradually began to fill apartments and estates. It happened spontaneously. Just from travels in Africa, a wild kitten was brought, which was brought up as an unusual home inhabitant.

Despite the fact that the serval has almost become a domestic cat, there is no standard for such a breed yet. However, work in this area is underway, and a description of the new domesticated cat is already available.

This breed can be characterized as follows.

Body dimensions. Compared to ordinary domestic cats, servals seem to be giants. As mentioned above about the wild inhabitants of Africa, these cats are more than a meter long. At home, sizes can be larger, if, of course, they are fed and treated well.

Head. Relatively small, but the ears are very large, set high, furnished with fur on the inside, and painted with black and white stripes on the outside. Despite the elongated shape of the muzzle, the nose and bridge of the nose are wide. The eyes, even for the cat family, are extremely almond-shaped. This one is still wild, genetically completely undomesticated graceful cat has the characteristics of an ideal hunter. In particular, he has well-defined vibrissae as a special sense organ. They are long, well-marked and very dense.

Legs. People in these cats are attracted, first of all, by their wildness and unusualness. However, one of the most interesting characteristics animals are long legs. Hind limbs they are noticeably longer than the front ones. Under natural conditions, such proportions allow you to make a big jump. Servals, of course, are not cheetahs, they cannot run a lot and quickly, but they succeed perfectly in making a swift dash for prey.

Wool. Short, very soft, silky and shiny. Incidentally, this distinguishes healthy cat from the patient. Coloration similar to wild.

Is a home serval dangerous?

These cats have a wild disposition, which indicates that their closest ancestors recently ran through the savannahs of Africa and earned their own food. Moreover, they had to live in conditions where they were also hunted. This is a big serval in the apartment, and in the savannah, in front of a lion, a cheetah, hyenas, giant snakes and even monkeys, it becomes a small creature that needs to show special agility so that no one eats it.

So servals are cats with a determined and sharp character. Moreover, they have not gone through hundreds of years of domestication, that is, artificial selection for a number of characteristics.

Domestic cats are said to walk by themselves. Yes, these animals can leave, walk somewhere for a long time, go about their business, and then return home. Moreover, the concept of “home” for them loses the image of a hole where you can hide and relax, but also acquires the meaning of a space where there are people who love them, which cats also value. This is what domestication is, when an animal has a sense of its home.

Does a serval have such a feeling? Hard to say. The owners of this beast, for the most part, assure that this big cat coexists peacefully under the same roof with a person, which gives pleasure to both parties.

However, judging by some details, these still wild cats undergo a thorough training course and a moderate suppression of natural instincts.

Most mammals and birds can be tamed. The descendants of domesticated parents will live in a different environment and build their behavior like an animal for which a person is not an enemy. This means that at right approach human servals will not show their instincts of a hunter and a defensive prey.

The most dangerous thing in life under the same roof with predators is the manifestation of not hunting instincts, but fears. He is the one who makes you attack first.

Once upon a time, tame cheetahs were kept in palaces, which obeyed the force, but did not become domesticated.

Remains open question Is it possible to domesticate servals? Experience shows that it is possible. By at least this process is already in full swing. The problem is that it hasn't been completed yet. In order for domestication to be successful, it is necessary to constantly select for a number of genetic and phenotypic traits. This work is not carried out purposefully, although spontaneous selection takes place. It's just that many people start servals by taking a kitten not in the savannahs of Africa, but from people.

Nevertheless, the problem of keeping these animals in the house remains. They are beautiful, amenable to training and education. However, these are not domestic cats yet.

Home serval (video)

How to keep a serval at home?

If you have taken a wonderful and unusual kitten from trusted breeders, then be prepared for the following:

  1. A wild African needs to use its claws and jump 2 meters up.
  2. He needs to conquer the peaks, that is, cabinets, chandeliers, curtains, etc.
  3. Serval games are quite similar to the entertainment of ordinary cats, only they are much more active, with damage to environmental elements.
  4. Get ready for the fact that the integrity of your skin will also suffer, because the owner will become the object of active games of the wild African.
  5. It is possible that there will be problems communicating the serval with children. It is unlikely that a cat accustomed to living among people will behave especially aggressively towards some of them. However, active play with children can result in injuries and other injuries.

All this is not described in order to intimidate the owners of a serval kitten and force them to keep a charming creature in a cage.

These cats may well live in the same house with a person as a family member. You just need to educate him a little stricter than ordinary feline representatives.

The most important rule: if you live in a cramped apartment with small children, then refrain from such exotic things as servals.

If this cat has already settled into your home, then take a few tips.

  • do not let cats play with your hands or feet;
  • you can use special gloves made for such cases;
  • do not shout at the serval - this is a manifestation of aggression that does not bring together;
  • do not beat the animal - this will only spoil its character, make it withdrawn;
  • affirm your right to be the head of the wild cat with treats and perseverance in demands.

Serval is an intelligent animal and, like all cats, sociable. The biggest punishment for him will be the dislike of the owner. He perfectly understands intonations and even words. So you can punish with strict words and a manifestation of resentment, which will also be expressed in unwillingness to communicate with the violator of the rules.

Serval really needs to be raised not so much as a cat, but as a dog. Some owners of these animals walk with them like with dogs - on a leash and with the "close" team. However, this is still a cat that so wants to be a little wild, but next to its beloved owner.

Attention, only TODAY!

Serval cat breed. The most secretive and certainly the rarest of domestic cats. The serval is valuable because it looks exactly like a cheetah. In fact, the serval is famous wild cat. He does not differ from him either in character, or in appearance, or in disposition.

The birthplace of the first cats of this breed is Africa. By our time, their population began to decline. And all due to the fact that the fur of this cat is very much appreciated by poachers. There are approximately fourteen species of wild servals. You should know that they differ only in coat color.

Serval cat description

Not so long ago, scientists realized that if you approach the matter wisely, then the breed is well domesticated. And after that, domestic servals began to be supplied to the markets. The domestic serval is considered the proud representative of the "black" continent.

Gives its owners to admire its grace and elegant appearance. He is a predator and his appearance is designed for hunting and attack.

Breed standards are not fully developed, but exist individual features. For example:

  • Kittens of this breed have a small head and high-set, large ears.
  • Wide nose and bridge of nose.
  • Almond-shaped eyes (from below), in the form of a boomerang (from above, along the upper eyelid).
  • The pads under the vibrissae are pronounced and the vibrissae themselves are dense and long.

The color of the animal is varied. It varies from sandy to red-brown. The coat is very soft and at the same time thick and short.

Serval character

In order for the character of a cat of this breed not to be strongly manifested, it is necessary to prevent the pet from showing signs of ancestors very correctly.

Servals jump and run a lot. They need both. In nature, servals jump up to three meters (in height). At home, serval cats will hunt birds.

Agree that with their features it is much easier to catch a bird than for cats of other breeds. Well, soon servals will conquer all the heights in your home.

This carries some danger for various fragile interior items. In general, cats of this breed are curious and friendly. Protect their territory and explore new ones.

Domestic serval health

The first instruction is to hand feed the kitten. Thus, the kitten will associate you with pleasant emotions and will not try to hide from you.

You can also try playing with the kitten while lying on the floor. So the kitten will stop perceiving you as a threat. Here are the three main rules for raising a serval:

Feeding serval cats

The daily norm of food for an adult serval is up to half a kilogram of meat. Should be fed raw meat with bones and give vitamins with calcium supplements. Also, instead of meat, you can try to feed ready-made feed.

In order to get the most complete picture of the nature of this breed, it is necessary to understand that this cat is very similar in behavior to a dog!

They are good at walking on a leash, following fairly complex commands, and can make friends with other animals, provided they are the same size as a serval.

If the second animal is smaller, then most likely you will only have a serval left.

Of course, keeping an almost real cheetah at home is a big responsibility.

However, if the desire is great, then you can try: there are special nurseries where these animals are bred, and even on Avito there are many ads for the sale of the serval.