Alabai is a hardy, fearless, but “affectionate animal. Central Asian Shepherd - Alabai: characteristics of the breed, reviews and detailed description

  • Height at the withers: at least 70 cm for males and at least 65 cm for females
  • Weight: for males from 50 kg, for females - from 40 kg
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Other names: alabai, asian, sagi dakhmarda, tobet

Description of the breed

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO, Alabai) is one of the oldest dog breeds that accompanied the herds of Zoroastrians and is one of the herding wolfhounds. A heavy look, leisurely movements, self-confidence, independence and strength - distinctive features the character of these strong and resilient dogs. Thanks to this, they are widespread in our country and still work in countries Central Asia, and over the past twenty years they have settled throughout Europe and came to America, where they are used for their intended purpose or live on the territory of livestock farms.

Alabai always commands respect and often - unreasonable fear. This is not surprising given his size and gaze, which can scare anyone who comes to an Asian man’s house with evil thoughts. It seems that Alabai sees right through you.

Ten years of living next to these dogs have convinced me that this feeling is not so deceptive. If there is contact with the owner, dogs are capable of mental contact, and these dogs read the bad intentions of visitors as simply as smells and sounds.

Innate conservatism often plays a cruel joke on young Alabai people. In the absence of a sufficient number of impressions in early childhood, they often grow up to be insecure and aggressive. This condition can be corrected, but it is much better not to deprive your puppy of the joy of walking together, especially since at the age of up to 6 months you develop the contact with the dog that will allow you to communicate in the future.

The Central Asian Shepherd is a breed that is quite capable of living on its own, hunting in the forest or visiting a city dump. Her attachment to a person is not based on mercantile interests. No matter how much strangers feed the Alabai, he will never follow them or leave his owner. Keep this in mind when purchasing little puppy. Dogs who have experienced a change of home live with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and always expect a trick from a person, afraid to be left alone on a leash, afraid when strangers take the leash in their hands. Their anxious look and uncertainty are a consequence of human betrayal.

Almost all colors are recognized in the Central Asian Shepherd breed. Only brown (liver), black and blue are prohibited. The attitude of breeders towards the last two can be explained rationally - they indicate the infusion of the blood of a German Shepherd or Great Dane. The ban on brown is less clear, since expeditions to the original habitats of Alabai regularly report that they are regularly found in their native stock brown dogs. American breeders even created a bloodline of these dogs. Their color is bright, and their working qualities are no different from those of standard-colored dogs.

Breed standard Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Changing over time, the standard of the Central Asian Shepherd breed took it further and further away from the type in which it had remained for several thousand years of herding work. His latest edition transformed the Alabai breed from a working breed into a giant, almost decorative one, legitimizing the will of the leadership of the monobreed club of that time. The introduction of a ban on the breeding use of aboriginal dogs isolated the population of the country that holds the breed.

It turned out that the only breed feature of the Alabais is their enormous growth and massiveness. It doesn't matter what kind of character your dog has or how long he will live and be able to work. It is important that this is the largest Central Asian Shepherd. The upper height limit was removed, and limb problems were legalized. Those interested can familiarize themselves with this standard and compare it with the first edition, as well as with standards of an earlier time, written on the basis of a study of livestock taken from their habitats and describing a working dog. It turned out that the working qualities of this unique breed no one needs anymore. According to this standard, the sizes of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are unique.

The assignment of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog to the second group of the FCI, which placed Alabais on a par with large mastiffs and other Molossians, also played a cruel joke. At the same time, the specifics of this breed were not taken into account, suggesting the use of Asians as guard shepherds. By the way, some alternative organizations in their classification include Central Asian Shepherds in the first group of working and herding dogs, which is much more justified from the point of view of its working qualities.

According to the standard, the eyes should be dark and the eyelids should be well pigmented. It is considered acceptable to have incomplete lining of the eyelids for more than light eyes in dogs of light colors. However, among native dogs there are frequent cases of a combination of black or tri-color color with light, amber eyes. Experts indiscriminately classify this sign as a disadvantage, forgetting that this color of gas allows wolves to navigate perfectly in the dark and, moreover, it has nothing to do with the level of melanin in the body, which can cause damage to strength nervous system dogs.

Another detail that I would like to write about is the abundance of intra-breed types of the Central Asian Shepherd, which is discussed in Lately For some reason everyone forgot, admiring the picturesque white dogs without ears and tails running in the rings of major exhibitions. It gets to the point where experts and novices don’t even see in the ring dark dogs, do not know about the existence of Nurata and Tajiks, choosing white dogs as winners, without looking at their movements, problematic anatomy, strange heads and incomprehensible behavior. Black Central Asian Shepherds also cause an unusual reaction, especially if they have short hair. The exception is single-breed exhibitions of Central Asian Shepherds, where people who have devoted their entire lives to the breed and who know a lot about intra-breed types are invited as experts.

Currently, the countries of Central Asia that have left the CIS are creating their own standards for Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. This has its own logic - the breed was not originally united, since in vast Central Asia there were a lot of dogs that were not similar to each other and differed both in behavior and anatomy. And they lived in isolated areas. The legality of their association is still a subject of dispute among breeders. All this diversity was united by work - after all, shepherds paid little attention to the exterior of their dogs, selecting the most unpretentious, hard-working, brave and intelligent. Separate selection was carried out based on size and pugnacity - this concerned dogs that participated in battles and therefore were removed from the flocks, settling in rich houses and delighting their owners with victories. This group of dogs very rarely returned to the herd, fed well and reproduced “in themselves,” periodically receiving new blood from discovered working Alabais with increased aggressiveness towards their own kind and the need to sort out relationships with them.

Character and characteristics of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Longtime friends of shepherds, Alabai are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, endurance, attachment to their territory and flock, and remarkable strength and intelligence. All these qualities are combined with leisurely movements and self-confidence. Most of them are hereditarily fixed in the breed over thousands of years of its existence, and some depend on the upbringing in the pack that an Alabai puppy goes through.

One of the breed's weaknesses of the CAO is children. Adult Alabai are very kind to children and puppies, take care of and protect them in every possible way, break up fights and prevent injuries, if this is in their power. The exception is young dogs who are confident that they are equal with children and have the right to clarify their relationship with them and educate them. At this age, youngsters are always supervised by older dogs, since the speed of movement, tension in relationships and the growing weight of adolescents require skillful guidance in the right direction.

Alabais distinguish between their own and foreign territory very well. Adult Alabai very rarely enter the territory of street packs, and while protecting their owner, his children and puppies, they never go far and do not pursue enemies over long distances. Exploratory behavior reaches its peak in dogs at 9-12 months of age and usually subsides by two years, giving way to a clear understanding of the rules and their implementation.

Conservatism and the desire to protect one's own often leads to problems with socialization in dogs that are kept without walking in their own territories. Actively working at home, Alabai are distinguished by increased alertness, bordering on timidity outside the territory.

Another feature of the Central Asian Shepherd's character is its pack character. Those who live at least together feel the most comfortable. The most win-win option is a pair of an older male and a younger female. Such a mini-flock is easy to form and is practically conflict-free. Dogs of different sexes live well together different sizes. An Alabai female takes care of a small male, and an Asian male is very kind to his female companion small size.

CAOs get along well with cats, and this only applies to the owner’s animals. Stray and neighbor's cats are destroyed on the territory without warning. Raised in a barn or stable from a young age, they independently begin to protect the animals entrusted to them and hunt foxes, snakes and ferrets that threaten their charges.

Considering a large number of There is a lot of information about the Central Asian Shepherd breed on the World Wide Web for fans of the breed in different countries and regions. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the recommendations given by breeders who are adherents various types. They themselves admit that each of them has “an Asian in their head.” Foreign colleagues are already accustomed to the Central Asian Shepherd with ears, and those who work with Alabais do not bother with how long to leave them when docking and whether it will look beautiful.

When choosing a dog for yourself, be sure to think about what kind of life you are preparing for it. And after that, start calling breeders. Heavy dogs require the owners of certain conditions for keeping the Central Asian Shepherd, diet, and sometimes the use of special feed additives, capable of slowing down early aging joints. If all this is not a problem for you, you are not bothered by the short life expectancy and are ready to spend on special food any money, then you can safely take a dog from a breeder who breeds “big dogs”.

If it is important for you that the Alabai lives a long time, is unpretentious and does not get sick, then it is better to choose a puppy from parents whose size is closer to the standard indicators in the breed. Those who want a dog to successfully work as a guard and lead herds should choose a puppy from aboriginal parents and know that size is not important for work. The behavior of the Alabai largely depends on what kind of blood it is.

To keep the CAO you will need a booth in the yard and an aviary. These two structures will allow your dog to have a roof over his head in rain or snow and will give you the opportunity to isolate the dog when visitors - be it construction workers, relatives or friends - come over. In areas with severe frosts the floor of the enclosure is made of wood. In stone buildings, you can sprinkle hay, straw or sawdust on the floor.

The enclosure for the Alabai should not become a place for its permanent detention. The best option is to place it freely in the yard with access to all protected objects and a booth installed at a point that allows you to control the entire territory. Entrust the choice of location for the booth to the dog. It should have a view of the entrance and be located on an elevation. The flat roof of a low booth will definitely be used by an Asian for better review terrain, so place the booth so that the dog cannot jump over the fence from it.

If you have two dogs of different genders, you will definitely notice a difference in their performance. Alabai male usually sits on an elevated place, vigilantly looking around the surroundings, while the female runs along the fence, monitoring the situation every minute. It is better if you plan the area in advance so that this dog behavior does not cause you any inconvenience.

When preparing for the appearance of a new dog in the yard, take into account one more feature of the Central Asian Shepherd breed. They love to dig holes. This is especially true for bitches, for whom such behavior is inherent in nature - in Central Asia, puppies are born in a hole carefully dug by their mother. By burying holes, you provoke the dog to look for another place. It is much more practical to choose one of them and let the dog rummage around there, taking all measures so that the second exit from the structure does not end up behind a fence.

Feeding the Central Asian Shepherd

The diet of the Central Asian Shepherd is selected depending on its age, living conditions and weather.

The first complementary foods are usually scraped meat and a special food - starter, soaked in homemade yogurt or kefir. At this time there is a high risk of developing infectious diseases and diarrhea, so you should not neglect the quality of your diet. Optimal age introduction of complementary foods – 21 days. If the bitch has little milk, then they begin to feed earlier, using special ready-made mixtures or a combination of goat milk, honey and quail eggs.

The scraped meat can be moistened with low-fat yogurt or kefir and rolled into small ball, offer it to the puppy. The Alabai bitch should be out for a walk during this procedure, and the puppies should have time to get hungry. Alabais quickly understand that this is food and cope with complementary feeding in a matter of minutes. On the third day, the number of complementary foods is increased to two, and by a month - to three or four, allowing the bitch to supplement the babies the rest of the time at her convenience.

At two months the starter food is replaced with puppy food large breeds, cottage cheese, eggs, oatmeal and rice porrige, soaked bread. At this time, the bitch can be weaned from the puppies, although I prefer to allow the lactation process to complete at a pace that is comfortable for the bitch. Bitches no longer stand obediently under the pressure of babies, but growl at them when there is no milk in the beds.

From two to four months, puppies are fed 5 times a day. If your baby refuses one of the meals (and this happens very often among Alabais), increase the dose and feel free to reduce the number of feedings by one. At this time, the diet continues to expand, adding chopped greens, carrots, apples, whey, and dried bread.

The decision to feed the Central Asian Shepherd with dry food can be made in summer time when other products quickly deteriorate, or when indicated by a veterinarian. The optimal diet for alabai is natural food. Special ready-made starter feeds are also successfully used for feeding puppies up to 3 months of age.

Don't forget that for a puppy, movement and new experiences are no less important than feeding from the belly. In addition, if you have a heavy puppy, remember that overfeeding can cause problems with joints and bones.

After six months, Alabai puppies are fed 3-4 times a day. By nine, the number of feedings is reduced to three; after a year, bitches can be fed twice a day. For males, the age of transition to two meals a day is 1.5 years.

In the summer, adult dogs often begin to eat once a day on their own. This is quite normal, since in hot weather much less energy is spent on maintaining body temperature. Many Asians are happy to diversify their diet with vegetables and fruits, and willingly catch birds and lizards. In winter, it is better to practice feeding twice a day, offering dogs warm liquid food with added vegetable oil to compensate for the loss of moisture in cold weather (eating snow prevents dogs from completely quenching their thirst).

Central Asian Shepherd puppies

When deciding to breed your bitch, think about the risks involved and the goal you are pursuing. If you decide to just make money on puppies, remember that there are too many dogs of this breed at the moment and many of them sooner or later end up thrown onto the street. It is from thoughtless matings that advertisements for “Central Asian Shepherd puppies for free” appear. In addition, there is always a risk that the puppies will stay too long, which means that you will have to walk a crowd of three-month-old Alabais every day and provide them proper nutrition for as long as it takes.

You definitely shouldn’t breed a bitch if you live in an apartment. The cost of repairing it will most often be higher than the money received for the litter. It is better if you discuss the decision to breed your bitch with your breeder. This is the best option for owners of one dog, since they will have at their disposal all the puppy sales channels available to the breeder, kennel discounts on food, and practical and methodological assistance from a specialist.

There is no need to rush into mating CAO. Dogs of this breed are fully formed by the age of two or three years. That's what it is optimal time for the first mating. Most often, Central Asian Shepherds breed once a year. If your dog sheds twice a year, try to breed her in the spring or summer when puppies are scarce. A female intended for breeding must be healthy both physically and genetically. Lack of maternal instinct, eating puppies, eclampsia after the first pregnancy are convincing reasons to exclude this breeder from breeding.

When choosing an Alabai male, rely not on his titles, but on information about the offspring he bred from him. It is much more interesting to get involved not with a young untested champion, but with his father. The most stable results are obtained with linear breeding - that is, in the case when the dogs are distantly related to each other. Pregnancy of the Central Asian Shepherd lasts 60-65 days.

Central Asian Shepherd puppies are born in numbers from one to twelve. Their number depends on the age of the bitch. I would like to warn owners against trying at any cost to save the lives of all newborn Asians by using stimulant injections. Weak puppies They will grow up to be sickly dogs, unable to perform full service and causing their owners a lot of problems.

The bitch is quite capable of handling childbirth on her own, but the owner’s participation in this process strengthens contact and benefits both the owner and the dog. If the bitch behaves aggressively and does not allow the owner to approach the puppies, this is the first sign of her mistrust of the owner, which should be developed long before the first birth.

The weight of newborn Alabai puppies usually ranges around 500 g. They actively begin to suck, stimulating new contractions in the mother. The duration of the birth process is about a day, it is a little longer in primiparous bitches. It is believed that the sun should not rise above the head of a woman in labor twice. In large litters, after the birth of the first 5-6 puppies, there may be a pause and labor stimulation may be required.

In regions with a mild climate, Asian women are allowed to give birth in a stable or barn, covering the birth area with straw and limiting access to other dogs. Shepherd dogs dig their own holes. Caring owner only if necessary makes a rain shelter over them. If the frost outside is more than minus five degrees, it is better to take them into a heated room, allocating a separate room.

Central Asian Shepherds are excellent mothers. It happens that they lay around with the puppies, not wanting to go outside again. Once the puppies reach the age of 14 days, it is better to start taking the bitch out for short short walks, avoiding her contact with other dogs. Upon arrival, the milk beds are washed warm water with antiseptic.

By two weeks, the puppies' eyes open and they begin to actively move around the floor. At this time, it is important that they cannot crawl under a sofa or closet and die there. The issue can be resolved by installing limiters around the socket. By three weeks, if the outside temperature is at least 50C, the puppies are transferred from the house to a puppy house or barn.

Before the puppies are accommodated, the premises are thoroughly treated with a special antiseptic and exposed according to the instructions. The walls of the room need to be cleanly whitened full height bitches, and change the bedding to fresh.

Training the Central Asian Shepherd

The upbringing of an Alabai begins on the very first day of its arrival in its new home. His self-confidence needs support from the owner, because in fact the baby is very vulnerable and it is in puppyhood that the foundations of his future behavior are laid. Most fast way To develop contact is to go for a walk as a puppy. The characteristic manner of Alabais to fall on their side, turn their heads away and squeal loudly is not cowardice. This is a great way to avoid aggression from older dogs. It is more common in puppies raised free-range with several adult dogs. The pack always keeps puppies and young Alabais under control.

Until 6 months, puppies in the pack are allowed almost everything. The adult dogs turn away and grumble quietly as they watch the young bandit try to steal the bone from under their paw. The leader dog allows the puppies to drag him by the cheeks and paws and can only leave the play area and hide away from the puppies. After 6 months, the training of the Central Asian Shepherd becomes more rigorous. The noisiest and most impudent puppies are already earning a spanking and desperately squealing, trying to avoid punishment. By the age of one year, the young animals become border guards, warning adult dogs with desperate, but sometimes useless barking about events occurring in remote areas of the pack's territory.

Knowing these features of raising an Alabai puppy, it is easy to imagine the correct behavior of the owner in this important period dog's life.

Walking together gives the baby the feeling that the owner, as befits a leader, chooses the direction of movement and knows the route. In addition, he always comes to the aid of the puppy if he gets lost or finds himself in the territory of a strange mongrel pack that attacks him as a stranger. In case of danger, it is convenient to sit down and take the puppy in the ring from your hands, providing a feeling of safety and security.

Long off-leash walks over rough terrain can teach the dog to track its owner. The basic skills of a city dog ​​- walking on a leash, sitting down, laying down, exhibition standing and trotting in the ring - are learned much faster if there is contact with the owner.

These simple points allow you to avoid situations where the puppy growls at the owner. When working with females, they do not occur at all, but with males they happen much less frequently. Correcting a dog’s behavior is best done under the supervision of a specialist trainer, just like training a dog to bite.

Alabais are very rarely food eaters. In addition, they are extremely careful about eating unfamiliar food. Therefore, their training is a combination of vocal contact and mechanics. The simplest skills for them are holding and shrinking. More difficult are moving on a leash and laying down. Most dogs of this breed quickly learn to stay put while guarding things.

History of the breed

The first images of dogs strikingly resembling the Alabai can be found in Zoroastrian books and drawings. As shepherds, Zoroastrians depended heavily on their dogs and therefore perceived them as a divine gift. Along with herds of sheep, the Alabai came to Europe, where they became the ancestors of many shepherd dogs and a whole group of Molossians. The antiquity of the origin of the Central Asian Shepherd and the unchanged conditions of its life over the centuries became the reason for the high hybridization stability of this breed. The breed quickly absorbs all foreign genes, maintaining its appearance or quickly returning to it over several generations. Thus, a cross between a German and Central Asian shepherd is much more similar to an Asian than to a German, and a cross between an Asian and a husky will only be reminiscent of the presence of foreign blood by its color.

During factory breeding, Alabai were constantly infused with blood from larger breeds to increase their size. This worked, but led to an increase in the number of sickly dogs that did not survive the age of six. What’s interesting is that as soon as such breeding released the resulting livestock from control, within a few years the breed returned to its original types, restoring its appearance and performance. Breeding dogs, taken to their original habitats, under the influence of the aborigines, became smaller and more functional, and occasionally overly large individuals that emerged did not survive in the harsh conditions of Central Asia.

Getting with the sheep and settlers in different countries, Central Asian Shepherds gave impetus to the emergence and development of new breeds, such as the Georgian Shepherd, Tobet, Caucasian Wolfhound and others. In addition, Asian countries began to develop their own standards for working wolfhounds, challenging the right of Russian breeders to set the tone in breeding this breed. The development of the breed at this stage has already passed the population peak. The fashion for giants has passed, the number of the breed has declined, and the main owners of Asians remain breeders - enthusiasts, as well as owners of private houses and enterprises in need of reliable protection.

The sociability of Alabais and their distrust of strangers depends on the number of early contacts with human hands. In families where puppies are born in the house and live there for up to three weeks, the owners often take them in their hands, massage their paws, allow them to crawl on their knees, the puppies grow more sociable and human-oriented. On the contrary, if you want to get distrustful puppies, they allow you to live with their mother without allowing external contacts. Such a puppy, when trying to pick it up at three weeks, growls and bites.

Age up to 6 months – best time teach the little Alabai to unconditionally follow the owner at the level of innate instincts. If, after completing vaccination, you let the puppy out of the gate, allowing him to run without a leash and periodically calling him from a short distance and stroking him, for up to 6 months on such walks he will learn to follow the owner as if he were a leader.

Females of the Alabai breed are capable of finding stray sheep and lambs from the herd and notifying the shepherd about this by howling and barking. City dogs often find abandoned kittens and puppies in this way, keep them warm in cold weather and do not allow the owner to leave, leaving them to die.

Central Asian Shepherds most often fight snakes effectively. The speed and sharpness of movements during a fight are difficult to confuse with anything. They tolerate snake bites relatively easily - the dog sleeps for one or two days, after which it continues to perform its service.

The notorious “stupidity” of Alabais is the reluctance to perform meaningless actions to please the trainer and owner. Free your dog from unnecessary repetitions of a learned skill - and he will begin to obey much better. Training a Central Asian Shepherd is 5 minutes 3-5 times a day, and not an hour-long, soul-wearying exercise of repetition with very little benefit for both.

Prices for Central Asian Shepherd puppies

As always in the period after a population explosion caused by breed fashion, the state of affairs in commercial breeding Asians are very difficult. Having stopped making extra profits from selling puppies, fly-by-night nurseries are closing or switching to more commercial breeds. The number of cheap market Alabai puppies is growing and among them you can find quite decent descendants of those who took a “cheaper, older dog without documents.” The number of owners who want to breed their show bitch is also falling - fussing with puppies does not pay off.

At the moment, it is quite possible to buy a Central Asian Shepherd puppy for $100. Show dog– in the range from 300 to 500 dollars. Some kennels still keep high prices for Central Asian Shepherd puppies, selling puppies for 1000 euros or more, but the average owner does not need such a dog, and a high price does not always guarantee high quality purchased dog.

Alabai is a Central Asian Shepherd Dog - one of the oldest dog breeds that has come down to us in its original form. Powerful, large Turkmen wolfhounds are born with a guardian instinct.

They are majestic and fearless, they enter into situations, and a priori inspire respect. Everything or almost everything about Alabai in detailed review Further.

Central Asian Shepherds belong to the Molosser group. Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian dogs are considered their ancestors. Among the ancestors of the breed were Mongolian shepherd dogs and Tibetan mastiffs.

Alabai was finally formed about four thousand years ago. Selection was carried out naturally. Dogs guarded caravans of nomads and herds of shepherds. By protecting property from steppe wolves, the strongest individuals survived.

Wolfhounds were distributed throughout Central Asia. From Afghanistan to the Southern Urals. From the Caspian Sea to China.

Important! Turkmen wolfhounds of pure blood are the national treasure of Turkmenistan; they are prohibited from being exported outside the country.

In the 18th century, biologists became interested in Turkmen shepherd dogs. Scientists tried to breed a more docile version by crossing. The attempts were in vain.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 335 dated October 13, 2010 “Central Asia Shepherd Dog”.
Group 2 “Pinchers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs.”
Section 2 “Molossians”.

The FCI standard specifies the dimensions of an adult Alabai:
Height at withers: for a male, at least 70 cm, for a female, at least 65 cm.
Larger growth is desirable while maintaining harmony of build.
Weight: for a male, a minimum of 50 kg, for a female, a minimum of 40 kg.

Central Asian Shepherd: The breed description includes a powerful body, broad chest and back. They are distinguished by a wide, massive head with a flat forehead, a voluminous muzzle with a large black or brown nose. The eyes are set wide and round. Small triangular ears, sometimes cropped - the standard allows both options.

The belly is slightly tucked in. The height at the withers is slightly higher than the height at the rump. The paws are compact and strong.

Attention! Tail docking is allowed by the standard; a natural tail has equal value to a docked one.

The coat is coarse, hard, straight, with a thick undercoat. Depending on the length of the guard hair, dogs are distinguished with short hair (3-5 cm), lying all over the body, and with longer hair (7-10 cm), intermediate type, forming a mane on the neck, feathering behind the ears, on the back sides limbs and tail.

The standard allows any color, except for genetic blue, genetic brown in any combination and black-backed.

How long does alabai live? Life expectancy with proper care is, on average, 12-15 years.

Alabai: breed characteristics, reviews

Character traits

During their existence, alabai were used mainly to protect livestock, caravans and the owner’s home, subjected to harsh natural selection. Difficult conditions existence and constant struggle with predators shaped the appearance and tempered the character of this dog, made it strong, fearless, and taught it to use energy sparingly.

In their original habitats, Central Asian Shepherds are used primarily to protect herds from predators, and also as guard dogs. They are characterized by an independent line of behavior; they will not serve because of food. Rather, with a sense of self-esteem, they will take food as a reward for service.

He will not take his eyes off the gaze, but will proudly and calmly look down on him - that’s best characteristic Alabai breed. They prefer to think when making decisions and may refuse to perform tasks that they consider inappropriate.

Alabais are phlegmatic and balanced. They don’t like to show aggression or rush into battle. They will most likely warn you by barking or growling that you should not violate their boundaries. Alabai: characteristics of the breed, reviews indicate that only in rare cases they

Important! Alabai really dislikes drunks and invasion of his personal space.

Asians treat children well, but do not allow free treatment. They communicate very well with their fellow tribesmen, flock together and recognize their place there.


Central Asian Shepherd: characteristics of the breed does not allow inexperienced dog breeders to educate and train. Raising an Alabai at home should begin almost from birth under the guidance of a dog handler. By three months, wolfhounds have developed an independent personality and it will be much more difficult to correct an established pattern of behavior.

Attention! It is forbidden to cause pain to the alabai. Screams and too sudden movements should be avoided. The dog can get out of control and injure itself.

The Asian should be taught to give food to the owner. This is how the puppy learns who is the leader of the pack. You can’t indulge your pets - they quickly take the reins of power into their paws.

Quite quickly the shepherds begin to perform. Nevertheless, raising a dog should be entrusted to a training specialist.

Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO) is an ancient breed of dog, distinguished by its originality, high intelligence and excellent endurance. For many centuries these giant dogs They helped people graze and guard livestock, they did various jobs, including hunting. Such versatility tempered these dogs, making them ideal shepherds and guards. Having decided to buy and having read more about the breed, the question arises - how long do Alabai live, and how to make sure that your pet is around for as long as possible.

Life expectancy of a Central Asian

Owners of large pets know how painful it is to say goodbye to a friend who was recently a stupid puppy, and now his life has come to an end. But this is the truth - the lifespan of large and giant dogs is much shorter than that of their smaller relatives.

But, given that representatives of other similar breeds live no more than 10 years, Central Asians are long-livers, and dogs often live up to 13-15 years. It all depends on the dog’s health and, no less, on its care.

If you are planning to get an Alabai puppy to live in an apartment, you should think again. Dogs of this breed need space, but it will be difficult for them within four walls, and they are capable of damaging property. It is best for these dogs to live in a private house with a large yard. They can move freely around the territory if the fence allows it. But then they need a large booth somewhere in a shady corner.

An aviary is also suitable for Central Asians; naturally, it must be of sufficient size so that the dog can move freely in it without experiencing a lack of space. Alabai is an ideal, incorruptible guard, stern and uncompromising. Therefore, owners should remember their responsibility - the dog should not be able to leave the local area without the owner’s knowledge.

How to care for Alabai?

The Central Asian Shepherd has lived for many centuries in rather harsh conditions, so it has excellent health and does not require special care. If you need an unpretentious security guard, then Alabai is the right choice.

A coat with abundant undercoat allows dogs not to freeze even in severe frosts. Dogs really like to sleep lying on the ground. At the same time, their fur practically does not get dirty and does not fall into tangles. To make your pet look well-groomed, it is enough to bathe it once every 1.5-2 years.

It is important to regularly clean the enclosure, and when the dog sheds (this happens twice a year, and the fur comes out a lot) to comb it thoroughly. Standard procedures are required:

  • cleaning ears as they become dirty;
  • trimming nails if they do not grind down naturally;
  • combing wool.

The ears should be examined regularly; if ulcers and discharge with an unpleasant odor appear, you should consult a veterinarian. It is important to visit the veterinary clinic regularly - for scheduled inspections and mandatory vaccination.

How to feed the dog?

The main mistake of owners is to think that a large dog should eat a lot and feed the pet practically in buckets. But overfeeding the Alabai negatively affects the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract; it can suffer from constipation. You cannot give your dog only liquid food - the diet must be harmonious. It is recommended to add fiber to the menu - fresh chopped herbs and vegetables, also fresh.

The main product in the diet should be meat, and it is better to give not tenderloin and sirloin, but offal, entrails and stringy beef. Such food gives the necessary load to the jaws and supports teeth and gums in healthy condition. The dog is getting enough nutrition if all of his ribs can be felt, but their bulging indicates that it is worth increasing the daily portion.

What can a Central Asian Shepherd Dog suffer from?

Although the Alabai have enviable health, but they are also susceptible to a disease that affects representatives of large breeds - joint dysplasia. This disease is hereditary, so puppies can develop it from birth.

The disease is quite insidious, incurable and can occur in different ways; in severe forms, it deprives the dog of independent mobility. At improper care and nutrition, the dog can develop the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendinitis.

In certain situations, shepherd dogs may have genetic anomalies, females may be infertile, and males may have one testicle (cryptochrysm).

If we consider how long dogs of other breeds live, then Alabai live to an old age, but owners should be more attentive to their four-legged friend and provide him with decent care.

Lifespan: 12-14 years old

Litter: 5-7 puppies

Group: Mixed

Recognized by: FCI, UKC, ANKC, NKC, APRI, ACR.

Coat color: white, black, gray, brindle, piebald, red, brown, spotted, fawn.

Wool length: long, medium.

Shedding: light, moderate

Size: Giant

The Central Asian Shepherd is also known under other names: Alabai, Central Asian Shepherd, Central Asian herding dog. Its appearance has its own characteristics depending on the region where this shepherd was bred.

In general, the Central Asian Shepherd is a very large dog, similar in appearance to a mastiff and with a well-proportioned body. She obeys commands well. At first glance, it may seem that the Central Asian Shepherd is a cross between a St. Bernard and a mastiff.

Exterior features: large, elongated body; powerful sloping shoulders; large, curved limbs (similar in shape to those of a cat); slightly arched back; spine forming a straight line; short muzzle; dark eyes, looking very wary and giving the dog a smart look; usually - cropped (but this was banned) ears; the shape of the head is like that of a bear; The nose is large and dark, regardless of color.

There can be many differences between Central Asian Shepherd dogs bred in Afghanistan and in Russia. In some regions the tail is docked, while in others it is left long.

The Central Asian Shepherd has a large chest, wide back, powerful hips and strong bones.

Depending on the type of coat, there are long-haired and smooth-haired Central Asian Shepherds. There are different colors.

Description of wool

There are long-haired and smooth-haired Alabai. The Shepherd Dog, which is bred in Russia, has two layers of thick coat: an outer coat and an undercoat. She has such a heavy coat all year round.

Another type, characteristic of Afghanistan and areas close to it, is distinguished by less dense wool, but also consisting of two layers.

History of the breed

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs were developed by crossing breeds common in Central Asia: Tibet, Iran and the Great Silk Road.

There is a theory that the Central Asian Shepherd is the ancestor of all dogs. According to genetic testing, the Tibetan mastiff descended from this shepherd, and not vice versa.

It is important to note that the Central Asian Shepherd is the oldest Molosser breed.

The remains of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog have been found in almost all regions of Central Asia. Hence the name. Each country or nomadic tribe called this breed differently. This has led to some discrepancies regarding the breed standard. Since it was bred with other breeds common in the regions.

The main purpose of the alabai was to be guard breed to protect herds of animals and settlements of their owners. She has been an excellent caretaker for thousands of years. The Central Asian Shepherd always remained outside to guard its owners. Therefore, the breed has become more hardy, healthy and frost-resistant. The Central Asian Shepherd is very independent.

In Russia and in a number of other countries this breed is bred as a guard dog. It is becoming increasingly popular around the world. The AKC has not yet officially recognized the Alabai. But she may well take part in exhibitions with the assistance of the American Rare Breeds Association in the USA.


The Central Asian Shepherd is a dominant breed by nature. She is very calm by temperament, never fussing or getting in the way. She has true fearlessness and courage.

The Central Asian Shepherd is not as ferocious and cruel as its close relative Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This breed will be very aggressive with other dogs. Therefore, training must begin at an early age by getting to know other animals. At home, the shepherd gets along well with pets: cats and dogs.

She must remain on a leash to prevent her from running away.

Since the Central Asian Shepherd is an excellent guard breed, it will behave extremely warily with strangers. In relation to children, the shepherd becomes their personal bodyguard. No stranger will approach them. And here unfamiliar to the dog It is better not to leave children near her. Consistent training will help minimize this problem.

Despite everything, the Central Asian Shepherd is great at finding mutual language with kids. As the shepherd grows up, it stops being playful and becomes an excellent personal bodyguard.


The Central Asian Shepherd is a breed with excellent health. You, as the owner, must be very attentive and periodically take your pet for examination to the veterinarian. This breed has a certain tendency to problems with the elbows and hip joints (from time to time it will be necessary to take x-rays to make sure everything is in order). For most mastiffs, obesity is a big problem, and this breed has no predisposition to it.

Hereditary dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints is the only serious problem in the Central Asian Shepherd, as in many other large breeds. Only a veterinarian can check this. Dogs suffering from this disease should not breed.


The Central Asian Shepherd does not require intensive care. Garbage, small twigs, specks, dirt, having dried in the wool, fall out of it. This does not cause the fur to become tangled.

The coat always looks clean and well-groomed, even if no care has been taken.

The shepherd sheds especially heavily in the spring, and throughout the year the shedding is light. Brush your pet's coat regularly to remove dead hair and keep your home fur-free.

But you will need to trim your dog's nails once a week to prevent them from growing too quickly. You can easily do this if you teach your pet to sit or lie down. To do this, purchase special nail scissors for animals at a pet store. Try to do everything carefully without injuring the animal. If you are unsure about the best way to do this, consult your veterinarian.

You will need to clean your dog's ears periodically, especially if he suffers from a bacterial infection, allergies or has a sore. Drip a little baby oil onto a cotton swab and wipe the ear without penetrating deep into it, otherwise you may damage the ear canal. Do everything gently and carefully. If your pet is scratching her ears or shaking her head more than usual, take her to the vet for a check-up.

The Central Asian Shepherd is a very agile and attentive dog with a slow and clumsy gait. Guarding its territory, the shepherd sits in place. However, she could become an excellent companion for joint runs and walks.

This breed needs regular exercise and intensive training so that she is always in good shape.

A home with a large, well-fenced backyard would be ideal for a Central Asian Shepherd. She loves to be outdoors and becomes more active. Even during training, she will guard “her” family. If your area is poorly fenced, then the shepherd will try to expand “its” territory as much as possible.

If you live in an apartment, then you should have enough rooms so that the shepherd dog can guard them, patrolling from time to time.

Adult shepherds are less active than puppies. Therefore, you will have to develop a special training program so that your pet does not gain excess weight.


Consistent training of the Central Asian Shepherd will give positive results. Since this breed is very independent, teach this breed to obey and get along with other animals from an early age. Be determined and calm while studying.

You need to create a daily routine and accustom your Central Asian Shepherd to it. You need to walk her 2 times a day: before work (morning) and before bed (evening). This will allow your pet to better guard your home while you are away.

Since the Central Asian Shepherd is a guard breed, it is very important to teach the dog to obey your commands. If you want to teach your shepherd something, then give it treats as reward. This will be an incentive for her.

If you have difficulties with learning, you can always turn to a professional.


Although the Central Asian Shepherd Dog feels more confident outdoors, it can live well in an apartment if you take long walks every day. She was bred for cold climates, so she has a very hard time with high temperatures in the summer.

Which breed of dog lives the longest? You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

For many people, a pet is an equal member of the family. true friend and personal psychotherapist. But animals are not given a human life, and I really want them to live longer and please their owners with a perky wagging of their tail and a loving look. So it's no surprise that many people wonder: How long do dogs live?

  • It is difficult to answer this question right away, since it all depends on the conditions of detention, on what you feed the dog, and how you treat it.
  • Also, the lifespan of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, and the prevention of infectious diseases (vaccination).
  • In this article we will look at how long representatives of this or that breed live, which dogs live longer and what is the world record for the life expectancy of an ordinary mongrel. Read interesting information below.

I really want it to four-legged friend was there for as long as possible. But this is impossible, since dogs have their own life span. How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

  • Domestic dogs without breed or mongrels can live 9 to 12 years. Some of them, with good care and nutrition, live up to 20 years.
  • Life expectancy of yard dogs not much different from the lifespan of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal eats normally and does not become infected with any disease.
  • Mongrel on a chain will live less, since she moves little, and, as a rule, she is fed to her full capacity. The dog must move, run. If she is on a leash all the time, then her life will be short-lived.

In yard mongrels, even those that run a lot, the eyelids can also be short. Their life expectancy is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, and the presence of diseases from which they can quickly die.

Interesting to know: How smaller dog in size, the longer its lifespan.

Read more about each breed below.

Chinese Cresteds - beautiful dogs medium size. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average? Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 13 years. But, if you take care of your pet: feed it properly, take it for walks, then it will live 15 years or more.

It is important to know: This dog breed requires skin care due to the fact that it has little hair. Therefore, in winter the dog needs to be dressed, and in summer the skin must be lubricated with special creams. This will help prevent acne and flaking.

Even though the dog chihuahua breed has a fragile body, she is very hardy. Depending on the size of dogs of this breed, life expectancy may vary. How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

  • Standard size dogs range from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live on average 10-16 years. But with good care and excellent heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Mini Chihuahua weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this only applies to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. This is because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they are also at additional risk of injury during walks or due to careless actions of owners.

Extend life of a chihuahua You can if you follow a few rules:

Important: The lifespan of dogs of this breed is affected by castration. A sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that a castrated animal does not accumulate hormones that can contribute to the growth of various tumors.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

Another representative of the dog breed small sizes. Their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 3 kg. These dogs also seem fragile, but their life expectancy is much better than the Chihuahua's. How many years do toy terriers live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs occurs due to inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has proper care, good nutrition, she will lead an active lifestyle and walk regularly, then her life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

The longevity of representatives of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and the ability to quickly recover from illness.

The Yorkshire Terrier is another small-sized dog breed. This decorative lap dog is a real flower of the dog world. She needs to be protected, protected, cared for and cherished. Yorkies are very kind, love children and will never hurt them. How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

  • On average, dogs of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner monitors the quality of his pet’s diet, then in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. This disease in itself is not dangerous, but due to tooth pain, the dog may refuse to eat and then be sick for a long time.

Take your pet to the doctor at the veterinary clinic in a timely manner. This will help avoid unwanted consequences if your dog gets sick.

This breed is more than 5000 years old. It was originally intended to protect caravans and homes. She has thick fur that protects from the cold, thick and strong skin that protects from insect bites and impressive size, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think of getting inside the living space. How many years do Alabai live on average?

  • On average, representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabai breeders warn that you need to walk this dog all day long, and if you are not ready to do this, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If a dog does not run a lot, its character may deteriorate and it will begin to age quickly.

But, if you take the time to walk your pet a lot, he can live up to 20 years and will always be in a positive mood.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Turkmen Alabai

Mobile, active dog on short legs, will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventures. This dog does not sit still and will be the favorite of all family members. On the street, he will demand active games from the owner, but will not tolerate training, since he does not like it. Good care necessary for any dog, but especially for this terrier. These dogs are generally in excellent health, but some individuals may suffer from hereditary diseases.

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? Thanks to good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, a dog of this breed can live more than 15 years. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally to be confident in his puppies.

The expressive appearance of griffins suggests that this decorative dogs. These gentle pocket animals were bred to hunt rodents, but they took root well in people's homes and became their friends. How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually associated with reproductive function. Female dogs cannot give birth, and if they become pregnant, complications during childbirth are possible. They often undergo caesarean sections.
  • Small puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not bring great harm health (cataracts, glaucoma), but prevent the dog from living a full life. She can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any sound.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that this dog does not tolerate heat well. Short hair does not protect against the cold either. Therefore, the Brussels Griffon will have to be protected so that it lives longer.

Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds on our planet. Owners must monitor not only the dog’s proper nutrition, but also its coat: wash and comb. It is the fur that causes discomfort to such a dog, since it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can become overheated and tired, which will lead to dehydration and the dog will die. But, if you monitor your health, how many years do Pekingese live on average?

  • If the dog is not sick and has high-quality care and proper nutrition, then it will be with you for 16-18 years.
  • This breed also had long-livers, living up to 22 years.
  • Genetics also plays a big role in life expectancy.

To extend the life of their Pekingese, owners must monitor the health of this pet: visit the veterinarian, get tests and vaccinations.

Advice: When purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was given so you know when to get the next one.

German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful treatment and proper care, but also a good psychological climate in the house where it lives. If a dog lives in stress, does not fully rest and suffers from physical inactivity, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed, if treated well, proper diet and daytime exercise will delight you with its presence for 10-13 years.

Pomeranian Spitz— a beautiful fluffy baby is a real bundle of happiness for his owners. The main condition for the long life of these furry “bears” is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love and spend time playing with it all the time. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years do Spitz live on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, then the Spitz will delight you much longer with his cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance.

As mentioned above, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. How many years do large dogs and small breeds live? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds - from 12 to 16 and even more.

Some people choose a dog based on its appearance, the length of its fur, or the lack thereof. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, as they want their pet to please them for as long as possible with its cheerful disposition, kindness and love. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 long-living dog breeds:

  • Chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years old
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • Pekingese - up to 20 years
  • toy poodle - up to 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years old
  • Shin Tzu - 20 years old
  • Lhasa Apso - 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years
  • beagle - from 16 to 18 years old

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Thanks to their mobility, they live a long time and delight their owners.

From the facts described above, it is clear that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how long can dogs live at most? History knows the fact about a dog that ran with shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he was able to live to 29 and a half years. Scientists explain this by several factors: fresh air Australian grasslands and good physical activity a dog that ran after the shepherds across the green grass every day.

Video: How long do dogs live | At home | Average.