A faint line on an ovulation test. What does a pale line on an ovulation test mean? How to use an ovulation test

The ovulation period is the most optimal time for conception. And if you have information about when exactly it happens, you can increase the likelihood of pregnancy by an order of magnitude. Now, in almost every pharmacy, you can freely purchase ovulation tests that react to the amount of certain hormones in the blood, the level of which rises just before the release of a mature egg from the ovary. When the test shows a couple of obvious stripes, the most right time for conception. But sometimes women face such a problem when the second strip on the ovulation test is weak, let's clarify what this phenomenon means.

In order to understand what the appearance of an unexpressed second strip indicates when performing an ovulation test, you first need to understand the very principle of such a test.

So, ovulation can be described as the release of an egg. It matures and develops inside a fluid vesicle located inside the ovary. After the cell grows to the desired volume (fully matures), it naturally breaks through the bubble, after which it moves inside the genital tract. It is here that the egg can meet with the sperm, which, under favorable circumstances, can result in conception.

At the moment of rupture of the bubble, an active production of a significant amount of luteinizing hormone occurs. Therefore, the jump of such an indicator determines the release of the egg. And the test showing ovulation is coated with a special substance that reacts to the presence of luteinizing hormone in the female urine. Upon contact with such a hormone, the substance changes color, and a second strip appears. The more hormone in the urine, the brighter its color.

Thus, a simple test strip allows you to timely determine the moment of rupture of the follicle. And the couple has the opportunity to ensure the supply of sperm to the mature egg.

At the same time, such a concept as " weak ovulation"It just can't be. The cell either ruptures the follicle and exits, or it doesn't.

The test may show a dim line if performed at the wrong time.

In the urine of a woman, a small amount of luteinizing hormone is always present, even outside the period of ovulation. And the test reacts to it by the appearance weak strip. Therefore, it is important to know when it needs to be carried out. So, most often ovulation occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle (the interval in days between the first days of menstruation). Usually its duration is twenty-five to twenty-nine days, although there may be deviations in different directions.

Ovulation occurs on the verge of two different periods. In the first, cell maturation occurs, while the second takes the formation corpus luteum in the part of the ovary that was damaged during the rupture. It is it that will be responsible for the production of the hormone necessary for the growth and development of the embryo. Doctors assure that the duration of the second period of the cycle is always equal to eleven to fourteen days, and the duration of the first may vary.

Thus, in order to catch ovulation, doctors usually advise subtracting the number seventeen from the length of the cycle, and from that day on, start testing every day. In some cases, it may take up to five days before a bright streak is detected.

The test may show a faint line if performed incorrectly.

In order to receive reliable result, necessary:

Collect some urine in a sterile container;
- dip the test into this liquid to a certain mark and wait a couple of seconds;
- remove the test and wait five minutes;
- Evaluate the result.

If you test once a day, do it at the same time every day. When there is a chance to miss the moment, you can take two measurements per day (about ten in the morning and eight in the evening).

At the same time, it is important:

Do not use for analysis the first portion of urine after a night's rest;
- do not adhere to a particularly intensive drinking regimen;
- do not go to the toilet for at least three hours before collecting urine.

Other causes of the appearance of a weak strip

An insufficiently bright strip can be observed:

When undergoing hormone therapy;
- in the presence of hormonal disorders;
- if the test strip is stored incorrectly or is of poor quality.

It is important to note that sometimes a slight strip can be observed even when an early release of the egg has occurred (already a day after ovulation has occurred, the level of luteinizing hormone stabilizes). This situation is possible:

With constant stress;
- with a change in climate and time zones;
- different diseases.

Sometimes ovulation in the body does not happen at all, in which case the strip will not be able to look bright, even if tests are performed daily.

To become a mother, women use special tests to help determine the ideal time to conceive. They allow you to find out in time about the readiness of the egg for the birth of a new life. Sometimes an ovulation test shows a weak second line, which does not always mean that a woman has hormonal imbalance. Incorrect manipulations during the procedure, violation of the instructions leads to false results, incorrect interpretation.

Expectant mothers come up with numerous ways to determine the ideal time for conception. You can measure basal temperature, build graphs, count days. Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of products for determining ovulation. You can buy them in a pharmacy in the form of a tablet device, reusable testers, inkjet, electronic device. Test strips are more affordable. They are tested starting from certain day cycle.

An ovulation test shows when a follicle ruptures. The test strip reacts to the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which rises 1-2 days before ovulation. The brightest strip will be at the time of the release of the female egg.

You will not be able to get pregnant if the ovulation test does not show ovulation. The absence of the second line indicates the unpreparedness of the body for conception (there was no rupture of the follicle), a failure hormonal background or lack of ovulation. With anovulation, testing is carried out over several cycles.

If the second line is barely visible

A weak second line on an ovulation test puzzles many women. The question arises, what does this mean, is it possible to talk about the beginning of the long-awaited period, or about anovulation. If the ovulation test showed a weak second strip, you need to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Perhaps the wrong day has been chosen. The test does not show a second strip if the follicle has not yet ruptured or a long time has passed since the release of the egg. It is recommended to start testing on the 10-11th day of the MC until a clear second line appears. In the first day or two of testing, the absence of a second band is the norm.
  2. There will be a false result if the ovulation test is expired. It is necessary to pay attention when buying to the correct storage of the product, expiration date.
  3. The second line will be barely visible when the second phase of the menstrual cycle has not come, the level of luteinizing hormone is not enough to break the egg. It is worth carrying out the procedure in the following days.
  4. The second weak line, which does not go away after a few days, does not change its intensity, indicates a defective product.
  5. The cause of a weak strip may be a hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, it is better to be examined by a gynecologist, to take tests for hormones related to pregnancy planning. It will be necessary to follow the dynamics of the development of the egg on ultrasound.
  6. Sometimes the reason for the misinterpretation of the test is excessive consumption of water, any other liquid. The ideal time for testing is from 10 am to 8 pm. Then the concentration of the hormone in the urine will be maximum. The day before testing, you should not drink a lot of liquid, it dilutes the urine, lowers the level of luteinizing hormone.
  7. Anovulatory cycle - the absence of ovulation, which is sometimes typical for every woman. Normally it happens several times a year. As a woman ages, the number of anovulatory cycles increases. It is worth contacting a gynecologist when, as a result, a weak second strip is observed for 2-3 cycles.

Gynecologists warn: the test result will be correct if the procedure is carried out correctly. Every woman has her menstrual cycle. Dividing the full cycle in half will help determine the ideal time for the test; 3-4 days must be subtracted from the date obtained. The interval between testing should not be less than 8 days.

What distorts the result

The appearance of a weak strip on an ovulation test in some cases indicates non-compliance with the instructions. Despite the minor nuances of using tests from each manufacturer, they coincide in one thing:

  • Collection of biological fluid in a clean container.
  • The test is placed in biological fluid up to a certain mark and aged for some time in accordance with the instructions in the instructions.
  • After a few minutes, look at the result.

An expired expiration date or torn packaging can lead to a distortion of the test result.

Getting acquainted with the reasons for the distorted result, which was shown by an ovulation test in the form of a weak strip, we can conclude that there is no hormone release. The reason may be:

  • Reception by a woman of drugs containing hormones. This results in an irrelevant reaction of the reagent.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Insufficient time has been sustained during testing.
  • Violation of the rules for storing the test or its marriage. The presence of these shortcomings will be indicated by the absence of a control first strip.

There is nothing difficult in understanding the rules of analysis. When a follicle ruptures, the level of LH in a woman's body rises, which can last for a day, after which it decreases to normal. And if the woman continues to do tests, she will not see any color changes. The reason for the early maturation of the cell can be:

  1. Regular stress.
  2. Vacation in a country with a different climate.
  3. Infection.

You will have to seek help from a gynecologist if the second strip in the test is pale and appears within two to three cycles. As a result of the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine the causes.

Other ways to determine ovulation

To determine ovulation, you can choose any of the methods described below:

  1. calendar way. This method of determining ovulation is simple. Only by taking notes and making regular marks on the calendar, the result can be obtained in one year.
  2. Method of observation: it is impossible to give 100% determination of ovulation using this method. Appearance characteristic features can be observed on the eve of ovulation, which are poorly expressed in its process.
  3. The method using ultrasound: an ultrasound examination is most often performed in case of problems with conception.
  4. Measurement method basal body temperature: To obtain a specific conclusion about the date of ovulation, it is necessary to measure regularly for three to six months.
  5. Test method. In the case of using the test, the result will depend on the level of LH hormones. The second line on the ovulation test may be pale, barely noticeable.

With the help of these methods, a woman can determine the ideal moment for conception.

An ovulation strip test is the easiest and most accurate way to find out exactly those days when the likelihood of conceiving a child is maximum. Therefore, women who cannot get pregnant enough long time, or carefully plan the birth of a baby, it is recommended to conduct special tests to determine ovulation almost certainly. How to do such studies, how to choose the right time for testing, how to interpret the results, read below.

When the chance of pregnancy is high

Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a special hormone LH (luteinizing) begins to be actively synthesized in the body, which “starts ovulation”, that is, leads to the rupture of the follicle with the egg. And if the egg meets the sperm within the next 1-2 days, then fertilization will occur, and pregnancy will occur. But since the cell lives only (approximately) a day after leaving the ovary, it is very important to determine the time of ovulation so that conception occurs for sure. This can be helped by special tests that are freely sold in pharmacies. Typically, the package contains 5 ovulation test strips, 2 pregnancy test strips, and urine collection containers.

When to do an ovulation test

The basis of such a study is to check the content of the LH hormone in the body. The tests are done simply: it is enough to collect a portion of urine, but not in the morning (as for a pregnancy test), but in the middle of the day or in the evening. After that, you should immerse the test in it and wait for the result to appear: the probability of conception is greatest if you see two bright stripes ovulation test. If one - continue research for a few more days. To accurately calculate the time for such studies, you need to subtract 17 from the number of cycle days. For example, if your menstrual cycle is 29 days, then testing should start on the 12th (29-17 = 12). If your periods come irregularly, then it is recommended to take the minimum duration of your cycle for the number of days.

How to read results

So, having calculated the time of the study, you need to correctly interpret (read) its results. For example, if an ovulation test showed two strips when conception is possible - during intercourse within 48 hours after receiving given result. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. Modern tests are very sensitive, their reliability is up to 99%. Therefore, one test strip shows that the egg has not yet left the ovaries, that is, the LH hormone accompanying the process is absent in the urine. A pale ovulation test line indicates that the LH surge in enough has not yet occurred, in which case you need to continue testing until the second strip becomes as bright as the first, control. Usually, the maximum concentration of the hormone in the urine is detected within 48 hours (it is at this time that the egg moves through the fallopian tube and is ready to meet the sperm), that is, the question of how many days the ovulation test shows 2 strips can be answered - about 2 day. It is during these two days that the probability of conception is maximum.

Please note that the test does not always give the correct result. It can be influenced by some hormonal drugs taken, the presence of a number of diseases associated with ovarian dysfunction, as well as kidney failure, etc. Nutrition plays a significant role in this matter, for example, if your food is rich in phytoestrogens, or there has been a sharp transition to vegetarian diet or a raw food diet, test results may be false positive. Consider these factors when conducting research and, if necessary, consult a gynecologist who can prescribe an ultrasound (folliculometry) for the most exact definition ovulation.

- This physiological process, which signals the onset of the luteal phase. It is not always possible to independently calculate when a gap occurs, and especially with irregular menstruation. For these cases, special ones have been invented, where you can instantly find out about the body's readiness for hormonal changes.

Not all girls understand what the test strip data means. Most often questions arise, when two stripes are displayed, and one of them is of an extremely weak color.

In fact, everything is simple if you carefully understand what these tests are and how to correctly interpret the results they give.

Ovulation tests are needed in order to calculate approximate days gap . During this period, mature which goes straight to the fallopian tubes. She signals that female body ready for pregnancy.

Accordingly, ovulation tests are necessary, since the ovulatory and post-ovulatory period is the most suitable time for this. The released egg is open for fertilization, and the formed one intensively produces progesterone, which strengthens the endometrium of the uterus. From the point of view of biology this is the perfect time to conceive therefore, ovulation tests help women to calculate its approach.

REFERENCE! Ovulation tests are used not only for pregnancy planning, but also as a test hormonal changes organism. This is true with an irregular menstrual cycle and in the presence of gynecological diseases that are accompanied by symptoms of anovulation.

How do tests work?

There are many tools and devices for determining ovulation on the pharmaceutical market. Not all of them work in the same way, but the principle of operation is the same.

To understand, you must first understand how they all differ:

  1. Disposable strip test strips. They are plain paper on which special reagents are applied. They determine the level of the hormone lutein in the urine. First you need to urinate into a special container, and then lower the test strips into the biological fluid. After 5-10 minutes, the result will be ready. The main advantage of such a tool: low cost, but not too high information content.
  2. tablet device. In its form, it resembles an electronic thermometer covered with plastic. A test strip with reagents is placed inside the device, which counts the amount of the LH hormone. To use the test, you just need to put a drop of urine into a special container of the device, and after 3-5 minutes the result will be ready.
  3. Inkjet test according to the express method. These are paper applicators or test cassettes that can be used immediately during the act of urination. Unlike strip tests, no separate containers and jars are needed to determine the results. Everything is much simpler here, but this technique has one drawback: high price, but higher sensitivity and accuracy.
  4. Digital Reusable Tests, which have a special electronic display instead of the usual stripes. The kit comes with special cartridges. They must be exposed to fresh urine when testing. The used cartridge is inserted into the device itself, which indicates the approach or absence of ovulation. Some tests have the technical ability to connect to a computer.
  5. microscopic test. It is a small lipstick-like device into which you need to apply a little saliva. Before the onset of the luteal phase, its physical composition changes. If you look through a special magnifying lens, you can see miniature "frosty" patterns. This is a signal about coming soon ovulation.

Despite the different technical possibilities, urine or saliva is always used as a test biomaterial. All devices work on the basis of test strips, test cassettes or special cartridges, so the principles of their operation do not differ significantly from each other.

Best days to check

To plan days for testing, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Regularity of menstruation.
  2. The total duration of the menstrual cycle.
  3. The presence of gynecological diseases.

The medical community believes that the test must be carried out on Day 11 of the menstrual cycle, as well as the following days, until the second strip becomes bright.

need carefully follow the result and pay attention to the shade of the line, which indirectly indicates the concentration of luteal hormone in the urine.

For irregular menstruation It is quite difficult to calculate the day when you need to conduct a test. As a reinsurance, doctors suggest doing this on the 8-9th day of the menstrual cycle. After the onset of ovulation, it no longer makes sense to conduct a test, since it remains only to wait for menstruation.

How to use them correctly?

Whole rules of operation depend on device type and its pharmaceutical possibilities. Most often, patients buy strip or inkjet express tests, which are cheaper in price and easy to use.

For testing, urine or saliva is used as a biomaterial. In the future, it is necessary adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Open the packaging of the device and prepare the test for use.
  2. Urinate into a specially cleaned container or substitute test strips under a stream of urine. If a tablet device is used, then it is necessary to drop urine into a special test container using a pipette. In some devices, you just need to insert a test strip cartridge, and then urinate on it or dip it into a special container with urine.
  3. After urinating, leave the device in a dry place and wait 3-5 minutes.
  4. View results. Two bars or just one will be visible on the device. on tablet and digital test a smiley or a circle will be displayed.

IMPORTANT! The test should be performed in the afternoon, evening or morning after the first emptying of the bladder.


Main condition: urination intervals should be at least 3-4 hours. Drinking water heavily is highly discouraged, as urine comes out weakly concentrated and with the least amount of the lutein hormone. This is the risk of a false negative result.


The first strip on the test is called the "control", which should always be present on paper applications. This line appears so that the patient can compare the result.

Its second function is: validation of the procedure. diagnostic value she does not have. As a rule, the control strip is always dark and saturated in color. It is unusual for her to change color, as well as spontaneous disappearance.

If the first strip on the tests is missing, then we can talk about their poor quality and marriage. This means that the paper applicators are unusable and the test cannot be performed.

As a second option, it is assumed self damage or incorrect operation. In this case it is recommended to take a new test strip and re-test.


The second strip directly shows the test result. It is diagnostic and critical when using the device, as it captures the concentration of luteal hormone (LH). 12-36 hours before the rupture of the follicle, it is detected in large quantities, as evidenced by the appearance of a bright second strip.

In the case of the next onset of ovulation, it is painted in the same color as the control line, or even darker and brighter.

If the second line does not appear, it means that ovulation has already occurred or it is still far from its onset. In this case, the test should be repeated after 2 days.

What does the weak line mean in the result?

Many women get a second line during the test, but only one thing confuses: its weak coloring. This means that ovulation has not yet occurred, and the LH level is still insufficient for the rupture of the follicle and the onset of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

If the second line is lighter and thinner than the control line, then it is too early to think about ovulation. This means that the procedure must be repeated the next day, until the second strip is the same color as the first. In short, the test result is negative.

REFERENCE! It is desirable to conduct tests at the same time, but the shortest interval between them should be at least 8-10 hours.

No bright control

Control strip should appear on tests constantly, with the exception of digital, electronic devices, where a conventional scoreboard with symbols is provided. In the case of a negative result, a regular circle is displayed, and in the case of a positive result, a smiling emoticon is displayed.

In conventional inkjet or tablet devices, it happens that the first strip is painted in a light or faded shade. In this case, there is nothing to worry about, because it should be distinguishable and clearly stand out on paper.

If she has a very weak color and a barely noticeable outline, then the test was carried out with errors or there is a marriage. The same can be said for total absence control line. It is needed in order to confirm the correctness of the test and the reliability of the results.

Additional factors

In practice, both false positive and false negative results are quite possible, which are influenced by additional factors.

In the first case, this is possible in the following situations:

  1. Highly concentrated urine.
  2. The presence of an ovarian cyst.
  3. Diseases of the hormonal system.
  4. History of renal failure.

Urine with high density naturally stands out when a woman has not gone to the toilet for a long time (more than 6-7 hours) or immediately took a test in the morning after waking up. The lutein hormone will be physiologically elevated.

False negative results are common, and especially when the patient does not know the reason for such clinical picture and unknowingly make mistakes.

This is possible in the following cases:

  1. Increased water consumption.
  2. Vegetarian diet or malnutrition.
  3. Reception hormonal drugs.

If there is doubt about the results, one must carefully consider what could have preceded the error.

IMPORTANT! If the test always shows a positive or negative response, then we can assume the presence gynecological disease. You must immediately consult a doctor.

Individual characteristics

Individual characteristics organism can greatly affect test results.. Sometimes a woman does not know about them, but such nuances are part of her history, which most often distort the clinical picture.

This means various diseases and states that are able to make their own adjustments during the test:

  1. Yellow cyst.
  2. Ovarian cyst.
  3. Insufficiency of the corpus luteum (anovulation).
  4. Polycystic ovaries.
  5. Diseases of the adrenal and thyroid glands.
  6. Renal failure.
  7. Ovarian dysfunction.
  8. Obesity.
  9. Hormonal disorders (increased prolactin).

With such diseases in a woman will always be either negative or positive result . In this case, treatment is necessary.

Showed two stripes?

If after the procedure two strips appear, then you need to pay attention to their shade. If the second strip is paler in color than the first, then this means that ovulation has not yet occurred, and the concentration of the LH hormone in the blood is minimal.

Barely noticeable second line on the applicator speaks of an imminent rupture of the follicle. In some cases, this happens when ovulation has already occurred.

Two stripes of the same color indicate a positive result. This means that the release of the egg will occur in the next 12-48 hours. If the second line is more saturated in color than the first, then the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle will occur in about 12-24 hours.

Why are both light?

Stripes of the same color speak in favor of the imminent onset of ovulation. On some devices, it may be bright black, brown or other shades. Main condition:

  1. The lines must be clearly visible.
  2. Have a certain color.

If both stripes are very dim and barely visible, this means that the test was carried out with blunders or paper applicators are defective. In this case, the test must be repeated again or another device must be purchased.

B icy or missing control line indicates the unreliability of the results or the quality of the test strips. The second line of a light or faded color when the control band is present simply indicates negative result.

As a result, it turns out that light lines of the same color talking about the imminent onset of ovulation. If the second strip is lighter than the control, then this means a negative result. The patient is only required to look closely at the shades that appear on the testing material.

In conclusion, it must be said that ovulation tests super sensitive and high precision, but problems often arise in the interpretation of the results.

Two stripes of the same color that appear clearly speak of a positive. If the second strip is pale or barely visible on paper, then it is negative. Each test is accompanied by an instruction, which describes in detail and graphically drawn how to use and interpret it.

In direct operation, there should not be any difficulties. If a girl has no desire to understand with test strips, you can always get a digital device or a mini saliva microscope. They are more understandable and easier to use.

A weak line on an ovulation test can cause anxiety and confusion in women, since it is not immediately clear how to assess the situation that has arisen. Maybe the test was used at the wrong time in the cycle? Or is it generally of poor quality and it is impossible to believe his testimony? Or the research process itself was not carried out according to the instructions and something happened wrong? Many questions may arise, however, it is necessary to find out true reason, leading to the fact that the color strip on the test is not expressed enough.

What does it mean - a weak second test strip

A weak second strip of an ovulation test is the result of the fact that at the time of measurement a lack of luteinizing hormones was detected, which reach their maximum level at the time of ovulation. The more of this hormone, the brighter the control strips on the test will be. If the second strip is weak and not pronounced enough, this means that there has not yet been a sufficient release of luteinizing hormone to rupture the follicle, and ovulation for this reason will not occur yet. With repeated measurements, a steady increase in color intensity on the test is an indication that the expected moment is already close.

A pale second ovulation test line is the result of the measurement being a little late and ovulation has already occurred. In this case, it is characteristic that all subsequent tests will be negative. More often this is observed in women who have an irregular menstrual cycle, when the onset of a period favorable for fertilization can shift in one direction or another, and even in some cases occur at the very end of the cycle before menstruation. In order for the result in such cases to be reliable, it is necessary to use the most short cycle, and in the next cycle, take measurements a couple of days earlier than in this one.

If this happens again

A pale ovulation test line that recurs stably for 2-3 cycles may be the result of a poor-quality test that has expired or was stored incorrectly. Inexpensive tests may contain insufficient reagent and therefore no reaction occurs. toilet visits and a large number of liquids consumed before the study can also contribute to the development of a situation where there may be an insufficient amount of the hormone necessary for ovulation in the examined urine, although in reality this is not the case. It should be alert that in the case when a woman strictly adheres to the recommendations set out in the instructions, and the test shows a stable result - a dim and weak second strip, which is most likely a sign of anovulation and an urgent need to contact specialists.

Often an error as a result of the test is that the requirements are not met, under which the test should lie down for some time after use. Many do not adhere to this and simply do not wait for the second strip to appear on the test. But it’s also not worth stretching the waiting period too much, if the second strip of the ovulation test remains weak for half an hour, it’s better to repeat the diagnosis every other day.

In order for the reliability of the diagnosis to be high and the test to be true, it must be remembered that:

What will the pregnancy test show?

An ovulation test is used in cases where it is necessary to determine the moment most favorable for conception. In addition, to ensure the reliability of the result if pregnancy is planned, gynecologists at the same time advise doing an ultrasound scan and keeping a graph of basal temperature. If this moment interests a woman only from the point of view of protection, from unwanted pregnancy, then you just need to be more careful during sexual intercourse on these dangerous days.

Sometimes the test can show false results, for example, if the pregnancy has developed steadily, and the test suddenly shows a weak line, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a change can be evidence of a threat of fetal fading or abortion.

Incorrect test values ​​showing a faint band at an existing pregnancy, are the result of the fact that both hormones - luteinizing hormone and chorionic gonadotropin are in many ways similar and have similar formulas, and the ovulation test, although weak, can respond to pregnancy. It would be useful to keep in mind the fact that a pregnancy test does not have such a high degree sensitivity, as an ovulation test, and therefore, in such studies, they cannot be used to determine the day for conception. You can, of course, use an ovulation test to try to determine whether a pregnancy has occurred or not even before the delay in menstruation, but this is considered inappropriate.

What will the test show after ovulation

The ovulation test does not react to it itself, but to changes in the hormonal background, in particular, to a sharp rise in luteinizing hormone. After the impact advanced level of this hormone led to the rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg from it, the need for it decreases and gradually returns to the initial stable level. However, this does not happen immediately, and for some period the result of an ovulation test, reacting to such an increase, may be positive, showing a weak second line.

Such changes in stable levels are the result of hormonal surges inherent in ovulation, but can also occur for other reasons. For example, in the case when ovulation processes occurred without disturbances and in accordance with the norm, then the test at the end of the cycle should not be positive and should not have a bright strip. But with depletion of the ovaries, kidney failure, at the time of postmenopause, tests can be positive.

What else can affect the reliability of the test

Any hormonal dysfunction, whether temporary or chronic form, can change the reliability of the ovulation test results in the form of a weak strip of the test used. How, it would seem, frivolous factors, which few people pay attention to when there are doubts about the reliability of the diagnosis, can affect the test results. For example, after the abolition of certain hormonal drugs. Also, a sharp transition from the usual diet to vegetarianism or eating only raw foods the test is capable of distorting indicators that will not correspond to reality.