Perfect schedule for the day. Sample daily routine for an adult

Not every person can live according to the regime, but this should be strived for.

Execution, it would seem simple tasks, also requires close planning and attention, otherwise you can quickly start.

Today we will look at how to create a daily routine that is suitable for both amateurs and ordinary people.

Why is a mode needed?

Remember how in childhood we were accustomed to a special routine: 7:00 - awakening; 8:00 - going to school; 14:00 - lunch and so on.

All this was done for a reason and not because the parents wanted it so much.

Believe me, if they had the opportunity, they would sleep better than take you to the pool on your day off.

There were reasons for this: firstly, to accustom us to use our time rationally, and secondly, to accustom the body to work like clockwork: smoothly and efficiently.

There were great times, I do not argue.

But we grew up and many of us began to waste our time at random, and completely forgot about the daily routine.

Of course, why do we need a regimen when we are tired after work and want to relax?

In fact, there is a certain difference between people who adhere to the regime and those who have completely forgotten about it. I speak from personal experience.

The difference is:

  • In well-being;
  • Success in career and life in general;
  • in a state of health;
  • in terms of performance and productivity.

We are not robots, we have our own biorhythms, thanks to which we are efficient and productive during some hours, and rest and recover during others.

Biorhythm disruption is a serious matter.

In simple words, if your daily routine is incorrectly composed, and also implies physical and mental activity during the reduced functionality of the body, for example at night, then you simply wear it out even faster.

Which will certainly soon lead to a decrease in vitality, metabolic disorders, feeling unwell and accelerated aging.

To prevent this, you need to create correct mode the day that works best for you.

Building a suitable mode is not difficult, the main thing is to get used to it.

So you accustom your body to a certain dynamics, a state of flow, when all things go well - one after another, and you are full of energy and positive.

How to schedule a day

Now we will make a daily routine that will suit any person, both a man and a woman.

Undoubtedly, you can make certain adjustments at your discretion.

The main components of the daily routine:

  • Rise at 7:00 am.
  • We woke up, went to the kitchen, drank a glass of water to start the stomach and metabolic processes.
  • 7:00 - 7:15 - Easy

  • 7:15-7:30 - Taking a shower, ideally cool.
  • 7:30-8:00 - Coffee or tea, breakfast required.
  • 8:15 - Preparing to leave home for work.
  • 8:30 - Leaving the house.
  • 9:00 - 13:00 - Working hours (if you have work is easy and have free time to sit in the social. networks, I recommend reading books instead).

  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch (life hack: to save a certain amount per month, take lunch with you).
  • Every trip to a cafe = a minus in your wallet and a plus for the money that you can later spend on something or make a useful investment.
  • 14:00 - 19:00 - Work (by analogy: there is time - we develop, there is no time - we work, it makes no sense to sit out your pants, you will quickly get tired).
  • Eat small snacks throughout the day to keep you hydrated and productive.

  • After work, if possible, try to walk home.
  • So you refresh your “brains”, and at the same time breathe fresh air.
  • at 20:00 - Dinner, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime (- the key to success).
  • 21:00 - 23:00 - Free time.
  • You can stupidly spend time watching TV, or you can spend a workout or take time to develop yourself. You decide.

  • 23:00 - Hang up.
  • Before going to bed, I advise you to take cold and hot shower to sleep sweetly.

This is what the daily routine looks like for an adult. To create a routine for schoolchildren and children, you need to replace working hours with hours in a kindergarten or school.

Well, in general, adjust the mode a little.

Now there are many programs that are convenient both for planning your activities and for compiling exemplary regime day.

I use one of these: it's called Evernote. A free, convenient program where you can write down your tasks for today, tomorrow, write a daily routine, etc.

Use on health! You can download on this site.

By sticking to a certain schedule, you can train your body to perform loads with the least amount of energy.

It will help you feel good, look great, keep your body healthy. high level.

In order to correctly draw up a daily routine, you need to listen to your body, calculate all the pros and cons, take the above proposed routine as a basis, adjust it for yourself and enjoy.

Those who served in the army will not have any difficulties in compiling, because discipline is at a high level there. I served, I know.

Probably, this is what I liked the army most of all: I became more collected, learned to make decisions quickly, cope with any tasks, pumped not only the physical component, but also the personality.

Discipline = a direct path to a rigid routine.

And when you have order in your head, then in life as well!

Therefore, who doubts to take the first step - do not hesitate, do it!

Thanks to the optimal mode, you will do more, want more and achieve more, this is inevitable.

What about weekends? Do I need to plan a weekend?

Undoubtedly. Unless, of course, you have a goal to spend the weekend in a drunken stupor or watching TV from morning to night, eating huge stocks of the refrigerator.

Rest should also be active. I know that many go to the bar on Friday after work to drink beer, and you don't go.

Come up with an answer. Complicated? I know. Stay with your family, order a pizza, watch a cool movie.

I will even recommend a movie for family viewing: SuperNyan 2. The first part is so-so, the second is much funnier.

On Saturday I would go skiing or gym, and then visited his parents or friends.

On weekends, try to replace communication in the social. networks with live communication is much better, livelier and more interesting.

On Sunday I usually read a book, and in the evening I plan the next week. I make a schedule, set goals and tasks for the coming days.

Plan your weekend, but not rigidly and on time.

I do this: on Saturday, no gadgets, maximum nature and live communication. Sunday: self-development and physical activity.

Try at least once to spend a weekend like this, I'm sure you'll like it!

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Finally, a little humor: daily routine in German =)

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In today's emancipated world, most women are increasingly trying to outmaneuver men, imposing their own rules and dictating their own terms, leaving behind patriarchal science.

Everything has changed drastically in one progressive century, although the premise is echoing from the past. The hearth is no longer the only niche for a purposeful, career-focused woman who, like a man, firmly keeps up with the times.

In this situation, when it is impossible to turn back time, but you want to cover as much as possible, but with this turmoil and abundance of information, you can’t harm your health, and if you don’t increase it, then at least save it, you need to competently organize your daily routine.

It will not be superfluous to know how the biorhythms of the body work. This will help with proper planning of the day.

04.00 - the body secretes the stress hormone cortisol. It launches the main functions and helps the awakening of those people who are used to getting up early;

From 05.00 to 06.00 - the body wakes up. Accelerates metabolism;

From 07.00 to 09.00 - a small sports load is required. The digestive system also works great;

From 09.00 to 10.00 - a person easily copes with tasks for attention and successfully uses the resources of short memory;

From 10.00 to 12.00 - high efficiency, peak mental activity;

From 12.00 to 14.00 - deterioration in performance, a period for a lunch break. Work digestive system accelerates, mental activity is on the decline;

From 14.00 to 16.00 - the body is relaxed and arrives in an afternoon light prostration;

From 16.00 to 18.00 - working capacity increases. All body systems are again like a well-oiled mechanism;

From 18.00 to 20.00 — right time for dinner. After about an hour, you can go in for sports;

From 20.00 to 21.00 - period for sports and hobbies;

From 21.00 to 22.00 is the time when the brain is capable of remembering;

From 23.00 to 01.00 - the metabolism slows down, the pulse and body temperature decrease. Phase deep sleep when it happens best holiday for the body;

From 02.00 to 03.00 - this is the period of time when all reactions are slowed down.

Of course, this is just an approximate scenario of a productive life, it can and should be tried, modified, supplemented.

But it is also worth taking into account the experience of our ancestors.

History is full of examples that you can consider and adapt to your own life.

There is not enough time to look back, but in the world of high technology, if you wish, you just need to type in the search engine the name of Diane de Poitiers, the official favorite of the French monarch Henry II. She was 19 years older than her lover and until his death she played an ambiguous role in government.

She was 66 when she died in a fall from a horse.

Contemporaries of Madame de Poitiers envied, slandered, but could not help but admit that even at 60, she looked no older than 30, without losing her freshness, flexibility, beauty, health and amazing love of life in the flow of intrigue.

Some modern scholars argue that the reason for such a strange circumstance was the elixir of youth, with the addition of gold, which Diana took every morning. But not everyone agrees in this opinion.

The point is that from the very early childhood Diane de Poitiers introduced a healthy lifestyle into the habit. Regardless of mood and weather conditions, she practiced the day after year that made her a legendary person.

So, every early morning, having taken a cold, and sometimes with the addition of ice, bath, she spent two or three hours riding. Then, returning, she had a light breakfast and again went to bed until dinner, rested, read. In the afternoon, she did business, took important decisions, up to state level. Lunch consisted of meat and vegetable dishes. Wine, according to sources, Diana did not drink, confident that it gives puffiness to her face. By the way, in the age of lead white and cinnabar rouge, she did not use cosmetics. Then there was communication in the company of the monarch, dinner, a lyrical mood of the soul and, as a result, a wonderful healing dream.

Thus, even examples from the past prove that the planning of actions for the day, thought out in advance, helps to save natural beauty, mental alertness and enviable health.

In the life of every person, the correct daily routine plays a key role, which in practice is not so easy to develop. Each of us needs to properly allocate our time and, in most cases, work imposes such a need.

What is the daily routine

  1. Proper use of sleep time.
  2. Time for food and personal hygiene.
  3. Proper distribution of time for rest and work.
  4. Time for physical activity and sports.

The ability to make the right daily routine makes us disciplined, develops focus and organization. Thus, a life rhythm is developed, where the time and energy spent on secondary things that can be dispensed with are reduced to a minimum.

In this article, we will try to comprehensively answer the most important questions concerning the daily routine for healthy lifestyle life, we will talk about the impact biorhythms have on the efficiency of activity, as well as methods and methods for compiling effective day for different categories of people.

A little theory about the daily routine

Often we were interested in the daily routine of a successful person. The secret of these people lies in the fact that their daily routine is thought out to the smallest detail, they plan their time in order to distribute it rationally and as efficiently as possible.

The ability to correctly place accents and, as a result, manage your working time is of great importance for discipline and organization. And if you are interested in developing or training programs, want to stick to a diet or organize proper nutrition - you can’t do without a daily routine.

A person needs a mode of life so that time does not use our absent-mindedness. Sooner or later, every person in his work is faced with a rush, a feeling that time is amorphous, confusion arises in work and personal affairs.

Think - can you honestly answer the question right now, how much time was spent on this or that activity, without controlling the use of your time? The daily routine for a healthy lifestyle allows you to efficiently and competently distribute own time, and being deprived of the valuable skill of planning, it is impossible to build long-term plans.

There are only 2 types of biological rhythms - external and internal(respectively, exogenous and endogenous). They appear in synchronization with the internal cycles of the body (sleep and wakefulness), as well as external stimuli (day and night).

When composing a regimen, circadian regimens are of most interest.- these are cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes that are associated with the change of night and day. Their period is equal to a full day - 24 hours.

Influence of biorhythms

When drawing up an effective daily routine, one cannot ignore biorhythms human body. Practice shows that the so-called "larks", having slept until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, having got used to waking up at 7 in the morning, feel lethargic and slow down in the pace of activity.

In the context of this section, we will define biorhythms- these are periodically recurring changes in the nature, as well as the intensity of biological processes, as well as phenomena in living organisms, on which functionality depends.

How to make a daily routine for owls and larks

Quite often, psychologists refer to the well-known distribution of people, depending on the period of their activity, into “larks” and “owls”. The latter make great efforts to get up early in the morning, they are most active at night and in the evening. Larks, on the contrary, literally seethe with energy in the morning, which is depleted by the evening.

This classification is very conditional, because if the correct daily routine of an adult was drawn up, then if there is a desire, the type of wakefulness can be changed without causing harm to the body. The main thing is to choose a strategy and show willpower.

Athletes, businessmen and politicians who travel a lot often fail to adhere to some standard schedule, therefore the daily routine of great people is often fundamentally different from the daily routine of an ordinary person. These people, constantly under pressure from changing time zones, find it very difficult not to lose efficiency in their work. To do this, they use the following actions:

  1. The first days upon arrival are planned in such a way as to reduce physical and psychological stress.
  2. 2 days before the flight, light food is consumed, alcohol and unusual dishes are excluded.
  3. If you have a flight from east to west, if you have a choice, it is better to give preference to an afternoon or morning flight. When traveling by plane from west to east, it is better to give preference to an evening flight.

It has been proven that it is absolutely impossible to create a universal daily routine for months up to a year that will suit each of us. There are too many personal factors to consider, but key points that can be called global and applicable to everyone can be identified. Few details.

On the importance of sleep

Regardless of whether the daily routine of a woman or a man is drawn up, sleep must be given Special attention. We live in interesting realities, when people do not devote the proper amount of time for their rest, or sleep longer than the body really needs. This, as a consequence, gives Negative influence on the human activity, and a clear daily routine and sufficient time for sleep give you many advantages - a person can relax and recover, there is no risk of getting a sleep disorder and nervous system.

The best time to sleep is from 11 pm to 7 am. Studies show that an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day. Exist successful people, who need from 3 to 6 hours of sleep, but this is rather a rare exception.

  1. Give up surfing the net or watching TV shows - make time for your favorite book before bed.
  2. A couple of hours before you go to bed, take a easy time physical education - running, walking, cycling.
  3. Do not use at night heavy food.
  4. Ventilate the room before bed.

How to make a daily routine - go to practice

About eating. Everyone knows that proper nutrition very important for the functioning of all body systems. Food is a kind of fuel for the body, with it we will receive not only energy for the day, which we will spend during the day on physical and mental activity, but also provide the body with microelements and vitamins.

It is very important to eat fully and regularly, any diet before practical use must be agreed with the doctor.

Point two is rest. The correct daily routine for an adult implies a mandatory rest, during which the strength and working capacity of the body are restored. During work hours, a person cannot do without rest, because it is impossible to maintain a consistently high working capacity without it. Do not refuse breaks in work, as they will give you new strength and greater efficiency, productivity at work.

It is very important to fully relax after work. Suppose you spend all day at the computer. Returning home, refuse to spend time with him, taking time to communicate with family, reading or self-education.

A little about work. Each of us works regardless of age. Children attend schools, students attend seminars and lectures, adults earn a living and build careers. It is very important to plan your working time. Time management technique. Self-management techniques and recommendations that will improve personal efficiency at work are presented on the network in a large assortment - you just need to choose the most suitable option.

Do not forget about physical activity, even if you make up a daily routine for a girl. Physical education is health, you need to think about training, first of all, for those whose work limits motor activity body throughout the day.

If there is no opportunity to visit pools and gyms, you can practice at home or on sports grounds.

"The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory." Write down your ideas using diaries, special programs, or just a sheet of paper. The schedule displayed on paper will constantly remind you of business.

Don't be cunning- on the early stages include in your schedule what you do throughout the day. Schedule those items that will be accurately completed. So if you long time you can't go to the gym and put this item on the schedule without doing it - this is not the best solution. The daily routine must be followed.

Consider Physiology- each of us has needs and, making up a mandatory routine for every day, they cannot be neglected. Staying up late, giving up personal hygiene and eating how and where you have to is not the best choice.

How to make a daily routine for an entrepreneur?

Based on the above, we will try to draw up a work plan for a novice entrepreneur. The very first thing you need to do before the start of a business day is to re-familiarize yourself with the tasks and goals that you plan to achieve. Learn how many new contacts you need to make, how many emails to send, how many calls? The list of cases will directly depend on the nuances of doing business.

It is extremely important to draw up and adhere to calendar planning, which, we note, is closely related to setting goals, as well as tasks for each day. Using the calendar plan, you can distribute events by day over a long time period, following the schedule you created earlier.

Suppose a to-do list has been created and you have even begun to implement them. If your head swells from the amount of work that was planned and you categorically do not know where to start, it's time to study the work plan of the average entrepreneur, which we give below.

Where to begin

We analyze the usual email. Working with morning mail is very important - you will learn about key events, answer partners, and establish new contacts.

step twophone calls. Get a list of clients and partners that you need to call today in order to resolve emerging issues. After making all the necessary calls, be sure to check the box in your plan - they say, the work is done.

Readingthe most important thing. Learn new, useful information for your core business, using not only offline, but also online sources. Visit profiled forums, download useful books and articles.

Things for the evening

Before you go to bed, do not forget to perform such activities. First and foremost, check your email for new emails here. If there is something urgent, we will respond without delay.

Put things in order on your desktop - work notes, printouts of articles, books, office supplies. Remove all this until tomorrow, today you are already resting. Remember to make a to-do list for tomorrow and check it against the calendar plan you created earlier.

How to schedule a child's day

Child's daily routine- this is responsibility and discipline that will help the baby adapt to the new conditions of the kindergarten, school. But besides this, drawing up a child’s regimen in many ways helps parents to cope with their duties on time.

Undoubtedly, such events allow you to save time that a mother can spend on vacation, on herself or on her beloved spouse.

For babies

The first years of life are especially important for the future formation good health peanut. He must get enough sleep at least 4-5 times a day, eat about 6 times and take promenades on fresh air at least 2 times a day.

In order not to forget anything and not get confused, you need a strict daily routine:

  1. 06.00 First meal, continuation of rest.
  2. 09.00 The kid wakes up, brushes his teeth, washes his face.
  3. 09.30 Second meal, games, wakefulness (at the discretion of the little one).
  4. 10.00 The kid gets dressed and gets ready for fresh air.
  5. 10.30 Promenade in a stroller or on mom's arms.
  6. 13.00 Third meal.
  7. 13.30 Rest.
  8. 16.30 Meal, light snack.
  9. 17.00 Walk, games, communication (depending on what the baby wants).
  10. 20.00 Dinner.
  11. 20.30 Communication with family and friends.
  12. 23.00 Wash your face and brush your teeth at night.
  13. 23.30 Light snack.
  14. 00.00 A good night's sleep.

Many are concerned about the fact that the child goes to bed so late, otherwise there is a chance that the baby will wake up at night and ask for food and then the schedule will go wrong. When the baby is a little older, you can put him to bed at about 9 pm.

In kindergarten

A properly drawn up daily routine allows the baby to quickly adapt to a new place and schedule of an educational institution:

  1. 7.00-8.00 Arrival at Kindergarten, communication.
  2. 8.00-8.30 Morning meal.
  3. 8.30-9.00 Self-education, cognitive activity in the group.
  4. 9.00-9.15 The kid gets dressed for outdoor recreation.
  5. 9.15-11.30 Games, outdoor communication.
  6. 11.30-11.45 Return, wash hands for the baby, prepare food.
  7. 11.45-12.30 Dense, tasty lunch.
  8. 12.30-13.00 Games, getting ready for bed.
  9. 13.00-15.00 Day rest.
  10. 15.00-15.30 Light snack.
  11. 15.30-17.00 Education, classes in groups.
  12. 17.00-18.00 Outdoor recreation.
  13. 18.00-18.30 Dinner, enrichment with vitamins.
  14. 18.30-19.00 Departure home.
  15. 19.00-19.30 Promenade with family and friends.
  16. 19.30-20.00 Games, light dinner.
  17. 20.00-20.30 Washing, brushing teeth at night.
  18. 20.30-7.00 Strong and sweet night rest.

At school

The daily routine of a student is the absence of stress, lateness and problems in an educational institution.

The organization of the day will help to enable the child to eat calmly, slowly get ready for school, attend various sections and have time to do homework:

  1. 7.00 Awakening, meeting a new day.
  2. 7.00-7.30 It is necessary to make the bed, wash, brush your teeth, do gymnastics, exercises.
  3. 7.30-7.45 First and most dense meal.
  4. 7.50-8.20 Road to the educational institution.
  5. 8.30-14.00 School lessons.
  6. 14.00-14.30 Return to home.
  7. 14.30-15.00 Lunch meal.
  8. 15.00-17.00 Rest, games, developing or sports sections.
  9. 17.00-19.00 Preparation of school lessons.
  10. 19.00-19.30 Tasty, rich dinner.
  11. 19.30-21.00 Communicating with the family, studying modern literature, classics.
  12. 21.00-21.30 Water procedures, preparation for sleep.
  13. 22.00 Healthy children's sleep.

When accustoming a student to the daily routine, it is necessary to be persistent, the slightest deviation from the schedule can lead to a complete failure of the schedule. When raising a child, you must always be aware of his activities and problems in life, and after a few years, he will surely thank his parents.

The correct daily routine will help you be more productive, make more work you can get things done.

For most adults, the daily routine is disturbed, someone goes to bed at night, ate waking up in the morning, someone goes to bed in the evening, but wakes up at night, which means the productivity of the next day is reduced to nothing. If you follow the correct daily routine, you will not only want to go to bed on time, but you will also get up with vivacity, in full health, with animation.

The correct mode of the day for an adult.

Let's start the countdown from early in the morning, when we start getting up for work, doing things, doing morning exercises. Many at this time are going to work, forgetting even to have breakfast.

Early morning. 4:00 - 6:00

In the early morning, people who are hardened in spirit and body can get up, who run, do exercises or gymnastics, take a contrast shower. Subject to the regime of the day, get up early morning it will not be difficult and there will be time left for performing creative tasks, drawing, writing poetry, music, the main thing is not to interfere with the society around you, they may not understand.

Morning. 6:00 - 8:00

Get up at this time a large number of of people. There is limited time for exercise, gymnastics, bathroom visits, showers and breakfast. Morning breakfast should benefit you and your body. This matter must be approached with all seriousness, despite its significance. Many people think: “Think of breakfast, I have coffee and a cigarette for breakfast.” - this is how I want to answer: “Have you tried scrambled eggs with freshly squeezed orange juice?”. Giving up smoking and alcohol should come first than giving up breakfast in the morning.

The first half of the day. 8:00 - 12:00

It's time to get productive. After morning exercises and a healthy breakfast, there is a huge energy and strength to do important things. Brain activity is at its best at this time, you can create projects, complete the most important tasks, more operations Set aside routine work for the second half of the day.

Break time, lunch. 12:00 - 14:00

After a busy day at work, it's time to take a break and have lunch. Here you can take heavy food: soups, meat, fish, fried and boiled. A healthy, hearty lunch will give you energy for the next half of the day. AT lunch break the work should be postponed, we should satisfy the hunger and take a short break, as the activity of the brain and body will decline. The benefits of your body activities are small, it is focused on digestion, getting nutrients.

Afternoon. 14:00 - 18:00

This time is suitable for busy work, you can perform routine tasks. The most basic energy was in the first half of the day, as in the second it is on the decline. At this time, there is enough vigor and strength, only the peak occurs in the morning. Completion of working hours, get ready for rest.

Evening. 18:00 - 22:00

In the evening it is better to do household chores. Play with children, read a book, do self-development or walks. Don't overload yourself right now. hard work, it is better to slow down, relax or spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. You can have dinner from 6 to 8 pm, the main thing is not to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, so that your body is at rest, resting in sleep, and not processing food.

Dream. 21:00 - 6:00

It is worth starting sleep from 9 pm, because the period of healthy and healthy sleep. Wake up at your own discretion, if you go to bed at 9, you will easily get up at 4-5 in the morning, and if you lie down at 10-11, you will be able to make another vigorous rise by 6-7 in the morning. This time is great for a strong, rich and most beneficial sleep. If you go to bed late, then in the morning you will be tired and lethargic.

The correct regimen of the child's day.

From birth to 6 months.

The daily routine is set by the child himself. It is worth feeding according to his needs, it is not recommended to wake him up. As a rule, the child will ask for food every 2 to 3 hours. Keep walking. In the cold season, start walking for 20 minutes 3 times a day, gradually increasing the walking time to 1 - 1.5 hours. In warm weather, it is worth walking from 40 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day. If it is possible to walk more during the warm season, pay special attention to this. Walking in the fresh air is very useful at any age, especially for kids. And in evening time, it is desirable to carry out water procedures, makes it easier to adapt to the new world and calms well, besides, kids love to swim. Regular repetition of the procedure forms the correct sleep pattern for the child, as it begins to realize that all the games have come to an end.

From 6 months to 1 year.

At this age, the child develops a day regimen, the morning begins at a certain time, and wakes up 1-2 times at night for feeding. During the day, it is worth gradually starting to give the baby new foods, not only breast milk or mixtures. Feeding occurs on average every 3 to 4 hours. Sleep time is reduced to 3 times a day. Do not forget to pay attention to walks, try to walk as often as possible. It is at this age that the child begins to explore the world outside the home and take the first steps. In moments of wakefulness, take care not only for care, but also in games, especially at this age, games that develop tactile sensations or fine motor skills.

From 1 year to 1.5 years.

The child stops waking up for night feeding, during the day he sleeps fully for 3 hours or 1.5 hours in the afternoon and evening. Here the choice is up to the child, according to his well-being, it is not worth interfering with the sleep schedule. It is worth walking at least one hour a day, and preferably one and a half, two hours, usually 1 hour in winter, 2 hours in summer. By the age of one and a half years, the child begins to be interested in the food that adults eat. The diet is on average 4 times a day. Between main feedings, give fruits and juices.

From 1.5 years to 3 years.

The child's mode is formed, wakes up and falls asleep at a certain time. Proper sleep starts from 9 pm to 7 - 8 am. Remains alone daytime sleep 1.5 - 2 hours. Nutrition in a child is almost completely formed and becomes like in an adult. Meals are taken 4 times: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, the interval should be about 4 hours. Walking in the fresh air does not need to be reduced, walking once or twice a day will only be beneficial, at least it is necessary to give walks three to four times a week.

From 3 years.

Visits to the kindergarten begin on an ongoing basis, as a result, the daily routine is finally formed. The daily schedule is simple: getting up at 7 in the morning, breakfast is not necessary, because, as a rule, he will be fed, going to the bathroom; then the child spends from 8 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock in a clear daily routine. Breakfast, educational games, walk, lunch, quiet time, walk, afternoon tea, educational games. In different children. gardens schedule varies between games and walks, but usually 2 times a day in good weather, the children arrive outside. After kindergarten, it is advisable to give the child one more hour to walk, you can go to the park, shop, playground or go to playgrounds. Diversity must be created at least once a week. In the evening, pay attention to the development of the child, funny Games spend a maximum of 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, closer to sleep calm, maybe creative pursuits, carry out water procedures.
The duration of the regimen is extended up to a conscious age. Proper upbringing and approach to the child, will develop discipline in him, and at a conscious age he can continue to observe his daily routine, understanding why this is necessary.

It's no secret that the daily regimen affects a woman's health, her ability to work and the effectiveness of all the actions she performs during the day. In addition, the correct mode has a beneficial effect on women's feelings of happiness, life satisfaction. Going to bed and getting up at the most favorable time for the body, we are filled with energy, inspiration, we become surprisingly motivated to change our lives, our habits, to improve the world around.

So what is the ideal daily routine for a woman? At what time should we go to bed, and at what time should we wake up in order to be healthy, to feel the strength in ourselves to live, create, love?

Daily routine of a happy woman: going to bed

Ideally, we should go to bed around nine o'clock in the evening. If a woman spends time in bed from nine to twelve (and does not spend it at a computer, TV, tablet, etc., etc.), then she is filled with lunar energy - an energy that especially saturates her with strength and joy, pacifies , makes it softer and more feminine, more self-confident, its strengths.

I have no doubt that many people have a question: “And when to live at all?” Now that you have to give up your favorite TV shows, books, social networks, etc. etc.? From this follows our next item of the woman's day regimen.

Daily routine of a happy woman: early rise

The second important element of the daily routine is an early rise. The ideal daily routine for a woman suggests that she wakes up 1-2 hours before dawn. It is during these hours that her body and mind are filled with solar energy. The energy of the Sun gives us a charge of vivacity and optimism, improves our mood, gives us the belief that everything is possible in life and that we deserve the fulfillment of our desires.

As you know, in different cities, countries, latitudes, dawn comes at different hours. To calculate optimal time morning rise for your place of residence, find on the Internet the time of sunrise in your city and subtract 1-2 hours from it.

AT morning hours take up meditation, writing your morning pages, reading, cleaning, taking care of your skin, exercising or yoga, and whatever else you didn't get done the previous evening or other days.

These are the most important elements ideal daily routine for a woman. By doing just two things - going to bed and getting up early, you are in the most short time notice how your life will change beyond recognition.

Girls! I sincerely wish you to remember that an inexhaustible source of happiness is within you! Don't need any external conditions, external sources of joy, just use what is already given to you, what you can influence!

With love and best wishes, Polina.