The ovulation test is not a bright line. Ovulation Determination: Home Ovulation Tests

If a woman dreams of a baby, then she probably knows what ovulation is and how to determine the moment of its onset. What is weak ovulation? Below is more about this.

Weak ovulation: can it be?

So, for starters, let's figure out what ovulation is in general. In the ovaries after the end of menstruation, follicles begin to mature. These are the vesicles inside which the maturation of the egg occurs. At a certain point, the follicle ruptures, and a mature egg comes out of it, which moves into the uterine cavity. If a spermatozoon enters the uterus, then fertilization will occur, it will begin to develop new life, and in 9 months the baby will be born.

And can it be weak ovulation? In fact, this is impossible. You either have ovulation or you don't. For example, if the egg is not mature, then it is clear that it will not be ready for fertilization. In addition, the follicle probably did not mature and burst. There can be many reasons for such phenomena: stress, illness of a woman, violations hormonal background, body weight change, climate change, poor nutrition, strong physical activity. So in order for a woman to eat right, take care of her health, lead healthy lifestyle life, not to be nervous and regularly observed by a gynecologist. BUT weak ovulation impossible.

So what do most women mean? What means " weak ovulation"? Most likely, it means not so much inferiority and insufficiency this phenomenon(this cannot be, as already written above), how much faint line on ovulation test. And this is quite possible.

Weak line on the ovulation test: what is the reason?

So, a woman who wants to know when conception can occur, probably does ovulation tests regularly. What is this test based on? The fact is that during the period of maturation of the egg in the body of a woman, a large amount of luteinizing hormone begins to be released ( LH ). And this very outburst captures the test through urine or saliva analysis thanks to a special sensitive reagent that gives a signal that the amount LH increased.

So for what reasons can the second strip be weak?

1. The test was done incorrectly. So, you need to start doing it about 17 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, every day at the same time, preferably from 10 am to 8 pm. In addition, 2-3 hours before the procedure, you should try not to drink, and also refrain from urinating. But early morning urine is best not to use. So if the rules are not followed, then the strip may be weak, such a result cannot be considered reliable. For example, even if a woman drank a large amount of liquid, the concentration of the hormone in the urine will decrease, the strip will become dim.

2. If a woman takes some hormonal drugs, then this will also certainly affect the accuracy of the result.

3. If the test was stored incorrectly or the packaging was opened, the results will not be reliable.

4. If the second strip is weak, then this may indicate that ovulation will come soon or has already passed.

5. Some women have a hormone LH always contained either in an increased or reduced amount. In this case, doing an ovulation test is pointless.

6. For any hormonal disorders test results may be inaccurate.

7. Poor quality test (for example, with a small amount of reagent).

It remains only to wish all women who are waiting for ovulation and dreaming of getting pregnant a bright and clear strip on the test and a speedy pregnancy!

Many women feel when they are ovulating. At this time, the viscosity increases vaginal discharge, rises sex drive, pain in the ovary may be felt. However, for effective planning pregnancy, you can not rely on these sensations. It is necessary to regularly conduct an ovulation test, which will make it possible to determine the most favorable moment for fertilization.

Why carry it out?

Ovulation is the moment when an egg ready for fertilization is released from the follicle located in the ovary into the abdominal cavity, and then into fallopian tube. Here it will unite with the sperm, resulting in the formation of a zygote. It will move to the uterus, where it will take place further development pregnancy.

In order to accurately determine the time of release of the female germ cell from the ovary and best time for conception, it is very convenient to use a special test strip. This simple study will help a couple plan their pregnancy.

Operating principle

Ovulation can be determined using a regular home test, which is sold at any pharmacy. The research principle is based on exact definition concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine. The level of this substance in women fluctuates depending on the period menstrual cycle. Just before ovulation, it reaches its maximum values.

The ovulation test makes it possible to register such an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, the peak of which will indicate the onset of ovulation. It works on the same principle as a pregnancy test. It uses other substances that respond to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone, and not human chorionic gonadotropin.

On sale there are devices for determining luteinizing hormone in saliva. They are more convenient, designed for repeated use, but have a high price.

A positive ovulation test indicates that the most best moment for the conception of the future baby falls on the next 2 days.

Some women use such testing to determine " dangerous days" at calendar method pregnancy protection. However, the effectiveness of this method is low. Spermatozoa that have entered the genitals of a woman can linger in them, "waiting" for the release of the egg. Therefore, it is possible to become pregnant with sexual contact that occurred before the release of the egg.

Rules for holding

Most tests contain 5 strips. This is due to the fact that it is extremely rare to calculate the moment of ovulation at once, and repeated studies significantly increase the accuracy of diagnosis.

What day is the right time to do an ovulation test?

You need to start testing on the eve of the expected date of release of the egg. It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and subtract 17 days. If the cycle lasts 28 days, you need to start the study from day 11, counting from the first day of menstruation. With irregular menstruation, the average value of 4 or even 6 cycles in a row should be taken as a basis.

How to use an ovulation test?

Each box contains detailed instructions. You just need to place the test strip in a container of warm urine or substitute it under the stream when urinating, and then dry and save. The next strip is used in exactly the same way at the same time. This is repeated until you get positive result.

  • within 4 hours do not drink water and other liquids;
  • do not urinate at least 2 hours before testing;
  • do not use the first portion of urine obtained in the morning;
  • the best time for testing is from 10 am to 8 pm.

Ovulation test results

After completing the study, a woman can get the following indicators:

  • absence or very weak line (significantly paler than the control) - the test is negative;
  • there are both strips, not counting the control - the test is positive.

If the test is negative, it means that some more time will pass before the release of the egg.

If the test showed two stripes, this indicates a possible release of the egg from the follicle within the next 12-48 hours. The brighter the second strip appears, the greater the concentration of luteinizing hormone, and the closer ovulation. A positive result persists for 1-2 days, rarely for 3 days.

If none of the strips is visible, this is a sign that the test is not suitable for use.

A positive test confirms the highest fertility during the menstrual cycle. If a woman is trying to get pregnant, she needs to plan sexual intercourse within the next 3 days after ovulation.

False test results

It may happen that the test result is positive, but ovulation does not occur. Substances that react to the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine are very sensitive. Therefore, there is a slight chance that they will catch a small increase in the concentration of the hormone.

Most effective method confirm ovulation - ultrasound procedure ovary. Many women measure at the same time as testing. This is a simple and informative way to find out at home about the onset of ovulation. The temperature in the rectum rises the next day after this. Combined with testing, this gives exact result.

Sometimes, despite negative result ovulation still occurs. This is usually due to non-compliance with the instructions for using the test. The study should be carried out at the same time, in the afternoon or in the evening. In addition, an irregular cycle may be the cause, and then other methods are used to determine the time of release of the egg.

Contraindications for use

The results may be distorted by the influence hormonal drugs assigned to a woman about gynecological diseases( , other). However, these drugs in most cases also have a contraceptive effect, so getting pregnant while taking them will not work.

Ovulation tests are not performed during pregnancy or after menopause.

Best Ovulation Tests

Test kits are available from pharmacies different firms. Let's consider some of them.

digital test for ovulation Clearblue

Shows results with 99% accuracy. It consists of a plastic case and a test module. Before starting the study, you need to remove both parts of the test and insert the strip into the case until it clicks. Then you need to wait for the flashing symbol to appear on the body of the device. It will show that the test is ready to use.

Ovulation test "Clearblue"

Next, you need to collect a portion of urine in a dry, clean container and place the absorbent part of the strip in it for 15 seconds. You can simply put the end of the test module under the stream while urinating for 5 seconds, but there is a danger of wetting the device itself.

The housing can be placed on a flat surface or held with the sampler facing down. You can not lift it with a strip up. After half a minute, a flashing signal will appear, indicating that the result is ready. After that, you need to remove the test, remove the cap from it and wait 3 minutes.

After this time, a “smiley” will appear on the body of the device. This means that ovulation has come, and the best time to conceive is the next 48 hours. If the circle remains empty, then the hormone level is normal. After that, you need to throw away the strip, and the next day, repeat the study.

No need to pay attention to the stripes that appear on the test module. You can find out the result only on the display of the device. It is displayed for 8 minutes.

The digital ovulation test is highly accurate. When using it, you do not need to independently evaluate the brightness of the strips. This makes Clearblue one of the the best goods in your segment. It is more expensive than conventional strips, but it is more convenient to use and more reliable.

Frautest for ovulation

If a woman has a reason to use not an electronic device, but test strips, Frautest will suit her. The kit contains 5 strips for determining luteinizing hormone, as well as 2 tests for diagnosing pregnancy. In addition, there are 7 containers for urine, which increases the convenience of use.

Frautest ovulation test strips

The strip should be immersed in the container with urine in the direction of the arrows up to the Max mark, it is not necessary to immerse it deeper. After 5 seconds, you need to remove the strip and put it to dry on the edge of the container with urine. Colored lines will start to appear after a minute, but the final assessment is made after 10 minutes. If 2 bright lines appear, the test is positive. It is not recommended to evaluate the result after 30 minutes or more.

The test is one-time, after use it and the urine container must be thrown away.

Other popular test strips are Eviplan, Ovuplan, Femiplan.

Tablet tests

Devices that combine ease of use and accuracy - tablet, or cassette.

Tablet (cassette, inkjet) test for ovulation "Femitest"

These are reusable devices that determine ovulation in the urine. It is enough to substitute the window of the device under the jet, and after a while one or two strips will be displayed on the screen. Examples of such tests are Frautest, Evitest, Ovuplan Lux, Femitest cassettes.

Electronic test that determines the level of estrogen in saliva

Considered the most reliable. Hence its high cost. The principle of its work is to study a drop of saliva under a microscope. Before ovulation, salt crystals begin to form in it, first forming horizontal and vertical lines, and at the time of ovulation, a pattern resembling a fern. If ovulation has not occurred, the saliva sample contains only individual grains - “sand”.

The readings of this test do not depend on the level of luteinizing hormone. Therefore, it is especially suitable for women with hormonal disorders.

The simplest device in the series is the MaybeMom microscope. It is equipped with good optics and gives a reliable result in 98% of cases. The OVU test allows you to examine not only saliva, but also cervical mucus. Eva-Test is a mini-laboratory, fully computerized and independently issuing ready-made data on ovulation.

Test microscope "Maybe Mom" ​​for determining ovulation by a drop of saliva

Electronic tests that determine ovulation by saliva are considered the most accurate. Compact microscopes are easy to use and convenient. They are reusable, there is no need to constantly buy test strips. You need to examine saliva in the morning, before drinking water and brushing your teeth.

Some devices, such as Eva-Test, make it possible not only to determine ovulation, but also to protect yourself from pregnancy, to notice the threat of miscarriage in time. Such an ovulation test shows pregnancy for a period of 1 week. It is able to help in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases and even determine the sex of the unborn baby. Although consumer reviews speak of some inconvenience of the device, the need to reconfigure it and the high price, for some women it is best suited.

The Vesta device also belongs to this category. Manufacturers claim that such devices also show “safe” days, hormone levels in menopause, possible cause absence of menstruation.


What is the chance of pregnancy on fertile days?

The chance of getting pregnant will vary from cycle to cycle, and different women. It depends on many conditions such as the age of the woman, her partner, general state health and lifestyle. On average, the probability of pregnancy on the day of ovulation is 33%.

What is the difference between using most ovulation tests and the Clearblue Fertility Monitor?

Most ovulation tests detect the release of luteinizing hormone, which occurs about 24-36 hours before the release of the egg. They help clarify the 2 most fertile days of the cycle - before ovulation and during this process. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor digital test determines the level of two hormones - luteinizing and estrogen. It reveals up to 5 extra days when a woman can become pregnant by detecting a rise in estrogen.

I recently stopped taking birth control pills. Could this change the result?

No, this will not affect the results. But if a woman has only recently stopped taking hormonal drugs, she may have irregular cycles. This leads to difficulties in determining the day of testing. Therefore, it is better to wait until 2 consecutive cycles without contraceptives have passed, and only then start using ovulation tests.

My cycle is outside the range shown in the instructions. How do I know when to start testing? When to test for late ovulation?

If the cycle is less than 22 days, you need to start testing on the 5th day, counting the first day of menstruation. If the cycle is more than 40 days, you should start testing 17 days before the expected start of menstruation and continue testing even after 5 days.

I have been using the clearblue test for several months in a row and have not gotten pregnant. Maybe I'm infertile?

It happens that healthy woman unable to conceive for many months. A doctor should be consulted after a year of unsuccessful attempts if the woman is under 35 years old. If she is 35-40 years old, this should be done in six months. If a patient older than 40 years has never been protected and has not become pregnant, an urgent need to go to a gynecologist.

I did all 5 tests according to the instructions, but did not detect ovulation. What to do?

If the cycle length changes monthly by more than 3 days, you need to start new packaging test. If the cycle is normal, then it was neoovulatory, that is, there was no release of the egg. It will no longer be possible to get pregnant this month, but this normal phenomenon for the female body.

Do I need to use all the tests in the suite?

No. It is possible to stop testing after ovulation and save the remaining strips for the next cycle.

I did the test incorrectly, what should I do next?

The best solution is to conduct another study on the same day 4 hours after the failed one. At this time, you need to drink less and not urinate. If the urine was collected in a plastic container, you just need to take another strip and analyze it right away.

When are the chances of getting pregnant the highest and lowest?

The peak of the possibility of conception occurs on the day of ovulation and the day before it. A high probability of pregnancy appears 4 days before. Outside of these 6-7 days, the chance of getting pregnant is low.

What is the difference between ovulation days and "fertile" days?

Ovulation is the release of the female germ cell from the follicle, this happens 12 to 16 days before the start of the next menstruation. A woman is most fertile on the day of ovulation and on the previous day.

"Fertile" days - the time of the cycle when pregnancy can occur. Because spermatozoa are stored in female body a few days, they can "wait" for an egg. Therefore, “fertile” days are considered the day of ovulation and 5 days before it.

The formed full-fledged egg during ovulation leaves the follicle and moves to the uterus for further fertilization.

Determining the intensity level of this process is illustrated by a special test. When the second line is pale on an ovulation test, many are wondering what conclusions to draw from this. Such a result may well reflect the inferiority of the egg maturation process.

Can there be a concept of "weak ovulation"?

In many women's forums, the question is raised whether the so-called "weak ovulation" is possible. The process of egg maturation consists of several stages:

  • after the period of the menstrual cycle, the formation of follicles begins;
  • the cell under the action of hormones begins to mature inside the follicular cavity;
  • at the moment of full maturation, the wall bursts, a mature egg enters the uterine cavity.

This mechanism is unchanged, it always happens according to one algorithm. The process either runs in a stable mode, or does not work at all. The latter may be a sign of deviations, underdevelopment of the genital organs.

Sometimes there is such a phenomenon as a weak second rinse on an ovulation test. This option confuses the woman. Because it is not clear what conclusions to draw from the results. Test instructions are extremely primitive, containing standard information about the application of this method.

The reason for this phenomenon may have very specific prerequisites:

  • the follicle could not burst because it did not mature;
  • constant stress;
  • painful condition of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • depleted diet;
  • severe physical overload;
  • change of climate zone;
  • sudden change in body weight

What is the basis of the ovulation test

Structure reproductive system female includes a number of organs and glands. This includes various parts of the body that are responsible for the general condition of the body. In addition, a number of processes are responsible for the possibility of having a child, the violation of which can lead to various consequences.

To prepare for the moment of conception, many women often do this simple test. During the period of egg maturation, a woman's body releases a large percentage of luteinizing hormone. Its medical designation looks like LH. splash hormonal level reflect the strips on the ovulation test, the composition of urine and saliva, which reveal the body's readiness for the separation of the egg, the maturation of its follicular membrane.

Thus, according to percentage hormone product the sensitive reagent gives the result. It illustrates how ready the body is for reproductive process. If a phantom strip appears, a more detailed examination by a gynecologist should be performed. Since this can be an alarming sign of ovarian failure.

ovulation detection test

To accurately calculate the testing time, you need to be aware of your cycle. A long-established method of keeping calendars with marked days of the beginning and end of menstruation would be great helper in this matter. By counting the length from the beginning of the previous cycle to the beginning of the next, you can confidently determine the desired result.

Under the condition of a stable menstrual period You can start testing your body for ovulation seventeen days before the start of your period. Status phase corpus luteum lasts an average of fourteen days. If the cycle is unstable, it is necessary to take the shortest period as control.

With regular use of the ovulation test, two strips track the entire process stably. In addition to checking for ultrasound, you can be guaranteed a successful outcome of the case. You can do tests at home up to two times, the frequency of samples increases the chances of a positive picture. Especially if you follow proper diet avoiding an excess of carbohydrates.

Method efficiency

To achieve a stable result, you need to learn a few rules:

  • if possible, it is worth doing the test 2 times a day;
  • it is necessary to choose the same time for sampling;
  • it is desirable that the intervals between tests are 8-10 hours;
  • at the same time it is necessary to observe the mode of reception of liquids;
  • morning is the best time for tests;
  • refrain from urinating up to 4 hours before the test.

A faint line that appears on an ovulation test illustrates:

  • violation of the correctness of the test;
  • degenerative processes of egg formation;
  • inflammation or other venereal diseases reproductive system.

It is not necessary to critically evaluate a single result, since many factors can affect the clarity of the strip. Luteinizing hormone levels may be too low for reliable result. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out 2 to 3 tests per day for control. At the same time, carefully follow all the rules for conducting the test.

Reasons for the weak manifestation of the strip on the test

Ovulation tests do not illustrate the process of cell separation itself, but the release of a hormone that stimulates it. This makes its own adjustments to the interpretation of the result, many factors can affect the change in indicators. High level LH does not always mean the body is ready to conceive a new life.

A weak second line on an ovulation test appears for reasons:

  • improper storage of the test;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs;
  • violation of the analysis algorithm;
  • pale streak on an ovulation test, an indicator of the end of the process;
  • individual characteristics of the body with an increased percentage of the hormone;
  • inferior products.

Any fluctuations in the hormonal background of the body change the results. The female body is sensitive to many external factors although it may not appear outwardly. The desire to get a stable result can be great, cause a certain level of stress.

This is especially true for couples who have been trying to get a baby for a long time. In this situation, it is worth remembering that nervous state overrides all settings. Thus, masking the real picture, while any chemical substances regulators nervous activity may affect the quality of the test.

Often there is such a problem as a weak strip on an ovulation test. In order to correctly decipher the result, it is necessary to understand the features of its action. You should also understand the occurrence of ovulation and the factors on which it depends. Only all these concepts allow you to correctly read the result of an independent study.

Many couples face difficulties when planning a pregnancy. Knowing the fertile period can help speed up the onset of conception. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle and is necessary for the formation of a zygote.

The menstrual cycle of a woman depends on work hormonal system. The first days of the cycle are accompanied by menstruation. Menstruation is physiological process cleansing the uterus from endometrial tissue. The duration of menstruation for all women is individual.

After the cessation of menstruation, the estrogen phase begins. Estrogen begins to increase from the 4th day of the cycle. Under its influence, the formation of the endometrium occurs. This tissue is essential for lining the uterus. Initially, the endometrium has a dense homogeneous structure. From the seventh day, follicle-stimulating hormone is connected to estrogen. It makes the ovaries work.

Each ovary contains a certain number of germ cells. The eggs are released under the ovary due to the action of follicle-stimulating hormone. A follicle appears on it. Its cavity contains a cell and fluid. By the middle of the cycle, the follicle has a size of 22 mm.

From this point on, the amount of estrogen and FSH decreases. This causes a sharp increase in the luteinizing substance. Lutein is part of the follicular fluid. Under its influence, the composition of the liquid changes. It liquefies, its volume increases. The walls of the follicle are stretched. The shell becomes thin. The egg presses on the weakest part of the membrane and breaks it. The woman is ovulating.

The duration of this period is one day. After this time, the germ cell dies. The next day, luteinizing hormone gives way to progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for proper development pregnancy. It helps the zygote to attach itself to the endometrium. Its further activity is connected with the nutrition of the fetus. If pregnancy does not occur, progesterone decreases. A new menstrual period begins.

Signs of the ovulatory phase

You can determine the onset of ovulation by the appearance characteristic features. The following symptoms should be monitored:

  • copious clear discharge;
  • soreness of the abdomen;
  • the appearance of sexual desire;
  • irritability and headache.

Many girls are guided by character cervical mucus. Secretions appear in the glands cervical canal. The volume of secretions depends on the degree of opening of the channel. After menstruation, the channel is tightly compressed. For this reason, the woman has no discharge. This period is called dry. Rarely appears liquid in a small amount.

Gradually, the channel begins to open. Opening depends on the amount of luteinizing substance. In this case, there is an increase in the production of mucus. The canal protects the uterus from infection by pathogenic bacteria. Due to the opening of the gland, they begin to produce more mucus. The woman notices the appearance clear slime from the vagina. This phenomenon is observed two days before ovulation.

Some patients have abdominal pain before the favorable period. It occurs due to the active growth of the follicle. There is also an increase in pain at the time of rupture of its shell. This symptom is manifested in women whose uterus is located incorrectly.

Under the influence of hormones, there is an increase in libido. Sexual activity depends on the brain. Against the background of ovulation, there is an increase in activity.

Methods for determining the ovulatory period

You can determine the presence of ovulation not only by outward signs. There are several other ways to determine it. Many doctors advise resorting to monthly charting basal body temperature. This method simple. A woman should measure the temperature in the rectum daily. Rectal measurement allows you to set a more accurate temperature.

To measure it is necessary to use a special mercury thermometer. The thermometer should be kept next to the bed. Keep it in the gut should be no more than five minutes. During this time, he will show the exact result. An electronic thermometer for measuring basal temperature is not recommended. It may show the wrong measurement.

Before measuring the temperature, do not make active movements. This can negatively impact performance. Also, you should not have sex and get up to use the toilet. Any movement causes an increase in temperature. To get the correct measurement, the woman must take the measurement in morning time right after sleep. The thermometer is placed in the intestine for 7 minutes. The woman maintains her posture. After the procedure is completed, the thermometer is processed antibacterial agent. The result is reset.

An effective method is folliculometry. It is carried out with the help ultrasonic device. The doctor examines the ovaries for the presence of a large follicle. He will participate in ovulation. A day later, the follicle increases by several mm. When its size reaches 25 mm, the doctor recommends intensifying sexual activity. Must be done in 2 days control procedure. The doctor determines the presence of free fluid behind the uterus.

You can use more in a simple way. Fertility can be determined by ovulation tests. This method needs to be considered in more detail.

How the strips work

The ovulation test is processed with different substances. The main reagent is involved in chemical interaction with the luteinizing substance. Under its influence, a strip appears on the test area.

She may have varying degrees staining.

Luteinizing hormone is always present in a woman's body. For this reason, when in contact with urine, a faint second line appears on the ovulation test. The study is carried out until the alignment of the color of both zones.

The control strip changes color upon contact with any liquid. The strip is always dyed in bright color. Knowing these qualities, you can easily decipher the test results.

Terms of Use

Testing must be done correctly. Before use, you must follow a number of rules:

  • refusal to drink liquids;
  • constant application time;
  • compliance with the terms of the annotation;
  • do not go to the toilet for a long time.

Before using the test, you must stop drinking liquids. Fluid enters the bladder. At the same time, the amount of Lg remains at the same level. strong magnification urine volume affects the concentration of luteinizing hormone. If this rule is not followed, the test will show a weak second strip.

The measurement time must also be taken into account. The test should be used at the same time. It is not recommended to use before 10 am. The strip shows the most accurate result from 16 to 18 hours.

Also, do not go to the toilet for at least three hours. This condition is necessary to increase the concentration of a substance in bladder. In order for the test to show an accurate result, you should carefully study the instructions attached to it. Only this will help to accurately determine ovulation.

Before use, it is necessary to collect urine in a special container. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. The test is lowered into the container to the mark drawn on it. The exposure time is written in the annotation. After that, place the strip on a dry, flat surface. You need to study the result after 5 minutes. A later study may give an erroneous result.

Sometimes this time may be shorter. It is prescribed for each test individually, since the test field is processed with various reagents. For this reason, it is recommended to carefully study the annotation before starting the procedure.

The start of using the test depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. If its duration is 26-30 days, the first test is used on the 6th day of the cycle. Further application is carried out daily. If the cycle is less than 25 days, it is recommended to start the study from the day the menstruation ends.

Getting two bright stripes indicates the approach of ovulation. On this day, doctors advise using another test. Repeated examination is recommended after 4-5 hours. If the strip becomes brighter than the control zone, the peak of hormone activity begins. Ovulation should occur the next day.

How to decipher the result

Many patients complain that the second strip is pale on the ovulation test. The strip is barely visible due to the low concentration of luteinizing hormone. Gradually, the brightness of the test area increases. A positive result is a comparison of the strips by color. For clarification, it is necessary to re-test.

The test result should be confirmed by folliculometry. Getting a positive result together will confirm the onset of ovulation.

Anovulatory cycle

Some patients have a pale line on an ovulation test throughout their entire menstrual cycle. There may be several reasons for this result:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • non-compliance with testing rules;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • excessive water consumption;
  • defective test.

The reason for a weak second ovulation test strip is often the absence of one. Every woman may have an anovulatory cycle several times a year. The number of such cycles increases with age. You shouldn't be afraid. If in the next cycle the test again showed the absence of ovulation, you should consult a doctor.

Most patients ignore the rules of testing. It can also hurt the result. If a woman uses the strip in the morning after sleeping, the test is wrong.

Affects getting weak strip and excessive fluid intake. A large number of water reduces the amount of luteinizing hormone in the urine. In this case, even if ovulation is present, the study will not show it.

In many cases, the cause may be a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal disbalance may be accompanied by an increase in estrogen or progesterone. Due to this, the luteinizing substance will not be able to increase. Ovulation will not occur.

Do not rule out a manufacturing defect. Some unscrupulous manufacturers do not test products after they are made. In this case, insufficient amount of reagent is applied to the test area. When using such a test, a woman sees a faint strip.

Further actions

After receiving a weak second strip for two cycles, you should seek help from a specialist. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic measures to determine the reasons.

Initially, the patient should attend a folliculometry to confirm an anovulatory menstrual cycle. If folliculometry shows no dominant follicle or its rupture, additional types of research are assigned.

The blood is studied for the amount of hormones. The first analysis is carried out on the 7-9th day of the cycle. The blood must contain required amount estrogen. In the middle of the cycle is taken reanalysis for the presence of a luteinizing agent. After that, the doctor selects the necessary treatment.

All planning couples use various methods to speed up the process of conception. To increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to use ovulation tests. If the test result shows no auspicious days, the woman needs treatment.

Calculate, calculate the level of luteinizing hormone, deal with the phases of the menstrual cycle - all these and many other questions have to be solved by a woman who has it the first time. Gradually making my way through the jungle medical information, she begins to understand this and is not always right, and sometimes it is inconvenient to ask a specialist a question, and sometimes there is simply no way. Let's take a look at the most common questions.

Tests for determining the ovulatory period help to find out the favorable moment for conception.

1. What does this test show?

If everything is clear with the pregnancy test: one strip - no pregnancy, two strips - yes, then the test can be difficult. So what does he show?

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary and its fallopian tube. It is during this period that conception can occur if the egg cell meets the sperm cell safely. This lasts favorable period no more than a day, so it is so important to calculate it if a girl wants to get pregnant.

All processes in the body of a woman are controlled by hormones. 1-2 days before ovulation in the blood, urine, saliva and other biological fluids increases the concentration of LH (luteinizing hormone). An ovulation test detects an increase in LH concentration and notifies you with an identification strip. This strip is impregnated with a special reagent that, upon contact with increased level LG changes its color.

2. If there are two strips on the test, does this mean that ovulation will definitely occur?

When the result showed two strips, this means that the level of LH in the urine has reached a certain high value. This condition is usually observed before the release of the egg from the follicle, but sometimes a persistent increase in LH may indicate a pathology, for example, a pituitary tumor.

In such cases, it should be remembered that during ovulation, a surge of the hormone is observed and lasts for about a day, i.e. the second strip will be colored, and disappear in a day. With a tumor, after each study there will be two strips.

3. When can I start conception after the test showed two strips?

If the test showed two stripes, then this means that soon. After leaving the follicle, the egg can be fertilized within a day.

Thus, you can try to get pregnant 10-12 hours after the study. These indicators are conditional, because spermatozoa retain their fertilizing ability for several days, so if sexual intercourse occurs earlier, there is always a chance to conceive a baby.

You should not postpone this activity until the very last moment, because the spermatozoa will have to spend several hours moving through the genital tract before they reach the egg. The conclusion is simple: if you want a child and found out that you have ovulation in a day, wait 5-6 hours and actively make love with your spouse.

4. How to correctly evaluate the result of an ovulation test?

To evaluate the test result, it is necessary to compare the color intensity of the test and control lines. The control strip (line) is always at the end of the test. Evaluation options:

  • Positively. After the test, the second strip corresponds in color to the control or is darker than it. This means that the level of LH is maximum and after a day or two ovulation will occur.
  • Negative. The test line is weak, pale, or not visible at all. The level of LH is not elevated, there is no ovulation yet.
  • The test doesn't work. If the control line does not appear on the test, then the test itself is invalid or was not performed correctly. The study needs to be repeated.

This is what a positive test result looks like on the 16th day of the cycle.

5. What could be the reasons for a negative test?

If the second strip is weak and pale or does not appear at all, this may have several reasons:

  1. The woman did the research much earlier or later offensive ovulation.
  2. This cycle in women is anovulatory.
  3. There are problems with the release of the egg from the ovary.
  4. Morning urine was used, which should not be used for this test. The first urine in the morning may not detect an increase in LH levels, since the LH surge occurs between 10 and 15 hours. Having performed the test the next day, when the LH level has already dropped, the woman thinks that there is no ovulation. In fact, it is, it's just that the analysis was performed incorrectly. Because of this, some women are advised to test twice: in the morning and in the evening, in order to reliably catch the LH surge.

Interesting! In a pregnancy test, on the contrary, it is recommended to use the first morning portion of urine for research. A woman who has already taken a pregnancy test may remember this and take an ovulation test incorrectly.

6. What can affect the test result?

A woman who passionately dreams of a child sometimes becomes suspicious and fearful. Thinking about the test, she is afraid of spoiling the result by some of her actions.

The manual, unfortunately, cannot answer all the questions. So, the test result can only be affected by the reception hormonal drugs and then not all, so if a woman takes hormones, you need to consult a specialist before the test.

Important! Sometimes the test result can be erroneous if the woman is already pregnant, has recently given birth, or is in the pre-menopausal period.

Neither diet, nor alcohol intake, nor the use of painkillers, nor making love affect the result of the test. These factors can speed up or delay ovulation, but the test will still show two strips a day or two before the release of the egg.

The test will show the result regardless of the weather, diet, physical activity and other external factors.

7. What should I do if the entire package of tests is over, and the result is only a weak and pale second line?

Theoretically, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, so a few days before this date, a woman is recommended to perform a test. But each woman is individual for someone, it comes earlier, for someone later, and some cycles may not be accompanied by ovulation at all.

A weak, pale second strip or its absence indicates that ovulation will not occur in the next day or it has already passed. In this case, you can continue testing further or try your luck next month by starting the test a little earlier.

8. If the control strips differ in color in different tests, does this mean that the test is wrong?

To evaluate the test result, the woman compares the color of the control line and the test line. If they are the same color or the test line is darker, then the result is positive.

The result is analyzed after 3-10 minutes, depending on the type of test, but no later than half an hour. It is not necessary to compare the colors of the control lines of different tests, they may differ slightly depending on the lot.

9. How often can I test this way?

Such tests can be performed daily and even several times a day, it all depends on the desire of the woman.

Testing is absolutely harmless and, if the funds are available, a woman can do it every day. But such behavior may indicate an obsession with future pregnancy and is unlikely to have a positive effect on the processes of conception.

If the answer to a question is not in the instructions for the test, you can always ask a specialist a question.

10. What diagnostic methods are more reliable for determining ovulation?

You can determine the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood, and you can also find out about the onset of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound diagnostics).

These methods are reliable, but are carried out only in a hospital or clinic. Today's accurate home tests are almost as good as they are, but they cost much less and can be done anytime, anywhere.

11. If a woman has already determined ovulation with the help of a test for six months, and after that she always has intimacy with a partner, but pregnancy does not occur, does this mean that the test is wrong or is she doing something wrong?

The nature of conception is too complex to be reduced to the processes of ovulation alone. In cases where the woman is healthy, the partner may have problems. Sometimes the cause of infertility is psychological factor. If everything is in order with the health of the spouses, you should let go of the situation and after that two cherished strips of a pregnancy test will not keep you waiting.