Otrivin Baby: instructions, use of a nasal aspirator.

Unfortunately, diseases do not only affect adults. Newborns and children early age may also experience discomfort accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Most often, children are susceptible to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

After examining the child, the pediatrician may recommend that parents use the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator. This is a special device that allows you to remove secretions from the nasal passages. The young patient, due to his early age, is not able to cope with such a task on his own. He needs help to restore normal breathing. However, many parents do not know how to use the Otrivin Baby aspirator.

Manufacturing company

The device was developed by the Swiss concern Novartis. The set was created specifically for babies from birth to two years of age. It fully matches anatomical features small nose and is considered safe to use. The Otrivin Baby aspirator, reviews of which will be presented below, has earned high medical and parental ratings, proven by practical experience of use.


The device is intended for use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Mandatory stage successful treatment runny nose - removal of mucus and purulent contents from the sinuses. The benefit consists not only of stabilizing normal breathing, but also of baby nose bacteria and microbes are removed, the disease does not progress.

Description of the drug

The set is sold in standard form, in cardboard packaging. All components are placed on a plastic backing. Parts that come into contact with the child are sterile. This is a nice feature of Otrivin Baby. An aspirator, the price of which is more than affordable, will help every baby.

Package Contents:

  • an anatomically shaped transparent tip for easy penetration into the nasal passage, equipped with an absorbent filter for collecting mucus;
  • flexible tube;
  • mouthpiece;
  • central building;
  • replaceable nozzles.

Medical assessment

Practical research of a group of similar pharmacological drugs showed that the Otrivin Baby aspirator is considered the safest and most non-traumatic. Reviews from pediatricians fully confirm this assessment:

  • Using the nasal cleaning system is simple and accessible even to an inexperienced mother. If you follow the instructions in the instructions, you can easily clean the nose of newborn babies.
  • It is very important that all nozzles that come into contact with the child were packaged under sterile conditions, which fully complies with the requirements for children's drugs, especially those intended for infants.

Instructions for use

  1. The replacement nozzle is attached to the device body.
  2. The tip is inserted into the nasal passage.
  3. The air is carefully drawn in through the mouthpiece through the mouthpiece while inhaling evenly.
  4. The procedure is duplicated on the second nostril.
  5. The nozzle must be disposed of to avoid re-infection.

The device is ideal for use at home and does not require special skills from parents. Considering that the set includes replaceable nozzles from the Otrivin Baby device, the aspirator, whose average price in Russia is 240 rubles, is a profitable purchase.

Child comfort and hygiene

  • after each use, the mouthpiece is washed under running water and stored in a container;
  • the aspirator should be stored at room temperature;
  • the product is not used after the expiration date stated on the packaging;
  • disposable parts of the device cannot be used twice.

To ensure hygiene standards, the manufacturer produces replacement nozzles in a closed, hermetically sealed container. Thanks to this approach, the child is not at risk of secondary infection, and the disease is not transmitted to an adult.

Device Features

The design of the aspirator is such that air can only be blown in one direction, blocking the secretion from re-entering back into the Configuration and size of the components are modeled so that the possibility of breakdown is excluded. The device provides maximum comfort, which is important when working with small sick children; they respond calmly to Otrivin Baby. Instructions for use contain a detailed algorithm of actions and possible contraindications, providing additional security.

Suitability for use in case of runny nose. Reviews from parents

IN childhood inflammation of the mucous membranes causes great discomfort. Nasal congestion becomes a serious problem, as proper breathing is disrupted and organs do not receive sufficient quantity oxygen. Children disappear normal sleep, appetite disappears, babies become capricious and cry.

The drug has proven itself as effective remedy in the fight against runny nose. Many parents were able to appreciate all the benefits of the Otrivin Baby aspirator. The reviews below will help you form your opinion about this product:

  • The drug allows you to return normal breathing. Among all pharmacy products, it has some of the best performance.
  • The aspirator works great if the nasal cavity is pre-treated with a spray containing sea ​​water. The mucus comes off easier and in full.
  • The operation of the device is accessible even to young and inexperienced parents. The assembly and principle of operation are so simple that they do not cause difficulties, so it is very convenient to use “Otrivin Baby” for newborns, babies are not capricious.


There is no information on the inadmissibility of using the drug. Pediatric doctors and otolaryngologists advise using the aspirator as intended.

Features of storage and operation

  • the aspirator should be stored out of the reach of children, as it contains small parts;
  • shelf life - five years.

According to expert assessments, the Otrivin Baby aspirator, reviews of which are purely positive, is one of the best means to make breathing easier for young children. The drug is recommended by the best pediatricians in the country.

Dosage forms

Treatment baby runny nose accompanied by the use of various pharmacological agents. "Otrivin Baby" (drops) is intended for irrigation of the nasal cavity. The drug is presented in disposable dropper forms. Its basis is NaCl (sodium chloride), the pH level of which is close to the natural secretion of the mucous membrane. The product is sterile.

Indications for use:

  • moisturizing the nasal cavity;
  • cleansing the mucous membrane;
  • elimination of dryness and irritation during colds;
  • blocking adverse effects environment;
  • daily hygiene.

The drug helps maintain the normal physiological state of the nasal mucosa. The drops dilute the secretion, facilitate its removal from the sinuses, and simulate the resistance of the treatment area to viruses and pathogenic bacteria. With allergic rhinitis, allergens are removed from the nose.

  • sodium chloride 0.74%;
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate;
  • purified water.

Release form: each bottle is filled with 5 ml sterile solution. There are 18 pieces in a package.


The drug "Otrivin Baby" (drops) is prescribed intranasally to children from birth to two years. Washing is carried out daily, 2-4 times.

How to use:

  1. The bottle is separated from the rest.
  2. The dropper is opened by turning clockwise.
  3. At an early age, washing is carried out lying down: the child’s head is turned to one side, the nose is freed from mucus, the solution is sequentially instilled into each passage by lightly pressing the bottle.
  4. Excess funds are removed.
  5. If necessary, the steps are repeated.
  6. The bottle closes by simply pressing the cap.

After the first opening, the contents should be consumed within 12 hours - this is a feature of Otrivin Baby drops. The instructions for use prohibit the use of the drug after this period.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Spray for runny nose

Indications for use can be grouped as follows:

  • allergic nature;
  • hay fever;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media - the drug neutralizes swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • preparing a small patient for procedures in the nasal passages.

pharmachologic effect

Vasoconstrictor is strictly for topical use. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it initiates vasoconstriction, resulting in reduced swelling and local hyperemia. With rhinitis, nasal breathing becomes easier.


At local application not absorbed. Concentrations active ingredients in plasma are so insignificant that they cannot be detected by modern analytical methods.

Dosage regimen

The drug is applied topically for 7-14 days. The dosage depends on the age of the child, however, Otvivin Baby spray for newborns is used less frequently than the drop form of the drug.

With prolonged and frequent use, the following negative reactions are possible:

  • hypersecretion;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • sneezing;
  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane.

Side effects

The drug "Otrivin Baby" (spray) sometimes causes swelling of the mucous membrane, increased blood pressure, palpitations, vomiting, headache, visual disturbances and sleep disturbances.

Instead of completing

Timely cleansing of the child's nasal cavity from foreign matter and mucus is an important part of successful treatment. Parents are advised to familiarize themselves with how to use Otrivin Baby not only when their baby is ill, but also to implement preventive measures.

When treating a runny nose in children, much attention is paid to moisturizing and cleaning the mucous membrane. Also sometimes you can’t do without vasoconstrictor drugs. Drugs called Otrivin are represented by various medications, among which there are isotonic solutions that are safe for babies, and medications that act on adrenergic receptors.

Which of them are approved for children, when are they prescribed by pediatricians and ENT doctors, in what dosage are they used in childhood, and what analogues can be replaced?

Can it be used for children?

The Otrivin line of medications includes drugs intended specifically for children:

  • "Otrivin Baby." This medicine in the form of nasal drops can be used even in newborns, and the spray is prescribed from 3 months of age.
  • Otrivin for children. This medicine allowed from 2 years of age.

Otrivin More is also considered safe for babies, so this product is used in children older than 3 months. As for other types of Otrivin, they are contraindicated at an early age. Children over six years of age can spray Otrivin More Forte, and Otrivin sprays for adults are prescribed even later - from the age of 12.

"Otrivin Baby"

Two drugs are produced under this name:

  1. Drops, which is a solution of sodium chloride. This is a clear, sterile liquid placed in a volume of 5 milliliters in disposable plastic bottles equipped with a dropper. The drug is sold in 18 bottles in one pack and, in addition to sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.74%, includes sodium phosphate, sterile water, macrogol and sodium hydrogen phosphate.
  2. Spray, which is based on sea ​​salt. This medicine is an isotonic solution and does not contain any preservatives. One bottle of spray contains 20 milliliters of solution.

Along with them, the manufacturer also offers nasal aspirator "Otrivin Baby", which comes with replaceable nozzles (disposable). It is intended for babies who have not yet learned to blow their nose, and helps to effectively and easily remove mucous secretions from the nasal passages.

How does it work?

The use of Otrivin Baby helps:

  • Moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, which is especially important when the air is very dry, for example, during the heating season.
  • Remove bacteria, allergens, dust particles, viruses and other substances from the surface of the mucosa.
  • Increase the durability of the upper respiratory tract to infectious agents and other unfavorable external factors.
  • Reduce irritation of the mucous membrane caused by a cold or inhalation of polluted air.
  • Make the mucus in the nose more liquid and easier to remove, which improves nasal breathing.

When is it used?

"Otrivin Baby" both in drops and in spray form is recommended:

  • For the prevention of colds and ARVI in winter.
  • For daily hygienic treatment of the nose.
  • For the treatment of runny nose of viral, allergic or bacterial nature.
  • For the treatment of sinusitis.
  • To moisturize the nasopharynx if the air in the room is very dry.
  • For prevention inflammatory reaction on surgery in the area of ​​the nasal passages.


You should not inject or drip Otrivin Baby only if you are intolerant to such drugs.

How to apply it correctly?

Otrivin Baby is prescribed 2 to 4 times a day, and sometimes more often. To instill the medicine, the child must be laid down and his head turned to the side. It is also recommended to first remove excess secretions from the nose (for example, using a nozzle suction). Having opened one bottle, press on it to obtain several drops, which are poured into the nasal passage.

After lifting and sitting the baby down after a few seconds, wipe off the leaked medicine, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

The same actions are needed to treat the second nasal passage. Next, close the bottle with a cap and leave at room temperature until next use. If there are several children in a family, each child should irrigate their nose with a solution from a new bottle.

Spray treatment is also prescribed 2-4 times a day, and if necessary, injections can be done more often. A single dose is 1 spray into each nostril. To perform this, remove the cap from the bottle, press the sprayer several times (if this is the first use), then place the tip in the nostril and press on its base to spray the spray inside the nasal passage. Next, the manipulation is repeated for the second nostril, the tip is washed and closed with a lid.

Features of purchase and storage

Otrivin Baby products are over-the-counter products, so they are sold in pharmacies without any problems. average price A package of drops costs 280 rubles. The shelf life of both forms is 3 years. An opened bottle of drops can be stored for no longer than 12 hours.

"Otrivin Sea"

This spray is an isotonic solution, which contains only two components - sea water and purified water. The drug contains no preservatives, and the propellant is nitrogen. The medication is produced in aluminum cans with a spray device. The volume of solution in one bottle is 50 or 100 ml.

"Otrivin More" is prescribed:

  • For rinsing the nose if the child has congestion and has developed allergic rhinitis or have ARVI with a runny nose. In such cases, the drug is used as needed.
  • For irrigation of the nasopharynx if the child breathes excessively dry air, for example, when air conditioning or turning on heating devices in the room. For preventive purposes, the spray is used 1-2 times a day.

The drug should not be used in children with sea water intolerance. After each use, the spray tip should be rinsed and dried, and then capped. The shelf life of Otrivina More is 3 years.

"Otrivin More Forte"

This drug, which is also produced in the form of a nasal spray, differs from Otrivin More in its higher concentration of sea water (because of this, the solution is not isotonic, but hypertonic). In addition, Forte spray contains: essential oil eucalyptus and menthol obtained from wild mint.

Additional ingredients of the solution are sorbitol, polylysine and some other fillers. There are no preservatives or propellant in Otrivin More Forte. A 20 ml solution is packaged in a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle and a protective cap.

Most common cause When using this medicine, there is a feeling of nasal congestion. According to reviews, breathing becomes easier 2-3 minutes after injection. This action is called osmotic and is associated with the pressure difference between the mucous membrane and the solution. In addition, the solution mechanically flushes out mucus, viruses or bacteria, and moisturizes the nasopharynx.

"Otrivin More Forte" is used 1 injection into each nostril from 1 to 6 times a day. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, but after the first use the bottle can be used for no longer than 6 months. Before use in children, after a nasal injury or surgery, consultation with a doctor is required.

If the spray packaging is damaged or the patient is allergic to any component of the drug, its use is prohibited. After treatment, a slight tingling sensation may occur.

Otrivin for children

Otrivin for children is a spray and is produced in polyethylene bottles with a pump device and a protective cap. One package contains 10 ml of solution, which has no odor or color.


The main ingredient of children's Otrivin is xylometazoline hydrochloride. Its amount in 1 ml of medicine is 0.5 mg (0.05% solution). This substance complements benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, sorbitol, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, pure water, sodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

Mechanism of action

Otrivin for children has the ability to influence alpha adrenergic receptors located in the nasal mucosa, resulting in blood vessels narrow. Therapeutic effect after applying the spray it appears quite quickly (within 1-2 minutes) and lasts for a very long time (up to 12 hours).

As a result of the use of such Otrivin, swelling and redness of the nasopharynx are reduced, and mucus is released in smaller quantities, which will result in improved breathing through the nose. Since the drug contains sorbitol and hypromellose, its use also has moisturizing effect, protecting the nasopharynx from irritation and excessive dryness.

When is it used?

Otrivin for children is most in demand for a runny nose, which can be caused by: infectious agents, and allergens. The drug is also prescribed for otitis media, inflammation paranasal sinuses nose or eustachitis. Another spray is used before diagnostic or surgical procedure in the nasopharynx area.


The medication is not used if the child has elevated blood pressure, there is tachycardia or there has been brain surgery. In addition, Otrivin for children Contraindicated in patients with hyperthyroidism and glaucoma. It should not be injected in case of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane, as well as in case of intolerance to any of the components.

If the child diabetes or pheochromocytoma is detected, when using Otrivin, medical supervision is required.

Side effects

When treated with a spray, a child may experience burning, sneezing, dryness, tingling in the nose, palpitations, nausea, headache and other symptoms. If they appear, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Instructions for use

For children aged 2 to 5 years, the spray is prescribed one injection into each nostril 1 to 3 times a day. For a child 6-11 years old, it is recommended to use 2-3 times, 1-2 injections. The last time the medication is used is before bedtime. The duration of treatment is influenced by the course of the disease, but Children's Otrivin cannot be used for more than 10 days(there is a risk of atrophy of the mucous membrane or the appearance of a drug-induced runny nose).

Is overdose dangerous?

Exceeding the dose of Otrivin for children leads to increased sweating, dizziness, decreased body temperature, slowed heart rate and other symptoms dangerous to the child’s health. Therefore, if an overdose is detected, you should immediately seek medical help.

These solutions contain a concentration of 0.1%. In children they can be used from the age of 12, one injection no more than three times a day. Possible side effects, the list of contraindications and symptoms of overdose for adult and pediatric Otrivin are the same.

In addition, in pharmacies you can see a drug called "Otrivin Complex". This spray effectively combats cold symptoms due to the combination of two active substances– xylometazoline and ipratropium bromide.

However, it is contraindicated in childhood and is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.

Other respiratory products

Otrivin Baby drops for irrigation of the nasal cavity - sterile isotonic saline solution without preservatives ( saline). Contains sodium chloride 0.74%, also sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium phosphate, macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate (Cremophor RH40) and purified water. Each dropper bottle contains 5 ml of sterile saline solution, the package contains 18 dropper bottles.

Breathing freely through the nose is especially important for infants and young children under 1 year of age, as well as older children. The breathing instinct appears in a child only at 3 months of age, and with a runny nose and congestion, the baby’s nose becomes filled with mucus and it becomes difficult for him to breathe. This disrupts his normal lifestyle: the baby becomes whiny and restless, stops eating and sleeps poorly.

Otrivin Baby drops for irrigation of the nasal cavity in disposable dropper bottles - designed to care for the nasal cavity of infants and children up to 1 year of age and older, to moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa. This is a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution, the pH level of which is close to the natural secretory fluid of the nasal mucosa.

Otrivin Baby is intended to moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa during dryness and irritation during colds. unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.

pharmachologic effect- cleanses the nasal cavity.

    • helps maintain normal physiological state nasal mucosa.
    • helps thin mucus and facilitates its removal from the nose, increases the resistance of the nasal mucosa to pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
    • helps remove allergens from the nasal mucosa in case of allergic rhinitis.
    • Hygiene of the nasal cavity for acute and chronic colds of the nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx, also for allergic rhinitis
    • Daily hygiene of the nasal cavity to maintain the protective properties of the mucous membrane in conditions increased dryness or air pollution (including air conditioning, central heating, etc.)
    • Hygienic product for prevention infectious diseases nose and nasopharynx, as well as inflammatory processes after surgery
  • You should not use Otrivin Baby drops if you have allergic reaction on any of the ingredients listed in the composition.

    Not contraindicated.

    Intranasally. For the hygiene of the nasal mucosa and the prevention of diseases of the nose and nasopharynx: for children under 1 year of age and older, Otrivin Baby drops are used 2-4 rinses in each nasal passage daily (more can be done if necessary).

    1. One dropper bottle should be separated from the rest, open the bottle by turning the cap clockwise.

    2. Nasal rinsing in a young child is carried out in a lying position.

    Breathing problems in a baby can occur already in the first weeks of his life. The causes of pathology include an allergic reaction of the baby to something, an unfavorable environment around him or the presence of a cold.

    The baby cannot blow his nose on his own, as a result of which his nose becomes clogged with snot. It becomes difficult for him to breathe. Because of this, he begins to be capricious, eat poorly and sleep little.

    Otrivin baby drops for newborns are created specifically to solve these problems. They can be used from the first days of the baby’s life. They begin to have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa just a few minutes after their use.

    Spectrum of action of drops

    The drug performs the following functions:

    • supports normal condition nasal mucosa;
    • eliminates allergens from it in case of allergic rhinitis;
    • thins mucus, making it much easier to remove from the nasal cavity;
    • prevents bacteria and viruses from entering the spout;
    • moisturizes its mucous membrane.

    Otrivin baby can be used daily during the procedure for clearing mucus from the nose, and not just for breathing problems.

    Composition of the drug

    Otrivin baby is a saline solution that contains the following components:

    • Sodium chloride 0.74%.
    • Purified water.
    • Sodium hydrogen phosphate.
    • Cremophor EL.
    • Sodium phosphate.

    The package contains 18 dropper bottles, each containing 5 ml of saline solution.

    When should the drug be used

    According to the instructions for use, the indications for using drops are as follows:

    • hygiene of the nasal passages;
    • prevention and treatment of colds;
    • eliminating dry nasal mucosa;
    • allergic rhinitis.

    Are there any contraindications and side effects?

    Yes, but only one thing. The child has an individual intolerance to any component of the medication. However, this rarely happens. Usually all children react normally to Otrivin baby.

    Side effects occur extremely rarely, however, with prolonged or too frequent use of drops they can still appear.

    Local reactions

    Systemic reactions

    Frequent sneezing

    Nausea, sometimes with vomiting

    Swelling of the nasal mucosa


    Dryness of the nasal passages

    Increased blood pressure

    Burning and tingling in the nose (when observing a child, you may notice how he constantly tries to scratch his nose because of these symptoms)


    Bad dream

    Deterioration of visual acuity


    Allergic reactions

    Attention! If the drops are used correctly, then none of the above symptoms will appear.

    Reception and dosage

    In order to prevent colds, as well as for hygiene procedures nasal passages, it is necessary to instill 2-4 drops of Otrivin baby into the baby’s nose every day. Sometimes it is allowed to instill more than once a day. For example, if a lot of dried mucus has formed in the baby’s nose and it prevents him from breathing, then you can carry out additional rinsing.

    If the nose is stuffy, you can use the drug 2 to 4 times a day.

    Using the Otrivin baby nasal aspirator, you can easily rid your baby’s nose of the mucus that has accumulated in it.

    How to use the medicine correctly:

    1. Take one dropper bottle and then separate it from the rest.
    2. Open it up. To do this, turn the protective cap clockwise.
    3. Place the baby on his back and turn his head to the side. This is the position he should be in during instillation.
    4. If you bought a nasal aspirator along with the drops, then try to use it to clear the nasal passages of mucus.
    5. Insert the bottle first into one and then into the other nostril and press lightly on it so that droplets flow out.
    6. After a few seconds, sit the baby down (if he is still too small, then just slightly lift his back so that he takes a reclining position), and then, if necessary, remove excess saline solution, as well as mucus from the nasal passages.
    7. Close the bottle. To do this, press on the protective cap.

    You need to carefully instill the medicine into the baby’s nose, tilting his head slightly to the side.

    A few important points

    Once opened, one dropper bottle can only be used for 12 hours. Then it should be thrown away.

    If you have 2 or more children and you want to put drops in their noses for all of them, then use a separate bottle for each child.

    If, when opening a package of drops, you find that the droppers are damaged, then do not use them under any circumstances. It’s better to buy new ones, but don’t risk your baby’s health.

    Storage features, cost and analogues

    Otrivin baby should be stored at room temperature. Do not allow it to heat up. The shelf life of this drug is 3 years. After expiration, the drops should be thrown away.

    The average price of a medicine is 260 rubles.

    An aspirator with 3 nozzles costs approximately 300 rubles.

    If for some reason the use of drops is unacceptable, then you can use their analogues.

    • Aquamaris;
    • Eucasept;
    • Morenasal;
    • Isofra;
    • Pinosol;
    • Aquazolin;
    • Aqualor;
    • Delufen;
    • Salin;
    • Hyaluron;
    • Marimer.

    Breathing freely through the nose is especially important for infants and young children under 1 year of age, as well as older children. The breathing instinct appears in a child only at 3 months of age, and with a runny nose and congestion, the baby’s nose becomes filled with mucus and it becomes difficult for him to breathe. This disrupts his normal lifestyle: the baby becomes whiny and restless, stops eating and sleeps poorly.

    Otrivin Baby drops for irrigation of the nasal cavity in disposable dropper bottles - designed to care for the nasal cavity of infants and children up to 1 year of age and older, to moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa. It's sterile isotonic solution sodium chloride, the pH level of which is close to the natural secretory fluid of the nasal mucosa.

    Otrivin Baby is intended to moisturize and cleanse the nasal mucosa during dryness and irritation during colds. unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity:

    • helps maintain the normal physiological state of the nasal mucosa.
    • helps thin mucus and facilitates its removal from the nose, increases the resistance of the nasal mucosa to pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
    • helps remove allergens from the nasal mucosa in case of allergic rhinitis.


    Otrivin Baby drops for irrigation of the nasal cavity are a sterile isotonic saline solution without preservatives (saline solution). Contains sodium chloride 0.74%, also sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium phosphate, macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate (Cremophor RH40) and purified water. Each dropper bottle contains 5 ml of sterile saline solution, and there are 18 dropper bottles per package.

    Indications for use:

    • Nasal hygiene for acute and chronic colds nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx, also for allergic rhinitis
    • Daily nasal hygiene to preserve protective properties mucous membranes in conditions of increased dryness or air pollution (including air conditioning, central heating, etc.)
    • Hygienic product for the prevention of infectious diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, as well as inflammatory processes after surgical interventions

    Directions for use and dosage:

    For hygiene of the nasal mucosa and prevention of diseases of the nose and nasopharynx for children under 1 year of age and older, Otrivin Baby drops are used intranasally, 2-4 rinses in each nasal passage daily (more can be done if necessary).

    To remove mucous discharge from the nose in children, it is recommended to use the Otrivin Baby Aspirator with replaceable nozzles.

    To maintain hygiene, one bottle should only be used for one child.

    The contents of the dropper bottle should be used within 12 hours after first opening.

    special instructions

    You should not use Otrivin Baby drops if you have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients listed in the composition.

    Otrivin Baby should be stored at room temperature, avoiding heating. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

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