Intersection with a tram line. Warning road signs with explanations

Warning signs are designed to inform the driver that he is approaching a section of the road, further movement along which requires the adoption of certain measures or actions by the driver. Most warning signs are in the shape of a triangle with a red outline.

Almost all signs are subject to the installation location rule: for settlement 50-100 meters, outside the populated area 150-300 meters.

Railway crossing with barrier (1.1)

A sign warning of approaching a railway crossing equipped with a barrier. In a populated area they are placed 50-100 meters away, 150-300 meters outside the populated area (with mandatory repetition no closer than 50 meters). Installation at a different distance is allowed along with the “distance to object” sign.

When approaching a crossing, the driver must slow down and assess the situation. You can cross the tracks only at an equipped crossing.

The driver is prohibited from:

  • stopping, turning around, reversing at a railway crossing;
  • parking lot closer than 50 meters from the crossing;
  • bypassing cars standing in front of the barrier and driving into the oncoming lane;
  • unauthorized opening of the barrier.

Railway crossing without barrier (1.2)

Warns of approaching a railway crossing without a barrier. Installed 50-100 meters within the city, and 150-300 meters outside the populated area (with mandatory repetition no closer than 50 meters). Installation at a different distance is allowed using the “distance to object” sign.

When approaching a crossing, the driver must slow down and assess the situation. You can cross the tracks only at an equipped crossing.

The driver is prohibited from:

  • overtaking at a distance closer than 100 m;
  • stopping, reversing and turning around at a railway crossing;
  • parking lot is closer than 50 meters from the crossing.

Single track railway (1.3.1)

It is installed immediately before a railway crossing that is not equipped with a barrier. The driver is obliged to reduce speed and make sure it is safe to drive. If necessary, give way to a locomotive, train or handcar.

Multi-track railway (1.3.2)

Warns of approaching a multi-track railway crossing. Installed in front of it in the absence of a barrier. The driver is obliged to make sure that traffic is safe and to give way to any vehicle moving along the railway tracks.

Approaching a railway crossing (1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6)

Additional signs, which are installed outside populated areas. They signal when approaching a railway crossing. Placed on both sides of the road, the slope points towards the roadway.

One lane means an equal distance (50 or 100 meters). Accordingly, the signs are duplicated at a distance of 300/200/100 meters, or 150/100/50 meters from the crossing.

Intersection with tram line (1.5)

The sign warns of approaching the intersection of the road with the tram line. In the city it is installed 50-100 meters away, outside the city 150-300. At a different distance from the dangerous area, the sign must have a “distance to object” sign.

Trams have an advantage over trackless vehicles in those places where their paths intersect. The exception is when the tram leaves the depot.

Intersection of equivalent roads (1.6)

Signals the approach to an equivalent intersection where the rule “ right hand" Those. You must give way to cars approaching you from the right. The sign prohibits any overtaking by any vehicles.

Roundabout (1.7)

Indicates that you are approaching a roundabout in a counterclockwise direction. When entering it, the driver must follow the rules for driving through intersections.

Traffic light regulation (1.8)

It is installed in front of an intersection, pedestrian crossing or section of the road where traffic is regulated using traffic lights.

Signs made on a yellow background are temporary and take precedence over standard ones. Thus, if two types of signs contradict each other, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the temporary (yellow) ones.

Drawbridge (1.9)

Installed 50-100 (150-300) meters in front of a drawbridge or ferry crossing. Must be duplicated outside populated areas. The entry to the ferry is controlled by the person on duty; the driver is obliged to let vehicles leaving the ferry pass.

Departure to the embankment (1.10)

The sign is placed before leaving the embankment or the bank of a river, lake, or reservoir when there is a risk of a car sliding into the water. In a populated area 50-100 meters away, outside the city 150-300, with mandatory duplication 50 meters away.

Dangerous Turn (1.11.1, 1.11.2)

The sign warns of the approaching curve of the road with a small radius (less than 30 meters) or a turn with limited visibility. Overtaking, turning, and reversing are prohibited within the sign's coverage area. Installation distance: 50-100 in the city and 150-300 meters outside the city.

Dangerous turns (1.12.1, 1.12.2)

Warns of approaching an area with dangerous turns that follow each other. In this case, only the first turn is reliably indicated, the direction of the rest is unknown. It is also prohibited to overtake, turn around or drive in reverse.

Steep descent (1.13)

The sign indicates the slope as a percentage. Such a sign can be installed immediately before the start of the descent. If there is an obstacle, the driver driving downhill must give way.

Steep climb (1.14)

The slope value is also indicated on the sign as a percentage. If it is difficult for vehicles to pass, the driver moving uphill has priority.

Slippery Road (1.15)

A road with increased slipperiness of the carriageway. In the city it is placed 50-100 meters away and informs you that you need to slow down and continue driving with caution. To avoid skidding, it is not recommended to make sudden accelerations, braking or rotation of the steering wheel.

If the sign is made on a yellow background, it is temporary and has increased priority over the usual ones.

Rough Road (1.16)

Warning about approaching a section of the road on which there are irregularities in the form of: undulations, potholes, uneven junctions with bridges, etc. To maintain control over the vehicle's handling, in such areas it is recommended to drive with reduced speed. Yellow sign has high priority and is temporary.

Speed ​​bump (1.17)

Ahead there is a section with an artificial uneven road to force the vehicle to slow down. As a rule, in the city it is installed in front of children's institutions, on highways in front of pedestrian crossings, at dangerous intersections with difficult visibility, and on sections of roads with a high accident rate. In common parlance it is called a “speed bump”.

Gravel Burst (1.18)

On the designated section of the road, gravel and crushed stone may be thrown out from under the wheels of the vehicle. You should reduce your speed, increasing the distance to the car in front. Temporary sign executed on a yellow background and has high priority.

Dangerous Roadside (1.19)

A section of road where pulling off to the side of the road can be dangerous. The sign is placed 50-100 meters in a populated area, 150-300 outside a populated area. It does not prohibit driving to the side of the road, but this should be done as a last resort and very carefully. Also has an analogue yellow color, meaning temporary.

Narrowing of the road (1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3)

Three types of signs, each of which has a temporary, yellow counterpart, with increased priority. Sign 1.20.1 warns of a narrowing of the road on both sides of traffic, 1.20.2 of a narrowing of the right side of the road, 1.20.3 signals a narrowing of the oncoming traffic lane(s). When approaching such areas, the driver must slow down and drive closer to the right edge of the road.

Temporary signs are often used during road works in this area.

Two-way traffic (1.21)

The beginning of a section of road with oncoming traffic. Installed at a distance of 500-100 meters in the city, 150-300 outside the city, or at another distance, with an additional “distance to object” sign.

Pedestrian crossing (1.22)

Warning about approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing. The driver is obliged to be more attentive and give way to pedestrians. The crossing itself must be equipped with signs special regulations 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and zebra markings (1.14.1 or 1.14.2).

Children (1.23)

This sign designates areas near children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, camps, where children may appear. The sign must be repeated before the start of a dangerous section in the city, and 50 meters outside the city.

The driver should slow down and be extremely careful, as children's actions are unpredictable.

Intersection with a bicycle or pedestrian path (1.24)

Warns the driver about the possibility of a cyclist or pedestrian appearing on the roadway.

Road works (1.25)

Signals about ongoing road work. There may be special vehicles, workers and other obstacles on the road. In a populated area: installed 50-100 meters away and must be repeated right in front of the work site. Outside the populated area: for 150-300 meters, with mandatory repetition for 50 meters. According to the new rules, it must be performed on a yellow background.

Cattle drive (1.26)

It is installed on a section of road near farms, stockyards, unfenced pastures and other places where domestic animals can be driven. Animals must be allowed through.

Wild Animals (1.27)

The sign is installed in populated areas 50-100 meters away, outside populated areas 150-300 meters away. On this section of the road, it is possible that a wild animal may appear, a collision with which may result in serious consequences. It is safest to drive at a speed that allows you to make an emergency stop.

Falling Stones (1.28)

In the designated area there is a possibility of falling stones, landslides and landslides on the roadway. The driver is required increased attention and action according to the situation: stop, or acceleration.

Crosswind (1.29)

A section of road with a strong side wind. It is best to move in the middle of the occupied lane. If a car deviates from its trajectory under the influence of gusts of wind, there is a risk of ending up in the oncoming lane or on the side of the road.

Low flying planes (1.30)

Warns of the possibility of aircraft appearance. The driver must be prepared not to be frightened by the appearance of unexpected noise and large objects in the field of view.

Tunnel (1.31)

Ahead is the entrance to a tunnel in which there is no natural light, or visibility of the entrance portal is limited. The driver must turn on the low or high beam headlights to avoid being caught in complete darkness, in case of unexpected lighting outage.

The following are prohibited in the tunnel:

  • overtaking;
  • stop;
  • parking;
  • turn;
  • moving backwards.

Congestion (1.32)

Warns of road sections where congestion is possible. It is often used as a temporary sign, or on signs with a variable image in cases where it is possible to bypass an area with a congestion.

It is prohibited to enter an intersection beyond which there is a traffic jam, except when you are about to turn or turn around.

Other hazards (1.33)

There are dangers on this section of the road that are not covered by other warning signs. This could be smoke, road flooding, fallen trees and much more. You should be extremely careful in the area of ​​the sign. There are both permanent and temporary versions of the sign.

Turn direction (1.34.1, 1.34.2, 1.34.3)

Indicates the direction of movement on a curved road with a small radius and limited visibility, or the direction of detour of road sections under repair. Installation of signs is mandatory if the turning radius is less than 30 meters (sharp turn).

Installed directly at the turn. Sign 1.34.3 is installed at a fork in the road or a T-junction.


Warning signs do not impose any restrictions on your movement.

They do not prohibit anything and do not prescribe anything.

They only warn of possible danger.

Since we are going to warn, we need to warn in advance. Therefore the warning signs triangular shape are installed:

– in a populated area at a distance50 – 100 meters before the start of the dangerous section;

– outside the populated area at a distance150 – 300 meters before the start of the dangerous section.

These numbers need to be remembered; they will be very useful to us both in life and in the exam.

Both in life and in the exam you will have to answer the following question: “Is it allowed to turn around in this place?”

Looking ahead, I would like to inform you that turning around is prohibited in places with road visibility of less than 100 m in any direction.

Just don’t judge the distance by eye in the drawing. Nobody is offering this to you.

The authors of the Tickets want to find out if you are aware that triangular warning signs are installed outside populated areas for 150 – 300 meters before the start of the dangerous section. That is, there are at least 150 meters before the turn, and, therefore, you can turn around, the Rules do not object.

Have you felt how important it is to know how to install signs?

We will now proceed as follows. We will place all the warning signs on the road and drive through them one by one. Let’s start with sign 1.5 “Intersection with the tram line.” Signs 1.1. – 1.4.6, which arranges the entrance to the railway crossing, will be postponed for now. We will return to them later and then we will talk about them in more detail.

Sign 1.5– Intersection with a tram line.

What are the organizers for? traffic did they put a sign here? They want drivers to prepare and remember one of the fundamental principles of the Rules:

With equal right of passage The tram has priority regardless of the direction of travel.

And here it is - the intersection! In this case, it is a controlled intersection.

Both, the car and the tram, move when the traffic light turns green.

That is, for both - equal right of passage.

You must give way to the tram!

But it may be like this - you approach an intersection and see that there are no traffic lights, but there are priority signs. And on main road you and the tram A.

That is, you and him (with tram A) equal right of passage.

You must give way only to the tramA!

Or so - there are no traffic lights or priority signs. This is a crossroads of equal roads.

Everyone here always has equal right of passage.

We must give way to both trams!

That is, warning signs prepare drivers for driving through difficult or dangerous areas.

Sign 1.6– Intersection of equivalent roads.

The sign warns that there is an intersection of equivalent roads ahead!

Which fundamental principle Should the driver remember the rules now?

That's right - the principle of “interference from the right”!

And here it is at an intersection, and we have “interference on the right.”

We must give way to him!

Sign 1.7– Roundabout intersection.

The sign warns that there is a roundabout ahead!

The order of passing such intersections differs in some ways. characteristic features, and now we need to remember this.

You don't have to enter the circle from the far right lane.

If you are in the right lane, enter the circle from the right lane.

If you are in the left lane, you don’t need to change lanes, just enter from the left lane. The rules don’t mind.

But leaving the circle is only allowed from the far right lane.

And looking at the picture, it’s clear why.

Sign 1.8– Traffic light regulation.

Now you can’t see the traffic light, but it’s very close, only 10 meters away, and you should be warned about it.

In this case, along with the sign they will install additional sign, showing the exact distance to the high-risk area.

And indeed, 10 meters after the turn there is a controlled pedestrian crossing.

But we are already prepared for this. Thank you warning sign.

Sign 1.9- Drawbridge.

This sign is installed in front of all drawbridges and ferry crossings. Now you are warned:

Get ready! A drawbridge or ferry crossing is ahead! We have to figure out the entry and exit procedures!

Most likely, there should be a duty officer there who determines this very order. Or, at the approach to the bridge (to the crossing), look for a traffic light and look at its signals.

Reference. This sign on roads outside a populated area must be installed twice. The main sign will be placed 150-300 m, the second one – 50-100 m before the drawbridge or crossing.

Sign 1.10– Departure to the embankment.

This sign is placed not on the embankment itself, but on the roads leading to the embankment.

This sign warns drivers:

If you don't turn right or left now, what's on the sign will happen!

Signs 1.11.1 and 1.11.2- Dangerous bend.

Please note that the signs do not even show a turn, but rather a bend in the road. There are probably some reasons for building roads with such a turn, I don’t know.

But I know from practice that if there is such a sign, then soon the road will begin to curve smoothly, but then it will certainly “break.”

And if, when entering a dangerous turn, you do not reduce the speed to at least 40 km/h, then you may not be able to fit into such a turn.

The consequences of ineptly passing a dangerous turn are, as a rule, very sad. Or the driver, in order not to overturn the car, is forced to move off the road.

Or, when trying to stay on your half of the roadway while entering a turn at high speed, the car can simply be overturned.

Signs 1.12.1 and 1.12.2– Dangerous turns.

If there are two turns at once, and they follow each other, drivers will be warned about such a misfortune with these signs.

It is necessary to understand how they differ from each other. One will be installed on the section of the road with the first turn to the right, and the other on the section of the road with the first turn to the left.

The sign warns that in 150 - 300 meters a dangerous section of the road will begin, and after the first dangerous turn there will be a second, no less dangerous.

But what if there are three, four, ten turns? What, draw everything on the sign?

The rules found another solution - they used an additional “Area of ​​Action” sign.

There are still 150 - 300 meters to the beginning of the dangerous section, and there the road will be full of dangerous turns, following each other. And there will be at least three of them.

But no matter how many there are, the total length of the dangerous section is known - 500 meters.

Signs 1.13 and 1.14– Steep descent and steep ascent.

It must be said that not all descents and ascents are designated, but only those that deserve it. They are long and steep, and have complex terrain that limits visibility.

In a word, such signs will not be put up in vain - There is a really difficult section of the road ahead!

Note. The signs do not say which of them is “descent” and which is “ascent”. But it's very simple. The signs are read the same way as the text - from left to right.

This is the descent, and this is the ascent.

Sign 1.15- Slippery road.

This sign warns drivers that there is a section of the road ahead that can sometimes be slippery. (Well, if it was always slippery, then who needs such a road).

It’s just that under certain conditions (usually wet surfaces or winter), even modern high-tech tires cannot reliably grip the roadway surface here.

Slow down and be careful!

Sign 1.16- Rough road.

This sign informs you that there is no money in the local budget to repair the road.

Well, if you want to save your wheels and suspension, it’s better to slow down.

Sign 1.17– Artificial roughness.

Everyone knows this sign. Even small children joyfully report: "This is a speed bump".

As a rule, along with the “Artificial Roughness” sign, a sign is also installed. "Maximum speed limit".

Sign 1.18– Gravel release.

In essence, this sign warns you: “Sorry, your car’s paintwork will be slightly damaged.

And maybe even some glass will be damaged.”

Reduce speed and increase distance and lateral spacing if possible. You can't think of anything else here.

Sign 1.19- Dangerous roadside.

The shoulder, as you know, is an element of the road and must meet certain requirements.

If this is not the case, then you will be warned about this by sign 1.19.

Signs 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3 - Road narrows.

Directly before the narrowing there will be a special regulations sign (square on a blue background), but drivers will be warned with a triangular warning sign beyond 150 - 300 meters.

But it could be like this: there is a narrow tunnel or a narrow bridge or a viaduct ahead.

In a word, you’ll figure it out on the spot.

Sign 1.21– Two-way traffic.

You can drive all over Russia and never see such a sign, but the roads will be entirely two-way traffic.

Why are there no signs? Yes, because two-way traffic is the norm, and there is no need to specially warn about it.

It's not always one-way traffic. This is rare. And such a road will definitely be marked with an appropriate sign.

But what if one-way traffic suddenly turns into two-way traffic? Drivers must be warned about this metamorphosis.

Until the intersection, it is a one-way road, and so far no one is breaking the Rules.

But after the intersection it will already be a two-way road. And if now the driver of the white car does not change lanes to the right, he will drive in the oncoming lane.

But it may be so - signs suggest that drivers continue driving (scary to say!) along the roadway in the opposite direction. But this is temporary!

And, of course, people they met were also warned with signs - Attention! Temporarily there is two-way traffic on your roadway!

Sign 1.22- Crosswalk.

In populated areas there is no particular need to warn drivers that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead.

Well, except in those rare cases when the transition is not clearly visible.

Outside populated areas, a pedestrian crossing is almost always a surprise.

It seems like there is a forest on the left and right, and what should pedestrians do here? But no, they go about their pedestrian business here.

Pay attention to the placement of signs!

Behind 150 – 300 meters There is a warning sign before the crossing. No one crosses the road at this point; this sign is not for pedestrians. This sign is for you and me – for drivers.

We are warned:

There's a pedestrian crossing ahead!

Pedestrian crossing signs are completely different - square, with a blue background, and they stand directly on the borders of the crossing.

Sign 1.23- Children.

Children, as you know, are special people - they can play so hard that they don’t see anything around them.

And here it is - “the most terrible danger”!

This sign is installed on sections of roads passing along children's institutions. Moreover, as especially important, it is installed twice.

First at a distance of 90–100 meters, then again at a distance of no more than 50 m from the beginning of the dangerous area.

In this case, the repeated sign must be used with the plate 8.2.1 “Validity area” already known to us. As you understand, this is done so that drivers know the length of this “most dangerous section.”

Sign 1.24– Intersection with a bicycle path.

For the movement of cyclists, a special path can be built, located parallel to the main road.

But the paths of cyclists are mysterious. Sometimes they need to cross the roadway.

Notice the bike lane markings - square strokes with square spaces. If a zebra crossing is a pedestrian crossing, then this marking is a bicycle crossing. Well, or “bike crossing”, as you prefer.

This sign will warn drivers that there is an intersection with a bicycle path ahead.

You just need to know that the principle of “interference from the right” does not apply to such an intersection. And a cyclist won’t believe his eyes if speeding cars stop at once, and drivers with smiles begin to invite him to cross the roadway.

The same principle that applies to an unregulated pedestrian crossing is more likely to apply to this intersection - a cyclist can cross the roadway only after assessing whether he will create a danger to traffic.

So there is no need to stop. The rules in this case do not oblige drivers to give way.

At the same time, remember: The cyclist has not read the Rules, and he can drink while driving. Therefore, be more careful and, just in case, right leg in full readiness to move to the brake pedal.

Sign 1.25- Men at work.

Repair work is underway on the roadway ahead. Drivers will be warned about this with a corresponding sign.

Only now the situation has worsened, and on the roadway, in addition to building materials also road cars.

Be careful, especially in dark time days.

Sign 1.26- Cattle drive.Sign 1.27 - Wild animals.

In the first case, you are warned that domestic animals may appear on the road, and in the second - wild animals.

Dare I hope that you feel equally sorry for both of them?

Sign 1.28- Falling stones.

Of course, there are special services that monitor the condition of roads built in the mountains, and all available means strengthen mountain slopes.

However, rocks sometimes fall.

This sign is not installed to make drivers look up. You need to look at the road and look carefully!

Suddenly some boulder has just fallen, they haven’t had time to remove it yet, and now it’s waiting for you in the middle of the road.

Sign 1.29- Side wind.

A car, of course, is not a yacht, but it can also “sail”. And if the “sail” area is large, then a strong side wind can even overturn the car.

Moreover, the higher the vehicle speed, the stronger the impact of the side wind.

When driving along such a section, the driver’s task is Slow down and watch how the car behaves.

Sign 1.30– Low-flying aircraft.

If there is such a sign, it means there is an airfield nearby.

And so close that planes fly right above you, deafening with the roar of their engines.

Get ready! Now you will need endurance and self-control!

Sign 1.31- Tunnel.

In the tunnel, movement is carried out in conditions of limited space and in the absence of daylight, and, therefore, in conditions with poor visibility. At the same time, the most dangerous place in the tunnel is the entrance.

And if the tunnel has no lighting at all, or the entrance to the tunnel is poorly visible, then drivers, of course, must be warned about this danger.

The already familiar 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Action” plate may be added to the sign to further inform drivers of the length of the tunnel.

Sign 1.32- Congestion.

Such a sign warns drivers that there is a traffic jam ahead, and now it is not too late to turn off and try their luck on another route.

Sign 1.33– Other dangers.

The “Other Hazards” sign was invented in case none of the signs listed above are suitable to indicate this particular hazard.

By the way, in my time, novice drivers marked their cars with just such a sign (humbly recognizing themselves as “another danger”).

Signs 1.34.1, 1.34.2, 1.34.3 – Direction of rotation.

The rules, it would seem, having provided for all possible dangers, nevertheless returned once again to the turns and paid special, increased attention to them.

A turn is, firstly, always a danger, and, secondly, it is always a different danger. The turn may have an unexpectedly small radius or, for example, the turn is smooth but infinitely long, or it is a turn at a multi-level road junction and is located high above the ground, which in itself is dangerous. And then the notorious “ human factor“- a cool, flat road, straight and straight all the time, to the right and left there is a monotonous lulling landscape, and how can you notice that there is no longer a straight road.

Such a sign is installed directly behind the intersection, it is visible from afar and warns drivers that the intersection is T-shaped, that there is no straight road, and further directions of movement are either to the right or to the left.

And yet, this also happens.

Well what can I say. It remains only to remind once again: attentiveness - the most important quality driver.

Signs with two arrows are used in cramped conditions, that is, in cases where a large sign (with four arrows) cannot be placed.

Signs with one arrow will be placed literally one after another along a long “endless” turn so that drivers, God forbid, do not abandon the steering wheel prematurely.

That's all there is to it about the warning signs.

All that remains is, as I promised, to talk about the signs marking the entrance to the railway crossing.

Signs marking the entrance to a railway crossing.

You, of course, have read (seen, heard) what grave consequences almost all accidents at crossings lead to. It is natural that the Rules contain a number of requirements establishing the procedure for traffic at the crossings themselves and near them. We will get acquainted with these requirements gradually during this course, but now our task is to understand how railway crossings are arranged and how the entrances to them are designed.

Sign 1.1 – Railway crossing with barrier.

This sign marks every crossing equipped with barriers. It is quite easy to remember that this is a crossing with a barrier - the sign depicts an obstacle (fence) - this is how the artists depicted the barrier in a stylized manner.

Barriers are installed on both sides of railway tracks, and in this case The railway crossing area is the distance between the barriers.

Sign 1.2 – Railway crossing without a barrier.

This sign designates every crossing that is not equipped with barriers. In this case, instead of barriers, there will be signs on both sides of the crossing informing drivers whether they have to cross only one railway track or several.

And again, let’s make a reservation right away - in this case, the railway crossing zone is the distance between these signs.

That’s why I always emphasize that there is a railway crossing zone.

The point is that in the future we will talk about what is prohibited at a crossing and what is prohibited before and after it. So, it is very important to understand that a railway crossing is precisely the distance between the barriers (if there are any) or between these signs (if there are no barriers

in populated areas.

If the road in a given direction has only one lane, and the crossing is clearly visible at a distance of at least 100 meters, the sign will be installed, as befits a warning sign, 50 - 100 meters before the start of the dangerous section (that is, in this case, 50 - 100 meters before the crossing).

If the crossing is visible at a distance of less than 100 meters, the sign will be duplicated.

The main sign will be on the right side of the road, and the backup sign will be on the left.

If the road is multi-lane, the sign is always duplicated, regardless of visibility of the crossing.

This is done in order to reliably warn both those driving in the right lane and those driving in the left lane that they are approaching a crossing.

Note. If there are two or more lanes in a given direction, the signs are always duplicated (both in a populated area and outside a populated area).

How are entrances to railway crossings designed?outside settlements.

Outside a populated area, drivers will be warned about approaching a crossing at least twice.

If the road in a given direction has one lane, and the crossing is clearly visible at a distance of at least 300 meters, the main sign will be installed, as it should be, 150 - 300 meters before the crossing.

But closer to the crossing (50 - 100 m away) the sign will definitely be repeated.

If the visibility of the crossing is insufficient (less than 300 meters), in this case the road outside the populated area Drivers will be warned that they are approaching a railway crossingthree times .

The first combination of signs (with three stripes) is installed 150 - 300 meters before the crossing.

The last combination of signs (with one stripe) is installed 50 - 100 meters before the crossing.

Exactly in the middle between them there will be a lonely sign with two stripes.

It is easy to guess that the red inclined stripes on the signs inform drivers of additional important information– the fewer lanes, the closer to the crossing.

In this case, the signs will definitely be duplicated, that is, they will be placed on both sides of the road.

On April 28, 2018, a new warning road sign 1.35 “Intersection Section” appeared in the family of warning signs.

It is a yellow square on a dark background with two intersecting diagonals.

Such a sign should be installed at the border of the intersection. Or no more than 30 meters to the border of the intersection.

Sign 1.35 – warning! And like all warning signs, it does not introduce any restrictions. He just warns drivers about what is at the intersection "waffle" marking .

You can read about what “waffle” markings are and what they oblige drivers to do in topic 4.1 “Horizontal markings.”

Temporary warning signs.

In conclusion, we note that warning signs can be not only permanent, but also temporary. But not all of them, just some. In the Rules, these signs are listed in Appendix 1.

Rules. Appendix 1 "Road signs". There, at the very end (after the “Signs”) you can read the following: “The yellow background on signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18 – 1.21, 1.33, installed at road work sites, means that these signs are temporary.”

These are the signs.

And there the Rules specifically stipulated:

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other ,

Drivers must follow temporary signs .

In large metropolitan cities there are trams - passenger transport moving along rail tracks.

At the same time, traffic is organized in such a way that trams move together with road transport.

Crossing with tram traffic is dangerous, since in most cases trams have priority in traffic, except when the tram is leaving a secondary road or there is a 2.4 give way sign at the intersection in front of it.

In this article:

Sign Intersection with tram line

Road sign 1.5 - intersection with a tram line must be installed on the territory of a populated area where automobile transport moves together with the rail.

The meaning of sign 1.5 of the Russian Traffic Regulations is that car drivers should be especially careful, since in the event of a collision, a multi-ton tram can cause significant harm to health and property.

In addition, it is worth remembering that this type transport is a passenger transport, in which there are people, and therefore has an advantage in movement.

The difference between these types of transport is that the tram travels strictly along a dedicated rail lane and does not have the technical ability to go around an obstacle.

Road sign 1.5 should discipline the driver when encountering rail vehicles and at the same time warn about possible danger when colliding with them.

Features of installing a road sign 1.5

Installation of sign 1.5 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations has installation requirements depending on the location of the tram line within the populated area and beyond.

If the tram passes outside the city, then warning sign 1.5 should inform the driver in advance, namely 150-300 meters ahead. In the city, the sign is installed at a distance of 50-100 meters from the approaching rail bed.

The difference in the distance of the sign installed in the city and outside it is related to the speed limit.

In the city maximum speed The driver should not exceed 60 km/h, and outside the populated area up to 90 km/h.

However, it is also possible to indicate a different distance, provided that sign 1.5 is duplicated together with sign 8.1.1. Road sign 8.1.1 will indicate in this case the specific distance to the intersection with the tram line.

Responsibility for failure to comply with sign 1.5

As such, there is no liability for violating this sign, since its purpose is to warn about approaching rail vehicles.

The task of administrative legislation is to, in addition to suppression and prosecution, also prevent offenses in the future.

The driver, approaching the tram line, must remember the rules that determine the order of movement together with the tram, the possibility of crossing tram tracks, turning or turning around the rail tracks.

So, for example, a driver who violates the rules for turning through tram tracks will incur administrative responsibility under Part 1.1 of Article 12.14 in the form of a fine of 500 rubles.

Or for not providing an advantage in the movement of tram transport, the driver of the car may receive a written warning or be fined 500 rubles under Part 3 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

There is such a topic as warning signs. The traffic rules really describe it in great detail. And in fact, everyone should know the signs – and not just the driver. Well, it’s worth talking briefly about this topic.


First, I would like to briefly tell you what the warning signs are. Traffic regulations explain this term as follows: these are the signs that inform the driver that he is approaching a road section where he will encounter a potential danger. And they put them there so that motorists have time to take a number of actions to pass this place without consequences.

IN Russian Federation Such signs have a triangular shape. Their background is white, sometimes yellow (to attract attention). On the signs themselves there are black drawings. And of course, there is a red border. In the city they are installed 50-100 meters before the start of that section. In the suburbs and suburban areas - for 150-300.

Things to Know

It is worth noting some other nuances that distinguish warning signs. Traffic regulations state that these signs, although they are a signal of the approach of potential danger, in fact do not prohibit anything. So, in fact, it will not be possible to violate their requirements - even in theory. And, accordingly, the driver does not face a fine.

However, despite all of the above, you should not relax. Because warning signs are often installed in front of those areas where violations are punishable by hefty fines.

The first 10 signs you need to remember

So, it’s worth starting to talk about the warning signs in order. Traffic rules are numbered - this makes them easier to remember and later use in theory. And the first signs are warning about everything related to the railway. Well, we need to list them.

1.1 is the very first of them. It shows a “fence”, and it means that a railway crossing is approaching, in front of which there is a barrier. The second one is 1.2. It already shows a train, which means the approaching railway crossing without a barrier. 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 overlap in meaning. The first of these means moving with one path, and the second - with two or more. You can see what they look like from the photo above.

The following indexes are known as 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5 and 1.4.6. These are the last six signs, and they all mean approaching a railway crossing. This is an additional warning and is installed outside populated areas. They look like long rectangular signs with diagonally drawn lines - three, two and one. They mean the number of meters that are left to the railway tracks. 3 stripes – 150-300 meters. Two – 50-150. One - less than 50. Signs are installed on the left side of the road, on which the lines go from bottom to top in right side. On the right - accordingly, vice versa.

Things that are easy to remember

So, above we talked about the first warning signs. Traffic regulations with comments, in fact, make it clear what this or that sign means. Therefore, remembering them is quite easy. Even from the very picture shown on the sign. If, for example, a tram is drawn in a triangle, then this means an intersection with the line along which these vehicles follow. It's simple! This sign is numbered as 1.5. Next is a sign indicating that further equivalent roads intersect. This is a triangle with a cross drawn inside it. When approaching such a site, a person, according to the rules, will have to give way to a car approaching from the right.

Sign 1.7 warns that there will be a roundabout soon. There are arrows drawn in a circle in a triangle - so it’s easy to remember. If a traffic light is drawn in a triangle, then a person should know that he is approaching the intersection where traffic will be regulated by a traffic light.

More simple sign is 1.9, warning of approaching a ferry crossing or a drawbridge. And 1.10 - it means going to the shore or embankment.

Dangerous turns

How many cases does the world know when accidents occurred due to the fact that a person did not fit into a turn! You shouldn’t rely on your skill, because it’s not for nothing that there are signs numbered 1.11.1, 1.11.2, 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 well in advance of this section. The first two of those listed warn about the curve of the road. When you see such a sign, you should reduce your speed and drive with extreme caution.

The second two signs listed are those that warn of the appearance of those very dangerous turns. They look not like the first ones (a straight line rounded to the end), but like a clearly defined zigzag. In this case, you definitely need to reduce your speed - for reasons of your own safety.

Road clutter

Traffic warning signs, photos of which are provided below, can sometimes really save lives. Or at least technical condition car. Take, for example, pointers 1.13 and 1.14. They mean a steep descent and ascent. Having seen them, a person can slow down in advance, lower the gear and calmly pass this obstacle.

Signpost 1.15 means approaching a slippery road. By the way, they are often installed directly in front of this area. So, if you see a sign that shows a car with curved slippery tracks behind it, you should reduce your speed and be especially careful. The 1.16 indicator is one of the most unloved by drivers. After all, he warns that there is a rough road ahead. And these are potholes, undulations, holes - in general, everything that causes the suspension to “fly”. And it happens that under the sign they put a sign indicating the interval (in meters) during which these same irregularities will appear. And here, in Russia, you can often see a four-digit figure.

Pointer 1.17 warns a person that there is a “speed bump” ahead, that is, an artificial bump. Sign 1.18 is installed in front of the area where, when driving, crushed stone or gravel may be thrown out from under the wheels. In general, in order to save your car from technical damage, it is worth learning the traffic rules. Warning road signs you need to know - at least for reasons of your own benefit, education and safety.

About road changes

Sign 1.19 means dangerous roadside. That is, a person should go as far as possible from her. Otherwise, you can slide along the side of the road, for example, into a cliff. Anything can happen, especially in mountainous areas.

You also need to remember the meaning of the pointers 1.20.1 – 1.20.3. They warn that the road is narrowing. And exactly how it will be narrowed can be understood directly from the image on the triangular plate.

You should also remember the meaning of plates 1.34.1, 1.34.2 and 1.34.3. They are the last on the list of warnings, but they also concern changes on the road. And they mean the direction of rotation. They look like a long rectangular narrow red plate with numerous white arrows. In general, wherever they point, that’s where you need to go.

What to pay attention to

What was listed above is not all that traffic regulations can tell you. There are numerous warning signs with explanations, and it is important to know them all because they will come in handy. For example, pointer 1.21. Means two-way traffic. And every driver must know when he goes to where oncoming cars appear.

1.22 and 1.23 are also important traffic warning signs. And their description is as follows: the first of these means a pedestrian crossing, and the second means sudden appearance in the middle of the roadway for children (installed near schools, camps, etc.). There is also a sign 1.24 - it warns of approaching a bicycle path. It is also advisable to reduce the speed there. And sign 1.25 is placed where road surface repairs are being carried out.

Something that is rare

1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29 and many others are very rare warning signs, but they are prescribed in the traffic rules. Their meaning is also worth knowing. 1.26 is a cattle drive. That is, you can see cows on the road, for example. 1.27 warns of the possible appearance of unusual animals. That is, wild. Don't be surprised if a deer accidentally runs out of the bushes. 1.28 is a sign indicating falling stones. He is also worth knowing, as he talks about likely occurrence collapses, landslides and other things. 1.29 – a sign warning about entering an area where cross winds are possible. 1.30 means planes flying low above the ground, 1.31 means a tunnel without lighting, 1.32 means a traffic jam (or a traffic jam, as they say). And the last pointer is 1.33. It looks like an exclamation mark and is simply deciphered - other dangers.

As you can see, there are quite a few signs in general. But with due care and diligence, they are easy to remember. In addition, then they meet regularly on the roads.

Road signs and their designations seem to be a very hackneyed topic. But we will try to raise it again. And that's why! Numerous articles and commentaries on this issue suffer from a couple of shortcomings: they are either too short or too lengthy. We will try to make their consideration the most optimal, and therefore effective for ordinary drivers.

Traffic signs warning the driver of possible dangers

So, our work will be aimed at achieving a practical, applied effect from knowledge of traffic rules. Let everyone know only what is absolutely necessary from the topic “”.

Traffic warning signs

Warning signs serve one good purpose - to notify the driver that he is approaching some dangerous section of the road. In the rarest cases, signs will inform you that the driver is already entering such an area. The nature of the danger is depicted in the field of the sign itself in the form of a specific symbol.

Warning road signs appear to us mainly in a triangular shape. Please note that exactly these (somewhat similar) signs no longer exist.

And one moment. Warning signs are the noblest means of traffic control.. They do not prohibit the driver from doing anything, but notify him of some unusual situation on the road.

The warning nature of these road signs determined the main rule for their installation. All triangular warning signs must be installed at a certain distance from the corresponding dangerous section of the road:

  • in a populated area - 50-100 meters before it starts;
  • outside the populated area - 150-300 meters.

Let's consider specific example with a "Rough Road" sign (1.16). The preliminary installation of it (like any warning sign) is due to the need to warn in advance that irregularities (potholes, potholes and other defects) will soon appear on the roadway.

What should a driver understand when seeing such a sign? There is a dangerous area ahead, and therefore it is recommended to slow down and show maximum care and composure in order to avoid an accident or car breakdown on bumps and potholes in the road.

Naturally, it is necessary to inform about possible dangers IN ADVANCE, which is why triangular-shaped warning road signs are installed in advance - at the previously indicated distances.

In a populated area, the driver will only need 50-100 meters to reduce speed until stopping (if necessary). But outside the populated area, where the speed of movement is much higher, this distance is increased 3 times - up to 150-300 meters. This will be enough to make a normal speed reduction.

Important point! Quite It is normal practice to re-install warning signs to increase driver awareness of the danger.

Thus, triangular warning signs are not difficult to understand. Their mission is to inform the driver in advance about dangerous situation on road.

Triangular warning road signs

“Railway crossing with a barrier” (1.1) and “Railway crossing without a barrier” (1.2)

The purpose of this pair is to warn the driver about approaching a very problematic section of the road, which has its own specific traffic rules (additionally described in section 15 of the traffic rules).

The only difference between these signs is that the first crossing will be equipped with a barrier, while the second will not. It is in the second case that the driver needs to show maximum attention.

Both signs outside the populated area must be repeated at a distance of no closer than 50 meters before the crossing.

The re-installation of these signs is due to the danger of driving along the railway crossing. Therefore, one more warning will not be superfluous.

"Intersection with tram line" (1.5)

This sign informs the driver about approaching a section of the road with tram tracks that cross the roadway outside the intersection or at an intersection with poor visibility.

The driver must remember that when driving along this sign outside the intersection, he will be required to give way to the tram.

"Crossing of Equivalent Roads" (1.6)

The sign indicates the approach to an intersection where there is neither a main nor a secondary road.

The order of passage through such an intersection is determined universal rule“right hand”: a driver who has an obstacle on the right (represented by a similar vehicle) will be obliged to give way to him - the “interference on the right” - the road.

"Roundabout" (1.7)

This sign will notify drivers that they are approaching a special intersection - an intersection where traffic is organized in a roundabout (counterclockwise).

A particular difficulty when driving along it is the order of vehicles. The driver must carefully observe the priority signs regulating priority in traffic.

"Traffic light regulation" (1.8)

The sign indicates the approach to the installation site of a classic traffic light at an intersection, pedestrian crossing or narrow section of the road.

In a populated area, as a rule, this sign is installed at the first (after entering the populated area) intersection or pedestrian crossing.

“Drawable Bridge” (1.9) and “Departure to the Embankment” (1.10)

These “related” signs are installed in places of approach to the relevant objects. Their goal is to protect drivers from rash actions - dangerous maneuvers and speeding.

Outside the populated area, both signs must be repeated at a distance of no closer than 50 meters to the drawbridge and the exit to the embankment. This is done in order to increase driver awareness.

"Dangerous Turn" (1.11.1) and (1.11.2)

The signs of the same name inform the driver that he is approaching a sharp turn with limited visibility, where the consequences of centrifugal force are especially dangerous. The signs differ from each other only in the direction of movement - left or right.

"Dangerous turns" (1.12.1) and (1.12.2)

Another pair of “related signs” will warn the driver that after a certain distance there will be several dangerous turns in a row on his way. The only difference between the signs is the direction of the first turn - right or left.

Very often, signs are installed together with the “Area of ​​Action” sign (8.2.1), which will indicate the length of a series of dangerous turns.

"Steep Descent" (1.13) and "Steep Ascent" (1.14)

The signs indicate descents and ascents that will be difficult for the driver to overcome. If such sections follow one after another, then the signs may be installed not previously, but immediately in front of the section.

There is one more ( very important!) moment associated with these signs. If an obstacle appears on the roadway within the coverage area of ​​these signs, then the driver going uphill takes advantage. And the one who is moving downhill is obliged to give way.

This is a very “dangerous” rule. It should be used with particular caution, because few drivers remember exactly this principle of priority.

"Slippery Road" (1.15)

A very simple and informative sign: the driver is indicated that he is approaching a very dangerous section of the road with a low coefficient of adhesion of the wheels (tires) to the road. The sign nobly warns the driver of the need to slow down so as not to skid.

You should not think that the “Slippery Road” sign is exclusively a “winter” sign. There are also summer roads from which you can fly off.

"Rough Road" (1.16)

A very simple and informative sign that warns the driver that he is approaching a section of the road with a damaged roadway (potholes, bumps, uneven spots). The sign seems to suggest the driver to slow down so as not to lose control on a road with a problem surface and, at a minimum, not to break the car’s suspension.

The area of ​​uneven road surface indicated by this sign was formed as a result of natural wear and tear or repair work. This is how it differs from the next sign – “Artificial Roughness”.

"Humvee" (1.17)

The sign in question indicates approaching a speed bump and warns the driver to slow down so as not to damage the underbody of the car.

It is important to remember that such an obstacle designates sections of roads along which there is active pedestrian traffic in places where important social facilities(schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.).

"Gravel Burst" (1.18)

This sign informs drivers that they are approaching a very dangerous place where crushed stone or gravel can be thrown out from under the wheels of a car.

The driver should exercise caution and try not to approach vehicles ahead due to the risk of damage to the windshield and. And a stone flying into the glass while driving high speeds, in general, can cause an accident.

"Dangerous Roadside" (1.19)

This warning sign is used to indicate an unstable or damaged roadside that is dangerous for the driver to enter.

In principle, any roadside that lacks a hard surface becomes dangerous in wet weather conditions. The driver needs to remember this, even if there is no “Dangerous Roadside” sign.

"Narrowing of the road" (1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3)

The “Road Narrowing” family of signs is designed to warn drivers that after a certain distance along their route the roadway will narrow - to the right, to the left or on both sides at the same time.

Very often these signs are installed in front of bridges, overpasses, tunnels, where the real opportunity maneuver due to the actual absence of a shoulder. There are frequent cases of signs being used during road repair work.

"Two Way Traffic" (1.21)

This sign is only installed on one-way roads. Its purpose is to warn drivers that they are approaching a section of the road where classic two-way traffic will begin.

The driver must exercise maximum attention so that after a certain distance he does not end up in the lane intended for oncoming traffic.

"Pedestrian Crossing" (1.22)

The sign indicates the approach to an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing and recommends that the driver use prudence and reduce speed in advance. After all, most likely, he will have to do this, but before the transition and already urgently.

Drivers make one unfortunate mistake: they consider the location of this sign to be the beginning of a pedestrian crossing. Although it is still 50-100 meters away in a populated area and 150-300 meters outside it.

"Children" (1.23)

It is not at all difficult to guess that this warning sign is posted in places where children often appear on the roadway. Moreover, regardless of the presence or absence of a pedestrian crossing.

The rules require mandatory re-installation of the sign both in a populated area (no further than 50 meters from such a place on the roadway) and outside a populated area (no closer than 50 meters from the place possible appearance children).

"Crossing the Bike Path" (1.24)

When Bike Lane crosses the roadway outside the intersection, then this sign is installed indicating this very intersection.

It is important to remember that at such an intersection it is the cyclist who is obliged to give way to motorized vehicles moving along the roadway. However, the driver should be especially careful and attentive: the cyclist is unlikely to be aware of his obligation to give priority to the “mechanics”.

"Road Works" (1.25)

Carrying out road (repair, etc.) work on the roadway is accompanied by the mandatory installation of a special sign - “Road Work”.

This sign must be displayed again:

  • outside the populated area no closer than 50 meters to the work site, and in case of poor visibility and directly in front of such a place;
  • in a populated area - directly in front of the site where work is being carried out.

For short-term work, it is allowed to install a sign at a distance of 10 to 15 meters from the work site.

"Cattle Drive" (1.26) and "Wild Animals" (1.27)

"Related" signs notify drivers that they are approaching a section of the road bordering cattle farms, livestock crossings, nature reserves, hunting farms etc. Animals – wild and domestic – may suddenly appear in such areas.

The driver is required to exercise attention and caution so as not to hit animals crossing the road.

"Falling Stones" (1.28)

This noble sign warns the driver about the danger of landslides, mudflows, avalanches, rockfalls, landslides, etc.

This sign is installed in areas that are not protected by special engineering structures that can prevent Negative consequences natural disasters.

"Crosswind" (1.29)

A sudden strong side wind can be very dangerous for the driver. The car “gets hit” in the body and can change its trajectory regardless of the will and desire of its driver. And this is a direct path to an accident.

The “Crosswind” sign is intended to warn the driver about entering such a section so that he has time to take action. necessary measures To prevent disaster, reduce speed and be prepared for a possible shift in trajectory.

"Low Flying Planes" (1.30)

The sound of low-flying aircraft can scare even experienced drivers. In order to eliminate this (or minimize it), a special sign is posted on the road - “Low-flying aircraft”.

This sign is installed in front of sections of roads that are located near airfields.

"Tunnel" (1.31)

Sudden changes in illumination are strong for the driver irritating factor, which carries potential danger loss of orientation in space. This situation is possible when entering a tunnel that does not have special (artificial) lighting.

In addition, this sign may indicate access to illuminated tunnels with limited visibility.

"Congestion" (1.32)

Traffic jams and congestion are the scourge of modern megacities with a huge amount Vehicle. Therefore, a warning about those stuck in traffic vehicles– this is one of the ways not to aggravate the situation on the road.

Drivers warned by the sign will have the opportunity to turn off at the nearest intersection and go around the traffic jam along a different route.

Modern “Congestion” signs are made in the form of special monitors with a variable image that appears on the screen if necessary.

"Other Dangers" (1.33)

Sometimes the driver faces dangers on the road that cannot be described by existing warning signs. Or there are a lot of such dangers. For example, the road passes through forested areas with wild animals, but is undergoing repair work in conditions of a dangerous bend and a steep descent. Moreover, the road surface is very slippery, and there is a dangerous shoulder. And all this in conditions of strong cross wind.

In such cases, it is advisable to display a special sign - “Other hazards”. He seems to say to the driver: “We warned you!”

Thus, triangular-shaped warning signs are very informative. The rule for their installation is the same: they are placed, informing about the corresponding danger, 50-100 meters in a populated area and 150-300 meters outside a populated area. It is in this case that they will fulfill their main mission - warning about an emergency situation on the road.

Don't let the driver be embarrassed if some triangular signs have a yellow background instead of a white one. This only speaks of temporary nature these signs (for example, for the period of repair work).

Road warning signs other than triangular in shape

In addition to triangular signs, there are other warning road signs. The rules for their installation are somewhat different from their triangular “brothers”.

"Approaching a railway crossing" (1.4.1-1.4.6)

A large “family” of signs of the same name serves to achieve even greater awareness of the driver about approaching a railway crossing when driving outside a populated area. Such a warning will never hurt and will never be superfluous.

Signs are installed according to next rule: each red stripe “responsible” for 50-100 meters. This means that the “three-lane” signs installed to the right (and, if necessary, to the left) of the road are 150-300 away from the crossing; “two-lane” - for 100-200, and “single-lane” - 50-100 meters. “Three-lane” and “single-lane” are installed on the same support with triangular signs 1.1 or 1.2 - main and secondary.

"Single-track railway" (1.3.1) and "Multi-track railway" (1.3.2)

Another pair of signs warning the driver about a railway crossing without a barrier. As you can see, in the traffic rules special place is given to the passage of precisely such sections of the road.

The uniqueness of this pair of signs is that they are installed immediately before the railway crossing without a barrier. Why? Yes, because warning signs were already posted at the required distance - “Railway crossing without a barrier” (1.2).

The difference between the two signs is only in the number of railway tracks at the crossing: in the first case there is only one, and in the second there are two or more.

"Rotation direction" (1.34.1) and (1.34.2)

Sharp turns are dangerous not only due to limited visibility or increased centrifugal force when passing them, but also due to difficulty in determining the direction further movement. Signs indicating the direction of turn will help the driver navigate in such conditions.

Huge signs are not installed in advance (like most warning signs), but directly at the turning points. Their purpose is to become a guiding thread for the driver on a sharp turn.

"Rotation Direction" (1.34.3)

The location of this warning sign is a fork in the road or a T-junction. This sign indicates a section of the road where the previous – straight – movement stops, and the driver will be forced to change the trajectory.

This sign, like the two previous signs, is installed directly in the dangerous area. This is possible due to its large size.

Let's sum it up Grand total. Warning signs were invented to inform the driver that he is approaching a dangerous section of the road (less often, that he is about to start driving along such a section).

Basically, in " pure form» warning signs do not regulate anything - they do not prohibit or allow the driver. Their goal is good - to inform about the impending danger.

Many drivers ask how - here are several options.

Scanner for self-diagnosis car