Tobacco varieties that do not require fermentation. How to ferment tobacco at home

We have all heard more than once about air drying of tobacco, fire drying, and sun drying. So what is it and how is it actually done?

Many of us see these processes as the mysteries of alchemy, in which the properties of the tobacco leaf are changed at a subatomic level, literally turning lead into gold. However, there is nothing supernatural in these processes and this kind tobacco processing allows you to get rid of many undesirable substances in tobacco leaves, as well as form a flavor and aroma base pipe tobacco, based on the characteristics of which tobacco blenders will compose their mixtures.

The most common methods for drying tobacco are:

  • air drying /air curing/
  • steam drying /flue curing/
  • fire drying /fire curing/
  • sun drying /sun curing/

After drying, the tobacco leaf is fermented under a press or in pylons, although the latter is more often used for cigar leaves. During all these processes, the tobacco leaf gets rid of excess tar and its nicotine level decreases. During the fermentation process, the tobacco leaf changes its color and gains flavor and aroma.

The name of the method already says a lot. Tobacco leaves are tied in small bunches and hung to dry under a canopy in the open air. Some tobacco producers use blowers or, simply put, large fans to speed up the drying process of the tobacco. This type of drying is mainly used for leaves that need to retain more nicotine, such as dark Burley varieties, as well as most of cigar leaf.

Flue curing

Tobacco drying barn| Lawsonville, NC © 2011 Phil Ross

When drying by this method, streams of hot air, smoke or steam are supplied to the tobacco leaf, supplied into a closed room through pipes, from the heating of which the air temperature in the room where it is hung increases.tobacco. In other words, the pipes act as large heating batteries. This method is most often used for drying light Virginia varieties, which allows you to preserve the light shade of the leaf, maintain the sugar content in the tobacco leaf, and at the same time get rid of excess tar and nicotine. Tobacco dried in this way has reduced value pH and therefore stings the tongue less. However, increased sugar content leads to a higher combustion temperature of tobacco. Often, air-dried sheets are used for cigar wrapper sheets, which allows maintaining an optimal sugar balance without leading to an excessively high combustion temperature due to the fact that the cigar sheet itself has a low sugar content.

This drying method is reminiscent of the process of cooking barbecue so beloved by many of us - the tobacco is processed with the smoke of smoldering coals. Different varieties of tobacco are exposed to different smoke densities. For example, Dark Fired Kentucky (a variety of Burley) is treated with a small amount of thinned-out smoke, while Latakia is treated with dense and intense smoke, maximizing the aroma of burning wood. With this drying, the tobacco leaf retains its natural nicotine content and pH value.

Sun curing

Drying tobacco leaves under open sun characteristic mainly of Orientals. It is difficult to say how this method affects the sugar content in the tobacco leaf and its acidity level, since the number of Oriental varieties in itself is quite large and the raw materials initially have a fairly large spread in both sugar content and pH.

In addition to this drying method, steam treatment of tobacco leaves and/or aging of tobacco under pressure can be used. In the latter case, the tobacco undergoes a fermentation process, which greatly affects its taste characteristics.


The preparation of perique can also be separated into a separate process, in which tobacco leaves are placed in barrels and pressed with a screw press, constantly tightening the screws of the press. high pressure The cell walls of the tobacco leaf burst, and the spreading vacuole starts the fermentation process. During this process, the tobacco leaf is infused with aroma and infused with sweetness. Since Perique is a variety of Burley, the acid balance of which is shifted to the side alkaline environment, then it’s enough without that high content We perceive nicotine to be a level higher than it actually is. In one of his articles, Gregory Pease described this phenomenon, explaining that increased acidity in tobacco, it helps our body absorb nicotine and tobacco with a lower pH value seems less strong to us, while when smoking, the acidity drops and by the end of the bowl we perceive tobacco as stronger. Tobacco leaf with increased content sugar produces more acidic smoke and that is why Virginia varieties are more common for the production of cigarettes, in which the acidity of the smoke allows nicotine to be absorbed with less discomfort. While alkaline tobacco and cigarettes with the same level of Vitamin H may cause unwanted reactions body: dizziness, hiccups, rapid heartbeat and nausea. The use of “alkaline” varieties of tobacco in pipe tobacco and cigars works somewhat differently due to the fact that in most cases the smoke is not inhaled, and the absorption of nicotine occurs through the oral mucosa; the change in strength is felt and accepted by the smoker’s body more calmly.

Presses are also used in the preparation of flakes, cakes and rope tobaccos. Some of the compressed tobaccos have relatively low content nicotine, some are very strong. On the one hand, pressing tobacco reduces its acidity without changing its initial strength, on the other hand, the final strength of the tobacco mixture is determined by the types of tobacco that are used in it. For example, despite the popular belief that Lake District tobaccos are based on Virginia, their strength is determined by the presence of a fairly large number of dark Burley varieties. In addition, the Virginia used in them often has a lower sugar content due to growing conditions.


The cigar leaf is characterized by the fermentation of tobacco in pylons - the tobacco is stacked in rows in high towers. Under the pressure of the upper layers of tobacco, the temperature in the lower layers rises and fermentation begins. This temperature, as well as the degree of pressure, are constantly measured, since it is these factors that ultimately affect the color of the leaf and its taste. When ready, the lower layers are removed, and new layers of tobacco leaves are laid on top of the pylon. The temperature at which the fermentation process takes place does not greatly affect the final strength of the leaf, but it does affect the sweetness of the tobacco, since as the temperature rises, the tobacco becomes sweeter and some of the sugars caramelize.

Of course, the chemistry of these processes is much more complex than described in this article, and my experience does not allow me to describe in more detail and more specifically the changes that occur in the tobacco leaf with each of the described methods of drying and preparing tobacco. But, I hope, this has at least slightly opened the veil secrets and will give you at least a minimal idea of ​​what path tobacco goes through before we go to the store to buy pipe tobacco, and before tobacco gets into our smoking pipes, and how this affects its color and taste .

Translation and publication of the article was carried out with kind permission PipesMagazine, the original article is on the website

With the growing popularity of everything crafted, exclusive, and handmade, smokers are increasingly practicing growing their own tobacco. It is important to know how to dry tobacco at home. This procedure requires appropriate knowledge and skills so as not to spoil it.

There are many benefits to growing your own tobacco. First of all, you can be sure that this natural product, without unknown impurities.

There are several types of tobacco. There are differences both in strength and in taste qualities. Mild is the softest and lightest tobacco. Fruit additives are usually added to it. Oriental is also one of the weaker varieties and is often used as a supplement. Zwar is strong and suitable for occasional smoking. Virginia is known throughout the world for its versatility and pleasant aroma.

How to dry tobacco correctly

This process takes a lot of time, the longer the drying continues, the better the quality of the tobacco. Its taste and aroma depend on how you dry tobacco - on special equipment or in ordinary home conditions. Improper drying can ruin the entire harvest. Therefore, you should treat this process responsibly in order to achieve a good result.

Tobacco drying stages

You can also dry tobacco on a central heating radiator. But this option takes longer - about a month. Dried and cut tobacco is also moistened and placed in sealed containers, then placed in a dark room on a radiator. Open the lids briefly once a week to prevent mold from growing.

You can also carry out fermentation in a slow cooker, as in this video:

All types of tobacco are fermented. But you should not mix them before starting the procedure, since each has its own taste and color characteristics. It is better to mix different varieties immediately before use.

If the tobacco is too strong, there are several ways to reduce the strength. To do this, you need to pour in the already fermented product hot water and let it brew for a while. Painted in Brown color the water is drained, and the tobacco is tested again on a piece of clean cloth or paper.

You can also place the container with tobacco in the freezer for several hours. Then let it brew at room temperature. This method makes the taste softer and lighter.

How to store tobacco at home

Tobacco storage - no less important process than how to dry tobacco at home. It is important to limit air access to it. Self-prepared tobacco can be stored for several years. For this, it is best to use sealed jars or bags. Kitchen cabinet away from stove 3 the best place for him. Hit sunlight and the lack of airtight packaging will lead to overdrying of the tobacco. If this happens, do not despair, moisturizing craft from a spray gun clean water will help save the situation. The main thing is not to overdo it. Following these simple rules you can preserve it for decades.

If you are a heavy smoker, you may be interested in growing your own tobacco. You can learn more about this from the article on our portal -. But growing good tobacco is only half the battle. Even the highest quality tobacco leaves can easily be ruined if they are not prepared correctly. How to prepare tobacco so that as a result you get real pleasure when smoking your cigar or pipe? This will be discussed in our article.

How to prepare smoking tobacco: process

Before fresh tobacco leaves are transformed into flavorful smoking tobacco, they are pre-processed. Here processes such as processing, drying, fermentation, heat treatment, cutting and others play an important role. Let's take a closer look at each stage.

  1. First, sort out the tobacco leaves, throw away spoiled leaves and trash.
  2. Tie several leaves together and hang them in a well-ventilated, dark room. Drying should continue for at least three weeks. During the drying process, unwanted substances are removed from the tobacco leaves. harmful substances, the taste and aroma of tobacco is formed. Retains when air dried a large number of nicotine
  3. Tobacco must be fermented. During this process, the chemical composition of the tobacco leaves changes. Fermentation always occurs under pressure: either the own weight of the leaves, or with the help of special devices, for example, under a powerful press. IN industrial production For example, tobacco leaves are stacked high in a dark room. Under the influence of pressure and lack of oxygen, chemical processes begin in the lower layers. Then the lower leaves are taken out and others are put in. At home, with small quantities of tobacco leaves, the process is greatly simplified. Just carefully place the leaves in a plastic bag, tie it and place it in a dark place. Evidence that the fermentation process was successful will be a change in the color of the leaves - they will turn from green to brownish-yellow.
  4. Heat treatment produced using hot air or steam. Carefully cut the tobacco leaves with a knife. Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet. Pour in tobacco thin layer and dry at a temperature of about 100 degrees. When the tobacco darkens, it is time to turn off the oven. Be careful not to burn the tobacco. You can store finished tobacco in ceramic or porcelain dishes or in a fabric bag.

Adherents of smoking year after year prefer growing and preparing tobacco themselves instead of buying cigarettes. Today we will talk about methods for processing tobacco for smoking at home.

Fermentation - natural biological process changes chemical composition plants. Simply put, fermentation processes occur in the product, which gradually reduce the amount of moisture, content carcinogenic substances and tobacco strength.

  • So, what does the process give:
  • the leaves become elastic, losing their fragility;
  • aggressive resins are destroyed and essential oils(bitterness goes away);
  • the smoke acquires a pleasant aroma;
  • the aftertaste becomes pleasant;
  • leaves acquire best ability to burning;
  • tobacco is stored longer and is not susceptible to fungi.

Did you know? Trade has been banned in Bhutan since 2004. tobacco products. Violation of the law carries a real prison sentence.

The fermented product goes through several processing processes until it is completely ready for consumption. In industrial conditions, plant leaves, in addition to sorting and drying, can be fermented up to 6 times, such as Cuban smoking tobacco.

The first procedure is carried out in dark rooms with moderate humidity and high temperature. At the same time, the product is folded in a certain way: stacks about a meter high, called “pylons”. This natural fermentation procedure occurs under the influence of the leaves’ own moisture and a certain microclimate. In tightly packed pylons, the color of the leaves changes: from golden yellow to brown. This happens within a month.

After this, the product is sorted and, depending on quality, distributed according to its intended purpose:

  • for cigars;
  • cigarettes;
  • cigarillos;
  • for tube;
  • for hookah and so on.
The product is not qualified After the first procedure, it is sent for a second manipulation, which will give it the necessary qualities and make it suitable for smoking.

Preparation smoking tobacco at home, as well as in production, it begins with sorting. The leaves are sorted and substandard leaves are removed: rotten, sunburned. The blades growing on the top of the bush are fermented separately: they are the most aromatic and rich in astringency. It is advisable to “simmer” the raw materials - this will be the primary fermentation. To do this, the raw materials are moistened and left indoors for 7–10 days, periodically moistening.

Important! Ferment green leaves you can't, they still contain chlorophyll. This is why languishing is carried out.

The next process is drying. You can dry the foliage in the sun by stringing the bushes on a string and placing them in special frames under Sun rays. There should be a distance of 4–5 mm between plants. Second method: dry indoors, for example in a barn; in a house it can be a balcony or veranda.

The air temperature for high-quality drying is +25…+30°С. There should be no draft in the room, but it is necessary to ventilate it. Signs of readiness of the dried product are a change in color to a darker shade and a characteristic crunch when compressed. The third stage of preparation is hydration. The bushes are moistened abundantly using a watering can or spray bottle and covered with woven material for about an hour.

Then check readiness by squeezing a handful of tobacco in your hand. It should be soft and moist, but not wet. Many people remove the central vein in the plate: it is believed that because of it the product can become bitter. This is followed by the second drying procedure: it is needed to give greater elasticity to the plates. Why are the leaves dried until dry, without allowing them to become brittle at the same time?

Conditions for tobacco fermentation

To ferment tobacco, no special equipment is required; you can use technical devices available on the farm. The main point of a successful process is what temperature was maintained during the preparation of raw materials.

People who are inexperienced in this matter ferment tobacco in a saucepan for about 7 hours, after placing it in jars. The approach is fundamentally wrong, since during boiling the temperature reaches +100°C, and most of the enzymes in the raw material are destroyed. The right process must take place at temperatures up to +55°C for 7–14 days.

Important! If you do not follow the preparation rules and fermentation conditions, tobacco becomes bad smell, reminiscent of ammonia.

In village conditions, some craftsmen successfully use an incubator. The device can maintain the set temperature and humidity, which is easy to regulate. In addition, the time of hatching chickens and harvesting, respectively, processing of tobacco, occurs in different time of the year.

One of the ways to quickly ferment is a procedure carried out using a Russian oven. Dried leaves are sprayed with spring water and placed in stacks of plastic bags. Bags of raw materials are placed on a heated stove (on a stove bench) and covered with thick material. The stove is heated once every 2 days, the whole process takes about 10 days. Water for spraying is prepared with honey: 200 ml/5 g. Gradual heating on a stove is one of the methods to reduce the strength of tobacco.

In the sun

Fermentation in the sun is the most The best way extend the shelf life of raw materials, since ultraviolet radiation is harmful to mold.
The raw materials are laid out on a metal surface: it heats up quickly and does not have time to cool down much at night. Approximate time ready in 10 days. After the procedure, it is advisable to dry the raw materials a little, and then you can try.

In the microwave

One of the home appliances that allows you to control the fermentation temperature is the microwave. Before the procedure, the raw materials are cut, soaked in wine and dried for several days in a bag on a heating device. Then place in the microwave at minimum power for 40 minutes. Repeat the manipulation three times. The strength of the leaves will decrease by 30–40%, and the aroma and aftertaste, thanks to the dry wine, will be richly fruity.

Did you know? Peter I abolished the ban on pipe smoking in Russia, and he also initiated the emergence of tobacco factories.

In the oven

Question: how to make a fermenter, does not exist if you have an oven. The device, just like a microwave oven, allows you to regulate and maintain a certain temperature. After the simmering procedure, the leaves are sprayed with water with a small amount of cognac or other alcohol, placed in polyethylene bags in thick stacks, and left in a warm place for a day. Then the raw material is cut into strips and placed in the oven. The process takes place at a temperature of +50°C for a week. After which the product is dried in fresh air.

In a slow cooker

A slow cooker allows you to dry tobacco leaves in successive layers, so the method is the closest to natural fermentation. Temperature set to +50°C, the steam valve is covered with foil to avoid moisture evaporation. Raw materials are placed in fabric bags and placed on pallets. Periodically, the bags are swapped from top to bottom to ensure uniformity of the process. The procedure takes about 3–4 hours.

Tobacco aging can last for several years, it all depends on the desire and experience of the manufacturer. Experienced manufacturers of smoking tobacco recommend aging the leaves in alcohol: wine, liqueur, vodka - this will add piquancy to the aftertaste and a pleasant aroma.

A few more tips:

  1. If you wish to keep the tobacco longer than a year Eastern varieties are used.
  2. After drying, the raw materials are processed under pressure, after which the plates acquire a convenient shape.
  3. Before slicing, the leaves must undergo primary fermentation and subsequent drying.
  4. You can use a kitchen noodle cutter for cutting.
  5. After fermentation, it is advisable to let the product rest for up to three months.
  6. If condensation appears on tobacco cans during fermentation, the product must be removed and dried.
Preparing smoking tobacco is generally a simple process. However, it requires attentiveness and patience from the manufacturer.

When preparing tobacco at home Special attention The process of fermentation takes place, as a result of which the tobacco raw material gets rid of many undesirable substances. In this article we will talk about in various ways And important points this biochemical process to obtain high-quality and pleasant tobacco taste.

Tobacco processing

True tobacco connoisseurs prefer to make it themselves. After ripening, a processing process takes place, which consists of harvesting, simmering, drying and fermentation.

Did you know? The massive spread of tobacco in Europe was facilitated by the Spanish traveler Christopher Columbus after his 1492 expedition to San Salvador.

Tobacco leaves are harvested after they stop growing, become denser and lighten their color.

During simmering, or pre-drying, tobacco leaves are placed in a cool room with low air circulation, after covering them with a damp cloth. The duration of this procedure takes from three days up to several weeks depending on the plant variety.

The leaves should lose chlorophyll and turn yellow, but not dry out. During the simmering process, you need to transfer tobacco leaves several times a day, otherwise they may rot or rot.

During the drying process, the plant loses all moisture. There are several common ways to dry tobacco leaves at home:

  • Drying in the sun. The leaves strung on cords are secured in special frames and exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Dry in a dry and warm room. The leaves are strung on a thin wire at a distance of 4 millimeters from each other. The temperature during the day should be within +18...+25 degrees. In the evening they need to be slightly moistened.

In the question of how to dry tobacco correctly, great importance has the time spent on this, which depends on temperature, wind, air humidity and much more. The average duration is 20-45 days. As a result, the central vein should dry completely.

One of important factors proper drying - the absence of strong wind, which can damage the sheet plate and make further processing impossible. Fermentation - The final stage, after which the tobacco taste improves, the strength and amount of harmful tar and nicotine decreases.

For correct implementation this biochemical process needs constant temperature 50 degrees and the humidity of the sheet plate is at 50%. The time spent on this is 7-14 days. Many people consider this stage difficult and requiring special equipment. However, we will tell you how to properly ferment tobacco at home in order to achieve maximum results with a minimum of effort.

Fermentation of tobacco in the oven

Fermenting tobacco in the oven is easy to do and is perfect for those who want to try cooking it at home. In addition to the oven, you will need 3-liter jars with hermetically sealed lids.

Important! Too dry or wet leaves not suitable for fermentation. The ideal option is a dry sheet plate that is elastic and does not break.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Spray too dry leaves on both sides with a spray bottle. Place in piles, cover with film and leave for a day.
  2. We remove the midrib from each leaf and cut it into strips no more than 2 millimeters wide.
  3. Fill the jars two-thirds full with them. This is necessary for easy mixing during processing. Screw the lids on the jars tightly.
  4. For proper tobacco fermentation, the temperature should be 50 degrees. For 5-7 days we place the jars in the oven, setting it to the temperature we need.
  5. We take the tobacco strips out of the jars and dry them a little until they reach the usual smoking humidity.
  6. For storage, place in an airtight container.

Fermentation of tobacco in the microwave Lately is gaining great popularity due to the fact that it Quite simple and easy to do at home:

  1. Cut the leaves into small strips of 1-2 millimeters.
  2. We put them in glass jars, cover with glass lids and put in the microwave.
  3. At the beginning of this method of tobacco fermentation, set the microwave to minimum power and leave for half an hour.
  4. We take out the jars and let them cool to room temperature.
  5. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times, after which the tobacco leaves become ready for smoking.
This method is perfect for leaves with increased level humidity and to reduce the strength of tobacco flavor.

Fermentation of tobacco in a slow cooker

This method is easy to implement at home; the main thing is to have a multicooker available. This method is close to the process of natural fermentation of tobacco in bales on tobacco plantations:

  1. We roll the leaves tightly and place them in a fabric bag.
  2. If the multicooker has a temperature setting function, then set it to 50 degrees (or in temperature maintenance mode).
  3. Place the bags in the slow cooker. Several times a day we swap the top and bottom layers, since as a result of this biochemical process in this way, the lower layers become drier and the upper ones wetter.
  4. After 2-3 hours a pleasant honey smell will appear, and after 3-4 days such tobacco leaves can be used for smoking.

Important! When fermenting tobacco leaves in a slow cooker, the steam release valve must be covered with foil to prevent moisture evaporation.

Fermentation in the sun

Another method of fermentation is carried out using solar heat:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the leaves (they should be dry, but not broken).
  2. Next, you need to place them in jars and cover with iron lids.
  3. The jars are taken out into the sun, placed on a metal surface, which will become hot during the process, giving additional temperature to the jars.
  4. After 10 days, the contents should be removed from the jars and dried well.
  5. After this, the tobacco leaves are ready for use.
It needs to be done in the summer, since during this season it is possible to get from the sun maximum temperature. Fermentation in the sun further promotes disinfection. This is due to the fact that ultra-violet rays kills mold spores.